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S.S. Lno.1 Two big states Ex.1 Answer the following question: Q.1 How did rajyavardhan die?

A.1 Rajyavardhan was killed by fraudulent king of Gaud king Shashank. Q.2 Who had imprisoned Rajyashree? A.2 Rajyashree was imprisoned by Dev Gupta, the king of malwa. Q.3 Whom did Harshavardhan think of liberating as soon as he came into power?

A.3 Harshavardhan thought of liberating his imprisoned sister Rajyashree as soon as he came to the power. Q.4 Who defeated Harshavardhan in battle? A.4 Pulkeshi- 2, the king of chalukya dynasty of south india defeated Harshavardhan in battle. Q.5 How was the harshavardhan`s daily routine? A.5 He used to spare the first part of his daily routine for administration and other two for public welfare and religious duties.

Q.6 Which deeds of public welfare had Harshavardhan done? A.6 Harshavardhan built many rest houses, inns, wells, steps wells, lakes, mathas and viharas for public welfare. Q.7 Which composition of great poet Banabhatta are considered unique in Sanskrit literature? A.7 Harshacharita and Kadambari are the compositions of great poet Banabhatta that are considered unique in Sanskrit literature. Q.8 Which plays were written/composed by Emperor Harshavardhan?

A.8 Emperor Harshavardhan had written three plays. They are Nagananda, Ratnavali and Priyadarshika Q.9 Which Vidyapith (Education Centre) was made world famous by Harshavardhan? A.9 Nalanda Vidyapith was made famous world wide by Harshavardhan. Q.10 What special arrangement was made by Harshavardhan for the maintenance of Nalanda Vidyapith? A.10 Harshavardhan has donated 100 villages of his state for the maintenance of Nalanda Vidyapith.

Q.11 Which different ashes/concentrates were recommended for use as medicine by the alchemist Nagarjuna? A.11 The different ashes/ concentrates were recommended for use as medicine by the alchemist Nagarjuna were iron, arsenic and mercury. Q.12 Which evil customs precailed among the people during the reign of Harshavardhan? A.12 The evil customs prevailed among the people during the reign of Harshavardhan were Sati-system ,child marriages and polygamy.

Q.13 By which games and sports did people entertain themselves during Harshavardhan `s reign? A.13 The games and sports that people entertain themselves during Harshavardhan`s reign were chess, sogathabaji, etc. Q.14 who entertained people by moving about from village during Harshavardhan`s reign? A.14 Acrobats and conjurers wander from village to village to village for entertainment of people.

Q.15 What was the chief occupation of the people during king Harshavardhan`s reign? A.15 The chief occupation of people in the period of Harshavardhan was agriculture and animal husbandry. Q.16 What was the special convenience made by Harshavardhan for trade and transportation of goods or commodities? A.16 The special convenience made by Harshavardhan for trade and transportation of goods or commodities for trade and for the transit of goods and commodities was he had built highways.

Q.17 Which Chinese traveler had come to india during Harshavardhans reign? A.17 Chinese traveller Huen Tsang had visited India during Harshavardhans reign. Q.18 Why did the state of Kanauj cease at Narmada? A.18 The state of kanauj ceased at Narmada because Pulkeshi-2 defeated king Harshavardhan. Q.19 Which caves were constructed during the reign of Pulkeshi-2? A.19 The caves of Vatapi and Dharapuri were constructed during the reign of Pulkeshi-2.

Q.20 When did Pulkeshi-2 died? How? A.20 Pulkesi-2 died while fighting with the Pallava king of Kanchivaram. EX.2 Give Reasons 1.Harshavardhan can be called a great donor .because he donated lavishly at a religious congregation. He would even donate his entire treasury and the ornament on his body and give them away as charity. EX.3 Answer the following questions briefly Q.1 Why was education imparted free of charge/cost at Nalanda Vidyapith (University)?

A.1 Harshavardhan provided education, lodging, and boarding free of cost to all the students of vidhyapith because 100 villages were granted for the maintenance and the financial aid of the Vidhyapith Moreover king Harshavardhan was also a great lover of art and literature. His prime focus was public welfare. Q.2 What was the difference in the personalities of the two great kings Pulkesi-2 and Harshavardhan? A.2 1)Harshavardhan and Pulkeshi-2 were contemporary kings.

