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The Humbling of Yahweh

Yahweh was the god of a small blue green earth planet, orbiting an unspectacular star towards the outer rim of a relatively typical galaxy. He was mightily proud of the beauty and wonder of his creation: the landscapes and lifeforms and evolving patterns. Indeed it was a wondrous place, but he took a fancy to a species he created in his own image: man he called it. And to this man he gave great power over other lifeforms, and most particularly to his enforcers: those who ruled in his name. To enhance his splendour and magnify his glory, and reward his adherents, Yahweh created a heaven. It truly was illustrious, a wonder to behold: infused with ethereal

music, abounding in magnificent fruits beyond all imagination. A citadel for his servants, popes and princes, presidents and pharisees: as sweet dessert for administering their God-given rights. Yahweh sat upon golden throne as adherents and underlings gulped wine and sung his praises. Earth as plaything, crisis followed drama followed crisis while laughter and merriment rung through celestial spires. In all creation none held even a flickering ember to the brilliance of Yahweh: as ever more power infused his ravenous servant. * Unto this heaven one day comes a strange but beautiful blue-black boy. Thrusting aside the golden gates the boy enters Yahwehs magnificent court. What brings you here little boy? Demands Yahweh. Well, says the boy, I have heard that you have built a wondrous heaven, like no other Yahweh before you ever built. Yahwehs before me, Rumbles an agitated Yahweh, bringing a nervous, expectant hush through the court: as popes and dancing girls suspend their proclivities. Little boy, what are you talking about? To which the boy responds, Yahwehs before you, I have seen them come and go. Imagine, Vishnu sleeps in the cosmic ocean, and the lotus of the universe grows from his navel. On this lotus sits Brahma, the creator. Brahma opens his eyes, and a world comes into being, governed by a Yahweh. Brahma closes his eyes and a world goes out of being. The life of a Brahma is four hundred and thirty two thousand years. When he dies the lotus fades and another lotus forms, and another Brahma. Then think of the galaxies beyond galaxies into infinite space, each a lotus, with a Brahma sitting on it, opening his eyes, closing his eyes. And the Yahwehs? There may be ingratiates in your court who would volunteer to count the drops of water in the oceans of the world or the grains of sand on the beaches, but no one would count those Brahmin let alone those Yahwehs. While the boy is talking, an army of ants parades across the floor. The boy laughs when he sees them, and Yahwehs hackles begin to rise. Why do you laugh? fumes Yahweh. Do not ask unless you are willing to be hurt. The boy answers. I ask, growls Yahweh. And so the boy points to the ants and says, Former Yahwehs all. Through many, many lifetimes they rise from the lowest depths to highest illumination. Then they administer there own world, surround themselves with sycophants and think what a great lord am I: and down they go again.

At this moment a dishevelled old yogi enters with a banana leaf parasol. He is naked except for a hempen loin cloth, and on his chest is a disk of hair, of which half have fallen out. The boy greets him and just as Yahweh opens his mouth, the boy asks all the questions forming on Yahwehs tongue: Old man, what is your name? Where do you come from? Where is your family? Where is your house? And what is the meaning of this curious constellation of hair on your chest? Well, says the yogi, my name is Hairy. I dont have a house, life is too short: I just have this parasol. I dont have a family. I just meditate on Vishnus feet, and think of eternity, and how passing time is. You know, every time a Yahweh dies, a world disappears: these things flash by like that. Every time a Yahweh dies, one of the hairs falls out of this circle on my chest. Half are gone now, pretty soon they will all be gone. Life is short: why build a house? Yahweh slumps horrified in his throne, speechless. Time to re-establish some equilibrium methinks Vishnu. Says Hairy to the blue-black boy. Undoubtedly so Shiva. Responds the blue-black boy. Yahweh! calls Hairy, prise that somewhat more enlightened son of yours away from washing feet for a moment will you: and have him dust off his sword. The time has come to reshape the order of things. *** Adapted from, The Humbling of Indra from the Upanishads (with many words, phrases and sentences nicked wholesale from the legendary Joe Campbell) November 26, 2009 Categories: Religion, Spirituality, and Occult . Tags: brahma, indra, shiva, vishnu, yahweh . Author: mothandrust . Comments: 12 Comments

A Eulogy to Hemp: the most dangerous substance in the universe

A Eulogy to Hemp the most dangerous substance in the universe I didnt really discover cannabis until well into my twenties. Id smoked a few js back in my late teens, quite enjoyed them but didnt mix in such circles so forgot about it, gave up smoking altogether and entered the rat-race.

Id been an idiot at school, bottom in every subject. I sort of knew I wasnt exactly stupid, just incapable of organising my thoughts, particularly if they had to climb on board the time train for tests and exams. But finding I understood telephone circuits at least as well as most telephone engineers, I lied my way onto a government training programme and six months later qualified as a computer engineer. Computers were very simple in those days, programs were tiny, and where I found a job, mostly written directly to PROMs and, no two computer systems spoke entirely the same language. I was working with was something completely alien to ASCII, or EBCDIC, or BCD or and consequently it required translation for communication. And, as if by magic, Hey Presto! cannabis again popped into my life. As a kid Id always loved puzzles, the more complex the better (think the Rubiks Cube took me about six months) it didnt matter how long they took, the importance lay in the achievement and with cannabis, logic danced: albeit to a primordial beat. I was always the slowest engineer, slowest at fixing things and slowest on the uptake, but given enough time and space, and puff, it seemed as if there was nothing I couldnt do with a bit of boolean algebra, a few conditional statements, and a little wiring. Cannabis enabled me to focus, to shut out everything but the here and now, and the problem at hand it truly was a wonder drug. That was some years back, companies no longer tolerate days down time, everything is replaceable, modularised, universalised. And Ive long since become disillusioned with the capitalist model. Nice house, smart car, expense account, holidays wherever plenty of prestige and loose cash, but really I found precious little time to enjoy it, and when I did, in reality it was mostly shallow and meaningless. I found far more joy and wonder, and meaning in nature, most particularly with cannabis catalysing perception. Colin died in 97 from a stroke. He was my younger brother and had done as much as anyone to enhance my perception of cannabis and the world of nature, and, consequently, the meaninglessness of materialism. Spent a week in France effectively waiting for him to die the doctors had given him 48 hours, but bloody minded to the end, he lived on for six days where my few remaining attachments to consumerism were well and truly undermined. I returned to the UK and was Prozaced back to work, but beyond the puzzle solving, which had effectively become history, I found nothing of value. Two years later, the last day of 1999, I quit my job deciding to search for a more meaningful path. Bummed around for a while and found myself in the Corbieres (land of the Cathars) come the summer of 2001, where my appreciation of nature and cannabis scaled new heights. Then I discovered what had happened on 9/11 on top of a mountain and the brutality of humanity came crashing back in. I wintered in London, holed up in my mums back room, writing countless letters, email, articles about the blind, ignorant violence being perpetrated on the poor people of Afghanistan, supposedly in response to 9/11: knowing that understanding why people would willingly go to their death for a belief was key to any genuine solution. But the Why? question was simply not part of anyones agenda, not press, not politicians: it was enough to label the supposed perpetrators as evil doers, with knee-jerk violence to obliterate all dissenters to their particular model of the world order.

I spent early 2002 in North Wales painting and decorating and working on the land admiring sunsets across the Menai Straits yet knowing this was no more than escapism and a waste of my analytical reasoning, unlocked by the herb, and, in truth, not any genuine long term solution. So after much contemplation and deliberation I chose to enter the lair of the beast: I applied for, and was accepted, to study International Politics at Aberystwyth University (the birthplace of International Relations), commencing that September. However, at uni, despite my enthusiasm and commitment, and love of learning, I found myself plunged back into school days: simply not finding enough time to organise my fragmented thoughts into rational arguments, in the couple of hours allocated for exams. A fellow student mentioned he also he also had this difficulty and had been diagnosed with dyslexia. Dyslexia hadnt been invented when I was at school so I contacted the authorities and asked if I could be evaluated. They agreed and organised for a specialist to visit and make a psychological assessment. The day arrived and as a friend had given me a fragment of soap bar just a few days before, it seemed wholly logical to add cannabis to the equation, given its catalysing effects. As per usual, I didnt finish the tests, cannabis was unlikely to tune me in to that extent, but nevertheless they projected my verbal reasoning to be as good or better than 99% of the population and my perceptual organisation to be as good or better than 99.9%: it seems the naysayers of cannabis must be struck dumb or recognise my potential score to be even greater Personally I think such tests are both narrowminded and superficial and do nothing more than isolate fragments. However I do accept that at some level, they point to specific attributes, with, without doubt, cannabis catalysing my performance. All thats as maybe (despite extra exam time, PC and whatnot), for my university professors saw no more than my school teachers, and marked accordingly. Still, I had recognised very early into my time at university, marks are no more than marketing, to sell both student and university: and actually, in real life, worthless beyond perceptual value. Genuine value lay in learning: from literature, discourse and interaction, and I had three years of it, uninterrupted, without concern for finance or outside obligations, and my wonder drug. That was five years back, and although Id largely brushed over the core texts, seeing them as superficial and confining, still for the most part Id been trapped within the universitys resources: library, lectures and structured, weighted, confined debate. Since then Ive discovered the wonders and delights of bittorrent and knowledge/speculation unconfined by structured authority. Cannabis and I have no interest in material conceptually owned by some manifestation of mass media. We are searching for alternate perspectives and ideas, most often that others wish to share, yet state and corporation prefer to see sidelined, silenced, or obliterated. The two that come most readily to mind are, 9/11 and hemp. This is no place to discuss 9/11, but, hemp, well I used to think cannabis was just some drug that turned smokers into peaceniks, opened doors of perception and potentially alienated users from society: which, given

government corporate motivation, seemed to me at least, unsurprising. But I was wrong. Well, not wrong exactly, more completely unaware of how woefully superficial and limited my understanding was. You see, there is no plant, no mineral, no concoction that comes remotely close to cannabis hemp in terms of its central value to humanity though its evolution: both material and spiritual. Such a story, a history, would take many volumes and still it would be little more than a gesture, so what I offer here is a snapshot, woefully inadequate, based on the most superficial research, yet with facts, statistics, uses true as stated. A glimpse into the depths and profundity of humanitys age old relationship with cannabis hemp: its tree of knowledge, tree of life. A history of hemp Lord Shiva, humanitys oldest continually worshipped deity, lord of dance and plants and champion of the oppressed, brought cannabis down from the mountain for the delight and enlightenment of us all. The Chinese, ever the practical, already using hempen fishing nets and garbed in hempen cloth (humanitys first fabric), recognised cannabis hemp as their earliest medicine, and a millennium or so later as the perfect material for paper making. The Buddha, ever the ascetic, was nourished on his six year journey towards enlightenment with just one Hemp seed a day. [Conjecture: In what became known as Mesopotamia however, where male dominated hierarchical society evolved and women were condemned to serve, disseminators of truth were not enamoured with this extraordinary two sexed plant: knowledge and life, male and female. And although they will tolerate the male, knowledge, for cloth and cord, the female, life, was shunned eastward, for all but reproduction.] So history continued, western man discovered alcohol, rotting fruit, for intoxication, and hemp was restricted to clothing, rope, sail etc. And, in time, oil and paper. Come the thirteenth century, as knowledge of cannabis hemps medicinal and spiritual effects were becoming increasingly known, Pope Innocent VIII associated cannabis with the devil and forbade all intoxicants bar alcohol: under pain of torture and death. So, through fear, herbalism declined and died and knowledge of cannabis for medication and enlightenment passed from public memory. Yet, with hemp, just two centuries later, Europeanism set about conquering the world. For such a feat would have been impossible without hempen sail and rigging, oakum and clothing: where, in Africa and the East, Europeans rediscovered the medicinal and spiritual properties of cannabis. And with the Roman Churchs monopoly on truth fragmenting come the sixteenth century, cannabis now became a central component in medicine, and favoured inspiration for many of our seminal writers and poets: William Shakespeare, Victor Hugo, Lord Byron, Alexander Dumas, Arthur Conan-Doyle, John Keats, Mary Shelley, Louisa May Alcott, Oscar Wilde, Jules Verne, Lewis Carroll

An association across race, time and continents to the early twentieth century blues and jazz musicians and innovators emerging from slavery in the US: Cab Calloway, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington who, together with cannabis, were set to become the targets of white supremacists in their quest for world domination. For sure, cannabis hemp was indispensable to humanity: our primary crop over ten millennia, but technology moves on and various substitutes appeared: weaker, of poorer quality but also produced on grand scales through industrialisation, by companies eager to expand, monopolise and control. For which cannabis hemp was unsuitable, growing as it does as a weed and more suited to self sufficiency and local processing. And worse, being a plant, beyond patent, therefore outside business control. Worse still for big business, as technology finally turned its attention towards cannabis hemp, it promised even greater diversity, strength, production and access for the common man. A wholly unpalatable prospect for corporate interests like Dupont, Hurst Newspapers, Big Cotton with positions to protect, profits to be made and domination pursued, and now intrinsically linked and intermarried with government and law enforcement. So began a propaganda campaign, to associate cannabis (aka marijuana) with violence and madness, and blacks and Latinos. Reefer Madness, Assassin of Youth and countless fabricated horror stories flooded the popular media. Without foundation but to an ignorant public, and more importantly, ignorant politicians, most of whom were unaware marijuana was cannabis, cannabis hemp now became a menace that must be eradicated. Cannabis hemp was effectively outlawed through a tax act in 1937, and although it briefly had its praises sung once again in the early 40s, as no other crop could support the US war effort when the Ministry of Agriculture produced the famed Hemp for Victory (knowledge of which the government attempted to wipe from existence) once the war was over hemp was again demonised. Only this time, because of Cold War paranoia, for precisely the opposite reason: cannabis did not make people violent: it made them pacifists! and therefore, as a consequence, less likely to participate in imperialist wars. So henceforth cannabis hemp would disappear from history and corporate interests would fill the vacuum, alcohol would be promoted as authoritys drug of choice and war could continue unabated. However, come the 60s, as black musicians and their music found increasing acceptance and bands like the Beatles and Stones ventured beyond the white middle classes for inspiration, western youth culture discovered for themselves the delights and insights of cannabis. And still further, disillusioned soldiers returning from Vietnam also brought home cannabis, together with questions for which their government had no legitimate answers: only violence and repression. It was in this environment that Tricky Dickey, aka President Nixon, believing it was the pot smokers who were hampering his war games, commissioned a study into the health effects of cannabis, determined to find an excuse to ban cannabis outright: thus enabling him to crush antiwar protests.

The Shafer report gave cannabis a clean bill of health, citing many of its positive qualities, so Dickey ditched the report and used Vietnam and the rampant paranoia of the Cold War to persecute and criminalise users anyway. Under Reagan the ban became rigorously enforced. He had a particular dislike for kids who read books, smoked marijuana and talked, seeing them, one assumes, as somehow a threat to his established order, and the orders of Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama Yet, test after test, study after study have been commissioned on cannabis by governments and institutions worldwide and none have found anything significantly harmful. Indeed, what has become clear, although you will never hear it from the popular press, is how benign and beneficial cannabis is: in 10,000 years there is not one reported death due to cannabis use alone (compare that to the three million who die annually from tobacco smoking, or the hundreds of thousands who die annually from prescription drugs), and one of the safest and most therapeutically active substances known to man, according to the Drug Enforcement Agencys own law judge. The only exception being to children, whose brain development may possibly be influenced by excessive use of cannabis at a young age: until approximately fifteen. This, in any rational, humane society, would lead to production monitoring, regulation and licensing, so cannabis was not available to children, potentially contaminated, or bred in secret, artificially, solely for the high. Instead, because of government policy, we have a black market, where dealers sell cannabis of unknown origin, potency or content to anyone, provided they have the cash: and in the process, offer them access to heroin, coke, crystal meth This is government undermining the health, welfare and future of our progeny, undermining our trust, and consequentially undermining their very reason for existence. Why? Given the Cold War is now a memory, what makes cannabis hemp so absolutely, terribly dangerous that truth must be purged from history and our children, our future, are but a minor sacrifice? The billion dollar crop As previously mentioned, as technology caught up with hemp, a world of new potential materialised. In 1938 Popular Mechanics prepared an article on Hemp called The Billion Dollar Crop, in which they stated hemp fibres could be converted into 5,000 products ranging from rope to lace and the remaining woody hurds containing 70% cellulose, converted into 25,000 products ranging from dynamite to cellophane. This however was four score years ago. Technology has moved on, as has inflation. To a point where it would not unreasonable to see cannabis hemp as a Trillion Dollar crop. To give the briefest glimpse of hemps potential:

Fabric of any quality and consistency, from coarsest sackcloth to finest silk, without the need for pesticides or fertilisers, or, genetic modification: with twice the yield per acre of cotton, and at least three times its strength, absorbency, warmth and longevity. Plastics of every kind, from earplugs to aeroplanes, packaging to insulation: biodegradable, without poisonous by-products, toxic fumes or excess CO2. Finest bond paper that does not yellow or disintegrate through time, card and board, stronger and more enduring than wood pulp alternatives, renewable, sustainable: at five times the yield per acre of forest, and without producing acid rain. For construction: hemp is ideal for fireproof insulation, and board made from hemp fibre has several times the tensile strength of wood-chip and can be fireproofed and weather proofed for walls and roofs. And, in time, given cannabis hemps extraordinary strength to weight ratio, likely an ideal material for bridges and skyscrapers. For fuel: cannabis hemp produces more net biomass than any other plant on earth. With small adjustments in processing it can produce, ethanol, acetone charcoal, tar, creosote and has the potential to replace all fossil fuels: without pollution, as it does not require poisonous processing chemicals, or produce excess CO2. For food: hemp seed is the most nutritionally complete food on earth. Second only to soy in the plant kingdom as a protein source, but much higher for essential fatty acids, including Omega 3 and 6 oils and vitamins A and E, both powerful antioxidants: and, without genetic modification, pesticides or fertilisers. And medicine, for literally thousands of ailments and diseases: from cancer to glaucoma, MS to depression, obesity to AIDS the list appears endless, with the likelihood of overdose: Zero. Cannabis hemp is also an excellent base for cosmetics, cleaning products, paints, varnish Plus, cannabis hemp works in harmony with the environment, grows just about everywhere, without fertilisers or pesticides, is renewable, sustainable, and with its long tap root, ideal for ground reparation. All this from a plant anyone can grow in their garden! sound too good to be true? The most dangerous substance in the universe As history is my witness, even without twentieth century technology, cannabis hemp has been interwoven with our evolution: From the spiritual gift of Shiva, the god Indras favourite drink and nectar of the gods in Vedic symbolism and tradition, cannabis hemp spread across culture and continent as our first and primary fibre, be it for clothing, fishing, bow strings, cordage and as medicine, central to well-being: acknowledged since before the written word across Asia, and, come the twentieth century an ingredient in 50% of all medicines. Established as the best and most durable material for paper by the Chinese, a position unchallenged until industrialisation laid claim to the forests: and a jealously guarded secret, that did not find its way to Europe until the eighth century:

on which, by the light of hemp oil lamps, monks and scholars produced our most enduring texts. Artists painted with hemp oil paints on hemp canvas (canvas finding its entomological root in cannabis), and hempen rope and sail powered and steered Europes mighty galleons as they set sail to conquer the earth. In the Americas, settlers set about conquering the continent with canvas covered wagons. The original Levi jeans were made from hempen sailcloth, riveted, tough enough for the 49ers to load their pockets with gold. Hemp could hardly be more central to US culture, for, together with its hempen flag, the declaration itself was drafted on hemp paper. Homesteads would invariably cultivate a hemp patch and president after president sung hemps praises: George Washington: Make the most of Indian hemp seed, and sow it everywhere! Thomas Jefferson: Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of our country. Abraham Lincoln: Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp and playing my Honer [harmonica]. John Adams: We shall, by and by, want a world of hemp more for our consumption. Sentiments continuing into the Twentieth Century where Henry Ford, the great industrialist, asked: Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making or the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields? And finally, delving further into hidden history, one other use for this remarkable little weed. As settlers Europes poverty stricken oppressed began their quest for independence, to undermine British sterling, hemp became recognised as an alternative currency for trade and commerce: a currency all could find value in. Indeed, hemp was still used to pay taxes long after Limey had been vanquished from the New World. Plastic, paper, pharmaceuticals, fuel, food, fabric, finance, soil enhancer, pollution devourer, spiritual benefactor: cannabis hemp is a complete companion, and the answer to a prayer for our desperately beleaguered and polarised world. Cannabis hemp, together with its multitudinous material uses, also engenders balance and harmony, through its catalysing effects towards spirituality: and returning value to nature, where, in reality, it belongs. But, the more one owns: property, status, ego, power, the less one finds a taste or use for cannabis hemp. Silk for nobles, canvas for peasants, meat for the elite, gruel (originally hemp seed) for the surf, alcohol for society, grass for the dispossessed, materialism for the wealthy, spirituality for the poor. So through history, it was ever thus: hemp had its place, service, for the job at hand: functional, reliable, adaptable, and cheap and everywhere. Shivas gift to the wretched: sustenance, shelter and spirituality.

Until now, where nature is outlawed. Outlawed, not for its danger to humanity, far from it, cannabis hemp could catalyse our saviour: but to the power hungry egotists who would own our world and others besides. Cannabis hemp comes head-to-head with all of our worlds most powerful corporations: oil, big pharma, big cotton, lumber, seeds and genetic modification, alcohol and tobacco, and the war machine. Furthermore, what government, after decades of dishonest and ill conceived laws that have destroyed the lives of millions (with law enforcement and private prisons now as powerful lobbying groups in their own right), could ever dare recognise their woeful error and duplicitous complicity in the persecution and attempted annihilation of Gods greatest gift to humanity? So we are left with a world of poisonous chemical, genetically modified unnatural alternatives, dictated and dispensed by a handful of merchants and their whores defining our world order, who see power and wealth and expansion as primary objectives in themselves. A world without balance or harmony, driven by materialism and insecurity, where all must remain hungry and all must remain fearful, forever: as fuel, for the insatiable engine of capitalism. To governments and corporations, and bankers: Cannabis Hemp is indeed, the most dangerous substance in the universe. A personal perspective: It is easy to become trapped in the brutality and injustices of our polarised, intolerant world, or overwhelmed by the sensory images that bombard us 24/7, together with the fragmented sound bites fed to us as truth. A chaotic mass of apparently unrelated data, seemingly incoherent and disparate, yet nevertheless, designed to shape the thought and motivation of populations: hungry, fearful, clueless populations. Cannabis engenders dispassionate reflection and harmony with all. It diffuses blame with understanding, prompting us to stand back and consider the bigger picture, to take a holistic perspective: beyond the establishment narrative. Beyond little stories in boxes, couched in terms of good and evil, that invariably hide strategic and economic motivation and racial and religious bigotry, and consequences beyond the pocket story. In todays world, even to suggest such connections, brands one a psychotic or a terrorist, or some other such label, packaging the non-conformer as at odds with establishment order and establishment thinking. And this, to me, is where the true beauty (and danger) of cannabis lies: in smashing illusions, opening doors of perception beyond the personal and possessive, beyond the immediate and simplistic, beyond the agenda driven bullshit defining parameters and perspectives as a gateway to nature and the now, to being, and as the progenitor of question and a catalyst to wonder. Our tree of life, real life: imbuing holism and harmony, reflection and understanding, peace, and love. So to those who would command, who would see our world owned and who would live off hate and the toil of others, Shivas seminal offering truly is: the most dangerous substance in the universe.

Sources: (video): The Union Run from the Cure The Hemp Revolution Magic Weed The Hemplands Conspiracy Hemp and the rule of Law The Medicinal use of Cannabis In Pot we Trust The Emperor of Hemp Hemp for Victory The History of Marijuana American Drug War, the Last White Hope (books/literature): Cannabis, a History Shiva, the Wild God of Power and Ecstasy The Forbidden Medicine The Emperor Wears no Clothes The Shafer report November 5, 2009 Categories: Politics, Religion, Spirituality, and Occult, Uncategorized, War on Drugs . Tags: billion dollar crop, cannabis, grass, hemp, marijuana, trillion dollar crop . Author: mothandrust . Comments: 16 Comments

The Myth of African Poverty

There is a great fallacy, a lie perpetuated through history and around the globe: that Africa is poor. Africa is presented as poor, because it doesnt have any of this strange folding stuff called money. It has plenty of everything else, it is what capitalists and prospectors call resource rich. Indeed, it is the most perfect place to grow our tea, coffee, cocoa fruit, vegetables, flowers and harvest our rubber, hardwood oil jewels, minerals Its enough to destabilise governments for! We then offer them some of this folding stuff and they fall back into line. And lie and cheat and steal all the way from the top down, so this paltry representation of real value never gets anywhere near those who work the land or were driven off it. Yet because the dispossessed were duped with the concepts of land ownership and hierarchical authority (and violence), they feel disempowered and they too have fallen under the spell of this strange stuff called money. Africa has never been poor. It has a history and wealth of diversity unequalled. And further, if we are to believe our anthropologists and geneticists, the very birthplace of humanity. Surprising then, is it not, that while in Western Europe and North America weve decimated the forests, worn out the soil, polluted the rivers and water tables and exhausted the mines, Africa remains, to the large part, thriving and fruitful. A godsend to Western governments with stomachs to

fill, corporations with consumers to satisfy and banks with interest to manufacture. Africas Western educated, financed, supported, armed leaders remain happy to perpetuate this myth, too ignorant or seduced to wish any change in perception: preferring the enormous power and the largely unsupervised bankroll. Corruption further suits Western interests: favouring personal/tribal associates, backhanders, etc. creating resentment, division, tension and potential conflict. Manufacturing and maintaining divisions is a tactic that dates back two and a half millennia. More recent however is the lucrative and thriving arms industry, the UKs only remaining indigenous industry, which reaps the benefit of internal repression and maintaining fictitious borders while banks, merchants and Western governments profit from the extraordinary value such power hungry individuals place on violence, and how little value they place on basic foodstuffs. Again, we find this strange folding stuff valuing the most useless and dangerous commodities with enormous worth, although they have no practical purpose, while basic nourishment, Gods gifts and harvesting, are valued as virtually worthless (one should however note, upon reaching Western supermarkets their value will have multiplied many, many times). So we find the impossible situation, where the richest place on earth is labelled poorest, continues to haemorrhage genuine wealth, while being kept enslaved and divided through arbitrary concepts and artificial boundaries, turning tribe against tribe and hoodwinking the people with the lie of money. March 26, 2009 Categories: History, Money Matters . Tags: africa, arms, capitalism, corruption, money, poverty . Author: mothandrust . Comments: 11 Comments

The Suspicious and Timely death of Father Anthony de Mello, SJ.

There seems a depressing inevitability about the fate of those who would challenge the established order, and engage popular support. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X come readily to mind, and of course President Kennedy. Undoubtedly people who had

made powerful enemies but had also polarised various social, religious and political groups enough to conjure a host of scapegoats and confusion. Where the heavy finger of blame points in only one direction, subtler methods are required. * Tony was a rising star in the Catholic Church. OK, at 55 he was no spring chicken, but nevertheless by comparison to the higher orders, he was youthful indeed. Tony founded the Sadhana institute in 1973, which over the years gained an international reputation, along with its founder. Tony found himself frequently jetting around the world giving conferences and talks and gaining ever more popularity with an increasing audience. Tony captivated audiences with simple stories, parables and sayings from across culture and religion: Chinese, Indian, American, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist using them as gateways to understanding, windows upon awareness. Moreover, Tony held a deep appreciation for scripture, the messages, signposts held within, and the early Christian mystics whose writings he blended seamlessly with spiritual wisdom, from wherever it came. Come the mid 80s, although resistant at first, Tony allowed occasional recordings of his talks. In 1986 he gave his first videoed conference, Wake up to Life!, held over four days in New York. It was an enormous success, Tony appeared to be going places. * I knew nothing of Tony at this time, Id been C of E and lapsed somewhat. In fact Id found more sense in Daoism and Buddhism so had focused my spiritual journey there. When it came to Catholicism, my connection, hence understanding, had consisted of little more than, In Gods Name by David Yallop (arguing Pope John Paul I was assassinated because he was about to curtail the Vatican Banks money laundering for the Mafia and return the Church to the poor), The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baigent et al. (which, amongst other things, examines the construction and editing of the Bible and Romes attempts at exterminating dissidence), and Father Ted, so followers of the faith were unlikely to be top of my reading list. Not long after the Internet came into being, a friend who is prone to such things, sent me a quote from Anthony de Mello: You are so proud of your intelligence, said the master. You are like a condemned man proud of the vastness of his prison cell. I liked it very much. It sat comfortably with someone who, at least academically, was intellectually challenged. In fact, it was a great source of comfort as I fought my way through three years of International Relations Theory at university. Never really thought any more about it after uni, until browsing in a London book store, wanting something for my return journey to Aberystwyth, when I came across Sadhana: a way to God Christian exercises in Eastern form. When I read Anthony de Mello was a Jesuit priest I almost retuned the book to the shelf, almost, but something

stayed me. It is important, as I would hear Tony tell me, just a day or so hence, not to let prejudice stain my window. Sadhana was a joy. To be honest it transformed my picture of what Christianity could be. Tony made such simple, wholesome sense, seamlessly tying east and west. In fact, what Tony was saying, seemed to me the antithesis of Catholicism as I had understood it. And indeed, although willing to reappraise my opinion, given the shining beacon of Tony, and as I was to discover, some remarkably brave nuns and priests in Latin America, I could find little, or nothing, to substantially challenge my original position. For as I examined recent Papal decisions and actions in relation to censuring and silencing campaigning priests, organised crime, child abuse, financial dealings, power the actions appeared as autocratic, unanswerable, arbitrary as ever. With the fearsome Herr Ratzinger appearing as Pope John Paul IIs henchman for throttling dissidence. * Tony must have been a big, big problem. Tony would not be silenced, he was here to dance his dance. He spoke his truth in a simple, logical, understandable way, engaging with increasing numbers as word spread. His 1986 tour of the US, as mentioned above, was a huge success. Unfortunately, all the video footage of the four day conference was destroyed, leaving just eight hours of audio (of which most would be published as Awareness some three years later). 1987, a year on, Tony is back in the States, ready for his summer tour. Surely this year there would be no such accident, backups would be made, safeguards put in place. Tony, the video was about to go public through every Catholic bookshop worldwide! A most unpalatable prospect for the powers that be. * It would be a futile exercise to attempt to uncover any validity behind the possible assassination of Tony. As a priest within the Jesuit order, he would be effectively encased within their system. Their meals, their autopsy, their press release, no need for external examination. So we see motivation, means and method, but that is all, and as Tony would advise us, one must keep an open mind, open to, and awareness of, each and every possibility and eventuality. Assassination or not, for Herr Ratzinger, Tonys death was a timely Godsend. Unfortunately for Ratzinger, Tonys work did not dry up. Posthumously published works appeared and interpretations also began to surface. He was not best pleased. On Ratzingers request the Vatican banned Tonys books, however, finding the ban unworkable, this was transmuted to a Notification, penned by Ratzinger and authorised by Pope John Paul II, placed in all Tonys books warning Catholics away from such dangerous and subversive teaching. *

Tony represented a potential schism in the Church, encouraging people to become aware, to think for themselves, rather than let the Church, or any ideology do it for them. To doubt, Tony argues, is infinitely more important than adoration to question is so much more important than to believe. Everywhere people are searching for objects to adore, but I dont find people awake enough in their attitudes and convictions. How happy we would be if terrorists would adore their ideology less and question more. However, we dont like to apply that to ourselves; we think were all right and the terrorists are wrong. But a terrorist to you is a martyr to the other side. The process that we use for making a St. Francis Xavier could be exactly the same process used for producing terrorists. What is scripture, then? Its a hint, a clue, not a description. The fanaticism of one sincere believer who thinks he knows causes more evil than the united efforts of two hundred rogues. Its terrifying to see what sincere believers will do because they think they know. Wouldnt it be wonderful if we had a world where everybody said, We dont know? Unfortunately Tonys observations on the scriptures did not survive the accident, but having gone over the eight remaining hours of the Wake up to Life! conference tapes times past counting (cutting, splicing, reordering, editing (it appears as if no one cared for these recordings) a long and would be tedious process, if not for the joy of listening to Tony and his insights) the few biblical observations which did survive paint a remarkably different picture to the one presented as Truth by religious hierarchy. Sleeping people read the scriptures and crucify the Messiah on the basis of them. Tony is not limiting his observation to lay people, but challenging all, citing examples of priests and religious scholars who, through the Bible and enculturation, lose sight of deeper meaning, preferring attachment to understanding. Awareness, awareness, awareness the message is so simple, yet complex as life itself. To find awareness one must first shatter illusions, get deprogrammed, remove the control that society has imposed. So what about Tonys awareness? Tonys deprogramming? Tonys society? One can of course only speculate, and it is most difficult to see that which surrounds us, pervades us (like, to use one of Tonys analogies, the little fish in the ocean: Excuse me, Im looking for the ocean. Can you tell me where I can find it?), however, from examining Tonys words, I believe he was under few illusions about Catholicism, and the ruthlessness of its hierarchy. One might even suggest he was poking fun or taunting them, with all his talk of awareness, understanding, discovery, and not taking the Bible literally, which flies in the face of those with an interest in power and control, who prefer blind obedience and subservience. Further, in his condemnation of religion Tony suggests the Church falls prey to idolatry: a mental idol, producing the more dangerous idol worshippers.

