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Lets begin/continue with

Some organizational set-up tasks Last class we:

Added our timetables to Lotus Bookmarked course databases in Lotus

All of this is something I like to call the

The September Checklist

Simplify, simplify, simplify," said Emerson. Thoreau replied, "One simplify would do, Ralph."

Out of clutter, find simplicity.

(Albert Einstein)

To continue, you need

To be logged into your laptop and Lotus Notes

as well as have

The September Checklist beside you with a pen or pencil

Your Computer
One of your most powerful organizational tools in Lakefields environment!

My Document - subject folders

Use Right click to make new folders or rename folders you have. Start folder names with _ (Shift + -) to group them together.

Lotus Notes

Email folders

Subject folders Advisor folder Personal folder Sports University applications Other?

Right click on folders to create a new folder. OR click on the folder icon above your inbox. Start the subject folder names with a common letter to group them (must be a letter/number in Lotus).

A little more organization

Colour-code emails from Advisor, H of H etc. Added spell-check to email

Bookmark your Course Databases

Click on Databases, from left toolbar > Choose open application > choose OLC1 from drop down menu > Open appropriate curriculum folder > highlight the course you want, and choose Bookmark and place it in your Favorites. An icon is now in your favorites folder for this chosen course.

Set up your calendar

Add your timetable to your Lotus Calendar. With the Lotus Calendar open, go to Actions > choose Add course timetable to calendar > put your timetable in the grid, check off the Add school days option box> click OK.

Add sports and any regular extras to your calendar. Double click on calendar to add entry, OR click New. Avoid Meetings use Appointments or Reminders.

Your binders

Your binders

Put the course name, and your name clearly on the binder Consider a colour code system binders of different colours for different courses.

Inside your binders

Dividers separating notes and tests/assignments Dividers for Units within the subject area All pages fastened in Date each page as you get it Organize each binder for the tasks of a specific course, include a supply of paper in each binder.

Your Room

Your room

Keep a clear workspace Be sure you have good lighting Organize a space for textbooks Keep all writing utensils and regularly used tools at arm's reach. Keep a pencil case for tools needed for class. Consider having extra pencils and key items.

What is working in this room?

Your room beyond your desk.

Post reminders by your door - items needed for class, computer cords, planner, meds? appts? Consider big post-it notes or a white board. Create a "come and go" place - for your knapsack when not in use, or a hook for sport clothes. Keep the drop and run factor contained. KISS Principle - Keep it simple sweetie. Limit your purchases and what you bring from home. Wall calendar. Keep track of what is coming up. Make it part of your Sunday routine to look at your whole week's activities - lotus calendar, course logs, sports...

Consider routines that add harmony to your life.

Lakefield gives you some, what routines can you create to keep your days stress free? Quiet times, lights out, morning wake-up alarms and visiting times are good to discuss with your roommate. What non-academic parts of your life need some routine or organization? Shower baskets for shampoo, face cloth, etc... Space for wet or dirty boots, or clothing Laundry bag Snacks - contained to minimize pest issues, put away to avoid easy access to the Grove borrow,

Take time to blow off steam.

The rest of this week.

Thursday: Please bring your laptop & smart phone, ready to create a Weebly account.
You can also bring any work from other courses, to work on, following the tasks for Thursdays class.

HW: Please complete the Sept. Checklist for your individual meeting on Saturday Individual Meetings:
10:10 - Tatiana 10:30 - Javier 10:50 - Reed 11:10 - Thomas Natalie - away Sat; meet: Fri. Sept. 20 at 10:15 am Emily - away Sat; meet: Mon. Sept. 23 at 10:15 am


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