2)After fighting a few battles Harshavardhan had a feeling of satisfaction. 3)So he stopped indulging in wars. 4)On the other hand Pulkeshi-2 was over ambitious so he kept on expanding his kingdom by conquering regions through more and more wars. 5) Pulkeshi-2 kept on fighting through out his life.

SS L-2 Ex-1Ans in one or two sentence.

Q-1 How many types of motions does the Earth show? Ans The Earth shows 2 types of motion. They are 1.rotation 2.revolution. Q-2 What is rotation? Ans The movement of earth on its own imaginary axis is called rotation. Q-3 What is revolution? Ans The movement of earth around the sun on an imaginary path is called revolution. Q-4 How much time does the earth take to complete 1 revolution ?

Ans The earth takes 365 days to complete 1 revolution. Q-5 What does orbit of the earth mean mean ? Ans The earth moves continuosly on this Imaginary path in the space. This path is called orbit. Q-6 Why does the distance between the earth and the sun not remain the same throughout the year ? Ans The distance between the earth and the sun doesnot remain same throughout the year because the orbit of the earth is not round but oval or eggshapped or elliptical.

Q-7 At what rate per minute does the earth revolve around the sun ? Ans The earth revolve around the sun at the rate of 1760 KM/min. Q-8 What angle does the earth make with its axis and with its orbit ? Ans the earth makes 23.5degree on its axis and 66.5degree on its orbit. Q-9Why do days and nights become longer and shorter ? Ans Days and nights become longer and shorter due to the rays of the sun. Q-10 When do sunrays fall straight over the tropic of cancer ?

Ans Sun rays fall straight over the tropic of cancer on 21st June . Q-11 When do sun rays fall straight over the tropic of capricon? Ans On 22nd December sun rays fall straight over the tropic of capricon. Q-12 On which days do sunrays fall straight over the equator ? Ans Sunrays fall straight over the equator only on 2 days every year on 21st march and 23rd September. Q-13 Why do the north pole and south pole come in front of the sun alternately ?

Ans The earth revolves around the sun keeping its axis in the same direction .That is why the north and south pole come in the front of the sun alternately. Q-14 Which seasons prevail over the northern and the southern hemispheres st rd between 21 march to 23 September? Ans Between 21st march to 23rd September the northern hemisphere summer while the southern hemisphere will experience winter. EX-2 ANSWER BRIEFLY Q-1 What would happen if the earth did not rotate or revolve ? Ans If the did not rotate or revolve

1) Day and nights are caused due to the rotation of the earth 2) Rotation means the movement of earth on its own axis 3) Seasons occur due to the revolution of earth 4) Revolution means the movement of earth around the sun 5) If the earth does not rotate or revolve then neither day or night nor seasons will occur. Q-2 Why does the northern hemisphere st experience summer from 21 March to 23rd September? Ans As the year proceeds the part which receives more sunlight experience

summer and the part which receives less sunlight experience winter so the northern hemisphere experience st rd summer from 21 March to 23 September Q-3 The sun is never directly overhead in London, but the sun is seen overhead in Singapore. Why ? Ans 1) The rays of the sun directly fall on the equator and the place located near it. 2) Singapore lies right near the equator 3) Hence the sun is seen overhead in it 4) On the other hand London lies near the tropic of cancer

5) locations on and around the tropic of cancer receive slightly slanting sunrays but for a longer period . Hence the sun is never seen Q-4 Why do days and nights became longer and shorter ? Ans 1) The earth revolves around the sun on its own orbit 2) It forms an angle at 66.5degree on its orbit . 3) Hence the northern and southern hemisphere faces the sun one by one 4) The hemisphere that faces the sun for a long time receives light of the sun

5) The days are longer and nights are shorter on such places 6) On the other hand places where the rays of the sun fall slant observe shorter day and longer night 7) Thus the length of the day and nights depends on the rotation of the earth Q.2 How do days and nights happen on earth? A.2 The earth is round and it keeps rotating on its axis. The part of the earth which faces the sun receives sun light. While the other half part of the earth remains in darkness. The part which faces the sun observes day. As the earth

rotates, the day turns into night and the night turns into day. In this days and nights occur on the earth.

