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Public speaking (Informational) Global Warming Intro The earth we live showing many sign of worldwide climate change.

The definition of global warming is an increasing in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere. That is why the global warming is happening and is happening for a very long time due to human. Global warming is real, global warming is severe global warming something that we all should fear. Concept and Causes Who? What can we do to stop it? Who or what is causing the temperature to increase. Scientist says the average temperature has climb to 1.4 degree Fahrenheit around the world since 1980. In the last 2 decade it has been the hottest in 400 year. We human are causing the effect of our earth temperature to rise. Ice cap, glassier, and arctic area as in Alaska are feeling the effect the most. We are causing the ozone layers to thin, letting the UV ray pouring carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causing the increase of heat to the earth lower atmosphere. Global warming, yes, Societies from all over the world say that human had caused the planet warming. Human activities definitely contribute to global warming, because carbon emissions from cars, factories, and other sources all contribute anthropogenic and the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. Factories are putting pollution in our air that we breathing make making it stuffy and high in the bois field. De Forest station is causing problem to our atmosphere as well. The workers are cutting trees that actually help slowing global warming because the trees are taking in carbon dioxide that we exhale and other chemical that release by the factories to the atmosphere and produce oxygen to breath and help equalize the heat of atmosphere. Even, our own transportation that getting us around are contribute global warming as well. Gasses from cars, airplane, train, busses and other are releasing polluted gasses into the air heating up the ozone layers that held the sun light and U.V ray penetrate to the earth

surface causing the temperature to rise. Even though if all the carbon dioxide be imported to the atmosphere and other factors that contributing to the global warming stop, and this not nearly stop the earth from getting warmer. So this is up to us to come with the solution to slow down this process before the fake start to end our life on the earth today. Conclusion Can the earth be resembled as the steamy planet that the dinosaur can extinction from. We will be just like them and die out because they couldnt take the heat. Researcher said that human being will not live and survive the increase of heat cause by global warming if this keep going on. But we cannot come out with the solution to slow down the process. Due to the dangerous effect there is no way human can endure dreadful heat, the deadly storm and be able to survive without fresh water. The fresh water will be extinct in 2100. Chances to solve global warming means that we need to invest clean energy, green job and smart green solution. There is the expert had come out with to get it started. 1. Set limit on global warming pollution 2. Invest in green job and clean energy 3. Drive smart car 4. Clean green home and builders 5. Build better communities in transportation network The question is will this plan will slow down the process of global warming? Global warming is in the point situation that made upon our future. What we going to do to start slowing the process of global warming. Human beings are the reason why we have global warming occurs now. That why we human had to clean up this mess that we made and stop global warming in a hurry before it stop us.

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