Thesun 2009-06-23 Page15 On The Trail of DR Who

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On the trail of Dr Who

JUST across from the Em-
pire Hotel on Lockhart Road,
ple’s money. Another RM20
million was allocated to
Now a conglomerate with diversified
Stop-work order
not enforced
I WROTE to the Seberang Perai Municipal
Council on Dec 30, last year to complain about
Hongkong, is the Typhoon Bar. rescue the project. Today interests from plantations to pharma- trespassing and encroachment. My neighbour
Service is crap. The bartenders there are at least three law- ceuticals is considering buying over the embedded pipes into my fence wall despite be-
were not manning the bar. We suits brought by contractors medical centre – giving him enough ing told that it was not a common wall.
had to go to the back to beckon against the park’s manage- dough to pack up and head to Canada. Following my complaint, the council’s direc-
them each time we wanted a ment for breach of contract. Dear readers, this is not idle talk or tor of buildings called for a meeting on Jan 6.
refill. And when they did show Following this episode, the ranting of someone who has had During the meeting, I came to know that a stop-
up it seemed like we were much he stayed out of trouble for one too many. CitizenNades and I had work order was issued to my neighbour in mid
of a bother to them. No service awhile until an opportu- been on this guy’s case for the last five 2008 for not complying with building rules and
with a smile here! nity arose in the sporting years and what astounds us is that how she was required to resubmit a new plan.
On the trespassing complaint, the neighbour
But what made it worth our
while were the stories the group
Down2Earth fraternity where he sat on
an advisory body to the
individuals whose credentials and inten-
tions are suspect can convince the most was asked to get a surveyor’s report.
of Malaysians we met had to by Terence Fernandez government on improving powerful figures in our nation to part Two months passed by and there was no
tell us. They were entertaining, Malaysian sports. with public money for ventures that they news about the outcome of the meeting. In the
eye-popping and provided us with gales Questions arose as to his qualification have no expertise in. meantime, the neighbour had started renovating
of laughter as much as tips to be followed for sitting on the committee as he was Checks and balances have failed if Rapp her house without resolving the fence wall issue.
up once we returned home. not a sportsman. But it would be unfair such characters are allowed to penetrate appoints When I called the council’s chief inspector of
Like I tell my non-journalist friends to say that he did not contribute at all. the inner circle of the highest deci- buildings, between February and early March
and family, in our profession, heading Who do you think was among those who sion-making body to further their own new about the problem, he would only say: “Tak tak
to the club or a watering hole is going came up with the hare-brained idea of a interests. creative tak, nanti kita panggil mesyuarat.” When I asked
to work. It was over a few drinks at a forward base for Malaysian athletes in We see these characters hanging director how the neighbour was renovating her house
London pub that CitizenNades and later England? around at Putrajaya, government func- without approval. The officer gave the same
I, were introduced to Lorraine Osman, Last we know he has returned to tions, ministers’ open houses and even pg 18 answer. Asked, why the stop-work order was not
the central figure in the RM2 billion BMF what he is supposed to know best – the in the hallowed halls of state assemblies enforced, the officer again repeated the reply.
scandal. And it was over several mugs of medical line. and Parliament. On March 2, I wrote to an MPSP councillor.
bitters and lagers that we conducted the He brought foreign doctors, includ- We hope that our leaders will be more Another meeting was held on March 26 with
world exclusive interview with him. ing one prominent cardiac surgeon discerning in whom they choose to trust the new deputy director of the building depart-
Back to Hongkong, the latest gossip into the country for a specialist centre and fraternise with, for they may end up ment, the councillor and relevant parties. At the
centred on a prominent figure who had in Selangor. These foreigners who sold being unwitting conduits in the greater meeting, the neighbour’s architect produced a
been lurking in the shadows, associat- their houses and property for what was plan of self-serving individuals. surveyor’s report confirming that the wall was
ing with the who’s who of the country’s to be a better life in Malaysia arrived only mine.The neighbour was then asked to remove
leadership – beginning with a former to be “re-designated” and later sacked all the pipes and to have her own fence. Her
diplomat in New York and then working unceremoniously. As long as he has the evidence, Terence house plan had still not been approved.
