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Alec La Bouchardiere

Our experience of a life time starts in Calabria. Where we found some strange people that somehow we were related too. They got us into a car and drove off. I was about to put my seat belt on then mum told me. You do not need a seat belt I was so scared but we still got to the house eventually and had dinner and went to sleep. As soon as the day came we went straight to my Nonnos town. We found his house (see picture on right) and the church he went to. At dinner the house we went to eat at was 200 years old. It was amazing! The last day we went to St Francesco de Paolo church and that was all for Calabria.

My Nonno house

As the time started, are new adventures in Trieste began. It all started when we arrived at the house. We got there and we had a bit of lunch and went off into the town nearby. By the time we got there it was night time and we ate ice cream and we walked back with our backs aching. The next day we walked to the Adriatic Sea and Lauren and I had a swim in the Adriatic, then the next day was ended. The next day started in Venice. We went on a gondola ride Did you know there are 750 gondolas and there were 250 bridges in Venice! WE EVEN HAD 7 LITRES OF WATER!! That was all for Trieste.


Alec La Bouchardiere

We have finally come to Rome. Our first day started at our apartment for the whole day we went shopping and just rested for the day. Our next day started at the colosseum and ends at the Colosseum. The Moring came and the new day began we went for a big walk to the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain and the forum which was Romes parliament and then we went back home. As soon as I feel asleep that night, it was the next day again and we set off to Vatican City. I was having the time of my life until we had to go up to the top by an elevator. I was so happy until I realised the elevator didnt go the whole way, and I still had to climb to the top of the steps. We moved on to the Sistine chapel and it show God reaching out to all of mankind by Michelangelo. After that day we went to Florence we sore the statue of David, Michelangelos grave, Leonardo Davincis, Galileo Galilei grave. On

The colosseum

the second last day we went inside the Colosseum and that was spectacular to see and to think about what would happened there. Our last day was to see Trevi fountain at night and to see the Colosseum as well. And so we left Rome and Italy.

Alec La Bouchardiere

We arrived in France, where we stayed in Paris. We arrived on Bastille Day which is like our Australia day. On that day we went near the Eiffel Tower to watch the fireworks for a few minutes and left. Our next day started near the Eiffel Tower where we had ice cream. The day after that we went on the Eiffel Tower all the way up to level two. There was a massive view up there! Our next day will start at the Arc de Triomphe. The Arc de Triomphe is there Shrine of Remembrance the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and we also I went to the Louvre. Finally we go to Versailles castle that was the place that King Louis the 16 or 14 lived it was posh and how green was it! I so wanted to kill Louis again because he lived in paradise and his peasants lived in a tiny house with no clothing and diseases. On the second last day we went to Euro Disney with all the rides like Space Mountain and Big Thunder mine. On our last day we just rested and went to the next country.

The Eiffel Tower

Alec La Bouchardiere


England where there are a lot of thing to look at. We stared our day just meeting my Aunty Beryl (PS she is about92 and in a wheel chair). Our firsts stop was, Trafalgar square that is in the middle of London. The next day we went to Lords and that was a great short day. Then we went to the city and saw Big Ben but Big Ben was the bell in side I think it is really could Victoria tower. The next day we went to the London eye and saw a great view. Our the next day we went to see Westminster Abbey it is where the Kings and Queens get marry or become King or Queen. The following day was very easy all we did was go on a night bus tour and saw something that we could not see on foot.. Every clock in London has an IIII because King Louis the VI said that all clocks need to have a 4 like this IIII because that was his name, also all clocks where made in Paris back in the day. The next morning we went to the changing of the guard it is a little celebration. This day I was so excited for, this day today was Harry Potter day the day we went to the makings of Harry Potter is was completely the best! We saw everything and even drank butter beer for as time went by the end was near and Harry Potter was finished. Afterwards we went on a river cruise on our eighth day, we rested until we got back home. The Changing of the Guard

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