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Introduction Having recently studied the right to vote in Political Science, Bloc Voting came into the

minds of the researchers. Suffrage, according to Collins Students Dictionary (2004), is the right to vote in public elections. Under Article V, Sec. 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, suffrage may be exercised by: a) not otherwise disqualified by law, b) at least 18 years of age, and c) have resided in the Philippines for at least 1 year, and in the place wherein they propose to vote for at least 6 months immediately preceding the election. Iglesia ni Cristo is described by Encyclopedia Britannica Online as largest entirely indigenous Christian church in the Philippines. They are one of the most sought out groups during election periods since it is also known for bloc voting within its sector. Bloc voting is when individuals vote as a group on the basis of some characteristic such as age or in this case, Religious Affiliation. Hence bloc voting in the INC sector contributes an exceptionally big part in our countrys politics. Some even say that Bloc Voting dictates the future of any election. Having said this, the researchers decided to study this topic since they were very much interested on its effect on our country and politics. The proponents of this research would like to know the answer to these following questions a) what is the basis of bloc voting in the INC sector b) is bloc voting considered legal or illegal? c) what are the criteria or the process on how would the INC leaders or Executive Minister will choose their candidates and finally d)what are the opinions of INC and non-INC members on bloc voting e) what is the exchange that INC gets for their endorsement of a candidate.


Content A. Iglesia ni Cristo a. Overview of Iglesia ni Cristo In 1914, the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) was officially registered by Felix Manalo, a Catholic who became displeased with theological teachings he grew up with. He founded INC whose primary purpose is to worship the almighty God based on his teachings as taught by the Lord Jesus Christ and as recorded in the bible. From having 12 or more converts when it started, Iglesia ni Cristo has grown into the largest entirely indigenous Christian church in the Philippines, and the largest religious organization that originated from the Philippine Islands and

the largest independent Christian Church in Asia. As of 2012, the church reached 100 countries and 7 territories with members consisting of more than 120 various races and nationalities. b. Political Beliefs Iglesia ni Cristo has always been acknowledged for its unity, this unity is also observed in electing officials which is mentioned in Mga Pangunahing Aral Na Sinasampalatayanan ng IGLESIA NI CRISTO (Fundamental Teachings of the IGLESIA NI CRISTO). In their point o f

view, bloc voting is not interference in politics but a way of showing obedience to the word of God. Since 1992 to 2010 presidential elections, only one of their endorsed Presidentiable have lost. Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago even quoted it as game-changer this past senatorial election and indeed, out of the 12 winning senators, 9 were endorsed by Iglesia ni Cristo. But how can they be sure that the candidates they are endorsing are the right ones? According to a blog that was posted May 11, 2013, in, INC spokesperson Bienvenido Santiago said that in making election endorsements, the group takes into account the general well-being of its flock and the commitment of the candidates to guarantee the untrammelled exercise of religious freedom. As for specific guidelines, the INC measures a candidates capability to govern, both physically and intellectually, and political will to effect national unity and peace are also among the factors considered. B. BLOC VOTING a. Overview of Bloc Voting The meaning of bloc voting is when a group of people vote on a common concern. For example, the elderly are often considered bloc voters when they vote for the person who promises to keep Social Security strong. Bloc voting can also be when a group of shareholders band together to vote in a certain way. In the researchers own understanding, Bloc voting is when a certain group of individuals vote for someone or something because it benefits for all of them. Everyone is given the right to vote although not all use this power correctly. b. Legality of Bloc Voting

The proponents think that bloc voting is illegal because of these ruling out in the Omnibus Election Code XXII: Sec. 261.Prohibited Acts. - The following shall be guilty of an election offense: (d) Coercion of subordinates. (1) Any public officer, or any officer of any public or private corporation or association, or any head, superior, or administrator of any religious organization, or any employer or landowner who coerces or intimidates or compels, or in any manner influence, directly or indirectly, any of his subordinates or members or parishioners or employees or house helpers, tenants, overseers, farm helpers, tillers, or lease holders to aid, campaign or vote for or against any candidate or any aspirant for the nomination or selection of candidates. (2) Any public officer or any officer of any commercial, industrial, agricultural, economic or social enterprise or public or private corporation or association, or any head, superior or administrator of any religious organization, or any employer or landowner who dismisses or threatens to dismiss, punishes or threatens to punish be reducing his salary, wage or compensation, or by demotion, transfer, suspension, separation, excommunication, ejectment, or causing him annoyance in the performance of his job or in his membership, any subordinate member or affiliate, parishioner, employee or house helper, tenant, overseer, farm helper, tiller, or lease holder, for disobeying or not complying with any of the acts ordered by the former to aid, campaign or vote for or against any candidate, or any aspirant for the nomination or selection of candidates. INC members maintain vote as one, in fear of excommunication from the alleged one-andonly true church outside of which nobody will be saved. C. Integration of Bloc Voting and Iglesia ni Cristo

