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Ngun : LIVRES HEBDO / Ipsos

1 (New) Les enqutes de Nicolas Le Floch, commissaire au Chtelet : l'enqute russe. Investigations of Nicolas Le Floch, Commissioner of the Chatelet, vol. 10: The Russian Survey. Jean-Franois Parot, Latts 2 (1) La couleur des sentiments. The Help. Kathryn Stockett, Jacqueline Chambon 3 (2) Rien ne s'oppose la nuit. Nothing Prevents the Night. Delphine de Vigan, Latts 4 (New) Une anne studieuse. A Studious Year. Anne Wiazemsky, Gallimard 5 (New) Cinquime chronique du rgne de Nicolas Ier. Fifth Chronicle of the Reign of Nicolas I. Patrick Rambaud, Grasset 6 (5) Dans les forts de Sibrie. In the Forests Of Siberia. Sylvain Tesson, Gallimard 7 (New) L'hermine tait pourpre. The Ermine Was Purple. Pierre Borrome, Fayard 8 (New) Dieu, ma mre et moi. God, My Mother and Me. Franz-Olivier Giesbert, Gallimard 9 (New) Liens familiaux. Family Ties. Danielle Steel, Presses de la Cit 10 (3) Limonov. Limonov. Emmanuel Carrre, P.O.L

Ngun: Informazioni Editoriali

1 (New!) Il diavolo, certamente. The Devil, Indeed. Andrea Camilleri, Mondadori 2 (New!) Amore, zucchero e cannella. The Girl's Guide to Homemaking. Amy Bratley, Newton Compton 3 (1) Le prime luci del mattino. The First Light of the Morning. Fabio Volo, Mondadori 4 (7) I men di Benedetta. The Menu of Benedetta. Benedetta Parodi, Rizzoli 5 (New!) La carta pi alta. The Highest Card. Marco Malvaldi, Sellerio Editore Palermo 6 (6) Un diamante da Tiffany. Christmas at Tiffany's. Karen Swan, Newton Compton 7 (2) L'educazione delle fanciulle. Dialogo tra due signorine perbene. The Education of Girls. A Dialogue Between Two Respectable Ladies. Luciana Littizzetto, Franca Valeri , Einaudi 8 (17) Auschwitz. Ero il numero 220543. The Man Who Broke Into Auschwitz. Denis Avey, Rob Broomby, Newton Compton 9 (Back in the list!) La dieta Dukan. The Dukan Diet (original French title "Je ne sais pas maigrir") . Pierre Dukan, Sperling & Kupfer 10 (New!) Il meglio di me. The Best of Me. Nicholas Sparks, Frassinelli

Trung Quc
Ngun: China Publishing Today

1 (New) 3.0 Xiao shi dai. Tiny Times 3.0. Guo Jingming, Changjiang Literature & Art Press 2 (New) 8 Dao mu bi ji. Notebook of A Grave Robber VIII Vol. 2. Nanpai Sanshu, Shanghai Culture Publishing House 3 (New) 8 Dao mu bi ji. Notebook of A Grave Robber VIII Vol. 1. Nanpai Sanshu, Shanghai Culture Publishing House 4 (1) Bai Nian Gu Du. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Nan Hai Publishing Co 5 (New) 8 Hou wei dong gan chang bi ji. Officialdom Notes of Hou WeiDong 8. Xiao Qiao Lao Shu, Phoenix Press 6 (New) . A Song of Ice and Fire. A Game of Thrones. George R. R. Martin, Chongqing Publishing House 7 (7) Zao xiang. Fragrant Soap. Fu Shi, Jiangsu Peoples Publishing House 8 (New) : Dao jian: Dao zhi yang mian. Tip: The Sunny Side of The Knife. Mai Jia, Jinghua Press 9 (New) Si zhi wu. The House of Silk. Anthony Horowitz, Yilin Press 10 (New) 3.0 Xiao shi dai. Tiny Times 3.0. (Deluxe & limited edition). Guo Jingming, Changjiang Literature & Art Press

H Lan
Ngun: Boekblad/GfK

1 (New) Mama kwijt. Mini-editie + dvd. A Bit Lost. Mini edition + DVD. Chris Haughton, Stichting CPNB 2 (New) Noorderlicht. Northern Lights. Suzanne Vermeer, A.W. Bruna Uitgevers 3 (New) Het aanzien van 2011. The View Of 2011. Han van Bree, Spectrum 4 (3) Bonita Avenue. Bonita Avenue. Peter Buwalda, De Bezige Bij 5 (New) Dromen, durven, doen. Dream, Dare, Do. Ben Tiggelaar, Het Spectrum 6 (14) Het Familieportret. Those Who Save Us. Jenna Blum, De Boekerij 7 (17) Een keukenmeidenroman. The Help. Kathryn Stockett, Mistral 8 (7) Wij zijn ons brein. Van baarmoeder tot alzheimer. We Are Our Brains. From Womb to Alzheimer. Dick Swaab, Contact 9 (1) Koorts. Fever. Saskia Noort, Anthos 10 (1) Steve Jobs. De biografie. Steve Jobs. Walter Isaacson, Spectrum

