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8 œ theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 23 2009

news without borders

Election body raises
vote discrepancies
TEHERAN: Iran’s electoral watchdog, the Guard-
Iran’s Guards vow to crush
ians Council, has acknowledged some discrepan-
cies in the disputed presidential election 10 days
ago that returned President Mahmoud Ahmadine-
jad to power, state television reported.
Council spokesman Abbasali Kadkhodai said
the three defeated candidates had complained
that the number of ballots cast in some districts
exceeded the number of eligible voters. TEHERAN: Iran’s hardline Revolution-
“Our investigation shows that the number of ary Guards threatened yesterday to crush
districts they announced is not correct. Based Q&A: protests, after opposition leader Mirhos-
on our preliminary report, 50 districts face this sein Mousavi urged supporters to stage
issue,” Kadkhodai was quoted as saying by the What more demonstrations over the disputed
television. – AFP could June 12 election.
happen “In the current sensitive situation
Mousavi backers urge next in ... the Guards will firmly confront in a
people to carry black candles revolutionary way rioters and those who
Iran violate the law,” said a statement on the
TEHERAN: Young supporters of defeated pg 12 Guards’ website.
Iranian election candidate Mirhossein The statement by the Guards, viewed
Mousavi urged people to carry black candles as the most loyal guardians of the ruling
with green ribbons later in the day to show clerical establishment, clearly signalled a
solidarity with victims of recent unrest, their crackdown on any fresh unrest over the
website said. The website also said motorists

re-election of hardline President Mah-
should turn on their headlights for two hours moud Ahmadinejad.
from 5 pm (8.30pm in Malaysia) to “show their Despite the warning, about 1,000 sup- Iranian supporters in America protest against the government crackdown in Iran.
solidarity with families of martyrs killed in porters of Mousavi gathered in a central
recent events”. Tehran square, a witness said. Mousavi, who was officially beaten “Such criminal acts should be con-
Green has become the symbol of support “I was passing through Haft-e Tir into second place by Ahmadinejad in an fronted firmly. The ground is paved to
for Mousavi, a moderate politician who says square and I saw around 1,000 people election which he says was rigged, called pursue Mousavi legally.”
the June 12 presidential election was rigged in there,” the witness said. late on Sunday for fresh protests by his Iranian authorities have accused West-
favour of the hardline incumbent, Mahmoud supporters. ern powers of supporting the widespread
Ahmadinejad. The authorities reject charges “Protesting against lies and fraud (in street protests and have not ruled out ex-
of vote fraud. – Reuters the election) is your right,” Mousavi said pulsions of some European ambassadors.
in a statement on his website. In Rome, the Italian Foreign Ministry
Change in Iran could The Revolutionary Guards said they said Italy was prepared to open its embassy
bring peaceful ties: Israel would not hesitate to confront “illegal” in Teheran to wounded protesters in coor-
protests by defeated presidential candi- dination with other European nations.
BERLIN: Peaceful relations between Israel and dates, and warned the West to stop back- The move follows a Swedish initiative
Iran would be possible if new leadership took ing “rioters”. to look into whether European Union na-
power in Teheran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khame- tions could put together a plan to take in
Netanyahu said in an interview with German nei met Ahmadinejad, parliamentary and provide aid to demonstrators at their
newspaper Bild. speaker Ali Larijani and judiciary chief embassies in Iran, the ministry said.
“There is no conflict between the Iranian peo- Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi Iranian state television said 10 people
ple and the people of Israel and under a different on Monday to discuss post-election devel- were killed and more than 100 wounded
regime the friendly relations that prevailed in the opments, the ILNA news agency said. in demonstrations in Teheran on Satur-
past could be restored,” Netanyahu told German Evoking the prospects of legal action day, which defied a warning from Su-
daily Bild. Hardline Iranian President Mahmoud against Mousavi, Ali Shahrokhi, head of preme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Ahmadinejad, who has called the Holocaust a parliament’s judiciary committee, said The office of Tehran’s prosecutor
“great deception” and said Israel should be wiped his call for “illegal protests and issuing general blamed the weekend deaths on
from the map, was officially re-elected in a June provocative statements” had been a “unknown vandals” who had opened fire
12 vote that the opposition has denounced as a source of unrest. on civilians. – Reuters
fraud. – Reuters

