Thesun 2009-06-23 Page04 No Unity Govt With Umno BN Says PR

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4 theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 23 2009

news without borders

Govt declares war on loansharks

by Charles Ramendran No unity govt

KUALA LUMPUR: The government declared war
against illegal moneylenders and along yester-
day pledging to put an end to their atrocities on
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hus-
sein said the government was mainly concerned
about the families of such debtors who often get
dragged in when the along face problems recover-
ing their loans.
with Umno/BN,
“The families are harassed and threatened when
the debtors are unable to pay up. A RM3,000 loan
can swell to RM30,000 within months. This cannot
and will not be tolerated. I am warning these along
to put a stop to such acts as we are coming down
hard on them,” he said after visiting traders on
Lorong Haji Taib, off Jalan Chow Kit.
He said his ministry will study the root cause
says PR
of these issues to overcome the problems includ-
ing providing micro-credit loan facilities.
He said it was not the government’s respon-
sibility to rehabilitate debtors who get caught
in such predicament because of gambling or
drug-related activities.
Earlier, Hishammuddin, who was accompa-
nied by Kuala Lumpur police chief DCP Datuk
Mohd Sabtu Osman and mayor Datuk Ahmad
Fuad Ismail, said the plan to set up a permanent
police beat on Lorong Haji Taib has still not been Musa Hassan said the public should not doubt the Anwar, flanked by
resolved because of the unavailability of land. Home Minister Hadi and Lim, at the
credibility or blame the police for failing to wipe out
To overcome this, renting a building in the area will Datuk Seri press conference.
prostitution on Lorong Haji Taib, Bernama reports.
be considered. Currently, a mobile police beat is station He said prostitution cannot be wiped out Hishammuddin
at the area to keep watch over the “hot spot”. +based on arrests alone or by setting up a police Hussein meets by Maria J. Dass Asked the status of the discussions
Asked what were the grouses of the traders beat in the area because such activities will go traders on pertaining to Islamic issues, Anwar said
when he met and spoke to them, he said: “ Surpris- on as long as cheap hotels, which act as their Lorong Haji it had been announced earlier that three
ingly they did not complain about the undesirable hideouts, continue to exist there. Taib, near Jalan KUALA LUMPUR: The Pakatan Rakyat members each from PAS, PKR and DAP
activities which goes on there but raised matters To wipe out the activities, a holistic approach Chow Kit in (PR) Council of Leaders has reaffirmed have been appointed to discuss such
like parking and traffic problems. Maybe if I come was needed with the help and cooperation of all Kuala Lumpur, its rejection of the idea of forming a issues.
here alone to meet them, they may have more the enforcement authorities, especially City Hall, yesterday. unity government with Umno/Barisan Asked if the group would pursue
to say.” he said. “Police have been relentless in taking ac- He was Nasional. discussions with Umno on religious
Hishammuddin said the initiative of cleaning tion by detaining and charging those involved but accompanied Ina statement signed by Parti Keadi- issues, he said: “There is no mention (at
up such sleazy areas does not lie solely with the they normally return to such immoral activities by Kuala lan Rakyat (PKR) adviser and Opposi- yesterday’s meeting).”
police but also the joint effort of other agencies once they are released and there will be no end to Lumpur police tion Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Asked if the issue of the unity
such as City Hall and the Health Department. the menace,” he told reporters after handing out chief DCP PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi government talks had affected unity
Meanwhile, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri awards at the Putrajaya police headquarters. Datuk Mohd Awang and DAP senior leader Lim Kit among the parties in PR, Anwar said:
Sabtu Osman Siang yesterday, the council said: “The “As I had mentioned before, when the
and Kuala attempt (to forge a unity government) issue arose, I had called Hadi, who was
Lumpur mayor was clearly a malicious and desperate overseas, and he was consistent in his
Datuk Ahmad attempt to compromise the integrity of stand that there were no plan for PAS
Fuad Ismail. the increasingly popular PR.” to leave PR.”
Anwar, who read out the statement “I don’t know if you (the media)
at a press conference, said that at the understand the issue of unity which
meeting held during the lunch break Umno has been (trying to promote)
at Parliament, all the PR component between Umno and PAS, while leaving
parties reiterated their commitment to out the (other) PR (partners),” Abdul
each other and to strengthen the coali- Hadi said.
tion “in order to help form the future “This is a very malicious and slander-
federal government”. ous way to play up the issue which does
“The PR agrees to adopt an open not benefit unity among the rakyat.
approach and is willing to hold discus- “We do not want to work with Umno
sions with the leaders of BN on issues if this is their way.”
of national interest, such as economic He, however, said PAS had the right,
recovery, improving the quality of and was ready, to discuss matters
Airlines education, restoring the integrity of pertaining to national, economic issues
the judiciary, abrogation of the Internal and issues of democracy, which are of
drop Security Act, the RM12.5 billion Port benefit to the country as a whole.
company Klang Free Zone scandal, abuse of Lim said PR had experienced its
creed after power by the police leadership during first crisis of confidence “and we have
times of increasing crime, eradication come together and this joint statement
complaints of corruption, establishment of good shows that we are committed to move
pg 7 governance, and to hold immediately forward to show that we are different
a free and fair election to resolve the from BN”.
Perak crisis,” he said.

BN still capable of running country: Najib

by Husna Yusop “And we still maintain our principle that something that is good for the country should
be supported even though it had come from
PUTRAJAYA: The rejection of a unity govern- the opposition,” he said.
ment by Pakatan Rakyat does not affect the Earlier, in his speech, Najib said he will
Barisan Nasional, Prime Minister Datuk Seri make several significant announcements
Najib Abdul Razak said yesterday. on the liberalisation agenda in the coming
He said the notion that the BN govern- weeks, in addition to the liberalisation of the
ment is weak does not arise as the idea for financial services sector.
Umno and PAS to work together and the “With these measures, we hope that in due
term “unity government” had originated course the services sector will increase its
from the opposition party. contribution to the economy from 55% pres-
“We are still capable of running the ently to over 70% in line with the structure of
country. No problem. Even without unity other fully matured, developed economies.”
government or in whatever form, we will On criticism that Singapore Minister Men-
continue,” he told reporters after opening tor Lee Kuan Yew had been over-welcomed
the 7th Heads of Mission Conference here. during his recent visit to Malaysia and his
“Our government is still strong and we statements appeared to be interfering in the
are capable of implementing the reform internal matters of Malaysia, Najib said he
agenda that we have planned.” did not think Lee wanted to interfere.
Najib said Umno accepted the idea posi- “His visit was a fact-finding tour of the
tively although it came from PAS because it situation in Malaysia. I don’t think we have
was always open to good ideas. given him more than what he deserved.”

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