S.S. L-3 ANS.IN ONE OR TWO SENTENCES Q-1.Why does every nation require a government? A-1.Every nation requires a government to operate and manage the nation well. Q-2.On which different levels does the government work?

A-2.Government works on three different levels. 1)National level 2)State level 3)Local level Q-3.What is the chief function of the government? A-3.The chief function of the government is to frame laws,get the executed and make amendments in law and impart justice. Q-4.Which body of the governemtn is known as Legislative Assembly? A-4.The body which frames laws is known as Legislative Assembly.

Q-5.Which body of the government is known as Executive Committee? A-5.The body which executes laws framed by Legislative Assembly is known as the Executive Committee. Q-6.What is the function of the judiciary? A-6.The function of the judiciary is to punish the offenders. Q-7.What is meant by Federal Government? A-7.Federal Government means the government is at two levels-State and Central.OR It means two level

government eg.State government and Central government. Q-8.What is the government at the national level called? A-8.The government at the national level is called Central or Union Government. Q-9.What is the government at the same level called? A-9.The government at the state level is called the State Government. Q-10.How many houses are there in the Legislative body?What are they called? A-10.There are two houses in the Legislative body.They are 1)Legislative Assembly 2)Legislative Council.

EX 6 ANSWER IN BRIEF Q-1.Which are the organs of the government ?Why are they necessary? A-1.The organs of the government are 1)Legislative Assembly 2)Executive Committee 3)Judiciary. They are necessary because the government has to perform various activities.The government frames the act or law,executes the law,implements the law meaningfully or complements the law and gives justice. Q-2.What will happen if the judicial system is not there?

A-2.India is a vast COUNTRY.Naturally the government has several responsibilities.Different organs carry out different tasks.Among them one is judiciary,which imparts justice and punishes offenders.If people feel that the laws are not executed properly then they can raise their voice,they can go to the court.The court can give the order whose measures are to be taken regarding that.If the judiciary system is not there the government cannot administer smoothly.There may be injustice everywhere.

Q-2.Why is it not possible to conduct administration from a single place in India? A-2. 1)India is a vast country.2)So it has many responsibilities.3)It is found to provide many amenities and security to its citizens.4)If all the administration is done from one place by the government there will be several problems for the governor.5)It will not be able to manage the issues of one corner sitting at the other.6)So the government has divided its work at different levels.7)It eases the burden of the government and makes speedy and effective management. EX 7 Answer the following questions.

Q.1 Why are we not allowed to play loudspeakers at public places after 10 p.m.? A.1 Generally people go to bed at about 10 p.m. They will get disturbed if the loudspeakers are on. So to control the noise pollution, the government has put a band on playing loudspeakers in public after 10 p.m. Q.2 Why are we not allowed to burst crackers on public road? A.2 Along the public roads, pedestrians and vehicles keep on moving about. If crackers are fired on public roads it is feared that vehicles may catch fire and

pedestrians may get physically hurt. So for safety of vehicles and people, the government has put a band on firing crackers along the public roads.

L- 4


EX.1 Answer the following questions in one or two sentences. Q.1 After the death oof which emperor the feudal lords and the chieftains become free? A.1 After the death of Emperor Harshavardhan the feudal lords and the chief tains became free.

Q.2 Which dynasties arose in India at the end Ans-4 The end of the seventh century many dynasties like Gurjar, pratihara, pal, chalukya, Parmar, Chuahan, Pallava, Rastrakuta and Chola. Ans-5 The rules of early medieval period were divided into two parts 1)North India 2)South India Ans-6 The Pratiharas saved india from the invasion of arabs Ans-7 Mihir Bhoj was a powerful ruler belonged to pratihara dynasty. He was widely known as bhoj or Mihir Bhoj.