Ty Ban Nha
Ngun: El Cultural

1 (1) El prisionero del cielo. The Prisoner of Heaven. Carlos Ruiz Zafn, Planeta 2 (5) El temor de un hombre sabio. The Wise Mans Fear. Patrick Rothfuss, Plaza & Jans 3 (3) El puente de los asesinos. The Bridge Of The Assassins. Arturo Prez-Reverte, Alfaguara 4 (New) La cancin de Alba. Alba's Song. Benjamn Zafra, Temas de Hoy 5 (6) El jardn olvidado. The Forgotten Garden. Kate Morton, Suma de letras 6 (2) Legado. Inheritance. Christopher Paolini, Roca 7 (Back in the list!) Si t me dices ven lo dejo todo... pero dime ven. If You Tell Me "Come", I Leave Everything, But Tell Me "Come". Albert Espinosa, Grijalbo 8 (7) Libertad. Freedom. Jonathan Franzen, Salamandra 9 (New) Dinero a mansalva. Making Money. Terry Pratchett, Plaza & Jans 10 (4) El imperio eres t. The Empire is You. Javier Moro, Planeta

Ngun: The Bookseller

1 (New) Private Games. James Patterson & Mark Sullivan. James Patterson & Mark Sullivan, Century 2 (New) The Promise. Lesley Pearse. Lesley Pearse, Michael Joseph 3 (New) Spartacus: The Gladiator. Ben Kane. Ben Kane, Preface 4 (Back in the list!) The Sense of an Ending. Julian Barnes. Julian Barnes, Cape 5 (New) The Siege. Simon Kernick. Simon Kernick, Bantam Press 6 (New) Extreme: Hard Target. Chris Ryan. Chris Ryan, Coronet 7 (New) Birthdays for the Dead. Stuart MacBride. Stuart MacBride, HarperCollins 8 (New) Devil's Gate. Cussler & Brown. Cussler & Brown, Michael Joseph 9 (New) No One Left to Tell. Karen Rose. Karen Rose, Headline 10 (New) The Lewis Man. Peter May. Peter May, Quercus

Ngun: Buchreport

1 (New) Das Alphabethaus. The Alphabet House (original Danish title "Alfabethuset") . Jussi Adler-Olsen, dtv premium 2 (1) Der Hundertj. The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out His Window and Disappeared (original Swedish title "Hundraringen som klev ut genom fnstret och frsvann"). Jonas Jonasson, Carl 3 (New) Die Flucht. Cassia & Ky Band 2. Crossed. Ally Condie, Fischer FJB 4 (New) Die Furcht des Weisen. Teil 2. The Wise Man's Fear. Patrick Rothfuss, Klett-Cotta 5 (New) Der Anschlag. 11/22/63. Stephen King, Heyne 6 (New) Aleph. Aleph. Paulo Coelho, Diogenes 7 (5) Bei Hitze ist es wenigstens nicht kalt. We Might Still Be Hot. Dora Heldt, dtv premium 8 (7) Auf der anderen Seite ist das Gras viel grner. The Grass is much Greener on the Other Side. Kerstin Gier, Bastei L 9 (10) Erlsung. Message in a Bottle (original Danish title "Flaskpost frn P").Jussi Adler-Olsen, dtv premium 10 (Back in the list!) Schndung. The Pheasant Killers (original Danish title "Fasandrberne"). Jussi AdlerOlsen, dtv premium

Ngun: Publishers Weekly

1 (New) Private: #1 Suspect. James Patterson, Maxine Paetro, Little Brown and Company 2 (New) Death of Kings. Bernard Cornwell, Harper 3 (New) Believing the Lie. Elizabeth George, Dutton 4 (Back in the list!) The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. Stieg Larsson, Knopf 5 (5) Death Comes to Pemberley. P D James, Knopf Publishing Group 6 (1) 11/22/63. Stephen King, Scribner 7 (New) Raylan. Elmore Leonard, William Morrow & Company 8 (3) The Litigators. John Grisham, Doubleday 9 (New) The Rope. Nevada Barr, Minotaur 10 (New) Shadows in Flight. Orson Scott Card, Tor

Thy in
Ngun: Svensk Bokhandel

1 (3) Gustavs grabb. Gustav's Boy. Leif GW Persson, Albert Bonniers frlag 2 (1) Eldvittnet. The Fire Witness. Lars Kepler, Albert Bonniers frlag 3 (4) Dikter och prosa 1954-2004. Poems and Prose 1954-2004. Tomas Transtrmer, Albert Bonniers frlag 4 (2) Du gamla du fria. Borderline. Liza Marklund, Piratfrlaget 5 (6) Brobyggarna. Bridge Builders. Jan Guillou, Piratfrlaget 6 (7) Avig Maria. Awkward Mary. Mia Skringer, Bokfrlaget Forum

7 (5) Grand final i skojarbranschen. Great Finale in the Rascal Business. Kerstin Ekman, Albert Bonniers frlag 8 (10) nglamakerskan. The Angel Maker. Camilla Lckberg, Bokfrlaget Forum 9 (8) Nr brjar det riktiga livet? When Does The Real Life Begin? Fredrik Lindstrm, Albert Bonniers frlag 10 (New) Felicia Frsvann. Felicia Disappeared. Felicia Feldt, Weyler frlag

Trong khi b phim chuyn th cng tn gt hi c rt nhiu thnh cng v doanh thu cng nh c gii ph bnh khen ngi, tiu thuyt Ngi gip vic (The Help) ca Kathryn Stockett tip tc gi nhng ngi v cao trn bng xp hng sch bn chy cc nc. Hin tng n theo thnh cng ca phim nh cng gip cho tc phm ni di v Sherlock Holmes, Ngi nh t la (The house of silk)ca Anthony Horowitz v tp cui trong series C gi c hnh xm rng (C gi chc t ong bu, ta ting Anh: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest) ca Stieg Larsson ghi tn mnh vo bng xp hng M v Trung Quc.

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