Fashion Spring Catalog 2013

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Fa sh i o n
H a n d b ag s C ro s s b o dy T ot e s S m a l l B ag s Wallets & Wristlets A cc e s s o r i e s T r av e l B a b y B ag s S c a rv e s J e w e l ry

Spring Catalog


Donna Sharp is a 5th generation Kentucky quilter, renowned nationwide for her beautifully designed and expertly crafted handbags, totes and fashion accessories. For Spring 2013, Donna Sharp is releasing three new patchwork patterns (Summer Fun, Celestial Patch and Malibu Patch) and three new Limited Edition patterns (Platinum, Malibu Flower and Malibu Mum). The brand is also introducing six new styles: Becki, ID Case, Lanyard, Nanette, Anne and the Christa Backpack.

Contact Donna Sharp Customer Service

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Fax 502 - 543 - 4056


www . D o n n a S h a r p . c o m

The Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog was shot on location In Bardstown, Ke ntucky
Bardstown, Kentucky was recognized in 2012 as one of the 5 Best Small Towns in America by Rand McNally and USA Today for its nostalgic charm, classic architecture and historical Bourbon distilleries. Home of the beautiful plantation Federal Hill, which inspired the tune My Old Kentucky Home. This official state song is traditionally sung every year before the running of the Kentucky Derby. To find out more about this friendly community, visit

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Table of Contents
Spring 2013 page 4

Fan Favorites page 16 Styles

New Style s page 22 H andbag s page 24 C ro s sbody page 30 Tote s page 36 Wal let s & W ri st let s page Acc e s s ori e s page 43 Trave l page 46 Baby Bag s page 50 S carve s page 51 Jewe l ry page 52
Last Chance Styles page 55


Bestsellers & Upsellers page 58 Style Index page 6 0 Pattern Index page 62
Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 3

S p ri ng 2 0 1 3

Celestial Patch



Also shown (in Celestial): 20 Necklace

& Bracelet (bead)

4 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

S p ring 2 0 1 3

B ac k pac k Z i p to p #92

B e lt B ag # 0 5

C a r ry O n # 0 5

Cell Phone Purse #63

Change Purse #75

C i n dy #93

D u f f l e #95

Elaina #69 P i c t u r e d at L e f t

Elise #13

Emma #14

Eyeglass Case #77

F a i t h #96

H i p s t e r ( E x pa n d e d ) #70

Jenna #83

Kylie #89

L a r g e P at c h e d T ot e # 6 2

Large Wallet #78

L e a h #86

L o r i #85

M e d i u m P at c h e d T ot e # 6 1

Medium Wallet #80

Pam #27

P au l i n e # 8 4

P e n n y #36 P i c t u r e d at L e f t

P h o n e C a s e #76

Reese #28

Rolling Duffle #97

Small Wallet #79

Theresa #64

U t i l i t y #98

Wristlet #25

Zippered Wallet #57

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 5

S p ri ng 2 0 1 3

Summer Fun


6 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

S p ring 2 0 1 3

B ac k pac k Z i p to p # 9 2

B e lt B ag # 0 9

Cell Phone P u r s e #63

C h a n g e P u r s e #75

C i n dy # 9 3

Elaina #69

Elise #13

F a i t h #96 P i c t u r e d at L e f t

H i p s t e r (E x pa n d e d ) # 7 0

Jenna #83

Kylie #89

Large Wallet #78

L e a h #86

M e d i u m P at c h e d T ot e #61

Medium Wallet #80

P au l i n e # 8 4

Penny #36

P h o n e C a s e #76

R e e s e #28

Small Wallet #79

Theresa #64

U t i l i t y #98

Wristlet #25

Zippered Wallet #57

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 7

S p ri ng 2 0 1 3

Malibu Patch



Also shown in Malibu: Bracelet (square) In Malibu Mum: Scarf

8 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

New Style!

S p ring 2 0 1 3

B ac k pac k Z i p to p # 9 2

Becki #29

B e lt B ag # 0 9

Cell Phone Purse #63

Change Purse #75

C i n dy # 9 3

Duffle #95

Elaina #69 P i c t u r e d at L e f t

Elise #13

Faith #96

H i p s t e r (E x pa n d e d ) # 7 0

Jenna #83

Kylie #89

Large Wallet #78

Leah #86

Lori #85

Medium Wallet #80

P au l i n e # 8 4

Penny #36

Phone Case #76

Reese #28

Small Wallet #79

Theresa #64

Utility #98

Wristlet #25

Zippered Wallet #57

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 9

S p ri ng 2 0 1 3

Limited Edition

B e lt B ag # 0 9

Cell Phone Purse #63

Change Purse #75

C i n dy # 9 3

Elaina #69

Elise #13

Emma #14

Jenna #83

Large Wallet #78

Leah #86 P i c t u r e d at R i g h t

Medium Wallet #80

Pam #27

Penny #36

Reese #28

Theresa #64

Wristlet #25

Zippered Wallet #57

10 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog


S p ring 2 0 1 3


Also shown (in Sundance): Bracelet (square), Ring, Necklace (square) & Scarf
Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 11

S p ri ng 2 0 1 3

Limited Edition

Cell Phone Purse #63

C h a n g e P u r s e #75

E l a i n a #69

Hipster (E x pa n d e d ) # 7 0

Jenna #83

L a r g e W a l l e t #78

L e a h #86

M e d i u m T ot e # 6 6

Medium Wallet #80

P e n n y #36

R e e s e #28 P i c t u r e d at R i g h t

Utility #98

W r i s t l e t #25

Z i p p e r e d W a l l e t #57

12 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Malibu Flower



S p ring 2 0 1 3

Also shown (in Malibu): Earrings (square)

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 13

S p ri ng 2 0 1 3

Limited Edition
New Style! New Style!