Ans-8 The two main Malwa towns during the parmar dynasty were Ujjain and Dharanagri. Ans-9 King Bhoj establish a vidyapith in Dharanagri to make Dharanagri educational centre and to create opportunity for learning Sanskrit literature There. Ans-10 Chola and Pallava dynasties were two well-known states during the Rajput age in south India ? Ans-11 Kailasnath Temple of kanchi were constructed during the pallava dynasty

Ans-12 Rulers of Pallava and Chola dynasty of south india were the lovers of art and literature ? Ans-13 One example of the expert administration of Rajraj 1 was that he had started land measurement system and local self government. Ans-14 King Ajay raj founded the town of Ajaymera.It was known as Ajmer later. Ans-15 As india is a peninsula it has water on three sides . South india comes near the region of water.It is surrounded by water on three sides . The Arabian sea,the Bay of Bengal and the indian ocean on the west ,east, and south

respectivelyThis state have the fear of external attacks so in order to protect those state it is compulsory to maintain a strong naval army. Ans-16 The rulers of chuahan dynasty gained victory over Dhillak,the capital of tomar and establish their rule. Ans-17 Prithviraj or Raipithora possessed a unique place in the history of india he belong to chuahan dynasty Ans-18 A well known poet chandbardai has narrated his story on prithvirajchuahans bravery in his famous epic name prithvirajraso

Ans-19 The meaning of Rastrakuta is the chief official of the rastra or provins Ans-20 Govind3 of Rastrakuta dynasty had establish supreme power in the deccan region in the 8th century Ans-21 Pandya state of pandya dynasty in south india is considered to be a very ancient state of south india Ans-22 The rulers of the chola dynasty could invade nations beyond the sea because they had a very powerful naval army Ans-23 Athena 2 and Settungvan were two powerful kings existed in the chera state.

Ans-24 When rajputs hope of winingagainst the enemy in a battle field they performed kesariyan Ans-25 If the husbands died in the battle field or got defeated against the enemy and were arrested as war prisoners the wives of rajputs perform Juahar. L-5 Answer in one sentence Q1. What is meant by latitude circle? A1. The circular line joining the latitude is known as latitude circle. Q.2 What is meant by longitude circle?

A2. The circular line joining the longitude is known as longitude circle. Q3. What is latitude? A3. The horizontal imaginary line drawn on the globe in East-West direction are called latitude. Q4. What is longitude? A4. The vertical imaginary lines drawn on the globe in North-South direction are called longitude. Q5. Which part of the earth is called the northern hemisphere and which is called the southern hemisphere? A5. The part above the equator in the north is called the northern hemisphere

and below in the south is called southern hemisphere. Q6. What is known as the Greenwich Line? A6. The 0 degree longitude passes through Greenwich of England is known as Greenwich Line. Q7.What is the International date line? A7 180 degree longitude is known as International date line Q8. How much time does one longitude take to pass completely by the Sun? A8. To pass completely by the Sun one longitude of the earth takes 4 minutes.

Q9.What is meant by 0 degree longitude? How is it? A9. 0 degree longitude is called Greenwich longitude. It divides the earth into two parts east and west. East of 0 longitude is called Eastern hemisphere and west of 0 degree longitude is called western hemisphere. Q10. Canceled Q11. Which time is considered as the standard time of a country? A.11. The local time of a centrally located place of a country is considered as the standard time of a country.

Q.12. From the local time of which city is the standard Time of India decided? A.12. The standard Time of India is decided by the local time of 82.5Degree E longitude which passes from near Allahabad. Q.13. Which part of earth is called the eastern hemisphere and which is the western hemisphere? A.13. Area to the right of 0Degree longitude (Greenwich Line) upto 180degree longitudes is the eastern hemisphere and the area to its left from 0degree to 180 degree longitudes is the western hemisphere.

Q.14. Between which longitude is india located? A.14. India is located in 68degree East to 97degree east longitude. Q.15 Over which ocean does the International Date Line pass? A.15. International Date Line passes over the Pacific ocean. Ex.5 Give Reasons: A.1. The earth is round. It rotates on its axis. It complete one full rotation in 24 hours. During this time 360 longitude come opposite the sun by turn. Thus earth moves by 15 longitude in 1 hour in front of the sun or 1 longitude takes 4

minutes to be in front of the sun. So the subsequent to longitude has 4 minutes of difference in the time. Just two adjacent longitudes have a difference of 4 minutes which means that 1 longitude take 4 minutes to be in front of the sun Thus the date and day have to be change while crossing the local times of places on different longitudes are different. Ex.6 Ans in brief: A.1. International Date Line drawn in a zigzag manner passes over the Pacific ocean .There are many islands in this ocean.Same are on the eastern side and others on the western side of 180 degree longitude.If International

