Understanding World Politics

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Understanding Global Politics

Special Topics on International Relations

Global politics, in this sense, refers to politics that is conducted at a global rather than a national or regional level. States now operate in a context of global interdependence; Global politics takes place not just at a global level, but at and, crucially, across, all levels worldwide, regional, national & subnational; Global politics is an ongoing and accelerating change and balance of world power;

In what ways has international politics been transformed into global politics, and how far has this process progressed? significant changes:
New actors on the world stage Increased interdependence and interconnectedness The trend towards global governance.

-Entire World Political System;

-How States are organized?;

-Regardless of Perspective, interest is to preserve the existence of its people; - Actors ( State and Non-State Actors )

Ontological Answers the question: How to Study? Seeks existence, being and relationship

Seeks knowledge and understanding Branches of Philosophy Answers the question: What is there to Study? Epistemological

Seeks to examine the behavior, actions, and acts of individuals rather than the characteristics of institutions; Modeled after the natural sciences to study constant behaviour; Humans have inconsistent behavior however with pattern;
e.g. Technological Advances

State is the Central Study -State posses a national interest; -State Control movement of people; -Close Trade Barriers; -Can affect internal sovereignty;

A pattern of relationships between and amongst states that establishes a measure of order and predictability; Behaviour of one State can other state; States can also be interdependent and/or interconnected to one another;


End of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648); Marked the beginning of modern international politics; Universalist (Catholics) vs. Particularist (Protestants); Introduction of State Territorial Sovereignty; Equality of all States; Also marked the start of Major Alliances among States;

No International Law to regulate Cyber Crimes

Issue on culpability and accountability to local regulations -Case of the Lehman Brothers and Enron

Case of Global Warming / Climate Change

Case of Genocides in Rwanda, Somalia and Bosnia VIDEO

War on Terrorism Iraq and Afghanistan VIDEO

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