Anne #37 P i c t u r e d at R i g h t Middle

C e l l P h o n e P u r s e #63

C h r i s ta B ac k pac k #08

H i p s t e r ( E x pa n d e d ) # 7 0 P i c t u r e d at R i g h t S e c o n d F ro m B ot to m

New Style!

New Style!

ID C a s e # 2 6

K y l i e #89 P i c t u r e d at R i g h t S e c o n d F ro m T o p

L a n ya r d #16

M e d i u m T ot e # 6 6

New Style!

N a n e t t e # 15 P i c t u r e d at R i g h t B ot to m

P e n n y #36 P i c t u r e d at R i g h t Top

Small Wallet #79

Wristlet #25

14 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Malibu Mum

S p ring 2 0 1 3



Also shown (in Malibu): Necklace (square), Ring and Bracelet (squar

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 15

Fan Favorites Each season Donna Sharp re-releases some of our most popular and timeless patterns as an addition to our Spring and Fall lines.

Salt & Pepper


Fan Favori te s

Base bal l Cap # 21

B e lt Bag # 0 9

Carry On #05

Ce ll Phone Pur se #63

Just Added

Change Pur se #75

C i ndy # 93


Duf f le # 95

E la i na # 6 9

E l i se # 13

Emma #14

Faith #9 6

H ang i ng O rgan i z e r # 12


H i p ste r ( E x pande d ) # 7 0

Je nna # 83

Ky lie #89

Large Wallet #78

Leah #86

L ori # 85

Me d i um Patc h e d Tote # 61

M e d i um Wal let # 8 0

Paul i ne #84
Just Added

Pe nny #36

Phone Case #76

Re e se #28

Sam m i e # 32

S mal l Wal let # 7 9

Th e re sa # 64

U tility #98

Wristlet #25

Zippe re d Wallet #57

Z oe # 30

16 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Sundance Patch


Fan Favorite s

B e lt B ag # 0 5

C a r ry O n # 0 5

Cell Phone P u r s e #63

C h a n g e P u r s e #75

C i n dy #93

Duffle #95

Elaina #69

Elise #13

E m m a #14

F a i t h #96

H i p s t e r ( E x pa n d e d ) # 7 0

Jenna #83

Kylie #89

L a r g e P at c h e d T ot e #62

L a r g e W a l l e t #78

L e a h #86

Lori #85

M e d i u m P at c h e d T ot e # 6 1

Medium Wallet #80

P a m #27

P au l i n e #84

P e n n y #36

Phone Case #76

Reese #28

R o l l i n g D u f f l e # 97

S m a l l W a l l e t #79

T h e r e s a #64

U t i l i t y #9 8

W r i s t l e t #25

Z i p p e r e d W a l l e t #57

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 17

Fan Favori te s


All Purpose Case #65

B e lt B ag # 0 9

Cell Phone P u r s e #63

C h a n g e P u r s e #75

C i n dy #93

Duffle #95





Elaina #69

Faith #96
Just Added

Hanging O r g a n i z e r #12

Hipster (E x pa n d e d ) #70

ID C a s e #26

Jenna #83

Kylie #89

L a n ya r d # 1 6

Large Wallet #78

L e a h #86

L o r i #85

M e d i u m P at c h e d T ot e #61

Medium Wallet #80

Messenger #35

P au l i n e # 8 4

Penny #36

P h o n e C a s e #76

R e e s e #28

Rolling D u f f l e #97

Sammie #32

Small Wallet #79

U t i l i t y #98

W r i s t l e t #25

Zippered W a l l e t #57

Zoe #30

18 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Grape Patch


Fan Favorite s

Alexis #38

All Purpose Case #65

B e lt B ag #09

Cell Phone P u r s e #63

Change P u r s e #75

C i n dy # 9 3

Elaina #69

Faith #96

Hanging O r g a n i z e r #12

J e n n a #83

L a r g e P at c h e d T ot e #62

Large Wallet #78

Leah #86

Lori #85

M e d i u m P at c h e d T ot e #61

Medium Wallet #80

M e g a n #31

Messenger #35

P au l i n e # 8 4

Penny #36

P h o n e C a s e #76

R e e s e #28

R o l l i n g D u f f l e #97

Small Wallet #79

Suzie #87

Utility #98

Wristlet #25

Zippered Wallet #57

Z o e #30

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 19





Fan Favori te s



C e l l P h one P ur se # 6 3

C hang e P ur se # 75

C i ndy # 93

Elaina #69

ID Case #2 6

Je nna #83

L anyard # 16

Larg e Wal let # 7 8

L eah # 8 6

M e d i um Wal let #8 0

Pe nny #36

Re e se #28

Black Pearl

Zippe re d Wallet #57

W ri st let # 25




Ce l l P h one P ur se # 6 3

C hang e P ur se # 75

C i ndy # 93

Elaina #69

Hipster (E x pa n d e d ) #70

ID Case #2 6

Je nna # 83



L anyard # 16

L arg e Wal let # 7 8

L eah # 8 6

Me dium Wallet #8 0

Pe nny #36

Re e se #28

U t i l i ty # 9 8

W ri stlet # 25

Zippe re d Wallet #57

20 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog



Fan Favorite s

C e l l P h one P ur se # 6 3

C hang e P ur se # 75

C i ndy # 93

Elaina #69

Je nna #83

Large Wallet #78


L eah # 8 6


M e d i um Wal let # 8 0

Pe nny # 36

R e e se # 2 8

Sammie #32

Utility #98

Wristlet #25

Z i p pe re d Wal let # 57






C e l l P h one P ur se # 6 3
Just Added

C hang e P ur se # 75

C i ndy # 93

Eco Frie ndly Tote ( S,M & L) #01, #02, #03

Elaina #69

Hipster (E x pa n d e d ) #70

I D Case # 2 6

Lanyard # 16

Je nna # 83

L arg e Wal let #78

Leah #86
Just Added

Me dium Wallet #8 0

Pe nny #36

R e e se # 2 8

U t i l i ty #98

Wristlet #25

Zippe re d Wallet #57

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 21

New Styles!
N ew Style s

Christa Backpack Anne

Fashion and function come together with the Anne bag
Shown In: Malibu Mum #221 Page 31

Stylish and sturdy, the Christa Backpack can accomodate a binder, books and more
Shown In: Malibu Mum #221 Page 47

ID Case
When all thats required are your keys, identification and credit cards, the handy ID Case keeps you organized when youre on the move
Shown In: Malibu Mum #221 Page 44

22 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

New Styles!
N ew Style s

For use with the ID Case, the new Lanyard from Donna Sharp is available in some of our most eyecatching patterns
Shown In: Malibu Mum #221 Page 45

Over the shoulder or as a cross body bag, the Becki is roomy enough for an iPad and all your essentials
Shown In: Malibu Patch #114 Page 31

Clean lines and ample storage make the Nanette the perfect everyday purse