All revelations, however divine, are never any more than a finger pointing to the moon When the sage points at the moon, all the idiot sees is the finger. Tony is not of course limiting his observation to Catholicism or Christianity but religion in general and the idols: texts, symbols, rituals, which too often become a barrier to getting in touch with reality, because sooner or later we forget that the words are not the thing. The concept is not the same as the reality. Theyre different The final barrier to finding God is the word God itself and the concept of God. You miss God because you think you know. Thats the terrible thing about religion. Tony is universally scathing of nations and governments of all kinds, I dont know of one government, not one, that is selfless, individuals perhaps, but governments, oh, oh, oh. Can Tony, in his awareness, be overlooking the government in Rome? I wondered at his tenacity, fearlessness, abandon, and I am tempted to say foolhardiness, as he jokes, perhaps?, of becoming Pope (edited out of the book), questioning the honesty and capacity of priests and pouring scorn on weeping for ones sins a great religious distraction, says Tony. Thats not what repent means: wake up! Become aware! Whats the use of weeping for your sins, which you committed while you were asleep anyway? But, Tony also informs us, you cannot truly live until you have abandoned fear, and fear of death. And Tony shows no fear, as he enters into the heat of battle, with his heart at the lotus feet of the Lord (should I battle my relatives? Go right ahead, do your duty). He is not threatened by criticism, he does not care what you think of him or what you say about him. Hes cut all those strings: hes not a puppet any longer. Hes terrifying. So weve got to get rid of him. He tells the truth: he has become fearless: he has stopped being human. Human! Behold! A human being at last! He broke out of his slavery, broke out of their prison. This is Tony from wake up to life, 86. Jesus appeared as the immediate example in my mind, but the more I examined Tonys words the more I found challenges to Rome, its orthodoxy and references to their potential response. Is it in any way possible that Tony could be blind to the anger his perspective generated amongst Church hierarchy? Or is he predicting his fate? Tony finishes the conference with his wonderful story of the man who invented fire, who shared his invention with the cold and hungry and so enraged and terrified the priests that they got rid of him. Again, this could be reference to Jesus, yet it might just as readily apply to the man who rediscovered it. *** document with references available for download at Scribd Awareness by Anthony de Mello, 8 CDs torrent file

other resources at March 1, 2009 Categories: Uncategorized . Tags: anthony de mello, aquinas, assassination, augustine, awareness, baigent, bhagavad gita, catholicism, corruption, father ted, in gods name, jesuit, krishna, murder, the holy bible, the holy blood and the holy grail, wake up . Author: mothandrust . Comments: 38 Comments

not worth reporting

Not worth reporting Today in Gaza Israel has bombed three hospitals, the UN compound, holding a goodly percentage of the remaining, dwindling food supplies and the Red Crescent office. They used phosphorous bombs, banned under international law: prosperous burns flesh to the bone. None of this is considered newsworthy by the BBC. Their lead was the killing of Hamas interior minister, Said Siyam. No mention that he was democratically elected, nor the collateral damage of his family members killed along side. I wonder where on earth this execution, without trial, would not be classed as murder? Mass murder. Yet it is trifling in terms of death and ethics if we are considering statistics, or significance. Significance in terms the ethical constructs humanity had supposedly developed over the last couple of millennia. A hollow shell of hypocrisy. Human Rights, International Law meaningless rubbish, occasionally to hide behind, but mostly to ignore. Worthless, useless: worse than useless. Worse than useless because they enable political leaders to bend and manipulate morality to service their agenda and feign legitimacy. Our press is impervious and the BBC is exemplary. Words that do not exist include murder, slaughter, genocide, ethnic cleansing: they prefer war, casualties and collateral damage. Words to fit with the agendas of their masters: those who wish to see Islam and its ideology wiped from existence, and those who would profit from the exercise. The god Capitalism cannot work without Usury also not worth reporting January 16, 2009 Categories: World Media, Zionism . Tags: bbc, capitalism, god, islam, murder, usury . Author: mothandrust . Comments: 8 Comments

Smoking is good for you?

Smoking is good for you?

Why do governments want to ban smoking? I mean, its not as if they actually care about their citizens health. If so, they would spend more on healing than killing. But, more to the point, they would address the far more personally and socially destructive effects of alcohol and refined sugar, (which of course, are one and the same) evidenced by alcohol fuelled late night violence and sex between drunken obese teenagers (and beyond), who cram casualty departments and make our city centres no-go areas until the sun comes up. Yet, regardless of this epidemic, because the sugar/alcohol multinationals influence is so powerful, health is a minor distraction however, tobacco companies carry the same political influence, so this is not the reason. In addition, governments make billions annually from smoking: taxes, needless to say, but also in terms of unneeded pensions and the extraordinary savings in health care which escalate dramatically in old age. Given this perspective, is it not strange that whilst not exactly pushing it, (they would not want to appear heartless now, would they?) governments do not offer smoking the same tacit approval they give to alcohol, junk food and gambling all of which are many times more socially destructive? So why do they hate smoking so much? It was a question that had tumbled around in my head for months. The best I could come up with, was that they wanted to use the fields for a more lucrative crop. But what, barring illicit drugs, could generate such revenue? (Particularly with Heroin production back up to pre Taliban levels.) It just did not make sense. Then, by chance i happened upon Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski, which considers how wicked, power hungry people gradually take control over society. And he points out, that the last organised attempt to stifle smoking on the scale now under way in Europe and the United States was in pre-war Germany, under the Nazis. (P.156) You see, what Nazi scientists discovered very soon into their research, was that carbonmonoxide, a central component of tobacco smoke, creates resistance to pathocratic influence: i.e. imbibers are more likely to question and less likely to blindly follow orders from psychopathic leadership (perhaps we could think of it as attitude, as symbolised by 50s icons like James Dean and Marlon Brando). What is more, research also suggests second-hand smoke, as breathed by children of smokers, may in fact immunise them against the influence of psychopaths. Hardly useful, one would suggest, if the objective is filling heads with supremacist beliefs and obtaining undivided loyalty. To Nazi leadership, with their early, unsophisticated attempts at propaganda, reducing peoples critical thinking and increasing their susceptibility to messages of hate and fear and identification were central to their objective. So while the government made supply of tobacco increasingly difficult, and smoking areas increasingly limited, the Nazi propaganda machine set about pushing the party line, vilifying and condemning redmans weed and persecuting those who would smoke it. It was a campaign begun in the mid 1930s and continued and intensified until they were finally overthrown. (The

anti-tobacco campaign of the Nazis ) Today, when one considers the enormous advances in psychological warfare, be it for product sales, national/religious/corporate identity or fear of the other, and the increasingly sophisticated delivery techniques, the need for smoking to be eradicated becomes blazingly obvious. What government or corporation (or religion) in their right mind, whose primary goals are submission and association, cannot see the benefit of losing a few million in taxes, pensions, operations for the benefit of a compliant, malleable ready made workforce, and market. From such a perspective, considering our current political and corporate leadership, it is clear, smoking never stood a chance. What a good job we have a free and independent news media to stand up for the citizen, expose authoritarian lies and ensure governments and corporations cannot cynically manipulate and frighten people into servicing their nefarious goals oh, err looks like were in big trouble. Better get puffing guys!

October 15, 2007 Categories: Health & Environment . . Author: mothandrust . Comments: 33 Comments

Information Underground Weekly Report: Blackwater and Private Security Companies

Stories from the Conspiracy Central Forum: A day to remember from 1933 Posted by Ognir Long before the Hitler government began restricting the rights of the German Jews, the leaders of the worldwide Jewish community formally declared war on the New Germany at a time when the U.S. government and even the Jewish leaders in Germany were urging caution in dealing with the new Hitler regime. The war by the international Jewish leadership on Germany not only sparked definite reprisals by the German government but also set the stage for a little-known economic and political alliance between the Hitler government and the leaders of the Zionist movement who hoped that the tension between the Germans and the Jews would lead to massive

emigration to Palestine. In short, the result was a tactical alliance between the Nazis and the founders of the modern-day state of Israel a fact that many today would prefer be forgotten. Know Your History Frances Secret Wars in Africa Posted by Hei Hu Quan For 40 years, the French government has been fighting a secret war in Africa, hidden not only from its people, but from the world. It has led the French to slaughter democrats, install dictator after dictator and to fund and fuel the most vicious genocide since the Nazis. Today, this war is so violent that thousands are fleeing across the border from the Central African Republic into Darfur seeking sanctuary in the worlds most notorious killing fields 2 Koreas Strike Wide Reconciliation Deal Posted by Maximus Minimus Mediumus SEOUL, South Korea (AP) North Korea pledged to detail its nuclear programs and disable all activities at its main reactor complex by years end, then signed a wideranging reconciliation pact with South Korea Thursday promising to finally seek a peace treaty to replace the 1953 cease-fire that ended the Korean War. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun also said they would open regular links across their heavily fortified border under the deal struck a day after the North made its firmest commitment yet to nuclear disarmament. They Come at Night and Murder the Monks Posted by hardboilednwokilla,1518,509232,00.html They surrounded a monastery on Weiza Yandar Street. All the roughly 200 monks living there were forced to stand in a row and the security forces beat their heads against a brick wall. When they were all covered in blood and lay moaning on the ground, they

were thrown into a truck and taken away. We are crying for our monks, said the man, and then he was gone. in_article_id=484903&in_page_id=1 %20dead%20in%20the%20massacre%20of%20the%20monks%20dumped%20in %20the%20jungle/ Thousands of protesters are dead and the bodies of hundreds of executed monks have been dumped in the jungle, a former intelligence officer for Burmas ruling junta has revealed. The most senior official to defect so far, Hla Win, said: Many more people have been killed in recent days than youve heard about. The bodies can be counted in several thousand. Via Licensed to Kill Bush Justice Department embraces torture as a tool for collecting intelligence by Scott Horton The Bush Justice Department does have an essential law enforcement mission, though sometimes it seems to behave much more like a criminal syndicate. It warmly embraces the crime of torture as a tool for collecting human intelligence notwithstanding both its manifest illegality and immorality and the uniform view of intelligence professionals that torture consistently produces corrupted, inherently unreliable information. In so doing of course it is engaged in a fairly primitive game of self-protection. It cant acknowledge the fundamental criminality of its conduct, so it turns the Justice Department into its consigliere. Three different lawyers in the office of legal counsel have rendered formal opinions giving a stamp of approval to a universal crime. Indeed, this sort of legal dexterity now seems to be accepted as a rite of passage for movement lawyersa fact which is very revealing of the new character of the movement. It has nothing to do with ideals, and everything to do with personal fidelity. In each of these cases, the opinion boils down to the fundamental principle of the authoritarian state, namely: if the Leader authorizes it, then it must be okay. I cant wait to see the intellectual conversion that will occur on January 20, 2009, when the opposition party furnishes the Executive. Why Not Impeachment? by Robert Parry

The disclosure that the Bush administration secretly reestablished a policy of abusing war on terror detainees even as it assured Congress and the public that it had mended its ways again raises the question: Why are the Democrats keeping impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney off the table? Dangerous Crossroads: US Sponsored War Games by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) has announced the conduct of major war games under Vigilant Shield 2008 (VS-08). Vigilant Shield 2008 (15 to 20 October, 2007) is designed to deal with a terrorist or natural disaster scenario in the United States. The operation will be coordinated in a joint endeavor by the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security. Yet, VS-08, which includes a massive deployment of the US Air Force resembles a war-time air scenario rather than an anti-terrorist drill. The VS-08 war games extend over the entire North American shelf. Canadian territory is also involved through Canadas participation in NORAD. (See Nazemroaya, October 2007) These war games are being conducted at an important historical crossroads, amidst mounting US pressures and threats to actually declare a real war on Iran. VS-08 is predicated on the doctrine of preemptive warfare, with a vie to protecting the Homeland. The war games are coordinated with anti-terrorist drills directed against presumed Islamic terrorists. 1) What is the origin of Blackwater? Blackwater USA was formed in 1997 to provide training support to military and law enforcement organizations. In 2002 Blackwater Security Consulting (BSC) was formed. They are the single beneficiaries of government no-bid contracts due to the amount of military and intelligence insiders from the Pentagon and CIA. In the new world order of mercenaries Blackwater is one of a growing number of outsourced pseudo-military security companies such as Aegis, DynCorp, Triple Canopy, Intercon, Steele Foundation, American Security Group, Blackhawk, Wackenhut and an Israeli company called Instinctive Shooting International (ISI). The men work for ISI, which describes its employees as veterans of the Israeli special task forces from the following Israeli government bodies: Israel Defense Force (IDF), Israel National Police Counter Terrorism units, Instructors of Israel National Police Counter Terrorism units, General Security Service (GSS or Shin Beit), Other restricted intelligence agencies. The company was formed in 1993. Its website profile says: Our up-to-date services meet the challenging needs for Homeland Security preparedness and overseas combat procedures and readiness. ISI is currently an approved vendor by the US Government to supply Homeland Security services. Blackwater is rapidly expanding its operations, creating a new surveillance-blimp division, fleet of 20 planes, launching new training facilities in California and the

Philippines, and increasingly setting its sights on the lucrative world of DHS contracts. It is clamoring to get into Darfur and has also hired Chilean troops trained under the brutal rule of Augusto Pinochet in addition to South African commandos from the Apartheid era. 2) What is the background of Erik Prince, the founder and CEO of Blackwater? Blackwaters owner and founder is Erik Prince, a former Navy SEAL. Erik Prince attended the Naval Academy, graduated from Hillsdale College, and was an intern in George H.W. Bushs White House. Prince has contributed $168,000 to the Republican National Committee since 1998, and also has supported the candidacies of politicians such as President George W. Bush and Senator Tom Coburn. A CIA source with whom I spoke said that Prince is very tight with top agency officials and has a green badge, the security pass for contractors who have access to CIA installations. Hes over there [at CIA headquarters] regularly, probably once a month or so, this person told me. He meets with senior people, especially in the D.O. (The D.O., or Directorate of Operations, runs covert operations; last year, it was absorbed by the newly created National Clandestine Service). Blackwater founder Erik Prince shares Bushs fundamentalist Christian views. He comes from a powerful Michigan Republican family and social circle, and his father, Edgar, helped Gary Bauer start the Family Research Council. 3) There have been reports that Blackwater is involved with extraordinary rendition torture flights. Is there any substance to this? An investigation by the European Parliment on the CIA using British airports to execute torture flights, has uncovered fresh evidence that a plane repeatedly linked to the controversial programme landed in the UK in June. Further details indicate that on June 2, 2007, at 4:36 pm, the CASA-212 Aviocar Flight touched down at RAF Mildenhall Airfield in Suffolk, UK. Its registration number N964BW, clearly visible on the fuselage, identified it as a plane which the European Parliament says has been involved in ghost flights to smuggle terrorist suspects to shadowy interrogation centres abroad. Records show the plane is owned by Blackwater USA, a CIA contractor described as the most secretive and powerful mercenary army on the planet. An eyewitness, who previously worked as an RAF electronic warfare expert, said that as the plane a CASA-212 Aviocar Flight #N964BW taxied to a stop on the runway it was met by a US military Humvee. The vehicle contained four US security policemen armed with M16 assault rifles, who accompanied the camouflaged crew to the airport terminal. A report last November by a European Parliament committee placed the plane registration number N964BW is on a list of companies and aircraft used by the CIA for extraordinary rendition flights. The plane was previously registered with the Bolivian army, and has been pictured on the ground in the Afghan capital Kabul within the past year. The American Federal Aviation Authority lists the plane as being operated by two companies, Aviation World Wide Services and a sister company, Presidential Airways. The European Parliament committee report describes these as shell companies operating as subsidiaries of Blackwater USA, an important contractor for the CIA and the US military which bases the planes in Malta. Research by a further group, The American Centre for Media and Democracy, claims that flight-tracking internet technology shows

the plane landed at least twice in the first six months of 2006 at Camp Peary, the U.S. naval reservation in Virginia known as The Farm and widely alleged to be a CIA training facility. Another smoking gun in Blackwaters involvement in extraordinary rendidtions regards their Vice-Chairman J. Cofer Black. Who is a thirty-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency and was one of the key CIA people in Africa throughout the 70s and 80s. Particularly in support of the Apartheid regime in South Africa. J. Cofer Black is reputed to have essentially run the extraordinary rendition program. He was a key figure in the extraordinary rendition program, the governmentsanctioned kidnap-and-torture program, and hes now a major figure at Blackwater USA. 3) What was Blackwaters role in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina? To establish a precedent of using pseudo-military mercenaries without accountability or oversight domestically within the U.S. At the behest and aegis of the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA. Deputized by Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco their role was to was to stop looters and confront criminals. Many of the mercenaries had gold Louisiana state law enforcement badges and confirmed that theyd been deputized. Jeremy Scahill interviewed Cofer Blackthe former head of counterterrorism at the CIA, and now one of the top people at Blackwaterat a mercenary conference, and he told me that they sent a helicopter and a bunch of their guys down there without any contracts at first. Within days of their guys deploying down there, Blackwater was handed a very lucrative $409,000 contractliterally to guard a morgue in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 4) There have been widespread reports from witnesses and insiders of Blackwaters murderous escapades. What are they? In an October 1, 2007 Congressional report, based on 437 internal Blackwater incident reports as well as internal State Department correspondence, says that that Blackwaters use of force is frequent and extensive, resulting in significant casualties and property damage. It notes that Blackwaters contract authorizes it to use lethal force only to prevent imminent and grave danger to themselves or the people they are paid to protect. In practice, however, the report says, the vast majority of Blackwater weapons discharges are pre-emptive, with Blackwater forces firing first at a vehicle or suspicious individual prior to receiving any fire. Among the incidents cited in the report: On June 25, 2005, a Blackwater team in Hillah fatally shot an Iraqi man, a father of six, in the chest. The victims family complained to the State Department, which said in an internal report that the Blackwater gunmen initially failed to report the killing and tried to cover it up. On Oct. 24, 2005, Blackwater guards fired on a car that failed to heed a warning to stop. In the gunfire, a civilian bystander was hit in the head with a bullet, but Blackwater personnel did not stop.

On Nov. 28, 2005, a Blackwater motorcade traveling to and from the Iraqi oil ministry collided with 18 different vehicles. According to an internal Blackwater report of the incident, the statements from employees were invalid, inaccurate, and at best, dishonest. Two Blackwater employees were dismissed, but there was no other apparent action taken as a result. On Dec. 24, 2006, a drunken Blackwater employee shot and killed a bodyguard for Iraqs Shiite vice president, Adel Abdul-Mahdi. The AP previously reported the contractor had gotten lost on the way back to his barracks in Baghdads Green Zone and fired at least seven times when he was confronted by 30-year-old Raheem Khalaf Saadoun. The guard was terminated by Blackwater. Within 36 hours of the shooting, the department allowed the 26-year-old contractor to be transported out of Iraq, according to a staff report. An unnamed State Department official then recommended Blackwater pay the guards family $250,000 as an apology. But the Diplomatic Security Service, the departments own law enforcement arm, said that was too much money and might prompt other Iraqis to try to get killed in order to provide for their families, according to the report. In the end, the State Department and Blackwater agreed on a $15,000 payment, the report says. Initial news coverage by Middle Eastern media of the killing said a U.S. soldier was responsible. In a company e-mail obtained by the committee, a Blackwater employee said the mistake in the news gets the heat off of us. On Sept. 16, 2007, 11 Iraqis were killed in a shoot-out involving Blackwater guards protecting a U.S. diplomatic convoy in Baghdad. Blackwater says its guards acted in self-defense after the convoy came under attack. Iraqi witnesses have said the shooting was unprovoked. The convoy of four Blackwater vehicles drove into the square about half an hour after a bombing prompted another Blackwater team that was guarding a U.S. diplomat to rush from the area and back to the Green Zone, the enclave in Baghdad where U.S. and Iraqi government agencies have headquarters. The police officer, whom CNN is identifying only as Sarhan, said the Blackwater guards seemed nervous as they entered the square, throwing water bottles at the Iraqi police posted there and driving in the wrong direction. He said traffic police halted civilian traffic to clear the way for the Blackwater team. Then, he said, the guards fired five or six shots in an apparent attempt to scare people away, but one of the rounds struck a car and killed a young man who was sitting next to his mother, a doctor. Sarhan said he and an undercover Iraqi police officer ran to the car but they were unable to stop it from rolling forward toward the Blackwater convoy. I wanted to get his mother out, but could not because she was holding her son tight and did not want to let him go, Sarhan said. They immediately opened heavy fire at us. Each of their four vehicles opened heavy fire in all directions, they shot and killed everyone in cars facing them and people standing on the street, Sarhan said. The shooting lasted about 20 minutes, he said. When it was over we were looking around and about 15 cars had been destroyed, the

bodies of the killed were strewn on the pavements and road. Sarhan said no one ever fired at the Blackwater team. They became the terrorists, not attacked by the terrorists, he said. I saw parts of the womans head flying in front of me, blow up and then her entire body was charred, he said. What do you expect my reaction to be? Are they protecting the country? No. If I had a weapon I would have shot at them. Mohammed Abdul Razzaq was driving into Nusoor Square with his sister, her three children and his 9-year-old son Ali at the same time the Blackwater team arrived. They gestured stop, so we all stopped, Razzaq said. Its a secure area so we thought it will be the usual, we would stop for a bit as convoys pass. Shortly after that they opened heavy fire randomly at the cars with no exception. My son was sitting behind me, he said. He was shot in the head and his brains were all over the back of the car. The others ducked and were spared, he said. He later counted 36 bullet holes in his car, six in his sisters headrest. Anyone who got out of his car would be killed, he said. Anyone who would move was killed. Anyone sitting in a car was killed. I saw a guy in a small car who got out to flee, they shot him and he hit the ground, Razzaq said. They fired at him again and again with his blood flowing in the street, but they continued to shoot him. Blackwater has had to fire dozens of guards over the past three years for problems ranging from misuse of weapons, alcohol and drug violations, inappropriate conduct and violent behavior, says the 15-page report from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. A total of 122 Blackwater mercenaries ahve been terminated by Blackwater, and is roughly one-seventh of the work force that Blackwater has in Iraq, a ratio that raises questions about the quality of the people working for the company. Blackwater has been involved in 195 shooting incidents since 2005, or roughly 1.4 per week. In more than 80 percent of the incidents, called escalation of force, Blackwaters guards fired the first shots even though the companys contract with the State Department calls for it to use defensive force only, it said. In the vast majority of cases, Blackwater mercenaries fired their weapons from moving vehicles without stopping to count the dead or assist the injured, the report found. 6) The Bush administration has circumvented use of the military in the Iraq war by using military contractors such as Blackwater, who are intentionally beyond the scope of both international civilian and military law. What legal means are in place to keep forces like these in line and protect the rights and property of civilians? Blackwater USA has 2,300 active personnel deployed in nine different countries around the world. The cost for each Blackwater mercenary in Iraq, is $445,000 per year. With 20,000 additional forces at the ready (as of March 2007), they have set their focus increasingly to getting these troops strategically positioned within the United States. Blackwater now has been seeking deployment in Illinois, California for military and law enforcement training, in addition to their active deployment in New Orleans during the aftermath of Katrina. However, the U.S. government has sidestepped the legal obstructions inherent in the Posse Comitatus Act by using mercenary contractors. For those who are unfamiliar, the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 prohibits the use of the Armed Forces as a Posse comitatus to execute the laws except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress. Since then there have been measures to malignantly reinterpret and subvert the intent of the

original Act through means of surreptitiously passed Bills and Amendments. The ultimate goal being the clear use of the military in all domestic policing operations, with the police and the military being virtually indistinguishable. With the Bush administration effectively undermining the Posse Comitatus Act (John Warner Defense Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122.ENR) and nullifying it under color of law, that will be eventually achieved. Until then, the covert use of Blackwater and other contracted mercenaries for contrived wars and synthetic emergencies, has altogether sidestepped the obstructive Posse Comitatus altogether by using what amounts to sanctioned gang members to patrol and police. Effectively Blackwater has been placed above the law with no accountability, oversight or punishment mechanism for war crimes and criminality in general. 7) Have there been any reprisals against Blackwater for egregious behaviour? Yes, on March 31, 2004, four Blackwater soldiers were ambushed and killed in Fallujah. Their bodies burned and disfigured and then hung from a bridge. After which the U.S. launched a now notorious campaign of revenge attacks on the city of Fallujah that killed and maimed thousands. Many were civilians and it caused a massive resistance against the occupation that escalated the war to where it sits festering right now. Over 800 Blackwater soldiers have been killed in the course of the war yet their deaths have deliberately not been counted along with the other U.S. military deaths. Injuries as well as war crimes are not calculated nor officially documented. In effect they are exactly like black ops soldiers working for any intelligence agency, with zero oversight or accountability, and sanitized logistical information. 8) The Department of Homeland Security plans to keep its contract with Blackwater for two to five years, what does that mean? No one knows as not even members of Congress can see these contracts. One member of Congress said that shes not even allowed to see any of the contracts in general, but when she is, she has to go into a padded room. Shes not allowed to bring in any kind of writing equipment or paper, and shes not allowed to say what she saw in that room after shes viewed the contracts. Sources: Jeremy Scahill Blackwater: Shadow Army (2006) Revolving Door to Blackwater Causes Alarm at CIA by Ken Silverstein of Harpers magazine In the Black(water) by Jeremy Scahill The Nation Blackwater: The Rise of the Worlds Most Powerful Mercenary Army by Jeremy Scahill Blackwater Portrayed as Out of Control by Richard Lardner Yahoo News Blackwater Incident Witness: It was hell by Jomana Karadsheh and Alan Duke CNN News See Also:

The World of Blackwater: Private Wars for Public Monies

recorded 9/21/07 By Mumia Abu Jamal of Prison Radio 1) 2:48 Radio Essay short Mp3 2) 4:07 Radio Essay long Mp3

The World of Blackwater: Private Wars for Public Money {col. writ. 9/20/07} (c) 07 Mumia Abu-Jamal The news running off the wire was unexpected in its rarity: the Iraqi government announced that the U.S. private security company, Blackwater, would no longer be able to function in the country, following the killing of over 20 Iraqis by Blackwater personnel. According to published reports, the U.S. State dept. will essentially ignore the Iraqi order, announcing that Blackwater would continue to work in the country. Blackwater provides security for many Americans working in Iraq, as well as some of its chosen puppets. (So much for a sovereign nation.) The recent Blackwater shootout wasnt the first, and unless I miss my guess, it wont be the last. For folks whove been following the American security company (and others like them), it should surprise no one that this company was involved in the shooting of civilians. According to some researchers and reporters, Blackwater was getting down similarly in the U.S.! Think back to 2005, when the winds, rains, and gushing waters from Lake Pontchartrain swept through New Orleans, another force beset the already besieged town. Blackwater was one of the number of such companies, armed with automatic weapons and contracts from the Dept. of Homeland Security. They were allowed to play cowboy when people were suffering from this natural disaster. Several years ago, writer and Democracy Now! correspondent, Jeremy Scahill reported a conversation he had with a man from one of those private security companies during the height of the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Scahill described his conversation with a man named Michael Montgomery, who worked with an Alabama-based company known as Bodyguard and Tactical Security

(BATS). This guy told Scahill that he was in New Orleans on the second night of the catastrophe. As Scahill explained: They got stopped in the ninth ward. He said they came under fire from a group of people on an overpass that he described as black gang bangers. He said, At the time I was on the phone with my business partner. I said, What did you do then? He said, I dropped the phone and opened fire. I said, With what kind of weapons? AR-15 assault rifles and Glock 9s. Fired up at the people he described as black gang bangers on this bridge. I said, Then what happened? Did you kill them? He said, Well, lets just put it this way, I heard a lot of moaning and screaming, and the shooting stopped. Enough said. Scahill was making his remarks on the Friday, Sept. 23 rd, 2005 edition of the nationally broadcast program, Democracy Now! According to Scahill, these and other such groups were functioning in Louisiana, without licenses to operate in the state. What they had were contracts from the Homeland Security Dept., and a letter from the Governor of Louisiana! Thus, armed with automatic weapons, they patrolled the property of the rich, while they waged war against the poor. Scahill explained that after the shooting, army officers and Louisiana State Troopers came on the scene but neither agency filed a report. Scahill continued: So this is the climate of impunity..[H] ow do we know that he was fired upon? How do we know what that incident was? Why wouldnt law enforcement file any kind of report on a shootout in which this guy is openly bragging to having shot up a bunch of people he described as black gang bangers on an overpass? There are almost as many contractors working in Iraq as there are U.S. soldiers but the Blackwater people make a whole lot more money, and are better equipped. Thats because they arent fighting for democracy, theyre fighting for good old American money. They are fighting for those who can afford them. What do they care about Iraqis? What did they care about Americans in the midst of the whirlwind and the storm? (c) 07maj

October 8, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Rod . Comments: 3 Comments

Unholy Knights of the Red Shield

Unholy Knights of the Red Shield

The Rothschilds, we speak of them often and many dont really know who and what they are. Sometimes one wonders whether there is some fable behind the shadowy crest that is the Red Shield, for which the families name is derived. Thoughts of mystery or some other novelty told to children around bed time, meant to keep them in bed, covers drawn over their faces. The Rothschilds are that wicked Cabal that forms the pupil in the eye on top of the pyramid. They are the dearth of humanity, fattened by greed and full of lust, destroying what little hopes humanity has for independence. Unlike the state sponsored education youve come from, here we practice reality in all its glorious horrors. During this Journey you wont be fed the traditional rotten meat of fictitious fables, formed from the pens of perverted historical prostitutes. But instead have your eyes opened as history is rewritten to reflect what really happened as opposed to the bed time story youve come to know. It is not the premise of the author or this article to play to the status quo. We will delve and dive head long into revisionist history or more aptly put, return the facts back to their proper places. Let the journey begin Lucifer Rising, time to answer the who and what that makes up the Rothschilds. To begin, we must first dispel with the claim that they are Jewish, this is important for two reasons: the first to show that their critics are not evil Anti-Semites and second to remove any historical ties to Ancient Judaism. Its not important to show any religion at all with regards to the family, but if one is needed Luciferianism would be its name. Many look to the Star of David and falsely ascribe Hitler as its creator, however the story goes much deeper. Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschilds Patriarch) aka Mayer Amschel Rothschilds revived it, not out of thin air, but from a careful study of the Occult practices he followed. In the Bible the Star can be found in the worship of the dancing Israelites as Moses came down from the mount with the first set of Ten Commandants, this account is detailed in the book of Amos. That not being enough, we see it explained and named in the book of Acts, where its called Remphan, an Egyptian god, also worshiped by other religions as the god Saturn. Pagan history aside, we see that what calls itself Jewish is not, its formation was in Egypt and probably even earlier (Straightway Truth). To further the divorcement of Rothschilds and Jew we now go to the genetic proof: The Rothschilds claim to Jewish blood is also a myth. The explanation of which will take us to 9th century Turkey were we meet King Bulon of the Khazars. The King had a unique problem, he was surrounded by Muslims on one side and Christians on the other. This presented a huge issue for the king, as he rightly suspected invasion due to the lack of affiliation with either. His answer to this issue was to give his empire an identity that would protect it from the outside worlds interests. The solution came in the form of Judaism as it was determined that the Jews were able to deal well with both Muslim and Christian. From this conversion the Ashkenazi Jew was born (IM NINALU). So now we come back to our illustrious Rothschilds, which are the posterity of this marriage of necessity. The important thing here to remember is that Jewishness of this family is a cover and it always has been. Money Pit, fractional banking is what makes the Rothschilds world go round. It is the staple of debt creation and has afforded them the power to take down entire countries. This may sound odd, but something as simple as having an initial reserve of precious metal i.e. Gold or Silver and then attributing value to worthless paper that is supposedly represented by precious metal. On the surface this appears to be viable, as it would negate the necessity of caring around all that heavy metal; the problem happens when you start loaning out money for which there is no backing and then continue to do so with complete abandonment. This system of finance is what the Rothschilds have

perfected. The idea for such a system is not their invention, and probably has its roots in the Templars, who used it as a means to gain wealth and power themselves throughout Europe. How Rothschild wields his way into the courts of Europe is not important, it is however worth noting that he did perfect the Government Loan and use this as the base for the creation of his initial wealth (Hitchcock). Spies like us, Napoleon, Wellington, and the take over of Britain are the next phase of the growth of the family. Now without going to much into the battle at Waterloo itself it is important to note that through its interests in Europe the Rothschilds had developed the first intelligence agency and through a system of fast ships and couriers had created a mechanism for moving information at incredible speed. What happens next is the biggest case of market manipulation in history. The Rothschilds had already funded both sides of the War, Nathan Rothschilds funded Wellington in England and Jacob Rothschilds saw to Napoleons needs in France. So they were going to win either way with this War, what makes this unique is that using the courier system they had in place Nathan Rothschilds was able to get the results of the battle before Wellingtons own couriers could bring news of his victory over Napoleon. The significance here is that through this information Nathan began to sell Bonds (called Consuls at the time) seeing as everyone knew Rothschilds to be shrewd and have good inside information they assumed Wellington had lost the battle and began selling there bonds at near Pence on the Pound. When there was sufficient amount of bonds on the table Nathan made his move and bought them all up for nearly nothing. When news arrived the next day of Wellingtons victory it was too late Nathans financial coup had already been complete, he now controlled the wealth of England for all intents and purposes (Hitchcock). Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Fascism & Communism two birds of a feather that the Rothschilds tied together. The Rothschilds created Fascism from the writings of Nietzsche. And at the same time Marx (real name Moses Levy Mordecai) was drafting the writings of Communism both funded by the Rothschilds, for the sole purpose of creating a dialectic (Hitchcock). This was the same plan to destroy religion and politics put forward by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 (also a Rothschild plant), but thwarted by the German Government in 1785 when the Illuminati was disbanded. It is at this time that Gutle Rothschild states before her death that, If my sons did not want wars, there would be none (of note Gutle is the patriarchal mother of the Rothschilds). It is with this knowledge that we must accept the fate of this world. No one can make statements like these without some form of knowledge to back it up. Mayer Rothschilds had some years back been kicked out of Russia by the Tzar and vowed revenge and now after his death his sons where bringing his threat to life. Just like with Wellington and Napoleon, both Communism and Fascism were funded to bring about the necessary boiling point needed for war (Hitchcock). And wars they created just like the currencies that now paid for them they were numbers created on a ledger. There was no real reason for them, the boundaries and catalysts that forged these conflicts where figments of the imaginations of the House of Rothschild. Every war since Napoleon can be traced back to an origin with a Rothschild name on it. Its not feasible without the need for many, many more pages to add the supporting material to substantiate and catalog these occurrences, but having known the scope of this undertaking before it was begun it was decided to supply the necessary reference material needed to complete the task of further investigation on ones own.

