Do All Carrot Look The Same Artical Critique

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Sharad Chandra Pyakurel EMBA Fall 2012 (Article Critique: Do All Carrots Looks The Same?

1. What questions/issues is the author trying to address? How important are they? Why? Following are some facts or issue the author is trying to address: Human resource management (HRM) must change as the business environment changes. Some factors that cause change in business environment are change in technology, workforce diversity, business growth (Business expansion), etc. HR professional need to be multidimensional rather than just being expert in personal issues. He/she should be an informed and skilled businessperson to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace. HR needs to examine and review the existing procedure to find out possibility of more improvement. they have to set goal and continuously evaluate the result of short term activities to be ensure that the progress are happening in satisfied manner or not, whether the activities are directing towards the goal or not. And if the activities are approaching toward goal; he/she need to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the work. Author has also tried to address the question regarding employee compensation and benefit package; these packages need to be provided as per the employees need. HR professional need to be aware of employee need and should adopt flexible policy to respond employees need. As mentioned by the author, the reward packages need to be attractive, rewarding, and retaining for the skilled employees. Human resource must ensure that these are cost effective compare to the value addition contributed these skilled workers. Retaining a current employee is almost cheaper than recruiting and developing a new employee. The newly admitted employee might take more to be familiar with the organizational system and procedure. He/she might get long time to learn the work and give the actual performance. HR might not be even aware about in which job the employee best fits. It is very important that human resource takes care of the financial as well as nonfinancial rewards. Since the cost is associated with each non financial reward as well, it is challenging for human resource to balance it through innovation and self-funding.

Sharad Chandra Pyakurel EMBA Fall 2012 (Article Critique: Do All Carrots Looks The Same?)

Downsizing the work force due to some economic factor is an issue. There are some situations where the company has to cut off its work force to make the company sustainable. It is very difficult decision for the human resource management team. It might be possible finding alternative employment, voluntary early retirement, and severance pay package, as tapping on the wasteful resources. It should be done confidentially.

2. What basic assumptions/arguments does the author make? What facts/opinions does he present? How valid are these assumptions/arguments/facts/opinions in the light of theoretical development in the thematic field? The author has assumed that, the future of HRM is unpredictable and is difficult to determine what it will bring in the workplace. HR manager is responsible for managing their core personal functions relating to economic and business issues by remaining in touch with technological development. The core personnel function of recruitment, selection, appointment, induction, training, development, etc is costly and it directly impacts on shareholders return and productivity. So the effective companies attract skillful employees and focus on retaining them but hiring of suitable employee is also dependent upon various factors for example local labor market. Most research has been done on topics of technology, intellectual capital, and government regulation, workforce demographic changes, shrinking organizations, international management and globalization. It is evident that all the issues mentioned play a very important role in human resource management over the coming decades, and some are clearly more effective than others, but very broad issues related to human resource management are ambiguous. According to SHRM Research Spotlight, the most effective tactics for attracting, retaining and rewarding the best employees are flexible work arrangements (40%) and a culture of trust; open communication and fairness (37%) were the top two tactics in present world. One-quarter said offering a higher total rewards package than competitors (26%) and providing career advancement opportunities (26%) would be most effective,

Sharad Chandra Pyakurel EMBA Fall 2012 (Article Critique: Do All Carrots Looks The Same?)

whereas in 2010 the third most common response was meaningful work with clear purpose in meeting organizations objectives (40%).

3. What are the significant empirical/conceptual contributions of or gaps in this article? Today, the strategic challenges in the field of human resources are not limited only to administrative matters, but at the same time attention should be given to the four criteria: 1) human resources development infrastructure should be maintained, 2) employees' commitment should be engineered, 3) human resource professionals are strategic partners of the organizations and, 4) HR professionals as internal consultants handle their change management. Various commentators have been scathing in their review of the gap between HRM rhetoric and reality. Blyton and Turnbull (1994) quote Skinner who observed that "human resources management seems to be mostly good intentions and whistling in the dark" and that HRM is "Big Hat, No Cattle". Vaughan (1994, p. 26) suggests that "HRM rhetoric communicates an attractive image of people trusting each other, sharing risks and rewards, and united by a strong feeling of identity, but it gives little sense of the impersonal economic rationalism that characterizes management thinking in the real world". HR policies should be integrated with strategic business planning and used to reinforce or change an appropriate organizational culture. Human resource managers are faced with an environment that is changing rapidly. Accordingly, maintaining a competitive position in the market requires that their plans are constantly being revised and updated. Effective human resource managers should work with changes made in the legal field and in the national and international levels. Most importantly, Human resource management skills, knowledge, and abilities need to be regularly evaluated and reviewed.

Sharad Chandra Pyakurel EMBA Fall 2012 (Article Critique: Do All Carrots Looks The Same?)

4. What conclusion does the author draw? Are these conclusions justified in the light of the empirical/theoretical evidence by the author? How important are these conclusions? The author has concluded that human resource in future have to be very proactive, he/she should be an informed and skilled business person because HR profession has key role in maintaining competitive work place environment. They have to be well skilled enough to handle in multicultural and diversified environment. As much, human resource needed to be dynamic to view and handle personal issues to ensure that competitive peoples will be recruited and retained in the company. HR professionals must help toward the success of organization through the concepts of organizational commitment, skills and training staff. Ever changing environment means that the authorities should pay special attention to education, communication and decision making skills and be able to provide a clear picture of their company. They should have a clear picture of relationship between cognitive function and operational management needs. They need to review existing practices toward ensuring that options and solutions improve the design and development. Nowadays, changes trend reshaping the workplace continues. Since human resource professionals must help organizations to maintain competitiveness in the market, they should be skilled traders, as well. Due to the changing business environment, human resource management also does undeniably need to change to respond to changes.

5. How could this work be further extended or refined? This work requires some further improvements in the field of developing succession in the particular or critical position. Since the future is unpredictable an efficient alternative of the person should have prior planning and he/she should be developed in advance so that he/she could take the position and responsibilities efficiently in future immediately. To develop the next generation of the corporate leader is very difficult task which should have proper prior plan and proper system of development. HR professionals are more concerned with developing future leaders and remaining competitive in the talent marketplace, whereas they are less concerned with finding employees in global markets

Sharad Chandra Pyakurel EMBA Fall 2012 (Article Critique: Do All Carrots Looks The Same?)

and breaking down cultural barriers to create a truly global company. Majority of employees are sensitive towards their job security, this research could be further extended from the prospective of employees job security. As the theory shows when a person works in one organization in similar task for longer period, his/her performance gradually decreases from the optimum level, this research can further extended to change the behavior of long time working employees in their work. This research precluded other antecedents of commitment such as perceived alternative employment or magnitude or number of investment lost in leaving the organization the commitment-turnover relationship. Further work should include these variables to study their impact on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables of the HRM relational model.

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