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By: Evangelist Joseph O Olorunnisola Date :April 13, 2008 FAITH IN DANGER Nevertheless, when the son of man

cometh, shall he find faith on the earth. Luke 18:8. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved but for the elects sake, those days shall be shortened. Matth. 24:22. Those were the prophetic pronouncements of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ about 2,009 years ago. At our own time, the reality of the message is fastly unfolding. The rein of Satan as the lord of this age is getting predominantly evident and the glamorous path of perdition the way of eternal hell fire is now the popular choice. Get out of it, and embrace Christ. At a time when the entire world is passionately gripped by impatience, riding high on amazing scientific and technological explosion, faith is miserably scorned as religious eccentricity. Almost every being of over seven years old now carry a cell-phone to access the world, the Space Station is up there hanging in the space, the spacecraft is there running missions into other planets, the jets are flying at an incredible speed of 800 mph; with the advanced fax machine you can now receive written message instantaneously over a distance of thousands miles and even within a moving vehicle, the barren can take advantage of artificial insemination, or in-vitro fertilization, surgical operations can be carried out on babies within the womb, and life span raised through medical care. With the Satellite and the internet, the entire world has been reduced to a theatre where happenings all over the globe can be viewed as they are happening. Under this phenomenal development, it is now difficult to find the faith of Abraham, the patience of Joseph, or the waiting of Hannah among believers. And yet this knowledge explosion is from the Lord. Dan.12:4. Most children and adults alike are now imbibed with the culture of violence and ungodliness through a number of morally perverse television programs. 2 Tim.3. The internet is a boundless source of moral turpitude. The government has removed everything that is of God from schools and public places, and surrendered the navigation of state ship to the guidance and direction of Satan. Consequently, students are raised in an environment of hostility and bitterness against God. The path to the eternal kingdom of glory is getting desolate while the wide road to the lake of everlasting burning and lamentation is jammed -pack with the endless exodus of unbelievers. What an unfortunate development!!!. But who will save and reverse this situation? The greatest danger to the faith of Christianity is not only coming from external attacks by open enemies of the church. The real danger comes from trusted pastors and

theologians who have subtly abandoned their confidence in the prophecies and messages of the bible. Most of them see nothing wrong in fraud, robbery, prostitution, abortion, tattoo, weaving of hear and piercing of ear by men, mate matching, and the abominable acts of homosexuality. Most of them strongly believe and support the Postulation that there is sickness and moral failing in heterosexism ( relationship between man and woman). This perversive and morally deviant postulation claims that modern sciences has discovered that homosexuals are normal and healthy, but those who believe that sexual relations should occur only between a husband and wife are the ones that are stone-aged and mentally sick. 2 Peter 2:13-20 describe these pastors and shepherds as spots and blemishes, having eyes full of adultery and covetousness. Like biblical Balaam, they like wages of unrighteousness: they are Wells without water, and clouds without rain for whom the mist of darkness has been reserved forever. They give promise of liberty, and salvation to their members when they themselves are servants of corruption. They tag themselves as Pastors, Reverends, and shepherds but yet indulge in homosexuality, mate exchange clubbing, fornication, idolatry, membership of fraternity of darkness, deception, and exploitation of the ignorance of their congregants. They preach the gospel of convenience, abundance, fruitfulness, and miracles; convincing their members that the path to God is laced with honey, gold and diamond: thereby harvesting faithless and ignorant followers for the kingdom of everlasting fire, brimstone and anguish. For the past two decades, long established big churches have continued to merge, some even closing down and selling their facilities owing to the astronomical drop in membership; all across the USA and Europe. People are deserting faith in God for the convenience and comfort of the world. They are forsaking their eternity in the kingdom of joy and everlasting glory for the vanities of this transient world. You might possibly be persuaded to think otherwise in view of the expansion and explosion of members in some new generation churches- particularly, the Pentecostal!!! Yes, this is the case, because some of the churches within this spectrum are evidently alienated from sound doctrines, strong moral values and corrective biblical injunctions. For them the kingdom of God and His righteousness is not the issue, but the abundance of this deceitful world and its glamour. Will Christ find faith when He returns among these churches that are mostly fed with milk and heresies. Do you really belong to that church? Is it bible and faith based? In African continent, the churches are mostly filled to capacity not because of increasing faith in Christ, but because people see the church as a panacea for all conceivable problems: problems of failing health, economic woes, financial headache, barrenness, unemployment, and divine protection as a result of government failure. Most churches are established by occupational and professional pastors without any divine calling: their belly is their God. Phi. 3:18-19. A number of the churches are hideouts for criminals, shady businesses, and busybodies. They are mostly centers of social maladies, vibrant forum of heresies and apostasies, arena of ego flexing and irresponsible melting pots of hatred, bitterness, hostility, adultery and idolatry. How many faithful will Christ find in these dens on His arrival? Are you indeed, a true believer? Is your church a true living church of God? Is your Pastor a true Servant of God? Please get the answers right: Where you spend your eternity is critical. Heaven or Hell - there is no compromising your salvation.

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