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OF HIGHER EDUCATION, d/b/a UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH, a Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation (Educational), Plaintiff, v. MOLECULAR DEVICES, LLC, a Delaware Corporation, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. ) ) ) ) )

COMPLAINT AND DEMAND FOR JURY Plaintiff, the University of Pittsburgh of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education d/b/a the University of Pittsburgh (the University), alleges by way of complaint against defendant, Molecular Devices, LLC (Molecular Devices), as follows: The University and Its Patents 1. The University is a non-profit corporation with its principal place of

business at 4200 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260. 2. The University is the owner by assignment of U.S. Patent Nos.

6,008,010 (the 010 patent), 7,867,752, 8,241,892, and 8,445,261 (collectively the Subject Patents) (attached as Exhibits A-D).


The lead inventor named on the Subject Patents, Joel S. Greenberger,

Professor and Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and Co-Director of the Lung and Esophageal Cancer Program at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. 4. The Subject Patents are generally related to an integrated system for

incubating cells in a dynamically controlled environment and automatically determining the state of the incubated cells. 5. Representative Claim 1 of the 010 patent reads as follows: An apparatus for incubating and determining the state of individual cells within a plurality of cells comprising: a mechanism for incubating cells, said incubating mechanism having a housing having a biochamber, said biochamber being a dynamically controlled closed environment in which the cells are grown, which is maintained in a desired condition and in which each individual cell can be examined while the cells remain in place in a location in which they are grown relative to the biochamber and while the environment is dynamically controlled and maintained in the desired condition; and a mechanism for automatically determining the state of said individual cell over time while said cell remains in place in the location in which it is grown relative to the biochamber and while the environment is dynamically controlled and maintained in the desired condition, said determining mechanism in communication with the incubating mechanism. Molecular Devices and the Accused System 6. Upon information and belief, it is alleged that Molecular Devices is a

Delaware corporation with a principal place of business at 1311 Orleans Drive Sunnyvale, California 94089-1136. 7. Upon information and belief, it is alleged that in 2011, Molecular

Devices began offering for sale its ImageXpress Micro XL System with the Fluidics option in this Judicial District and elsewhere. 8. Upon information and belief, it is alleged that Molecular Devices

continues to sell and to offer for sale its ImageXpress Micro XL System with the Fluidics option in this Judicial District. 9. 10. The ImageXpress Micro XL System determines the state of cells. The Fluidics Option of the ImageXpress Micro XL System is used to

incubate cells. 11. The Fluidics Option of the ImageXpress Micro XL System has a

chassis. 12. 13. The Fluidics Option chassis holds two compound/media plates. The Environmental Control feature comes standard with the Fluidics

Option. 14. The Environmental Control feature maintains humidity, temperature

and CO2 at desired levels. 15. Using the ImageXpress Micro XL System, individual cells can be

tracked during multi-day time-lapse experiments. The cell populations are

grown in the plates held in the Fluidics Option. 16. A computer loaded with Molecular Devices AcuityXpress Software

interprets high content screening data with high-end data analysis and visualizations tools while the individual cells remain in the controlled internal environment of the Fluidics Option. 17. The Fluidics Option and the computer loaded with AcuityXpress

Software communicate with one another to allow for the automated analysis of cellular data. Jurisdiction and Venue 18. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 35 U.S.C.

1338(a). 19. Venue is proper in this Judicial District pursuant to 35 U.S.C.

1400(b). 20. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Molecular Devices by virtue

of Molecular Devices sales and offers to sell its ImageXpress Micro XL System with the Fluidics option in this Judicial District Count I Patent Infringement 21. The University hereby incorporates by reference the allegations

contained in paragraphs 1-20, above.


Molecular Devices sales and/or offers to sell the ImageXpress Micro

XL System with the Fluidics option constitute direct infringement of the Subject Patents in contravention of 35 U.S.C. 271(a). 23. Molecular Devices sales of the ImageXpress Micro XL System with

the Fluidics option to their customers constitute contributory infringement of the Subject Patents pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 271(c). 24. Molecular Devices instructions to their customers as to the use of the

ImageXpress Micro XL System with the Fluidics option, while knowing about the Subject Patents, and the infringement thereof, constitute induced infringement of such patents pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 271(b). 25. Molecular Devices infringement of the Subject Patents has caused

injury to the University. 26. Molecular Devices continued infringement of the Subject Patents,

while knowing about such patents, and the infringement thereof, is, upon information and belief, willful.

WHEREFORE, the University respectfully requests that this Honorable Court award compensatory damages to the University sufficient to compensate it for the defendants infringement, along with interest thereon; treble such damages in light of the defendants willfulness; and award the University such further relief as the Court deems appropriate.


/s/ Arthur H. Stroyd, Jr. Arthur H. Stroyd, Jr. Pa. ID No. 15910 Del Sole Cavanaugh Stroyd LLC 200 First Avenue Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 261-2172 (Direct) (412) 261-2110 (FAX) Email: Counsel for Plaintiff The University of Pittsburgh of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education d/b/a the University of Pittsburgh

OF COUNSEL: Rolf O. Stadheim George C. Summerfield Kyle Harvey Steven R. Pedersen STADHEIM & GREAR 400 North Michigan Avenue Suite 2200 Chicago, Illinois (312) 755-4400

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