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Minutes of the 9 Session of the 20 Directorate of the XU-CSG for S.Y.

2013-2014 Loyola Conference Room, Magis Student Complex, Xavier University 7:43 PM of August 2, 2013 Presiding Officer: Harold John M. Laborte Present: Harold John M. Laborte Dawn C. Acebedo Irish Crest G. Almanzor Krysthal J. Vasallo Jessa P. Petalcorin Lenie Rose C. Veronilla Gerardo G. Guangco Russel Anne P. Dela Pea Mario Alejandro Jacinto M. Neri Roxanne A. Lopez CSG Vice President AECO Convener ACES President ASC Prime CITSC President CONUS President CSSC President SBMSC President TG President UNITASS President



After determining the quorum existed, the 20 Directorate of the Central Student Government of Xavier University proceeded to do business. Opening Prayer: Agenda: 1. Pending Resolutions Confirmation of the new SBMSC President, Ms. Russel P. Dela Pea After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Seven members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Mr. Neri, and Ms. Lopez) voted yes. One member (Ms. Almanzor) was absent during the voting procedure. One member (Ms. Dela Pea) voted abstain. Having been approved by all of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate approved the passing of Resolution 0020-1314, A Resolution Acknowledging Ms. Russel Anne P. Dela Pea as the New President of the School of Business and Management Student Council and as a Member of the th 20 Directorate. Directorship Post to the new SBMSC President After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval.

Gerardo G. Guangco

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

Eight members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Ms. Dela Pea, Mr. Neri, and Ms. Lopez) voted yes. One member (Ms. Almanzor) was absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved by all of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate approved the passing of Resolution 0021-1314, A Resolution Delegating the Post for the Director of Student Services and Welfare to Ms. Russel Anne P. Dela Pea, the New President of the School of Business and Management Student Council Acknowledging the new SBMSC Vice President, Ms. Joan Allene R. Cavalida After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Eight members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Ms. Dela Pea, Mr. Neri, and Ms. Lopez) voted yes. One member (Ms. Almanzor) was absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved by all of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate approved the passing of Resolution 0022-1314, A Resolution Acknowledging Ms. Joan Allene R. Cavalida as the New VicePresident of the School of Business and Management Student Council and as the Convener of the Central Committee, the Local Legislative Body of the SBMSC Creation of the Scholars Association After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Eight members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Ms. Dela Pea, Mr. Neri, and Ms. Lopez) voted yes. One member (Ms. Almanzor) was absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved by all of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate approved the passing of Resolution 0023-1314, A Resolution Supporting the Initiative of the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) of Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan on the Creation of the Scholars Association Appropriation of the CSG Fund for the First Semester of the School Year, 2013-2014 Ms. Acebedo questioned where the triumvirate allocation is going. Mr. Laborte replied that it had different purposes for each triumvirate office: delegation purposes for the Office of the President, the Xavier Congress for the Office of the Vice President, and internal processes for the Office of the Executive Secretary. st Mr. Neri said that whatever amount is left at the end of the 1 semester, it will be carried over nd nd to the 2 semester, and whatever is left at the end of the 2 semester is carried over to the next administration. Mr. Guangco suggested that before the budget is approved, the GPOA from all executive units that will be funded should be presented first. Everyone agreed.
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Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

Upon the suggestion of Mr. Guangco, the body decided to have a voting procedure on the postponement of the resolution. Furthermore, Mr. Guangco raised a motion to request the GPOA from all executive units and was seconded by Ms. Acebedo The voting procedure for the postponement of the resolution commenced. All members (Ms. Almanzor, Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Ms. Dela Pea, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) voted yes. Having been approved by all of the members sitting en banc, the 20th Directorate postponed the resolution on appropriation of CSG funds. The voting procedure for the requesting of GPOA from all executive units commenced. All members (Ms. Almanzor, Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Ms. Dela Pea, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) voted yes. Having been approved by all of the members sitting en banc, the 20th Directorate will request a GPOA from all the executive units. Resolution on the adoption of the new Directorate Seal Mr. Neri pointed out some crucial points on the new seal that should be changed or removed, such as the colors used and the clarity of the title of the councils and the AECO.

Mr. Guangco moved to postpone the resolution and was seconded by Ms. Veronilla. The voting procedure commenced. All members (Ms. Almanzor, Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Ms. Dela Pea, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) voted yes. Having been approved by all of the members sitting en banc, the 20th Directorate postponed the resolution on adopting a new seal for the Directorate. 2. Second Reading of the Disaster Risk Management and Networking Act of 2013

After having been postponed during the 7 resumed the discussion on the bill.