a. History of Bloc voting in INC Bloc voting in INC apparently started in 1949, almost 35 years after the integration of INC sector, back when Philippines Politics was still young and politicians needed the support of every available group. There are 3 religious groups that practice bloc voting, Kingdom of Jesus Christ, El Shaddai and Iglesia ni Cristo today, but Iglesia ni Cristo was the first to enforce bloc voting and is said to now have almost 2 million solid bloc voters in the country. Bloc voting is somehow accepted in our society, but if you would think about it, it violates the right of an individual to vote on his own will or to vote the official he wants. They say that they have some criteria that the politician must meet and that they dont give some bribe to the leaders for them to be chosen. But then, we actually dont know if its true or not. b. Opinions of INC members on Bloc voting This was the kind of mind of many nonmembers because they cannot understand well, they were blinded what maybe church authorities statements about voting in OWN CONSCIENCE. First of all, no individual members of the INC have been DICTATED or FORCED to JOIN THE CHURCH. Converts baptized in the church through RECEIVING DOCTRINES and BIBLE LESSONS. THEREFORE, If they wholeheartedly believe on it and understand it,they will be BAPTIZED. In the CASE of the UNITY in the CHURCH, this called "BLOCK VOTING" is a right of suffrage. Meaning, members HAVE THE TRUST to the Church administration

whether whom to VOTE. BECAUSE THE CHURCH HAVE THE DOCTRINES THAT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT IS, BE UNITED! (in all ASPECT) Second, IT WAS THE MEMBERS who will write the name and put in the ballot boxes therefore, it is not contrary to the LAW. Meaning, it is IN THE MEMBERS if they will FOLLOW AND OBEY DOCTRINES IN THE CHURCH AND COOPERATE TO THE CHURCH ADMINISTRATION, period!

Furthermore, members were not DICTATED or FORCED whom to vote because it is in THEM or it is their DECISION if they will follow one of the teachings in the bible. It is like this; they were not forced and dictated to do good because it is IN THEM if they will do good/God's will or to be bad/evil. The answer of an Iglesia ni Cristo member to the statement: "INC members are just puppets of their church administration; they were dictated and forced. They take away the freedom of their members instead of voting in their own conscience.". c. Opinion of non-INC members on Bloc Voting There are so many critics found on the World Wide Web regarding bloc voting, not just on INC but to all the other religions that practices this. Many people even says that the Manalos lie about the real number of their voters in order to entice politicians. They claimed to already have

5,000,000 members in 1966 when the only accounted members today are 2,000,000. After the 1992 elections they (INC sector) have learned their lessons! Never again did they endorse a candidate months before the election. They would wait for the results of reliable

surveys and three or two days before the elections, they would endorse the candidate who appears to be number one in the survey, to make it appear that, if the candidate wins, it was they who made him won. As stated by Bro. Eliseo F. Soriano, in his blog (2010), many people believe this also, because if you really studied it or maybe some just even noticed it, the INC gives theyre endorsements just weeks or days before election, and they give their endorsement that are toping electoral polls. Some believe that it is a strategy to ensure that their followers will think that theyre the ones who made the politician won. d. Effects to the Philippine politics or government As we know, Utang na loob is very widespread in our country, according to The Correspondents in an episode which aired on March 23,2010 entitled Bibliya at Pulitika, this Utang na Loob plays a big part in our government. Most politicians who was endorsed by INC and won usually give the sector some favors and even give a position to a member of the INC sector. For example, during Joseph Estradas time, he appointed some high ranking officials of the INC in his administration. Ganto na daw ang tema ng election natin, ang relihiyon at politika magkarugtong na raw ng bituka. Sa bawat endorso nakikinabang ang isat isa. Sana lang hindi maisaalang-alang ang kapakanan ng bayan. Yes, it is true, to the people who really wants a position in the government they would anything, at least wooing Iglesia ni Cristo ministers and members are considered to be a clean tactic. But cant it also be considered vote buying? Although instead give cold cash the politicians give loyalty and as we all know this loyalty can be used a weapon especially by the INC higher-ups. If they need something to be done by a politician, they only need to say that it was because of them that they have a position today.



The researchers therefore conclude that Bloc Voting especially of Iglesia ni Cristo may directly or indirectly affect our politics. There some who, even though they are not members of the INC sector, wait and follow the lift of endorsement given by the INC minister since they believe that the candidates they vote are sure winners. Also, in contradictory to what the researchers and most non-INC members think, Iglesia ni Cristo sector is not directly paid or bribed by the politicians who want their votes, instead string-pulling is done ,when the politician has won, in favor of the congregation. The proponents of this research believe that bloc voting depends on the trust of the member to its leader. If the members do not believe in their leader then bloc voting wouldnt be as successful as it is now. But even though many people emphasize that it is their choice if they will vote the chosen candidates or not there is still some doubt since there are hearsays wherein member who will not follow or vote what their leader says will be excommunicated. Again, this is not yet proven or invalidated by the researchers. The researchers would like to say that every religion has its own beliefs and each of everyone us should their beliefs as they respect ours. Bloc voting may not be cohesive in what the researchers believed in and so in doing this research the proponents needed to widen their points of view in order to come up with a biased-free research.

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