his way up to rub shoulders with the We found out that this was because will continue to expose conmen who at- After that meeting the taps
likes of a former finance minister and the “Dr” had run out of funds for his tempt to hoodwink the public and were removed but the pipes
even prime minister. hospital, where like the park, the hospital our leaders into were left intact. Renovation
He goes by “Dr” although his own contractors were also not paid. Several of parting with work went on at greater
close circle of relatives and friends claim them even took out an order and sealed people’s money. speed and today the neigh-
that “he ain’t no doctor!” An email from the premises until they were paid their He is deputy bour has moved in without
his so-called alma matter confirms this:
“We have no record of such a person
Now we hear that he had approached
editor (special
reports & inves-
No intimidation any approved house plan to
the best of my knowledge.
ever studying here.” the government to rescue the project but tigations). Feed- I REFER to “Bar concerned over police harassment” (June I called the deputy
A public park entrusted to him ended was turned down – I suspect because back: terence@ 17). The Royal Malaysia Police denies intimidating any director of buildings many
losing close to RM70 million of the peo- the latter had been burnt in the park person, including lawyers, in the course of any investi- times, and also emailed the
gation. For your readers’ information, it is normal legal council president. I never
procedure to serve an order under Section 111 of the got a proper reply on their
Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) to any person who the next course of action. On

MHF must set up focus group police believe can assist in any investigation to appear
as a witness and have his statement recorded under
Section 112 of the CPC.
June 12, I called the deputy
director who refused to
answer my call.
THANKS to the organisers and innovators of the prises bureaucrats, who have stayed away from P e r- With regards to the fundamental principle of solicitor- Did the building depart-
Junior World Cup Hockey championship in Johor the technical and management aspects of the h a p s , client confidentiality. The police have always acted ac- ment follow up on the
Baru and Singapore. Without their foresight (the game. Hence the “focus team” will have to know their diet cording to the provisions of Section 126 of the Evidence stop-work order? How
idea of two nations staging a championship is the idiosyncrasies, weaknesses of the structure, can ex- Act 1950. did my neighbour move in
new to hockey), Johor Baru would not have two systems, and education system in the nation, be- plain how without a safe occupancy
additional artificial hockey pitches and Johoreans fore it can address the issue. Remember you get they can ACP Lai Yong Heng certificate? Were the
would not have been able to watch competitive “quality from quantity” players. Hence currently if compete Assistant Director of Management enforcement and legal
matches. you are playing for the nation you know that you so com- for Public Affairs departments informed
I have been following Malaysia’s Junior World are among the best in the nation and there’s no petitively Royal Malaysia Police of my complaint?
Cup performances since 1979 and admit that the incentive to improve your competitiveness. despite
current team is one of the weakest Malaysian I was very impressed with the Dutch, German the hot Doctor
teams. and Australian teams where every player can basi- weather. Butterworth
The problem is not the players and the coaches cally play in most positions and tactically do what T h e
but the “whole infrastructure and hockey system” they are supposed to do in intricate situations. Argentines and South Koreans may not be tall,
in Malaysia. From the lack of variations, physique, They even have the intelligence to watch op- but they are robust and stocky. Hence they can
skills, and confidence seen in the current batch ponents and take notes. They also note down the be aggressive players, unlike Malaysia. Call a spade a spade
of players it is obvious we do not have a big pool weaknesses of each rival player in their data bank, MHF should also look into the infrastructure I FIND it ridiculous that suicide-bombers are
of players to choose from, unlike the top nations. with match statistics, like who is their short corner and the flow in the system of “producing effective referred to as “berani mati” in Bahasa Malaysia
We are not producing enough talented players hitter, flicker’s favourite range, etc. hockey players”. What are the stumbling blocks? publications.
