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12 theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 23 2009

news without borders

Abhisit confident
rifts can be healed What could By accepting the result
too soon and by supporting
Ahmadinejad so openly the
Supreme Leader has put himself
in a very precarious situation,

happen next in Iran

SINGAPORE: The social and because there were clear rules Moin said. “From now on any
political rifts that have set out in the constitution. criticism of Ahmadinejad, his
plunged Thailand into a “People are going government and practices will be
three-year crisis can to be anxious about reflected on Khamenei. He sided
be healed, Prime succession issues, openly with one faction within
Minister Abhisit but the rules are the Islamic Republic instead of
Vejjajiva (pix) said clear and because remaining above all sides as was
yesterday, playing the monarchy the practice in the past”.
down the risks of remains above
further tension politics it’s nothing Khamenei’s message was

over a royal suc- that Thailand can’t backdown or crackdown, but
cession. work out,” he said. can they afford the repercus-
Abhisit became Abhisit, an urbane sions of a crackdown?
Thailand’s third prime Oxford-educated 44- If a crackdown is the only way to
minister in as many year-old, came to power preserve the system, that is what
months last December after through parliamentary defec- will be done. In 1999 university
street protests that climaxed tions his opponents charge were unrest, the crackdown was ef-
with the seizure of Bangkok’s engineered by the army. ficient. If the choice is between
airports, undermining investor The military ousted Thaksin in accepting the demands of the
confidence in the country and a 2006 bloodless coup and the protesters or repressing them,
hitting an economy already on one-time telecoms tycoon now the system is likely to opt for the
the way down. lives in self-imposed exile. harsher method.
In broad terms, Thailand’s Thai courts have issued sev- “They are all in unchartered
crisis is a battle between the eral arrest warrants for Thaksin, waters,” Ehteshami said. “Neither
“yellow shirts” – royalists, the and the government had also side can predict how this crisis
military and urban Thais, who revoked his passport in April, ac- will evolve. While a crackdown
back Abhisit – and the “red shirts” cusing him of instigating a rash of demon- might bring some temporary
– supporters of former premier protests that turned violent and strations, the danger is that respite, calm achieved through
Thaksin Shinawatra whose power triggered a state of emergency Iranian- the protest movement will frag- bloodshed will have its own
base was mainly drawn from the in Bangkok. Americans LONDON: Iran’s presidential ment, elements of it will turn to massive consequences.”
country’s millions of rural poor. “The former prime minister and election, in which hardliner violence which is not something “This will affect the position
But Abhisit said Thai society was has broken the law, has been supporters Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over- you want in this crisis.” of the leadership. The longer
not irreparably riven. convicted by the courts, and so protest whelmingly beat moderate rival, If Mousavi is arrested, he this goes on, more divisions will
“I don’t think the rift is insur- has to accept the consequences against Mirhossein Mousavi, has set off said, that would raise the scale appear within the establishment
mountable,” he said in an inter- of his actions in the way any other Iran in Los the broadest internal unrest since of the crisis to a whole new level and the clergy itself,” said Moin.
view. “The majority of Thais have Thai would,” Abhisit told bankers Angeles on the 1979 Islamic revolution. and other national figures would
a common aspiration. They want at a Thomson Reuters event, Sunday. Iranian protesters have flood- be called on to intervene such Will these events force US
the country to be prosperous.” when asked if he would consider ed the streets of Teheran and as Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali President Barack Obama to
“The biggest challenge is to striking a deal with his nemesis. other cities over the past week Montazeri, former presidents abandon his policy of engage-
take the country through this Abhisit, in Singapore on a one- in defiance of a stern warning Mohammad Khatami and Akbar ment with Iran?
economic crisis and to emerge day state visit, said he had made by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, who also Iranian leaders’ reaction to
out of this. If we address those clear to both Thailand’s police Ali Khamenei. heads the powerful assembly of Obama’s remarks hints that
issues I think the majority of Thais – who were long seen as Thaksin Iranian authorities on Sunday experts, a clerical body that su- there will be no engagement in
would be satisfied.” allies – and its military that they blamed “terrorists” and rioters pervises, appoints and can sack the near future. The supreme
One unifying figure is King should work for the good of the for clashes and Ahmadinejad the supreme leader. leader on Friday for the first time
Bhumibol Adulyadej, widely re- country, and rise above politics. told the United States and Britain Baqer Moin, a London-based said his views were more similar