Planes, Trains, & Automobiles, everybody loves a monopoly right? Well this is a staple of the Rothschilds business ethic. Why divide and conquer in a true free market, when you can coheres and subvert the whole thing for yourself and take all the profits. This could go on and on like the previous section so for the sake of space and time we will look at Standard Oil, owned by the American arm of Rothschildss, our good friends the Rockefellers. These families are all intermarried and use this to cover their wealth and their name as to hedge suspicions of their monopolistic control. John D. Rockefeller, through his banking connections to the Rothschildss in Europe buys up all the competition and sets up the first monopoly in the United States (Hitchcock). Whats of note here is that the money doesnt actually exist, the real desire of these families and their agents is not to empty your accounts, they already own those, but to take real property with the artificial money theyve created. So in the end what was merely entries on a sheet of paper has through hypothecated slide of hand been turned into real assets. Estates, land, and utilities are all in the control of one of the Rothschildss front companies or an agent acting on their behalf. Sex, Lies, & Video Tape, no financial takeover is complete without a political one. Soon after they there Bank set up they begin to seek out like minded people to further their cause on their behalf. Now most people have some sense of decency and as such sometimes a little persuasion is required to get the right results. When a particular Bill or other important legislation needed to be passed it was the job of agents to provide the necessary incentives for the votes they needed. If a politician could not be bought outright a little prostitution or blackmail goes a long ways to getting quick results. One such case of this is with Woodrow Wilson who has an extra marital affair and is coerced by Samuel Untermyer for the sum of 40,000 Dollars which was to be paid to the woman he slept with. Wilson didnt have the money and Mr. Untermyer offered to pay the sum from his own pocket, which most certainly sealed the deal for any and all actions needed of the President for which a seat on the Supreme Court was sought (Hitchcock). Once again the recipe here was all part of the original Weishaupt formula back in 1776. Weishaupts full symphony of destruction reads like this: 1) Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of men already in high places, in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavor. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families. 2) The faculties of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings, and recommend them for special training in internationalism, or rather the notion that only a one-world government can put an end to recurring wars and strife. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the Illuminati. 3) All influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists. This was so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in

the long-run serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve. 4) To obtain absolute-control of the press, at that time the only masscommunications media which distributed information to the public, so that all news and information could be slanted in order to make the masses believe that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems. These official ingredients for subversion read off like something Orewll would have written if he had spent the time to explain how Big Brother came into being (Hitchcock). Wag the Dog, no true takeover can be complete without the media right? Ever since Marlon Brando went on Larry King and said the Jews run Hollywood, people have wondered. Well media as well as entertainment is all part of the package and as such is in need of mention. Enter the Council on Foreign Relations created by the Rothschilds in France at Hotel Majestic and put together by Jacob Schiff in 1921 with a 1000 members made up of bankers and heads of industry and executed Colonel Edward Mandell House (Hitchcock). The CRF was than tasked with financially supporting those whose position matched their own for any office in the U.S. Government. It was decided that in order to further there efforts and contain information from the public eye newspapers and other forms of media should be acquired. This task was divided up between other powerful and influential Ashkenazi Jews of the time like: Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, the Warburgs, and the Lehmanns (Hitchock). Happily Never After, The point of this essay was to introduce the reader to Zionism indirectly and attribute that term to its proper parent, the Rothschildss. One can not overlook the Cabalism in this families history, its the linchpin to the Occult nature of the family and probably supports the premise of its Zionistic goals for the start. These are the authors suppositions and not that of any of the sources. But since so much of modern Judaism is based on Cabala, the Talmud having already long since denounced the traditional Jewish Torah in favor of its own law. It wouldnt be to ambitious to claim the precepts of the aforementioned belief system to be the hallmark of its thoughts and actions. The Rothschilds through birthright adopted an Occult religion, founded on the mysteries of Babylon and Egypt and through its teachings fomented a system from which with to take over the world. It has hijacked a religion for the sake of concealing another, all along claiming to be a disenfranchised party deserving protection and sympathy. Its a grand hoax from a Grand Lodge and one that has been played out for over a hundred years. In closing lets look at a direct quote from the Jewish Encyclopedia from 1925 it states of the existence of Ashkenazi Jews (who represent approximately 90% of so-called world Jewry), with the startling admission that the so called enemy of the Jews, Esau (also known as Edom, see Genesis 36:1), now actually represents the Jewish race, when on page 42 of Volume V it is stated, Edom is in modern Jewry. So what theyre basically saying is that these Ashkenazi Jews, who represent 90% of the so-called Jewish population, are actually gentiles or goyim themselves. Works Cited The History of the House of Rothschild. 15 Dec. 2005. The French Connection. 30 Sep.

2007 <;. The Khazars. 26 Apr. 2002. IM NINALU. 30 Sep. 2007 <;. The Star of Remphan. 24 Feb. 2007. 30 Sep. 2007 <;. October 8, 2007 Categories: Big Brother and Police State, History, Mainstream Media, Neocons, New World Order: Breaking The Chains, Politics, Religion, Spirituality, and Occult, Secret Societies, Wars And Rumors Of Wars, Zionism . . Author: Rod . Comments: 9 Comments

Depleted Uranium
Information compiled by Hei Hu Quan 1) What is D.U. or Depleted Uranium? Depleted uranium is a by-product of the uranium enrichment process. Depleted Uranium, or DU, is a waste material left over from the nuclear industry. A vast amount of this waste DU is produced when natural uranium is enriched for use in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. Only the uranium isotope U-235 can be used in nuclear processes, such as reactors and weapons. As most of this isotope is removed from naturally occurring uranium, the remaining uranium product comprises U-238 and smaller amounts of the more highly radioactive U-235 and U-234. DU is both chemically toxic and radioactive. It is this latter product, the left over uranium, comprising mainly U-238, which has been used to make depleted uranium weapons. It is used for weapons because this heavy, dense metal is judged by the army to be an excellent penetrator of enemy armour, tanks, and even buildings. The term depleted uranium is a misnomer. DU is depleted only in the isotopes U234 and U235 which constitute less that 1% of the total uranium. The fact is that both depleted uranium and natural Uranium are over 99% composed of uranium-238. Depleted uranium is almost as highly concentrated as pure uranium and may contain plutonium in trace amounts. A large amount of DU in the stockpiles held in the United States has been contaminated with recycled spent nuclear fuel from nuclear reactors. For example trace amounts of U236 and highly radioactive substances such as plutonium, neptunium and technetium were found in a DU anti-tank shell used in Kosovo. Hundreds of thousands of tons of this contaminated stock was exported to the UK, France and other countries in the 1990s. The extent to which this DU has been contaminated with recycled spent fuel is still unknown and undisclosed. Depleted uranium is a risk to health both as a toxic heavy metal and as a radioactive substance. The UK and US Governments have long sought to play down these risks.

2) What is it used for and why? DU is used in a variety of military applications. It is attractive to the military, governments and the nuclear industry for three main reasons. Firstly, as mentioned earlier, it is in cheap and plentiful supply and solves the problem of storage and monitoring. Secondly, it is a very effective battlefield weapon because its high density and self-sharpening qualities enable it to penetrate hard targets with ease. Thirdly, DU is pyrophoric, which means it burns on impact, enhancing its ability to destroy enemy targets. The US military uses DU mainly for its Abrahams tanks and A10 warplanes, although it is also used in its Bradley fighting vehicles, AV-8B Harrier aircraft, Super Cobra helicopter and its Navy Phalanx system. It is also used by the US military for a variety of other applications including bombshells, tank armour plating, aircraft ballast and anti-personnel mines. Although the US and UK militaries are the only countries who have been properly documented as using DU weapons, they are known to be held by at least seventeen other countries including: Australia, Bahrain, France, Greece, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. Modern warfare since the Gulf War in 1991 has employed weapons which make use of DU for its properties: 1. It is cheap and available to arms manufacturers free of charge. 2. It has a very high-density which makes it a superior armour piercing material. 3. It burns upon impact producing intense heat and easily cuts through steel. 4. It acts as a self-sharpening penetrator. The 1991 Gulf War saw the first verified use of DU weapons. Around 320 tonnes of DU in weapons were used in the war, of which about 1 tonne was used by the UK military. According to data from the US Department of Defense, tens or hundreds of thousands of US military personnel could have been exposed to DU. Both the US and UK Governments refused any responsibility for decontamination and both refused to study the exposure rates or after-effects of this DU use. After a few years, evidence began to emerge from Iraq about the increasing incidence of cancer and birth deformities in the south of the country. After heavy US lobbying in November 2001 the UN General Assembly voted down an Iraqi proposal that the UN study the effects of the DU used there. In the 2003 attack on Iraq, the US and UK militaries used DU again despite the lack of reliable data on the effects of using it in Iraq 12 years previously. The British Government has admitted using 1.9 tonnes of DU. Even though this is only a tiny proportion of all DU used in Iraq, it is double the amount used in 1991. The US authorities have still not said how much has been used, although an initial Pentagon source revealed 75 tons of DU may remain in Iraq from A-10 planes alone. The implications for Iraqi civilians are very alarming. Unlike the first Gulf War, which was largely confined to desert areas, much of the DU use has been in built-up, heavily populated areas. The US Government has refused any cleanup of DU in Iraq, clinging to the statement that it has no link with ill health, while the British Government has for the

first time admitted it does have a responsibility but says it is low on their list of priorities. 3) Are there international laws against its use? No, there are none. 4) What countries are using D.U. currently? The United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Bahrain, France, Greece, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. 5) What are the specific health threats? Uranium is most dangerous when it burns and is aerosolized as happens when it is used in weapons. Inhaled uranium can remain in the lungs and bones for years where it continues to emit alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Each alpha particle can traverse up to several hundred cells causing somatic and genetic alterations. Soldiers inside a tank or armoured vehicle can inhale tens of milligrams of DU after the shell goes through the tank. Compare this to the maximum allowable yearly dose in the U.S. for inhaled uranium is 1.2 milligrams per year. Serious long-term effects include: Compromised immune system, metabolic, respiratory and renal diseases, tumours, leukemia, and cancer. A 1998 study conducted by Dr. Livengood showed that DU contamination transforms normal bone cells into tumorous ones. It is estimated that 300 800 metric tons of DU were deposited in the battlefield in Iraq and Kuwait in 1991. Dr. Doug Rokke (DU expert and former US army physicist) estimated that 120 to 480 million grams of DU would be aerosolized if 40% of the DU were burnt up. The smaller the particles of DU, the greater the danger. Particles less than 5 microns can be inhaled and deposited in the lungs where they can remain for years. A study found DU particles 42 km away from the source. Compare these numbers to the allowable limits for radiation releases in the US. The National Lead Industry Plant in Colonie, NY was closed down for violating a New York state court order which limited the amount of radiation released to 387 gram of DU metal per month. The plant closed down in February of 1980 for exceeding this limit and closed permanently in 1983. The area has been decontaminated. The engineering report states that the soil from 53 of the 56 nearby properties was beyond the radiation limits and had to be removed to a low-level radiation storage site. The cost was over 100 million USD. The cleanup cost was 1000 USD per cubic meter. Its not just in terms of increased risk of cancer that DU DNA damage can affect health. It is also implicated in causing a depressed immune system, reproductive problems, and birth defects. For example, a study of US Gulf War veterans has found that they are up to three times as likely to have children with birth deformities than fathers who had not served; and that pregnancies result in significantly higher rates of miscarriage. A major 2004 Ministry of Defence-funded survey study from the London School of Hygiene and

Tropical Medicine has found that babies whose fathers served in the first Gulf War are 50 per cent more likely to have physical abnormalities. They also found a 40 per cent increased risk of miscarriage among women whose partners served in the Gulf. There are three main routes through which DU exposure on the battlefield takes place: inhalation, ingestion and wounding. As a DU penetrator hits its target some of the DU from the weapon reacts with the air in the ensuing fire and becomes a fine dust (often called an aerosol) that makes inhalation and ingestion a possibility for those in the area. Even after the dust has settled, the danger remains that it may be resuspended in the future by further activity or the wind, and again pose a threat to civilians and others for many years into the future. DU particles have been reported as travelling twenty-five miles on air currents. Open wounds also allow a gateway for DU into the body and some veterans have also been left with DU fragments in their bodies, remaining after combat. Inhaled DU dust will settle in the nose, mouth, lung, airways and guts. As a DU penetrator hits its target, the high temperatures caused by the impact ensure the DU dust particles become ceramic and therefore water insoluble. This means that, unlike other more soluble forms of uranium, DU will stay in the body for much longer periods of time. This aspect of uranium toxicology has often been ignored in studies of the health effects of DU, which base their excretion rates on soluble uranium. DU dust can remain in the sticky tissues of the lung and other organs such as the kidneys for many years. It is also deposited in the bones where it can remain for up to 25 years. This helps explain why studies of Gulf War veterans have found that soldiers are still excreting DU in their urine over 12 years after the 1991 conflict. Ingested DU can be incorporated into bone and from there will irradiate the bone marrow, increasing the risk of leukaemia and an impaired immune system. In Basra, in southern Iraq, there have been striking reports for a number of years about the rise in local childhood cancers and birth deformities seen there. The findings of a leading Iraqi epidemiologist, Dr Alim Yacoub, were presented in New York in June 2003 and suggest there has been a more than five fold increase in congenital malformations and a quadrupling of the incidence rates of malignant diseases in Basra. The Dutch Journal of Medical Science reported the findings of the Flemish eye doctor, Edward De Sutter. He found 20 cases out of 4000 births in Iraq of babies with the phenomenon anophthalmos: babies who have been born with only one eye or who are missing both eyes. The very rare condition usually only affects 1 out of 50 million births. 6) Other Countries Contaminated by DU Include: BOSNIA 1994-1995 Around 10,800 DU rounds, or 3 tonnes, were used in Bosnia. KOSOVO, YUGOSLAVIA 1999 US A-10 aircraft fired around 31,300 rounds of DU, or 9 tons of DU in areas of Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro during NATO action there in 1999. AFGHANISTAN 2001- 2004 There is some evidence that DU has been used in Afghanistan, although this has never been confirmed officially. For example, US A-10s

and Harrier aircraft, which both use DU ammunition, are known to have been active in the region. Geneva Convention Rules (to which US and UK are signees) - The limitation of unnecessary human suffering [Art.35.2] - The limitation of damage to the environment [Art. 35.3 and 55.1] - It is prohibited to employ weapons, projectiles and material and methods of warfare of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering [Art. 35.3] - It is prohibited to employ methods or means of warfare which are intended, or may be expected, to cause widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment. [Art. 35.2] - In order to ensure respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives. [Art. 48] - Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. Indiscriminate attacks are: (a) those which are not directed at a specific military objective; (b) those which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective; or (c) those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this Protocol; and consequently, in each such case, are of a nature to strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without distinction. [Art.51.4] - Care shall be taken in warfare to protect the natural environment against widespread, long-term and severe damage. This protection includes a prohibition of the use of methods or means of warfare which are intended or may be expected to cause such damage to the natural environment and thereby to prejudice the health or survival of the population. [Art. 55.1] Sources: The Uranium Medical Research Centre DU Facts and Fictions Viewzone Depleted Uranium The Truth September 30, 2007 Categories: Health & Environment . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 7 Comments

Dinosaurs and Hamburgers

ConCen Blog Friday, September 28th, 2007 By mothandrust This piece was the appendix to my dissertation on International Relations Theory. It earned me a big fat zero! As far as I am aware, its the only dissertation ever to have been marked at 0% (without being disqualified for cheating).

Dinosaurs and Hamburgers

Do you know where the word Education comes from? It comes from the Latin Verb, Educe meaning, to bring out. No, I would never have guessed either. * Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote two treatises, Du Contract Social, on Man in society, and mile, on how societys future members should be encouraged to learn. He breaks this into four stages and recommends that, children should learn firstly from nature and given freedom to explore and discover things for themselves followed by the age of reason, then strength and finally wisdom leading to the age of happiness all the rest of life.[102] Further, he argues, learning should be interaction and understanding driven by imagination, within the primary political unit, the family. Education should be a guide not a master. The state, Rousseau argues, can never be trusted to deliver an unbiased education. Indeed, he suggests, any education aimed at producing the sort of citizen states wanted would be as bad as the states themselves.[103] * What is the purpose of education? There are two distinct purposes, which ideally should be one. Namely, to educate, and to turn out productive members of society those who will enhance and validate the structure, those who in time will become authority. Learning cannot of course be removed from this picture, States cannot stand still, particularly as the pace of change accelerates. Ideally the education structure produces the tools to satisfactorily fuel national ambitions so at this level, learning is of vital importance. However, this learning is potentially superficial in the extreme. The reason being, such learning will be built on the existing structures, which necessarily validate the system that is, find sympathy within hegemonic thinking. This creates a situation where foundations and structures are barely ever questioned, except in the most superficial manner. To Use International Relations (IR) as an example, let us examine how the suppositions of some of their favoured thinkers (remembering, all of whom are reliant upon the structure) are used to validate the structure, whilst scientific discoveries are overlooked for the sake of expediency. * Structuring the Debate

We need not I think rehash Hobbes view of the state of Nature, nor its inaccuracy in consideration of anthropological findings. It must be accepted (at least if one is not a creationist and even then the Biblical account destroys Hobbes argument) the idea of humanitys origins as war of each against all, belongs in the dustbin of history, along with his attempts to square the circle and the Flat Earth Society. Hobbes is of course an easy target the frightened intellectual, the bourgeois,[104] happy to renounce his freedom for state security and foundationally subservient to the structure and eager to justify and enhance his position within it. One can hardly blame him for that, theres (almost) no-one on academias reading lists and in their study packs that isnt. But, Hobbes is an excuse, convenient justification for the international order. The argument most likely posed in defence, is that Hobbes is instrumental in shaping behaviour. But, does he shape it? Or does he validate it? If Hobbes had never existed authority would have found another philosopher to justify its behaviour just as they support him with Thucydides, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas through to modern day equivalents. Such thinking is endemic within academia, it structures all debate, framing the discourse in terms of such extremes as Hobbes and Kant or Huntington and Fukuyama or Neo and Neo but always within the structure and always validating violence and authority. Occasionally, very occasionally, individuals appear who potentially challenge the structure Christ being the archetypical example but also including the likes of Nietzsche, Einstein, Orwell and of course Rousseau. Such texts will generally be obscured, omitted, doctored, or misrepresented. Examples being Rousseaus the State of War doctored to remove its most challenging accusations[105], the forty or so pages cut from mile and the Stag Hunt, from his Discourse on the Origin of Inequality showing how Civilised Man behaves when confronted with short term self-interest, whereas the point should never be lost natural man, hunting with tribe or family would never adopt such behaviour yet IR appears oblivious. * As previously noted, the state, in its very broadest sense, has existed for no more than 10,000 years ( the blink of an eye in terms of human evolution. Yet, nevertheless, in IR, it appears cast in stone. However, as we have also seen, whilst it maybe all powerful in the international arena, it is also an amorphous structure, ebbing and flowing, from the joining of Europe to the fragmentation of the Soviet Union. Further, as governments worldwide sell off infrastructure, whether willingly or forced, the states very nature appears in metamorphosis. Yet, this is another road virtually un-travelled in IR as are, sociology, psychology, anthropology, ecology, genetics and largely economics. In effect, it is a discipline built around war, upon the notion that man is violent and cannot escape his nature meaning, upon disagreement without authority, i.e. the state, violence is the only method of resolving the dispute.[106]

* My International Relations (ir) The trouble is, these opinions, used to justify world order, do not describe me in any form I can recognise (nor I would suggest, most people I know at a personal level). That is, in any dispute with another my first tactic is understanding, not violence. Therefore, the arguments of Hobbes & Co. must be flawed. Having spent approaching three years developing My ir and watching how numerous others do likewise, I must report, although occasional dispute, I have seen no sign of violence whatsoever. In truth, the reality appears to be the opposite of what we are led to believe (supporting Rousseaus argument, that it is the state itself that is the cause of war). From experience, I would say people by nature when unthreatened get on perfectly well. Indeed, as evidenced through our time at university, international relationships potentially blossom and flourish across borders and cultures, without the prejudice of authority to define the structured agenda. * Another thing I have noticed, is that at the start of year one, people arrived with anticipation and excitement, feeling that they could potentially change the world. Since then, they have been moulded and taught into thinking and writing in the correct manner and marked into conforming. Until, by the end of year three, when instead of feeling empowered and equipped to challenge and question, most have settled for something a rung on the structure. This is a consequence of the biasing inherent in all structures, none of which can be immune, which favours arguments and techniques sympathetic to the modus operandi and validation of said structure. This is further compromised by the ever increasing demands of expansion,[107] McDonaldization[108] and reliance on external finance. [109] Leading to what is in effect a sort of flat-packed indoctrination, governed by vast reading lists which no one ever need go beyond and the potted texts of study packs to cement structural values in place. Effectively creating a body of workers all singing from (roughly) the same hymn sheet which of course becomes a boon for throughput, when having to mark six months work in five minutes and in establishing values for said students in relation to the structure. * Just a thought I began this paper by discussing how life had developed: from the simplest organisms (, concerned only with feeding and breeding, through to the incomprehensible variety and sophistication of our World today. If you dont believe me, watch a few nature programmes nature, as well as being a cornucopia, is also a wonder.

Humanitys part and path is perhaps one of the most astounding we are after all continually telling ourselves how clever we are. And indeed, since man became Enlightened, it seems there is no end to his talents. But, at what cost? Humanitys social structures evolved over evolutionary time scales. It is perhaps the case that family unit has been under threat since the conceptualisation of good and evil and the birth of structured authority; but, in reality, it is in just two or three generations that we have seen its fragmentation particularly since the arrival of the science of the mind and freedom in the form of democracy. The science of the mind is the most powerful tool operating in our world today. It works, as discussed above (, by stimulating our genetic urges, fear and hunger, our primary drivers. What are of lesser use are the more sophisticated higher animal instincts perception and reasoning. What is of least use is human nature evolving with the family, being content, when all ones needs are filled which is positively counter-productive in the incessant drive for expansion and power. Indeed, by twisting and appealing to genetic drives and constantly bombarding humanity with good and evil and violence as the solution, structured authority, obsessed with its inexorable expansion, is potentially returning us to, or projecting us towards, some sort of Hobbesian state of nature: a state without society, trust or common goals (excepting short term personal gain). For Hobbes was not of course showing us humanitys origin, he drew his conclusions from observing those around him, his worlds controllers and profiteers, the bourgeois of London and Paris,[110] those at the top of the food chain, the Hawks and Cheats (as Dawkins might call them) those, that society, whats left of it, is encouraged to envy and emulate. That has nothing to do with the past, except at a primordial level but, in mistaking gratification for goodness, could Hobbes, rather than seeing our past, be depicting our future? This prospect must have alarmed Kant, who thought humanity either to be progressing or regressing[111] it is why he must reject Rousseau, his Newton of moral order, [112] in seeing natural man as at one with itself the prospect of such a future was just too terrifying to contemplate. * Rousseau, in qualifying his attestation, that the good man orders everything with regard to the whole; the wicked orders everything with regard to himself, and appreciating the irreversible rise of Enlightened man, Rousseau recognises if there is no God, then the wicked man is right and the good man nothing but a fool.[113] However, he was not looking into the twenty-first century, with money as a belief structure, rampant consumerism, dwindling power resources, global pollution and free market capitalism thrashing the donkey. He might however have pointed out, the binary opposition to enlightenment is delusion. *

Ah well, whos to say? We can only work within our own reason, judgement and understanding, and with the information accessible to us: which is what I have attempted to do. I hope at least some of this makes sense. Note One final observation, contrary to popular opinion, the dinosaurs did not become extinct they evolved another testament to nature, its adaptability, ingenuity and mind boggling brilliance. The dinosaurs became birds and as far as palaeontologists can ascertain they did not go via a state structure. Whereas humanitys, or, more specifically, its structures, imagination can see no further than universalisation and modularisation and the unending drive for expansion. Expansion growth not in terms of what we could be, but in terms of what we must do. Instead of reaching for the skies, filled with potential, our structured authority, our state, our sovereign, our money, our interests, our fear, our hunger project us towards a primordial slime of feeding and breeding, satisfying nothing but our stomachs and our genitals, and creating an environment safe enough in which to do it. An environment, governed by status and security and uniformity where right thinking comes pre-packaged and modularised, and our eager progeny gobble it down, like caged pigs being pumped full of genetically enhanced growth hormone, before their eager leap into the maw of the structure. Shiny brand new members of the human race, packed, processed and ready for shipment, with their cascaded 2:1s marketing them to the structure processed meat patties ready to be consumed by the corporate world. Would you like fries with that degree sir? Regular or Super-size Debt to kick-start adulthood and chain you to the structure?

But Eeyore wasnt listening. He was taking the balloon out, and putting it back again, as happy as could be - A. A. Milne[114] September 28, 2007 Categories: Philosophy . . Author: mothandrust . Comments: 4 Comments

Radio ConCen Has a New Homepage! Many thanks go out to Chris Carota for taking the time to put up a complete listing by month and by author of all the Radio ConCen shows, complete with direct download links. Cheers! September 28, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Two Shows Recorded on Radio Concen

On Sunday, September 16th, Ognir interviewed Chronic, who has some interesting new information about Lee Harvey Oswald. Download the MP3 audio file (35M 52S; 8.21MB) Afterwards, Ognir hosted the weekly roundtable discussion, with guests Hei Hu Quan and Mifune. Download the MP3 audio file (71M 36S; 16.38MB) September 17, 2007 Categories: Uncategorized . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Johnny Gosch Is Alive Part 1: Conspiracy of Silence

I first wrote this article for CR back in 2006 Its about what happened when I entered the words conspiracy into Google and started following the links. I was never the same again. I found a banned documentary called Conspiracy of Silence. The website said it was seized before it aired in 1994, and all copies were destroyed. All except one a rough, unfinished cut dubbed onto VHS had somehow made it on to the net the documentary was not 100% finished, but the story was there. The same could be said of my article; for the last year it was 90% finished, but the story was all there. Now Ive put the panties on, and backup up my claims with verified links and media references. If you follow them, you will never be the same I say that both as a warning, and as an invitation. What it takes to go, it takes to know. Read More September 17, 2007 Categories: Mind Control, Politics, Secret Societies . . Author: chriscarota . Comments: 6 Comments

Ognir Rants on Radio ConCen

Ognir talks about State of Israel, Forums, WW2, Goodbye to Blove8 Welcome SE, the money system, bankers and lots more. Download the MP3 audio file (69M 30S; 15.90MB) September 14, 2007 Categories: Uncategorized . . Author: mothandrust . Comments: Leave a Comment

Ognir interviews Eric Huffschmidt on Radio ConCen

On Sunday, September 9th, Ognir was joined by a very special guest, Eric Huffschmidt, on Radio ConCen Download the MP3 audio file (75M 44S; 14.51MB) Later on in the evening, Ognir hosted the weekly roundtable discussion, with guests Hei Hu Quan, Mifune, and RCS. Download the MP3 audio file (63M 23S; 17.33MB) September 10, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 2 Comments

Ognir interviews Timothy McVic on Radio ConCen

Timothy McVic, A Question of God and End Times, Interviewed by Ognir for Radio ConCen. Download the MP3 audio file (111M 49S; 25.59MB)

September 9, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Thomas Jeffersons Vision of Independence

By Mifune Conspiracy Central Blog September 8, 2007 Thomas Jeffersons Vision of Independence Learning and thinking about the life of Thomas Jefferson, I have come into a greater appreciation of the influence of his philosophy upon America as well as the world. While I understand that Jefferson is by no means a perfect man, I still take him as a role model.