Shown In: Malibu Mum #221 Page 34

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 23

H andbags

B ackpack Z iptop

C indy

E laina

E lise

J enna

L eah

L ori

R eese
24 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

T heresa

Backpack Ziptop # 92
Dimensions: 9 x 13 x 5.5 Strap Drop: 3/9 Shown In: Malibu Patch #114

A traditional backpack shape but in a compact purse size making it great for women of all ages

Cape Hatteras 240

Celestial 210

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Patch 114

Summer Fun 109

Topaz Kiss 106

H andbags

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Cindy # 93

Dimensions: 10 (top) x 14 (bottom) x 9 x 7 Strap Drop: 9-13 Shown In: Platinum #216

Cindy boasts a large interior full of space and compartments with an exterior that is on the cutting edge of style

Black Pearl 209

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Crimson 933

Dazzle 208

Glacier 206

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Patch 114

Nightingale 204

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Regency 112

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Also shown (in Celestial): 16 & 20 Necklace, Ring, Scarf & Bracelet (bead)

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 25

Elaina # 69

Dimensions: 16 x 11 x 4.5 Strap Drop: 7-11 Shown In: Celestial Patch #110

Extra wide and extra tall, Elaina has the features of a large specialty bag and the practicality of a handbag

Black Pearl 209

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Dazzle 208

Glacier 206

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

H andbags

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower Malibu Patch 220 114

Nightingale 204

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Regency 112

Salt & Pepper 107

Sheena 207

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Also shown (in Celestial Patch): Penny (In Celestial): Bracelet (bead) & 20 Necklace

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Elise # 13

Dimensions: 12.5 x 8.5 x 5 Strap Drop: 10 Shown In: Summer Fun #109

A wonderful combination of modern shape and perfect size make Elise an instant classic

Celestial Patch 110

Malibu Patch 114

Platinum 216

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance Patch 113

Truffle 214

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

26 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Jenna # 83

Dimensions: 13 x 9 x 4 Strap Drop: 12 Shown In: Malibu Flower #220

With an interior made to be roomy but not overwhelming, Jenna is the perfect sized bag

Black Pearl 209

Cabana Paisley 165

Cape Hatteras 240

Catalina 556

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Charlotte 356

Coco 103

Crimson 933

H andbags

Dazzle 208

Ferris Wheel 829

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower 220

Malibu Patch 114

Marilyn 439

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Pistachio 156

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Leah # 86

Dimensions: 16 x 9.5 x 6 Strap Drop: 12 Shown In: Platinum #216

A slight V-shape adds to Leahs flair while the large size provides an abundance of room

Black Pearl 209

Cabana Paisley 165

Cape Hatteras 240

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Charlotte 356

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Dazzle 208

Ferris Wheel 829

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower Malibu Patch 220 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Also shown (in Sundance): Necklace (square), Bracelet (square), Ring & Scarf

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Toffee 337

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 27

Lori #85

Dimensions: 13 x 10 x 6 Strap Drop: 13 Shown In: Grape Patch #850

Lori is a unique bag with great extra features that make it perfect for every day or those special days out

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Grape Patch 850

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Patch 114

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

H andbags

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Reese # 28

Dimensions: 13.25 x 8 x 4.5 Strap Drop: 8.5 Shown In: Malibu Flower #220

Functionality in a compact size and combined with style defines the Reese bag

Black Pearl 209

Cape Hatteras 240

Catalina 556

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Dazzle 208

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Large Leopard 927

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower Malibu Patch 220 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Purple Zebra 827

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Sasha 200

Sugar Plum 213 Also shown (in Malibu): Ring & Bracelet (square)

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Tan Zebra 202

Topaz Kiss 106

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

28 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Theresa # 64

Dimensions: 13.5 x 9 x 5.5 Strap Drop: 13 Shown In: Celestial Patch #110

A sleek shape and design details make Theresa both easy and elegant

Celestial Patch 110

Malibu Patch 114

Platinum 216

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance Patch 113

Truffle 214

H andbags

Also shown (in Celestial): 20 Necklace & Bracelet (bead)

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Style indicates the shape/design of the bag. Donna Sharp styles include handbags, totes, travel bags, accessories, jewelry, scarves and more. Designed to be both functional and fashionable, each Donna Sharp style is available in a variety of patterns.

