September 3-4, 2013: Minutes of The 11th Session of The 20th Directorate of The XU-CSG For S.Y. 2013-2014

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Minutes of the 11 Session of the 20 Directorate of the XU-CSG for S.Y.

2013-2014 Ignatius (Loyola) Conference Room, Magis Student Complex, Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan 6:40 PM (6:32 PM) of September 3 (4), 2013 Presiding Officer: Harold John M. Laborte Present: Harold John M. Laborte Dawn C. Acebedo *with Kee Arr Badong Irish Crest G. Almanzor Gerardo G. Guangco Russel Anne P. Dela Pea *represented by Ace Allen Viernes Mario Alejandro Jacinto M. Neri Absent: Krysthal J. Vasallo *represented by Mary Justimirj Go Jessa P. Petalcorin *represented by Rafael Cruta Lenie Rose C. Veronilla *represented by Denverlyn Dinero Rainier Arquillano Roxanne A. Lopez ASC Prime Minister CITSC President CONUS President CSG Vice President AECO Convener ACES President CSSC President SBMSC President TG President



(absent on the First day) (absent on the Second day) (absent on the First day)

UNITASS President

After determining the quorum existed, the 20 Directorate of the Central Student Government of Xavier University proceeded to do business. Opening Prayer: Agenda: 1. Adoption of the 2013 Xavier Congress Resolutions Strict Compliance of the Students Waiting Time Policy The 1 resolution was regarding the observance of the guideline stating that students can leave the class once 15 minutes or more have passed and the teacher has not yet come. Mr. Laborte added that this resolution was not only to comply with what is stated in the handbook, but also to further implement professionalism among teachers.The motion for 10 minutes was objected and 5 minutes unmoderated caucus was raised. No other objection was raised; Mr. Laborte proceeded for the voting procedure. Both Ms. Almanzor and Ms. Dela Pea recommended that the title be changed into something more general to include the other case.

Dawn C. Acebedo

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Three members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Almanzor and Ms. Dela Pea) voted yes. Six members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate approved the passing of Resolution 0025-1314, A Resolution Adopting the 2013 Xavier Congress Resolution Entitled, A Resolution Requesting the Xavier University Academic Council for the Strict Compliance of the Students Waiting Time Policy for Teachers . Twice per Semester Teachers Evaluation The 2 proposed resolution wished to promote the students right to evaluate their teachers and supplement the already existing evaluation. Ms. Almanzor said that the evaluation is done via random sampling thus, not all students are actually able to evaluate their teachers. Ms. Dela Pea suggested that they first study the sampling method of the evaluation before any decision. Ms. Almanzor shared the system from their college wherein the department does an intervention for teachers who get bad results from the evaluation by giving them ample time to improve their teaching. Furthermore, Ms. Almanzor commented that the scope of the resolution is too broad. She recommended that they first decide on the true goal of the resolution, whether it was to exercise the right of students to evaluate their teachers or make the evaluation more efficient. Mr. Cruta suggested that the once per semester evaluation may be retained only that the number of respondednts be increased.
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After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Three members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Almanzor and Ms. Dela Pea) voted for postponement. Six members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate postponed the passing of the resolution regarding the Twice-per semester Teachers Evaluation. Availability of Subjects Prior to Enrolment The 3 proposed resolution addressed the delay for some students because their subjects were not yet available or open upon enrolment. Ms. Dela Pea shared that there were subjects open but had to be updated by the students. Ms. Almanzor commented that the resolution was too general in nature; it should be more specific to be more effective
rd th

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Three members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Almanzor and Ms. Dela Pea) voted for postponement. Six members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved for postponement by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate postponed the passing of the resolution regarding the availability of subjects prior to enrolment. Campus Conscientization The 4 resolution would promote students discipline in the campus through a committee made by the CSG that would report any violator caught in the act to the OSA for penalization. Ms. Dela Pea clarified if all violations will be considered under this resolution; Mr. Yu replied according to the delegates explanation during the congress. Ms. Almanzor said that it will be hard to address the issue given that there are no specified violations.
th th