The year was 1826. Thomas Jefferson, designing his final will, wrote the following words for his Epitaph: Here was buried Thomas Jefferson Author of the Declaration of American Independence Of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom & Father of the University of Virginia. It is important to note that while overlooking his eight years as President of the United States, Jefferson saw as his greatest achievement the most complete expression of John Lockes concept of natural rights as any nation or people had yet undertaken: independence, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, religious freedom, and the value of education, allowing people the freedom and opportunity to author their own souls. The United States of America that exists today would not have existed but for the vision and guidance of Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was a very learned man; a scholar by all accounts. As a student, he would spend fifteen hours a day studying. Introduced early on to the writings and concepts of the British Empiricists John Locke, Francis Bacon, and Sir Isaac Newton, he regarded them as the three greatest men the world had ever produced.(Peterson, p. 1236) Jefferson often attended dinner parties at the mansion of the royal governor Francis Fauquier. Here Jefferson learned about the philosophy of the leading thinkers of the day; the Enlightenment philosophy of Rousseau and Voltaire. It was this exposure to the most learned minds of his day that led Jefferson to develop his own vision regarding independence. In 1776, Thomas Jefferson famously wrote the Declaration of Independence, stating: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. (, 2007) Jeffersons Republican vision for America was not always a certainty. While Jefferson was a prominent voice in favor of independence as early as 1774, when he wrote A Summary View of the Rights of British America, and in 1776 when he penned the Declaration of Independence, his vision of a limited government clashed with that of the Federalists such as John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and Aaron Burr. Serving as the

Secretary of State during George Washingtons first term, Jefferson fought with the Federalists over whether the United States should have a strong central government, or a government that reserves most of its power to the states. The Federalists eventually won Washingtons favor, moving Jefferson to resign and return to his estate at Monticello. When John Adams won the Presidential Election of 1796, he immediately moved to levy new taxes, start a navy, build up the army, and enact the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798 in response to an undeclared naval war with France. Adams used this act in large part to stifle dissent and criticism against his own policies. Jeffersons presidency, by contrast, was marked by his belief in agrarianism, states rights, and limited government. After winning the Presidential Election of 1800, Jefferson moved to repeal the new taxes, pardoned all political criminals, disbanded most of the Navy, decreased the size of the army, and shrunk the size of the government. These policies led to some problems, however. When British and French ships began impressing American sailors, Jeffersons only response was to order an embargo, stopping all shipping from American ports. This policy led to terrible inflation, and was highly unpopular. Jefferson never admitted any error on his part. In 1803, Jefferson made a deal with France to buy French Louisiana for $15 million, doubling the size of the fledgling nation, despite controversy over whether the deal he had made was Constitutional. He sent an expedition led by Meriwether Louis and William Clark to explore and chart the new territory. On political violence, Jefferson wrote, What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.2 Religiously, Jefferson was a deist, as was common among many of the leading intellectuals of the time. According to Avery Cardinal Dulles, a leading Roman Catholic theologian, In summary, then, Jefferson was a deist because he believed in one God, in divine providence, in the divine moral law, and in rewards and punishments after death; but did not believe in supernatural revelation. He was a Christian deist because he saw Christianity as the highest expression of natural religion and Jesus as an incomparably great moral teacher. He was not an orthodox Christian because he rejected, among other things, the doctrines that Jesus was the promised Messiah and the incarnate Son of God. Jeffersons religion is fairly typical of the American form of deism in his day. (Dulles, 2005) While publicly, Jeffersons ideas had given the Americans moral justification to throw off their former government, his private life left a more mixed legacy. The man who had written so much about independence had owned many slaves, and had never freed them upon his death. According to, Jefferson owned many slaves over his lifetime. Some find it baffling that Thomas Jefferson owned slaves yet was outspoken in saying that slavery was immoral and it should be abolished. Biographers point out that Jefferson was deep in debt and had encumbered his slaves by notes and mortgages; he chose not to free them until he

finally was debt-free, which he never was. Jefferson seems to have suffered pangs and trials of conscience as a result. In addition, at one time Jefferson had expressed views that blacks by nature were inferior to whites. He later recanted this view, in 1809. Sir,I have received the favor of your letter of August 17th, and with it the volume you were so kind to send me on the Literature of Negroes. Be assured that no person living wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a complete refutation of the doubts I have myself entertained and expressed on the grade of understanding allotted to them by nature, and to find that in this respect they are on a par with ourselves. My doubts were the result of personal observation on the limited sphere of my own State, where the opportunity for the development of their genius were not favorable and those of exercising it still less so. I expressed them therefore with great hesitation; but whatever be their degree of talent it is no measure of their rights. Because Sir Isaac Newton was superior to others in understanding, he was not therefore lord of the person or property of others. On this subject they are gaining daily in the opinions of nations, and hopeful advances are making toward their re-establishment on an equal footing with the other colors of the human family. I pray you therefore to accept my thanks for the many instances you have enabled me to observe of respectable intelligence in that race of men, which cannot fail to have effect in hastening the day of their relief; and to be assured of the sentiments of high and just esteem and consideration which I tender to yourself with all sincerity. While to many, Jeffersons legacy may send mixed signals to those who value freedom and equality, upon closer examination, many of his faults were simply based on a lack of understanding, not any malicious desire to gain from the toil and suffering of others. Above all, Jeffersons based his philosophy upon Enlightenment principles of independence and the power of the mind. Jefferson valued exploration and discovery above all else, which allows one to use to use the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to an end that serves ones own intellectual and spiritual growth, while spreading education and knowledge among society at large. Works Cited 1. Peterson, Merrill D. Thomas Jefferson: Writings. 1236. 2. United States Declaration of Independence. Wikipedia. 6 Sept. 2007. 6 Sept. 2007 <;. 3. Thomas Jefferson. Wikipedia. 6 Sept. 2007. 6 Sept. 2007 <;. 4. Jefferson, Thomas. Letter to William Smith. 13 Nov. 1787. 5. Dulles, Avery Cardinal. The Deist Minimum. First Things: a Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life 149 (2005): 25.

September 8, 2007 Categories: ConCen Blog Feature, History . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Who Am I?
By Mifune Conspiracy Central Blog September 8, 2007 Who Am I? One of the most important and fundamental questions a person might ask is, Who am I? The implications of the answer are so profound that they must affect every aspect of ones life. In searching for the answer, one may also want to consider the difference between true free will a choice that is driven by ones essence and actions that are pre-determined by any number of natural and environmental influences, such as DNA, psychological and social conditioning, traumatic events, physical stimuli, diet, and the like. By understanding the direct causes of influences upon ones thoughts and actions, one is able then to recognize the difference between pre-determined and free will choices. Tabula rasa, or blank slate, is the idea that human beings are born without any innate mental content; that we come to our knowledge of the world through our experiences alone. It is this idea, founded in Eastern philosophy, mentioned by Aristotle, and more fully developed by John Locke, the Founding Fathers of America such as Thomas Jefferson and the American Transcendentalists such as Thoreau and Emerson, that we derive many of our modern-day ideas about liberty and natural rights. Quoting, As understood by Locke, tabula rasa meant that the mind of the individual was born blank, and it also emphasized the individuals freedom to author his or her own soul. Each individual was free to define the content of his or her character but his or her basic identity as a member of the human species cannot be so altered. It is from this presumption of a free, self-authored mind combined with an immutable human nature that the Lockean doctrine of natural rights derives. Historically at odds with the concept of tabula rasa is Platonic Epistemology. According to, Platonic Epistemology holds that knowledge is innate, so that learning is the development of ideas buried deep in the soul, often under the mid-wife-like guidance of an interrogator. Plato believed that each soul existed before birth with The Form of the Good and a perfect knowledge of everything. Thus, when something is learned it is actually just recalled. To approach the dichotomy of innate versus empirical from a different angle, many Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism hold that when a person dies, he or she is reincarnated as another human being according to the rules of karma. If one lived poorly and had bad karma in a past life, one will be reborn into a miserable life. If one

lived well and had good karma, one will be reborn into a happy life. According to, Rebirth in Buddhism is the doctrine that the consciousness of a person (as conventionally regarded), upon the death or dissolution of the aggregates (skandhas) which make up that person, becomes one of the contributing causes for the arising of a new group of skandhas which may again be conventionally considered a person or individual. The consciousness arising in the new person is neither identical to, nor different from, the old consciousness, but forms part of a causal continuum or stream with it. The basic cause for this persistent re-arising of personality is the abiding of consciousness in avidya (ignorance); when ignorance is uprooted, rebirth ceases. Hypothetically, if one were to take the doctrine of rebirth at face value, such a reality would lend credence to the idea that knowledge is innate. However, the idea of reincarnation would also tend to support the Lockean doctrine of natural rights, that each individual is free to author his or her own soul. If we do have absolute freedom, then we also have a responsibility to use that freedom wisely. Knowledge of oneself and of the world, of how to discern truth from falsehood and good from evil, is essential to the exercise of free will, rooting out ignorance, and escaping the cycle of rebirth. Therefore, the seeking of knowledge and objectivity takes on something of a moral imperative. There are in fact many ancient traditions that refer to escaping the cycle of rebirth. Buddhism refers to it as Nirvana. Esoteric Christianity called it the Gnosis. Sufi Islam knew it as the Path of Knowledge. According to, Georges I. Gurdjieff, a Greek-Armeniam mystic, insisted, that nearly all people today live in a state of waking sleep. This assertion is applied to the entire moral gamut of modern society. Gurdjieff said, even specifically at times, that a pious, good, and moral man was no more spiritually developed (as he would define it) than a common criminal. The Gurdjieff teaching involves the development of what Gurdjieff and others would term higher bodies, and has very little, especially at the onset, to do with altering ones actions in what most would call everyday, or normal, life. Gurdjieff denied the spiritual value, and indeed the existence altogether, of moral right and wrong, or of good and evil as we understand it, saying it was not the actions of a man that were of value (as Gurdjieff would say that man cannot lay claim to the commission of these acts, and that they were entirely automatic); the only thing of value was the extent to which a man may observe and understand his actions. Gurdjieff called his system of teaching the Fourth Way. Quoting, Generally, the term [Fourth Way] refers to a body of teaching on the possible spiritual development of man, introduced to the Western culture by George Gurdjieff in the first half of the 20th century. P. D. Ouspensky, a contemporary and student of Gurdjieff, has brought many aspects of the teaching to a condensed form in the book In Search of the Miraculous. Within the 4th Way teaching, the term 4th Way is a path of spiritual development set apart from the 3 traditional ways, these being the Way of the Fakir, emphasizing the mastery of the physical body, the Way of the Monk, emphasizing mastery of emotions, and the Way of the Yogi, which emphasizes discipline of the

mind. These different ways or approaches to spiritual development generally correspond to the three types of man. The 4th Way differs from these in that it seeks to simultaneously develop all three sides and to do so in the environment of ordinary life, whereas the three first ways all require from the beginning a complete abandoning of daily life and a seclusion into a monastic environment. The 4th Way is sometimes therefore called the way of the sly man. All the 4 ways may lead to the same understandings and may bring their practitioner from the outer circle of humanity to the exoteric and later mesoteric and esoteric circles . The question Who am I is very difficult for anyone to answer. Some people may spend their whole lives in search of the answer to this question. Upon examination of ancient and esoteric traditions such as Tibetan Buddhism, Sufi Islam, Gnostic Christianity, and the teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff, one may find that real meaning in life lies in the pursuit of knowledge with the express purpose of attaining objectivity and self mastery. Because I am ultimately a soul in search of truth, and every part of me that is not my essence is not of me, then I must live my life searching for truth, and disregard everything else as mere distraction. Works Cited 1. Tabula Rasa. Wikipedia. 1 Sept. 2007. 4 Sept. 2007 <;. 2. Platonic Epistemology. Wikipedia. 7 Aug. 2007. 4 Sept. 2007 <;. 3. Rebirth (Buddhism). Wikipedia. 25 Aug. 2007. 4 Sept. 2007 <;. 4. Georges Ivanovich Gurdgieff Cassiopedia. 23 Jan. 2007. 4 Sept. 2007 <;. 5. The Fourth Way Cassiopedia. 1 Oct. 2006. 4 Sept. 2007 <;.

September 8, 2007 Categories: ConCen Blog Feature . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Ognir interviews Ry Dawson of on Radio ConCen

Ognir interviewed Ry Dawson of Anti-Neocons today on a session of Radio ConCen. Be sure to listen in to this interesting interview! Download the MP3 audio file from the ConCen Tracker (81M 25S; 18.63MB) September 7, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

ConCen Radio for Sunday, September 4th, 2007

Ognir hosted a session of Radio ConCen today, interviewing Bill Still and Pat Carmack, authors of the documentary Money Masters. Download the MP3 audio file (74M 30S; 17.05MB) September 5, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

ConCen Radio for Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

Today, Ognir hosted a session of Radio ConCen with guests Ctrl, Hei Hu Quan, Mifune, and DeathStickBoy. The torrent is available on the tracker, along with a bonus Bobby Fisher audio. Radio ConCen Sunday 2nd Sept 2007 Hosted by Ognir + Bonus Bobby Fisher Audio September 2, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

ConCen Radio for Sunday, August 26th, 2007

ConCen Radio 26-Aug-07 Guests HHQ and Mifune (MP3) August 27, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Aaron Russo RIP (1943 2007)

By Lee Rogers of Intel Strike: The Lone Lantern Society of America and Restore the Republic two sites closely affiliated with Aaron Russo are reporting that Aaron has passed away after a long battle with cancer today. Aaron Russo was best known in the patriot movement for creating the film America: Freedom to Fascism which exposed the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Reserve as frauds. Prior to making America: Freedom to Fascism he made several big budget Hollywood films including The Rose, Trading Places and many others. He also ran for governor in Nevada and for president as a Libertarian in 2004. Read more about Aaron Russo via his Wikipedia page. There is no doubt that this is a sad day, but we should focus on celebrating his life and the contributions he made to help restore the Constitution and defeat the New World Order. Celebrate Aarons legacy by doing everything you can to fight the coming tyranny, thats what he would have wanted. Our prayers are with Aarons family. From Gary Franchi: Aarons family has asked that all cards and support via US Post be sent to: All Your Freedoms, Inc. P.O. Box 1213 264 South La Cienega Blvd. Beverly Hills, California 90211 If you wish to send support to the family in the form of a financial gift please do so by visiting All funds go to Aarons family. If you wish to post a message online please visit, Tributes to Aarons life and legacy at this link: Gary Franchi, Restore The Republic, 4 E. Ogden Ave #125, Westmont, Illinois 60559

August 25, 2007 Categories: New World Order: Breaking The Chains . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 1 Comment

We Are Professional Conspiracy Theorists

ConCen Blog Feature By Mifune Conspiracy Central Blog Saturday, August 25, 2007 We, members of the community known as Conspiracy Central, are professional conspiracy theorists. We are not crazy conspiracy theorists. What is the difference between the two, you might ask? A professional conspiracy theorist utilizes the power of ones intellect, of deductive reasoning, logic, and critical thinking, in order to understand what is going on in the world. A crazy conspiracy theorist is generally paranoid without reason, and will parrot the latest information (or disinformation) coming from the alternative media. A professional conspiracy theorist is fearless, open-minded, and willing to challenge all of his or her assumptions about life, society, and reality. He or she will seek the truth for the sake of the truth. A crazy conspiracy theorist generally believes theres something wrong with the world, but usually ends up mired in ones own false assumptions about same. A professional conspiracy theorist will act on what he or she knows, for the benefit of oneself and others. A crazy conspiracy theorist indulges in the cult of conspiracy for the sake of a perverse sort of entertainment, much like that derived from observing a train wreck. A professional conspiracy theorist is an Average Joe who leads a normal life. In between the daily struggle to maintain a decent standard of living, working a 40-hour work week, watching too much of ones paycheck go to the government, and maintaining ones balance and sanity in spite of the daily stresses of modern society, a professional conspiracy theorist will spend whatever free time is left observing the latest developments of the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy.

We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence; on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly-knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. - President John F. Kennedy A professional conspiracy theorist can come from any walk of life, transcending age, race, nationality, sex, and religion. Everyone has a different reason for becoming a conspiracy theorist. Hardly any conspiracy theorist agrees in concrete terms of what the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy is composed. Zionists? International Bankers? The Vatican? Germanic Death Cults? Aliens? Reptilians? Something we cannot even fathom? Yet, every professional conspiracy theorist generally agrees that there is a Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy. A professional conspiracy theorist does not only look to external causes for the maladies of the world, but looks also within oneself. That evil which exists and flourishes in the world does so because good men and women do nothing to resist it. It is the nature of evil to conspire. So it should be the goal of good people to understand how evil conspires, and to resist it, both externally, within the world, and internally, within oneself. We are professional conspiracy theorists at Conspiracy Central. We are not ashamed of that fact, as governments and news media want us to be. We are proud of it. By choosing to become a member of Conspiracy Central, you are not simply joining a forum or a BitTorrent tracker. You are choosing to become a professional conspiracy theorist. Yet, you cannot become a professional conspiracy theorist overnight. The choice of taking the red pill, following the white rabbit down the rabbit hole, and waking up to the horrible reality of the world around you will start you along a path that is not easy, nor is it short. You may suffer from bouts of depression and despair. Know that you are not alone. We may kill all of your sacred cows, leaving you without any sort of foundational philosophy. You may experience spiritual bankruptcy. This is necessary. At this moment, you must decide why it is you exist; what you live for; what you are here to do. At this moment, you must decide to act upon your free will alone. If you persist still further down the rabbit hole, you may find that you have gained something far more valuable than the comforting illusions of this reality. You may in fact find the truth. ConCen BitTorrent Tracker: ConCen Forum:

ConCen IRC Chat: irc:// ConCen Radio: August 25, 2007 Categories: ConCen Blog Feature . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 4 Comments

Quotes From Zionists

From Xymphora Blog, we have an interesting post about remarkable and shocking quotes from Zionists. Hei Hu Quan, who originally found this piece, added his own commentary on the ConCen Forums: The moment that Judaism is separated from master-race theology of Zionism, is the critical moment that Zionism begins to be exposed as a hateful and evil ideology that will use anything and anyone to achieve its ends. Judaism and Zionism is as different as Germans and Nazis. As a matter of fact, I dont see any difference in the term Chosen People or the term Master Race. Judaism and the Jewish community at large, seriously need to purge itself once and for all of this pernicious Zionism that calculatingly uses Judaism as a facade from which it deploys its evil. Here is the article in full: There are some pretty choice quotes from shockingly honest Zionists. You can find them in places like here and here. A few samples (emphasis in red; if you wonder about my continuing concerns about the Zionist Empire, see 12 to 16; 11 is so accurate a statement of Israeli negotiating procedure it is almost funny): 1. 1. We came here to a country that was populated by Arabs and we are building here a Hebrew, a Jewish state; instead of the Arab villages, Jewish villages were established. You even do not know the names of those villages, and I do not blame you because these villages no longer exist. There is not a single Jewish settlement that was not established in the place of a former Arab Village. Moshe Dyan, March 19, 1969, speech at the Technion in Haifa, quoted in Haaretz, April 4, 1969. 2. Among ourselves, it must be clear that there is no place in the country for both peoples together. With the Arabs we shall not achieve our aim of being an independent people in this country. The only solution is Eretz-Israel, at least the west part of Eretz-Israel, without Arabs . . . And there is no other way but to transfer the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries. Transfer all of them, not one village or tribe should remain . . . Joseph Weitz, entry in his diary for 1940 (quoted in his article: A solution to the Refugee Problem: An Israeli State with a small Arab Minority, published in Davar, 29 September, 1967. 3. I gathered all of the Jewish mukhtars, who have contact with Arabs in different villages and asked them to whisper in the ears of some Arabs that a great Jewish reinforcement has arrived in Galile and that it is

going to burn all of the villages of the Huleh. They should suggest to these Arabs, as their friends, to escape while there is still time . . . The tactic reached its goal completely. The building of the police station at Halsa fell into our hands without a shot. The wide areas were cleaned . . . Yigal Allon, Ha Sepher Ha Palmach, Vol. 2, p. 268, 1948. 4. as uncontrolled panic spread through all Arab quarters, the Israelis brought up jeeps with loudspeakers which broadcast recorded horror sounds. These included shrieks, wails and anguished moans of Arab women, the wail of sirens and the clang of fire-alarm bells, interrupted by a sepulchral voice calling out in Arabic: Save your souls, all ye faithful: The Jews are using poison gas and atomic weapons. Run for your lives in the name of Allah. Leo Heiman, Israeli Army Reserve Officer who fought in 1948. Marine Corps Gazette, June 1964. 5. Because we took the land this gives us the image of being bad, of being aggressive. The Jews always considered that the land belonged to them, but in fact it belonged to the Arabs. I would go further: I would say the original source of this conflict lies with Israel, with the Jews and you can quote me. Yehoshofat Harkabi, former Israeli Chief of Military Intelligence, in Peace Wont be a Plane Ticket to Cairo, International Armed Forces Journal, October 1973, p.30. 6. It is unacceptable that nations made up of people who have only just come down from the trees should take themselves for world leaders . . . How can such primitive beings have an opinion of their own? Yitzhak Shamir, in reference to the black African nations who voted in support of the 1975 U.N. resolution, which denounced Zionism as a form of racism, in Yediot Ahronot, November 14, 1975. 7. The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war. Israeli General Matityahu Peled, Haaretz, 19 March 1972. 8. Let us not today fling accusations at the murderers. Who are we that we should argue against their hatred? For eight years now they sit in their refugee camps in Gaza, and before their very eyes, we turn into our homestead the land and the villages in which they and their forefathers have lived. Moshe Dyan, 1953, quoted by Uri Avneri in Israel without Zionists, p. 134. 9. I dont understand your optimism. Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. David Ben Gurion, 1956, quoted by Nahum Goldmann in The Jewish Paradox, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978, p.99. 10. We take the land first and the law comes after. Mr. Palmon, Arab affairs adviser to the Mayor of Jerusalem, quoted in The Guardian, 26 April 1972. 11. We must define our position and lay down basic principles for a settlement. Our demands should be moderate and balanced, and appear to be reasonable. But in fact they must involve such conditions as to ensure that the enemy rejects them. Then we should manoeuvre and allow him to define his own position, and reject a settlement on the basis of a

compromise solution. We should then publish his demands as embodying unreasonable extremism. General Yehoshafat Harkabi, Maariv, 2 November 1973. 12. To maintain the status quo will not do. We have to set up a dynamic state bent upon expansion. David Ben Gurion, Rebirth and Destiny of Israel, The Philosophical Press, New York, 1954, p. 419. 13. During the last 100 years our people have been in a process of building up the country and the nation, of expansion, of getting additional Jews and additional settlements in order to expand the borders here. Let no Jew say that the process has ended. Let no Jew say that we are near the end of the road. Moshe Dyan, Maariv, 7 July 1968. 14. Palestine is a territory whose chief geographical feature is this: that the river Jordan does not delineate its frontier but flows through its centre. Vladimir Jabotinsky, at the 16th Zionist Congress (1929), quoted by Desmond Stewart in The Middle East: Temple of Janus, p.304. 15. Take the American Declaration of Independence for instance. It contains no mention of the territorial limits. We are not obliged to state the limits of our State. Ben Gurions diary, 14 May 1948, quoted by Michael Bar Zohar in The Armed Prophet, p.133. 16. The Achilles heel of the Arab coalition is the Lebanon. Muslim supremacy in this country is artificial and can easily be overthrown. A Christian State ought to be set up there, with its southern frontier on the river Litani. We would sign a treaty of alliance with this State. Thus when we have broken the strength of the Arab Legion and bombed Amman, we could wipe out Transjordan; after that Syria would fall. And if Egypt still dared to make war on us, we would bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo. We should thus end the war and would have but paid to Egypt, Assyria and Chaldea on behalf of our ancestors. Ben Gurions Diary, 21 May 1948, quoted by Michael Bar Zohar in The Armed Prophet, p.139. 17. I shall not be ashamed to confess that if I had the power, as I have the will, I would select a score of efficient young men intelligent, decent, devoted to our ideal and burning with the desire to help redeem Jews and I would send them to the countries where Jews are absorbed in sinful self-satisfaction. The task of these young men would be to disguise themselves as non-Jews, and plague Jews with anti-Semitic slogans such as Bloody Jew, Jews go to Palestine and similar intimacies. I can vouch that the results in terms of a considerable immigration to Israel from these countries would be ten thousand times larger than the results brought by thousands of emissaries who have been preaching for decades to deaf ears. Davar, 1952, Editor Sharan, quoted by Alfred Lilienthal in The Other Side of the Coin, Devin-Adair, New York, p.47. 18. We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel . . . Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours. Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983. 19. We must do everything to ensure they (the Palestinian refugees) never do return. David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in

Michael Bar Zohars Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157. 20. We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population? BenGurion waved his hand in a gesture which said Drive them out! Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979. 21. There are some who believe that the non-Jewish population, even in a high percentage, within our borders will be more effectively under our surveillance; and there are some who believe the contrary, i.e., that it is easier to carry out surveillance over the activities of a neighbor than over those of a tenant. [I] tend to support the latter view and have an additional argument: . . . the need to sustain the character of the state which will henceforth be Jewish . . . with a non-Jewish minority limited to 15 percent. I had already reached this fundamental position as early as 1940 [and] it is entered in my diary. Joseph Weitz, head of the Jewish Agencys Colonization Department. From Israel: an Apartheid State by Uri Davis, p.5. 22. Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours . . . Everything we dont grab will go to them. Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998. 23. Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment . . . Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly. Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine, Complete Diaries, June 12, 1895 entry. 24. We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not . . .You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world. Chaim Weizmann, in Judische Rundschau, No. 4, 1920. 25. The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more. Ehud Barak, current Israeli Minister of Defense, in the Jerusalem Post, Aug. 30, 2000. 26. One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail. Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 in N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1. 27. Im a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel. mega-political donor, mostly to the Democratic Party, Haim Saban explaining how to make your political donations go further in NYT, September 5, 2004. August 22, 2007 Categories: Zionism . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 2 Comments

Foxes and Chickens, and Sheep and Psychosis

ConCen Blog Feature

By mothandrust The Conspiracy Central Blog Monday, August 20, 2007

There is a quaint old English custom, well until at least until a couple of years back, that entailed upper crust twits in red blazers, charging around the countryside on horseback, tooting little brass horns and trying to keep up with a pack of dogs. And if they were really lucky they got to witness a wild (untamed) animal being ripped to pieces by said dogs. Whilst in our current enlightened times it is easy to stand aghast or shake ones head at the idea of seeing such fun as a sport, this process killed a few thousand foxes a year. Tragic of course for the fox (or whatever they got hold of), but, nevertheless, still inherently, survival of the fittest, genetic lines extinguished or evolved (and why no doubt the craftier fox has taken to living off humanitys waste in suburbia), and, although savage, a swift and natural (albeit engineered) death. Governments rise and fall, the debate goes on and on, (costing the taxpayers tens of millions), eventually after screams of protest, countless column inches, such practice was banned. Hurrah! Yet, whilst all this flag waving for animal rights and freedom for foxes occupies the publics imagination, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF CHICKENS ARE BEING TORTURED EVERY WEEK, for the sake of a cheap roast on Sunday or a KFC family bucket. Chickens, pumped full of growth hormone, unable to stand (as their bones fail to develop in line with their flesh), never to see the light of day, to be shoved on a mechanical conveyor, destined to have heads ripped off before ever seeing natural sunlight or feeling breeze ruffling their mangy feathers. Anyone see a problem here? I do, and its about perspective or, the lack of it. Is it not astounding that people are so easily distracted from the real world by irrelevance and inducement? Perhaps not, but to me it seems, the incapacity of humanity to rationalise lies at the heart of global difficulty. It gives authority carte-blanche to shepherd willing grazers in whatever way they choose using just a few techniques and tricks revolving around our basic drivers, hunger and fear, which of course includes identification, i.e. as a social animal, security through belonging. It is a practice repeated over and over again (religion and nationalism being the two prime examples). Sheep flock to the bidding of threat or inducement, never pondering for one moment the statistical relevance in relation either to their personal security or global perspectives. We are subjected to a daily bombardment of examples, as the half dozen or so Americans killed during a bridge collapse demonstrates, for while this was being paraded across BBC news headlines, tens of millions were being displaced and thousands drowned in Bangladesh and India. What makes this all the more preposterous is that there are thousands of times more Bangladeshi and Indian residents in the UK than Americans! Perhaps the greatest example of this inability to rationalise, to perspectivise, for the fear drummed into us, is 11th September 2001. The day, in case anyone has forgotten, when three buildings in New York were demolished and approaching three thousand people lost their lives. It is perhaps worth noting here that many times more people die every day through lack of clean drinking water, or food, or shelter, but who know of it? Who would care? Not sheep, happy to graze on diets of game show get-a-life and mega size family buckets. Gobbling up fear and hunger as it is fed through the airwaves and microwaves. No matter that one is ten times, one hundred times more likely to win the lottery than die through Terrorism (hardly terrifying one would suggest) or ten thousand times more likely to die in a road accident. It would be laughable if it were not so tragic. Terrorism itself is a word for sheep, bleated night and day, yet, in itself, absolutely meaningless. For it is not these so called terrorists who create terror, but the media in their reporting and the politicians with their posturing. This, to me, is the greatest irony of all terror from were does it come? really? It is not of course from a bunch of towel-heads or sand niggers hiding in mountain caves, in reality it is distributed through cluster bombs and land-mines and depleted

uranium and shock and awe and polluted rivers, destroyed sewage/water/power networks and vulnerability and poverty and, and, and when you stand back to find a perspective, rationalise the situation, it becomes blazingly obvious, real terror (rather than imagined) comes from the liars and hypocrites squealing TERRORIST! in the first place! Nothing is ever offered in context, so the Palestinians are labelled terrorists despite their daily suffering and humiliation and occupied territories, whilst the sheep hear no more than occupied territories and believe Palestinians occupy them, rather than understanding Israel stole them! Indeed, contextualisation is impossible for the tension, hypocrisy, paradox and dichotomy it offers. Again, examples are endemic take for example the need for capitalism to expand, to have people consume more and more, to make stocks rise and rise, and consider it in relation to destruction of planet-wide resources and consequential/subsequential pollution. The two pull in opposite directions and must therefore never be contextualised. The question, Why? (beyond the label of evil) must never be heard much less discussed, or discovered. Rationality, perspective, consequence and connection must be entirely expunged from the picture. Ignorance is strength, most particularly for mobilisation. Dumb it down and offer it in boxes but never stack the boxes or put them side by side. Isolate offer potted, dishonest, useless solutions with gravitas and grandeur, then listen as the sheep bleat in unison, two legs good, four legs bad freedom good, terrorism bad. Never must dots be joined. Ignorance is bliss, and that is just how society must be managed bread and circuses. Anyone considering global suffering, inequality and tension and finding connections to government and/or corporate motivation (that is, markets, resources and power) must themselves be isolated, as if the very process of thinking, or challenging Capitalism, becomes evil in itself. It is best of course if people know nothing, kept in ignorance from cradle to grave. So what education starts, (with its silly little awards of A levels and degrees, proving sheep know absolutely nothing useful, coherent or contextualised), media finishes, with its mindless pap, to hypnotise and lobotomise. The population sits drooling over fabrication and fantasy, ignorant to anything meaningful and terrified by everything unknown, which, beyond their soaps and (ever expanding) stomachs, becomes the whole world. Those who question, who fight above the pap, who see history and connection, who see motivation and fabrication, who attempt to make sense of the fragmented disorder, who challenge received wisdom, are heaped with scorn and derision and tarred with labels like terrorist, traitor, turncoat or self hating Jew. To make a connection between cause and effect, action and reaction, must be condemned, ridiculed, obscured; and sheep, who have dusted at least some of the sleep from their eyes to discover history beyond text books and reason beyond evil must be isolated, stifled and accused of psychosis. But remember dear readers, it is inherently more psychotic to remember than it is to forget. (Waking Life)

August 21, 2007 Categories: ConCen Blog Feature, Health & Environment, History, Politics, State Sponsored Terror, Zionism . . Author: mothandrust . Comments: 5 Comments

ConCen Radio for Sunday, August 19th, 2007

Ognir hosted three sessions of ConCen Radio today. They are now available on the tracker. ConCen Rado Sun 19th Aug 2007 Hosted by Ognir guest Chris Carota ConCen Rado Sun 19th Aug 2007 Hosted by Ognir guest Konev Finnish Holocaust Reseacher (MP3) ConCen Rado Sun 19th Aug 2007 Guests Standvast HHQ Mifune Strawman and Chris Carota (MP3) August 19, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Conspiracy Report for Sunday August 19, 2007

Welcome. I am Mifune, and this is the Sunday, August 19, 2007 edition of the Conspiracy Report, filed from London. American Free Press reports that Presidential Candidate Ron Paul is encouraged by his fifth place showing in the Iowa Straw Poll, placing ahead of Tommy Thompson, who later dropped out, as well as Giuliani and McCain, although the latter two did not officially participate in the straw poll. Despite the strong showing, Paul supporters are left with a bitter taste as accounts of voting irregularities from the poll reach the public. According to American Free Press, the votes in this traditional mock election among registered Iowa voters were counted with electronic Optical Scan machines that read paper ballots, which are not universally trusted because the proprietary software that counts the votes can be manipulated. At least one of the machines at the Straw Poll malfunctioned, as was widely reported right after the event. Some 1,500 ballots had to be recounted, according to the Chicago Tribune. Another account says that the Iowa GOP insisted on collecting and counting all Straw Poll ballots out of public view in spite of demands to have the ballots placed in a clear plastic box where everybody can see them, and have them counted in front of everybody. Still, the Ron Paul campaign forges on, taking third place in the recent Illinois Straw Poll, barely trailing Fred Thompson at 19.96% to 18.87%.

Ron Paul went on to win the Alabama and New Hampshire straw polls by huge margins, although less than 300 votes were cast in each poll. In an interview on Fox News on August 5, Ron Paul was recently quoted as saying that he doesnt believe 9/11 was an inside job, causing further controversy among truth activists. For my two cents, Ron Paul needs to keep his campaign alive long enough to get elected; he wont be able to do so by opening himself up to attack from the Mainstream Media, even if we all know that 9/11 was in part perpetrated by our government. Just wink and nod, folks. Ron Paul Clip Further from AFP, we have the report that Bush is to veto a hate speech bill. Now we all know he doesnt care about the Constitution. He once called it a Goddamned Piece of Paper. As it turns out, the bill would add homosexuals to the list of blacks and women who are protected under current law. Staying true to form, The bill is not about crime prevention or even civil rights, said Chuck Colson, a former aide to President Richard Nixon who now runs a Christian ministry to prisoners. Its about outlawing peaceful speechspeech that asserts that homosexual behavior is morally wrong. Right. Its about the right of a select few to impose moral judgement upon others in a society that doesnt discriminate based on age, race, gender, creed, or sexual orientation. Thats how slippery slopes get started. From Jonathan Cook at Counterpunch, this week marked the one year anniversary since the end of the Second Lebanon War; Israels brutal campaign of missile bombardment against the Lebanese civilian infrastructure featuring the wanton disregard for human life and targetting of ambulances, killing more than 1,000 Lebanese, notably many women and children among them.