Date Line is drawn straight then an island will have two days and dates on the same day.This will create problems of time.So this line is drawn keeping the land of the islands aside and drawing the line only on the oceanic area. So the International Date Line is drawn in a zigzag manner. Short notes 1.GREENWICH MERIDIAN The 0 degree longitude passing through the Greenwich in England is called Greenwich Line.It divides the Earth into 2 parts-East and West.This Greenwich

Line or the 0 degree line is also known as Prime Meridian. 2.INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE 180 degree longitude is known as International date line. There is only one longitude.When this line is crossed the date is changed.IDL passes through the Pacific Ocean.It is not at 180 degree at many places.It is zigzag.While crossing this line from east to west the date and day are ahead by one day.Similarly while crossing this line from west to east the date will be behind by one day. L-6

Q-1 Which son of a King was considered as the crown prince ? Ans The son preferred as his successor by the King was considered as the crown prince. Q-2 Give two examples of Kings appointed through election or selection by people or courtiers . Ans Two examples of Kings appointed through election or selection by people or courtiers were 1) Yashaskara was made the king of Kashmir by a committee of Brahmins

2) The members of secretaries offered Kumarpal the throne of the King Q-3 In which different languages was literature composed during the rajput age ? Ans During the Rajput age literature was composed in Sanskrit , Prakrit , Tamil , Kannad , Telugu, Malayalam,etc. Q-4 Who has written a volume on Solanki King Kumarapal of Gujarat ? What is its name? Ans Hemchandracharya has written a volume on Solanki King Kumarapal of Gujarat and named Kumarpal Charitra

Q-5 Which grammer volume was composed by Hemchandracharya ? Ans Hemchandracharya wrote Siddhem Shabdanushasan the grammer volume Q-6 Whose names are associated with the volume Siddhem Shabdanushasan ? Ans The names of King Siddhraj Jaisinh and a well Known Jain monk Hemchandracharya. Q.7 Who composed Hitopadesh (a collection of tales)? What was it based on?

A.7 Pandit Narayana composed Hitopadesh (a collection of tales) based on panchatantra. Q.8 What is the speciality of the sun temple of Modhera? A.8 When the sun rises the first rays illuminate the idol in the innermost part of the temple. These is the speciality of the sun temple of Modhera. Q.9 the caves of which religion are found in Ellora? A.9 The caves of Jain, Buddha, and Hindu religion are found in Ellora. Q.10 Where are the Elephanta caves situated?

A.10 The Elephanta caves are situated on an island in the Arabian Sea near Mumbai. Q.11 Which famous sculpture is there in the Elephanta caves? A.11 The famous sculpture of three faced Lord Shiva is there in the Elephanta caves. Q.12 What is meant by Gopuram? A.12 The gorgeous and artistic tall entrance of a temple in South India is called Gopuram.

Q.13 Which well known temple of Gujarat was invaded by Mohammed Ghazni? A.13 The well known temple of Lord Shiva at Somnath of Gujarat was invaded by Mohammed Ghazni. Q.14 Why did Shahbuddin Ghori invade India many times? A.14 Shahbuddin Ghori invaded India many times to establish the Muslim Empire (Sultanate) in India. Q.15 Who established the Ghulam Dynasty in Delhi? A.15 Qutub-ud-din-Aibak established the Ghulam Dynasty in Delhi.

Q.16 How did the Rajput rule come to an end? A.16 In the battle of Terai Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated against Shahbuddin Ghori the Sultan of Ghazna and thus the Rajput rule come to an end.

EX.6 Answer the following Questions Briefly Q.1 How was the economic administration of the rajput age? A.1 Doring the Rajput age 1:6 part of cultivation was recovered in the form of tax. The feudal lords collected the tax and paid tribute to the kings. Apart from

this taxes were also collected from ports and octrois. Q.2 Which type of administrative system is prevalent in our country? A.2 In our country we have a feudal, democratic administrative system. We have central and state government. The national level Government is called Central/Union Government and Stale level Government is called State Government.

