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Evangelist Joseph O Olorunnisola

Date: Jan. 6, 2007

Wide is the gate, and broad is the way The way to eternal Death
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14 There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death. Prov. 14:22. By His warning, He seems simple, but in execution of the warning, He is dreadful, terrific and ruthlessly unrepenting Christ, the Supreme Judge of the Universe. Christmas has brought hope for a ruined humanity, hope of forgiveness, hope of reconciliation with God, and hope of amazing joy in everlasting Kingdom of glory. But alas! Only a microscopic few could see and grab the outstretched hand of the Savior, emanating from the galaxies. To the massive exodus hurriedly marching into hell, Bethlehem and Golgotha, the Manger and the Cross, the birth and the death of the King of glory are no more than historical garbage. For those destined for hell, the name, Jesus Christ, is an abhorrence and the mention of God an irritation. (see Prov. 8:36) Very soon the entire human race will be confronted with the reality of Gods ultimate purpose for humanity. It is at the door! The end of ages!!! It is imminent. I was taken into a vision that was frightening by a divine agent. It was terrifying: A well paved road of about 100 feet in width and yet another road running in opposite direction of no more than 2-3 feet wide. The endless and well paved road of 100 feet wide was jam-packed by multitudes of people in millions, a massive endless chain of exodus hastily heading to a determined destination. The teeming crowd provided no space even for the drop of a needle. It was almost impossible for anyone to look back or fall without being crushed by the heavily stampeded movement. The narrow road of about 2-3 feet wide, running in opposite direction, on the contrary, had only a sporadic trickle movement of individuals. The distance between one individual to the next spanning more than two miles. It is not possible for two people to stand side by side. It looks more like a completely deserted road. When asked for clarification of this petrifying vision, the guiding angles simply said that the mass exodus were those heading into everlasting lake of fire while the narrow road with sporadic trickle of passers is the road heading into everlasting kingdom of joy and glory. Indeed, many are called and given the opportunity to be saved but only an extremely few will be saved. Luke 13: 23-24. Matt. 7:14, Matt 20:16, 22:14.

How do we reconcile this vision with the facts on ground? It is indeed paradoxical. According to a study by the University of Michigan, the USA has the highest level of church attendance and evangelism among countries at comparable levels of development with 44% of the population regularly attending church. Canada has a rate of 38% while 27% of British people regularly attend church. The country with the highest frequency of church attendance is Nigeria at 89% and the lowest is Russia with 2%. Why then does the path to the Kingdom of God appear deserted, despite this high level of churchianity? The answer was clearly given. Majority of the Pastors, evangelists and preachers are not called; they are simply professionals, working for their bellies rather than saving souls for the kingdom of God. They are enemies of the Cross of Christ (Phil. 3:18-19) preaching abundance and blessing all over the place rather than the Kingdom of God and its righteousness Matt 6: 31-34. Through doctrine of deceit, they are busy cultivating huge followership into eternal lake of fire rather than discipleship for the kingdom of glory. Most preachers are themselves slaves of corruption, indulging in lying, debauchery, homosexuality, sexual immorality, financial impropriety and exploitation of the ignorance of the congregation. They are pastors of the people rather than servants of God. But you, children of God, do not be deceived by any heresy or cheap evangelism. If you must be saved, you must sincerely accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, Confess Him and truly believe that he died for your sin and was resurrected in glory by the Father Almighty God for your Salvation. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, you must do away with works of darkness works of Satan. My dear friend, you must worship God with all your strength in truth and spirit, keep the commandments of God and feast on His word to understand His personhood and His ways. Do not be deceived, the saving grace of Jesus Christ is not cheap: it isnt for you, if your life is still spent in idolatry, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, abortion, lying, stealing, drug abuse, murder, covetousness, extortion, drunkenness, pride, bitterness, and other acts of unrighteousness. Why not make a new years resolution to turn to God with your whole heart this year, worshipping Him in truth and keeping His commands, living in peace and love and sharing out your possessions to the less privileged. The gracious hand of the Savior is still stretched out for your redemption. Why would you spend your eternity in the lake burning with fire and brimstone, a lake full of tormenting scorpion and spirits? It is an everlasting abode of regret, gnashing of teeth and brutal pain. Have you ever paused to remind yourself; that the intoxicating beauty will soon be ravished by wrinkles, the gluttonous appetite for food and drink will soon be cautioned by aging process, the insatiable propensity for the opposite sex will soon become emasculated, your intellect will soon give way to Alzheimers disease, and what more, your mansions, fleet of cars, and other properties and businesses that have alienated you from service to God will eventually be transferred intestate or by Will to people who will be absolutely unprofitable for your eternity. Why must you sacrifice your eternity in the kingdom of glory, joy, peace, and abundance where there is no death, illness, aging, sorrow, or work for the vanities of this temporary world. Think again and make a change today, tomorrow may be too late. However, the choice is yours.

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