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STEP 1: Recruiting others to join you

The more neighbors and friends that you can round up to be a part of the push for a Call to Service (CTS) in your town, the better even if it is just two other people. Use the Sample Recruitment Email for this purpose. It would be beneficial to your cause to have each person involved in this proposal for a CTS take the free Citizen Legislator class available online at This class will teach you what it takes to make your proposal as effective as possible. You can do this one of three ways: 1) each person can take the 20 minute course online; 2) you can invite everyone together and a Citizens Campaign facilitator can walk your group through the class; or 3) a Citizens Campaign facilitator can conduct the class by webinar, with each person at their own home computer.

STEP 2: Getting your elected officials to host a Call to Service Summit

Now that you have a group of community residents who have been educated on making a proposal to the town council, you are ready to go to a council meeting to present the Call to Service Summit resolution to the governing body. Youll need to submit a copy of the (Town Name) Call to Service Municipal Guide to each governing body member. Use the Sample Remarks for the person you choose to make the presentation, or break it down so that each member of your group has talking points for their own remarks. It would be helpful to reach out to your Mayor and Council President before your presentation. This way you will have a greater chance of gaining their support and sponsorship of your proposal. You could 1) ask for a meeting to pitch the Call to Service or 2) mail or email a copy of the Municipal Call to Service Guide to the Mayor & Council President.

STEP 3: Using of the media for your Call to Service initiative

Send the Sample Press Release for announcing a Call to Service to the news editor of every local news site, weekly and regional newspaper, and local public access channel in your area once your group has been formed, and you have the date of your presentation planned.

STEP 4: Make your Case!

Invite your friends, family, and colleagues to join you at the council meeting where you will making a presentation. Make sure you email and call before the meeting to confirm they are coming.

Sample Remarks for Proposing a Call to Service

Honorable Mayor (if present) and Council Members and fellow citizens, good evening. My name is _____________, I live at ____________________________. I am here tonight with several residents of our town to respectfully request that the Mayor and Council host a (Town Name) Call to Service Summit. Recent polls have shown that New Jersey citizens would like to be active in public service in their communities, but are not aware of the opportunities to serve in non-elected roles. That is why I am presenting this resolution tonight, so that we can be instrumental in opening the doors for constructive citizen participation. This will be accomplished by providing our residents with service opportunities that require a limited time commitment. The draft Call to Service Guide that I am presenting offers several options our community can educate residents about the available service opportunities within our town and encourage them to participate. I respectfully submit copies of this Call to Service Municipal Guide for your consideration. I hope that the council will move immediately to schedule a agenda at the next council meeting. By doing so, (Municipality) will be an example to other communities around the State in recruiting and educating its residents about leadership and non-elected public service opportunities.

I thank you in advance for consideration of this Call to Service Resolution. It is my sincere hope that (Municipality) will lead the way in establishing a culture of service in New Jersey.

(Appendix 1) Sample Recruitment Email

Hello ________. I wanted to tell you about an opportunity that I think you will find worthy of your time and energy. The non-partisan Citizens Campaign recruits, educates and mentors people like us, who dont have much time to participate in the leadership of our community. The great thing about it is that there is an easy way that we can inspire citizen leadership in our own community. All it takes is presenting a resolution to host a Call to Service Summit to our governing body. The summit is simply a meeting at which residents can get to know the mayor and council members and where they can learn about opportunities to serve on town boards & commissions, like the Planning Board, the Recreation Commission and so on. They also learn how to make constructive proposals to the governing body and other town agencies.

OPTION 1: I will be presenting this proposal at the upcoming council meeting on (date/time), and I would be so happy if youd join me to make this ask. Please call me at your earliest convenience. You can reach me at ___________. OPTION 2: I am inviting some other citizens of our town to get together so we can learn more about The Citizens Campaign and how we can get our governing body to host a (Town Name) Call to Service Summit. I would be so happy if youd join me on (date/time) at (location). Please call me at your earliest convenience. You can reach me at ___________.

(Appendix 2) Sample Email to Mayor/Council President

Dear Mayor/Councilman/Councilwoman (Last Name):

In October 2009, the Citizen Service Act was signed into State law. As you may be aware, the Act requires that a directory of municipal board and commissions with membership and vacancies be created and that a citizen service application be made available. Recent polls have shown that New Jersey citizens would like to participate in public service to their communities, but are not aware of the opportunities to serve in non-elected roles on town boards and commissions and by making constructive proposals to these agencies and the governing body itself. As a resident of (Name of town), I and my neighbors are planning to come before the Council to respectfully request that you host a (Name of town) Call to Service Summit to which our communitys citizens and especially new residents be invited to meet you and learn about the opportunities to serve. The Call to Service Summit which we are proposing would last between an hour and an hour and a half, and would include a half hour power point presentation on the Citizen Service Act and the opportunities for citizens with limited time to participate in the leadership of (Name of town). We sincerely hope that you will make (Name of town) a leader in the movements to expand New Jerseys culture of service, and were certain that if (Name of town)s residents could meet you and learn more about the opportunities for non-elected public service, not only would (Name of town) benefit, but your leadership would set an example for communities across the State. We are enclosing for your consideration, a municipal guide to implement the (Name of town) Call to Service Summit, and we look forward to appearing before you soon. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the Summit before our appearance, you can reach me at (Phone #) and or (Email address).


