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Code No: 07A4BS04


Set No. 2

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II B.TECH II SEMREGULAR/SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS MAY 2010 B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations,May 2010 MATHEMATICS FOR AEROSPACE ENGINEERS Aeronautical Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) A random variable X has the following distribution X=x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P(X=x) a 3a 5a 7a 9a 11a 13a 15a 17a Determine a and nd P ( x<3), P( X<3) < P(0< x < 5 ). and the smallest value of x for which P(x x) > 0.5 (b) If X is a normal variate show that E (X) = , and Var (X) = 2

2. (a) If w=u+i = z 3 , prove that the curves u=c1 , and v=c2 where C1 and C2 are constants, cut eachother orthogonally.
y (b) If u=x2 y 2 , = x2 + , then show that both u and v are harmonic but y2 u+iv is not analytic. [8+8]

3. (a) Evaluate the equation gral formula.

(z2 z1)
c z (z 1)2

(b) Using Cauchys integral formula, evaluate (c) Evaluate

4. (a) Two dice, one green and the other red, are thrown. Let A be the event that the sum of the points on the faces is odd and B the event of at least one ace (number 1 on the face of die). Find the probabilities of the events

w w
(1,1) (0,0)

(3x2 + 4XY + ix2 )dz along y = x2

n j .

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l r o

c . d

m o


dz with c : z

1 2

= 1 using Cauchys intewhere c is |z | = 4 [5+6+5]

e2z dz c (z 2 + 2 )3

i. ii. iii. iv.

A U (Ac B) (A|B) (Ac|Bc) A U(Ac U B)

(b) A vendor has 25 gas lled balloons tied to srings. 10 balloons are yellow, 8 are red and 7 are green. Find the probability that two balloons selected at random by a boy are both yellow. [8+8] 5. (a) Find the expansion of by Taylors series about z=1. (b) Expand f(z) =
z (z 1)(2z )

in a Laurents series for 1 < |z | < 2 [5+6+5]

(c) Expand f (z ) = z e2z in a Taylors series about z=-1.

6. (a) Show that the transformation w = z + 1/z maps the circle r = c into an ellipse. Discuss the case when c= 1. Draw rough sketches in each case. 1

Code No: 07A4BS04

using and s.
1 )] [( n 2 2n( n ) 2

Set No. 2

(b) Show that w = (i /4 ) [ (z +2) / (z +1 ) ] transforms the real axis in z -plane to a circle in w -plane. Find the pre-image of the center of such circle. [8+8] 7. (a) Evaluate
xm1 dx 0 (a+bx)m+n 1 0

(b) Prove that (c) Show that (m, n) = 2 Deduce that

(1 xn ) n dx =


sin2m1 () cos2n1 () d sinn () d =


cosn () d =

1 ( n+1 2 ) (2) 2 n+2 2


8. Dene covariant tensor of order one. Give an example. A covariant tensor has components 2x - z, x2 y , yz in rectangular coordinates. Find its covariant components spherical coordinates. [16]

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Code No: 07A4BS04


Set No. 4

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II B.TECH IIII SEMREGULAR/SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS MAY 2010 B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations,May 2010 MATHEMATICS FOR AEROSPACE ENGINEERS Aeronautical Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. Evaluate the following, using and Functions (a) (b) (c)

3/ y 2 (1 ey ) dy 0 1 m x (log x)n dx where 0 x2 7/2 e x dx. 0

m > -1 and n is a positive integer

2. (a) the components of a tensor are zero in one coordinate system, then prove that the components are zero in all coordinate systems. [8+8] (b) With the usual notation, prove that {iij } =/ xi log g 3. (a) Find the image and sketch the mapping of the region 2 x 3 and 3 y 4. under the transformation w = ez . (b) Show that a bilinear transformation preserves the cross ratio of four points. [8+8] 4. (a) Find the analytic function whose imaginary part is (b) If tan [(x + iy )] = a + ib, than e show that 5. (a) Evaluate
ez dz c z (1z )3

(b) Using Cauchys integral formula, evaluate


i. z=1 lies inside c and z=0 lies outside and ii. Z=0 and z=1 both lie inside c.
z 3 2z +1 dz z 2 (z i)2

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2 sin x sin y cos 2x+cosh 2y

2a 1a2 b2

= tan [log(x2 + y 2 )]


where c is the circle [8+8]

|z | = 2 6. (a) Find the poles and residues at each pole of f (z ) = (b) Evaluate
(z 3) dz c z 2 +2z +5 1ez z4

where C is the circle [6+10]

i. |z | = 1 ii. |z + 1 i| = 2, by using residue theorem. 7. (a) If X is a random variable with distribution function given by, F (x) = 1 ex f or 0x =0 otherwise Find p.d.f of X. Determine the mean and variance of the distribution.

(b) Show that Poisson distribution is a limiting case of binomial distribution. [8+8] 3

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Set No. 4

8. (a) A person takes 4 tests in succession. The probability of his passing the rst test is p, while that of his passing each succeeding test is p or p/2 according as he passes or fails in the preceding test. He qualies provided he passes at least three tests. Find the probability of his qualifying. (b) A consulting rm rents cars from three agencies in the following manner. 20% of cars from agency D, 20% of cars from agency E, 60% of cars from agency F. If 10% of the cars from D, 12% of the cars from E and 4% of the cars from F have bad tyres. If a car received by the rm is found to have bad tyres, what is the probability that the car was supplied by the agency F? [8+8]

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Code No: 07A4BS04


Set No. 1

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II B.TECH II EXAMINATIONS MAY 2010 IISEMREGULAR/SUPPLEMENTARY B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations,May 2010 MATHEMATICS FOR AEROSPACE ENGINEERS Aeronautical Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) For the conformal transformation w = z2 ,show that the circle |z 1| = 1 transforms the cardioid r = 2( 1 + cos ) where w = r ei in the w- plane . (b) Find the condition for the transformation w = ( az + b) / ( cz + d ) to make the circle |w| = 1 correspond to straight line in the z-plane. [8+8]
2 cos x cosh y , given that 2. (a) Determine the analytic function f(z)=u+iv where u= cos 2x+cosh 2y f(0)=1

(b) If u is a harmonic function, show that w=u2 is not a harmonic function unless u is a constant. [8+8]
2z +1 , nd Taylors series valid in a neighbourhood of 3. (a) For the function f(z) = z (z +1) z=1.

