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By: Evangelist Joseph O Olorunnisola

Date: August 30, 2009

Has the Faithful Almighty God Changed? His mighty works of old are the roots of faith. His astounding signs and miracles of ancient times remain the beacon of confidence in Him. Who would not believe the unequaled greatest architect. An amazing builder whose right hand spanned the heavens, laid the corner-stones of the earth and established the foundation of the earth immovably on divine fasteners that are shrouded in mystery of creation? By His word alone, heavenly waters were separated from the earthly water by firmament. The waters of the earth were pooled together and called the sea to provide at least 25% of habitable space for human, beasts and vegetation. Would you not fear and seek that mysterious Being, who created the Sun that luminous Celestial lamp situated at a distance of over 93 million miles high above, around which this earth and other six planets revolve to receive light and heat; with capability to burn the entire world into ashes if the full force of its energy is unleashed. And also, the Moon, another luminous celestial lamp situated 239,000 miles above the earth to lighten the thick blanket of darkness during the night. HE alone created the galaxy of stars situated billions of miles away to manifest His singular glory and awesome majesty. Indeed a terrific, frightful and extraordinary POWER. His name is God Almighty. By His incredible wisdom, knowledge and unsearchable creative imagination, He conceptualized, designed and brought into existence innumerable companies and limitless varieties of creatures; small, big, and terrifying, in the sea, the wilderness and the sky. What an awesome mighty God! Would you not acknowledge and worship this Almighty King of kings? None of His work has ever failed. None of His decrees has ever been violated by any of His creatures except human beings. (See Gen. 1, Job. 38-40, Is. 40) The question remains Has this Great God changed? But who else could part the dreadful Red Sea and cause over a thousand feet depth of the sea to be elevated into a bridge of deliverance for His chosen pilgrims? Only Him, the pillar of fire and terrifying moving mountain of cloud!!! He sent His messenger the stormy wind to deliver food/quails in abundance to the doorsteps of His beloved Israelites in the wilderness (Numbers 11) and resolved their thirst for water with an outburst of water from the Rock at Meribah Kadesh. (Number 20)

Celestial Church of Christ - Voice Of Grace Parish. Tel: 609-771-9227. Website: http://

By His authority, Joshua the Son of Nun halted the movement of Sun, and the moon for a whole day: "Sun, stand still upon Gibeon and thou moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still and the moon halted its circuit for a whole day until the enemies of Gods people the five kingdoms of the Amorites were discomfited and destroyed. (Joshua 10) The deliverance of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the burning fiery furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar was quite stupendous. (Daniel 3). Are you not petrified by the gallant walkout of Daniel the Servant of the Most High God, from the den of angry and hungry lions, unhurt? You should be dreadfully confounded. His name is Jesus Christ the deliverer. (Daniel 6) But now where is this God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? Where is this God of Daniel, of Mordecai and Esther? Has He changed? The barren waited on Him Sarah, Manoah, Rebecca, Rachael, Hannah, Elizabethetc and they all received children of Covenant from Him. Is this God no more among His people? Has he changed and forsaken this generation? From deeply rooted generational destitution, Jabez called on God of Israel, saying. Oh that thou would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou would keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me. And God granted him that which he requested. (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) So also was Obed-edome, the Gittite was exalted from his depth of hopelessness and despicable worthlessness into Comradeship with the king and ally of the wealthy. (2 Samuel 6:10-12) Those are the doings of the Most High. Is He no longer listening to prayers? Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me. Said the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 11:4-6. Are those glorious and amazing days of signs and wonders forever gone? The question persists: Has this Almighty Trinity changed? Almighty Creator, God and Father Jehovah finally broke His silence through prophet Malachi; (Mal 3:6) For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from my ordinances and have not kept them. Return unto me and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. Most assuredly, God has not changed. Indeed, He is a righteous, faithful and consistently consistent God. But the inhabitants of the world have transgressed the laws, changed the divine ordinances, desecrated the holies, and broken the everlasting covenant (Isaiah 24:5).The enduring faithfulness of Abraham has disappeared, the meekness and absolute loyalty of Moses are lost, the total commitment and tenacious obedience of Joshua are gone!!! Where can we any longer find the violent faith and trust of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? The fear of God and righteousness of Daniel? The mindset of praise of David; the enduring patience, faith and meekness of Manoa, Hannah and Elizabeth, the love of Mary Magdalene and the zeal of Paul? This perverse generation has lost all and has become altogether unprofitable, unfaithful, disobedient, rebellious and completely ungodly. God has not changed. His mighty hand of deliverance, healing and blessing are experienced on a daily basis and the amazing signs and wonders and miracles that are in Christ Jesus are still manifested every minute, but mostly in the lives of those who are sincerely of God in truth and in Spirit: those who are devoted to Him in worship, total obedience to His laws, rich in love, humility, purity of mind and every good work.
Celestial Church of Christ - Voice Of Grace Parish. Tel: 609-771-9227. Website: http://

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