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is s a x i a p ax fa ! pu if e!

ur li re rp al tr H pl nt Ha le en e f ce fl n c la wn ag ow g t to

is s a x i a p f ax i fa ! e p r i l e! r l a r t rp a t n H pl n H e le e c e f fl n c la wn ag ow g t to

Ha l i ! f a x u u

Did you know that Halifax is the only town in West Yorkshire to hold a Purple Flag award for being a safe and welcoming night out? Like blue flag schemes for beaches, purple flag is the gold standard for town centres at night. We want Halifax to remain a safe and fun place to work, live and visit by following the simple tips below:
Always stay with your group. Listen to your instincts. If you dont feel safe move to another area. Always tell a friend where you are going and when you will be back. When you use a cash point, try do so during daylight hours and where possible use cash points located inside banks. Make sure your phone is charged before you leave the house. Always travel in a licensed Taxi and never get in an unmarked vehicle.

Pace yourself by sipping your drink slowly and enjoy the taste. Space your drinks out, have a soft drink or glass of water in between. Choose a smaller bottle of beer, or a single can or small glass of wine. Choose a drink with less alcohol content (ABV) some are cheaper and have less calories. Have a meal, dont drink on an empty stomach. Stay hydrated with water. Make a plan and set a budget, set yourself a limit on how much your going to drink and take out a fixed amount of cash. Check out the choose less booze tab and download your free alcohol tracker app on: Look after your health

Do you REALLY know your partner? Do you know their name and what they may be carrying...Chlamydia? Gonorrhoea? HIV? Use a condom. Free condoms can be obtained from most organisations, including GP practices and pharmacies upon request for free. Think Contraception; make the right choice, your GP or Sexual Health Service at Broad street can help. If you think you have put yourself at risk: Most pharmacies can supply emergency hormonal contraception. Most GPs and Broad street Sexual Health Service can screen for STIs. If you think you have been exposed to HIV, PEPSE (a course of anti-HIV medication) is available from Broad Street Sexual Health Service or A&E. For further information on PEPSE go to:

Look after yourselves and each other

Look after your valuables

Dont leave your valuables especially handbags and mobile phones unattended on a night out. Dont be flash with your mobile phone, be discreet and put it away as soon as you have finished using it. Check out a free phone tracing app and register your phone. See over the page for a handy map of Halifax Town Centre and useful contact details!

Hal ifax!

y Enjo a safe t u o t n igh in H

Sensible drinking

your purple guide to staying safe

y Enjo a safe night out in

Working together to make Calderdale a safer place

! ! e e r s i a r x s i t a a x p t a f n pu f i n u e r i l e r p c l p l c a le e f n H Ha wn fl la ow ag to g t

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