(b) Expand f(x) =

1 z 2 3z +2

in the region.

i. 0 < |z 1| < 1 ii. 1 < |z | < 2 4. Prove that

= if = Where and are the roots of the equation Jn (ax) = 0

5. (a) Prove that (b) Evaluate


w w
a 0 c c ez z3

xJn (x ) Jn (x) dx =

n j .
z4 (z +i)2

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0 if

a2 2 J 2 n+1(a )


dz z a

= 2i where c is given by the equation |z a| = r where c is |z | = 3 using Cauchys integral formula dz where c is |z | = 2 using Cauchys integral theorem. [5+5+6]

zez dz (z +2)3

(c) Evaluate

6. (a) Explain summation convention in tensor analysis Write out in full, the following i. aij xi xj ( i, j = 1,2,3 ) ii. gij dxi dxj ( i, j = 1,2,3 ) (b) Dene Christoel symbol of rst and second kind. If (ds)2 = (dr)2 +r2 (d)2 + r2 sin2 ( d)2 , then nd the value of [22,1]and [1, 22 ] [8+8] 7. (a) Two dice are thrown together. Find the probability that i. the sum of numbers on their faces is 9 5

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Set No. 1

ii. the numbers on their faces are both odd iii. the numbers on their faces are same. (b) A distributor receives 20%, 15%, 35% and 30% of eggs from four poultries A,B,C,D which contains rotten eggs of 1%, 2%, 2% and 1% in the supplies from A,B,C,D respectively. A randomly chosen egg was found to be rotten. What is the probability that such egg came from the poultry C? [8+8] 8. (a) A continuous random variable X has the p.d.f given by f(x) = K e b(xa) for ax where a, b, K are constants. Find K, mean and standard deviation in terms of a and b.

(b) If X is a Poisson random variable such that P(X = 1) = 3 /10, P(X = 2) = 1 5 /5. Find P(X = 0) and P(X = 3). [8+8]

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Code No: 07A4BS04


Set No. 3

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD II B.TECH II SEMREGULAR/SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS MAY 2010 II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations,May 2010 MATHEMATICS FOR AEROSPACE ENGINEERS Aeronautical Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) A random variable X has the following distribution. X=x: -2 -1 0 1 2 3 p(X=x): 0.1 k 0.2 2k 0.3 k Find the value of k, and calculate mean and variance.

(b) The mean and standard deviation of intelligence quotient (I Q) of group of 500 children is 90 and 20 respectively. If the IQ is normally distributed, nd the number children with IQ i. greater than 100 ii. less than 60 and iii. between 80 and 110.

2. (a) 500 people were asked about their morning vitamin intake. It was found that 150 Take vitamin B, 200 take vitamin C, 165 take vitamin E, 57 take both B and C, 125 take both B and E, 82 take all three vitamins. What is the probability that a person takes none of the vitamins? (b) A bag contains 5 red, 3 blue and 4 black balls. If three balls are drawn at random, what is the probability that

3. (a) Expand

i. the three balls are of dierent colours ii. two balls are of the same colour iii. all balls are of same colour.
1 (z 2 +1)(z 2 +2)(z 2 +3)

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[8+8] in Positive and negative power of z if 1 < |z | < 2


(b) Expand f(z) = sin z in Taylors series about z = convergence.

and nd the region of [8+8]

4. (a) write down the the law of transformation for the tensors i. Akj i ii. Cmn (b) Dene Christoel symbol of second kind. If (ds)2 = (dr)2 +r2 (d)2 + r2 sin2 ( d)2 , then nd the value of [1 ,22] and [3,13 ] [8+8] 5. (a) Find a and b if f(z) = (x2 2xy + ay 2 ) + i (bx2 y 2 + 2xy ) is analytic. Hence nd f(z) in terms of z. (b) Find the general and principal values of 7

Code No: 07A4BS04 i. log (1 + i) + log (1 i) ii. (1 + i)i 6. (a) Evaluate

c e2z z 2 dz (z 1)3 (z +2)


Set No. 3

where c is |z + 2| = 1 using cauchys integral formula.

(b) Evaluate

(z3 +z2 +2z1)

(z 1)3

dz where c is |z | = 3 using Cauchys integral formula.

(c) Evaluate

(y 2 + 2xy )dx + (x2 2xy ) dy where c is the boundary of region [5+5+6]

bounded by y=x2 and x=y2 . 7. (a) Prove that e

x 2

= (t 1 t)

tn Jn (x)


(b) Prove that nPn (x) = x Pn (x) Pn1 (x)

8. (a) Show that the transformation w =z + a /z maps the circle in |z| = (a + b)/2 z -plane into an ellipse of the semi-axes a, b in the w - plane. (b) Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points 1, -1, of the z-plane into 1+i, 1- i , i of the w-plane. Find the invariant points of the transformation. [8+8]

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