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John R.

Carr, JRC Analytical Services, Mechanical Engineer, PE, MSME, BSME,

6/25/2011,, 615-218-0131
Recent Problems Solved (57 total problems solved from 5/3 to 5/25/2011)
Reference - Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by Anderson, 2nd edition (1991)
Note (for problem solving) the following tables in the book were used:
Appendix A Isentropic Flow Properties
Appendix B Normal Shock Properties
Appendix C Prandtl Meyer Function and Mach Angle
29 Sample Anderson problems & solutions:
Part I Fundamental Principles
Chapter 1 Aerodynamics: Some Introductory Thoughts
1.5. Consider an airfoil at 12 angle of attack (AOA). The normal and axial force
coefficients are 1.2 and 0.03, respectively. Calculate the lift and drag coefficients.
Solution: Making use of Figure 1.10 (page 17) and force vector resolutions relating the
normal force N and axial force A to the lift force L and drag force D along with the angle
of attack as follows:
L = N cos A sin (1.1)
D = N sin + A sin (1.2)
Or, in terms of the force coefficients where cl = L/qc, cd = D/qc, ca = A/qc, and cn =
N/qc, where the prime indicates unit span (2D flow) for area S = c(1) and q = V2/2
is the dynamic pressure. In any event, either unit span or 3D flow, in terms of the given
coefficients the equations and corresponding lift and drag coefficients are
cl = cn cos ca sin = (1.2)*cos 12 - (0.03)*sin 12 = 1.17
cd = cn sin + ca cos = (1.2)*sin 12 + (0.03)*cos 12 = 0.28
1.9. Consider two different flows over geometrically similar airfoil shapes, one airfoil
being twice the size of the other. The flow over the smaller airfoil has freestream
properties given by T = 200 K, = 1.23 kg/m3, and V = 100 m/s. The flow over the
larger airfoil is described by T = 800 K, = 1.739 kg/m3, and V = 200 m/s. Assume
that both and a (speed of sound) are proportional to T1/2. Are the two flows
dynamically similar?
Smaller airfoil 1 - T = 200 K, = 1.23 kg/m3, V = 100 m/s, c = c1 (chord length)
Larger airfoil 2 - T = 800 K, = 1.739 kg/m3, V = 200 m/s, c = c2 = 2c1
Assume T1/2 and a T1/2 (both are proportional to T1/2)
2 T21/2 = (4T1)1/2 = 2T11/2, 1 T11/2, a2 T21/2 = (4T1)1/2 = 2T11/2, a1 = T11/2
Two airfoils are dynamically similar if Re1 = Re2 and M1 = M2

Re1 = Vc/ = (1.23)*(100)*c1/(200)1/2

Re2 = Vc/ = (1.739)*(200)*2c1/{2*(200)1/2}
Re2/Re1 = {(1.739)*(200)*2c1/2*(200)1/2}/{(1.23)*(100)*c1/(200)1/2} = 24.593/8.69 1
M = V/a = V/T1/2
M2/M1 = {200/2*(200)1/2}/{100/(200)1/2} = 7.07/7.07 = 1
However, since Re2/Re1 1, flows are not dynamically similar.
Chapter 2 Aerodynamics: Some Fundamental Principles and Equations
Part II Inviscid Incompressible Flow
Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Inviscid, Incompressible Flow
3.6. A Pitot tube on an airplane flying at standard sea level reads 1.07 x 105 N/m2. What
is the velocity of the airplane?
Solution: At standard sea level conditions = 1.23 kg/m3 and P = 1.01 x 105 N/m2
Using Bernoullis Equation between free stream (state 1) and Pitot tube (state 2) gives
P1 + (1/2)*V12 = P2 + (1/2)*V22 = Po + 0 = Po
V1 = {2*(P0 P1)/}1/2 = {2*(1.07 1.01)*(105 N/m2)/(1.23 kg/m3)}1/2 = 98.8 m/s
(units check N = kg-m/s2 so {((kg-m/s2)/m2)/(kg/m3)}1/2 = {m2/s2}1/2 = m/s)
3.7. At a given point on the surface of a wing of the airplane in Prob. 3.6, the flow
velocity is 130 m/s. Calculate the pressure coefficient at this point.
Solution: Using Bernoullis equation to solve for the pressure at that point on the wing
(state 2) gives
P1 + (1/2)*V12 = P2 + (1/2)*V22
P2 = P1 + (1/2)**(V12 V22)
= (1.01 x 105) + (1/2)*(1.23)*(98.82 1302) = 96606.5 N/m2
Which can be used in Cp = (P - P)/q where q = (1/2)*V is the dynamic pressure
But, for incompressible flow the Cp equation simplifies to Cp = 1 (V/V)2
Cp = 1 (V/V)2 = 1 (130/98.8)2 = -0.731
Chapter 4 Incompressible Flow Over Airfoils
4.1. Consider the data for the NACA 2412 airfoil given in Fig. 4.5. Calculate the lift and
moment about the quarter chord (per unit span) for this airfoil when the angle of attack is
4 and the freestream is at standard sea level conditions with a velocity of 50 ft/s. The
chord of the airfoil is 2 ft.
Solution: standard sea level conditions are T = 518.69 R, P = 2116.2 lb/ft2,
= 2.3769 x 10-3 slug/ft3 where (1 lb = 1 slug-ft/s2)
q = (1/2)* V2 = (1/2)*(2.3769 x 10-3 slug/ft3)*(50 ft/s)2 = 2.971 {(lb-s2/ft)/ft3}*(ft2/s2)
= 2.971 lb/ft2
From Fig. 4.5 for = 4 gives cl = 0.54
L = cl q S = (0.54)*(2.971 lb/ft2)*(2 ft)*(1 ft) = 3.21 lb (per unit span)

