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Written by Aamir Abbas (A.) +91 956 062 1986

FADE IN: INT. THE BEDROOM - DAY We see the idols of Lord Ram, Sita and Hanuman. We see a woman in SILHOUETTE comes in the frame, folds her hands and then turns towards the table. It is a room of a girl, we see lot of mess in her room. She stands in front of the mirror, a saree and the black garment is kept on the table and can be seen through the mirror. SUJATA (28), motionless for a while, picks up a bag from near her tender youthful legs and unfolds the black garment from the bag. We just follow the movement of her hands as she slides the black garment down her slender neck and curvy back. She moves out of her home, in a Burqa, appearing to be going somewhere to meet in higher authorities. EXT. ROAD - DAY Sujata is walking down the lane, she is looking at everyone through a Burqa. Everyone is looking at her too while moving in their own destinations. As she is walking down, there comes a medical store. She stops for a while and looks at it. CUT TO: EXT. ROAD - EARLIER IN THE DAY As we pan the camera, and see Sujata without a Burqa comes to the medical store where there is OWNER at the counter and another is YOUNG ATTENDANT. She has little red scars on her face as if she has been beaten badly. She asks for some medication from the attendant. SUJATA (showing the prescription) Please, give me these medicines. The young attendant reads the prescription, and moves to take out the mentioned medicines but is stopped by the owner. OWNER (in an arrogant voice) We dont have them.. Please go away from here.. The young attendant interrupts the owner, but he gives a stare at the young boy. He looks helpless and feels sorry for Sujata.


Sujata looks at the owner in disappointment. He just ignores her and moves to attend another customer standing in there. CUT TO: EXT. DAY - PRESENT MOMENT Sujata is seen in Burqa, standing and looking at the owner of the medical store. She goes to him and shows the half torn page that has a prescription. He asks the young attendant to deliver the medicine at the counter. Sujata is looking constantly at him, as she gets the medicines, she pays him and leaves from there. EXT. BUS STAND - DAY We see lot of people standing in the que and waiting for their destinations bus to appear. Some people are reading the daily newspaper, some are looking at their watches with a hurriedness on their faces. In the same crowd, Sujata in a burqa is standing in the que with a carry bag on her shoulders. The carry bag is little unusual and is not preferred bag for any lady. In the middle of this crowd, there is a small girl standing with her mother. She looks at Sujata and passes on her a smile - wondering who is there behind the black veil. Sujata extends her hand to show affection to little girl but her mother pulls her back. Leaving the girl and Sujata saddened. She looks at girls mother, through veil, in utter disappointment. She seems to be lost for a while. Suddenly a bus arrives, mother and the girl boards the bus. There is another male figure who boards the bus, in a hurry he somehow gives a little push to her. She comes back to the present moment and realizes that even she needs to boards the same bus. INT. BUS - DAY In the bus, we hear, a song is being played - PURDE MEI REHNE DO.. PARDA NA UTHAO... PARDA JO UTH GAYA TOH RAAZ KHUL JAAYEGA..


She boards the bus from front door. She scans the entire bus looking for an isolated place to settle herself in with that clingy bag. Again, she comes across the same woman but this time - tries to escape from her. She settles in one of the corner seat in the bus with her carry bag, next to the window. The conductor is approaching every one for tickets and payments. In another row of a bus, two boys are sitting with a placard that states - It is not the SKIRT, but size of Thinking Matters! One of them, turns back to see Sujata, the other guy looks at her too. BOY I Abey haath mei yeh hai, kam se kam abhi toh mat dekh usko! BOY II Behenchod, dekh hi to raha hun .. RAPE toh nahi kar raha naa.. BOY I (to somewhat agreeing, Smiling) Tu kabhi nahi sudhrega.. Hai naa! He also joins in looking at her. Sujata turns her face towards them and gives a look. Both the boys starts to look in other directions. She sees that they are sitting on seats reserved for ladies. It is written as HILAYEN (in Hindi) instead of Mahilayein. She holds the bag more tightly and securely. One of the boy notices it that she is trying to hide something. The woman sitting with her daughter also, takes a look at the her and gets a little conscious on seeing Sujata little nervous. Sujata notices that people are watching her. So, she puts a bag on the other side of her and tries to adjust in the seat. Meanwhile, bus is moving in the direction. The bus conductor comes to the mother and asks for tickets. She hand over him the money and asks for two tickets to her destination.


