Topic 13 Integrated Pest Management Power Point Viewing Guide

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Topic 13 Integrated Pest Management Power Point Viewing Guide

1. True or False: A strong oily odor may indicate the presence of cockroaches.

2. True or False: The main purpose of an integrated pest management

program is to control pests once they have entered the establishment.

3. True or False: Stationary equipment should not be covered before applying

pesticides since it gives pests a place to hide.

4. True or False: Glue traps are used to prevent cockroaches from entering the

5. True or False: Pesticides can be stored in food storage areas if they are
closed tightly and properly labeled.

6. An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program:

– Uses ____________________ _________________ to keep pests from

entering the establishment
– Uses control measures to ____________ any pests that get into the
– Will be successful if you work closely with a licensed pest control operator
(__ __ __)
7. The Three Rules of Integrated Pest Management are:




8. To keep pests from entering with deliveries:

1. Use reputable _____________________

2. Check deliveries _____________________they _____________________the


3. _____________________shipments if you find pests or signs of infestation

(egg cases, body parts)

9. To keep pests from entering through openings in the building:

1. _____________________windows and vents

2. Install _____________________-_____________________devices, door sweeps,

and air curtains on doors

3. Keep _____________________openings closed tightly

4. _____________________holes around pipes

5. _____________________drains with grates

6. _____________________cracks in floors, walls, and around equipment

10. To deny pests food and shelter:

1. _____________________
2. _____________________ _____________________around containers
3. Keep containers _____________________ and _____________________covered
4. Store _____________________ properly
1. Keep recyclables in _____________________-proof containers
2. Keep containers as far away from the _____________________as
regulations allow
5. Store food and supplies quickly and properly
1. Keep them away from _____________________and at least ____” (15
cm) off the floor
2. _____________________products so pests cannot settle and breed
6. Clean the establishment thoroughly
1. Clean up food and beverage spills _____________________
2. Clean break rooms after use
3. Keep cleaning tools and supplies _____________________and
11. To protect outdoor customers from pests:
1. Mow grass, pull weeds, remove standing water, and pick up
2. Cover outdoor _____________________containers
3. Remove dirty _____________________and uneaten
_____________________from tables and clean them quickly
4. Do not allow people to feed _____________________
5. Locate electronic insect _____________________ (“zappers”) away from food
and serving areas
6. Call the PCO to remove _____________________and _____________________
12. Cockroaches:
1. Carry _____________________, viruses, and parasite eggs
2. Live and breed in places that are:
1. _____________________Moist
2. _____________________to-_____________________
3. If you see them in daylight, you may have a ___________________
13. Signs of a cockroach infestation include:
1. A strong oily _____________________
2. Droppings similar to grains of _____________________
3. Capsule shaped _____________________cases
4. _____________________, dark red, or black
5. Leathery, _____________________, or shiny
14. Signs of a rodent infestation include:
1. Signs of _____________________
2. _____________________
3. Shiny and black (fresh)
4. Gray (old)
5. Tracks
6. _____________________materials
1. Paper, cloth, hair, feathers or grass
7. Holes
8. In quiet places
9. Near food and water
10. Next to buildings
15. Before choosing a PCO:
1. Talk to other foodservice managers
2. Make sure the PCO is _____________________or certified
3. Ask the PCO if they belong to any professional organizations
4. Ask for proof of _____________________
5. Weigh all factors, not just _____________________
16. Your PCO should:
1. Help you develop an _____________________approach to pest management
2. Stay up-to-date on _____________________equipment and products
3. Provide prompt _____________________to address problems as they occur
4. Keep _____________________
17. When pesticides will be applied:
1. Wait until you are _____________________for business and employees are
2. Remove _____________________and movable food-contact surfaces
3. Cover _____________________and immovable food-contact surfaces
4. Afterwards: _____________________, rinse, and sanitize
_____________________-contact surfaces
18. If pesticides will be stored on the premises:
1. Keep them in their _____________________containers
2. _____________________them in cabinets away from areas where food is
prepared and stored
3. Store aerosol or pressurized spray cans in a _____________________place
4. _____________________of them as per local regulations
5. Keep corresponding _____________________on the premises

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