For the moment Fig. 4.5 gives cmc/4 = -0.04 and known is cmc/4 = Mc/4/qSc giving
Mc/4 = cmc/4 *q*S*c = (-0.04)*(2.971 lb/ft2)*(2 ft)2*(1 ft) = -0.475 lb-ft (per unit span)
4.2. Consider a NACA 2412 airfoil with a 2-m chord in an airstream with a velocity of
50 m/s at standard sea level conditions. If the lift per unit span is 1353 N, what is the
angle of attack?
Solution: standard sea level density is given by = 1.23 kg/m3 giving a dynamic
pressure of q = (1/2)* V2 = (1/2)*(1.23)*(50)2 = 1537.5 N/m2
cl = L/(qS) = (1353 N)/{(1537.5 N/m2)*(2 m)*(1 m)} = 0.44
From Figure 4.5 this gives angle of attack = 3 (approximately)
Chapter 5 Incompressible Flow Over Finite Wings
Chapter 6 Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flow
Part III Inviscid, Compressible Flow
Chapter 7 Compressible Flow: Some Preliminary Aspects
7.3. Just upstream of a shock wave, the air temperature and pressure are 288 K and 1
atm, respectively; just downstream of the wave, the air temperature and pressure are 690
K and 8.656 atm, respectively. Calculate the changes in enthalpy, internal energy, and
entropy across the wave.
Solution: for air (assuming to be a calorically perfect gas) R = 287 J/kg-K and = 1.4
cp = R/( 1) = (1.4)*(287)/0.4 = 1004.5 J/kg-K
cv = R/( 1) = 287/0.4 = 717.5 J/kg-K
change in enthalpy h = cp*(T2 T1) = (1004.5)*(690 288) = 403809 J/kg
change in internal energy e = cv*(T2 T1) = (717.5)*(690 288) = 288435 J/kg
change in entropy s = s2 s1 = cp*ln(T2/T1) R*ln(P2/P1)
= (1004.5)*ln(690/288) (287)*ln(8.656/1) = 258 J/kg-K
7.5 Consider the isentropic flow through a supersonic wind-tunnel nozzle. The reservoir
properties are To = 500 K and Po = 10 atm. If p = 1 atm at the nozzle exit, calculate the
exit temperature and density.
Solution: using isentropic flow relation P2/P1 = (T2/T1)/( -1) or P/Po = (T/To)/( -1)
gives 1/10 = (T/500)3.5, solving for T = 259 K
P = R T, = P/RT = (1 atm)*(1.01 x 105 N/m2/1 atm)/{(287 N-m/kg-K)*(259 K)}
= 1.359 kg/m3
7.7. Consider a point in a flow where the velocity and temperature are 1300 ft/s and
480 R, respectively. Calculate the total enthalpy at this point.
Solution: h0 = h + V2/2Jgc = cpT + V2/2Jgc (for English units)

