Thesun 2009-06-23 Page10 Australia Police Say Utegate Email Is Fake

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10 theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 23 2009

news without borders

Australia police say ‘Utegate’ e-mail is fake

SYDNEY: Australian police yester- “Preliminary results of those opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull, the “sordid Turnbull e-mail forgery appeared fake. Grech on Friday told
day said the e-mail at the centre of forensic examinations indicate that whose jobs were all on the line, affair.” a senate inquiry that he believed Rudd
the “Utegate” scandal was a fake, the e-mail referred to at the centre embroiled in furious exchanges in “This fraudulent e-mail was the and Swan had weighed in on behalf of
blowing a hole in opposition calls of this investigation has been cre- parliament. rock on which the leader of the oppo- car-dealer John Grant, who was seek-
for Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to ated by a person or persons other Turnbull’s argument now appears sition has constructed his case against ing access to government funds.
resign. The apparent forgery was than the purported author of the seriously weakened after he spent me and the Treasurer,” Rudd said. He admitted that he had no proof
revealed after a police raid on the e-mail,” a police statement said. days calling for Rudd’s job, basing “This rock has now disintegrated of intervention by either man’s offices.
home of Godwin Grech, a senior The announcement capped a claims that he misled parliament on into sand.” But on Saturday, media published a
treasury official whose testimony to day of high political drama with the discredited e-mail. Swan also accused Turnbull of transcript of the e-mail supposedly
a senate inquiry sparked the row. Rudd, Treasurer Wayne Swan and The note, supposedly sent by “grubby opportunism.” sent by Rudd’s economics adviser
Rudd’s economic adviser and pub- “He must pledge today to make Andrew Charlton.
lished by weekend newspapers here, available all of the resources used by “Hi Godwin, the PM has asked
had appeared to back up allegations the opposition for a police inquiry, if the car dealer financing vehicle
that the prime minister helped a because it is clear the grubby oppor- is available to assist a Queensland
car-dealer friend seek government tunism of the leader of the opposition dealership, John Grant Motors, who
funds. knows no bounds,” he said. seems to be having trouble getting
But Rudd dismissed the corre- As the politicians argued in parlia- finance,” the transcript said.
spondence as “false, fictitious and a ment, police searched Grech’s home “If you can follow up on this asap
forgery” and turned the attack on the with the help of IT experts, later an- that would be very useful. Happy to
opposition, describing the events as nouncing that the e-mail in question discuss. A.” – AFP