Clockwise from bottom left (in Malibu Patch): Duffle, Elise, Penny,

Kylie, Hipster (Expanded) & Wristlet

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 29



Cro ssbody

A nne

B ecki

B elt B ag

E mma


H ipster (E xpanded )

K ylie

N anette

P am
30 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

P auline

P enny

Anne #37

Dimensions: 9 x 7 x 1 Strap Drop: 14-26 Shown In: Malibu Mum #221

Fashion and function come together with the Anne bag

Malibu Mum 221

C ro s sbody

Also shown (in Malibu): Bracelet (bead), Earrings (square) In Malibu Mum: Scarf

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Becki # 29

Dimensions: 10 x 11 x 2.2 Strap Drop: 14-28 Shown In: Malibu Patch #114

Over the shoulder or as a cross body bag, the Becki is roomy enough for an iPad and all your essentials

Malibu Patch 114


Also shown (in Malibu): Bracelet (bead) & 20 Necklace

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 31

Belt Bag #09

Dimensions: 9 x 5 x 1 Strap Drop: 14-25 Shown In: Platinum #216

The modern twist on a side bag and more than just a Belt Bag, this style is perfect for shopping, travel or everyday use

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Grape Patch 850

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Malibu Patch 114

Paris 656

Platinum 216

Regency 112

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance Patch 113

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Cro ssbody
Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Emma # 14

Dimensions: 15 x 12 x 5 Strap Drop: 6-22 Shown In: Platinum #216

Emma combines a chic shape with flexibility. Use the doublehandles and carry as a handbag, or drape over the shoulder for business and travel

Celestial Patch 110

Platinum 216

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Sundance Patch 113

Truffle 214

Also shown (in Celestial): Scarf

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

32 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Hipster (Expanded) #70

Dimensions: 9 x 9.5 x 3.5 Strap Drop: 13-25 Shown In: Malibu Flower #220

This classic slim shape expands to fit essentials with an adjustable strap for cross body or off-theshoulder wear.

Black Pearl 209

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Malibu Flower 220

Malibu Mum 221

Malibu Patch 114

Paris 656

Regency 112

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Sundance Patch 113

Summer Fun 109

Truffle 214

C ro s sbody

Also shown (in Malibu): Necklace (square), Bracelet (square) In Malibu Mum: Scarf

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Kylie # 89

Dimensions: 8 x 4.5 x 2.5 Strap Drop: 8 (short) or 30-56 (long/adjustable) Shown In: Malibu Mum #221

This small bag is perfect for a little girls play date or an adult girls big date

Cabana Paisley 165

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Malibu Mum 221

Malibu Patch 114

Paris 656

Regency 112

Salt & Pepper Summer Fun 107 109

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Also shown (in Malibu Mum): Scarf In Malibu: Bracelet (square) & Earrings (bead)

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 33

Nanette # 15
Dimensions: 10 x 7.5 x 3 Strap Drop: 10-23 Shown In: Malibu Mum #221

Malibu Mum 221


Clean lines and ample storage make the Nanette the perfect everyday purse. Will accomodate either an iPad or an iPad Mini

Cro ssbody

Also shown (in Malibu): Bracelet (bead) In Malibu Mum: Scarf

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Pam #27

Dimensions: 12 x 12.5 x 3 Strap Drop: 12-25 Shown In: Platinum #216

Crossbody bag with an adjustable strap and multiple pockets, Pam is ultra fun and very versatile

Celestial Patch 110

Crimson 933

Glacier Patch 104

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Nightingale Patch 102

Platinum 216

Regency 112

Sugar Plum 213

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

34 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Pauline #84

Dimensions: 11.25 x 8 x 5.5 Strap Drop: 14-28 Shown In: Summer Fun #109

The look of a classic messengers bag, Pauline has the functionality of a modern handbag

Cape Hatteras 240

Catalina 556

Celestial Patch 110

Charlotte 356

Coco 103

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Patch 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Pistachio 156

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper Summer Fun 107 109

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

C ro s sbody

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Penny # 36

Dimensions: 9 x 8.5 x 2 Strap Drop: 15-30 Shown In: Malibu Mum #221

Penny is perfect, compact and lightweight with plenty of pockets, inside and out

Black Pearl 209

Catalina 556

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Dazzle 208

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower 220

Malibu Mum 221

Malibu Patch 114

Paris 656

Platinum 216

Regency 112

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Also shown (In Malibu): Necklace (square) & Ring

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 35


Tote s

Eco Friendly Tote

Large Patched Tote

Large Tote

Medium Patched Tote

Medium Tote

36 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Eco Friendly Tote

Dimensions (Small): 11 x 9 x 6 Strap Drop: 10 Dimensions (Medium): 16 x 12 x 6 Strap Drop: 13 Dimensions (Large): 22 x 16 x 8.5 Strap Drop: 15 Shown In: Celestial #210

