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Labour News

Hove and Portslade

Introducing Peter Kyle

Labour Party activists have elected Peter Kyle as their parliamentary candidate for Hove and Portslade. Peter has lived here for fifteen years and has deep roots into our communities. As well as gaining a PhD in community development from Sussex University, Peter co-founded a video company and is governor at two schools here in our

what did the Labour government do for the environment?


Labours new Parliamentary Candidate for Hove and Portslade

city. Earlier he was an aid worker helping young people during the Balkan wars. Peters experience makes him the ideal candidate to fight for solutions to our local challenges, like local job creation, getting investment into our communities, and making sure every young person has access to the best education our country can offer.

What youth unemployment is costing us

Did you know that there are 1,350 young people under the age of 24 right here in our city that are out of work and on benefits? Thats enough to fill an entire secondary school like Hove Park and will cost us 8m in benefits and lost taxes this year alone, rising to a staggering 28m in the course of the next decade. Peter Kyle, Labours parliamentary candidate, established the Youth Unemployment Taskforce two years ago which has produced policies that can end this mounting crisis.

Peter Kyle at Blatchington Mill School

Brighton, Hove & District


Labour News

Tackling working poverty
Emma Daniel with shadow minister Caroline Flint MP and supporters

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Labour wins historic election victory

Labour's fresh approach to local campaigning has won over voters in Hanover and Elm Grove in a recent byelection. Emma Daniel, a new face to local politics, drew a sharp contrast with the disappointment people now feel with Green policies and their representatives. So much so that there was an amazing 11% swing to Labour. Working mum Emma was delighted to become the citys newest Labour &
Brighton Pavilion (Green) Brighton Kemptown (Conservative) Hove (Conservative) Hanover & Elm Grove By-Election (Labour)

Sixty percent of people who claim benefits are working. Millions of people work full time and still cannot afford the basic necessities such as rent. Thats why Labour wants employers to pay a living wage, enough to live on, not just survive. A living wage will bring the welfare bill down because fewer people in work will need

Co-operative councillor. We wanted to focus on positive policies and what we would do to address real problems like housing quality, traffic and personal debt, she said. This result follows on from Labour's big council by-election win in East Brighton last October. It shows that Labour can win all three of the city's parliamentary seats from the Greens and Tories at the next General Election in May 2015, and take control of the City Council on the same day.

Giving our employees at the Brighton House a Living Wage has allowed us to retain qualified and satisfied staff. This has translated into better levels of customer service for our guests, and in turn higher levels of occupancy. To do otherwise would be a false economy."
benefits, particularly housing benefit. This is a much better way of tackling the deficit than the coalition governments welfare reforms which are more about finding people to blame for their failed economic policies than addressing the real problems. Paying a Living Wage works for employers, too. Fourteen Labour local authorities across the country are accredited as living wage employers. In Brighton and Hove, over 80 employers have signed up to pay a living wage. Lucho Zuidema, owner of the Brighton House Hotel, said: Giving our employees at the Brighton House a Living Wage has allowed us to retain qualified and satisfied staff. This has translated into better levels of customer service for our guests, and in turn higher levels of occupancy. To do otherwise would be a false economy. For more information visit www.


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Swing achieved in July 2013 Swing needed 2015



Happy birthday!
Labour celebrated the 65th birthday of the NHS by taking a giant birthday card out to the streets for people to sign. Anne Pissaridou, councillor for Wish ward in Hove, said So many people wanted to sign in support of the NHS that we ran out of space on the card! Labour founded the NHS and has always been committed to a national health service of the best possible quality.
Left: Passers-by sign the NHS 65th birthday card at a street stall in Hove

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A few facts...
While the coalition government backs away from its climate change promises, many people are still benefitting today from Labours policies which have promoted green jobs, more energy-efficient homes, a cleaner environment, access to the countryside and conservation.

What did the Labour government do for the environment?

In 2001 the Countryside and Rights of Way Act established the right to roam across thousands of acres of land. In 2008 the Marine and Coastal Access Act enshrined in law public access to the coastline. New national parks included the South Downs. EU-funded countryside stewardship schemes were set up for farmers, resulting in a reversal in the decline of many species under threat. Animal protection was improved by the Animal Welfare Act 2006. Air, river and beach pollution was dramatically reduced following EU legislation, which also saw recycling rates increase from 15% to 37%. Labour set a target of 75% of new housing to be built on brownfield sites. Planning and building laws improved the efficiency of new buildings. In 2006 the government set an ambitious plan that all new homes built after 2016 would be zero carbon.

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The Climate Change Act of 2008 set in law the commitment to reduce emissions by 80% from 1990 to 2050. This was the worlds first legally binding climate change act. A third of economic growth since 2011 has been in green sectors. Labour set targets for 30% of electricity to be renewable by 2050, and committed energy companies to put a smart meter in every home by 2050.
Photo: Scott Hortop


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The London Array, the world's biggest wind farm. Photo: London Array Limited

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Co-operation in Bevendean
Labour councillors, members and supporters have given their support to the Bevendean, which is being set up as a co-operative pub for the community. Its great to see the community come together to create something that will really answer a need, and a fantastic example of how a co-operative approach can give people more say, said Labour and Cooperative councillor for Moulsecoomb and Bevendean Leigh Farrow. In this difficult economic climate, many small businesses are struggling and pub closures have risen. Labour has campaigned for a statutory code regulating pubcos and making it easier for small landlords to operate.

Your views or concerns:


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How would you vote if there was an election tomorrow? Labour Conservative Lib Dem Green UKIP Other
Post this free of charge to: Brighton, Hove & District Labour Party, FREEPOST RSGY-ETTZ-EAUK, 49 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2BE. Or email us on: To contact your parliamentary candidate directly, their contact details are on the front page.


Labour News

Why I am standing
My whole career has been spent supporting positive change within communities and I believe there is no better position to achieve this than as an MP. That is why Ill be seeking your support at the next general election. The city we love is being held back. The coalition government is taking money from hard working middle-income families, and the Green-led council is hostile towards the very economic progress we need so badly here. That is why the number of people out of work for more than two years has increased by 88% here in the last year. My priorities are to increase the availability and standards of comprehensive education, end youth unemployment, and unlock the potential of communities that have been starved of investment for too long. Ill be campaigning in your neighbourhood soon, and you can also find more information by visiting www.

34,000 people commute away from our city to work every day, enough to fill the Amex Stadium. This years 4.1% fare rise will cost people over 175 extra per year and take more than 3m out of our local economy. Peter Kyle

Out and about in Hove and Portslade

Ed Miliband and Peter Kyle recently visited Blatchington Mill school in Hove. The visit lasted several hours, enough time to have detailed discussions with students and staff, and take questions during an assembly.

Since being selected as the Labour parliamentary candidate in June, Peter Kyle has wasted no time in getting to meet as many local residents as possible. The reception to his positive approach to politics and solving local problems has been enthusiastically welcomed. This years Brunswick Festival was a huge success, and Labours red popcorn flew off the shelves! We also took the opportunity to campaign for landlord registration which would improve living conditions for many people in private rented accommodation.

As a former trustee of Pride, Peter took huge pleasure in the success of this years event. It was a fun and inclusive day which also drew attention to the disturbing rise of homophobia in Russia.

Promoted by J. Fellows on behalf of Brighton, Hove and District Labour Party, both of 49 Church Road, Hove, BN3. 2BE. Printed by Pureprint, Bellbrook Industrial Estate, Uckfield, TN22 1QQ. Design: compoundEye. Printed on paper from a sustainable source.

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