spected by Thais whatever their “I won’t use them as political on Sunday to stop interfering in Iran commentator, said the to the anti-Western president
political affiliation. tools,” he said. the Islamic Republic’s internal protests will continue but on than others who seek a policy of
However, many in the yellow “In the past they have been affairs. Iran state television said a smaller scale because of the detente with the West.
camp support an interventionist dragged into politics and been 10 people were killed and 100 heavy presence of security and More than ever, Iran needs a
monarchy and the reds resent used as political tools and I’ve others injured in protests held in militias and the arrest of key foreign enemy to blame. Since
the power of Thai elites, leading proved that isn’t my intention.” Teheran on Saturday. A separate personalities, activists and strate- the start of protests, Iranian state
to concern that – with the 81- Abhisit said the conditions report put the number of deaths gists from the opposition. media have focused on the “in-
year-old king facing regular health for holding a general election at 13. “I don’t think there is a secu- volvement” of the United States
scares – the issue of succession included getting the economy Here are some questions and rity solution for this issue. There and Britain in the turmoil. It will
may throw another explosive ele- back on track and addressing answers on what could happen has to be a compromise by the be difficult for Obama to engage
ment into Thailand’s volatile mix. past political injustices through a next in the Islamic Republic, the authorities to satisfy at least the with a country that so publicly
However, Abhisit said there parliamentary committee, but he world’s fifth biggest oil exporter, most loyal people to the Islamic oppresses its own people.
was no uncertainty around the declined to put a date on when whose nuclear programme has Republic – that there hasn’t “Obama now has a major
questions of royal succession there would be a vote. – Reuters alarmed the West. been any malpractices because crisis on his hand to manage
we even have some clergymen rather than initiating a dialogue
Are Iranians likely among the demonstrators.” because the consequences of po-
to obey Khamenei’s “In terms of law enforcement litical development in Iran will
orders to stop the the government has sufficient dramatically affect the rest of the
demonstrations? security power at its disposal to region,” said Ehteshami.
Based on what hap- prevent street demonstrations, Moin said, “I don’t think
pened on Saturday however, it won’t be able to stop it is an option to abandon it
night, just a day after civil disobedience,” he said. altogether. They may limit the
Khamenei’s speech, engagement but abandoning it is
street protests will Has the regime lost legiti- not an option. They have mutual
continue unless Iran macy, if so, can it regain it? interests in peace in Afghanistan
imposes a state of The street protests, in open and Iraq. They need Iran on
emergency or mar- defiance to Khamenei, have Afghanistan and Iraq.”
tial law. Now that undermined the establishment’s
students and women legitimacy. Before the election, Does Khamenei have the
are involved, it seems protesters aimed to encourage support of senior Iranian
a bit unlikely that the Iranians to unseat Ahmadinejad clerics?
establishment can but now, the whole system and There is a clear rift among high-
end demonstrations the leader himself are implicated. ranking clerics over the disputed
by force. That is unprecedented. election. Former president Akbar
Anoush Ehteshami The only possible way for the Hashemi Rafsanjani, a supporter
of Durham University leader to get out of the crisis and of Mousavi, is very influential
told Reuters: “I don’t regain legitimacy is to follow and respected among clerics
think the protest will the path of late leader Ayatollah and he is also known as one of
end. The demonstra- Ruhollah Khomeini and drink the leading figures of the 1979 Is-
tions are going to the “poison chalice” and order lamic revolution because he was
evolve into different a fresh vote. a very close aide to Khomeini.
things. Much will In that case, he may lose the Ehteshami said “Khamenei
depend on whether support of some of his loyalists would have said what he said
Mr Mousavi is going but he can calm the situation and with assurances from the Guard-
to lead from the front. also repair Iran’s image around ian Council, Iran’s top legislative
If he is, he will make the globe. body which groups clerics and
sure that the demon- “The legitimacy of the regime legal experts and has the power
strations are peaceful, is now an open question. So to endorse or annul the vote.”
orderly and with one long as the masses of the people, “He’s got only the support of
political objective young and old, remain discon- a section not the entire clerical
which is the annul- tented about the electoral results, establishment. He relies more
ment of the election the legitimacy of the regime will on political and military power
result. But if he is remain under question,” Ehte- rather than consensus,” Moin
not at the helm of the shami said. added. – Reuters

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