LESSON-7 S.S. EX 5 ANSWER IN 1 OR 2 SENTENCE A-1.India is located between 8.9degree north latitude to 37.6 degree north latitude and 68.7 degree east longitude to 97.25 degree east longitude. A-2.Pakistan lies on the north-western boundary of India. A-3.Bangladesh and Myanmar are located on the eastern boundary of India. A-4.The north-south length of India is about 3214 kms.and the east-west width is about 2933 kms.

A-5.The total land area of India is about 32,87,263 sq.kms. A-6.India is seventh largest country in the world in terms of area. A-7.The geographical shape of India is narrow in the north,broader in the central and it becomes narrow again in the south. A-8.There are 28 states and 7 union territories in India. A-9.The variations in physiography of India are: mountains, plateaus, plains,deserts, seacoast, coastal plains, Etc.

A-10.There are five physiographic divisions of India. 1)Northern Mountainous Region 2)Northern Plains 3)Plateau of Central and South India 4)Coastal Plains 5)Archipelagos A-11.The northern mountainous region is divided into two divisions.They are 1)Himalayan Mountain region 2)Mountainous region of eastern Himalayas. A-12. The northern most range towards China is known as the Greater

Himalayas,in the middle the Central Himalayas and the range towards India is called Shivalik range. A-13.Mt.Godwin Austin is the tallest peak.Its height is 8611 metres. A-14.The tallest peak of the world is Mt.Everest.Its height is 8848 metres. A-15.The most populous and prosperous region of India is the Northern plains. A-16.The rivers that emerge from the Himalayas are Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Sindhu, Satluj, Gomati, Gandak, etc. A-17.The major lakes of India are Dal, Wular, Sambhar, Chilka, etc.

A-18.The plateau of South India is called a peninsula because it is surrounded by water from 3 sides. A-19.The famous hill stations are Ooty,Mahabaleshwar, Matheran, Panchgani and important cities are Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad, Mysore, etc. A-20.The important ports and large cities on the eastern coastal plains are Chennai, Pondicherry, Machilipatnam, Vishakhapatnam, etc. A-21.The important ports and large cities on the western coastal plains are

Mumbai, Kandla, Calicut, Mangalore, Thiruvananthapuram, etc. A-22.The land area surrounded by water from all the sides in the sea is called an island. A-23.Lakshadweep and Minikoyna islands in the western side of India in the Arabian Sea and Andaman and Nicobar islands located in the Bay of Bengal in the east of India are the islands which are a part of India. A-24.The western coastal plain is very fertile because it is formed of black soil and alluvium.

A-25.The Rann of Kachchh is divided into 2 parts.They are the Greater Rann and the Little Rann. A-26.The desert in the northern part of Rajasthan has become full of greenery due to the water available for agriculture from Indira Gandhi Canal of Satluj river. EX 6 GIVE REASONS 1)because 1)this plain is very vast.2)The soil is very fertile due to the alluvium deposited by the rivers flowing from the Himalayas.3) the rivers here are perennial.4) So the irrigation is also welldeveloped.

2)because 1)the soil is sandy in the deserts.2)Most part of it is dry,barren and uninhabited.3)There is very little rain in the desert.4)There is always water shortage and so people suffer about the problem of requirement of commodities necessary for routine life. SHORT NOTES 1)the Himalayan mountain range 1.They are situated to the north of our country. 2.The ranges start from the north in Kashmir and stretch upto the east in Assam.

3.It is the highest mountain range in the world. 4.There are 2 divisions a)Himalayan mountain range b)Mountainous region of the eastern Himalayas. 5.Towards China it is called Greater Himalayas,in the middle as Central Himalayas and towards India it is called as Shivalik Range. 6.Mt.Godwin Austin is the highest peak in India and Mt.Everest is the highest peak in the world. 2)THE NORTHERN PLAIN OF INDIA 1)It is located to the south of the Northern Mountainous region.