in the schools. Hence, when these players come What Asian teams like Malaysia are finding a How can the infrastructure be improved? Can the Why give a heroic connotation to such a
of age their skills, variations and confidence are big challenge is also the lack of physique? Skills system identify key players at a young age and cowardly and despicable act? What’s so brave
found wanting at the national level. and talent are not sufficient. mould them to world class players? or admirable about blowing oneself up? And in
The malaysian Hockey Federation (MHF) needs The Europeans have discovered that when you Working closely, holistically and transparently the process kill others and cause injury and hurt
to immediately form a “focus group” compromis- play Asian teams like Malaysia, a bit of “physi- with all the key stakeholders, including the Educa- to innocent people, and damage to property.
ing the media, state coaches and school teachers, cal exertion” helps them to win the ball in 50:50 tion Ministry, media and players, among others is Suicide-bombers have no respect for man
former Olympians, etc who have the expertise situations. imperative. or their Creator.
and the ability to articulate the issues and come Perhaps we need to look into the nutrition of Let us call a spade a spade, and stop glorify-
out with solutions? Gone are the days where a our players. It was observed that the Europeans Harban Singh ing such stupid acts.
committee was formed which basically com- feed their players with a lot of supplements. Johor Baru
Sue Thomas
Kuala Lumpur
Leave Penang ferry service alone
THE statement by Penang Chief Minis- As such, Penangites view with deep PPSB for the assets but absorb the yearly experts taking into consideration various destrians and vehicles. As such a direct
ter Lim Guan Eng proposing that MPPP concerns the chief minister’s attempt operational losses. Since neither MPPP parameters such as financial viability, comparison with other ferry services
(Penang Island Municipal Council) take to control and dictate the agenda and nor the state government has much heritage aspects, operational and mana- (such as Hongkong’s STAR) would be
over the ferry services from Penang direction of MPPP by issuing instructions experience in managing ferry services gerial capabilities, resources, strategic inaccurate and misleading.
Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) is puzzling. to the president of MPPP. The LGA clearly or corporate turnaround, these losses and long-term planning, etc. Making a I urge Lim and his state government
Why is the executive interfering in stipulates that all key decisions and poli- would be a big financial drain for MPPP suggestion on such an important matter to start delivering their electoral prom-
matters within the purview of the local cies by a local government must first be and the state government. without a study is not just unprofes- ises rather than keep making even more,
council? It must be pointed out that deliberated and then approved by its Lim has often gone on record claim- sional but also reflects poorly upon the if they wish to continue to rule beyond
MPPP neither reports to nor is a part councillors. This action by Lim contra- ing that the state is being under-funded capabilities of the state leadership. the current term. The state govern-
of the state government. The MPPP is venes the LGA and can be construed as by the federal government. As such, it Lim may not be aware that the ment should firmly focus on improving
a local authority with a president and political interference. makes little sense to expose the state to Penang ferry service has a dual role – it the democratic, social, economic and
councillors entrusted to formulate It has been reported that the PPSB further financial liabilities and risks. is a part of Penang’s heritage and a key transport infrastructure of the state and
policies and arrive at decisions guided by has been losing millions annually and Taking over a loss-making operation logistical link. Due to this factor, viewing leave the ferry services to PPSB and the
the Local Government Act (LGA), Town for the year 2008 the amount was RM21 and running it is a serious matter as it the ferry services as solely either as a federal government to manage.
and Country Planning Act (TCPA) and the million. If MPPP were to take over the involves public funds and considerable heritage or a logistical link would be
Street, Drainage and Building Act and ferry services, this would mean that the management skills. Such a proposal erroneous. This is further compounded Calvin Sankaran
other pertinent laws and regulations. local council not only would have to pay requires a careful and detailed study by by the fact that PPSB transports both pe- Bukit Mertajam

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