End Time Current Events 9-6-2013

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End Time Current Events Newsletter: 9-6-13

PUTIN: 'KERRY IS LYING' G20 Summit: Obama Faces Heavy Criticism From World Leaders Russia claims 100-page report blaming Syrian REBELS for chemical weapons attack... BRUTALITY REVEALED.... Al Qaeda 'Highwaymen, Kidnappers, and Killers'... EXECUTING MEN ON KNEES... 'We swear to Lord of Throne, we will take revenge'... Kerry claims rebels are 'moderate'... 99% of Calls to Congress Are AGAINST War in Syria OBAMA FACES DEFEAT IN HOUSE INTERNATIONAL OPPOSITION BUILDS BIDEN ATTEMPTS RESCUE BUCHANAN: Our boys to be 'mercenaries of sheikhs, sultans and emirs'... Republican congressman withdraws support for Syria strike... Video: Syrian Rebel Admits Using Chemical Weapons | Well kill their women and children like Osama Bin Laden said. AL QAEDA ATTACKS CHRISTIAN VILLAGE... Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West; The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men. U.S. Travel Warning: Rebels Have 'Claimed Nearly 600 Attacks'... Senate Foreign Relations Panel Approves Military Action in Syria KERRY: ARABS WILL FINANCE WAR Syrian Activists Form Human Shields Around Military Installations | Will Obama take the ultimate step to embodying war criminal status? Breaking: Russia Says Syria Chemical Weapons Made By Rebels Sen Graham Warns of Nuke Strike After Missing Nuke Report WARNING: DC cops under orders to arrest tourists with empty ammo casings... EPA SWAT Team Raids Gold Miners in Alaska

Female zombie attacks McDonald's drive-thru window, unleashes living dead rampage for Chicken McNuggets http://www.naturalnews.com/041882_zombie_attack_Chicken_McNuggets_caught_on_video. html Leaked: German Government Warns Key Entities Not to Use Windows 8 Links the NSA http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2013/08/28/leaked-german-governmentwarns-key-entities-not-to-use-windows-8-links-the-nsa/ Illuminati Mass Mind Control: Theres a Reason Its Called TV Programming Public School Is One Of The Most Dangerous Places You Could Possibly Put Your Children

Survival Friday: How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener The homeless to jail pipeline from South Carolina to Santa Clara, the criminalization continues It Is Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Cities All Over The United States--Go to: EconomicCollapse

GIANT HUMAN LIKE SKELETON FOUND IN LOJA ECUADOR OCTOBER 19-2012GREAT PHOTO'S Temple Mount: Muslims Pelt Jewish Visitors with Stones...

Death metal in the Church? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giukQ8aIHmo&sns=em

President of Moody and Son Soft on Homosexuality! http://donboys.cstnews.com/president-of-moody-and-son-soft-on-homosexuality

Chicago To Mandate Obama-supported Same Sex Education For Kindergarten Kids

NM Supreme Court: Christian Photographers Can't Refuse Gay Weddings http://www.christianpost.com/news/nm-supreme-court-christian-photographers-cantrefuse-gay-weddings-102870/#C2DW5JuySdyR5XlW.99 All-black-eyed children phenomenon is increasing YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkjfXi4wI_E

Satan's Motto: YOLO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBZdRQKW0jI Beyond Evil-- world deception pt27 YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_aQuCQ_yIo&list=PL074DD3C3CDD5866C From: A Subject: Veterans and the new recruits. I witnessed something about 4 months ago that has bothered be ever since. I was in a Panera Bread here in Colorado Springs, and I was sitting nect to a table six of young soldiers in camo using the wifi. A war veteren, an ex Marine, approached them and was very polite to them. He told them that he just wanted to thank them for serving their country. I mean, this man was just plain gracious to these kids. He extended his hand, only one of the halfheartedly took it, not even looking at him. They made it very obvious that they couldn't care less about the old soldier. Four of the six never acknowledged him at all, just kept eating and talking with each other. They disdained, I think that's the best word, disdained the man. The old Marine showed perfect grace in the face of the insult, but I could tell that the encounter shook him, that he'd never been treated like that by fellow military. After he walked away I payed closer attention to the six, trying to discern what I'd just witnessed because it felt very creepy. I realized that there was something very wrong with them, a deadness about them that made no sense. As if they been drugged or had their emotional center cut out. What has bothered me the most is that I really don't think they would have trouble killing Americans. I even got the feeling that they would enjoy it. That only their bubble of a world was even real to them. I've met hard as stone killers, old special forces with hands that never shake and eyes that never seem to blink, that were no where near as cold as these kids