Rafsanjani’s daughter freed

TEHERAN: Faezeh Hashemi, the daughter
of former Iranian president and powerful
cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, has been
Clerics criticise leadership
over polls unrest
freed after two days in detention, the Fars
news agency reported yesterday. Hashemi, a Ayatollah Ali
strong supporter of Mir Hossein Mousavi was Khamenei wields
released late on Sunday, it said. absolute control
Iranian newspapers reported that she had TEHERAN: Pro-reform clerics in Iran stepped up criti- from Khamenei. A separate report put the number in Iran through
been arrested on her way to take part in an cism of the authorities on Sunday after more than a of deaths at 13. a network of
opposition rally which ad been banned by the week of unprecedented popular defiance against the State television said the violence included the loyalists and
authorities. – AFP leadership of the Islamic Republic. torching of a mosque, which it blamed on “rioters”.
institutions, including the
But in an indication of their determination to “In the unrest leading to clashes 10 people were
Revolutionary Guards, Basij militia,
crack down hard on demonstrations which culmi- killed and more than 100 wounded,” it said. “The
nated in the death of at least 10 people on Saturday, presence of terrorists ... in yesterday’s event in judiciary and intelligence services
authorities dismissed the protesters as “terrorists” Enghelab and Azadi avenues was tangible.” Jul 17, 1939: Ali Khamenei, son
and rioters. The harsh tone suggested the authorities may of a cleric, born in Mashhad, Iran
As authorities fulminated against protesters be preparing for a crackdown to end more than a Education: Studies at Islamic
backing defeated presidential candidate Mirhossein week of protest. seminaries in Mashhad and Qom,
Mousavi, moderate former President Mohammad “The police will maintain a presence in various
where he becomes devoted follower
Khatami signalled increased opposition among pro- parts of the city and will confront all gatherings and
reform clerics to Iran’s conservative leadership. unrest with all its strength,” the official Irna news
of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
“Preventing people from expressing their agency quoted the commander of Teheran police, 1963-69: After U.S.-backed Shah
demands through civil ways will have dangerous Azizullah Rajabzadeh, as saying. of Iran drives Khomeini into exile,
consequences,” Khatami, a Mousavi ally, said in Sunday had been free of “illegal gatherings” and Ali Khamenei is arrested by SAVAK
a statement, the semi-official Mehr news agency those detained during Saturday’s disturbances had secret police. He spends three years
reported. been turned over to the judiciary, he added. in jail and further three in detention
His comment, implying criticism of Supreme Government restrictions prevent correspondents
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who has backed a working for foreign media from attending demonstra-
1978: Strikes and demonstrations
ban on protests and defended the outcome of the tions to report. In London, the BBC confirmed that against Shah paralyze country
election, found an echo with Grand Ayatollah Hossein Iran had ordered the broadcaster’s correspondent, 1979: Shah overthrown. Ayatollah
Ali Montazeri, the most senior dissident cleric. Jon Leyne, out of the country. Khomeini makes triumphant return,
“Resisting people’s demand is religiously pro- Ahmadinejad meanwhile accused the United from exile, declares Islamic Republic,
hibited,” said Montazeri, an architect of Iran’s 1979 States and Britain of interfering in Iran’s affairs. becomes country’s Supreme Leader,
Islamic revolution who fell out with the present “I advise you (the United States and Britain) to Khamenei becomes Defence Minister
leadership and has been under house arrest for correct your interfering stances,” Ahmadinejad was
some years. quoted by ISNA news agency as saying at a meeting 1981: Khamenei survives
In a statement on his website, Montazeri called with clerics and scholars. assassination attempt during election
for three days of national mourning for those killed. US President Barack Obama, in the forefront of campaign. Elected President of Iran
Mousavi, who came second to Ahmadinejad in diplomatic efforts to halt an Iranian nuclear pro- by landslide 95% vote
the polls and whose followers have spearheaded gramme the West fears could yield atomic weapons, 1989: Following death of Ayatollah
protests, says the election was rigged and must be urged Teheran to “stop all violent and unjust actions Khomeini, Assembly of Experts,
annulled. against its own people”. “The Iranian government Iran’s most senior body, choose
Iran state television said 10 people were killed must understand that the world is watching. We Khamenei as Supreme Leader
and more than 100 others injured in protests held mourn each and every innocent life that is lost,”
Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS
in Teheran on Saturday in defiance of a warning Obama said in a statement. – Reuters

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