While handing over the money, she makes the conductor aware of the strange woman in Burqa. WOMAN Hey.. That lady in burqa.. (pointing towards her) I think.. She is getting uncomfortable, and I doubt her! The bus conductor looks at her. She becomes too concious, and is not troubled, is sweating a bit. He hands over the ticket to mother and directly heads to Sujata for tickets. He asks her to take the ticket. She hands over the money to him quickly and sits idle looking outside the window. The conductor looks at her while pulling the right ticket for her. She is little scared and she is getting more and more uncomfortable on this. The bus conductor hands over the ticket to her and goes to another passenger with his reasonable doubt. He is still distributing tickets and collecting money when he himself doubts Sujata a bit. After a while, the conductor comes closer to her seat. BUS CONDUCTOR Madam, may I please see your face. The lady doesnt react, rather looks outside the window. Conductor repeats himself thinking he was not audible. BUS CONDUCTOR (CONTD) Maam, Can you please show your face to me?..(beat) us, I mean! SUJATA (turning her face to him, in fear) No.. No.. I am not the one! BUS CONDUCTOR We have certain doubts. SUJATA Doubts... But I said I am not the one!!! Please.. Please forgive me.. Every passenger in the bus looks at her and the bus conductor seems confused.


BUS CONDUCTOR (looking at other passengers for approval) Its a request! SUJATA No .. No.. I cant show my face.. There is another OLD CITIZEN sitting in her front. He also makes a request. OLD CITIZEN Dont worry child.. Just show your face to us.. Everything is fine.. Everyone in the crowd looks at Sujata with a question mark, She looks at everyone through veil, having her own resistance to show face. SUJATA (thinking for a while) Its my stop. She gets up from her place, passengers are still looking at her, and makes her space to move out of the seat. She forgets to take her bag and leaves it on the seat. BUS CONDUCTOR (O.S.) (commanding) Maam, Take Away your carry bag! She turns back, comes to the seat, takes the bag and walks back to the door again. Everyone is still expecting her to show the face. She is about to get down from her bus, when she again looks back at all passengers sitting with same expression on their faces. She steps one stair up and unveils herself. All the passengers are relieved seeing her, and little shocked too. The mother, the two boys, bus conductor feels ashamed too. She gets off the bus. We see the girl smiling at her, they both exchanges smiles. EXT. ROAD - DAY Sujata is walking down the lane in some crowded market. She is walking in the opposite direction. By the side of a road, there is photograph shop. She enters it and talks to a man over there.


INT. PHOTOGRAPH SHOP - DAY Sujata is standing with a veil and next to her are the lights to lighten up her face for photographs. The man is making his camera ready and adjusting the lights. PHOTOGRAPHER (busy in setting up) Clicking a photograph requires to be unveiled. She is standing still, doesnt move at all. She takes a look at his doings. PHOTOGRAPHER (CONTD) (looking at her) Maam, can you unveil your face. SUJATA Please click it like this only. PHOTOGRAPHER But, in this only your eyes are visible.. and photographs are to reveal your face.. Sujata just stands still, and doesnt say anything. Photographer is confused thinking why is she getting the photograph clicked, when she doesnt reveal her face. He still does his job, he clicks the photograph and moves out of the clicking room. Sujata follows him to outside. PHOTOGRAPHER (CONTD) Please wait! It will be ready in 10 minutes. Sujata, looks around his shop and it has different photographs, different emotions being captured. She takes a look at the photographs of some group of friends. She looks at single photograph of some girl, smiling. Photographer hands over the passport size photographs, she takes a look at them one by one, even though all of them are same. She takes a exit from the shop, after paying him the money. EXT. ROAD - DAY She is walking down the road, along side is a big mall, when she comes across a group of friends moving out of mall pulling each others leg and making fun, having ice creams. She stops for a while, and stands to look at them. MATCH CUT TO:


EXT. ROAD - EARLIER MOMENT Sujata and her friend - RACHITA comes and hands over the ice cream to everyone in the group. It is a group of 4 boys and 3 girls. While all of them are laughing out loud. One of the boy looks straight and points to something off screen. CUT TO: EXT. ROAD - PRESENT MOMENT Sujata is standing in Burqa observing the entire group and is lost in some memories. One of the boys standing across the road, comes to her. BOY III Maam... Youve been observing us from quite sometime now..(beat) Sujata seems to still be looking away at the group. The boy touches her shoulder to get her back to the senses. Sujata comes back to the present moment. BOY III (CONTD) ... May I know, the reason? Sujata looks to him in little shocked as if she is scared of someone getting so close to her. She is scared of the touch. Sujata moves back a little and leaves from there walking briskly. The boy looks at her in surprise walking down. The entire group comes there and looks at her. Sujata turns her face while walking, to look at all of them, in fear. GIRL I Did you tease her? BOY III Are you mad? I didnt do anything? GIRL II But she was just watching us.. What so big deal? BOY III You dont know! These days you really cant trust anyone. GIRL I Ya.. He is right.. You never know.. Who comes out to be a SUICIDE BOMBER..(beat) (MORE)

8. GIRL I (CONT'D) ... Why to wear a burqa.. It doesnt help you with anything!

GIRL II Yaa... Why not... Even you can be the one! BOY IV Guys! Lets go .. Lets not get into this useless discussion.. EXT. SOME ROAD - DAY She is walking down the lane, along side is the wall appearing to be of some government office or something. She walks into the entrance and we see that it has name written in Arabic - Jamaaitul Al-fikra. INT. OFFICE - DAY Sujata is sitting on the chair waiting for someone to appear. She has kept her bag down on floor next to the chair. A fan whiffs overhead. She examines the office, on the wall there are photographs of uniform wearing children. All of the are girls wearing hijab, age between 8 years to 15 years. The wall has some photographs of girls winning competition in poem reciting, art, embroidery and many other. It also has the photograph of the principal taking award for BEST ISLAMIC SCHOOL from some political figure. On the table is kept the name plate with the name engraved as - FAROOQ A. KHAN, PRINCIPAL. There is a SOUND of SOME MAN entering from her back. He comes to face Sujata. FAROOQ A. KHAN (introducing, extending a handshake) Hi, I am Farooq Ahmad Khan. Sujata stands in respect and one can see that she is not comfortable in shaking hands with him. She is little afraid. FAROOQ AHMAD KHAN, makes gesture to her for keep sitting. She sits back in chair. In the hot summer, he looks quite calm with his white linen Kurta and Pyjama, and his long beard and specs. He sits down on his chair, and looks something in the computer. FAROOQ A. KHAN (CONTD) You are the one who made request, right?


Sujata agrees. He looks at her, after going through something on computer screen. FAROOQ A. KHAN (CONTD) Saw your profile.. but you dont have any prior experience in it. Sujata is sitting idle, and is listening to him carefully. See, it is all about Muslim Religion. And, I dont know, how much are you aware of it. Sujata interrupts. SUJATA Sir. But I can learn. FAROOQ A. KHAN Oh yes! But it will be time consuming... SUJATA Dont worry Sir! I will try my best..(Beat) learn as much as possible.. (little nervous) FAROOQ A. KHAN Ok! I will ask the best trainer over here to train you..(beat) ...Can you hand me over your passport size photograph for documentation purposes... Sujata takes out the passport size photographs clicked in Burqa and hands over that to him. FAROOQ AHMAD KHAN (looking at the clicked photographs, in surprise) What is this? Your face isnt visible..? Sujata looks silently to him. She drinks the water kept next to her. See.. It was ok till the interview.. But it cannot be practiced during the office hours..(beat) ... See it is like killing the work ethics.. Everyone over here should be treated equally.. And beyond that the students should know, who is teaching them. SUJATA Sir, But I dont want to remove it!