(# 01 Small, # 02 Medium & #03 Large)

Go shopping and go green in style with the Eco Friendly Tote available in three sizes

Celestial 210

Fleur de Lis 211

Large Patched Tote # 62

Dimensions: 15 x 12 x 6.5 Strap Drop: 12.5 Shown In: Rio #166

Lightweight and spacious, the Large Patched Tote is ideal for any outing

Tote s

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Hemingway 111

Lipstick 108

Nightingale Patch 102

Rio 166

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Large Tote # 67
Dimensions: 15 x 12 x 6.5 Strap Drop: 13 Shown In: Licorice #205

Ideal for any outing, the Large Tote is lightweight and spacious

Emily 137

Licorice 205

Also shown: (In Peacock): Scarf In Crimson: Bracelet (bead)

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. D onna S harp Fall 2012 Fashion Catalog | 33 Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 37

Medium Patched Tote # 61

Dimensions: 13 x 9 x 4.5 Strap Drop: 11 Shown In: Summer Fun #109

The Medium Patched Tote (and Medium Tote) is cute, lightweight and perfect for every day wear

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Lipstick 108

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper Summer Fun 109 107

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Tote s

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Medium Tote # 66
Dimensions: 13 x 9 x 4.5 Strap Drop: 12 Shown In: Malibu Flower #220

The Medium Tote (and Medium Patched Tote) is cute, lightweight and perfect for every day wear

Cabana Paisley 165

Licorice 205

Malibu Flower 220

Malibu Mum 221

Also shown (in Malibu): Necklace (square)

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

38 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Wallets & Wristlets

Cell Phone Purse

Large Wallet

Medium Wallet

Wal lets & W ri stlets

Small Wallet


Zippered Wallet

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 39

Cell Phone Purse # 63

Dimensions: 3 x 6 x 2 Strap Drop: 4-31 Shown In: Platinum #216

Part accessory, part handbag, the Cell Phone Purse is all convenience

Black Pearl 209

Cape Hatteras 240

Catalina 556

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Dazzle 208

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower 220

Malibu Mum 221

Malibu Patch 114

Nightingale 204

Also shown (in Celestial): Scarf, Ring & Bracelet (bead) Nightingale Patch 102 Oxford 256 Paris 656 Platinum 216 Regency 112 Rio 166 Rio Paisley 203 Salt & Pepper 107 Sasha 200

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Tan Zebra 202

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Large Wallet # 78
Dimensions: 8 x 5 Strap Drop: 27 Shown In: Malibu Patch #114

A store-everything wallet for larger bags, the Large Wallet doubles as a small crossbody

Wallets & W ri stlets

Black Pearl 209

Cabana Paisley 165

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Dazzle 208

Glacier 206

Glacier Patch 104

Also shown (in Malibu): Bracelet (bead) & Necklace (square)

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower Malibu Patch 220 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

40 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Medium Wallet # 80
Dimensions: 7.75 x 4.25 Shown In: Malibu Patch #114

A long-time bestseller, the Medium Wallet is the must-have accessory for your favorite handbag

Black Pearl 209

Cabana Paisley 165

Cape Hatteras 240

Catalina 556

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Dazzle 208

Emily 137

Ferris Wheel 829

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Lagoon Paisley 445

Licorice 205

Limeade 437

Lincoln Star 422

Also shown (in Malibu): Scarf

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower Malibu Patch 220 114

Midnight Sky 101

Nightingale 204

Nightingale Patch 102

Paradise Paisley 545

Paris 656

Pink Lemonade 537

Pink Passion 100

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Prism 350

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Small Wallet # 79
Dimensions: 4 x 4.5 Shown In: Celestial Patch #110

Half the size of our Medium Wallet, the Small Wallet slips easily into pockets or smaller bags

Wal lets & W ri stlets

Cabana Paisley 165

Celestial Patch 110

Ferris Wheel 829

Grape Patch 850

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lincoln Star 422

Lipstick 108

Malibu Mum 221

Malibu Patch 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper Summer Fun 107 109

Also shown (in Celestial): Scarf & Bracelet (bead)

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 41

Wristlet # 25
Dimensions: 6.25 x 4.25 x 1 Strap Drop: 5.5 Shown In: Platinum #216

The perfectly-sized Wristlet doubles as a clutch, wallet or small cosmetic bag

Black Pearl 209

Catalina 556

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Dazzle 208

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Malibu Flower Malibu Patch 220 114

Malibu Mum 221

Paris 656

Platinum 216

Regency 112

Salt & Pepper 107

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Also shown (in Celestial): 16 & 20 Necklaces Bracelet (bead) & Ring

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Truffle 214

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Zippered Wallet # 57
Dimensions: 7.5 x 4 x .75 Shown In: Platinum #216

The Zippered Wallet takes the usefulness of our best-selling Medium Wallet and gives it the ability to be used as either an accessory or a small bag

Wallets & W ri stlets

Black Pearl 209

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Dazzle 208

Grape Patch 850

Hemingway 111

Large Leopard 927

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower Malibu Patch 220 114

Nightingale 204

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Purple Zebra 827

Also shown (in Celestial): 16 & 20 Necklaces & Bracelet (bead) Regency 112 Rio 166 Salt & Pepper 107 Sasha 200 Sugar Plum 213 Summer Fun 109 Sundance 218 Sundance Patch 113 Tan Zebra 202

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

42 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog



Change Purse

Eyeglass Case (zippered)



ID Case

Phone Case
This zippered accessory is the perfect size to keep change, makeup and other items organized.