where cp = 6006 ft-lb/slug-R, J = 778.16 ft-lb = 1 Btu, 1 slug = 32.174 lbm,

gc = 32.174 lbm-ft/lbf-s2
h0 = (6006 ft-lbf/slug-R)*(1 Btu/778.16 ft-lbf)*(1 slug/32.174 lbm)*(480 R)
+ (1300 ft/s)2/{2*(32.174 lbm-ft/lbf-s2)*(778 ft-lbf/Btu)} = 115.5 + 33.75
= 148.9 Btu/lbm
Chapter 8 Normal Shock Waves and Related Topics
8.7. The flow just upstream of a normal shock wave is given by P1 = 1 atm, T1 = 288 K,
and M1 = 2.6. Calculate the following properties just downstream of the shock: P2, T2,
2, M2, Po,2, To,2, and the change in entropy across the shock.
Solution: using Appendix A to get total properties upstream of shock wave for M1 = 2.6
Po,1/P1 = 19.95 and T0,1/T1 = 2.352 (T0,1 = T0,2 = To across shock wave)
Po,1 = 19.95 am, T0 = (2.352)*(288) = 677.4 K
Across the normal shock wave use relations in Appendix B to give
P2/P1 = 7.720, 2/1 = 3.449, T2/T1 = 2.238, P0,2/P1 = 9.181, M2 = 0.5039
State 1 upstream P1 = 1 atm = 101325 N/m2, T = 288 K, R = 287 J/kg-K
P = RT
(101325 N/m2) = 1*(287 N-m/kg-K)*(288 K)
1 = 1.226 kg/m3
gives across normal shock
P2 = 7.720*P1 = 7.720 atm
T2 = 2.238* T1 = (2.238)*(288) = 644.5 K
2 = 3.449* 1 = (3.449)*(1.226) = 4.228 kg/m3
Po,2 = 9.181*P1 = 9.181 atm
T0,2 = T0,1 = 677.4 K
s = s2 s1 = -R*ln(Po,2/Po,1) = -(287)*ln(9.181/19.95) = 222.7 J/kg-K
8.12. Consider a flow with a pressure and temperature of 2116 lb/ft2 and 519 R,
respectively. A Pitot tube is inserted into this flow and measures a pressure of 7712.8
lb/ft2. What is the velocity of the flow?
Solution: assume supersonic flow governing equation is
Po,2/P1 = {( + 1)2*M12/[4M12 - 2*( -1)]}/(-1)*{(1 + 2M12)/( + 1)} (8.80)
Known is Po,2/P1 = 7712.8/2116 = 3.645
Using Appendix B gives M1 = 1.560
a = (RT)1/2 = {(1.4)*(1716 ft-lb/slug-R)*(519 R)}1/2 = 1116.2 ft/s
(unit check: lb = slug-ft/s2 so slug = lb-s2/ft giving (ft2/s2)1/2 = ft/s)
M = u/a, u = a*M = (1116.2)*(1.560) = 1742 ft/s
Chapter 9 Oblique Shock and Expansion Waves
9.2. Consider an oblique shock wave with a wave angle of 30 in a Mach 4 flow. The
upstream pressure and temperature are 2.65 x 104 N/m2 and 223.3 K, respectively
(corresponding to a standard altitude of 10,000 m). Calculate the pressure, temperature,

Mach number, total pressure, and total temperature behind the wave and the entropy
increase across the wave.
Solution: Mn,1 = M1 sin = 4*sin 30 = 2
Using Appendix A with M1 = 4 gives Po,1/P1 = 151.8, To,1/T1 = 4.2
Po,1 = (151.8)*(2.65 x 104) = 4022700 N/m2
To,1 = (4.2)*(223.3) = 937.86 K
Appendix B with Mn,1 = 2 gives the following
P2/P1 = 4.5, T2/T1 = 1.687, Po,2/Po,1 = 0.7209, Mn,2 = 0.5774
P2 = (4.5)*(2.65 x 104) = 11.925 x 104 N/m2
T2 = (1.687)*(223.3) = 376.7 K
Po,2 = (0.7209)*(4022700) = 2899964.43 N/m2
To,2 = To,1 = 938 K
Using Figure 9.7 (--M diagram) for M = 4 and = 30 gives = 17.5
M2 = Mn,2/sin( ) = 0.5774/sin(12.5) = 2.67
s = s2 s1 = -R*ln(Po,2/Po,1) = -287*ln(0.7209) = 93.9 J/kg-K
9.9. Consider an oblique shock generated at a compression corner with a deflection angle
= 18.2. A straight horizontal wall is present above the corner, as shown in Figure 9.17.
If the upstream flow has the properties M1 = 3.2, P1 = 1 atm, and T1 = 520 R, calculate
M3, P3, and T3 behind the reflected shock from the upper wall. Also, obtain the angle
which the reflected shock makes with the upper wall.
Solution: Incident shock 1 has = 18.2 (deflection angle) and M1 = 3.2
Figure 9.7 (--M diagram) gives 1 = 37 giving Mn1 = M1sin = (3.2)*sin(37) = 1.926
Appendix B gives the following
P2/P1 = 4.134, T2/T1 = 1.624, Mn2 = 0.5918
P2 = 4.134 atm, T2 = (1.624)*(520) = 844.5 R
M2 = Mn2/sin( ) = 0.5918/sin(37 18.2) = 1.836
Through the reflected shock: = 18.2 and M2 = 1.84, Figure 9.7 gives 2 = 56
Reflected shock wave angle (with horizontal wall) = 2 = 2 = 56 18.2 = 37.8
Mn2r = M2sin2 = (1.84)*sin 56 = 1.522
Appendix B gives
P3/P2 = 2.529, T3/T3 = 1.334, Mn3 = 0.6941
P3 = (2.529)*(4.134) = 10.45 atm, T3 = (1.334)*(844.5) = 1127 R
M3 = Mn3/sin(2 ) = 0.6941/sin(56 18.2) = 1.13

9.10. Consider the supersonic flow over an expansion corner, such as given in Figure
9.23. The deflection angle = 23.38. If the flow upstream of the corner is given by M1
= 2, P1 = 0.7 atm, T1 = 630 R, calculate M2, P2, T2, 2, Po2, and To2 downstream of the
corner. Also, obtain the angles the forward and rearward Mach lines make with respect
to the upstream direction.

