Prophet & Judge

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chool 11/27/12 Sunday School Lessons - Samuel the Prophet (Lesson 3) Prophet & Judge

Samuel the Prophet (Lesson 3)

Samuel - Prophet & Judge

by Mike

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LESSON OBJECTIVE Topics: Following God, Obedience, Samuel In this lesson children see that Samuel follows God all the days of his life, while disobedience causes Saul to lose his job as king. AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes) Samuel's Journey (Coloring Page) Click here WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes) Further info? Click here

BIBLE VERSE (5 minutes) "I will always obey your law, for ever and ever." Psalm 119:44 NIV Take a few moments to explain why it is so important to obey God's law. BIBLE STORY (15 minutes) Introduction: Our story today details how Samuel continued to serve God all the days of his life. Read 1 Samuel 3:19-21; 7:15-8:9; 15:17-23 and 16:1-13 or read the paraphrased story below. Samuel - Prophet & Judge (Story) Click here Discussions Questions: 1. How many of His promises did God keep to Samuel? (All of them.) 2. In what ways did Samuel serve God as he grew up? (Samuel was chosen to be a prophet & judge.) 3. How long did Samuel serve God? (All the days of his life.) 4. When Samuel grew old, why didn't the people of Israel want Samuel's sons to be judges? (Samuel's sons were greedy and were bad judges.) 5. The people asked for a king to rule over them, what was name of the first king to rule over Israel? (Saul.)



chool 11/27/12 Sunday School Lessons - Samuel the Prophet (Lesson 3) Prophet & Judge

6. Saul started out as a good king, but as time went on he became disobedient to God. What happened because of King Saul's sin? (God rejected Saul as k ing and put someone else in his place.) 7. God lead Samuel to appoint a second king to rule over Israel, what was the second king's name? (David.) FUN TIME (15 minutes) Crown the King (Game) Click here PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes) Further info? Click here Remind children that is good to be thankful for the gifts that God gives us, give thanks, then enjoy the snack. CLOSING ACTIVITY As the children wait to be picked up, have them act out the story or give them free play time. NEXT WEEK Choose another exciting lesson plan from Kid's Sunday School Place for Preschool. TAKE HOME PAGE Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home. Click here

2 0 0 9 -2 0 1 2 K i d s S u n d a y S ch o o l P l a c e , I n c. A l l Ri g h t s Re se rve d .



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