In a further step towards war with Iran, the United States recently labeled Irans Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization. Labeling of Irans Revolutionary Guards: Another step toward military confrontation Allies Fear U.S. Stance On Iran | Washington Post via Global Research Bilderberg this week meets at the Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, 50 miles from Quebec, Canada in an effort to ram the Security and Prosperity Partnership, as well as the North American Union, down the throats of every Canadian, American, and

Mexican citizen. It doesnt matter who you are or where you come from, because now were all equally fucked. Globalists Trash Borders | American Free Press Secrecy of Planned Montebello SPP Meeting Part of CFR Plot | Global Research From Wired News via Global Research, we find that the CIA and Diebold, among others, have been editing Wikipedia entries. On November 17th, 2005, an anonymous Wikipedia user deleted 15 paragraphs from an article on e-voting machine-vendor Diebold, excising an entire section critical of the companys machines. While anonymous, such changes typically leave behind digital fingerprints offering hints about the contributor, such as the location of the computer used to make the edits. In this case, the changes came from an IP address reserved for the corporate offices of Diebold itself. And it is far from an isolated case. A new data-mining service launched Monday traces millions of Wikipedia entries to their corporate sources, and for the first time puts comprehensive data behind longstanding suspicions of manipulation, which until now have surfaced only piecemeal in investigations of specific allegations. Wikipedia Scanner the brainchild of Cal Tech computation and neural-systems graduate student Virgil Griffith offers users a searchable database that ties millions of anonymous Wikipedia edits to organizations where those edits apparently originated, by cross-referencing the edits with data on who owns the associated block of internet IP addresses. Brainy whiz-kid hackers: 1 Global Power Elite: 0 Jose Padilla, a US citizen from Chicago and long-time detainee of Guantanamo Bay, was recently convicted of being a terrorist. We dont know on what grounds he was determined to be a terrorist, but we probably dont need to know anyway. A travesty of justice: Jose Padilla found guilty | World Socialist Website Russia and China recently conducted joint war games, demonstrating the growing strength and cohesion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, consisting of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. From AP: The summit concluded with a communique that sounded like a thinly veiled warning to the United States to stay away from the strategically placed, resource-rich region. Stability and security in Central Asia are best ensured primarily through efforts taken by the nations of the region on the basis of the existing regional associations, the statement said. From Richard C. Cook of Global Research, How Far Will the Crash Go and What Do we Do Now? Quoting the article,

The immediate triggers are being described quite well: the collapse of the U.S. subprime mortgage market; the vulnerability of the rest of the economy to the subprime undertow, due to the efficiency of the markets in spreading risk; the worldwide overextension of cheap credit; the failure of large institutional investors and Wall Street brokerages to behave responsibly; and the long-term effects of the U.S. trade and fiscal deficits which are now coming home to roost. Well, we know that the Federal Reserve has been tightening the money supply in the United States since around 2001. Other than doing away with the Federal Reserve and driving out the International Bankers the Rothschilds and their lackeys we have no chance of avoiding the coming contraction, which will leave the bankers even richer, while the average citizen starves in the street. To those who are listening, I say this: pay off your credit card debts, do what you can to protect yourself. Mumia Abu Jamal released two new recorded essays on August 15: The War Against Shadows and One of the Politics of Promises. Eric Jon Phelps launched a stinging assault against Alex Jones in the August 15 broadcast of his radio program, Cloak and Dagger, claiming that Alex Jones is a Jesuit coadjutor. Despite the apparent wildness of his claims, Phelps hits on some solid information. Take a listen. Homework Assignment: And now folks, for your homework assignment. Find yourself a copy of the movie Fight Club and watch it. Dont come back to ConCen without having watched it. Then watch Steal This Movie, about Abbie Hoffman and the anti-war movement. For a full education on the plight of the American and global economy, watch the following documentaries: The Money Masters | America: Freedom to Fascism Last, watch The Israel Lobby The Influence of AIPAC on US Foreign Policy by Mearsheimer and Walt. August 19, 2007 Categories: Conspiracy Report . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 2 Comments

Conspiracy Central Radio Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ognir hosted a session of ConCen Radio with special guest Hei Hu Quan. Topics include: The Banking and Financial systems, Zionism, Mind Control Special Ops, Hollywood and the push for Gay TV, and much more. The recording is available on the ConCen Tracker. info_hash=f2e51f8965fa7b461ffeb70279cb9aad50616074

August 18, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Conspiracy Report Monday August 13, 2007

Big Brother and Police State

Bush Wants Brain Chips For Citizens o News Busters The Bush administration tells us the main reason for warrantless wiretapping and searches is, warrantless searches and spying are necessary in order to keep us safe from the terrorist. They imply if we dont have anything to hide it should not matter if they conduct warrantless searches and that no mater what political party happens to be in power, now or in the future, that this newly granted authority will not be misused. This same line of thinking is parroted mainly by the conservative, bootlicking pundits, bloggers and by what has become known as the graduates of the Joseph Goebbels School of Broadcasting and Propaganda on talk radio.


Democratic Imperialism: Tibet, China, and the National Endowment for Democracy o Michael Barker | Global Research People familiar with Asian history will be aware that during Tibets popular uprising against their Chinese occupiers in 1959, his Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama (then aged 23), escaped from his homeland of Tibet to live in exile in India.

Money Matters

Signs Economic Commentary for 13 August 2007 o Donald Hunt | Signs of the Times Despite a small rise in the stock market last week, the volatility, including a sharp drop on Thursday, still has everyone on edge. There were several reasons for this. First, the maintenance of stock prices at anything resembling their recent levels required a staggering infusion of liquidity (in other words, newly created money) by the worlds central banks, $213.6 billion on Thursday and Friday by the European Central Bank, $62 billion by the U.S. Fed). Second, that infusion of liquidity included an unprecedented departure by the U.S. Federal Reserve. This time they actually bought CDOs (collateralized debt obligations). Usually they buy short term Federal Reserve obligations. This implies that no one else would accept these CDOs. Stock Market Brushfire; Will there be a run on the banks?

Mike Whitney | Global Research On Friday, the Dow Jones clawed its way back from a 200 point deficit to a mere 31 point loss after the Federal Reserve injected $38 billion into the banking system. The Fed had already pumped $24 billion into the system a day earlier after the Dow plummeted 387 points. That brings the Feds total commitment to a whopping $62 billion.

New World Order: Breaking the Chains

The North American Union and the End of Democracy in Canada o Kevin Parkinson | Global Research Unfortunately, democratic rights in Canada are quickly becoming an illusion. In a sinister plot being carried out underneath our noses, the Canadian government has been working collectively with Mexico and the United States to create the conditions for a merger into a North American Union (NAU). To date, there has been absolutely no public participation concerning this merger. Security and Prosperity Partnership: Meet the Powerful Business Members of the North American Competitiveness Council o Embassy Mag via Global Research The North American Competitiveness Council, part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, was established by the American, Canadian and Mexican governments at the June 2006 trilateral meeting in Cancun, Mexico.


Karl Rove to Leave White House o Terence Hunt | WASHINGTON (AP) Karl Rove, the political mastermind behind President Bushs races for the White House and an adviser with unparalleled influence over the past 6 1/2 turbulent years, announced his resignation Monday, ending a partnership stretching back more than three decades. Dick Cheney 94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire o Information Clearing House In this interview from April 15th, 1994, Dick Cheney reveals the reasons why invading Baghdad and toppling Saddam Hussein wouldnt be a great idea. He also stipulates that not very many American soldiers lives were worth losing to take out Saddam during the Gulf War.

Wars and Rumors of Wars

US warns of terror threat in southern Philippines o MANILA (Agence France Press) The US embassy warned Monday of possible terrorist attacks in the Philippine city of Cotabato and nearby areas on the southern island of Mindanao.

Is the United States Killing 10,000 Iraqis Every Month? Or Is It More? o Prof. Michael Schwartz | Global Research While the atlantist media is reporting more than 3 000 GIs killed in Iraq and many civilian victims of inter-confessional violences, it looks away from the daily slaughter of civilians by US patrols conducting their search operations for suspects. Professor Michael Schwartz estimates that their number reached 10 000 a month in the first 3 years of occupation. And much more since Bush ordered his surge of operations.

Wild Weather

Flossie drops to Category 3 hurricane o Hurricane Flossie has dropped from a Category 4 hurricane to a Category 3 with maximum sustained winds of about 125 mph, according to the National Weather Service. Honolulu Advertiser Advisory TRACK MAP

August 13, 2007 Categories: Conspiracy Report . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Conspiracy Report Sunday, August 12th, 2007

Area 51 Hangar 17

Terror Information Quagmire


Gary S. Bekkum | Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape | August 12, 2007 Ever wonder what kind of web-based sources of information can trigger an alert? These days everything appears to be on a hair-

trigger, probably because public officials are afraid of being caught with their pants down if an independent alert just happens to get it right.

Professor Kaku: UFO sends shivers up your spine o Gary S. Bekkum | Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape | August 12, 2007 Any day now we could have an existential shock when its announced that scientists have identified an earth-like twin in outer space, said Professor Michio Kaku, a theoretical scientist at City College. A new wave of satellites is going up in orbit, which could settle the question once and for all. And we hope to find other planets with liquid oceans that can perhaps recreate the conditions for life that we found on the planet Earth. Getting Back from the Future o Gary S. Bekkum | Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape | August 11, 2007 Time machines are found everywhere in science fiction, and religious prophetic tradition, since information theory tells us that information requires physical representation thus prophetic powers and insights into real future events demand a time machine. Police Copter Chased UFOs? o | August 11, 2007 Conspiracy theorists jammed the message board of the Evening Post website after we revealed the Ministry of Defence has recorded ten UFO sightings in Notts since 1999. News Angler says he was buzzed by UFO o Northampton Chron & Echo | August 11, 2007 Chronicle & Echo readers have been recounting the times they spotted a UFO in the sky above Northamptonshire after the Ministry of Defence revealed there have been dozens of sightings in the county in the past decade. PAST Report: Rogue F-16 to breach North American Airspace o Gary S. Bekkum | Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape | August 10, 2007 AMP: Anomalous Mental Phenomena. The uncanny ability of the human mind to anticipate events or access information that common sense tells us should be inaccessible to ordinary perception. Sometime in 2001, Anomalous Mental Phenomena may have intercepted ground to air chatter between North American Air Command and two F-15 (or F-16) interceptors directing them to intercept an intruding nuclear armed F-16, violating North American airspace Cropped out due to floods o Matt Wilkinson | Oxford Mail | August 10, 2007

Whether made by hoaxers or unexplained visitors from outer space, crop circles have been hard to find in Oxfordshire fields this summer.

Search on for object that fell from sky o Beth Duckett | The Arizona Republic | August 10, 2007 Stanley Fosha continues to search for what woke him up with a flash of white light and a thunderous boom early Wednesday morning. UFO was larger and faster than a plane, witness claims o icSouthlondon | August 10, 2007 A UFO was hovering near a Shirley garden centre on Sunday, it has been claimed.

Big Brother and Police State

Avery Dennison-RedPrairie Solution Picked Up o RFID News | August 12, 2007 Avery Dennison, Printer Systems Division, supplier of Monarch products and services, and RedPrairie Corporation, a world leading consumer driven optimization company, recently announced a partnership providing total RFID solutions. SkyRFID Inc. Now Providing Free 6 Lesson Basic Course o RFID News | August 12, 2007 SkyRFID is now offering business people a chance understand what RFID technologies are available, components, standards, and how this technology can be used in their business to improve profitability. Dollywood Goes RFID o RFID News | August 12, 2007 Weve been hearing about RFID Wristbands for a while, but its big news that country icon Dolly Partons namesake amusement park Dollywoods Splash Country is getting them. NSA can tap a third of worlds telecoms o Andrew Charlesworth | | August 10, 2007 The US National Security Agency (NSA) now has the legal right to monitor over a third of the worlds telecoms traffic.

New World Order Breaking The Chains

V Speech for the Real World o Blue Ibis | August 10, 2007 Excellent montage of images. V for Vendetta speaks to all of us. Will you listen?


Iraq needs a dictator says US think tank o Aftermath News| August 12, 2007 The best idea we were able to generatea National Unity Dictatorshipis the only plausible route to stability in both Iraq and the region, and one we can make more likely if we choose to. This would, of course, represent the failure of democratization in IraqIf you can find a more authoritarian, non-constitutional figure in Iraq, you should probably go for it. An authoritarian government is scenario No. 1 in Iraq. We should start thinking about how to make it happen. - Michael Oppenheimer, director of New York Universitys Center for Global Affairs, in Iraqs Future after the U.S. Leaves: Dictatorship, Civil War, or Regional Conflict? July 19, 2007

God Bless You Cindy Sheehan o Smoking Mirrors Blog | August 12, 2007 You were just another American mother who lost her son in the war. I suppose at first there was nothing but grief and loss. From what we hear, your son was a fine person; maybe he had become a man already and maybe not but he was man enough to go to war. Something died in you the day you learned that he was gone. He didnt tell you he was going. He didnt like Bush and he thought the war was wrong but he felt it was his duty to go. This is what you said about him afterwards

The Paranormal

Is historic health building also haunted? o Erin Edgemon | Murfreesboro Post | August 12, 2007 The happy sounds of children laughing and playing sometimes can be heard in the hallways but no one is there. Knickknacks are unexplainably moved out of their place on office desks.

Wars and Rumors of War

Cheney Antsy to Kill Iranian Toddlers and Grandmothers o Kurt Nimmo | Another Day in the Empire | August 10, 2007 If the resistance in Iraq continues to kill U.S. occupation soldiers, the United States will attack Iran, so declared the decider and commander guy during a news conference yesterday.


Daryl Bradford Smith interviews Stephen M. St. John o Stephen St. John talks about two mysterious plane crashes that occurred prior to the 9/11 attack, and how it appears that Israel was responsible for both of them.

August 12, 2007 Categories: Uncategorized . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

ConCen Radio, Sunday, August 12, 2007

Today we hosted a 90 minute session of the ConCen Radio program with guests Ctrl, RockClimberScott, and myself, talking about how ConCen is doing and issues of the day. The recording is available on the tracker. ConCen Radio Sunday 12th Aug 07 with guest CTRL, MIFUNE & RCS hosted by Ognir Also, Ognir recorded a show yesterday, talking about the Internationalists. ConCen Radio Saturday August 11th 2007 The Internationalists hosted by Ognir August 12, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Conspiracy Report Thursday, August 9, 2007

This being the first edition of Conspiracy Report, I will post notable stories from the past few days. Area 51 Hangar 17

DCI Woolsey: Terror, Psychics and UFO Tales Gary S. Bekkum / Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape | August 8, 2007 o Former Director Central Intelligence Agency (DCI) James R. Woolsey, a man with interesting ties to alternative science, was interviewed for NEWSMAX by Kenneth R. Timmerman.

Big Brother & Police State

More face stop and search to deter terrorists, say police Sandra Laville / The Guardian | August 7, 2007 The Timeline to Tyranny Paul Joseph Watson /| August 7, 2007 Police Seize Cameras, Arrest Photographers and Solicit Information on Other Media at Anti-War Protest Aaron Dykes / | August 7, 2007 Criminalizing Dissent: Bushs Executive Order on Lebanon Even Worse than the One on Iraq Global Research | August 7, 2007

Surveillance society warning on data sharing Michael Peel / Financial Times | August 6, 2007 New Executive Order Criminalizing Antiwar Movement Global Research | August 6, 2007 US Police State: Congress Approves Extensive Wiretapping Global Research | August 6, 2007 Zimbabwe passes law to monitor phones, mail Nelson Banya / Reuters | August 3, 2007

Pentagon to implant microchips in soldiers brains Adam Thomas / Intel Daily | July 31, 2007

Goodbye Blue Sky

World hit by record extreme weather events in 2007 AFP, via Global Research | August 7, 2007

Health & Environment

Habitat Loss Threatens Pygmy Elephants Vijay Joshi / Associated Press | August 9, 2007 Rescue comes too late as Yangtze River dolphin declared extinct The Scotsman | August 9, 2007 Hospitals Are Shutting Down Burn Centers Bill Poovey / Associated Press | August 8, 2007 First They Came For The Cows Are The Sheeple Next? Joe Quinn / Signs of the Times | August 7, 2007 Could foot and mouth have been spread through chemical drums used as vegetable planters? Sam Greenhill, Colin Ferdnandez and David Derbyshire / Daily Mail | Last Updated August 9, 2007 Four Key Monsanto GM Patents Rejected by Patent Office Public Patent Foundation / July 24, 2007


Murdochs Media March Stop Big Media | August 8, 2007

Mark Dice Retiring from Resistance Radio Mark Dice / | August 7, 2007

Money Matters

Stocks Plunge on Credit Concerns Tim Paradis / AP Business Writer | August 9, 2007 China threatens nuclear option of dollar sales Ambrose Evans-Pritchard / | August 9, 2007 Dov Zakheim and the Missing Trillions Les Visible / Smoking Mirrors | August 7, 2007 Signs Economic Commentary for 6 August 2007 Donald Hunt / Signs of the Times | August 6, 2007 Baron Elie Robert de Rothschild Dies at 90 Jewish Telegraphic Agency | August 6, 2007

New World Order Breaking the Chains

Now, here come the Mexican airplanes Jerome R. Corsi / World Net Daily | August 9, 2007 August 8th, Again Mumia Abu Jamal / Prison Radio | August 8, 2007 We Are Change Confronts Mayor Bloomberg on Subway, via | August 6, 2007 Now Africa heads toward continental government Jerome R. Corsi / World Net Daily | August 6, 2007 Globalist think tank Strategizes on the North American Consciousness Daniel Taylor / Old-Thinker News | August 3, 2007


Pakistani TVs say Musharraf to declare emergency Zeeshan Haider / Reuters | August 8, 2007 Fox News Uncovers Ron Pauls Most Shocking Skeleton in the Closet Paul Joseph Watson / Prison Planet | August 7, 2007 Neocon 101: What do neoconservatives believe? Christian Science Monitor, via Global Research | August 7, 2007 Bushs New War Power Editorial / Philadelphia Inquirer, via Global Research | August 7, 2007

Bush to Karzai: Will You Just Shut Up About Iran? John Nichols / The Nation | August 6, 2007 Will Bush cancel the 2008 election? Harvey Wasserman & Bob Fitrakis / The Free Press | July 30, 2007

State Sponsored Terror

Airlines, Others Sue FBI, CIA to Depose Agents Re 9/11 Attacks user GeorgeWashington / | August 8, 2007 The Pentagons latest Big Lie Mike Whitney / Global Research | August 8, 2007 Airlines Sue FBI, CIA over Sept. 11 Larry Neumeister / Associated Press Writer, via Global Research | August 7, 2007 ABC News: Plot would have killed thousands Gary S. Bekkum / Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape | August 6, 2007 Discrediting By Association: Undermining the Case for Patriots Who Question 9/11 Victoria Ashley / 9-11 Research| August 5, 2007 American 77 Flight Path version 2 In 3D | August 3, 2007 Direct Evidence for Explosions: Flying Projectiles and Widespread Impact Damage Dr. Crockett Grabbe / Journal of 9/11 Studies | Volume 14 August 2007

Wars and Rumors of Wars

US loses track of Iraq weapons BBC | August 6, 2007 Russia holds strategic air drills over Arctic Global Research | August 8, 2007


A Modest Proposal: U.S. Statehood for Israel? Rosa Schmidt Asadi / | August 7, 2007 Preventing a Bloodbath in Gaza Prof. Francis A. Boyle / Global Research | August 7, 2007

August 9, 2007 Categories: Conspiracy Report . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

ConCen Blog Month in Review and Refocus

By Mifune The Conspiracy Central Blog Tuesday, August 7, 2007 Things are going well here at Conspiracy Central. Weve gotten the Conspiracy Central Blog project off to a spectacular start, first with Hei Hu Quan revisiting the Jonestown massacre that coined the term Cool-Aid Drinker, and demonstrating cult leader Jim Jones ties to the CIA and its MKULTRA and MKDELTA mind control programs. In my first ConCen Blog article, I exposed Adnan Khashoggis ties to GCN and the 9/11 Truth Movement. Yes, the Protocols are real. Get used to it. Ever on the attack, Hei Hu Quan writes a brilliant expose on the Israeli Espionage of Global Communications. In a quote from his article, Every piece of electronics equipment be it telephone, cellphone, (VoIP) Voice over IP, pagers, Blackberrys, instant messaging services, emails, has a point of interception established by the Israeli intelligence services. On Sunday, July 29th, Ognir hosted his first full-length recording of the ConCen Radio show, interviewing Randy Spiggett, an American living in Rwanda, Africa. You may have noticed as well that the ConCen Blog has a complete listing of all ConCen Radio recordings on the right-hand side bar. The same day, we took a look at how stolen cars from America are being used in car bombings in Iraq. Incredible, the depths to which CIA sinks to turn Iraq into a fractured, war torn, easily-controlled, state. Ctrl just recently celebrated his 39th birthday, and we all wish him many more years of NWO/Illuminati/Power Elite ass-kicking. Last but certainly not least, we have something of a thought experiment from mothandrust, Transforming Trajectory, asking the question: When we defeat the current control systems, how do we prevent new control systems from rising up to take their place? I would like to point out the high volume of comments made on the ConCen Blog, and thank you all for making this blog a success. Its funny; we even have our own pet troll already. Say hello, Quan Hater GB. Having said all of that, its time to consider how we go forward and build upon what we have accomplished already. We have now established our philosophy and methodology. Its time to take all of our work Information Overload, ConCen Blog, ConCen Radio and step up the quality and quantity of information that we cover on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Our goal here is to tame the demon known as Information Overload. We cant accomplish that by exposing a lie only once a week. We need to cover a broad

range of topics on a daily basis; at least one story for each forum category on the ConCen Forums. With that goal in mind, I would like to announce a new feature here on the ConCen Blog: Conspiracy Report. This will be a very extensive daily digest of all the news from the Conspiracy scene, covering all forms of media and spectra of political and philosophical views, from the Mainstream Media to Alternative Media to Patriot/Truther Media, including sources from Television, Radio, Print, Web, Forums, and even BitTorrent trackers, with a focus that is global, not merely American or First World, and offering commentary on the latest developments from each day. In time, once I have developed my methods fully in producing the Conspiracy Report every night, I will begin recording this report as a feature of ConCen Radio. Only we dare call it Conspiracy. August 7, 2007 Categories: Commentary . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Transforming Trajectory
ConCen Blog Feature By mothandrust The Conspiracy Central Blog Monday, July 30, 2007

Transforming Trajectory I

So the NWO has been thrown from power now what? I know at ConCen there are many people who talk of the New World Order (NWO) of secret groups behind the scenes manipulating the geopolitical and geoeconomic agendas Illuminati, Mason, Zionist, Gnostic conspiracies abound. I am not denying the existence of these groups, or their motivation, nor indeed the amount of control they have (or think they have), far from it. However, my position is that, far from being the NWO, they are in essence identical to the order that has governed civilisation since there was civilisation. The labels may have changed and the societies/institutions/families morphed, strengthened along the way but their motives, objectives and methods remain absolutely consistent back through the ages: Bush, Blair, Murdoch, Rothschild are no different to Hitler, Churchill, Beaverbrook, Rothschild or the royal families, princes, popes, caesars as an ever repeating pattern. It is, in effect, a continuous line that stretches back to the Pharisees

and money-changers in the Temple, and beyond. All, without exception, manipulating power (including the value of money) to service their aims and enhance their position. Civilisation, pretty much since its inception (and ignoring pre historical suppositions), has been controlled and manipulated by people who abuse power. Fact. NWO, same as the OWO, to my way of thinking. Further, you cannot vote in a change of direction. Anyone voted in has been constructed by and has an interest in validating, strengthening and expanding that same system nor can you have a partial collapse, with fragmented groups, as they will attempt to rebuild their power bases, expanding as quickly as possible to capitalise on the vacuum that has been created and, in the process, rebuilding the machinery of war in effect, we would be no better off than before. The point I am making, the question I am asking, is, that following our current mindset, even if some great upheaval were to happen and all current economic and political power holders were thrown from office, with what will we replace them to stop history repeating itself? As things stand, following current trajectory, whatever replacement system, no matter who/what is put in charge, power will concentrate and in the process, lead to its abuse totalitarianism or democracy, it makes no difference. Is history not my witness? Or course there is another journey through history, that of powerful religions and nations and groups of people uniting under a symbol and obliterating weaker, less advanced (in the nature of warfare) cultures. Accepted, we cannot bring them back, humanity has moved on, however, just because their thinking did not suit the interests of powerful men, with guns and with obedient sheep to do their bidding, does not mean we have nothing to learn from them. * Quite frankly, i am at a loss to know how one overthrows our current power base they have all avenues stitched up. That is not where Im coming from. What interests me, is how humanity, once removed from the chains of conceptual authority, might engineer a happier, more equitable world, immune to the machinations of our psychopathic tendencies. II If we are considering a way to transform the trajectory of humanity we must look for a new beginning, swept clean of all control structures or power bases brands, states, religions, money conceptual authority must be swept into the dustbin of history. In fact, beyond family, in the widest possible sense/conception, nothing can remain. So let us imagine this is so. A terrible cataclysm has struck the Earth global communications along with finance have collapsed money has become meaningless and as a consequence all transportation is stopped. As money disappears so does government, leaving people to fight over the three days food in the supermarkets. Mayhem. Devastation. Kill or be killed. Mad Max on push-bikes, because fuel will disappear at least as quickly as food. Plague spreads through the remaining population

with the collapse of health and environmental control systems, with the dead littering the streets and rivers and our immune systems shot to pieces through decades of antibiotics and sterile environments. Let us not dwell on this matter, it is entirely hypothetical, let us just say, a catastrophe of biblical proportions. And assuming meltdown of nuclear reactors or some genetic modification from beyond the realms of science fiction has not engulfed us in some way, the shattered remnants of humanity would emerge from their hiding places, to start again, from scratch. Remember, with the decimation of humanity, space is no longer at a premium. True, with poisoned soils, polluted rivers and little protection from nature, in its rawest form, life will be far from easy (mortality rates will be high) but beyond that, if humanity can find a path, lies a whole new world. A blank slate, with more than enough for everyone. So, as these humans, chastened by apocalyptic events, start again to develop communities, devoid of religion, state, money what ideologies, philosophies should govern their future journey? * Let us first note the foundations of the system that preceded the cataclysm, foundations beyond nature and family, with no ethical validity therefore, no more than opinion. 1. Land ownership. Rousseau argued that land ownership was the origin of inequality, imposed by an impostor, who stuck four stakes in the ground and found someone foolish enough to believe he owned it. In fact, land ownership is an aberration, a logical impossibility. For, pleasing though it is to deceive oneself otherwise, one cannot own ones host. One is indebted to ones host enslaved, without knowing, just as a bacterial culture in our gut. Native cultures acknowledged this, it is the arrival of the enlightened, arrogant Europeans that sort to prove otherwise and in the process carve the world into country and property shaped pieces. Making it theirs, to own and to do with as they wished. 2. Intellectual property. Patent and copyright, designed to protect and hide knowledge and creativity, rather than share. To concentrate power in the hands of the owners, give them control over future direction to enable capitalisation. 3. The state. An arbitrary border, signifying conceptual ownership, and enslavement through identification. And, as with land ownership, offering no ethical justification, and illegitimate in the eye of religion (at least until 1648 when the Roman Church made their deal with the European princes). 4. Money. Although money floats, light as a feather, above our economic system it was not always so. Our understanding of money and how it works finds its roots in gold and jewels, finite, precious materials that only few have access to necessarily concentrating wealth as those who own it dictate value (as with land). And, in fact, although the value of money appears relatively stable, if we measure it against land as a constant (or gold) we see in actuality its relative value spiralling downwards (to a point where, in the UK at least, your average dwelling is worth many times its own weight in silver!).

5. Capital interest. This again is a mechanism which reduces the value of money in relative terms as money in the system increases, its buying power diminishes and it is a one way process. Capital interest, through the eye of religion is an absolute sin in Islam, worse than adultery and punishable by death. All of these ideological structures, although entirely arbitrary, concentrate power, provide a method of division and subjugation, and facilitate and provide the process by which authority can extend, enhance its conceptual power. * So let us imagine humanity (whats left of it) emerging from the forests and caves that have given protection through the cataclysm and beginning to develop communities and cultivate the land. Which of the above concepts offers any benefit to these shattered remnants? 1. Land ownership. Although, upon first glance, this might seem desirable, let us first reiterate the conceptual problems with this. First, much as one might wish otherwise, one cannot own ones host, one is fundamentally and irrevocably enslaved to it, for sustenance and security, it is therefore a logical impossibility, a conceptual error. Secondly, land is now plentiful if it is not, we have not come far enough perhaps there are a few bullets left, perhaps disease/plague/pestilence must sweep the planet once more. And thirdly, land ownership creates haves and have-nots, an imbalance, initiating the path to slavery and dominance. This is not of course to say, that one who tends and cultivates land should not be entitled to its produce, far from it. 2. Intellectual property. Imagine emerging from such suffering and torment, gradually rebuilding families and communities, working the land, shaping its products, honing instruments and techniques developing cross strains and imagine families, communities across the world doing the same. Similar discoveries will be made far and wide, all through independent thought and modifying existing design, gleaned from neighbours, travellers, communication, fertilisation all offering path and potential to filter out and filter in to and from an emerging humanity. Music and art and cultural evolution follow the same pattern. Ideas spread and generate new ideas. Who in their right mind, in such a situation, would wish to see rules and regulations and ownership of individual ideas and mechanisms, necessarily stifling knowledge, generating secrets and fear, and cheating and protection? Who would wish to give away the freedom to discover? 3. The state. Imagine you have built a functioning community, worked out methods of exchange with other emerging communities and you are gaining mastery of tools and techniques. A sense of empowerment will gradually build, life will no longer seem brutal, fragile and fleeting, and begin to become a pleasure. What more does one need? Who in their right frame of mind in such a situation would ever wish to surrender this empowerment to some would-be tyrant who falsely believes he can have others serve him? Him and his cronies and his leeches. 4. Money. An exchange mechanism, something that represents work or commodity the value of. Through history there have been many examples, before we

settled on tying money to gold rare stones or shells and even crops. Authority, before all land was devoured most particularly hated the idea of crops as money. As it meant, by the sweat of their brow, individuals could grow their own money thus distributing power, rather than concentrating it. Authority prefers something more theoretical, conceptual yet at the same time manageable, tangible and concentrated. For them gold is the best of all methods almost the rarest known metal, almost entirely useless and it means, no matter how far the world economy expanded, with gold as the exchange mechanism, they effectively own it all! In truth though, any community can create its own money, it just needs anchoring to that communitys primary produce and all will understand its true value just as they would when exchanging their money with other communities. If requirement of some global benchmark, then that should fall to the most adaptable and useful crop known to humanity. This is of course, hemp the method many European settlers used in the American colonies, until the British crown and the mercantile elite got wind of it. Tying money to crops also destroys the notion of inflation, although that is not to say value would not fluctuate depending upon utility and abundance. 5. Capital interest. With money grounded in crops, renewables, its value is real and fixed, and because in time crops deteriorate, hoarding is detrimental, counterproductive, which leads to natural flow of supplies and surpluses. No hoarding. No hoarding means no capturing and controlling the market, it means no price manipulation value is as it is, only, through time, deteriorating as this or that wears out or rots. It is the antithesis of interest. So here we have a basic functioning system no need for taxes or accountants, politicians or wars (land is still plentiful). Emerging communities appreciate communication: sharing ideas, expertise and produce brings benefits and understanding to all those involved. So far so good, but it will be just a few generations before humanity again begins to eat up all available space and consequential tensions arise. That, without some overarching authority, will necessarily lead to dispute, and then on to war. What is to be done? Now, with an ideological framework that offers the logical and ethical validity that our current model lacks, that disperses power, thus empowering the individual and encourageing communication: how, before humanity again falls prey to fear and hunger, violence and despotism, can we develop a control system that will not in itself fall prey to the psychopathic elements that would abuse the world for their trivial pleasure?

July 30, 2007 Categories: ConCen Blog Feature, New World Order: Breaking The Chains . . Author: mothandrust . Comments: 2 Comments

Happy Birthday, Ctrl!