Solution: upstream M1 = 2, P1 = 0.7 atm, T1 = 630 R

Appendix A gives Po1/P1 = 7.824, To1/T1 = 1.80
Po1 = (7.824)*(0.7) = 5.4758 atm, T01 = (1.8)*(630) = 1134 R
Using P = RT
(0.7 am)*(2116.2 lb/ft2)/(1 atm) = 1*(1716 ft-lb/slug-R)*(630 R)
1 = 1.3702 x 10-3 slug/ft2
Downstream isentropic flow through Prandtl-Meyer expansion wave
Po2 = Po1 = 5.4768 atm, To2 = To1 = 1134 R
= (M2) (M1) = 2 1 gives 2 = 1 +
Appendix C for M1 = 2 gives 1 = 26.38 and 1 = 30 (forward mach line angle)
2 = 1 + = 26.38 + 23.38 = 49.76
Appendix C for 2 = 49.76 gives M2 = 3, 2 = 19.47 (rearward mach line angle)
Appendix A for M2 = 3 gives Po2/P2 = 36.73, To2/T2 = 2.8 giving
P2 = (5.4768)/(36.73) = 0.149 atm, T2 = (1134)/(2) = 405 R
Using P = RT gives
(0.149)*(2116.2) = 2*(1716)*(405) giving 2 = 4.54 x 10-4 slug/ft3
9.13. Consider an infinitely thin flat plate at an angle of attack in a Mach 2.6 flow.
Calculate the lift and wave-drag coefficients for (a) = 5, (b) = 15, and (c) = 30.
Solution: see Figure 9.26 (page 490) for a flat plate at AOA in a supersonic flow.
Equations for the lift and drag, per unit span, are the following
L = (P3 P2)*c*cos (9.47)
D = (P3 P2)*c*sin (9.48)
Flow conditions expansion wave at top corner produces P2, oblique shock wave at
bottom corner produces P3. Equations for lift and drag coefficients are as follows
cl = L/q1S = L/(*P1*M12/2) = (2/M12)*(P3/P1 P2/P1)*cos
cd = D/q1S = D/(*P1*M12/2) = (2/M12)*(P3/P1 P2/P1)*sin
freestream conditions: P1, M1 = 2.6
(a) = 5 = for upper surface 2 = 1 +
Appendix C for M1 = 2.6 gives 1 = 41.41, 2 = 41.41 + 5 = 46.41 gives M2 = 2.85
From Appendix A for M1 = 2.6 gives Po,1/P1 = 19.95, M2 = 2.85 gives Po,2/P2 = 29.29
Since P0,2 = Po,1 (isentropic flow), P2/P1 = (Po,1/P1)/(Po,2/P2) = 19.95/29.29 = 0.6811
For bottom surface oblique shock with M1 = 2.6, = 5
Figure 9.7 (--M diagram) gives = 26.5, Mn,1 = M1sin = (2.6)*(sin 26.5) = 1.160
Appendix B gives P3/P1 = 1.403, thus
cl = (2/1.4*2.62)*(1.403 0.6811)*cos 5 = 0.1520
cd = (2/1.4*2.62)*(1.403 0.6811)*sin 5 = 1.330 x 10-2
(b) = 15 = for upper surface 2 = 1 +
Appendix C for M1 = 2.6 gives 1 = 41.41, 2 = 41.41 + 15 = 56.41 gives M2 = 3.35
From Appendix A for M1 = 2.6 gives Po,1/P1 = 19.95, M2 = 3.35 gives Po,2/P2 = 61.52
Since P0,2 = Po,1 (isentropic flow), P2/P1 = (Po,1/P1)/( Po,2/P2) = 19.95/61.52 = 0.3243
For bottom surface oblique shock with M1 = 2.6, = 15
Figure 9.7 (--M diagram) gives = 36, Mn,1 = M1sin = (2.6)*(sin 36) = 1.528
Appendix B gives P3/P1 = 2.5574, thus
cl = (2/1.4*2.62)*(2.5574 0.3243)*cos 15 = 0.4558

