Anti Obama CLV

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Multiple communications have been edited-down, allowing for key-concepts to have been isolated: Continuing the Fight to Defund

ObamaCare Emergency Tele-Townhall Tonight at 5 p.m. EDT Sign up here if you would like to be called, to listen-in.

Tea Party Patriots [National Support Team] will host an emergency tele-townhall tonight at 5pm EDT, during which a hot update will be provided on the Continuing Resolution and the overall efforts to defund ObamaCare. Leaders of this initiativeincluding Congressmen Tom Graves and Mark Meadowswill be on the call, which reflects our ongoing commitment to leave no stone un-turned while fighting ObamaCareover the next fortnight, and then until the law is finally repealed. This morning, the House GOP voted to allow for a vote on a Continuing Resolution that funds the government at the current levels (that includes sequestration levels) while fully defunding ObamaCare. We must ensure that, once this passes, the Leadership in the House doesn't decide to roll-over and immediately to negotiate it away; they must stand firm if this is the avenue that they are going to take.

Conservatives cant afford to take a victory lap. The House will vote this week, probably on Friday. Ensure they know you support defunding ObamaCare.

House leadership announced they would pass a bill that funds the federal government and affirmatively defunds ObamaCare in its entirety; it is for real, this time, an achievement that reflects successful efforts of those who labored to educate the immediate-world, starting in-earnest only this past August. We are in a position to strike a fatal blow to ObamaCare, but that means the hard work is just beginning. Todays announcement represents a victoryfor the GOPs conservative wing and its tea-party allies. (Wall Street Journal) It also represents a victory for those already hurt by ObamaCare, such as workers who have seen their hours cut and patients searching for new doctors. And it reaffirms the ability of Americans living/working outside the Washington, D.C. Beltway to impact the legislative process. Heritage Actions nine-city Defund ObamaCare blitz-tour drew huge crowds and inspired backers across the country to ask their representatives about where they stood. A lot of members were put in a corner, says a House Republican insider. They were caught by surprise. (National Reviews Robert

Costa) In August, it was predicted that the August town hall meetings could end up being the sleeper events of the political season and a major factor in the fiscal and budgetary showdowns soon to come. (Bloombergs Josh Green) These SRO-events were tightly-timed, deftly-delivered love-fests. ObamaCare has never been popular; the law was jammed-down the throat of America by the Ds [Obama/Pelosi/Reid] by using procedural gimmicks; they hoped the publics resolve would fade and the subjects would acquiesce to the experts but, as became readily apparent this August, they erred. The citizenry is increasingly resolute and, thanks to the conservative movement, ObamaCare now is on the ropesas are the politicians hopelessly trying to defend the law. We say, Full speed ahead! Unfortunately, the Ds are unlikely to draw a reasonable conclusion without some assistance; indeed, despite all the evidence to the contrary, ObamaCare-defenders will keep swearing the law is helping those in need and keeping things the same for everyone else. Its getting to them, however, because many complain the White House operation has not consulted enough, has failed to assert leadership, has been too passive, and has ceded momentum to Republicans; they are somewhat restrained in public but, in private, they exhibit exasperation. They serve a POTUS whose messaging is failing him. [A disclaimer: Those pundits arguing this effort could rescue the Ds forget they lack a strategy to stop implementation of ObamaCareas of 10/1/2013. What is refreshing is hearing Boehner/Cantor sound so positive about this course, perhaps relieved by not having to combat Conservatives AND by feeling a comfort-level with their plans (including the replacement medical plan, which is to be budget-neutral).] After the House passes a continuing resolution that funds the government but defunds ObamaCare, Senate Democrats and President Obama must decide whether they would want to shut down the Federal Governmentto protect a destructive, unpopular lawor to acknowledge ObamaCare has failed and cannot be salvaged in the short-term. Americans understand ObamaCare is unworkable and unaffordable, for it is separating patients from their doctors and employees from their employers.

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