Change Purse # 75
Dimensions: 4 Round Shown In: Celestial Patch #110

Black Pearl 209

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Dazzle 208

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower Malibu Patch 220 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Acc e ss ori e s

Salt & Pepper 107

Sheena 207

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 43

Eyeglass Case (zippered) # 77

Dimensions: 2.75 x 7 x 1.5 Shown In: Celestial Patch #110

Perfect for readers, sunglasses, pens or cosmetics

Cape Hatteras 240

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Nightingale Patch 102

Regency 112

Rio 166

Topaz Kiss 106

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

ID Case #26
Dimensions: 5 x 3 Shown In: Celestial #210

When all thats required are your keys, identification and credit cards, the handy ID Case keeps you organized when youre on the move

Black Pearl 209

Celestial 210

Malibu Mum 221

Paris Circle 656

Regency 112

Acc e ss ori e s

Sundance 218

Also shown (in Celestial): 20 & 16 Necklaces

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

44 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Lanyard # 16
Dimensions: 20 Shown In: Celestial #210

For use with or without the ID Case, the new Lanyard from Donna Sharp comes in some of our most eyecatching patterns

Black Pearl 209

Celestial 210

Malibu Mum 221

Paris 656

Also shown (in Celestial): ID Case


Regency 112

Sundance 218

Phone Case # 76
Dimensions: 3.5 x 4.5 Shown In: Celestial Patch #110

Protect your phone or personal music player with a coordinated case featuring a handy wrist strap and secure magnetic snap flap.

Cape Hatteras 240

Catalina 556

Celestial Patch 110

Charlotte 356

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lincoln Star 422

Lipstick 108

Malibu Patch 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Oxford 256

Acc e ss ori e s

Also shown (in Celestial): Scarf & Bracelet (bead)

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Pistachio 156

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Summer Fun 109

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 45


Carry On

Christa Backpack


Trave l


Rolling Duffle


46 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Carry On # 05
Dimensions: 19 x 13 x 11.5 Strap Drop: 7 Shown In: Celestial Patch #110

Planning a trip? Youre ready to roll with the simple, spacious and stylish Carry On

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Glacier Patch 104

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Nightingale Patch 102

Regency 112

Salt & Pepper 107

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Also shown (in Celestial Patch): Faith

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Christa Backpack #08

Dimensions: 8 x 15 x 5.75 Strap Drop: 3 Shown In: Malibu Mum #221

Stylish and sturdy, the Christa Backpack can accomodate a binder, books and more

Malibu Mum 221

Trave l

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 47

Duffle # 95

Dimensions: 20 x 11 x 10 Strap Drop: 15 Shown In: Malibu Patch #114

This classic barrel shaped Duffle bag is the perfect way to make a statement while you travel

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Glacier Patch 104

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Patch 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Faith # 96

Dimensions: 21 x 13 x 5.5 Strap Drop: 11 Shown In: Malibu Patch #114

Travel, baby, special outing, gym bag whatever you can think of, the Faith bag is the perfect fit

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Patch 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Regency 112

Salt & Pepper Summer Fun 107 109

Sundance Patch 113

Toffee 337

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Also shown (in Malibu Mum): Scarf

Trave l
Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

48 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Rolling Duffle # 97
Dimensions: 18 x 13 x 8.25 Strap Drop: 3 Shown In: Celestial Patch #110

Tons of pockets, accessibility, storage, functionality all describe the Rolling Duffle

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Grape Patch 850

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Paris 656

Regency 112

Sundance Patch 113

Also shown (in Celestial Patch): Elaina

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary.

Utility # 98

Dimensions: 14.5 x 14.5 x 6 Strap Drop: 4.5/12 Shown In: Malibu Flower #220

Big enough for every need, take the Utility on your next trip, out with baby or a visit to the gym

Black Pearl 209

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Coco 103

Dazzle 208

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower Malibu Patch 220 114

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Precious 160

Regency 112

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper Summer Fun 107 109

Sundance Patch 113

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Trave l

Inte rior Fab ri c s M ay Vary. Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 49

Baby Bags

Diaper Bag # 10
Dimensions: 17 x 14 x 5.5 Strap Drop: 14.5-29

Pockets galore, plus a water resistant interior and changing pad make the Diaper Bag a must-have for every mom

Heather Patch 164

Licorice 205

Pink Passion 100

Precious 160

50 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog



S carve s

Scarves # 90, #91

Dimensions: 10 x 68
All scarves 10 x 68 (except Sundance Scarf 14 x 68)

Shown In: Malibu Mum (left) and Sundance (right)

Scarves are the ultimate accessory; artfully pull back windblown hair, create a delicate knot at the neck or use them to accent your newest handbag

Black Pearl 309

Celestial 310

Coco 303

Dazzle 308

Glacier 304

Malibu Mum 221

Nightingale 302

Peacock 333

Sheena 307

Sundance 313

Topaz Kiss 306

Also shown (in Malibu): Brac

elet (square), Earring (bea

d) & Necklace (square)

Also shown (in Sundance): Brac elet (square), Ring & Necklace (squa re) In Platinum: Theresa

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 51



Jewe l ry







Also shown (in Malibu Mum): Nanette page 34 52 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

(Bead Spacers) 32000


(Bead) 32010

New! Jewe l ry
(Square) 32012

(Square) 30000

(Square) 32029

20 Inch Necklace


New! New! New!