cd = (2/1.4*2.62)*(2.5574 0.3243)*sin 15 = 0.1221

(c) = 30 = for upper surface 2 = 1 +
Appendix C for M1 = 2.6 gives 1 = 41.41, 2 = 41.41 + 30 = 71.41 gives M2 = 4.450
From Appendix A for M1 = 2.6 gives Po,1/P1 = 19.95, M2 = 4.45 gives Po,2/P2 = 271.9
Since P0,2 = Po,1 (isentropic flow), P2/P1 = (Po,1/P1)/( Po,2/P2) = 19.95/271.9 = 0.07337
For bottom surface oblique shock with M1 = 2.6, = 30
Figure 9.7 (--M diagram) gives = 59.5, Mn,1 = M1sin = (2.6)*(sin 59.5) = 2.240
Appendix B gives P3/P1 = 5.688, thus
cl = (2/1.4*2.62)*(5.688 0.07337)*cos 30 = 1.028
cd = (2/1.4*2.62)*(5.668 0.07337)*sin 30 = 0.5933
Chapter 10 Compressible Flow Through Nozzles, Diffusers, and Wind Tunnels
10.1. The reservoir pressure and temperature for a convergent-divergent nozzle are 5 atm
and 520 R, respectively. The flow is expanded isentropically to supersonic speed at the
nozzle exit. If the exit-to-throat area ratio is 1.193, calculate the following properties at
the exit: Me, Pe, Te, e, ue, Po.e, To,e.
Solution: Appendix A for Ae/At = 2.193 (supersonic case) gives
Me = 2.30, Po,e/Pe = 12.5, T0,e/Te = 2.058, o,e/e = 6.076
For isentropic flow Po = const = 5 atm = Po,e. To = const = 520 R = To,e
Po = oRTo
(5 atm)*(2116.2 lb/ft2)/(1 atm) = o*(1716 ft-lb/slug-R)*(520 R)
o = 1.1858 x 10-2 slug/ft3
since Po = const and To = const then o = const and o,e = o = 1.1858 x 10-2 slug/ft3
Pe = Po,e/12.5 = 5/12.5 = 0.4 atm
Te = To,e/2.058 = 520/2.058 = 253 R
e = o,e/6.076 = (1.1858 x 10-2)/6.076 = 1.952 x 10-3 slug/ft3
also ae = (RTe)1/2 = {(1.4)*(1716)*(253)}1/2 = 779.6 ft/s
Me = ue/ae giving ue = Meue = (2.30)*(779.6) = 1793 ft/s
10.3. A Pitot tube inserted at the exit of a supersonic nozzle reads 8.92 x 104 N/m2. If
the reservoir pressure is 2.02 x 105 N/m2, calculate the area ratio Ae/A* of the nozzle.
Solution: For supersonic flow, Pitot tube formula is the following
Po,e/Pe = {[( + 1)2* Me2]/[4** Me2 2*( 1)]}/(-1)*{(1 + 2** Me2)/( + 1)}
There is obviously a normal shock between the exit flow and Pitot tube
Po,e,p/Po,e = 8.92/20.2 = 0.4416 gives Me = 2.650
Appendix A gives (supersonic solution) the desired area ratio, Ae/A* = 3.036
10.4. For the nozzle flow given in Problem 10.1, the throat area is 4 in2. Calculate the
mass flow through the nozzle.
Solution: using Ae/At = 2.193, Ae = (4)*(2.193) = 8.772 in2, also known is ue = 1793 ft/s
and e = 1.952 x 10-3 slug/ft3, giving for mdote = eAeue
(1 slug = 32.174 lbm)
mdote = (1.952 x 10 slug/ft )*(8.772 in )*(1 ft /144 in )*(1793 ft/s) = 0.213 slug/s

Chapter 11 Subsonic Compressible Flow Over Airfoils: Linear Theory

11.3. Under low-speed incompressible flow conditions, the pressure coefficient at a
given point on an airfoil is -0.54. Calculate Cp at this point when the freestream Mach
number is 0.58, using (a) The Prandtl-Glauert rule, (b) The Karman-Tsien rule, and (c)
Laitones rule.
Solution: given is Cp,o = -0.54 and M = 0.58
(a) The Prandtl-Glauert compressibility correction rule is given by
Cp = Cp,o/(1 - M2)1/2 = -0.54/(1 0.582)1/2 = -0.66
(b) The Karman-Tsien compressibility correction rule is given by
Cp = Cp,o/{(1 - M2)1/2 + [M2/(1 + (1 - M2)1/2]* Cp,o/2}
= -0.54/{(1 0.582)1/2 + [0.582/(1 + (1 0.582)1/2]*(-0.54/2)} = -0.71
(c) Laitones compressibility correction rule is given by
Cp = Cp,o/{(1 - M2)1/2 + (M2*{(1 + [( 1)/2]*M2}/2*(1 - M2)1/2)* Cp,o}
= -0.54/{(1 0.582)1/2 + (M2*{(1 + [(1.4 1)/2]*0.582}/2*(1 0.582)1/2)* -0.54}
= -0.78
11.4. In low-speed incompressible flow, the peak pressure coefficient (at the minimum
pressure point) on a NACA 0012 airfoil is -0.41. Estimate the critical Mach number for
this airfoil, using the Prandtl-Glauert rule.
Solution: Cp = Cp,o/(1 - M2)2 (11.51) (given is Cp,o = -0.41)
Cp,cr = (2/M2)*{((1 + [( 1)/2]*Mcr2)/(1 + ( 1)/2))/(-1) 1} (11.60)
Equating the two equations -0.41/(1 - M2)1/2 = (2/1.4* M2)*{(1 + 0.2* M2)/1.2 1}
Guess M = Mcr until LHS = RHS
0.7 -0.574 -0.248
0.6 -0.5125 -0.423
0.58 -0.503 -0.470
0.56 -0.495 -0.521
0.57 -0.499 -0.495
Thus Mcr = 0.57
11.5. For a given airfoil, the critical Mach number is 0.8. Calculate the value of P/P at
the minimum pressure point when M = 0.8.
Solution: since M = Mcr = 0.8 the min pressure point will have M = 1.0 (see Figure
11.5). Appendix A gives for M = 0.8, Po/P = 1.524 and for M = 1.0, Po/P = 1.893
Thus (Po/P)/(Po/P) = P/P = 1.524/1.893 = 0.805 (for isentropic flow Po = const)

