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S GD & T Ngh An

THI XUT CHN HC SINH GII TNH LP 12 - THPT MN THI: TING ANH THI GIAN: 180 pht, khng k thi gian giao

I. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR Part 1: Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentence. 1. Dont be late for the interview, . . . . . . . . . . . . people will think you are a disorganized person. A. unless B. otherwise C. if not D. or so 2. I know this is a big disappointment but don't take it to ............................. A. soul B. mind C. spirit D. heart 3. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nations .......... A. inheritance B. heritage C. possessions D. legacy 4. Its no good pretending, youve got to reality. A. bargain for B. come up against C. face up to D. get down to 5. ............ I am aware, there were no problems during the first six months. A. As far as B. So much as C. Much more than D. Except that 6. Helen is very ........................ going to work in Germany. A. excited about B. excited for C. excited with D. excited to 7. She remembered the correct address only ........................ she had posted the letter. A. since B. afterwards C. following D. after 8. . She ..................... $ 20 out of the bank every Monday. A. pulls B. draws C. moves D. removes 9. He kept his marriage a secret for years ,but eventually the truth A . came out B . came through C . went out D . turned out 10. Two other ................. in his argument for his countrys independence are worth a mention. A. notices B. points C. effects D. reports Part 2 Read through this text. Then use the word given in capital letters to form a word which fits in the gap. As far as I am concerned, nothing spoils a visit to the opera more than the ( 1. disgust )noise made by some members of the audience to express their ( 2. approve ).of a production. There was a time when applause, and shouts of bravo, were ( 3. think )to be sufficient. More ( 4. recent ), however, the practice, which I first met in the United States, of screaming Yo! or something similar, has spread to ( 5. Europe ).andiences. Its a stupid sound, quite ( 6. suit ) ..for the expression of your appreciation of fine ( 7. sing )like the Spaniard, Placido Domingo. Im not to keen, either, on musicians clapping ( 8. self ).at the end of a ( 9. perform ) They are hardly likely to be fair in their ( 10. judge ).at that moment. However, I dont imagine either of these fashions is likely to disappear in the near future. Part 3. Choose the word or phrase in the box to fill each gap. residents localized former disaster discovered disposal deadly neglect released persisted During the 20th century, pollution evolved from a mainly (1)................. problem to one of global consequences in which pollutants not only (2)................. in the environment, but changed atmospheric and climatic conditions. The Minamata Bay (3)................. was the first major indication that humans would need to pay more attention to their waste products and waste (4)................. practices, in particular, hazardous waste disposal. In the years that followed, many more instances of 1

(5)................. or carelessness resulted in dangerous levels of contamination. In 1976 an explosion at a chemical factory in Seveso, Italy, (6)................. clouds of toxic dioxin into the area, exposing hundreds of (7)................. and killing thousands of animals that ate exposed food. In 1978 it was (8)................. that the Love Canal housing development in New York State was built on a (9)................. chemical waste dump. The development was declared uninhabitable. The world's worst industrial accident occurred in Bhopal, India, in 1984. A (10)................. gas leaked from an American chemical plant, killing more than 3,800 people and injuring more than 200,000. II. READING Part 4: Read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C,D best fits each space If youre an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl. It has become a symbol of our wasteful, throw-way society. But there seems little (1)............... it is here to stay, and the truth is, of course, that plastic has brought enormous (2)............... even environmental ones. Its not really the plastics themselves that are the environmental (3)............... its the way society choose to use and (4)............... them. Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal nonrenewable natural (5)............... We (6)............... well over three million tones of the stuff in Britain each year and, sooner or later, most of it is thrown away. A high (7)............... of our annual consumption is in the (8)............... of packaging, and this (9)............... about seven per cent by weight of our domestic (10)............... Almost all of it could be recycled, but very little of it is, though the plastic recycling (11)............... is growing fast. The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich they have a higher calorific (12)............... than coal and one (13)............... of recovery strongly (14)............... by the plastic manufacturers is the (15)............... of waste plastic into a fuel. 1. A. evidence 2. A. pleasures 3. A. poison 4. A. dispose 5. A. resources 6. A. remove 7. A. portion 8. A. way 9. A. takes 10. A. refuse 11. A. manufacture 12. A. degree 13. A. measure 14. A. desired 15. A. conversion B. concern B. benefits B. disaster B. store B. processes B. import B. amount B. kind B. makes B. goods B. plant B. value B. mechanism B. argued B. melting C. doubt C. savings C. disadvantage C. endanger C. products C. consign C. proportion C form C. carries C. requirements C. factory C. demand C. method C. favored C. change D. likelihood D. profits D. evil D. abuse D. fuels D. consume D. rate D. type D. constitutes D. rubble D. industry D. effect D. medium D. presented D. replacement

