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UPLB TRICHODERMA BIOTECHNOLOGY Farmers Benefit Through R & D UPLB Trichoderma biotechnology is a product of long years of research by Dr.

Virginia C. Cuevas, a Professor at the Institute of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences at the University of the Philippines Los Baos. Research funds for the development of the technology were provided by the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) of the Department of Agriculture (DA). The technology consists of an inoculant that can be used for seed coating or for soil application. The inoculant consists of three different species of Trichoderma isolated from Philippine forests and is mass - produced using pure organic carrier. The fungus is one of the many beneficial microorganisms in the soil whose biological activities keep our forest productive despite the absence of mans intervention. Its potentials are now tapped and transferred to the agricultural system. The inoculant is seed coated to palay, corn, vegetables and other crops before planting. Trichoderma immediately colonizes the root hairs upon seed germination Thus, the fungus is carried to the fields even if the seeds are sown in seed beds. It helps in making available and in absorption of mineral nutrients from the soil. It also helps in producing growth hormones, like auxins and gibberellins. This has direct growth enhancement effect on crops. Almost all seeds germinate. The root system of the seedlings is well developed with longer and bigger rootlets. Seedlings grow fast, produce more leaves and mature early due to better absorption of nutrients. Transplant in the field can be done at least one week earlier than those seedlings that were grown in seedbeds without the inoculant.

Trichoderma has been demonstrated in the field to solubilize unavailable phosphorus and zinc in the soil. The organism also decomposes soil organic matter making nutrients such as calcium, potassium and nitrogen available for plant use. The crops receive balanced fertilization. Nitrogen is needed by crops to synthesize chlorophyll, green pigments in leaves and other biomolecules important to plants growth and development. Potassium is essential for osmotic balance of the cell and in grain formation. Calcium makes the crops sturdy and strong since this element is directly incorporated in plant cell wall. The crops are able to withstand stresses brought about by natural weather phenomena such as heavy rains and winds. Phosphorus, on the other hand, is needed in fast vegetative growth of the crops and in energy relations of the plants. Zinc is important in pollination and fruit formation and in proper functioning of the enzyme system.
With the help of the fungus, the crops need only small amount of fertilizer. Fertilizer needs of crops are reduced by 30% -50%. Yield increases rather than decreases with fertilizer reduction. The farmers can save as up to two- three bags of fertilizer. It is important that the fertilizer use be reduced to get the full benefits of the technology. If fertilizers are not reduced, no yield increase will be observed and no benefit from the technology can be observed. The fungus simply does not do its job if fertilizers are abundant.

Trichoderma inoculant is not only a good biofertilizer. It is also a good biocontrol agent of soil-borne fungal pathogens. If the field has a history of fungal diseases of vegetables, rice or corn, it should be incorporated in seedbeds or in the field at least three days before seed sowing. In this manner, Trichoderma has enough time to kill the pathogens before they are able to infect seeds and seedlings. It effectively controls crop diseases like damping - off during seedling stage caused by Pythium, Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani causing corn and rice sheath blight, Phytophthora causing die back of durian and

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gummosis of mango, Pyricularia oryzae- causing rice blast. Therefore farmers have reduced use of chemical fungicides. For good crop protection, seed coating should also be done. With the use of Trichoderma inoculant, control of the fungal disease is immediate using only one time application compared to repeated drenching of the soil and continuous spraying of the crops using chemicals. More healthy seedlings are available for field transplant. Farmers save on costs of seeds. In addition, there is minimal environmental contamination from chemicals. Farmers can also plan the timing of their crop cultivation for better prices. They do not have to worry about failure of seed germination and seedling survival due to fungal diseases. Seedling fungal diseases are the number one enemies of vegetable farmers during early stages of growth of the crops. In scheduling their cultivation farmers also have to consider the fact that crops treated with Trichoderma also mature early. The farmers may still have to use other control agents after seedling transplant. The disease control effect of Trichoderma is minimal for foliar fungal diseases since it can not reach the pathogens present in the leaves of the crops. It is effective only for fungal diseases whose pathogens inhabit the soil. No chemical agent is involved in the twin biofertilizer and biocontrol beneficial effects of the inoculant. What this inoculant does is making good use of its natural functions in nature. These natural functions are now transferred to the farmers field. Many farmers all over the country have tried using the Trichoderma inoculant. They are very satisfied with the results and testified to the benefits derived from using it. The inoculant works in both hybrid and in-breed rice or corn. These are the feed backs these users gave: 1. Farmers have reduced their fertilizers use from 30% to 50% with increase in yield of up to 20% for both rice and corn. 2. Seedlings have more tillers and longer roots. 3. Rice flag leaf remains green seven days before harvest - there is more time for filling up grains. Rice grains weigh heavier compared to those without the inoculant. 4. Harvest of crop is one week earlier than those without the inoculant. 5. Farmers use less seeds since germination is as high as 95%.