Chapter 12 Linearized Supersonic Flow

12.1. Using the results of linearized theory, calculate the lift and wave-drag coefficients
for an infinitely this flat plate in a Mach 2.6 freestream at angles of attack of (a) = 5,
(b) = 15, and (c) = 30. Compare these approximate results with those from the
exact shock-expansion theory obtained in Problem 9.13. What can you conclude about
the accuracy of linearized theory in this case?
Solution: using cl = 4/(M2 1)1/2 eqn. (12.23), and cd = 42/(M2 1)1/2 eqn. (12.24)
for linearized supersonic flow over a flat plate, gives
(a) = 5 x /180 = /36 radians
cl = 4*(/36)/(2.62 1)1/2 = 0.1454, cd = 4*(/36)2/(2.62 1)1/2 = 3.526 x 10-4
(b) = 15 gives
cl = 4(15*/180)/(2.62 1)1/2 = 0.4072, cd = 4*(15*/180)2/(2.62 1)1/2 = 0.1066
(c) = 30 gives
cl = 4*(/6)/(2.62 1)1/2 = 0.8727, cd = 4*(/6)2/(2.62 1)1/2 = 0.4569
Comparison of values from Prob. 9.13 (expansion wave-oblique shock) and Prob. 12.1
(linearized approximation) gives the following:
Linearized theory
shock-expansion theory

5 0.1454 3.5266 x 10-4 0.1520
1.330 x 10-2
15 0.4072
30 0.8727
Discussion: comparison of results shows the linearized theory is a good approximation
for cl at the lower angle of attack values for this Mach number (2.6) and has mixed results
for cd.
Chapter 13 Introduction to Numerical Techniques for Nonlinear Supersonic Flow
13.1. Consider two points in a supersonic flow. These points are located in a Cartesian
coordinate system at (x1, y1) = (0, 0.0684) and (x2, y2) = (0.0121, 0), where the units are
meters. At point (x1, y1): u1 = 639 m/s, v1 = 232.6 m/s, P1 = 1 atm, T1 = 288 K. At point
(x2, y2): u2 = 680 m/s, v2 = 0 m/s, P2 = 1 atm, T2 = 288 K. Consider point 3 downstream
of points 1 and 2 located at the intersection of C+ characteristic through point 2 and the Ccharacteristic through point 1. At point 3, calculate u3, v3, P3, and T3. Also, calculate the
location of point 3, assuming the characteristics between these points are straight lines.
Solution: point 1 (0,0.0684), C- characteristic, 1 + 1(M1) = K- (along C- characteristic)
u1 = 639 m/s, v1 = 232.6 m/s, P1 = 1 atm, T1 = 288 K
tan 1 = v1/u1 = 232.6/639 = 0.364, 1 = 20.0
V12 = u12 + v12 = (639)2 + (232.6)2 gives V1 = 680.0 m/s
a1 = (RT1) = [(1.4)*(287)*(288)]1/2 = 340.2 m/s, M1 = u1/a1 = 2.000
Appendix A gives for M1 = 2, Po,1/P1 = 7.824 and T0,1/T1 = 1.800
giving Po,1 =7.824 atm, T0,1 = 518.4 K

