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AET/515 Instructional Plan Template

Lindsey Dickerson
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Needs Assessment
1. What is the learning problem or opportunity? At the Northwest Valley Community College Kelsey Campus there is a need for healthcare classes and programs as the hospital and population continue to grow in Kelsey. What is currently available? There are currently no classes or programs in healthcare. What should be available? Courses in healthcare and possible expansion to programs for healthcare businesses such as medical billing and coding. Explain the gap analysis between what is available and what should be available. Provide courses in healthcare to grow and follow the schools mission of adapting to the community and promoting life-long learning. What is your recommended solution for filling the gap? Start offering a introduction to healthcare course and evaluate the demand for more healthcare courses.
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2. 3. 4.


Instructional Goal

It has been identified that there is a need for healthcare classes at the Kelsey Campus. By providing an introduction to healthcare course learners will be able to learn about the different fields in healthcare and decide if this would be a good career choice. Learners will also understand how the healthcare profession has grown and where it is going in the future with new healthcare regulations.

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Performance-Based Objectives
A audience Adult learners with little to no higher education experience and adults seeking a career change with an interest in the healthcare profession. B behavior Understanding of the healthcare profession. C conditions Through discussion, tests, and papers the learners will be evaluated. D degree of accomplishment On a 100 point scale a grade of 70 or better must be earned in order to apply to a degree program.
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Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes

For this course learners will be given two exams on healthcare. These will be multiple choice exams covering the book content covered in the course. Participation in class discussion will be required to determine the students understand of the topics in the course.

There will be two papers in this course. The first will be on a current healthcare topic of the students choice. This will allow the student to research what is happening in todays society. A final paper on a comparison between two healthcare professions will also be given. This will give the learner a deeper understanding and self learning so the student can become familiar with what they may choose as their profession.
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Learner Characteristics
General characteristics: Geared toward females, 18-35, high school education or GED and some college education, all cultural backgrounds in Kelsey, no work experience required. Specific characteristics: Must have COM 175 Essentials of college Writing or equivalent, desire to learn about the health care profession.

Learning styles: In the healthcare profession it is important to listen and do so target learners should develop auditory and tactile learning skills.
The instructional plan will need to be interactive meaning student involvement in discussion and papers to meet the needs of the learners and the profession.
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Learning Context

Course will be offered at the Kelsey Campus. Resources needed will be computer, projector, and blackboard. The room should accommodate up to 35 individuals, and include tables/desks that can be moved. There will be power point presentations on the chapters in text and other material covered. These will include visual aids. The blackboard will be used for group discussion as well as the tables that can be moved to fit the needs of the groups.

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Delivery Modality
This course will be an instructor-led course. The characteristics that make this the best method of delivery are as follows: 1. Most of the students will be attending this class right out of high school or with little college experience so the familiarity of instructor-led class will benefit the student. 2. As Brown and Green stated (2006), One strength of methods that provide feedback to both the instructor and students is that it can make the experience more personal for each learner (p.169). Immediate feedback will allow both the instructor to gage the needs of the students at that time. Students can also receive feedback without having to wait for clarification if a topic is not making sense. 3. Given that this is the first of its kind at Kelsey Campus it will allow the school to build and expand to other modalities without the need to change curriculum because that ground work will have already been made.
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Instructional Strategies
This course will be a foundation course on the healthcare system. Students will learn about the evolution of healthcare and current healthcare regulations. Private and Public Healthcare will be also be taught. Finally, students will analyze future trends for the healthcare field. This course will be instructor-led at a ground campus facility. Lecture will be presented with PowerPoint, and video. Discussion in groups will be on the key concepts for the class which will allow a better understanding of the material. This will allow for the three types of learning experiences: enactive, iconic, or symbolic (Brown A., Green T. 2006, p. 165).

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Instructional Strategies
Indirect and Direct teaching strategies will be used in this class. For the papers and discussion in class there will be a more problem based learning style. The purpose of this is for students to learn about what they are most interested in within the healthcare field. The goal is for the student to know what field of healthcare they want to go into by the end of the course. Tests will be administered to ensure students have mastered the topics covered in lecture. The learner will need to understand the history of healthcare and the current healthcare state in order to proceed in future classes in healthcare (Brown A., Green T., 2006, ch. 10).