2)It is formed by the alluvium deposited by the Himalayan rivers like Ganga,Yamuna,etc.and their tributaries. 3)It is considered to be one of the most fertile plains in the world. 4)It occupies a very large area of North India. 5)That is why this region is very prosperous and densely populated. 6)Some large cities situated in this region are Delhi, Agra, Kanpur, Lucknow, Varanasi, etc. 3)THE RAJASTHAN Desert

1)There is a desert in the western part of western Rajasthan in Aravalli range in India. 2)This desert is Known as the Thar Desert. 3)It has sandy soil. 4)The climate is dry and continental. 5)This region gets less than 20 cm of average rainfall. 6)Due to this reason there is shortage of water and the population is very less. 7)But the northern part of the desert in Rajasthan,has developed greenery due to the water available from the Indira Gandhi Canal of Satluj river.

s.s L-8 EX- 5 Ans in one or two sentences ANS-1 Qutub-din-Aibak founded the ghulam dynasty

ANS-2 Qutub-din-Aibak was the first Muslim ruler in India

ANS-3 Qutub-din-Aibak had started the construction of Qutub minar and his sonin-law iltutmish had it completed

ANS-4 iltutmish is believed to be real founder of ghulam dynasty

ANS-5 Raziya Khan was the first woman ruler to occupy the throne of Delhi

ANS-6 The historian Minhaj-e-Siraj noted about Raziya sultana that Raziya was more efficient and expert in administration than her brothers .Yet ,being a lady ,she was not accepted in as a ruler

ANS-7 Nasiruddin,the son of iltutmish followed Raziya on the throne of Delhi .He ruled for 23 years

ANS-8 Turk race that lived at Khilji province of Afghanistan was called Khilji

ANS-9 Jalaluddin Khilji founded the Khiji dynasty on the throne to Delhi

ANS-10 Alauddin Khilji was both a nephew and son-in-law of Jalaluddin Khilji,a sultan of Delhi .He had usurped the throne of Delhi from Jalaluddin

ANS-11 In the period of Gyasuddin Tughlaq ,a sultan of Delhi,mail system named Daakchowki was started .In thismail-system postman was called Halkaro .He carried mail from one village to another on Horse.

ANS-12 Two main schemes implemented by Mohammed Tughlaq were : 1 Shifting of his capital from Delhi to Daultabad. 2 Currency of copper coins were instead of silver coins.

ANS-13 With the inspiration of Vidyaranya Swami,two brothers Hariharrai and Bukkarai founded the state of Vijayanagar.

ANS-14 In 1336 AD on the south bank of tungbhadra river, the state of Vijaynagar was founded.

ANS-15 With the help of an engineer named Yonke ,Krusnadevrai had constructed canals in South India

ANS-16 The battle of Talikota brought about the fall of Vijaynagar.

ANS-17 An intelligent nobleman named Hasan (Gangu) became a sultan of Dakkhan and he founded Bahamani sultanate.

ANS-18 Bahamani state was split in 5 independent state as follows : Bijapur,Ahmednagar,Gowalkonda,varad and Beedar.

ANS-19 In 1526 AD king of Kabul named Babur invaded Delhi.He defeated

Ibrahim Lodi ,a sultan of delhi in battle of Panipot and founded the mughal empire in India.

ANS-20 During the Delhi sultanate the following sultans of the following dynasties ruled over throne of Delhi: Ghulam dynasty and Lodi dynasty.

EX-6 Ans in briefly ANS-1 1)Alauddin Khilji was an ambitious and efficient ruler 2) He snatched away Delhi from Jalaluddin and became the ruler.

3) He was the first ruler to attack south India.His kingdom was totally distorted after his Death.The Khilji Dynasty ended with death of allauddin Khilji. 4) He worked for the welfare of his subjects. Two main reforms are as follows: 1) He frame strict policy to control the prices of goods in his kingdom 2) He controlled the interfearance of Ulemas and Umraos in administration of his state.

ANS-2 1)Vijaynagar state was founded in 1336 AD in south of river Tungabhadra

2) Krushnadevaraya acquired the throne of Vijaynagar. 3)he was a majestic ruler and lover of art and literature 4)So there was progress and development in this fields of vijaynagar. 5)Many canals were constructed with the help of engineer Yonke. 6)Grand and royal temples , forts were also built by Krushnadevaraya in Vijaynagar 7)The grandeur of Vijaynagar had high appreciation 8)Due to this all Vijaynagar was consider as a big state (Maharajya)

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