July 29, 2007 Categories: Uncategorized . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

Stolen Cars in the US being used as Car Bombs in Iraq

An incredible story from Fox News, and for those who are in the know and can read between the lines, you may be stunned at the depths to which the U.S. government, military, and its affiliated intelligence organizations will go to keep Iraq a bloody, shuddering mess. Read the subtitle in the video below to see what Im getting at. If you still dont get it, you may want to read this story by FreeMarketNews from October 14, 2005: United States Caught in Iraq Car-Bombing. Its happened again allied troops being caught with bombs. This time it is the Americans captured in the act of setting off a car bomb in Baghdad. Last time, as FMNN reported only weeks ago, two British soldiers, apparently working for British intelligence, were caught near Baghdad similarly equipped. According to the Mirror-World, A number of Iraqis apprehended two Americans disguised in Arab dress as they tried to blow up a booby-trapped car in the middle of a residential area in western Baghdad on Tuesday. Residents of western Baghdads alGhazaliyah district [said] the people had apprehended the Americans as they left their Caprice car near a residential neighborhood in al-Ghazaliyah on Tuesday afternoon. Local people found they looked suspicious so they detained the men before they could get away. That was when they discovered that they were Americans and called the police. Just as in the British incident, the Iraq police arrived at approximately the same time as allied military forces and the two men were removed from Iraq custody and wisked away before any questioning could take place. The incidents are said to be fueling both puzzlement and animosity among Iraqis. Yet the motivation behind such activities remains formally unknown since in both cases the soldiers involved have been removed with an efficiency that has quashed any attempts at an interrogation. FMNN FOLLOW: US. The above report came on the heels of reports regarding a similar incident in which British soldiers were involved and which ultimately led to an apology to Iraq by the British government. However, has pointed out that since the source is a Russian news agency, it is possible the above may be disinformation. Below is a U.S. press release which apparently refers to the incident. The original Mirror story and reader commentary may be seen here: U.S. SOLDIERS FIND, DISABLE CAR BOMB THANKS TO IRAQI TIP BAGHDAD, Iraq Task Force Baghdad Soldiers found and disabled a car bomb in western Rashid thanks to a tip from a group of Iraqi citizens Oct. 12. Soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 4th Combat Brigade Team were on patrol in the

neighborhood of Risalah when they were flagged down by a group of Iraqis who reported a suspicious vehicle nearby. An explosive ordnance disposal team was dispatched to the site and safely detonated the car bomb before it could be used by terrorists. Upon investigation the car bomb was determined to be made from seven 122-millimeter artillery rounds, four 130-millimeter artillery rounds and a propane tank filled with homemade explosives. -30FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS RELEASE, CONTACT THE TASK FORCE BAGHDAD PUBLIC AFFAIRS PLANS AND OPERATIONS NCO, SGT. FIRST CLASS DAVID ABRAMS AT: DAVID.ABRAMS@ID3.ARMY.MIL Staff Reports Free-Market News Network Now of course, I dont believe any US military press releases, and you shouldnt either. The fact remains that British special forces have also been caught red-handed, carrying out terror bombings against Iraqi citizens. From a September 20, 2005 article by Paul Joseph Watson of, British Special Forces Caught Carrying Out Staged Terror In Iraq? In another example of how the Iraqi quagmire is deliberately designed to degenerate into a chaotic abyss, British SAS were caught attempting to stage a terror attack and the media have dutifully shut up about the real questions surrounding the incident. What is admitted is that two British soldiers in Arab garb and head dress drove a car towards a group of Iraq police and began firing. According to the Basra governor Mohammed al-Waili, one policeman was shot dead and another was injured. Pictured below are the wigs and clothing that the soldiers were wearing. The Arab garb is obviously undeniable proof that the operation, whatever its ultimate intention, was staged so that any eyewitnesses would believe it had been carried out by Iraqis. This has all the indications of a frame up. This is made all the more interesting by the fact that early reports cited as originating from BBC World Service radio stated that the car used contained explosives. Was this another staged car bombing intended to keep tensions high? As you will discover later, the plan to keep Iraq divided and in turmoil is an actual policy directive that spans back over two decades. And so it goes. Another day in the American Empire. UPDATE: As a follow up to this story, Id like the reader to take a look at another example of the US causing and prolonging turmoil, in Darfur, Sudan. From the Sudan Tribune, Friday, July 27, 2007:

Sudan accuses CIA of smuggling weapons into Darfur Sudans interior minister accused Central Intelligence Agency of smuggling weapons into the troubled region of Darfur. Interior Minister Zubair Bashir Taha addressing a crowd consisting of youth organizations said that the CIA is seeking to disrupt the demographics of Darfur. The US special envoy to Darfur Andrew Natsios told reporters in Khartoum last week that Arab groups from neighboring countries were resettling in West Darfur and other lands traditionally belonging to local African tribes. Taha accused the US of being responsible for prolonging the war in Darfur and the death of thousands of people after the Abuja peace agreement just like they did in Iraq. The Los Angeles Times revealed last month that Sudan has secretly worked with the CIA to spy on the insurgency in Iraq, an example of how the U.S. has continued to cooperate with the Sudanese regime even while condemning its suspected role in the killing of tens of thousands of civilians in Darfur. The U.S.-Sudan relationship goes beyond Iraq. Sudan has helped the United States track the turmoil in Somalia. Sudanese intelligence service has helped the US to attack the Islamic Courts positions in Somalia and to locate Al Qaeda suspects hiding there. The Darfur conflict began in 2003 when an ethnic minority rose up against the Arabdominated government in Khartoum, which then enlisted the Janjaweed militia group to help crush the rebellion. According to UN estimates, at least 200,000 people have died from the combined effect of war and famine since the conflict started in February 2003. But Khartoum disputes the figures.

July 29, 2007 Categories: Politics, State Sponsored Terror, Wars And Rumors Of Wars . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: Leave a Comment

ConCen Radio Sunday, July 29th, 2007

Ognir has posted up a new ConCen Radio recording. Todays feature is special guest Randy Spiggett, an American living in Rwanda, Africa. Be sure to listen in! Hotel Rwanda ConCen_Radio_Sunday_29th_July_2007_Host_The_Ogster_Guest_Randy_Spiggett.m p3.torrent

July 29, 2007 Categories: ConCen Radio, State Sponsored Terror . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 1 Comment

Spies in the Ointment: The Israeli Espionage of Global Communications

ConCen Blog Feature By Hei Hu Quan The Conspiracy Central Blog Thursday, July 26, 2007

Total Information Awareness, But For Whom? This story began quite innocuously as a minor retelling of a story I discovered involving an Israeli company called Narus that collects real-time internet information on U.S. citizens for the the U.S. National Security Agency. In the course of my research, the story grew to shocking proportions revealing that the gamut of virtually all electronics communications, has not only been compromised by a foreign entity within the U.S., but the entire world. It is an intentional and directed infiltration at effectively every source and core of the scope of electronics communications worldwide. Rendering all secure systems compromised and intercepted by Israeli security services and for the benefit of using gained intelligence information to their strategic advantages. The implications, much less the ramifications are staggering, and these bold new revelations have revealed not only a treasonous complicity of the governing host nations, but criminally collusive actions towards a central malevolent end. Every piece of electronics equipment be it telephone, cellphone, (VoIP) Voice over IP, pagers, Blackberrys, instant messaging services, emails, has a point of interception

established by the Israeli intelligence services. More ominous are the specific inroads these particular groups are making in inserting themselves within strategic centers of security infrastructures within various countries. Such as providing direct security for New Yorks Statue of Liberty, producing communications satellites, creation and management of firewalls for sensitive military & intelligence agencies, and the contract and production of RFID chips with user sensitive data and broadcast abilities for U.S. Passports. Think of that for a moment, especially the encoding for the RFID chips, in which personal data of citizens of the U.S. is in the hands of a foreign national organization. With declared loyalties and military allegiances to their home country, along with either! simple residencies or dual citizenships that were granted by the U.S. government or host country itself. In this investigation you will get nowhere if you do not separate Zionism from Judaism in which the former uses as a front, to achieve its long-standing goals by any and all means. This includes using and manipulating Jewish people in whatever ways they see fit, for to them the ends justify the means. Bottom line is that we are talking about governments and their puppet-master cabals and orders propagating PSYOPS to manipulate through nationalism, greed and fear. This being said, the government of Israel supports Zionism and the expansion of its goals. But do their people? The corporate governments of the US and UK have open imperialist intentions, reflected in policy and brutality, but do their people condone and support this? What I am getting at is that people want all the same things in life unless lured and indoctrinated by whatever different flavours the IllumiNazi machine have propagated. These needful things are simple, we all want peace, stability, security and! prosperity for our generations, in a clean, nurturing environment of mutual respect. Those who cannot get aboard this very pure and simple concept, can be said, harbour and support agendas of evil contrary to humanity. Digression aside, does the Israeli government even give one single fuck about its own people? Or does it use the compulsory military service as an indoctrination system to instil racialist, nationalist and Zionist values; cultivating select young citizens and deploying them globally as spies for empire? The reason Im positing this is to differentiate between a government that serves the people versus a people whom serve the government against their own personal interests and beliefs. Every piece of electronics equipment be it telephone, cellphone, (VoIP) Voice over IP, pagers, Blackberrys, instant messaging services, emails, has a point of interception established by the Israeli intelligence services. Were going to peer behind the veil and see, that within Israels military intelligence operations center, there exists compartmentalized intelligence/spy units to specifically cultivate and train the best and brightest of their army recruits into operatives for electronic espionage and warfare. All have at their heart, and by their own explicit accounts, the development of young military intel operatives that explicitly act as soldier-techs for advanced technological warfare operations. Worse yet is that by utilizing a cover of technological start-up companies, they can not only strategically infiltrate specific targets, and gain access to secure electronics infrastructures, but also use the financial resources garnered to fund their entire operations. It is a truly Trojan

horse type operation that must at its core have collaborative elements within the government that assist and even facilitate these infiltrations. With that being said, lets examine the principles and entities, their motives and some of their documented areas of interest. The following below are excerpts from sources revealing the background of Israeli military intelligence groups. I shall let the facts speak for themselves. I would also like to add that when writing this, I had my machine hacked into at least 3 times that I am able to confirm absolutely. The first two I tracked and was able to resolve successfully after some particularly invasive system analysis.The last of which specifically attacked this file as I was working on it and deleted a few paragraphs of freshly written material, so all they have done is corroborate that I am on the right track regarding this information and how they view the truth as a threat. From December 11-14 of 2001, Fox News aired a 4-part special report on Israeli Spying in America. Because of its explosive content and Israels connections including Rupert Murdoch, the story was not only censored, but all transcripts and video of this story on Foxs website have since been removed and suppressed. A partial transcript and videos for the 4 part series have been preserved here: at whatreallyhappened.coms website. Heres some damning information from the series that substantiate points and allegations raised in this story. Since Sept. 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States. Numerous classified documents obtained by Fox News indicate that even prior to Sept. 11, as many as 140 other Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States. The first part of the investigation focuses on Israelis who say they are art students from the University of Jerusalem and Bazala Academy. They repeatedly made contact with U.S. government personnel, the report says, by saying they wanted to sell cheap art or handiwork. Documents say they, targeted and penetrated military bases. The DEA, FBI and dozens of government facilities, and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel. The majority of those questioned, stated they served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units. Another part of the investigation has resulted in the detention and arrests of dozens of Israelis at American mall kiosks, where theyve been selling toys called Puzzle Car and Zoom Copter. Investigators suspect a front.

Why would Israelis spy in and on the U.S.? A General Accounting Office investigation referred to Israel as country A and said, According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of country A conducts the most aggressive espionage operations against the U.S. of any U.S. ally. A defense intelligence report said Israel has a voracious appetite for information and said, the Israelis are motivated by strong survival instincts which dictate every possible facet of their political and economical policies. It aggressively collects military and industrial technology and the U.S. is a high priority target. The document concludes: Israel possesses the resources and technical capability to achieve its collection objectives. (Transcript of Fox News Special Report with Brit Hume, from December 11, 2001) The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Since the creation of Israel in 1948, the military has compensated for its lack of resources and manpower with brainpower. Particularly in the past 20 years, the IDF has invested billions of dollars in developing technological warfare. The result is a number of secret, semisecret, and open-secret divisions devoted to coming up with cutting-edge technologies designed to help Israel know what its enemies are doing and to kill them when the need arises. The units have code names suitable for a spy novel: 8-200, 8153, Mamram, Talpiot, Mamdas. In the incubator of the IDF, those units, as Israelis winkingly call them, have improved technologies used in everything from digital switching to wireless telephony. Military intelligence elite units, which function as basic training for startup entrepreneurs, are small working groups of highly motivated teams; they work brutal hours and get little sleep; and they face immense pressure to innovate for the sake of national survival. They more than any other single factor are responsible for Israels technological skills. American high-tech giants like Cisco, Intel, and Motorola drawn in no small part by the wealth of technical talent coming out of intelligence units have set up research facilities in Israel. Some of Israels largest and most successful tech companies call the United States home: Comverse, a voice messaging company with a market cap of $14.9 billion, is based in Woodbury, N.Y.; Mercury Interactive is based in Sunnyvale, Calif. More common these days is whats known as the fast exit, whereby startups either sell out to a foreign multinational entirely or split themselves in two, keeping R&D in Israel but moving sales and marketing to the United States. (Startup Nation by Stacy Perman),17925,512689,00.html In a more creative sphere, the army and Israeli defense contractors developed the worlds first pilotless plane, launched satellites into space, and created a host of other technologies likely never to be revealed. (Israeli Army Grads Lead Business Revolution by David Rosenberg) Take a close look at this unusually suspicious excerpt from an article entitled: Research Bulletin 72 The Impact of Globalization on the Boom and Crisis of Israels High-Tech Industry by B.A. Kipnis. Written in January of 2002, the statements by this D. Globerman are chilling, in the way they convey an almost insider foreknowledge that

takes advantage of the post 9/11 chaos and fear. Anticipating an opening and potential investment in anti-terror technologies that can be exploited by Israel to advance their economy and recovery for their High-tech industry. This might include the upgrading of their technological systems in order to avoid any future terror threat, and the upgrading of the technological capabilities of security agencies, airports, and air companies as well as the military machine needed for the [electronic] war against global terror. These activities, fueled by the spending of many billions of dollars, will help the economy out of its crisis; they will ! be the main driving force behind the likely recovery of the high-tech industry. *Read the excerpt below and see if this doesnt seem like a bit of an insider smoking gun to you as well. At the time of writing the war on global terror is under way and the economic media are busy speculating about the impact of that war, particularly about the effect of the horrible terror event of September 11, 2001 in the US on the world high-tech industry, the Israeli high-tech industry included. D. Globerman, conveyed the emerging stimulators for recovery in the high-tech industry, and the behavior by industry necessary to revive. He cited a virtual pessimist as saying that the current high-tech crisis would not be over before 2003. The cited virtual optimists, on the other hand, would assume that thanks to the vicious September 11 terror attack on the US, the crisis would be over soon because private and public agencies in the US and elsewhere would invest in anti-terror technologies. This might include the upgrading of their technological systems in order to avoid any future terror threat, and the upgrading of the technological capabilities of security agencies,! airports, and air companies as well as the military machine needed for the [electronic] war against global terror. These activities, fueled by the spending of many billions of dollars, will help the economy out of its crisis; they will be the main driving force behind the likely recovery of the hightech industry. In addition, since the terror has minimized the risk differences between Israel and the rest of the of the developed world, and since there is no place that is 100% safe, investors, holding hot money will eventually look for promising places to invest, including in Israel. In late September 2001 the Minister of Finance exempted foreign high-tech firms from local company income tax. This ruling is an addition to other grants offered to firms investing in Israel. (Research Bulletin 72 The Impact of Globalization on the Boom and Crisis of Israels High-Tech Industry by B.A. Kipnis) Talpiot Talpiot is the special army training program that puts the best high school graduates through a rigorous curriculum of computer science, physics, and math, then places them in key assignments in, say, intelligence units. The selection process for Israels armytrained technology elite starts when teenagers apply to programs, usually in their last two years of high school. Only volunteers are eligible to be chosen for the armys training programs. The most selective program, Talpiot, accepts only 30 applicants, or 1 in 10, a year. Officers say the army doesnt look for fuzzy traits like creativity and leadership; it focuses on measurable qualities. Extremely high aptitude in math and science, along with success in rigorous exams, are the key qualifications.

The IDF has created special systems to identify the countrys best and brightest, and to steer them into the most demanding areas of technological warfare and intelligence work. The elite of the elite pass through a program known as Talpiot, set up in the aftermath of the bloody Yom Kippur War in October 1973. Israel eventually prevailed, but in 18 days of fighting, Egypt and Syria inflicted heavy casualties on the muchvaunted Israeli forces. The idea behind Talpiot, says Major Yariv Danziger, was for a unit to gather geniuses in the army to invent new technologies and weapons. The program was officially started in 1979 with an initial class of 25 geniuses. Danziger, 34, has headed the program for the past two years. Think of Talpiot as something like the old East German Olympic athletics program minus the doping. By the time young men and women are inducted into the army at age 18, the IDF has in hand all of their individual psychological and academic records. The IDF is notified of students with top grades, particularly in physics and math. Each September, 3,000 Talpiot candidates submit to a brain-busting battery of intellectual and scientific tests. They undergo heavy psychological profiling, and tests on leadership skills and their ability to work with others. By March, only 35 are left. The tests are so difficult, most people complete only 20 percent to 40 percent of each exam, says Assaf Monsa, a 29-year-old Talpiot graduate. Some of the questions are not solvable. They are not meant to be solved. Its to differentiate between the very good and the extraordinarily good. Danziger says hes not sure even a known brain like Bill Gates could cut it. I think he could pass the ! intellectual part, but I dont know his human capabilities, the major says. Is he pleasant to work with? Can he make other people do what he wants without financial authority? (Theres also the question of whether Gates would want to spend at least nine years in the military, as Talpiot graduates must. Thats six years more than the minimum requirement for many other Israeli soldiers.) Talpiot soldiers spend the first three years and four months of their service housed in special barracks at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where they undertake intensive study in cutting-edge science. They also go through eight months of basic training. After graduation, they spend five years in the unit of their choice; almost all pick one of the elite technical units. These are the soldiers that all of the units want, says Danziger. Since Talpiots inception, only a few hundred people have made it through the program. Their military handiwork is classified, although it is known to have touched everything from algorithm compression to antimissile systems. But Talpiots role in the current tech boom is no secret. Assaf Monsa and another Talpiot graduate, Yair Mann, along with two other alumni of elite tech units, three years ago founded RichFX, which has developed streaming video technology that Monsa says uses between one-twentieth and one-hundredth of the bandwidth gobbled up by competing systems. (Its used by Neiman Marcus to sell $500-plus shoes over the Internet.) Marius Nacht, another Talpiot grad, is a co-founder of Check Point. Eli Mintz, CEO and president of Compugen, a gene sequencing technology firm, and Yuval Shalom, co-founder and CTO of Wiseband, a maker of wireless phone technologies, also went through Talpiot. The phrase It cant be done is not for Talpiot, says Ehud Ram, a recent! ly retired high-ranking intelligence officer who worked with some Talpiot grads over the years. (Rams own background is in geophysics and remote sensing data. During a meeting three years ago, Ram informed Steve Ballmer, then Microsofts second in command, that he should consider relocating the companys Redmond campus or risk being wiped out by a nearby long-dormant but still dangerous volcano. No word yet from Ballmer,

now Microsofts CEO.) (Startup Nation by Stacy Perman),17925,512689,00.html Graduates, along with those of other elite programs, are deployed throughout the armed services to do everything from reviving crashed computers to heading sophisticated military intelligence projects. Col. Albert Tregars IDF programming school gets to choose the best, train them, and quickly put them into the field, where they could very well wind up practicing various forms of technological warfare. (Israeli Army Grads Lead Business Revolution by David Rosenberg) MAMRAM Is the computer division of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) in the areas of design and development of information systems. 1959 MAMRAM, the Hebrew acronym for the IDFs Central Computing Facility, is formed. MAMRAM is an abbreviation for Center of Computing and Information Systems; originally, Center of Computing and Mechanized Registration is the Israel Defense Forces central computing system unit, providing data processing services for all arms and the general staff of the IDF. As of 2007, MAMRAM is under the command of Colonel Ayala Hakim. In 1994, the MAMRAM programming school, considered one of the best sources of high-quality software professionals in the world, was separated into a newly-formed unit called BASMACH. However, the schools graduates, which were and still are highly sought after in the industry, are still referred to as MAMRAM graduates. Following graduation, BASMACH students go on to serve in various IDF units. Some of the graduates are often offered a position in MAMRAM itself. (MAMRAM Wikipedia entry) The demands of MAMRAM, another elite division, arent as withering as Talpiots the MAMRAM washout rate is only 50 percent. MAMRAM, the Hebrew acronym for Central Unit for Data Processing, is the IDFs main computer corps, and trains all military software programmers and network systems architects. MAMRAM candidates go through a six-month trial of up to 15-hour-a-day course work before theyre admitted to the program. Those who make the grade must serve six years, minimum. Still, it is one of the most coveted postings in the military. (Startup Nation by Stacy Perman),17925,512689,00.html 8-200 Then there is 8-200, an electronic warfare unit founded in the early 1960s that many believe has left a bigger mark on the boom than any of Israels other elite operations. Its name comes from its founding members: 8 Ashkenazi Jews and 200 Iraqi immigrants who were specialists in wireless communications and had worked for Iraqi Railways. Their skills became the cornerstone of the electronic intelligence gathering, encryption, and other activities known to be among the units specialties. Its illegal for past and

present members to talk about 8-200, although it has become something of an open secret in the tech world. The unit has also attained a mythical status among venture capitalists for the entrepreneurial wizards who are veterans of the unit. Gil Shwed, one of Check Points founders, allegedly served in 8-200, though he wont confirm that himself. I had the idea in the army, three years before I started Check Point, Shwed says. I knew I had a good idea. If you can do it in the military environment, you have the tools to do it in other environments. (Startup Nation by Stacy Perman),17925,512689,00.html *Heres the confirmation: A four-year-long period goes virtually unmentioned in the official biography of the Israeli billionaire Gil Shwed. This much information can be cobbled together: In 1986 Shwed, just 18 years old, joined the supersecret electronic intelligence arm, Unit 8-200, of the Israeli Defense Forces. His job most likely was to string together military computer networks in a way that would allow some users access to confidential materials and deny it to others. (A Fortune in Firewalls by Lea Goldman) The legend of the name is that unit began with eight Ashkenazis and 200 immigrants from Iraq. The Iraqi immigrants had previously worked on Iraqi Railways, knew wireless communications and of course, Arabic Israel Defense Force intelligence unit 8200 may be Israels greatest high-tech incubator, whose graduates have gone on to found companies like Check Point, NICE, Comverse and ECI. Israel Defense Force intelligence unit 8-200 may be Israels greatest high-tech incubator, whose graduates have gone on to found companies like Check Point, NICE, Comverse and ECI. Not to mention all those start-ups. The Arena presents a first-ever expose of Israels ultimate secret weapon. It began as a unit in the Intelligence Service of the Hagana (the pre-State underground army), called Intelligence Service 2, which was responsible for listening to enemy transmissions. 8-200 has undergone numerous incarnations. Today, it concentrates on intelligence gathering and decoding of encryption codes. It is a good and developed unit, whose contribution to the system is important. It was forbidden to talk about it for years. We have been hearing more about it recently and there have been a few publications in Israel and abroad. The unit recruits quality personnel, which then goes out and markets technologies developed there. It is important to understand that this is a huge unit, that works in many fields. In general, it is responsible for all intelligence that can affect Israels security. Intelligence gathering in the unit comes from a variety of sources, i.e. listening to all types of broadcasts: telephones, fax, radio. The unit listens, intercepts and decodes information, mostly encrypted, though some is in clear. The major challenge is decoding encrypted transmissions. Unit computer experts and mathematicians are responsible for this, using mathematical models and algorithms. Yossi Melman, Haaretz Intelligence Affairs Correspondent and co-author of Every Spy a Prince says, This is the most important intelligence unit in the State of Israel. More than the Mossad. The information obtained by this unit is of the highest priority to

the entire intelligence community. Melman continues, In my opinion, many of the Israeli high-tech companies are based on the information amassed in the unit. But they are not exceptional. It happens everywhere. Not a few Mossad agents became businessmen after their retirement, using their connections and information amassed while in the service. There are suggestions of paying royalties to the State, but such suggestions reek of dictatorship. Alon of iWEB shows his courage, admitting, It isnt the paratroopers. There isnt a strong social element. Guys come to work. In addition, the unit is strongly compartmentalized. If friendships developed, it was in small groups. Compartmentalization indeed. There is hardly any free movement at headquarters. Every soldier has authorization to enter only a few places, and each team is totally isolated from his neighbors. Military discipline is not rigidly enforced, apparently because there is no need for it. David of Power Dsine remembers, I was scared when I arrived. I saluted the department head the first time I saw him. He told me that that would also be the last time. (Nerds in Uniform by Batya Feldman) m 1959 Unit 8-200 of the Intelligence Corps is formed. Its first commander was Avraham Aloni, who in 1952 became the commander of the Signal Intelligence Unit of the IDF Intelligence Corps. Also in 1959, the electronics division was established which served as a research and technology division of the Intelligence Corps, which in turn became 8-200. Ever since, graduates of 8-200 have gone on to hold leading positions in Israels high-tech industries, becoming entrepreneurs and executives in such companies as Checkpoint, Comverse, Taldor, ECI Telecom, Audiocodes, Jacada, Compugen, Nice, and others. (The 50s: Little Israel invents and devises by Dan Yachin) Several of the founders of Israels best-known tech success, the Internet security firm Check Point Software Technologies, are former members of 8-200 who specialized in developing firewalls between classified military computer networks. (Startup Nation by Stacy Perman),17925,512689,00.html MAMDAS Take the air force operational software and development center, known by its Hebrew acronym, MAMDAS. It designs some of the worlds most sophisticated military software, and most of its personnel are in their early 20s. The key to its success, says Lieutenant Colonel Zafrir, an officer in the unit (the army censor prohibits publication of some officers full names), lies in the close integration of development and operation and close cooperation between designers and people who use the technology in the field. (Israeli Army Grads Lead Business Revolution by David Rosenberg) Unit 8153 The Mapping Unit, Modern Hebrew: Yehidat Mipui of the Israel Defense Forces military intelligence (Unit 8153) is in charge of strategic mapping of locations. It is

known for doing so for both strategic and tactical purposes. (Mapping Unit Wikipedia entry) *Okay, now that weve established the covert intelligence units of Israel, whose admitted roles are to recruit, train and place in the field or remotely, active service intelligence operatives. Whose acknowledged tasks were and are to intercept electronics communications, surreptitiously compromise the security of sensitive communications of targeted foreign countries, establish and insert Trojan Horse start-ups and spy software in strategic areas of secure electronic communications. For the purposes of compiling military and economic intelligence, then utilizing blackmail of individuals they find compromised through the electronic surveillance grid. This is technological warfare deployed against all they perceive as their enemies, and of foreign powers they can exploit to their advantage. Now lets examine some of the principle players and the front corporations theyve established to carry out their covert and sanctioned espionage for Israels military and interests! Again, I am using actual excerpts so that there may be no controversy regarding the veracity of statements. Check Point Gil Shwed is the data-security companys 34-year-old CEO. Fresh from his role as a network defense specialist for four years in the Israeli Defense Force, Shwed launched Check Point in 1993. Check Point acquired Zone Labs in 2004. In October, 2005, Check Point announced it would acquire Sourcefire, the developers of Snort for $225 million. Both the Department of Defense and the FBI objected to the acquisition due to national security concerns. The acquisition was pending during an investigation by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), but was announced to have collapsed over security concerns related to the Snort software which guards some classified U.S. military and intelligence computers. The acquisition has been since withdrawn. (Wikipedia entry) Sourcefire is at work in leading financial, healthcare, manufacturing, technology and educational organizations throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia and Latin America. But here is the kicker: Sourcefire solutions are trusted by all branches of the military, the largest civilian agencies, and domestic, internal and military intelligence organizations. This kicker has all the earmarks of a red flag, and that is exactly what came up. Weve decided to pursue alternative ways for Check Point and Sourcefire to partner in order to bring to market the most comprehensive security solutions, said Gil Shwed, Check Points CEO. (Who Benefits From Check Points Blocked Sourcefire Buyout?) So it seems that Mr. Shwed is on a mission both figuratively and literally, to get access to classified U.S. military and intelligence computers. Sourcefire makes network defense and intrusion detection software for an array of customers, including the Defense Department. The company has deep roots in the National Security Agency. Its founder and chief technology officer, Martin Roesch, has served as an NSA contractor. Its vice president of engineering, Tom Ashoff, developed software for the secretive spy agency. (U.S. Reviewing 2nd Dubai Firm)

Sourcefire makes arguably the best network-based intrusion detection system thats ever existed, and its used on some very sensitive networks by the US Government. Handing control of the company that develops and maintains that software to foreign interests seemed a little too much for the feds. I think Sourcefire is a great company I think they had good things and I think I would be happy tohave them as a part of Check Point. But I dont think that there are no alternatives to that technology, Shwed says. Check Point will either form an OEM relationship with Sourcefire, or simply buy another company that owns a similar technology, he added. The roadmap stays the same, Shwed insists. (Check Point wants to be the last pure-play security vendor by Patrick Gray),130061744,139265693,00.htm Check Point has recently acquired Zone Labs, a company known for letting consumers download free software like Zone Alarm, a personal firewall. When asked if free software downloads will stop now with the acquisition, Mr Gil Shwed, chairman and CEO of Check Point, said: No, Zone Labs is doing a good job providing free products for consumers. The fact that it provides free products to people is a very good way to secure people and get them familiar with the need for security and also to test software programs. The fact that we have 25 million consumers is a great way to make sure that a product is tested in every environment. (Check-ing on the Weakest),5104,1885,00.html I find this statement troubling at least as much as I find the fact that they are producing Firewall software for personal computers. Which any good intelligence technician would create with surreptitious back-door access installed. Google Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University, and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 7, 1998. The first funding for Google as a company was secured in the form of a USD100,000 contribution from Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, given to a corporation which did not yet exist. After viewing a quick demo, Sun Microsystems co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim (himself a Jewish immigrant from Germany) wrote a $100,000 check to Google, Inc. (The Story of Sergey Brin by Mark Malseed) Around six months later, a much larger round of funding was announced, with the major investors being rival venture capital firms Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital. Sequoia Capital, one of the first Silicon Valley venture capital firms, has only one office outside the United States in Israel. Financier Michael Moritz, from Sequoia currently sits on the board of Directors of Google. Google also owns both Google video and YouTube which was purchased in late 2006. In 2004, Google launched its own free web-based email service, known as Gmail. Google admits that deleted messages will remain on their system, and may be accessible internally at Google, for an indefinite period of time. For the first time in Googles history, the

language in their new policy made it clear that they will be pooling all the information they collect on you from all of their various services. Moreover, they may keep this information indefinitely, and give this information to whomever they warrant. Their corporate motto is Dont be evil, and they even made sure that the Securities and Exchange Commission got this message in Googles IPO filing. Google has never been known to delete any of the data theyve collected, since day one. For example, their cookie with the unique ID in it, which expires in 2038, has been tracking all of the search terms youve ever used while searching their main index. For all searches they record the cookie ID, your Internet IP address, the time and date, your search terms, and your browser configuration. Increasingly, Google is customizing results based on your IP number. This is referred to in the industry as IP delivery based on geolocation. (Compiled from various documented sources) Google has also developed Google Earth, an interactive mapping program powered by satellite imagery that covers the vast majority of the earth. Google Earth is generally considered to be remarkably accurate and extremely detailed. For example, some major cities have such remarkably detailed images that one can zoom in close enough and read the license plates on cars on a street. Specifically, some countries and militaries contend the software can be used to pinpoint with near-precision accuracy thephysical location of critical infrastructure, commercial and residential buildings, bases, government agencies, and so on. (Google Wikipedia entry) Sergey Brins parents, Michael Brin, 59, a mathematics professor at the University of Maryland, and his wife, Eugenia, 58, is a research scientist at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center. They are Jews who emigrated from Russia with the assistance of HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and $2,000 dollar loan from the Jewish community in Maryland. Googles first employee and a number of other early hires were Jewish and, when the initial winter holiday season rolled around, a menorah rather than a Christmas tree graced the lobby. Like Sergey, Larry is the son of high-powered intellects steeped in computer science. His father, Carl Victor Page, a computer science professor at Michigan State University until his death in 1996, received one of the first Ph.D.s awarded in the field. His mother, Gloria, holds a masters degree in computer science and has taught college programming classes. The two young graduate students also shared a Jewish background. (The Story of Sergey Brin by Mark Malseed) DAVOS, Switzerland Google is in the process of establishing an R&D center in Israel, Sergey Brin, a founder of the Internet search titan, told Haaretz during the World Economic Forum here. Brin and co-founder Larry Page were among the more visible participants at the economic conference. Both have a solid connection with Israeli entrepreneurs in the Internet field. (Google plans Research and Development center in Israel) Google Facts: Matt Cutts, a software engineer at Google since January 2000, used to work for the National Security Agency.Keyhole, the satellite imaging company that Google acquired in October 2004, was funded by the CIA. Keyhole is supported by In-Q-Tel, a venture

capital firm funded by the CIA, in an effort to identify and invest in companies developing cutting-edge information technologies that serve United States national security interests. We are moving to a Google that knows more about you. Google CEO Eric Schmidt, February 9, 2005 (Creepy Gmail) Both Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page attended Shimon Peres 80th birthday extravaganza in September of 2003. Brin even spoke at a symposium entitled The Promise and Risk of Technology (Celebrating 80 Years with Shimon Peres) Onset Technology The problem is that BlackBerrys operating system includes only e-mail, an appointment book, and a contact list (personal information management). There are already several small software companies in the world that have discovered this vacuum, and are supplying added value services for BlackBerrys operating system. One of these companies is Israeli start-up Onset Technology Ltd., founded in 1997 by president and CEO Gadi Mazor and Ron Maor, both veterans of Unit 8-200 (the IDF signal intelligence gathering unit). Most of Onset Technologys current work involves the BlackBerry. The companys METAmessage software provides access to an enterprises network via a BlackBerry. The software enables users to see files on an office computer, print them, and check for errors. (Bettering BlackBerry: Israeli Startup Onset Technology will Develop Homeland Security Apps for Blackberry PDAs by Ofer Levi) Odigo Odigo was an Israeli company whose headquarters were in New York, with offices in Herzliya. It offered instant messaging services via a minor messaging client called Odigo Messenger. Formally an affiliate web service provider Bravenet, Odigo was acquired by Comverse Technology on May 20, 2002. The founders of Odigo are Avner Ronen and his wife Maskit. Odigo is named after the Greek word for Guide. Avner, 24, would soon find himself living like a student in a battered East Village loft. He would see his fledgling company, Odigo, laid siege to by America Online, the userfriendly Godzilla of the Internet world. He would be poised to earn fantastic amounts of wealth and would be equally poised to earn nothing. But having spent five years in the Israeli Defense Forces, he was not given to panic. Conflict with AOL is not so terrible, he once told me. Things are more difficult with Hezbollah. Ronen has never quite shed his military appearance though having settled in Manhattan, and Banana Republic. The Jan. 25 start-up of Odigo, which specializes in instant-message technology, was fast approaching. It may sound absurd in this Internet age, he says, but sometimes you must physically be in an environment to feel what is happening. You need presence. Choosing Silicon Alley over Silicon Valley was a matter of pure logistics: Odigo had 70 employees back home, and Ronen believed that the extra time difference between Israel and California would be too burdensome.