From: P Subject: Pagan Woman's Prayer Hi Dr. Scott, Cernunos (sp) is the Lord of the Dance. That woman is worshiping the Celtic deities. If I were him I would start running instead of dancing, he is sacrificed every year to the mother goddess. See: http://tribeofthesun.com/cernunnos.htm

From: A Subject: I put this together to make it easy to share and fight for Columbia SC's homeless American Citizens Not a joke. Homelessness in Columbia S. Carolina has been criminalized. This is exactly what Hitler did. Start with the least cared for, most helpless people, but this WILL eventually be you and everyone you know. I don't care who you think you are, you cannot avoid this. Will you just let is happen like Germany did? Or will you stand up for the HUMAN RIGHTS of your FELLOW CITIZENS? God help you if you choose the cowards path! SHARE THIS! FIGHT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70Nbs6YJKDs Mayor Steve Benjamin skbenjamin@columbiasc.net 803-545-3075 1737 Main Street, Columbia, SC 29201 http://www.columbiasc.net/citycouncil/27 Mailing Address: Governor Nikki Haley Office of the Governor 1205 Pendleton Street, Columbia, SC 29201 Fax: 803-734-5167 http://www.governor.sc.gov/ContactUs/Pages/index.aspx https://twitter.com/SCGOVOFFICE

From: M Subject: Boycott Halal Boycott halal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gYq2DQG1zI&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=September +3+2013+Newsletter&utm_campaign=ACTNewsletter&utm_medium=email

Halal: A taste of terror http://frontpagemag.com/2013/enza-fer... Can buying food contribute to terrorism? http://frontpagemag.com/2013/joe-kauf... Halal slaughtering is gaining ground http://www.worldpoultry.net/Home/Gene... Which products in Australian supermarkets are halal? http://www.halalchoices.com.au/ Halal meat is not compulsory. If it isn't available, Allah will forgive you. http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious... What you should know about the halal food industry http://counterjihadreport.com/2012/01... Recognise the internationally recognised IFANCA logo for halal https://www.dropbox.com/s/kzpr74zz3v5... Learn to recognise halal in Arabic http://tribune.com.pk/story/65667/glo... Morrisons supermarkets and other companies knuckling under to halal http://www.boycotthalal.com/ Campbells goes halal http://www.boycotthalal.com/campbells... Tate & Lyle "happy to be halal-certified" http://www.boycotthalal.com/tate-lyle... Mechanised halal slaughter of chickens http://halaladvocates.net/site/our-is... Another woman loses her job for accidentally serving gammon to Muslim pupil http://www.parentdish.co.uk/2013/07/3... Halal meat served in 75% of schools in London borough of Waltham Forest http://www.guardian-series.co.uk/news... Halal certification - why should non-Muslims have to accept and pay for it? http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/20... No change to UK religious slaughter rules http://www.secularism.org.uk/news/201... What does sharia law have to offer? http://www.4thought.tv/themes/what-do... Scott Johnson's Main Website at: http://contendingfortruth.com/ Alternate Website Subscribe to the Free Online Newsletter at: http://eepurl.com/d2RhL Free Gifts: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News! 'Contending for Truth' USB Drive: Additional Info Correspondence/Donation/Mailing Address: Scott Johnson 2359 Hwy 70 SE #321 Hickory, NC 28602

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