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Subject Class Semester Time Standard Competence : English : XI : First Semester : 90 : Expressing meaning in short functional text and essay in writing a simple report, narrative and analytical exposition in the context of everyday life Basic Competence : Responding meaning in functional texts, official and unofficial uses of a variety of spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of daily life to access the knowledge. Indicator : Indicator - Using Passive Voice Character Building Honest, discipline, hard work, independent, curiosity, respect for achievement, friendship, love reading, environmental care, social care, responsibility, independent


: - Students are able to identify the use of passive voice -Students are able to use passive voice


: Passive Voice Auxiliary


Subject Singular Plural are

Past Participle


The car/cars



Present perfect

The car/cars

has been

have been



The car/cars




Past perfect

The car/cars

had been

had been



The car/cars

will be

will be


Future perfect

The car/cars

will have been

will have been


Present progressive Past progressive Method Learning Steps a. Pre activity Apperception

The car/cars

is being

are being


The car/cars

was being

were being


: CTL :

The students answer the teachers questions related to passive voice based on their background knowledge, orally

b. Whilst activity The students identify the passive voice sentences given The students change the sentences prepared from active to passive The students change the sentences given from passive to active

c. Post activity The students use the passive voice to write an analytical exposition text based on the topic prepared Materials and Learning Resources: Progress, Grade XI; GANECA Assessment and Scoring Rubric:

A. Asessment Procedure 1. Cognitive a. Type: written test, individual assignment b. Form: Essay 2. Affective Form: Students attitudes observation sheet B. Asessment Instrument:

Scoring Rubric for Passive Voice Indikator 1 17 Wrong answer Half of the answer is correct Correct answer Point

1 2 3



Final score =

Exercise Change these sentences from active to passive

1. Alex will invite me to his birthday party. 2. John is preparing those reports. 3. The teacher is going to explain the lessons. 4. Anne has suggested a new idea. 5. Sam had borrowed the text-books from the library. 6. My friend invited us to go to his house. 7. The secretary is typing the letter. 8. The teacher is giving tests in the next room. 9. Mrs. RG is asking you to use the passive.

10. They have announced the result of the test.

Answer Key 1. I will be invited by Alex to his birthday party 2. Those reports are being prepared by John 3. The lessons are going to explained by the teacher 4. A new idea has been suggested by Anne 5. The text-books had been borrowed by Sam from the library 6. We were invited by to go to his house 7. The letter is being typed by the secretary 8. Tests are being given by the teacher in the next room 9. You are being asked by Mrs. R.G. to use the passive 10. The result of the test has been announced Change these sentences from passive to active 1. My sweater was made in England 2. My pen was stolen 3. Rice is grown in many countries 4. The examination will be given next week 5. The bill has been paid 6. Dinner is going to be served at seven 7. His book is going to be published next week

Answer Key 1. Someone made my sweater in England 2. Someone stole my pen 3. Some people grow rice in many countries 4. The teacher will give the examination next week 5. Someone has paid the bill

6. The maid is going to serve dinner at seven

7. The publisher is going to publish his book next year

Scoring Rubric for Writing

Indikator Structure text of analytical exposition Content Structure Vocabulary Punctuation Total Score 0 - 20 0 - 30 0 - 20 0 - 20 0 - 10 100


December 2012

Guru Mata Pelajaran Rahmaniar Gusrianti 19720807 199702 2 005

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