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Lesson 11 - Bear wonderful testimonies for the Lord (I) January 17-18 I. WELCOME, 15 mins.

Plan one to two icebreakers for the purpose of mixing around and getting group participation or getting acquainted. II. WORSHIP, 20 mins. Prayerfully choose a few songs to lead people into Gods presence. During this time, cell leaders will encourage cell members to listen to the Holy Spirit and release the words of strengthening, encouragement, and comfort they have received for the cell group, the church and nations. Upon each word shared, the cell leader will lead members by thanking and praising God for His promise and/or praying aloud together for the needs, etc. During this time, the cell leader will also lead the group to pray aloud for: (1) the mission organization or daughter church that the cell group adopts (2) the church ministry needs (3) blessings for new comers, the sick. MISSION ORGANIZATION:________________, their needs:_______________ (Please contact the church if you dont know the needs of the mission organization.) CHURCH MINISTRY: 1/13-3/17: Sunday Equipping Class Supernatural Living @ 1:45-3:15pm 2/2: Mens Conference 2/14: Singles Valentine Party March: Holy Spirit month 3/1-3/2: Holy Spirit Conference 3/23: Financial Management Seminar III. WORD, 45 mins. A. Sharing from last Sundays message. 1. What is the main message from last Sunday sermon? What did God say to you from the message? 2. How would you respond to the message? What action will you take after listening to the message? B. Discussion Topic: Bear wonderful testimonies for the Lord (I) Scriptures: 1 Timothy 6:1-10 (Please read Bible verses in turns) Memorizing Verse: But godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6 NIV)

Foreword: Once we are saved, we have acquired the eternal life in God. The question, however, shifts to how many of us would cherish and hold on to it? If a person cannot see Gods glorious and eternal plan, he or she would fall short-sighted of the daily routines. Instead of seeking for the imperishable treasure in heaven, one would turn to chase the worldly wealth. This is indeed the greatest loss of Gods children. Paul reminds all believers that our earthy life is but a series of spiritual battles. We need to make the best of our precious life given by Him to win over Satans schemes. We need to live a life that bears good testimonies. Therefore, there must be a clear distinction in our daily pursues from those of the worldly. Be assured that God has destined in His will a wonderful plan for each of us. The part we have to do is to stand firm as a witness of Him, so that we will have the eternal joy in His presence the day when we see Him. 1. The reverence of a servant to his master (1Tim 6:1-2): 1. Revere authorities as we revere God. (1Tim 6:1): Paul reminds us that we need to respect our superiors because it is God who put us under such authority. The way we revere our superiors honors God. By doing so we let nobody find fault in us for being a blasphemy to His name. When Joseph was sold to Egypt, it was totally against his will. But because he revered God, always dedicating himself to anything that came his way and showing respect to his master, God greatly blessed him by making him prosperous in everything he did. (see Genesis 39). Be even more attentive to fellow believers (1Tim 6:2): If your superiors happen to be Christians, do not expect from them any special favor or show disdain for any reason. Pay due respect to them and always pray for them, wishing them the best in their position.



The testimony demonstrating godliness with contentment (1Tim 6:3-8) 1. Genuine godliness (1Tim 6:3-5): a. Genuine godliness avoids getting astray from the truth (1Tim 6:3-4). The meaning of godliness is to acquire Gods attributes. A godly person leads a life reflecting divine qualities. He lives up to the standards of what Jesus has said. An ungodly person easily falls into self-righteousness. The

meaning of godliness eludes him. Not only does he misleads others, making them astray from God, but his life also ends up in corruption of different kinds. b. Self-profiting is the purpose of the ungodly (1Tim 6:5): He uses Gods way as a means of financial gain, preaching spiritual topics out of his will to earn trust and the applause of others. What he does is nothing but serving his own purposes. 2. The testimony of contentment (1 Tim 6:6-8): a. Be thankful and content: Contentment is one of the most important spiritual qualities. A content person feels happy and grateful for whatever God has provided him, which in turns fills him with constant joy and gratification. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) b. The secret of being content (1 Tim 6:7-8) (1) Do not pursue transient and futile things (1 Tim 6:7): Everything in this world will soon pass. A short life span like ours shouldnt be wasted in solely chasing the worldly goals, for they cannot be carried into eternality. (2) Be happy with what you have (1 Tim 6:8): Our mindset should stay on what I have and be thankful to God for it. Be grateful to Him for the food and clothing that He provides. Moreover, be thankful for I have Jesus in my life. 3. Testimony in handling money (1Tim 6:9-10): There is nothing vicious in money itself. In Bible we see God blesses those ho do His will. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14) Jesus uses the parable of talents to encourage believers to make more talents with what they have been entrusted with. While people always deem money as the source of evils, it is the love of money that makes it so. The problem comes from how we 4. 5. 6. 2. 3.

prioritize money in our life. Once we decide money ranks on the top, we will surely be increasingly burdened with extra worry and sorrow (Psalms 16:4). Only when God takes the lead, we are enabled to resist temptations and win the victory. We receive what He has promised us: an abundant life according to His wonderful will. Discussion Questions: 1. What does Paul teach us in treating our superiors at workplace? If your boss happens to be a Christian, what kind of attitude you should have toward him? Give your reasons. Being a Christian superior, how do you treat your subordinates? Explain the meaning of godliness. How does a person show this quality in his conducs? What is a heart of contentment? Why do people always feel discontented? What is good about being content? How we foster such an attitude? What is the proper perception of money a Christian should have? Why does Paul say godliness with contentment is great gain? Give examples to illustrate your points.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, We thank you and praise your name. Through your servant Paul and his teachings to Timothy, you have spoken to us. We have learned that we should never lay our trust on worldly vanity and become burdened even enslaved by the pursuit of money. Only you, dear Lord, are the one we can trust on, for in you there is eternality. You are the One who gives us real peace and joy. Oh, Lord, may your help rests on each and every one who loves you, making us focus on you in all kinds of situation and put trust on you. May the teaching of the week godliness with contentment is great gain take root in our heart and reflected be in our daily life. Lord, help us navigate in the treacherous life path, especially in the time when your truth is met with doubt and great defiance. Thank you for listening to our prayers in unison. We say this in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen!!

IV. WORK (Pray for each other), 10 mins. Please break into group of 2 or 3 to pray for each others needs.

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