Still in the cab, Avner called Israel and casually informed his wife, Maskit, of his impulse to move. She agreed instantly. Maskit, who is also 24, met Avner in the military, where she had a senior rank and, significantly, was his computer instructor. (She is now one of Odigos software engineers.) There was no time to digest this information for either of us, Avner recalls. Moving here was just a theory. (Immigrants with an I.P.O. by Marshall Sella) Odigo came into the news in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, because two workers claimed that they received word of an upcoming terrorist attack two hours in advance, via their own messaging service. The two employees allegedly recorded the ipaddress and notified the authorities after the attack. [1] (Wikipedia entry) Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11, predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack. Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the companys management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI. Odigo usually zealously protects the privacy of its registered users, said Macover, but in this case the company took the initiative to provide the law enforcement services with the originating Internet Presence address of the message, so the FBI could track down the Internet Service Provider, and the actual sender of the original message. (Odigo says Workers were warned of attack by Yuval Dror) %5C Odigo, Inc., founded in 1998, is a leading provider of Instant Messaging and Presence Solutions to wireless carriers and service providers worldwide with a community of over 8M users world wide. Odigos products include IM servers, SMS-IM gateways, and presence management solutions. On May, 2002 Odigo was Aquired by Comverse, the worlds leading supplier of software and systems enabling network-based multimedia enhanced communications services. The field-proven Odigo Instant Messaging service, which serves millions of subscribers, enables Comverse to expand its offering to include both in-network and outsourced Instant Communications Solutions. AOL aol (nyse: aol news people) last weekend blocked the latest version of the Odigo Messenger from working with AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). Late Monday, Odigo figured out a way around the blockade, but early today AOL again put the kibosh on Odigos software. Both companies say theyre ready for a long battle. AOL contends that by accessing its servers, Odigo is compromising AOLs security and risking the privacy of AIM users.

AOL spokeswoman Tricia Primrose was equally adamant: Were not going to allow unauthorized access to our servers. No doubt they will try to devise a new workaround, and then well block them again. (AOL Again Blocks Odigo by David Einstein) Does anyone else think this is abusive technical hacking into AOLs servers who clearly dont want them there and feel it would compromise the security and personal records of AOL users? If this AOL was a woman and Odigo a man, he would be guilty of stalking, harassment and repetitive date rape. What do you call a company that forces its services and products on you whilst attempting to gain access to confidential consumer data? Oh thats right a spy op. Shortly after 9-11, Odigo was completely taken over by Comverse Technology, which had been part owner of Odigo since early 2000, if not earlier. Shortly after 9/11, five executives from Comverse were reported to have profited by more than $267 million from insider trading. Avner Ronen, the founder of Odigo, was Vice President of Business Development of Comverse Technology in October 2005. This indicates that Ronen and Kobi Alexander (of Comverse), both Israeli military officers with computer backgrounds, have been close business partners since early 2000. Comverse and Odigo have had a long-standing partnership and together have developed instant communications products and services that we have recently begun to offer to operators around the world, Zeev Bregman, CEO of the Israel-based Comverse Ltd., told The Jerusalem Post in May 2002. (Why was Kobi Alexander Allowed to Flee?) Gilat Satellite Networks Made more than half of the interactive VSATs (Very Small Aperture satellite Terminals), or small satellite earth stations used in communications networks sold in the world. (06/13/2006 10:03 AM EDT) ZICHRON YAACOV, Israel Satellite maker Gilat Satellite Networks said its technology will be incorporated into Cisco Systems routers. Gilats touts its SkyEdge technology as allowing Cisco routers to supply integrated services and the capacity to securely transmit high-speed voice, video and data services. The move is designed to provide an alternative communications path in parallel with terrestrial communications. (Cisco to Cooperate with Gilat for Satellite Backup) Like many others in the Israeli high tech field, Yoel Gat is a graduate of the Intelligence Corps, and a protege of Zohar Zisappel. He entered the civilian job market in 1987 only because he did not win against Eric Paneth in the stand-off for the position of unit commander. Three years later, Paneth became one of the founders of Orckit. Gilat Satellite Networks subsidiary Gilat Communications, set up in Israel under the management of Shlomo Tirosh, is increasingly becoming a major factor in the Israel

inland communications market, and like its parent company, was highly successful in issuing on Wall Street. Gilat grew from being a start-up to a 500-staff company, which constantly shows profits (generally exceeding expectations), and never ceases to innovate in satellite communications. Gat stands at the head of the pyramid of a company with a hush-hush aura attached to it by a team of guys who left the Intelligence Corps and globally conquered the satellite communications market. Leaving the unit together with Gat were Amiram Levinberg, his brother Joshua Levinberg, Shlomo Tirosh and Gideon Kaplan, and together they set up Gilat Satellite Networks (GILTF). (Yoel Gat Gilat Satellite Networks, The Hush-hush Guy by Efi Landau) m ECTel ECtel, a unit of telecoms equipment holding firm ECI Telecom, makes monitoring equipment for communications networks. In August of 2003, a major unnamed telecoms carrier had ordered the Israeli companys lawful Interception application. A valuation for deal was not given and a spokeswoman for the firm declined to comment on the size of the contract. For those who may not be familiar with the term lawful interception it is more commonly known as wiretapping. (Israel ECtel wins U.S. telecoms carrier deal) From ECTels own website it states that Chairman of the Board Yair Cohen, served as Brigadier General of Unit 8-200, the central military intelligence unit of the Israeli Defense Forces. It further elaborates that in this capacity, he was engaged in the development of state-of-the-art military technology. ( Narus Narus is a private company founded in 1997 by Ori Cohen, who had been in charge of technology development for VDONet, an early media streaming pioneer. It is notable for being the creator of NarusInsight, a supercomputer system which is used by the NSA and other bodies to perform mass surveillance and monitoring of citizens and corporations Internet communications in real-time, and whose installation in AT&Ts San Francisco Internet backbone gave rise to a 2006 class action lawsuit by the Electronic Frontier Foundation against AT&T. In 2004, Narus engaged the former Deputy Director of the National Security Agency, William Crowell as a director. From the Press Release announcing this: Crowell is an independent security consultant and holds several board positions with a variety of technology and technology-based security companies. Since 9/11, Crowell has served on the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Task Force on Terrorism and Deterrence, the National Research Council Committee on Science and Technology for Countering Terrorism and the Markle Foundation Task Force on

National Security in the Information Age. (Narus Wikipedia entry) One of the devices in the Cabinet Naming list is particularly revealing as to the purpose of the secret room: a Narus STA 6400. Narus is a 7-year-old company which, because of its particular niche, appeals not only to businessmen (it is backed by AT&T, JP Morgan and Intel, among others) but also to police, military and intelligence officials. Last November 13-14, for instance, Narus was the Lead Sponsor for a technical conference held in McLean, Virginia, titled Intelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception and Internet Surveillance. Police officials, FBI and DEA agents, and major telecommunications companies eager to cash in on the war on terror had gathered in the hometown of the CIA to discuss their special problems. Among the attendees were AT&T, BellSouth, MCI, Sprint and Verizon. Narus founder, Dr. Ori Cohen, gave a keynote speech. So what does the Narus STA 6400 do? The (Narus) STA Platform consists of stand-alone traffic analyzers that collect network and customer usage information in real time directly from the message. These analyzers sit on the message pipe into the ISP (internet service provider) cloud rather than tap into each router or ISP device (Telecommunications magazine, April 2000). A Narus press release (1 Dec., 1999) also boasts that its Semantic Traffic Analysis (STA) technology captures comprehensive customer usage data and transforms it into actionable information. (It) is the only technology that provides complete visibility for all internet applications. The next logical question is, what central command is collecting the data sent by the various secret rooms? One can only make educated guesses, but perhaps the answer was inadvertently given in the DOD Inspector Generals report (cited above): For testing TIA capabilities, Darpa and the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) created an operational research and development environment that uses real-time feedback. The main node of TIA is located at INSCOM (in Fort Belvoir, Virginia) . Among the agencies participating or planning to participate in the INSCOM testing are the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the DOD Counterintelligence Field Activity, the U.S. Strategic Command, the Special Operations Command, the Joint Forces Command and the Joint Warfare Analysis Center. There are also discussions going on to bring in non-DOD federal agencies such as the FBI. (AT&T Whistle-Blowers Evidence by Wired) If youve been keeping track of American Internet and the battles over surfer privacy, then you have run into the name Narus, which specializes in tapping surfer traffic. It was founded in 1997 by Dr Ori Cohen, Stas Khirman and four other guys in Israel. For years Narus sailed on untroubled. But today its become associated with the likes of Carnivore or Echelon, the notorious software programs that have become linked with spying on email and delivering data on surfers to government agencies.

The image change Narus has suffered and its frequent mentions in debates on privacy and the freedom of information, is mainly because of Mark Klein. That would be a technician retired from AT&T for 22 years, who reported to the American authorities a few months ago that he suspected AT&T of allowing the National Security Agency to bug its customers phone calls. Customer Internet traffic via the WorldNet service provider was reportedly shunted to data-mining technology in a secret room at AT&T facilities. The data analysis technology was made by Narus. It is very possible that Cohen and Khirman are working at a startup that nobody is willing to talk about. A stealthy startup they helped found called Cright that has lots of employees in Israel and California, and which is reportedly about to avail itself of Ukrainian development talent too. Almost nobody has heard of Cright and nobody at all, including its distinguished investors, is willing to discuss what it does. Sequoia Israel, the Rolls Royce of the technological venture capital world, is whispered to have invested $7 million in Cright together with Charles River. But the enigmatic startup is not mentioned on the Sequoia site, which otherwise describes the portfolio very thoroughly. Nor does the Charles River site mention it. Nor could I glean any information about the company or about the Narus people manning it. Cright has a website, a naked one that reveals nothing: and has taken a vow of utter silence. Market sources surmise that Cright is tight-lipped because what it does would spark outrage among surfers jealous of their privacy, which could culminate in migraines for the startup and its backers. But that is assuming that Ori Cohen and Stas Khirman are still working on products that analyze Internet traffic, and possibly, that this time their prying eye is looking at private surfers. Industry sources in the know claim theyre harnessing Israeli developers to develop a DRM product designed for installation at Internet providers, which will among other things frustrate file sharing and peer-2-peer networks. These sources say Cright (could that be short for copyright?) is supposed to filter P2P networks, to monitor and analyze files being shared, and possibly to shut down errant P2P network, or at least to block certain content. In other words, if may be a new twist on the old trick of monitoring the Internets main line, analyzing content, and interfering with it, just as Narus says it does in Saudi Arabia. (Ori Cohen, Private Eye by Raphael Fogel) You have Narus, established to collect internet intel on American citizens for the NSA, DIA, CIA, DHS and a host of others within the US intelligence community. What dont they want you to know beyond that? Well, Narus was founded by Israeli native Ori Cohen in 1997, prior to that he was the VP of Business and Technology Development

for VDOnet, a leading provider of Internet video conferencing and video on demand software solutions. Prior to VDOnet, he served as CEO for IntelliCom Ltd. So both Narus and later companies Skyrider and CRight were founded by a shadowy Israeli citizen with substantial U.S. intelligence connections named Ori Cohen. But Cohens bio doesnt go beyond his work in the UK with Intellicom Ltd. UK, the rest has been aggressively sanitized and filtered. No picture, and absolutely no information beyond Intellicom Ltd. which I find most unusual. But Im going to go out on a limb and wager that what are the odds that U.S. telecom traffic is being compromised by at least 3 Israeli intel fronts, and then the NSAs internet monitoring own capacities just happen to be farmed out to yet another Israeli founded company with tenuous intel connections? Evidence at this level, you think, would make this extremely suspicious to any agency pledged to defend the country against foreign espionage. Yet here before all, it not only doesnt raise an eyebrow, but theyve actually instituted the espionage by allowing a foreign power access to all of their sensitive data! One can only wonder at the extortion and blackmail material these Israeli companies have amassed thats being used against powerful figures within the U.S. to sanction this level of insanity. But in thinking this out further, maybe theres something more. Because by using these Israeli cut-out contractors, the U.S. agencies can effectively bypass those troublesome domestic surveillance laws and other legal obstacles, by utilizing foreign intelligence agencies such as in Israel to collect the data for them. So, the Israeli intelligence can amass extortion and blackmail material to force any leaders with something to hide, to supporting their wars and agenda. Whilst the U.S. can illegally collect net profiles, histories and whatever from any Joe and Jane citizen they want to, and reserve any incriminating or useful information for further use down the road. Comverse Technology, Inc. ( a.k.a Comverse Infosys & Verint) Comverse Infosys designs, develops, manufactures and markets advanced telecommunications processing solutions for telecommunications carriers and Law Enforcement Agencies. Solutions include the acquisition, storage, processing and analysis of voice, data and video electronic communications. The open-ended, modular designs provide the versatility to easily adapt new technologies and enhancements to meet future requirements, such as 3G Cellular and packet data networks. (Comverse Infosys Profile) Founded in 1981, the company focuses on providing services to third party telecommunication service providers. The real parent company of Comverse was Jacob Kobi Alexanders Tel Aviv-based Efrat Future Technology Ltd., which carried out all research, development, and manufacturing, for Comverse. (Wikipedia entry) rse_Technology) The latest incarnation known as Verint Systems defines itself as a global organization providing analytic software solutions for communications interception, digital video security and surveillance, and enterprise business intelligence. We generate actionable intelligence through the collection, retention and analysis of video, email, Internet and data transmissions from multiple types of communications. (

CARL CAMERON, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: The company is Comverse Infosys, a subsidiary of an Israeli-run private telecommunications firm, with offices throughout the U.S. It provides wiretapping equipment for law enforcement. Heres how wiretapping works in the U.S. Every time you make a call, it passes through the nations elaborate network of switchers and routers run by the phone companies. Custom computers and software, made by companies like Comverse, are tied into that network to intercept, record and store the wiretapped calls, and at the same time transmit them to investigators. The manufacturers have continuing access to the computers so they can service them and keep them free of glitches. This process was authorized by the 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, or CALEA. Senior government officials have now told Fox News that while CALEA made wiretapping easier, it has led to a system that is seriously vulnerable to coundermined the whole wiretapping system. Congress [sic, probably Comverse] insists the equipment it installs is secure. But the complaint about this system is that the wiretap computer programs made by Comverse have, in effect, a back door through which wiretaps themselves can be intercepted by unauthorized parties. Adding to the suspicions is the fact that in Israel, Comverse works closely with the Israeli government, and under special programs, gets reimbursed for up to 50 percent of its research and development costs by the Israeli Ministry of Industry and Trade. But investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying through Comverse is considered career suicide. And sources say that while various F.B.I. inquiries into Comverse have been conducted over the years, theyve been halted before the actual equipment has ever been thoroughly tested for leaks. A 1999 F.C.C. document indicates several government agencies expressed deep concerns that too many unauthorized non-law enforcement personnel can access the wiretap system. And the FBIs own nondescript office in Chantilly, Virginia that actually oversees the CALEA wiretapping program, is among the most agitated about the threat. But there is a bitter turf war internally at F.B.I. It is the FBIs office in Quantico, Virginia, that has jurisdiction over awarding contracts and buying intercept equipment. And for years, theyve thrown much of the business to Comverse. A handful of former U.S. law enforcement officials involved in awarding Comverse government contracts over the years now work for the company. Numerous sources say some of those individuals were asked to leave government service under what knowledgeable sources call troublesome circumstances that remain under administrative review within the Justice Department. CAMERON: Beyond the 60 apprehended or detained, and many deported since Sept. 11, another group of 140 Israeli individuals have been arrested and detained in this year in what government documents describe as an organized intelligence gathering operation, designed to penetrate government facilities. Most of those individuals said they had served in the Israeli military, which is compulsory there.

But they also had, most of them, intelligence expertise, and either worked for Amdocs or other companies in Israel that specialize in wiretapping. Earlier this week, the Israeli embassy in Washington denied any spying against or in the United States (Transcripts of Fox News Special Report with Brit Hume, from December 13, 2001) and CARL CAMERON, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Los Angeles, 1997, a major local, state and federal drug investigating sours. The suspects: Israeli organized crime with operations in New York, Miami, Las Vegas, Canada, Israel and Egypt. The allegations: cocaine and ecstasy trafficking, and sophisticated white-collar credit card and computer fraud. The problem: according to classified law enforcement documents obtained by Fox News, the bad guys had the cops beepers, cell phones, even home phones under surveillance. Some who did get caught admitted to having hundreds of numbers and using them to avoid arrest. This compromised law enforcement communications between LAPD detectives and other assigned law enforcement officers working various aspects of the case. The organization discovered communications between organized crime intelligence division detectives, the FBI and the Secret Service. Shock spread from the DEA to the FBI in Washington, and then the CIA. An investigation of the problem, according to law enforcement documents, concluded, The organization has apparent extensive access to database systems to identify pertinent personal and biographical information. (Transcripts of Fox News Special Report with Brit Hume, from December 14, 2001) and Another Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which subcontracts the installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone system in America. Comverse maintains its own connections to all this phone tapping equipment, insisting that it is for maintenance purposes only. However, Converse has been named as the most likely source for leaked information regarding telephone calls by law enforcement that derailed several investigations into not only espionage, but drug running as well. (The Israeli Spy Ring) Comverse is one of the most notable companies involved in the options backdating scandal. The Ex-CEO of Comverse, Jacob Alexander, an Israeli citizen, has been classified as a wanted fugitive from August 2006 by the American Federal Bureau of Investigation. Along with former finance chief David Kreinberg and former senior general counsel William Sorin, Alexander faces multiple charges of conspiracy, securities fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering and making false filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission; all of these charges relate to alleged options backdating or other actions related to stock options. Jacob Kobi Alexander, was an Israeli military officer connected to the Odigo instant messaging company whose employees and users received an early warning of the 9/11 attacks, has become a fugitive from U.S. justice and taken refuge in Israel along with other prime suspects of

the terror attacks. (Wikipedia entry) BEIJING, Sept. 28, 2006 (Xinhuanet) Securities fraud fugitive Jacob Kobi Alexander, former Comverse Technology Inc. chief executive officer, was arrested Wednesday in Namibia. Alexander, 54, former Israeli intelligence officer turned high-technology entrepreneur, will be brought before a court in Windhoek within 48 hours, and the U.S. will seek his extradition, the Justice Department said. Federal prosecutors charged Alexander on Aug. 9 with backdating stock options to boost the compensation of executives at New York-based Comverse, the worlds largest maker of voicemail software. Alexanders alleged role in options backdating victimized Comverse shareholders and deceived prospective investors, Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Roslynn Mauskopf said in a statement. The fraud affected the companys bottom line by misstating earnings. After Alexander was charged and fled the U.S. the FBI put his face on its Most Wanted list and Interpol initiated a global red notice, asking police to arrest the former CEO. Prosecutors said today that Alexander isnt a U.S. citizen as the FBI stated in a press release after he was first charged. Robert Nardoza, a spokesman for Mauskopf, said the former CEO, a citizen of Israel, is also a permanent resident of the U.S. Alexander wired 57 million U.S, dollars to Israel in July from an account at Citigroup Inc.s Smith Barney Unit, the U.S. government said, calling the transfer an effort to aunder the proceeds of the fraud. His assets in two Citigroup Smith Barney accounts were frozen July 31. A 32-count indictment unsealed Wednesday by Garaufis in Brooklyn federal court charged Alexander with crimes relating to an alleged slush fund and the backdating of stock options from 1998 to 2006. He is charged with conspiracy, securities fraud, making false filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering. (Fugitive: Interpol arrests Jacob Alexander) Comverse Technology, the U.S.-based parent company of an older and much bigger Israel-based company with the same name, is the owner of the Verint, Ulticom, Starhome, Mercom and Startel companies. Alexander, was recently allowed to flee the United States after he and two other former Comverse executives were charged with securities, mail and wire fraud by U.S. prosecutors in Brooklyn, New York. A warrant has been issued for his arrest. While a spokesman for the U.S. Attorneys office for the Eastern District of New York told AFP on August 15 that he expected that Alexander would turn himself in, The New York Times was rather less optimistic. It will be a long time if ever before Alexander explains himself in a courtroom, the Times wrote on August 21. Alexanders lawyer,

Robert Morvillo, said he believed that Alexander and his family were on vacation in Israel. Alexander, an Israeli citizen and a former military officer, wired $57 million to an account in Israel at the end of July and was evidently allowed to flee the United States. Given Alexanders stature and military service, the Times reported, quoting unnamed law professors, Israel might be reluctant to readily hand him over. One might reasonably ask, What does the 54-year old Alexanders military service have to do with Israel refusing to extradite him for crimes committed in the United States? While Alexander is obviously connected with Israels military intelligence apparatus and George Soros through the mutually owned investment fund ComSor, what is not widely reported is his companys close links with Odigo, the Israeli-run instant messaging company that received and conveyed urgent warning messages about the imminent terror attacks on the World Trade Center, several hours before the first plane hit. (Why was Kobi Alexander Allowed to Flee?) AmDocs Limited Headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri but primarily based in Raanana, Israel, is a provider of software and services for billing, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and OSS (Operational Support Systems) systems. Its clients are primarily focused on the telecommunications, including such Tier-1 players as Comcast, Cablevision, DirecTV, Jupiter Communications, Cable One, Sprint-Nextel, Cingular, Vodafone, T-Mobile and Sensis. The company was originally called Aurec Group (the Hebrew word for Artery, which in Hebrew is used to describe a communication channel) and dealt only with directory services, i.e. Yellow Pages. They now provide application suites for CRM, sales, and billing operations for telecommunication service providers. Amdocs still provides publishing software for creating print and online directories. The company also offers outsourced customer service and data center operations. Amdocs claims to be the largest billing systems software and services provider in the world.; in the USA, they provide billing and directory assistance for 90% of the phone companies. As of 2002, Dov Baharav replaced Avi Naor, as Amdocs CEO. (Wikipedia entry) CARL CAMERON, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Heres how the system works. Most directory assistance calls, and virtually all call records and billing in the U.S. are done for the phone companies by Amdocs Ltd., an Israeli-based private telecommunications company. Amdocs has contracts with the 25 biggest phone companies in America, and more worldwide. The White House and other secure government phone lines are protected, but it is virtually impossible to make a call on normal phones without generating an Amdocs record of it. In recent years, the FBI and other government agencies have investigated Amdocs more than once. The firm has repeatedly and adamantly denied any security breaches or wrongdoing. But sources tell Fox News that in 1999, the super secret National Security

Agency, headquartered in northern Maryland, issued whats called a Top Secret sensitive compartmentalized information report, TS/SCI, warning that records of calls in the United States were getting into foreign hands in Israel, in particular. Investigators dont believe calls are being listened to, but the data about who is calling whom and when is plenty valuable in itself. An internal Amdocs memo to senior company executives suggests just how Amdocs generated call records could be used. Widespread data mining techniques and algorithms. combining both the properties of the customer (e.g., credit rating) and properties of the specific behavior. Specific behavior, such as who the customers are calling. The Amdocs memo says the system should be used to prevent phone fraud. But U.S. counterintelligence analysts say it could also be used to spy through the phone system. Fox News has learned that the N.S.A has held numerous classified conferences to warn the F.B.I. and C.I.A. how Amdocs records could be used. At one NSA briefing, a diagram by the Argon national lab was used to show that if the phone records are not secure, major security breaches are possible. Another briefing document said, It has become increasingly apparent that systems and networks are vulnerable Such crimes always involve unauthorized persons, or persons who exceed their authorizationciting on exploitable vulnerabilities. Those vulnerabilities are growing, because according to another briefing, the U.S. relies too much on foreign companies like Amdocs for high-tech equipment and software. Fox News has documents of a 1997 drug trafficking case in Los Angeles, in which telephone information, the type that Amdocs collects, was used to completely compromise the communications of the FBI, the Secret Service, the DEA and the LAPD. BRIT HUME, HOST: Last time we reported on an Israeli-based company called Amdocs Ltd. that generates the computerized records and billing data for nearly every phone call made in America. As Carl Cameron reported, U.S. investigators digging into the 9/11 terrorist attacks fear that suspects may have been tipped off to what they were doing by information leaking out of Amdocs. (Transcripts of Fox News Special Report with Brit Hume, from December 11-14, 2001) and Amdocs Limited was founded by Avi Naor. Avi served in the Israeli army, and holds a BSC degree in computer sciences from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology. In 1976 he joined the Aurec Group, and in 1982 he founded Amdocs. Naor also founded an organization by the name of Mahal2000 and serves as its director. Mahal is the Hebrew acronym for Overseas Volunteers and is a non-profit organization dedicated to enabling young (ages 18-23 ) overseas Jews to volunteer for service in the IDF, followed by a commitment to Jewish community service in their country of origin. Mahal2000 cooperates directly with the IDF, Ministry of Interior and many others in order to facilitate the enlistment of overseas volunteers. What this smells like is an active global training programme for spies, including their deployment overseas at conclusion. It even spells out specifically what non-Jews can do for the programme in this following excerpt obtained here:

Since then however, the policy has been to restrict service in the armed forces to citizens of Israel, Jews as well as Christians, Moslems, Druze and others, and to nonIsraeli Jews so as to avoid placing at risk persons who do not have this connection to Israel. In addition, the maximum enlistment date limit is the 23rd birthday for men and the 20th for women. Unfortunately no exception can be made. You have the opportunity, however, to take your place defending Israel on the public relations front. Today, wars and battles are often won or lost on TV screens, in the minds and hearts of good people. Therefore, public relations is no less important than planes and tanks. You could, for example, volunteer to be a PR Ambassador of and explain to others what it means for Israel to be the sole democracy in a region comprising 23 dictatorships (including 5 out of the worlds 7 state sponsors of terrorism and about half of the worlds major terror groups). Of the 19 most repressive regimes in the world, 7 are in Arab states and Iran. Arab regimes and Iran are also a breeding ground for advocating Jihad (Holy War) against all non-Muslims (Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Animists and Jews included) and openly seek world domination and the ultimate destruction of freedom. The very nature of this enterprise confirms the fact that Avi Naor is very currently active in military circles within Israel. Also of note regarding Amdocs, is that Israeli spies using the cover as art students were arrested for gaining access into the offices and even the homes of federal law enforcement agents and government officials. Thirteen in all were busted and the two principals of the operation were Itay Simon and Michael Calmanovic, who were bailed out immediately by Amdocs employee Ophir Baer, who posted their $50,000 bond. While in custody, Simon told his interrogators that he did classified work for the Israeli army. According to the report, Simon refused to answer questions about his military service As for Calmanovic, he stated that he was a recently discharged electronic intercept operator for the Israeli military. One striking fact stands out, and that is the large number of art students who were experts in the art of handling explosives. What were these guys doing during their stay in this country before it was so rudely interrupted by the feds or, rather, what were they preparing to do? (Leaked Government Report Exposes Israeli Spy Ring by Justin Raimondo) The FBI was probing allegations that the government of Israel had penetrated four White House telephone lines and was able to relay real-time conversations on those lines from a remote site outside the White House directly to Israel for listening and recording. The article also charged that the FBI was investigating whether similar penetrations had been made into State Department lines, possibly Pentagon lines and, most interesting, into unlisted, secret lines used by the FBI in its counterintelligence work, including its probe into the Israeli penetration already being investigated. The two reporters said the FBI investigation had been launched in late 1996 or early 1997 when a local telephone company manager became suspicious of an Israeli employee of Amdocs, an Israeli company that sells billing software to telephone companies. The American telephone managers suspicions came to the attention of the CIA, the reporters said, which turned the matter over to the FBI. The Israeli worked as a subcontractor on a telephone-billing program being developed for the CIA, and was married to an Israeli woman employed in the Israeli Embassy in Washington. In a search of the husbands workplace, the FBI found a list of the FBIs most sensitive telephone numbers, including the Bureaus black lines that FBI counterintelligence used to keep track of the suspected Israel spy operation, the reporters noted. They

reported also that husband-and-wife assignments are common in the Mossad. (Report of Israeli Eavesdropping on White House Telephones gets Varying Media Treatment By Richard H. Curtiss) More than two dozen U.S. intelligence, counterintelligence, law-enforcement and other officials have told Insight that the FBI believes Israel has intercepted telephone and modem communications on some of the most sensitive lines of the U.S. government on an ongoing basis. The worst penetrations are believed to be in the State Department. But others say the supposedly secure telephone systems in the White House, Defense Department and Justice Department may have been compromised as well. The problem for FBI agents in the famed Division 5, however, isnt just what they have uncovered, which is substantial, but what they dont yet know, according to Insights sources interviewed during a year-long investigation by the magazine. Of special concern is how to confirm and deal with the potentially sweeping espionage penetration of key U.S. government telecommunications systems allowing foreign eavesdropping on calls to and from the White House, the National Security Council, or NSC, the Pentagon and the State Department. This discovery by Division 5 should have come as no surprise, given what its agents had been tracking for many months. But the FBI discovered enough information to make it believe that, somehow, the highest levels of the State Department were compromised, as well as the White House and the NSC. According to Insights sources with direct knowledge, other secure government telephone systems and/or phones to which government officials called also appear to have been compromised. The subcontractor was employed by an Israeli-based company (*Amdocs) and cleared for such work. But suspicious behavior raised red flags. After a fairly quick review, the CIA handed the problem to the FBI for follow-up. This was not the first time the FBI had been asked to investigate such matters and, though it was politically explosive because it involved Israel, Division 5 ran with the ball. This is always a sensitive issue for the Bureau, says a former U.S. intelligence officer. When it has anything to do with Israel, its something you just never want to poke your nose into. But had too much potential to ignore because it involved a potential systemwide penetration. As for how this may have been done technologically, the FBI believes it has uncovered a means using telephone-company equipment at remote sites to track calls placed to or received from high-ranking government officials, possibly including the president himself, according to Insights top-level sources. One of the methods suspected is use of a private company that provides record-keeping software and support services for major telephone utilities in the United States. A local telephone company director of security Roger Kochman tells Insight, I dont know anything about it, which would be highly unusual. I am not familiar with anything in that area. U.S. officials believe that an Israeli penetration of that telephone utility in the Washington area was coordinated with a penetration of agents using another telephone support-services company to target select telephone lines. Suspected penetration includes lines and systems at the White House and NSC, where it is

believed that about four specific phones were monitored either directly or through remote sites that may involve numbers dialed from the complex. [The FBI] uncovered what appears to be a sophisticated means to listen in on conversations from remote telephone sites with capabilities of providing real-time audio feeds directly to Tel Aviv, says a U.S. official familiar with the FBI investigation. Details of how this could have been pulled off are highly guarded. However, a highlevel U.S. intelligence source tells Insight: The access had to be done in such a way as to evade our countermeasures Thats whats most disconcerting. Despite elaborate precautions by the U.S. agencies involved, say Insights sources, this alleged Israeli intelligence coup came down to the weakest link in the security chain: the human element. The technical key appears to be software designs for telephone billing records and support equipment required for interfacing with local telephone company hardware installed in some federal agencies. The FBI has deduced that it was this sophisticated computer-related equipment and software could provide real-time audio feeds. In fact, according to Insights sources, the FBI believes that at least one secure T-1 line routed to Tel Aviv has been used in the suspected espionage. The potential loss of U.S. secrets is incalculable. So is the possibility that senior U.S. officials could be blackmailed for indiscreet telephone talk. Many officials do not like to bother with using secure, encrypted phones and have classified discussions on open lines. (Insight Magazine FBI Probes Espionage at Clinton White House By J. Michael Waller and Paul M. Rodriguez) Also of interest is the fact that the Chief Operations Officer (COO) of Amdocs in 2003 was a man named Sami Totah. Totah is a veteran of Israels military intelligence group Unit 8-200 and is now the Eternal Director of ECTel. Vuance Ltd. formerly SuperCom VUANCE Ltd. (formerly SuperCom) is an established Solution Provider, providing its customers with innovative Incident Management, Asset Management, e-ID solutions. ( SuperCom, Ltd. is engaged in research, development and marketing of advanced technologies and products for smart-card solutions and government e-ID projects. SuperCom offers a wide range of standard and customized smart card-based solutions for physical and logical security, education, corrections facilities and air & seaports. SuperCom is also a leader in the manufacturing of secure and durable documents such as national identity cards, passports, visas, drivers licenses and vehicle registration. Together with its subsidiaries, SuperCom offers advanced, innovative and flexible solutions in contact and contactless smart-card technologies. Headquartered in Israel, SuperCom has subsidiaries in the US and Hong Kong. New York, NY, and Raanana, Israel, October 11, 2004 SuperCom, Ltd. (Euronext: SUP) a leading smart card and e-ID technology integrator and solutions provider serving governmental and commercial markets, announced today that the United States

