STKK2313: Kimia Kumpulan Utama Dan Peralihan

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Kimia Kumpulan Utama dan Peralihan (Main Group and Transition Element Chemistry) Introduction Dr Nurul Huda Abd Karim 2013

The Modern Periodic Table (revision)

Classification of Elements

group elements - representative elements Group 1A-7A - Group 8A all have ns2np6 configuration (exception-He) Transition elements - 1B, 3B - 8B d-block Lanthanides/actinides - f-block

Ionization energy

Ionization energy (IE): minimum energy needed to remove an electron from an atom in the gas phase

Na(g) Na+(g) + e

for this 1st ionization = 495.8 kJ/mol

In general, ionization energy

as Zeff


occur due to the stability of specific electron configurations

IE1 (kJ/mol) Values for Main Group Elements

IE1 Trend

High value of IE1 associated to noble gases very low IE1 for G1 IE1 increase across a given period similar IE1 for d-block

MBKassim 2006/07

What do you notice about the 1st IE across a period? Why? (hint: Zeff)

What do you notice about the 1st IE down a column? Why? (hint: n)


What do you notice about the 1st IE between 2A and 3A? Why? (hint: draw the electron configuration)

What do you notice about the 1st IE between 5A and 6A? Why? (hint: draw the electron configuration)

Multiple Ionizations: it takes more energy to remove the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. electron and much more energy to remove core electrons Why?

electrons are closer to nucleus Core electrons experience greater Zeff

Electron Affinity

Electron Affinity (EA): energy released when an atom in the gas phase an electron

Cl(g) + e Cl(g)

for this equation 349.0 kJ/mol energy released (H = negative)

Copyright McGraw-Hill 2009

EA (kJ/mol) Values for Main Group Elements

Copyright McGraw-Hill 2009

Periodic Trends in EA


Copyright McGraw-Hill 2009

Electronegativity Trend


Established by Linus Pauling (1930s) the tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself If an atom of an element has strong tendency to aquire electrons, Highly Electronegative (Pauling) = the difference between bond dissociation enthalpy and enthalpy change of atomization diatomic X2 in gas phase Usage of electronegativity values : 1) deciding bond polarities 2) estimating the importance of possible resonance structures for molecules Example; HCl - hydrogen at the positive end of the dipole, chlorine at the negative end

Periodic Trends in Chemical Properties of Main Group Elements

IE, EA and electronegaticity enable us to understand types of reactions that elements undergo and the types of compounds formed

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