FAROOQ A. KHAN But, why do you insist on it..? Dont you think it will be a problem while teaching? SUJATA Sir ... As a teacher, my job will be to impart education...(Beat) ...Why should a burqa be a barrier in giving education? FAROOQ A. KHAN But, why do you have to wear it in the first place? SUJATA (in a cracking voice) So that I dont get discriminated! FAROOQ A. KHAN What..? Beg your pardon! SUJATA Sir.. I want to live like others. I just dont want people to treat me differently. FAROOQ A. KHAN But.. You.. Yourself are doing it wearing Burqa.. Sujata is quite for sometime, she seems to be thinking something. SUJATA What if I remove it? Will I not get discriminated then? Farooq A. Khan looks in surprise to her. FAROOQ A. KHAN Why will you? .. You will be just like any other female employee over here... SUJATA (firmly) Are you really sure about it sir? FAROOQ A. KHAN Yes.. I am.. and that is why I want you to remove your veil and work with us in normal way.. Sujata unveils herself and she has some little scars on her face. Farooq Ahmad Khan, is shocked seeing her.


FAROOQ A. KHAN (CONTD) You..? You are the one who... SUJATA Yes, I am the one! FAROOQ A. KHAN But, your name is.... (thinking for a moment) S..Su.. SUJATA Yes Sir, I am Sujata..(beat) ...I am the one who became the victim.. I am the one who got raped on that horrifying night.. By those ruthless males, who wanted to prove their manhood... FAROOQ A. KHAN Ohh.. I am sorry! SUJATA Dont be! FAROOQ A. KHAN But then, why Burqa? SUJATA Because I did recover from my rape injuries.. But couldn't recover from the society.. FAROOQ A. KHAN What does that mean? SUJATA The media house highlighted the case, even initiated lot of debates between different cities, communities and presented my case all over the world.. (Beat) ... It let every person recognise me and look at me in aguish and leading to lot of trauma other than just being raped..(Double beat) ... My family disowned me, society rejected me.. Made me JOBLESS for ever.. In all the interviews my profile was accepted but not my IDENTITY. The principal, Farooq A. Khan, is listening to it while thinking on it. Farooq sits quietly. There is a KNOCK on the door. FAROOQ A. KHAN Please come in!


A peon enters, comes to the principal, looks at Sujata. The Peon gestures disapprovingly at her. Both the principal and Sujata looks at her gesture. FAROOQ A. KHAN (CONTD) (to peon, noting his gesture) Why did you interrupt? PEON Oh Yes Sir.. There are some officials to meet you. FAROOQ A. KHAN Ask them to wait for sometime. The peon leaves. The principal looks at Sujata in disappointment. FAROOQ A. KHAN (CONTD) (to Sujata) I am sorry! SUJATA Its ok! I am used to such things! (Beat) ... Just give me an opportunity to work.. FAROOQ A. KHAN Actually, Sujata you see - I have to discuss it with my employees.. (trying to escape the situation) It is not my decision solely.. You see I am also answerable.. (Double beat) .. No doubt, your profile looks impressive and it is not that you are from Hindu Religion but its about... (Beat) I hope you know what I mean... You see we really have to consider it..! After all, it is about the future of our students.. Sujata looks at him, saddened and disappointed. SUJATA Expected! .. (Beat) .. Well, it is not something strange.. I am used to all this now.. (gets up from her chair with the bag, puts her veil back) Thank You very much sir for your precious time.


The principal looks in shame. She walks out of the cabin, and the peon is standing outside. While moving out of the corridor, couple of girls crosses her way, wishing her. GIRLS Asalaam Walekum! She stands there, looks at both the girls. Gives them a gentle touch, and leaves. Her walk is little disorganized one, and is walking little faster than the usual one. EXT. ROAD - AFTERNOON Sujata is walking in disappointment and walking briskly. When she is walking, the medicine bottle falls from her hands. We have a close up of the medicine and we see at that she is walking but she stops and comes back to pick up the bottle. She scans the bottle closely. She starts walking again. She enters the building of her apartment. She stands over there, opens the door and closes the door on the camera. FADE OUT. EVERYDAY THE RAPE CASES ARE INCREASING AND DRESS IS REALLY NOT THE PROBLEM. IT IS IN THE MIND AND NOT IN DRESS!

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