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ENTRY POINTS "Whoever digs a pit may fall into it, whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten

by a snake.' (Ecclesiastes 10:8) This passage of Scripture presents a truth that Christians are hedged with God's protection so that demons can't enter into them. Non-Christians likewise are hedged by their free will that they can't be demonized if they won't allow themselves to yield. An opening in this protective hedge should be made before demons can get into the person to dwell in his body. If there's one thing that breaks this hedge, it is SIN and SIN alone. Sin breaks a hole in the protective hedge, allowing demons to actually enter into the person committing the sin. These holes are called doorways or entry points. These holes must be dosed through repentance, forgiveness and cleansing (1 John 1:9). A person whose inward parts are empty/ not filled with God opens another doorway for more demonic infestations (Matthew 12:43-45). Any dealing with Satan opens a doorway for the incoming satanic power (Lev. 19:31). As Christians, we should be aware of these entry points. Hosea 4:6 clearly states that for lack of knowledge, God's people perish. Only when we, become aware of Satan's subtle schemes that we are able to guard ourselves from his wiles. What are these doorways? The Bible implicitly and impliedly enumerates demonic footholds and entry points. 1. OCCULTIC DOORWAYS. The word "occult" literally means "hidden", which clearly reveals how Satan orchestrates his plans to enter into a person's system. Occult always involves religious practices whose sources are not of God. Deutronomy 18:10-14; 2 Kings 21.6 Here is a list of occultic practices: - horoscope reading - fortune telling - tea leaf and palm reading - consultation with "albularyos" - the use of quija boards, spirit of the glass - necromancy (talking with the dead) - consultation with spiritists - ESP (extra-sensory perception) or any psychic experiences - astrology (telling the future by observing the time, reading the stars) - astral projection or soul travel - prayers and incantations with the use of candles, salt - spells, levitation (floating in air), felines (the moving of objects by means of mind control) - use of herbs, particularly those bought from stores where Hindu guru use incantations on these. Use of herbs is okay, provided that you grow your own herbs. 2. NEW AGE DOORWAYS The New Age Movement is an emerging world-wide religion which is an outright counterfeit of Christianity. Their teachings are so deceptive - often presented in the guise of being scientific and medical even Christian, but in reality, they are Hindu teachings and practices. New age believers

believe that God is an impersonal force, that the entire world and universe and everything within it, is God. They also believe in reincarnation, and in karma. The following is a list of New Age practices: a. Yoga - meaning "yoke" or "link" most practitioners don't know that they are being yoked or linked with, demons. b. Meditation - to them, it's emptying the mind so that demon spirits could enter and control the person. This form of meditation is a counterfeit of what the bible calls "meditation", Joshua 1:8, Psalms 119:911. The biblical meditation encourages active mental participation. c. Mind Control or Hypnosis. d. Acupuncture - the use of needles to numb nerves. 3. CHILDHOOD DOORWAYS These are traumatic and scary encounters with demon spirits during childhood. - fear of monsters (in the closet under the bed, etc.) - ghost friends and ghostly visitations - repeated or recurring nightmares - even scary toys 4. DOORWAYS OF INHERITANCE Demons and demonic bondage are inherited. The Bible strongly points out that sins of fathers would affect generations Exodus 20:5,34:6-7; Numbers l4:18, Deuteronomy 5:9 We need to confess these generational sins so that the doorway would be dosed. Nehemiah 9:1-2. 5. DOORWAYS THROUGH SEX Sex is God's gift to man. But it should only be practiced within the bonds of marriage. Any perversion of this spiritual act is a doorway. a. adultery b. fornication (pre-marital marriages) c. incest (sex between or among family members, with kinsmen) d. homosexuality and lesbianism Lev. 18:22; Romans 1:26-32 e. pornography and fantasy Matt. 6:22 f. abortion g. sexual abuse h. oral and anal sex (this is perversion)

i. bestiality (sex with animals) j. transvertism (the dressing up in woman's clothing) and trans-sexuality (not only the dressing up in women's clothing but the wanting to be a member of the opposite sex - oftentimes involving sex transplant). 6. DOORWAYS THROUGH UNGODLY SOUL-TIES Soul-tie is a relationship in which are either rightfully bonded or subject to bondage. e.g. 1 Sam 18:1 - David and Jonathan - bonded, godly soul-tie. - David and Saul - bondage, ungodly soul-tie. a. In family life - ungodly parent - child relationship - ungodly husband - wife relationship - ungodly siblings relationship - these are oftentimes characterized by fear, manipulation and abuse. b. - Extra-marital relationships Sex is spiritual act. You leave/share a part of you to every sexual partner. c. Fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism 7. MARTIAL ARTS (any form) These art were developed by culture that is saturated with demon worship. They always involve interactions with demons. 8. ROCK MUSIC Satan's music are oftentimes with subliminal, suggestive messages about rebellion, suicide, drug addiction, cursing, sex. 9. FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES - blood letting - oaths and pledge taken at a time of initiation are occultic rituals directly opening up the students / members to the entrance of the demon. - any object with occultic background particularly "second hand" - hand made mementos coming from ungodly relationships. - toys 10. ADDICTION a. First Category - no substance intake but behavioral characteristics e.g. washing of hands constantly, looking at pornography.

b. Second Category - intake of food substance not chemically addictive but without which the victim can't cope. e.g. sweets. c. Third Category - addition of chemical substances. e.g. cigarettes, drugs, drinks. If we have opened doorways to demons in our lives whether deliberately or not, these must be closed. 1 John 1:9 articulates the ONLY way by which can be done. We need to come to God in true repentance, confess our sins and involvement to Him openly, accept His forgiveness and allow Him to cleanse us thoroughly with His Blood. But once this first step is done, we need to stay free by choosing to obey His Word and shunning away from all situations that might open up the protective hedge again. As our Lord said to the adulterous woman, "Go, and sin no more." (John 8:11)

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