Appendix C gives 1 = 26.38 and 1 = 30, giving K- = 20 + 26.38 = 46.38

Point 2 (0.0121,0), C+ characteristic, 2 - 2(M2) = K+ (along C+ characteristic)
u2 = 680 m/s, v2 = 0 m/s, P2 = 1 atm, T2 = 288 K
tan 2 = v2/u2 = 0/680 = 0, 2 = 0
a2 = a1 = 340.2 m/s, V2 = V1 = u2 = 680 m/s, M2 = M1 = V2/a2 = 2.000
Appendix A gives Po,2 = P0,1 = 7.824 atm and To,2 = T0,1 = 518.4 K
Appendix C gives 2 = 26.38 and 2 = 30, giving K+ = 0 - 26.38 = -26.38
3 = (1/2)*[(K-)1 + (K+)2] = (1/2)*(46.38 26.28) = 10
3 = (1/2)*[(K-)1 - (K+)2] = (1/2)*(46.38 + 26.28) = 36.38
Appendix C gives M3 = 2.400, 3 = 24.62 (approximately)
P0,3 = 7.824 atm and To,3 = 518.4 K
Appendix A gives P0,3/P3 = 14.62 and To,3/T3 = 2.152
giving P3 = 7.824/14.62 = 0.535 atm, T3 = 518.4/2.152 = 241 K
a3 = (RT3)1/2 = [(1.4)*(287)*(241)]1/2 = 311.11 m/s
M3 = V3/a3, V3 = M3a3 = (2.4)*(311.11) = 746.7 m/s
using 3 = 10, tan 10 = v3/u3, giving v3 = 0.1763*u3
u32 + v32 = V32
u32 + (0.1763*u3)2 = 746.72
gives u3 = 724 m/s, v3 = 128 m/s
Locating point 3: between points 1 and 3 (C- characteristic)
A = (1/2)*(1 + 3) (1.2)*(1 + 3) = (1/2)*(20 + 10) (1/2)*(30 + 24.62) = -17.31
B = (1/2)*(2 + 3) + (1.2)*(2 + 3) = (1/2)*(0 + 10) + (1/2)*(30 + 24.62) = 32.31
tan (-17.31) = y/x = (y3 y1)/(x3 x1) = (y3 0.0684)/(x3 0)
-0.3117*(x3 0) + 0.0684 = y3 (equation 1)
Between points 2 and 3 (C+ characteristic)
tan (32.31) = y/x = (y3 y2)/(x3 x2) = (y3 0)/(x3 0.0121)
0.6324*(x3 0.0121) = y3 (equation 2)
Equate equations 1 and 2 to solve for x3
-0.3117*x3 + 0.0684 = 0.6324*(x3 0.0121)
0.9441*x3 = 0.07605
x3 = 0.08056 m
Solving for y3 using equation 2, y3 = 0.6324*(0.08056 0.0121) = 0.04329 m
Chapter 14 Elements of Hypersonic Flow
14.1. Repeat Prob. 9.13 using (a) Newtonian theory, and (b) Modified Newtonian theory.
(Compare the results with those obtained from exact shock-expansion theory used in
Prob. 9.13)
(Repeated here see Chapter 13 problems for complete solution).
9.13. Consider an infinitely thin flat plate at an angle of attack in a Mach 2.6 flow.
Calculate the lift and wave-drag coefficients for (a) = 5, (b) = 15, and (c) = 30.
(Summary of Prob. 9.13 results)
Results were the following (surface 3 bottom with oblique shock, surface 2 top with
expansion wave):
(a) = 5, cl = (2/M12)*(P3/P1 P2/P1) cos = 0.1520

cd = (2/M12)*(P3/P1 P2/P1) sin = 1.330 x 10-2

(b) = 15 gave cl = 0.4558 and cd = 0.1221
(c) = 30 gave cl = 1.028 and cd = 0.5993
Back to Solution of Problem 14.1:
(a) Newtonian theory gives cp = 2 sin2
for = 5, cl = 2 sin2 cos = 2*sin25*cos 5 = 0.0153
cd = 2 sin3 = 2*sin35 = 1.324 x 10-3
for = 15, cl = 2 sin215 cos 15 = 0.1294, cd = 2 sin3 15 = 0.03468
for = 30, cl = 2 sin2 30 cos 30 = 0.4330, cd = 2 sin3 30 = 0.50
Newtonian theory gives poor agreement with exact expansion-shock results from Prob.
(b) Modified Newtonian theory, generally cp = (P2 - P)/{(1/2)**V2} (by definition)
cp,max = stagnation point value
Modified Newtonian theory gives cp = cp,max*sin2 . In our flow M1 = 2.6, consider a
normal shock, Appendix B gives P2/P1 = P2/P = 7.720 and Po,2/P = 9.181
cp,max = (2/M2)*(Po,2/P -1) = {2/(1.4*2.62)}*(9.181 1) = 1.7289
using cn = cp,max sin2 , cl = cn cos = cp,max sin2 cos and cd = cp,max sin3 ,
For = 5, cl = (1.7289)* sin2 5 cos 5 = 7.567 x 10-3
cd = (1.7289)*sin3 5 = 1.145 x 10-3
For = 15, cl = (1.7289)* sin2 15 cos 15 = 0.1118
cd = (1.7289)*sin3 15 = 2.997 x 10-2
For = 30, cl = (1.7289)* sin2 30 cos 30 = 0.3743
cd = (1.7289)*sin3 30 = 0.2161
Agreement with exact expansion/shock wave results are even worse with Modified
Newtonian theory.
Part IV Viscous Flows
Chapter 15 Introduction to the Fundamental Principles and Equations of Viscous Flows
15.1. Consider the incompressible viscous flow of air between two infinitely long
parallel plates separated by a distance h. The bottom plate is stationary, and the top plate
is moving at constant velocity ue in the direction of the plate. Assume that no pressure
gradient exists in the flow direction. (a) Obtain an expression for the variation of velocity
between the plates, and (b) If T = constant = 320 K, ue = 30 m/s, and h = 0.01 m,
calculate the shear stress on the top and bottom plates.
Solution: Using the Navier-Stokes equation in the x-direction (with no body forces)
u/t + u u/x + v u/y + w u/z = -P/x + /x (*del*V + 2 u/x) +
/y {(v/x + u/y)} + /z {(u/z + w/x)}
Where del = (/x i + /y j + /z k) (vector operator with i, j, and k unit vectors)
V = u i + v j + w k (velocity vector)
for steady flow u/t = 0, 1D flow gives v = w = 0 along with derivatives, no pressure
gradient gives P/x = 0, leaving u = f(y)