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Plan for Implementation

The Introduction to Healthcare course will be a 16 week course at the local Kelsey campus. The course will begin in the last week of August and be completed the second week of December. The course will be 1 hour 2 days a week. The instructor and learners will be involved in the implementation phase. All students will be required to have the textbook for the class and have writing materials for notes on lectures and in class discussions. The only handouts that will be given in class will be on healthcare policies and study guides. The students will not be required to purchase a text for this due to the changes continually being made in healthcare.

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Plan for Implementation

The lectures of the week will be on this weeks chapter. Discussions will be broken out once a week and students will have to work together to answer questions on the weeks topics. Each group will then present their own findings on the subject. The course plan will be give to students at the beginning of the course in the form of a syllabus. It will be pointed out that the the learning objective is for students to understand the healthcare field so they can become better prepared to move into this field if they choose. By allowing students to choose topics of their own to study and work in groups to have an active involvement in the course the students and instructor will have a fun environment in the course. Commitment will be stressed on the fact that their will be exams given so showing up to class for lecture is required in order to learn all the material for the course. Participants for this class will be those with an interest in healthcare that have enrolled in the class through the Kelsey Campus.
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Instructional Resources

Materials needed for implementation of this class will be the following: computer, overhead projector, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, video projection, and a whiteboard. Instructors copy of text book that will be used in the course. The use of the projector and video within the class will be tested before the class begins so a final run through can be made.

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Formative Assessment
Blended learning strategies will be incorporated into the implementation to maximize learning (Elsenheimer, 2006). 1) Lists and graphic organizers will be used to help students comprehend the material in the course. 2) Lectures that are interactive and ask questions from the students will help the instructor gage the comprehension of the material. 3) Discussion will allow the students to collaborate and verbally show their knowledge of the subject. 4) Study guides for exams will allow the learners and instructor see what topics may need more attention before the learners can be tested. 5) Papers will aid the students in critical thinking and research skills for further education.
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Evaluation Strategies
The evaluation strategies for academic achievement will be based on how well the students have done on the papers, exams, and discussions. The tests will be an objective test with multiple choice and matching items. This will help to, judge application and analysis (Brown A., Green T., 2006, ch. 10). Evaluating the performance on the second paper as compared to the first and looking for improvement will show learning growth in critical thinking skills. Evaluating the discussion will be used to determine the interest in the topic. Student surveys at the beginning of the class will be given to determine the students interest in healthcare and specific fields in healthcare. At the end of the course a similar survey will be given. This can be brought to administration and faculty to show what programs the school may want to offer based on the wants of the student and needs of the local economy. This survey will also include questions pertaining to the likes and dislikes of the material, class, and instructor.
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Outcome Review
As this is the first class being taught on this subject every aspect of the implementation will be examined to determine if the program goals were achieved. Was there an increase in the interest in healthcare? Do students feel more directed into one area of healthcare? Were critical thinking skills improved? Rubrics will be crucial for evaluating whether or not the objectives of the papers were achieved. This will be given to students at the beginning of the class so they can prepare and meet the learning objective. A scoring guide will also be used to help students monitor their own progress in the course. A rating scale will be used for the surveys. This will show the performance of the instructor and also how the material was viewed by the learners.
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As this is the first course being taught it will not be possible to determine the success of the class in long term. It is recommended that the data collected from each course be collected and analyzed to grow overall. Expanding the class to online learning is also recommended as it will benefit a broader range of students and because of the structure of the course it can be converted to online learning (Su B., 2005, p.63). Healthcare is a field that changes so having a content expert available for future courses will also benefit the program to meeting the needs of this industry.
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Brown A., & Green, T. (2006). The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Elsenheimer, J. (2006). Got tools? The blended learning analysis and design expediter. Performance Improvement, 45(8), 26-30. Retrieved from Su, B. (2005). Examining Instructional design and development of a web-based course: A case study. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 3(4), 62-76. Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (2013). Northeast Valley Community College - Kelsey Campus. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, Virtual Portal website.
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