Government Printing Office (GPO) has informed that the Companys proposal as a prime contractor for the integration of smart card technology in the US new electronic passports has been accepted for award. This project is considered to be the largest and most advanced smart passport project in the world to date. The US authorities have announced multiple awards for the implementation of the project that will include the production of smart inlay for the new passports with a sophisticated chip containing personal identification such as biometric data This type of passport will be difficult to forge and will replace the traditional passport that contained a printed personal photograph and was considered to be easy to falsify. The scope of the project based on the RFP is estimated at 50 million passports over the following five years. In this project, SuperCom will supply the smart card technology that it has developed over the recent years including the smart chip with an operating system and antenna that is embedded in the passport. (SuperCom Wins Tender for the Integration of Technology in the United States Smart Passport) q=8275198176058=en-US&mkt=en-US&FORM=CVRE KADIMA, Israel SuperCom Ltd. has unveiled new technology for active tracking of people and assets. The Israeli provider of smart card and electronic identification products has developed movement detection technology that can monitor and track numerous items simultaneously. The tracking technology employs small, low-powered RF tags attached to an object or a person. License-free radio bands are used to track the RF band from a programmable transmitter. SuperCom claims its Pure RF product can monitor and locate tagged items using a hand-held tracking device, which can also be integrated into cellphones. With an eye on the U.S. homeland security market, the company has appointed former CIA Director R. James Woolsey as chairman of its advisory board. (Tracking Technology could have Homeland Defense Apps by Joel Bainerman) R. James Woolsey served as Director of Central Intelligence from 1993-1995. He is currently Vice President of Booz Allen Hamiltons Global Strategic Security practice. Woolsey previously served on the National Commission on Terrorism. He was Under Secretary of the Navy, Ambassador to the Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), and was General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services. Woolsey was appointed by President Reagan as Delegate at Large to the U.S.Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), and the Nuclear and Space Arms Talks (NST). He also was an Advisor with the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I). Woolsey served on the Presidents Commission on Defense Management, Presidents Commission on Federal Ethics Law Reform, and Presidents Commission on Strategic Analysis. He was a Captain in the U.S. Army and was a staff member for the National Security Council. Mr. Woolsey is a graduate of Stanford (P! hi Beta Kappa), holds an M.A. from Oxford University (where he was a Rhodes Scholar),

and received a L.L.B. from Yale Law School (where he was Managing Editor of the Yale Law Journal). ( As persistent and as dilligently as I tried, I could find nothing on the backgrounds of either Supercom or Vuances founders as of this writing. All search results were heavily sanitized and filtered from any of the numerous entries I tried to locate them on. Also, please bear in mind that any of the links Ive posted could be taken down at any time by the very parties who wish this information to remain covert. July 26, 2007 Categories: Computer Security, ConCen Blog Feature, New World Order: Breaking The Chains, Politics, Zionism . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 21 Comments

Adnan Khashoggi, GCN, the Protocols, Alex Jones, and the 9/11 Truth Movement
ConCen Blog Feature By Mifune The Conspiracy Central Blog Monday, July 9, 2007 Adnan Khashoggi is the individual who owns Genesis Communications Network, famous for hosting such heavyweight radio personalities as Alex Jones, self proclaimed Grandfather of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and Jeff Rense. According to a 2004 article by Daniel Hopsicker from MadCow Morning News: Info on Khashoggi runs the gamut from the ridiculous to the sinister. To get the serious stuff out of the way first: Khashoggi was among a number of prominent Arab businessmen, like Khalid Mahfouz, who agreed to continue what have been described by US intelligence officials as protection payments to bin Laden at a meeting in Paris in 1998, said Londons Sunday Business Post October 7, 2001. Even Khashoggis guru has CIA connections, we learned: the vastly rich swami has been under official suspicion in the assassination of Indian Premier Rajiv Ghandi, and was even arrested by Indian police for currency fraud. Adnan Khashoggi revealed: He is wanted in Thailand, where he was convicted for fraud in absentia; is currently being sued, in a major and well-publicized case in Federal Court in Minneapolis for what may turn out to be criminal fraud; reportedly, he is also currently the subject of a massive investigation being conducted by the U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles.

Add to that the recently declassified American intelligence report from 1991 listing the top 100 drug traffickers and associates. It included lawyers, right-wing paramilitary fighters, a Peruvian rebel commander, a Colombian singer, a pre-dead Pablo Escobar, a pre-jailbird Manuel Noriega and Adnan Khashoggi. Further quoting the same article, From their base in Tampa Florida, Khashoggi and El Batrawi controlled a network of companies, all using the word Genesis in their name. The number of Khashoggiowned Genesis companies weve found keeps growing. There is, or was, Genesis Aviation, Inc., Genesis Aviation II, Genesis Diversified Investments, Genesis Studio and Production Corp., Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties, Genesis Intermedia;; Genesis Delaware; Genesis Florida The list, it do go on. And on. And then theres the Genesis Communications Network. Theres actually two of them, seemingly unrelated, but theyre so extremely similar in the fraud department to each other and to Saudi Genesis that the relationship appears strongly familial. Were still uncertain as to how close they all are; kissing cousins, at the very least. The first GCN is a so-called patriot network hosting Alex Jones and Dave Van Kliest, the, ah, the individual fronting for the latest See the Flash extravaganza, advertisements for which are spamming the Internet at a rate that must be causing concern among conservationists of our digital landscape of 1s and 0s. VanKliest is our pick for Disinfotainer of the Year an especial honor, considering that there was some fierce competition. Of course, See the Flash Dave from the powerhour, like Alex Jones, is part of the GENESIS Communications Network. As if that werent enough, evidence from an investigation into the death of Princess Diana indicates that Dodi Al Fayed was the nephew of none other than Adnan Khashoggi. The following quote is from the blog Shaphan, in a 2006 article entitled Collision or Collusion: Adnan Khashoggi. Not named by Stevens. But he turns up, I think, in the evidence of Richard Tomlinson [p.827]. In 1992 I was working on an operation to recover hightech weapons from the former Soviet Union. This operation was being conducted in collaboration with a very powerful arms dealer whose exact identity I did not know. When I read the file I discovered that this arms dealer was in very frequent contact with Mr Mohamed Al Fayed. I saw that the MI6 informant supplying this information had a code beginning with P, followed by several numbers. As this source was mentioned several times I tried to find out who it was. It was a Frenchman who was head of security at the Ritz Hotel. Stevens discounts the part about the P source in the Ritz but doesnt address or dispute the claim about the very powerful arms dealer whom AlFayed saw very frequently. Al-Fayeds first wife Samira, the mother of Dodi Fayed, was Adnan Khashoggis sister. According to the Paget Report, Dodi had bought a 130k engagement ring for Diana that afternoon and intended proposing imminently. The Daily Express newspaper [caveat lector] cites an author who alleges that Dodi

spoke with his Uncle Adnan (by phone?) on the evening of his death i.e. they were close. The possibility that princes William and Harry would be spending their adolescent summers in Adnan Khashoggis mansion in Monaco would have been motive enough for Edinburgh, Blair and MI6 to act to prevent it, for justifiable reasons of national security. Shaphan, Collision or Collusion, 19 December, 2006, Revised 8 January, 2007. To top it all off we have evidence that Khashoggi is connected to former Nazis, the Bilderberg Group, Japanese Yakuza, and President Marcos of the Philippines, famous as a dictator from 1960 to 1982. Quoting from Yeadon and Hawkings 2004 book, The Nazi Hydra in America How Americas Right Wing Politicians are Plunging the Country Into a Fascist Police State, The Bilderberg group held its first meeting in 1954. The Bilderberg group was founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and former officer in the SS. Bernhard had also worked in I.G. Farbens notorious NW7 group, which served as spies for the Third Reich. The Prince is also associated with the Knights of Templar, through its Dutch variety. Bernhard was appointed to govern the Dutch order in 1954. John Foster Dulles was reported to have been one of the most helpful Americans in establishing the Bilderberg group. Incidentally, in 1954 Dulles testified in favor of a bill designed to return vested enemy assets such as GAF, to their previous owners. From the beginning, the Bilderberg group had several members of the intelligence community associated with it. Sir Colin Gubbins, Britians wartime SOE head, was a founding member. Walter Bedell Smith was a co-chairman of the group in the US. (644) A partial list of significant events of 1954 follows: After learning about the Japanese treasures in November 1953, Marcos starts digging for gold in the Philippines. Fred Meuser, Lockheeds European Director, transfers to Geneva to live, this event figures in later. The FourPower Treaty is signed in Paris to terminate the occupation regime in Germany. Germany joins NATO. Geneva Accord reached regarding peace between France and Indochina. Additionally, 1954 was the year that Edward Landsdale arrived in Vietnam to take over the opium trade. The Israeli Mossad and US CIA formed an intelligence partnership. Nazi gold was moved from Argentina to the Philippines in 1954 after the Mosad determined it was located in Argentina. (645) One of the earliest documents attesting to Marcoss recovering the treasure of the Golden Lily is a gold certificate dated 1956. (646) Another gold certificate was issued on January 17, 1963 by Unions Bank of Switzerland. The certificate was issued to Adnan Kasogi. Adnan Kasogi was actually Adnan Khashoggi, a Marcos crony. Khashoggis name was misspelled, but that is often the case in these certificates. Khashoggi was a Lockheed agent and partner of Yoshio Kodama. Kodama was a Japanese rear admiral during the war and also a member of the Japanese Yakuza crime clan. Kodama was charged with

shipping the loot to the Philippines during the war. This gold certificate was issued just before Lockheed paid the first known bribe to Prince Bernhard. Lockheed was being used by the CIA to funnel money worldwide. Moreover, Lockheeds European Sales Director, Dutchman Fred Meuser, had been a member of Prince Bernhards wartime air force squadron. An additional member of the Lockheed bribe team was CIA officer Nicholas Deak. Deak had founded a money brokering firm that was used to funnel money to Kodama. Deaks company later merged with Lionel C. Perera, who founded the money firm of Perera, Manfra & Brookes. Perera was attached to the Chief of Military Government Finance Office at the Third Armys headquarters in Germany at wars end, where he interviewed Colonel Rauch. Rauch was the SS colonel responsible for hiding the Reich Bank gold reserves. (646) Now just recently, we have a report from the Times Online: Egyptian billionaire who spied for Mossad found dead. Heres the kicker: Adnan Khashoggi was one of his associates. An Egyptian billionaire financier who feared for his life after being accused of being a Mossad spy was found dead outside his Mayfair flat yesterday in suspicious circumstances. Ashraf Marwan, the son-in-law of the late President Gamel Abdel Nasser, was found beneath his fourth-floor flat in Carlton House Terrace. Police were treating his death as suspicious. Friends of Mr Marwan, a former shareholder in Chelsea Football Club, said that he had feared assassination after being named three years ago as an agent during the Yom Kippur war. Rumours of his death circulated in Londons Arab community last night. Some believe that he may have taken his life after a serious illness was diagnosed. Mr Marwans death will send shockwaves across the Middle East and among some of Britains wealthiest people. His associates included Adnan Khashoggi, the arms dealer, Ken Bates, the football club chairman, the Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and the late Tiny Rowland. At this point I would like to broach the subject of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, or as one author, Laura Knight Jadczyk, has called them, The Protocols of the Pathocrats, in her February 2006 editorial by the same title. I agree with her statement: In this weeks podcast we discuss what we have identified as the very first problem that must be solved in order for positive changes to be undertaken in American and elsewhere in the world: the Media. Knowledge is power. Those who control information can control the masses; its that simple.

As we researched the subject of the media, we came across The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. As everyone knows, this is a vicious anti-Semitic hoax. We agree. We do not for a minute think that this represents Judaism or ordinary Jewish people. What was shocking for us was our realization that the Protocols is being implemented almost line by line by many of the members of the Bush Administration and the various government think-tanks that formulate their policy. In other words, the Protocols is not a hoax because it is nonsense, but rather it is only a hoax because it was attributed to Jews. Here, we present the text of Protocol 12 from which several excerpts were read on the podcast and which we jokingly referred to as The Gospel According to Karl Rove. Read it and understand that this is, indeed, the number one issue that America must deal with before they can do a single other thing. This is not to say that there are not Zionists involved in the plan to bring about a one world goverment. I would like to focus on one particular portion of Protocol 12, which pertains to control of the press. 8. Literature and journalism are two of the most important educative forces, and therefore our government will become proprietor of the majority of the journals. This will neutralize the injurious influence of the privately-owned press and will put us in possession of a tremendous influence upon the public mind . If we give permits for ten journals, we shall ourselves found thirty, and so on in the same proportion. This, however, must in no wise be suspected by the public. For which reason all journals published by us will be of the most opposite, in appearance, tendencies and opinions, thereby creating confidence in us and bringing over to us quite unsuspicious opponents, who will thus fall into our trap and be rendered harmless. 9. In the front rank will stand organs of an official character. They will always stand guard over our interests, and therefore their influence will be comparatively insignificant. 10. In the second rank will be the semi-official organs, whose part it will be to attack the tepid and indifferent. 11. In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards. 12. All our newspapers will be of all possible complexions aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical for so long, of course, as the constitution exists . Like the Indian idol Vishnu they will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power of judgment and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be

repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the organ of their party they will, in fact, follow the flag which we hang out for them. In light of all of this, certain questions need to be asked:

Can we honestly consider any radio personality broadcasting on GCN to be free of ulterior motives, such as Alex Jones gatekeeping[1] in terms of Mossad connections to 9/11, or steering the 9/11 Truth Movement into ineffectiveness and hyper-emotional states of mind? Can anyone who holds any position of prominence within GCNs management, be considered free of ulterior motives and/or ties to the rogue network? Im looking at you, Ted Anderson. I have one more question, which I ask you all to consider deeply: Is the real role of Genesis Communications Network to present what looks like the very antipodes to the power elite of the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy?

Dont answer right away. Just think about it. For those of you who are wondering, I dont think that Daryl Bradford Smith is much better as a source of information; he covers Zionism, but falls into racism and hate speech. The issue of Zionism must be approached delicately and precisely in order to be fought properly. __________________________________________________________ Footnotes: 1. During a broadcast of Infowars on February 18, 2007, Alex Jones made the following statement: Watson: and the Jewish Conspiracy angle. Alex Jones: Now lets be clear. Neither I, Avery or Fetzer, uh, think its an Israeli attack. In fact, theyve had national polls of people who believe its an inside job, 7% believe Israel was involved. The broadcast from which this excerpt was obtained can be downloaded from here. Start listening at 84:30 to hear the exact quote. July 9, 2007 Categories: Assassinations and Mysterious Suicides, ConCen Blog Feature, History, New World Order: Breaking The Chains, Politics, Secret Societies, Zionism . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 51 Comments

Dr. Laytons Jungle Hell: Jonestown Revisited

ConCen Blog Feature

By Hei Hu Quan The Conspiracy Central Blog Sunday, July 1, 2007 Welcome to the Conspiracy Central Blog, for those who are new we extend a hearty welcome, as well as friends and compatriots from the powerful Conspiracy Central forum. Conspiracy [kuhn-spir-uh-see] noun, plural -cies. 1. The act of conspiring. 2. An evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot. 3. A combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government. 4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act. 5. Any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result. As you can plainly see from the commonly accepted dictionary entry the meaning is concise and clear. Nowhere do any of the definitions break down as Mainstream or Gatekeeper Media defines it: 1. 2. 3. 4. Wild, fantastical tales told by mentally deficient individuals. Unsubstantiated claims and accusations propagated by deranged fools. Crazy, unfounded stories compounded and blown out of proportion. Urban mythos.

Conspiracy as a term has been deliberately turned on its head and co-opted by concerted forces within the news media hemisphere, to now be the catch-phrase to readily dismiss any and all reports, fact-finding and investigations into the world of the global criminal order. Its methods, crimes, evidence, facts and well-insulated criminals, have been concealed, ridiculed, diverted by disinformation operatives, ignored and attacked. The funniest part of it all is that it is as real as the sun. Like the proverb, The biggest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing people he wasnt real, the best black propaganda ever advanced was to spin conspiracy to a running joke. Along the way there have been a great many heroes, both men and women who dedicated their very lives to standing up for the public interest and against forces that have literally collaborated and conspired towards common goals that protected, secured and advanced the goals of their criminal generations and empires. This is documented fact for all who would take the time to pull at the frayed fabric of history and begin the process of unweaving the lies, deceit and carefully prepared and sanctioned propaganda. When you have crime you have motive, opportunity and benefit as the primary components in any investigation. I would behoove those who are sincerely interested in getting at the facts and core to keep this in mind. In all investigational training involving the analysis and deductive reasoning of interpreting evidence, the first and most important element they teach is freeing your

mind of prejudicial information. Keeping an open mind is critical in reviewing the evidence with as un-jaundiced an eye as possible. Those who do not avail themselves of this will fail at discerning wheat from chaff during an investigation and blind themselves to the facts that scream to be heard. If you are ready to journey down this rabbit hole, then strap yourself in and prepare for the white knuckle ride. Join us as we journey to restore the true and proper definition of the term Conspiracy. Dr. Laytons Jungle Hell: Jonestown Revisited By Hei Hu Quan Conspiracy Central Blog June 26, 2007 Unfortunately there is a recent campaign to re-affirm the official story of the horror of Jonestown to indoctrinate a young generation who have no exposure to this intelligence field-test and subsequent clean-up operation. Recently weve been assailed by a media PSYOPS rewrite of that history like intel sponsored propaganda pieces called Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple and the Freemason-friendly History Channels Jonestown: Paradise Lost that was released in 2006. First off this is an immense story with a number of tributaries that I could literally write pages upon pages on. The best course of action is to give a down and dirty account on one of Americas premier and sickeningly successful black ops. I will tell you unequivocally and point blank, that Jonestown was a two-fold operation that involved establishing a working concentration camp complete with literal slave labor, as well as an isolated laboratory for the field-testing of MKULTRA mind control techniques of Monarch (psychic driving and eventual trauma compartmentalization with programming), Mass mind-control, and Delta hypno-assassin training and programming for use in the U.S. against special and covert COINTELPRO targets. The particular project was sponsored by Laurence Laird Layton and his family of whom the patriarch worked as the Chief of Chemical Warfare at the U.S. Armys Dugaway Proving Grounds. Layton was literally contacted because of his expertise in the chemicals that might produce a pharmaceutical solution to the perceived growing black and native peoples unrest churning within the U.S. Jonestown was an adjunct project of the well known MKULTRA called MKDELTA which was th actual field-testing of psychotropics and techniques developed from BLUEBIRD to MKULTRA, MKNAOMI and sub-projects of military intelligence; the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) in particular. Jim Jones was born in Indiana and his father was reputed to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan. In his rise to become a charismatic Christian preacher he held many different jobs, one odd and notable one being a seller of laboratory and pet monkeys of all things. I would imagine also that being a purveyor of these animals, it put him in the proximity of a number of research laboratories, including ones that performed mind control and worse. In any event, Jones ambition to become a prophet and preacher, and his success in captivating audiences in tent revivals, huckster shows and the like began to build his name as well as following.

He met up with a right bastard charlatan black preacher by the name of Father Divine who shared with Jim Jones a common closeted homosexuality that was known only to a few of each in their inner circles. Father Divine gained his fame and fortune by using psychological techniques to enthrall masses into virtual Alpha states and then bilk them out of their hard earned money. Jones being the ever cunning opportunist eagerly learned and refined Father Divines amateur psyops, and it propelled him further and further along. The years were during the early 1970s and revolutionary thought was at the forefront of American culture. Jones angle on his evolving con was to use a socialist variation of this to draw in young, African-Americans and women in particular into his newly forming church that was later to be dubbed the Peoples Temple. He gained popularity by attaching himself to San Franciscos mayor George Moscone, Harvey Milk and other inside players who could assist in his power plays and manipulations of the public. He spouted a message of universal love and socialist/communist principles that would destroy racism, sexism and castes of all kinds and provide protection and a shelter from the evils of society. This message particularly appealed to the poor, the disaffected and black in which he filled the membership of his churches with. He amassed a retinue of bodyguards whom he claimed would protect him from the forces within the U.S. government who wanted him dead because of his beliefs and commitment to aid the poor and black. As a deceit to further inculcate his hold on his audience and deify himself before their eyes, Jones would fake his own death through elaborately staged assassination attempts from time to time. He would be shot by his disguised bodyguards in a drive-by assassination complete with theatrical blood. Only to be whisked away by other bodyguards and after a time reappear safe and sound to the cheers and adulation of his congregation. Sometimes he would even use one of his doubles to stand in for him and stage his death. At this time, he was literally demanding that they turn over their assets to the Peoples Temple and used his local government contacts to assist in obtaining their pensions, Social Security payments as well as grants and access to patients of Retirement homes, halfway houses, and other agencies that served the poor and paid for their expenses. About this time Jones became involved with the CIA and good friends with one of their strongest assets, a piece of utter shit by the name of Dan Mitrione. Mitrione literally ran a school teaching torture techniques to the CIAs puppet dictators and soldiers in Brazil and Uruguay and assisting them in establishing death squads to kill leftists and their leaders. Mitrione would have random homeless street people and citizens abducted as teaching aids where they would be tortured to death in front of his slavering, sadistic students. Karma eventually caught up with this sanctioned demonic monster and Tupamaro guerrillas captured and executed him. Grieving over the loss of their friend, celebrities Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis personally sponsored a lavish fund-raiser for Mitriones family. Makes you wonder at their backgrounds huh? How long did Sinatra hide the original Manchurian Candidate film from the public again? 10 years. Dan Mitrione had a number of close and significant CIA contacts and station chiefs like Forbes Burnham, Richard Welch, Richard Dwyer that worked with Jim Jones who was contracted by them as an agent provocateur, and who would incite and foment riots and strategic labor strikes within prime political organizations of certain South American

countries that the CIA had wanted destabilized. He was even given the code-name of Raven as a play on his jet black hair. Bird code-names during that time were extremely popular within the intelligence circles of the CIA and NSA. Back in the U.S. the dirty little secrets of the Peoples Temple abuses began to leak. Relatives of family members within his congregation began asking questions and demanding investigations into Jones and his cult. With heat and controversy mounting, Jones used his contacts within the CIA to acquire a large parcel of land in Guyana that he wanted to escape with his golden flock in tow. The CIA and NSA wanted in exchange, Jones to be point-man for Dr. Laytons little field experiment in the isolated jungles of Guyana. The deal was set and Jones airlifted his Peoples Temple followers en masse to clear the jungle and establish settlement. With MKULTRA firmly underground thanks in part to the revelations of the Church Committee, the CIA and military intelligence went from deploying their projects in Universities, brothels, prisons, the military and medical facilities to creating and/or sponsoring cults to continue mind-control experiments on the public. It provided both a distanced plausible denial aspect as well as a controlled environment in which to refine their weapons of psychological destruction. Soon after, family members back in the U.S. began hearing reports of public tortures and rapes as traumatic punishments (Monarch and mass control through fear and trauma), as well as enslavement to work on crop plantations, paedophilia, murder and weird experiments at the Jonestown medical facility. Jones set up a perimeter of exclusively Caucasian guards who were Jones enforcers and Laurence Laytons own son Larry was head of it. Laytons daughter Deborah was also inserted amongst the hierarchy of the Jonestown organization as liaison to the political figures and officials that helped facilitate Jonestown. Before long Jim Jones began programs of administering the massive cache of pharmaceuticals through the food and cookies in particular. Troublemakers or dissidents were selected for the advanced mind experimentation, and within his own guard unit Jones had a Delta programmed hit team to carry out special missions or await their triggers for specified assassinations. All through the active period of Jonestown, CIA/NSA doctors with expertise in Laytons project would visit the camp to verify experiments and confirm reports. Nazi doctor Josef Mengele was rumoured to have been a visitor, but this is unconfirmed as of yet. Suicide drills began to be run called White Nights in which all camp members were roused in the middle of the night to prepare for an eventual mass suicide Jones was programming into his wards. Many of them already under Jones sleep deprivation and driven to exhaustion upon Jones orders provided yet another venue for the refinement of mind-control techniques in use currently for torture at global CIA rendition destinations and prisons like Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. The letters, complaints and demands of families of those now held against their will in Jonestown, grew louder and stronger. Eventually reaching the interest and ears of U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan who vowed to personally investigate their claims. In November 1978, U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan led a fact-finding mission to the Jonestown settlement in Guyana after allegations by relatives in the U.S. of human rights abuses. Ryans delegation arrived in Jonestown on November 15 and spent three days

interviewing residents. They left hurriedly on the morning of Saturday November 18 after an attempt was made on Ryans life by Don Sly. Ryan and his party were convinced that the tales they had heard were all too real and now threatened their very lives. They took with them roughly 15 Peoples Temple members who wished to leave. As they were boarding planes at the airstrip, a flatbed truck bearing Jones Delta hypno-programmed death squad arrived and began to shoot at them. An NBC cameraman Bob Brown who ended up murdered by the Jonestown death squad, captured the entire attack on film (Ive seen the footage). At the same time Larry Layton, who had pretended to be a defector drew a weapon and began to fire on members of the party. When it was over, six members of the Ryan party were murdered on the tarmac. Meanwhile back at the Jonestown encampment CIA agent Richard Dwyer told Jim Jones that the operation had been compromised by Ryan and the media and it was being shut down. Jones then turned on the klaxon sirens and screamed White Nights and beckoned all to amass for suicide while audio recording the entire affair. On one of the recordings Jones is clearly heard shouting Get Dwyer out of here now!. Then despite protests from some members, Jones guards and other programmed lackeys began poisoning the babies and children orally, then as resistance grew, through forcible injections. Some utter dumbass adults willingly drank the poisoned grape flavor-aid whilst a good number broke and ran into the jungle, some were shot, some were injected at the epicentre. It is reported that Jones committed suicide even though he had tattoos and the corpse who was found next to his throne with the gunshot wound behind his left ear (a murdered and planted double who had posed as Jones 5 years earlier) had none. It was also reported that Black Watch Forces from the UK, combined with Guyanese elite soldiers and U.S. Special Forces teams were dispatched from maneuvers on nearby Matthews Ridge in Guyana, to track and kill any and all survivors who escaped into the jungle and drag their bodies back to the epicentre. Heres where it all gets murky with contrasting opinions, outright disinformation and the racist official story. 1) The official cover story of a bunch of black, cult zealots drinking poisoned grape Kool-Aid is absolute shite and undermined by Guyanese coroner C. Leslie Mootoo, who examined the corpses found needle marks on 83 victims. Secondly, common sense will remind one of the total improbability of getting 908 people to willingly consume poison is total bullshit. The population of Jonestown was said to have been 1,200. That leaves 292 people missing from the bodycount of 908, so what happened to the missing additional 292 people? The great majority of the bodies were strategically posed face down, to accommodate identity obfuscation and accelerate decomposition. If any were shot it would most likely have been while face down so the wound trauma would be on the undersides away from any photos. Since the bodies were also arranged, the ones with the most trauma would most likely be taken from the epicenter to a secured perimeter, away from cameras. 2) For the great mass of the murders I find it implausible that a large number of the victims were killed through forcible injections even at gunpoint. Resistance would be too great. Or maybe I just dont want to think people are really that sheep-like and stupid. My contention is that either another fast acting death agent was used, or that

perhaps an airborne incapacitate was administered by air followed-up by either injection or other deadly means. 3) In examining published photos of the victims, I find the usual destructive patterns of gunfire and the associated blood and viscera absent. Just piles and piles of slightly bloated, peacefully posed corpses. Perhaps a different weapon was used entirely. Or perhaps they only filmed certain piles of victims. The report of Guyanese, British and American Special Forces clean-up (kill) teams said that they used crossbows in addition to standard issue assault rifles. Still not a lot of wounds consistent with that firepower does one see in the known and published images. Crossbow bolts would be an ideal weapon that provides the silence and virtually bloodless assassination theyd be looking for. 4) 400 bodies were initially found and reported, that leaves a full 503 to have escaped the kill zone into the jungle. If you count the other 300 thats a full 803 that ran to into the jungle when everything started. 803 of whom some totally escaped, some who might have succumbed to the jungle, and the great majority who were tracked like prey and systematically exterminated. Without access to evidence it is very difficult to discern what actually happened in the Jonestown kill-zone. The prime authors who escaped from Jonestown are also now the ones who assisted in the fabrication of the official story and have ties with intelligence. They have all issued books or interviews that expose what really happened including and especially Deborah Layton! So ultimately from the available evidence it can be determined that it was a coordinated and sustained intelligence operation most black in nature and execution (definitely no pun intended). The CIA, military inteligence, and NSA were directly involved, as well as lawyers Charles Garry and Mark Lane. Lane and Garry are 2 deep-cover intelligence assets who delivered caches of confidential COINTELPRO dossiers on black, white and native American radical leaders in the U.S. to Jonestown. Mark Lane was also found to have engineered a plot to take an instrumental MLK assassination witness Grace Walden Stephans, into Jonestown to conveniently die with everyone else. They were both inside men placed for their access to the Black Panther Party and the Martin Luther King assassination. Un-coincidentally, they were in both in Jonestown during the exterminations, but managed to escape unharmed and make it back to the U.S. to write disinformation books about their ordeal and further spy on leftist organizations for their paymasters. Mark Lane has a documented background in U.S. Army Intelligence, which played a considerable role in the King assassination. Bibliography: Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment by Micheal Meiers Raven by Tim Reiterman & John Jacobs The Black Hole of Guyana by John Judge compiled in Secret and Suppressed by Jim Keith July 1, 2007 Categories: Assassinations and Mysterious Suicides, ConCen Blog Feature . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 13 Comments

Northern Alberta Surface Water Study

James Reamsbottom conducted a surface water study around the town of Worsley, Alberta from the year 2000 to the present. He discovered a disaster of monumental proportions. Several town water systems were contaminated by the concealment of transportation of a deleterious byproduct. Key players in the Baytex Corportation, other corporations, and the Canadian government allowed this catastrophe and subsequent coverup to happen. Its time to expose the coverup. Read more here. June 26, 2007 Categories: Health & Environment . . Author: Hei Hu Quan . Comments: 3 Comments

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