0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 + /y ( u/y) + 0 or 2u/y2 = 0 (for constant prop )
Giving 2u/y2 = 0, two integrations give the following
u/y = C1
u(y) = C1y + C2
applying known BCs: at y = 0, u = 0 gives 0 = 0 + C2 so C2 = 0
at y = h, u = ue gives ue = C1h so C1 = ue/h giving u(y) = (ue/h)y
(b) If T = const = 320 K, ue = 30 m/2, h = 0.01 m, what is shear stress on the plates.
For air properties at T = 320 K, using Heat Transfer by Holman Table A-5 gives
T(K) x 105 (kg/m-s)
300 1.8462
2/5 = (x1 1.8462)/(2.075 1.8462)
x1 = x 105 = 1.93772 kg/m-s
xy = (v/x + u/y) = u/y = du/dy = ue/h
xy = (1.93772 x 10-5 kg/m-s)*(30 m/s)/(0.01 m) = 0.0581 N/m2
Chapter 16 Some Special Cases: Couette and Poiseuille Flows no homework
Chapter 17 Introduction to Boundary Layers
17.1. The wing on a Piper Cherokee general aviation aircraft is rectangular, with a span
of 9.75 m and a chord of 1.6 m. The aircraft is flying at cruising speed (141 mi/h) at sea
level. Assume that the skin friction drag on the wing can be approximated by the drag on
a flat plate of the same dimensions. Calculate the skin friction drag: (a) If the flow were
completely laminar (which is not the case in real life), and (b) If the flow were
completely turbulent (which is more realistic). Compare the two results.
Solution: sea level conditions give = 1.7894 x 10-5 kg/m-s, = 1.335 kg/m3, also
V = 141 miles/h x 5280 ft/mile x 1 m/3.281 ft x 1 h/3600 s = 63.03 m/s
Reynolds number Rec = Vc/ = (1.225)*(63.03)*(1.6)/(1.7894 x 10-5) = 6903875
= 69.03875 x 105 (turbulent)
(a) However, assuming laminar flow
Cf = w/(0.5V2) = 1.328/(Rec)1/2 = 1.328/(6903875)1/2 = 5.054 x 10-4
Dynamic pressure q = 0.5V2 = 0.5*(1.225 kg/m3)*(63.03 m/s)2 = 2433.3 N/m2
w = Cfq = (5.054 x 10-4)*(2433.3 N/m2) = 1.230 N/m2
For both sides of plate/wing: Df = 2Aw = 2*(9.75)*(1.6)*(1.230) = 38.37 N
(b) assuming fully turbulent flow:
Cf = Df/qS = 0.074/(Rec)1/5 = 0.074/(6903875)1/5 = 3.173 x 10-3
Df = (3.173 x 10-3)*(2433.3)*(9.75)*(1.6) = 120.4 N
For both sides of plate Df = 2Df = 241 N
Comparison of the laminar vs. turbulent skin friction drag values shows the laminar value
to be about 15% of the turbulent value.

17.2. For the case in Prob. 17.1, calculate the boundary-layer thickness at the trailing
edge for (a) Completely laminar flow, and (b) Completely turbulent flow.
Solution: boundary layer thicknesses are given by the following equations:
(a) laminar flow = 5.0x/(Rex)1/2 = 5*(1.6 m)/(6903875)1/2 = 1.218 x 10-3 m
(b) turbulent flow = 0.37x/(Rex)1/5 = 0.37*(1.6 m)/(6903875)1/5 = 2.538 x 10-2 m
17.4. Consider Mach 4 flow at standard sea level conditions over a flat plate of chord 5
inches. Assuming all laminar flow and adiabatic wall conditions, calculate the skin
friction drag on the plate per unit span.
Solution: given is M = 4, c = 5 in, std sea level conditions gives = 3.7373 x 10-7
slug/ft-s, T = 518.69 R, P = 2116.2 lb/ft2, and = 2.3769 x 10-3 slug/ft3
Local speed of sound a = (RT)1/2 = [(1.4)*(1716)*(518.69)]1/2 = 1116.3 ft/s
Using M = V/a gives V = Ma = (4)*(1116.3) = 4465 ft/s
Rec = Vc/ = (2.3769 x 10-3)*(4465)*(5/12)/(3.7373 x 10-7) = 11832549
= 118.32549 x 105 (turbulent)
However, assuming laminar flow
Cf = 1.328/(Rec)1/2 = 1.328/(11832549)1/2 = 3.86 x 10-4
Using Cf = Df/qS, Df = Cf qS
Dynamic pressure
q = 0.5*V2 = 0.5*(2.3769 x 10-3 slug/ft3)*(4465 ft/s)2 = 23693 lb/ft2
(units check: lb = slug-ft/s2 giving slug = lb-s2/ft)
For both sides of plate Df = 2 Cf qS = 2*(3.86 x 10-4)*(23693)*(5/12)*(1) = 7.623 lb
17.5. Repeat Prob. 17.4 for the case of all turbulent flow.
Solution: Cf = 0.074/Rec1/5 = 0.074/(11832549)1/5 = 2.848 x 10-3
For both sides of plate Df = 2 Cf qS = 2*(2.848 x 10-3)*(23693)*(5/12) *(1) = 56.24 lb
Chapter 18 Navier-Stokes Solutions: Some Examples (no homework problems)

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