(Your name & names of other residents working with you) (Your address)

(Appendix 3) Municipal Call to Service Guide

Launching a Call to Service in your town is a great way to draw on your communitys deep pool of leadership potential, by giving people with only a few hours a week or less, an opportunity to participate in the leadership of their own town. It is a way to recruit residents for important opportunities to serve on our towns boards and commissions by educating them about the best ways to access these entry level volunteer leadership positions under the recently adopted Citizen Service Act (P.L. 2009, c.141). Citizens can also learn how to make constructive proposals to the Council and to town boards & commissions.

A Call to Service for our town would include: 1. The adoption of a resolution to have a (Town) Call to Service Summit , which includes two components: a. Extends an invitation from the Mayor and Governing Body to residents (through existing newsletters, event calendars, the municipal website, cable access channels, the newspaper, or by mail) to come and meet the mayor and members of the governing body and learn about the leadership service opportunities on boards, task forces and commissions in our town b. At the Summit, residents will meet the mayor & council and learn how to constructively participate in the leadership of our community. The Citizens Campaign will facilitate a one hour power point presentation by a trained teacher about the time commitments and responsibilities of appointed service and the application process under the new Citizen Service Act. Optional: c. A press conference announcing the (Town) Call to Service Summit details, and stressing the point that the governing body is calling its residents to serve our community. d. Honor one or two exemplary volunteers at the beginning of the Summit. e. Have tables with representatives from Parsippany boards and commissions present to provide information to attendees on the achievements & goals of the board, the roles of board members, etc.

(Appendix 4) Sample Press Release on Organizing

For Immediate Release: (Date)

(Contact Persons Name) (Phone #, email)


City residents, (Names of residents), are launching a Call to Service in (Municipality) today, to increase citizen participation in public service opportunities. Over the course of the next few months, local residents and participants in The Citizens Campaign will work with elected officials and community organizations to increase citizen service to meet the challenges facing the town. Several (Municipality) residents will be proposing the establishment of (Town Name) Call to Service Summit to the Mayor and Council at the (Date) Council meeting. The (Town Name) Call to Service Summit educates residents on the non-elected service opportunities available within (Municipality) through a free citizen Leadership Forum facilitated by The Citizens Campaign. Residents will also have the opportunity to meet their elected representatives. If you are interested in participating in the initiative to bring a Call to Service to (Municipality), please contact (contact persons name and contact info).


(Appendix 5) Sample Press Release on Presentation

For Immediate Release: (Date) (Contact Persons Name) (Phone #, email)

CITIZENS TO PROPOSE (MUNICIPALITY) CALL TO SERVICE SUMMIT (Municipal) residents will be requesting that town officials host a Call to Service Summit at tomorrows Council Meeting. The Call to Service Summit is designed to increase public participation in local government. Specifically, the residents will ask the council establish an annual Call to Service Summit for residents to learn about non-elected leadership opportunities on boards and commissions, and learn how to make constructive proposals to the governing body and other town agencies. (Resident 1) said, "Our goal is to develop an environment that will cultivate a community of citizen leaders people who willing and able to make (Municipality) a better place.

The Citizens Campaign develops a culture of citizen leadership at every level of government. The Call to Service initiative offers free education on 5 Leadership Roles, including: 1) Serving on an appointed board or commission; 2) Becoming a citizen legislator by devising a constructive common-interest proposal and presenting it to a relevant government body; 3) Serving as a neighborhood-level party committeeperson; 4) Becoming a Citizen Journalist to report whats happening in the community; and 5) Bringing a no-blame, constructive perspective to dialogues about issues. Classes are available online and on demand at The Citizens Campaign is a non-partisan community of private citizens with experience in politics, law and government whose goal is to inspire citizens to participate in the leadership of their communities and make our government work better and cost less.


(Appendix 6) Sample Press Release on Adoption of CTS

For immediate release: Date (TOWN) EMBRACES CALL TO SERVICE Public Service just got a little more appealing last night following the creation of a Call to Service Summit. Following a presentation by local residents, the Municipal Council embraced a Call to Service Summit to encourage greater citizen participation in municipal affairs and to recruit a new generation of public servants. Contact: Heather Taylor (732) 548-9798 x.1

Specifically, (Municipality) will host free Leadership Forums to teach residents about service opportunities in the community at a Call to Service Summit where citizens can meet with & talk to their local officials. Over the course of the coming months The Citizens Campaign will be hosting free leadership forums to recruit and educate residents about becoming active citizen leaders who, even with limited time, can make a positive contribution to the governance of their communities.

"It is time to enlist our residents to bring their talent, skill and leadership to the service of (Municipality) and beyond, said Mayor___________.

The Citizens Campaign develops a culture of citizen leadership at every level of government. The Call to Service initiative offers free education on 5 Leadership Roles, including: 1) Serving on an appointed board or commission; 2) Becoming a citizen legislator by devising a constructive common-interest proposal and presenting it to a relevant government body; 3) Serving as a neighborhood-level party committeeperson; 4) Becoming a Citizen Journalist to report whats happening in the community; and 5) Bringing a no-blame, constructive perspective to dialogues about issues. Classes are available online and on demand at The Citizens Campaign is a non-partisan community of private citizens with experience in politics, law and government whose goal is to inspire citizens to participate in the leadership of their communities and make our government work better and cost less.


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