Marry early, don’t wait briefs

for Mr or Miss Right! Plot to smuggle
SINGAPORE: At first, pear,” said Minister mobiles into prison
all mourners feel em- Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, SAO PAULO: Two Brazilian teenag-
barrassed. “I am not warning against a de- ers were arrested on the weekend
going to sing praises pendence on foreigners for allegedly plotting to smuggle
for my late husband,” a for raising the fertility cellphones into a prison using
widow said at a funeral. rate. a kite, reports said on Sunday.
“Instead, I want to talk “We’ve got to make According to police, the two
about some things that this breakthrough unidentified adolescents were ar-
will make some of you internally. If we don’t rested late on Saturday with two
feel a bit uncomfort- make the 2.1 popula- kites and mobile phones inside
able.” tion replacement ratio, a building in Tremembe, a town
Vividly she described we will always be outside Sao Paulo, the G1 news
the bodily functions of dependent,” the found- website reported. Police said the
her late husband, his ing father of modern two confessed to planning the
snoring and farting in Singapore said. operation, and said they were to
bed. His son, Prime Min- have received US$175 (RM612)
“And what I wouldn’t Yasmin Ahmad ister Lee Hsien Loong, through an ex-girlfriend of a pris-
give just to hear these uses every opportunity oner.– AFP
sounds again before I to stress the significance
sleep,” the widow continued. of starting a family, even more so Seven hurt as
“In the end it is these small things now as Singapore is facing its worst
that you remember, the little imper- recession in three decades amid the turbulence hits plane
fections that make them perfect for global economic downturn. SYDNEY: Seven people were
you,” she said completing her eulogy, “The family is our most important hurt when a Qantas Airbus A330
thus changing the audience’s mood life-raft in times of crisis,” Lee said hit severe turbulence flying from
from embarrassment to sympathy. in his New Year’s message. “Even in Hongkong to Perth, the company
In its efforts to counter the demo- hard times, we should not neglect the said Monday, dismissing links to
graphic challenges of low fertility and need to bring up a new generation.” other incidents involving the same
an ageing population, Singapore’s The government already started type of plane. Six passengers and
government leaves no stone unturned, some incentives to provide a more one crew member were treated
even using death to sell marriage. pro-family environment for its citi- on board after the mishap, which
The unconventional and taboo- zens. happened about four hours after
breaking ad set at a funeral, shot by In August 2008, it enhanced a take-off. The plane, with 206
Malaysian director Yasmin Ahmad marriage and parenthood package passengers and 13 crew, landed
and titled Beautifully imperfect, is bringing the total amount it spends safely. – AFP.
part of a campaign to make more to promote starting a family to S$1.6
Singaporeans tie the knot and have billion (RM3.8 billion) a year. Boss held after
children. The measures include longer ma-
Figures just released by the Na- ternity leave, more tax incentives for deadly China blast
tional Population Secretariat showed having children, increased subsidies BEIJING: Police have detained a
that Singapore’s birth rate dipped for childcare, and even subsidies for company boss for illegally storing
slightly to 1.28 children per woman assisted reproduction techniques. explosives that triggered a blast at a
in 2008, down from 1.29 a year earlier In addition, government agencies factory in eastern China leaving 16
and far below the replacement level provide internet platforms like www. people dead and 43 people injured,
of 2.1. which offer dating state media said. The explosion
With a total population of 4.84 mil- services and other help for singles occurred in Anhui province early
lion, the proportion of residents aged in order “to create awareness among on Sunday morning at the Jingxin
65 and above continued to increase you on the importance of marriage Mining company that produces
from 6.8% in 1988 to 8.7% in 2008. and family, and the need to start and processes quartz sand. Cao
The number of marriages went up early.” Peijun, the boss of the company,
to 21,042 in 2008, compared to 20,775 The latest government-run was found to be illegally storing up
a year ago. campaign, which was backed by to seven tonnes of explosives in an
“But the trend of Singaporeans not Yasmin Ahmad’s three-minute TV office building, the official Xinhua
marrying or marrying later continues ad, rewarded 10 young dating couples news agency reported. – AFP
to persist,” the secretariat said. with S$400 each for being “beautifully
In 2008, general marriage rates imperfect” pairs. Rethink celibacy,
were 44 married males per 1,000 The Ministry of Community De-
unmarried male residents and 42 velopment started the contest on the urges ex-bishop
married females per 1,000 unmarried internet social network Facebook and SANTIAGO:Paraguayan President
female residents, down from 49.7 and attracted more than 350 couples who Fernando Lugo, a former bishop
49.4, respectively, a decade ago. uploaded their photos and described caught up in a sex scandal, called
The peak age group for men mar- their relationship, thus trying to pull on the Catholic Church to “rethink
rying went up from 25-29 years in in votes. celibacy” in an interview published
1990 and 2000 to 30-34 years in 2008. The campaign’s main message on Sunday. “I think that recent
As couples also have fewer children, was: Marry early, don’t wait for Mr events should lead the Catholic
Singapore leaders fear that the tiny is- or Miss Right! Church to reflect on the value of
land-state might shrink into oblivion. “The person who is not perfect as celibacy inside the church,” Lugo
“Without new citizens and perma- defined by the world around us may told Chilean daily newspaper El
nent residents, we are going to be the turn out to be the perfect husband or Mercurio. – AFP
last of the Mohicans. We will disap- wife,” the ministry said. – dpa

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