(Square) 31301

(Square) 31329

(Square) 31312

oduc r t n I d n A

s! Poppy

Make your own fashion statement with our New Poppys! Available in sets of two, these magnetic accessories pop in and out of our new ring bases!


Base Ring Sizes:

6, 7, 8 & 9


Jewel Tone

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 53



Jewe l ry



20 Inch Necklace

24 Inch Necklace




20 Inch Necklace

24 Inch Necklace

Salt & Pepper

Topaz Kiss



20 Inch Necklace

24 Inch Necklace



20 Inch Necklace

24 Inch Necklace


Crystal Spacers 30000


Bead Spacers 30001


Hoop Earrings

16 Inch Necklace

20 Inch Necklace

54 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Last Chance Styles

Alexis # 38
Dimensions: 15 x 10 x 5 Strap Drop: 7 Shown In: Mocha Patch #533

All Purpose Case # 65

Dimensions: 15 x 13 x 2.5 Strap Drop: 7/14-24 Shown In: Grape Patch #850

Denim 456

Grape Patch 850

Mocha Patch 533

Catalina 556

Crimson 933

Grape Patch 850

Paris 656

Last Chance Styles

Baseball Cap # 21

Dimensions: One Size Fits Most Shown In: Lipstick #108

Charlotte 356

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Denim 456

Earth Patch 715

Glacier Patch 104

Heather Patch 164

Lipstick 108

Mauvelous 956

Mocha Patch 533

Nightingale Patch 102

Pink Passion 100

Pistachio 156

Precious 160

Rio 166

Roanoke 750

Salt & Pepper 107

Sea Breeze 856

Sophie Patch 450

Topaz Kiss 106

Bucket Hat # 22

Dimensions: One Size Fits Most Shown In: Sasha #200

Checkbook Cover # 74
Dimensions: 7 x 3.75 Shown In: Lincoln Star #422

Earth Patch 715

Heather Patch 164

Leopard Patch 733

Precious 160

Rio 166

Emily 137

Lincoln Star 422

Sasha 200

Sophie Patch 450

Roanoke 750

Tan Zebra 202

Woodland 417

Denise # 58

Doctor #99

Dimensions: 16 x 14.75 x 3 Strap Drop: 11.5 Shown In: Large Leopard #927

Dimensions: 14.75 x 9 x 6 Strap Drop: 9 Shown In: Marilyn #439

Large Leopard 927

Rio Paisley 203

Sasha 200

Tan Zebra 202

Cabana Paisley 165

Dandelion 226

Marilyn 439

Gretta # 94

Dimensions: 13 x 8 x 4 Strap Drop: 7 Shown In: Cabana Paisley #165

Hanging Organizer # 12
Dimensions: 37 x 17.75 Shown In: Precious #160

Cabana Paisley 165

Lagoon Paisley 445

Coco 103

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Licorice 205

Lipstick 108

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Precious 160

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 55

Hipster #71

Dimensions: 9 x 9.5 x 1 Strap Drop: 19-25 Shown In: Topaz Kiss #106

Lisa # 90

Dimensions: 12 x 5.5 x 5.5 Strap Drop: 15 Shown In: Lincoln Star #422

Cabana Paisley 165

Crimson 933

Ferris Wheel 829

Candy Apple 237

Ferris Wheel 829

Lincoln Star 422

Marilyn 439

Toffee 337

Lipstick 108

Paradise Paisley 545

Toffee 337

Topaz Kiss 106

Last Chance Styles

Maggie # 95

Megan # 31

Dimensions: 9.5 x 5.75 x 4 Strap Drop: 8 Shown In: Toffee #337

Dimensions: 13.5 x 6 x 4 Strap Drop: 9 Shown In: Charlotte #356

Cabana Paisley 165

Lincoln Star 422

Charlotte 356

Crimson 933

Grape Patch 850

Marilyn 439

Toffee 337

Mocha Patch 533

Pistachio 156

Toffee 337

Messenger #35

Dimensions: 11 x 12 x 3 Strap Drop: 12-25 Shown In: Nightingale Patch #102

Catalina 556

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Glacier 206

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Licorice 205

Nightingale Patch 102

Oxford 256

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Precious 160

Rio 166

Sheena 207

Mini Connie # 68
Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 4.5 Strap Drop: 9 Shown In: Dandelion #226

Newsboy Cap # 23

Dimensions: One Size Fits Most Shown In: Woodland #417

Dandelion 226

Lincoln Star 422

Crimson 933

Mocha Patch 533

Pistachio 156

Roanoke 750

Woodland 417

56 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Sammie # 32

Dimensions: 7 x 4.5 x 3 Strap Drop: 5 Shown In: Precious #160

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Dazzle 208

Glacier Patch 104

Lipstick 108

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Precious 160

Rio 166

Salt & Pepper 107

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Last Chance Styles

Slim Wallet # 81
Dimensions: 8.75 x 4.5 Shown In: Woodland #417
Catalina 556 Grape Patch 850 Heather Patch 164 Pink Passion 100 Precious 160 Rio 166 Woodland 417