Part 5: Fill in each numbered space with ONE suitable word. Many actors do not like working with children or animals. This is probably.(1).they are afraid that the audience may become.(2)..interested in the children and animals that in them. Actors can have problems (3)a different kind when they ..(4)required to eat or drink on stage. If they have.(5). much food in their mouths, they words they say may not(6)clear, and they may even end up coughing and choking. Other problems can occur with food ..(7)..films are being made. In a recent film, during..(8).a family was waiting to have a meal, one of the actors entered with a large roast chicken on a tray and 2

then ..(9) begin to cut some meat from it while he was speaking. By mistake, the actor cut off a whole leg of the chicken and then completely forgot(10) his next words were. It was necessary to film the scene(11) This..(12) not really have mattered(13).. there had been another roast chicken in the studio, but there was not. At ..(14), nobody knew what to do, but eventually the problem was solved.. (15)putting a nail in the leg and attaching it back onto the chicken. Part 6: Read the passage and then answer the questions below. Many countries face a somewhat more serious economic problem in the form of an unfavorable trade balance with other nations. Such an imbalance exists when the total value of a countrys imports exceeds that if its exports. For example, if a country buys $25 billion in products from other countries, yet sells only $10 billion of its own products oversea, its trade deficit is $15 billion. Many underdeveloped nations find themselves in this position because they lack natural resources or the industrial capacity to use these resources, and thus have to import raw materials or manufactured goods. One effect of a trade deficit is the flow of currency out of a country. In the case of an underdeveloped nation, this can cause many financial difficulties, including failure to meet debt payments and obstacles to creation of an industrial base. Even in the case of a fully developed nation such as the United States, a large trade deficit is reason for alarm. American products, made by well-paid workers in U.S. industries, cost more to produce than those made in places like Asia, where labor and material costs are much lover. Money spent on foreign products is money not spent on items produced by domestic industries. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Several worldwide economic problems B. The causes and consequences of trade deficits C. Lack of resources in underdeveloped countries D. The value of exports versus imports. 2. According to the passage, when does a trade imbalance occur? A. A country has a serious economic problem B. A country sells more products overseas than its imports. C. The value of the products a country imports is greater than the value of the products it exports. D. A country cannot develop its natural resources. 3. The passage states that many underdeveloped nations have traded deficits because A. they find themselves in this position B. they export most of their natural resources to other nations C. they have to import most of their natural resources or manufactured products D. they have failed to meet debt payments 4. Which of the following is not mentioned as a possible cause of a trade imbalance? A. Low labor and material costs in Asian countries. B. A lack of natural resources. C. An underdeveloped industrial base. D. The high cost of exported items. 5. It can be inferred from this passage that American industries A. do not pay their workers sufficient wages B. are hurt by trade imbalance C. import labor and material from overseas 3

D. provide a strong industrial base that prevents a trade deficit. III. WRITING Part 7: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before 1. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. Much to ......................................................................................................................................... 2. Their relationship was doomed because of their incompatibility. Had ................................................................................................................................................ 3. If Brian doesnt train harder, I wont select him for the team, said the manager. The manager threatened.... 4.The truth only came out on the publication of the generals personal diaries. Only when 5. Apart from Philip, every one else at the meeting was a party member. With................................................................................................................................................. 6.The weather forecast predicts a drop in temperature tomorrow. They say tomorrow. 7. I read about the closure of the factory only yesterday. It ..................................................................................................................................................... 8.The government have been reviewing their immigration policy for some time The governments .. 9.If anyone succeeds in solving the problem, it will probably be him . He is the most. 10.I left without saying goodbye as I couldnt want to disturb the meeting. Rather than Part 7: COMPOSITION Air pollution is a serious problem in Vietnam. In about 250 words, write about what causes air pollution, its effect to our health and propose some solutions to this problem.

p n thi hc sinh gii tnh nm hc 2007-2008 I GRAMMAR &VOCABULARY Part 1: ( 10 marks ): 1B 2D 3B 4C 5A 6A 7D 8B 9A 10B Part 2: ( 10 marks ) 1. disgusting 6. unsuitable 2. disapproval 7. singing 3. thought 8. themselves 4. recently 9. performance 5. European 10. judgement Part 3: ( 10 marks ) 1. localized 2. persisted 3. disaster 4. disposal 5. neglect II. READING Part 4: ( 15 marks ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C B D D A 6. released 7. residents 8. discovered 9. former 10. deadly

6. B 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


Part 5: ( 15 marks ) 1. because 6. be/sound 11. again 2. more 7. while/as 12. would 3. of 8. which 13. if/provided 4. are 9. had/needed 14. first 5. too 10. what 15. by Part 6: ( 10 marks ) 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A III. WRITING: Part 7: ( 10 marks ) 1. Much to our regret we have to inform you that your application has not been successful 2. Had they not been incompatible, their relationship might not have been doomed 3. The manager threatened not to select him for the team / unless he trained harder / if he did not train harder 4. Only when the generals personal diaries were published did the truth come out 5. With the exception of Philip, everyone else at the meeting was a party member 6. They say tomorrow ( it ) will be colder 7. It was only yesterday that I read about the closure of the factory 5

8. The governments immigration policy has been under reviewfor some time now 9. He is the most likely person to succeed in solving the problem 10. Rather than disturb the meeting, I feft without saying goodbye Part 8 : ( 20 marks ) Composition Total 100 marks / 5 = 20 marks

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