It is important to note that the beneficial effects of the inoculant can not be observed if the farmers will not reduce their fertilizer use. The fungus does not help the crop if abundant fertilizers are present in the soil. Trichoderma species used in this UPLB biotechnology are native to the Philippines. They are natural components of the soil. Therefore it has also its own natural enemies present here, like the mites and other soil fauna that feed on them. Its population decreases naturally after it has done its job and the crop dies. The roots where they derive energy are no longer alive. This phenomenon has both positive and negative aspects. We should not worry of its population build up in the soil. But the farmers have to continuously apply the inoculant every cropping to ensure complete success of the biofertilizer.
The use of Trichoderma inoculant has both short-term shown by the immediate control of the diseases and growth enhancement of the crops and long-term effects demonstrated by the decrease of bodies that start new growth of the pathogen. With continuous application of this inoculant, there will come a time that the disease will be completely wiped out.

Consumers will also greatly benefit from this UPLB Trichoderma biotechnology. More nutritious with less chemical contamination foods will be available in the market. The practice of using it is therefore ecologically sound and environment- friendly. TRIBIO TECHNOLOGIES INC., a Filipino company signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of the Philippines Los Baos for the commercial production of Trichoderma inoculant. The inoculant is registered with FPA under the trade name Biocon. It comes in 250 g sachets. Some examples of benefits using Trichoderma inoculant in rice and corn croppings: Ilocos Sur experience Partial Economic Analysis wet season rice cropping 2005 Items of expenditure Labor expenses/ha Fertilizer Organic 14 14 14 46 0 0 Expenses for fertilizer SL Eight seeds Total expenses Harvest Net Income Increase income due to Trichoderma P14,240 Traditional New Method with Trichoderma P10,700 increased due to 25% in harvest 10 bags = P2600 1.5 bags = 1020 1.5 bags = 1340 P 4,940 1,200 P16,840 harvest = 7.3MT Gross - P73,000; Net P56,160

P10,000.00 20 bags/ha = 5200 3 bags/ha = 2040 3 bags/ha = 2640 P 9880 1,200 P21,080 6.3 MT Gross =P63,000 Net income = P41,920

Farmers field trial on use of Trichoderma in Bo. 4 Koronadal, South Cotabato Wet Season Cropping 2005 With BioCon Clay 8,750 m2 RC 18 Tri 14 21-0-0 100 23 70 N P 36.5 19.7 5,760 kg + 1,236 kg 6583 kg + 2059 Without BioCon Clay 10,000 m2 RC 18 Tri 14 21-0-0 100 27 80 N P 34.6 17.8 4524 kg 4524 kg

Soil type Plot size Rice variety used Fertilizer used (kg) 12 d after transplant 35 d after transplant Total Fertilizer applied kg/ha Yield (actual) Actual yield difference Yield /ha Yield difference /ha

0-0-60 47 K 51.9

0-0-60 53 K 49.6

Effects of Trichoderma inoculation 45% increase in yield Longer roots and higher number of tillers

Field Trial on Corn in Koronadal, South Cotabato Without Trichoderma Clay loam 1 ha 818 decalb 18 kg 1.35 kg Biocon application Ear/cob and grain formation Disease incidence in water-logged area Yield None Ave 14 grain row/cob wt -70 g/ear More pronounced stalk rot disease Husked ears/cobs 235 Bags of Shelled grains 140 Kg/ha 11,200 = 18 kg /ha 20 g/1.35 kg = 250 g/ 18 kg Ave. 15grain rows per cob wt 90 g/ear Stalk rot disease less severe Husked ears/cobs 227 Bags of Shelled grains-147 Kg/ha 11,760 (10% increase) Used 3.3 bags less urea, savings of P3,201 (55% less fertilizer) 750 m2 818 decalb With Trichoderma

Soil type Plot size Variety Actual seeding rate

Fertilizer use


treated plants have longer roots and produce more tillers

Untreated rice crops

Trichoderma treated rice crops

250 g Trichoderma inoculant/ 18 kg corn seeds

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