Suzie # 87

Dimensions: 12.5 x 8 x 6.5 Strap Drop: 14-27 Shown In: Heather Patch #164

Catalina 556

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Oxford 256

Pink Passion 100

Precious 160

Rio 166

Woodland 417

Tammy # 72

Dimensions: 12.5 x 14 x 4 Strap Drop: 8.25 Shown In: Coco #103

Catalina 556

Charlotte 356

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Glacier Patch 104

Heather Patch 164

Lipstick 108

Nightingale Patch 102

Pink Passion 100

Precious 160

Rio 166

Topaz Kiss 106

Zoe # 30

Dimensions: 16 x 11 x 5.5 Strap Drop: 8 Shown In: Salt & Pepper #107

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Licorice 205

Nightingale Patch 102

Paris 656

Salt & Pepper 107

Topaz Kiss 106

Woodland 417

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 57



Hipster (Expanded)
9 x 9.5 x 3.5 Strap Drop: 13-25 Page 33

16 x 11 x 4.5 Strap Drop: 7-11 Page 26


13 x 9 x 4 Strap Drop: 12 Page 27


16 x 9.5 x 6 Strap Drop: 12 Page 27


Medium Patched Tote

13 x 9 x 4.5 Strap Drop: 11 Page 38

11.25 x 8 x 5.5 Strap Drop: 14-28 Page 35


9 x 8.5 x 2 Strap Drop: 15-30 Page 35


13.25 x 8 x 4.5 Strap Drop: 8.5 Page 28


58 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog



9 x 5 x 1 Strap Drop: 14-25 Page 32

Belt Bag

7.5 Page 53

Cell Phone Purse

3 x 6 x 2 Strap Drop: 4-31 Page 40

Change Purse
4 Round Page 43

ID Case
5 x 3 Page 44

Large Wallet
8 x 5 Strap Drop: 27 Page 40

Medium Wallet
7.75 x 4.25 Page 41

Zippered Wallet
7.5 x 4 x .75 Page 42

6.25 x 4.25 x 1 Page 42


10 x 68 Page 51
Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 59

Alexis Page 55

All Purpose Case Page 55

Anne Page 31

Backpack Ziptop Page 25

Baseball Cap Page 55

Becki Page 31

Belt Bag Page 32

Bucket Hat Page 55

Carry On Page 47

Cell Phone Purse 40

Change Purse Page 43

Checkbook Cover Page 55

Christa Backpack Page 47

Cindy Page 25

Denise Page 55

Diaper Bag Page 50

Doctor Bag Page 55

Duffle Page 48

Eco Friendly Tote (S,M & L) Page 37

Sty le I ndex

Elaina Page 26

Elise Page 26

Emma Page 32

Eyeglass Case Page 44

Faith Page 48

Gretta Page 55

Hanging Organizer Page 55

Hipster Page 56

Hipster (Expanded) Page 33

ID Case Page 44

Jenna Page 27

Jewelry Pages 52-54

Kylie Page 33

Lanyard #16 Page 45

60 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Large Patched Tote Page 37

Large Tote Page 37

Large Wallet Page 40

Leah Page 27

Lisa Page 56

Lori Page 28

Maggie Page 56

Medium Patched Tote Page 38

Medium Tote Page 38

Medium Wallet Page 41

Megan Page 56

Messenger Page 56

Mini Connie Page 56

Newsboy Cap Page 56

Nanete Page 34

Pam Page 34

Pauline Page 35

Penny Page 35

Phone Case Page 45

Sty le I ndex

Reese Page 28

Rolling Duffle Page 49

Sammie Page 57

Scarves Page 51

Slim Wallet Page 57

Small Wallet Page 41

Suzie Page 57

Tammy Page 57

Theresa Page 29

Utility Page 49

Wristlet Page 42

Zippered Wallet Page 42

Zoe Page 57

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 61

Black Pearl 209

Cabana Paisley 165

Candy Apple 237

Cape Hatteras 240

Catalina 556

Celestial 210

Celestial Patch 110

Charlotte 356

Coco 103

Crimson 933

Dazzle 208

Denim 456

Emily 137

Ferris Wheel 829

Fleur de Lis 211

Glacier 206

Glacier Patch 104

Grape Patch 850

Heather Patch 164

Hemingway 111

Lagoon Paisley 445

Large Leopard 927

Licorice 205

Lincoln Star 422

Patte rn I ndex

Lipstick 108

Malibu Flower 220

Malibu Mum 221

Malibu Patch 114

62 | Donna S harp S p ri ng 2 0 1 3 Fash i on Catalog

Marilyn 439

Mauvelous 956

Mocha Patch 533

Nightingale 204

Nightingale Patch 102

Oxford 256

Paradise Paisley 545

Paris 656

Pink Passion 100

Pistachio 156

Platinum 216

Precious 160

Purple Zebra 827

Regency 112

Rio 166

Rio Paisley 203

Salt & Pepper 107

Sheena 207

Sasha 200

Sugar Plum 213

Summer Fun 109

Sundance 218

Sundance Patch 113

Tan Zebra 202

Patte rn I nde x

Toffee 337

Topaz Kiss 106

Truffle 214

Woodland 417

Donna Sharp Spring 2013 Fashion Catalog | 63



Phone 888 - 810 - 1003 Fax 502 - 543 - 4056


F ac e b o o k

F ac e b o o k . c o m / D o n n a S h a r p I n c

T w i tt e r


1315 C e da r G rov e R d . S h e ph e r d s v i l l e , KY 40165

Donna and Dean Sharp


www .D o n n a S h a r p . c o m


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