Session for further discussion and research, the body

Mr. Neri commented that the concept was copy-pasted and that it had a very large scope especially with the mobilization of the students. Mr. Guangco suggested that a test run be done instead of an act. Ms. Vasallo supported Mr. Guangco and also suggested that this test run be put under the DEAN and that a resolution be drafted to support the said test run. Mr. Neri recommended the postponement of the bill.

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

Upon the recommendation of Mr. Neri, Ms. Vasallo moved to postpone the bill and was seconded by Ms. Petalcorin. Additionally, a motion to request the Director of Rules and Regulations, Ms. Petalcorin, to draft a resolution was rasied by Ms. Almanzor and seconded by Mr. Neri. The voting procedure for the postponement of the bill commenced. Eight members (Ms. Almanzor, Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Ms. Dela Pea, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) voted yes. One member (Ms. Petalcorin) voted abstain. Having been approved by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20th Directorate postponed the second reading of the DRMN Act. The voting procedure for the drafting of a resolution by the Director of Rules and Regulations commenced. Seven members (Ms. Almanzor, Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Ms. Dela Pea, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) voted yes. Two members (Ms. Vasallo and Ms. Petalcorin) voted abstain. Having been approved by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate has assigned Ms. Petalcorin, the Director of Rules and Regulations, to draft a resolution tasking DEAN with the creation of a committee to cater to the DRMN. 3. Other Matters A. Tenth Session Mr. Laborte informed the body that the 10 session will be held on August 3, 2013, 1:00 4:30 PM. But because of a meeting, he will be absent from the session and requested to have a substitute. Nominees set by the body were Ms. Petalcorin and Mr. Neri. The voting procedure commenced. Seven members (Ms. Almanzor, Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Ms. Dela Pea, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) voted for Ms. Petalcorin. One member (Ms. Vasallo) voted for Mr. Neri. One member (Ms. Petalcorin) voted abstain. As such, Ms. Petalcorin will be the temporary presiding officer for the 10 session. B. Council Update on Health Care Information Dissemination (Resolution 0019-1314) Mr. Laborte asked the members if they have already started disseminating the information on health services provided by the university (Resolution 0019-1314). Only CITSC, UNITASS, TG and CSSC were able to present their plans. All others had no plans yet. C. Representatives Summit per College
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Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

Mr. Laborte also inquired for updates from each college regarding their respective year representatives summit. Most of the members reported that they plan to hold it after the midterm exams, while some, like ASC, CITSC and TG already had plans. Only UNITASS was done with their summit, which was held on July 17. D. Supreme Court Update on pending Bills

According to the Supreme Constitutional Court, there will no longer be any defenses held for the currently pending bills (RCI Act and Anti-Vandalism Act) and for the future bills to come. Instead, a written report on any comments, clarifications and/or suggestions on the bill(s) will be sent to the Directorate. E. The 2013 Xavier Congress Mr. Laborte reminded the body for their representatives to the Congress to be held on August 24-25, 2013. So far, only UNITASS and CIT from the councils, and AECO, KKP and XUCCA from the sectors have submitted their list of representatives. F. OVP Representatives from College Councils Mr. Laborte reminded again the body to send a representative to assist the Legislative Technical Affairs Bureau and Legislative Reference Bureau of the CSG-OVP. G. Appointment with the Green Campus Agenda Mr. Laborte informed the body that he will be setting an appointment with the GCA Program Coordinator, Ms. Glenda Factura, for the revision and consultation of the Green Campus Act of 2013. H. Update on the Faber Hall Sanitation (Resolution 0013-1314) Ms. Lopez requested help from the members on any suggestions they may have on the issue of the Faber Hall sanitation. Any feedback from their co-curricular organizations will greatly help in improving the cleanliness of the office. Closing Prayer: Russel P. Dela Pea

ADJOURNMENT Having covered all items for discussion, the Ninth Session formally adjourned at 10:00 in the evening. The whole duration of the meeting was 2 hours and 17 minutes only.

Prepared by:

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

KRISTINE B. JAMITO (sgd.) Associate Legislative Secretary th XU CSG 20 Directorate

KEANU HENRI S. YU (sgd.) Legislative Secretary th XU CSG 20 Directorate

Noted by:

HAROLD JOHN M. LABORTE (sgd.) XU-CSG Vice President th 20 Directorate Convener

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

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