After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Three members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Almanzor and Ms. Dela Pea) voted no. Six members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been disapproved by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate rejected the passing of the resolution regarding Campus Conscientization. Strict Implementation of the University Dress Code The 5 proposed resolution is to ensure that the dress code directed by the OSA is properly implemented by the Security Office, especially that there are incidents wherein some students whove violated the said code are still able to enter the campus while others who have proper reasons (such as the athletes) are not allowed to enter. Mr. Laborte said that the guards are inconsistent when it comes to the implementation. Ms. Go said, gabuot-buot ra ang uban guards.
th th

After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Three members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Almanzor and Ms. Dela Pea) voted yes. Six members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate approved the passing of Resolution 0026-1314, A Resolution Adopting the 2013 Xavier Congress Resolution

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

Entitled, A Resolution Requesting the Security Office to Properly Implement the University Dress Code. XUCPFA and College PTAs Transparency The 6 proposed resolution was about promoting transparency in the XUCPFA on how the PTA fund was being used and where it was being allocated for. Ms. Almanzor commended the resolution saying that students are still stakeholders of the PTA fund. Ms. Go shared their own experiences in the council like the president was holding the money and not the treasurer or the financial reports were not transparent, and so on.

Since no other concerns were raised, the Convener suggested a motion postponing the approval of the resolution to the next session in hopes that there will be more council presidents present who may have the same concern or who are in favor of passing the resolution. A motion to postpone the approval of the resolution was raised by Ms. Acebedo. The motion was seconded by Ms. Almanzor. The voting procedure commenced. Three members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Almanzor and Ms. Dela Pea) voted for postponement. Six members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved for postponement by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate postponed the passing of the resolution regarding XUCPFA and College PTAs transparency. Since majority of the proponents of the remaining agenda were still absent by this time, Mr. Laborte suggested a motion to suspend the session until 5:30 PM the next day (September 4). A motion to suspend the session until 5:30 PM the next day was raised by Ms. Almanzor. The motion was seconded by Ms. Acebedo. The voting procedure commenced.

Three members (Ms. Almanzor, Ms. Acebedo, and Ms. Dela Pea) voted yes. Six members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Mr. Guangco, Mr. Neri and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been voted upon by all of the members sitting en banc, the 20th Directorate decided to suspend the session until 5:30 PM the next day. Closing Prayer: Mary Justimirj Go

After determining the quorum existed, the 20 Directorate of the Central Student Government of th Xavier University resumed to do business on the 4 of September, 6:32 PM. Opening Prayer: Rainier Arquiliano

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

2. Resume on the Adoption of the 2013 Xavier Congress Resolutions Twice per Semester Teachers Evaluation Mr. Guango raised a question on whether the passing of the resolution will really have an impact. Furthermore, he said that the main goal of the resolution should be targeting the effectiveness of the evaluation and not necessarily the students right to evaluate. Ms. Meneses from the OVP mentioned that some of the content in the evaluation is actually not applicable for all subjects or courses such as the section on the use of visual aid. Mr. Badong from AECO believde the resolution will still be ineffective since the sampling method used for evaluation is at random. Ms. Almanzor from ACES was for the rejection of the resolution. According to her statement, implementing a twice per semester evaluation will just be an additional expense; instead, its budget may be allocated to other areas of greater concern Also, should the resolution be revised, it should tackle the effectiveness of the evaluation. Ms. Go from ASC said that the goal and title of the resolution are not aligned. Mr. Arquillano from CONUS supported Ms. Go saying that the goal will not be reached. Mr. Guangco from CSSC was also for its rejection with a statement similar to Ms. Gos. Mr. Viernes from SBMSC commented that there wouldnt be a big impact since t he process itself is flawed. Mr. Neri questioned the reliability of the evaluation questionnaires given that a case(s) such as the one Ms. Meneses mentioned exists. Ms. Almanzor said that the probable reason why this resolution as drafted by the delegates was to make sure there are results after the evaluation, that there are actions taken based on the results. Mr. Neri also said that the process of the evaluation defects the purpose of the twice per semester evaluation since, as he said, daot ang sistema.

After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Three members (Ms. Almanzor, Mr. Guangco and Mr. Neri) voted no. One member (Ms. Acebedo) voted abstain. Five members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Ms. Dela Pea and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been disapproved by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate rejected the passing of the resolution regarding the Twice-per semester Teachers Evaluation. Availability of Subjects Prior to Enrolment Mr. Neri commended the resolution saying, Its a nice resolution. He also said that it is favorable since all will push for its implementation. Mr. Guangco questioned the administrations reasons for requiring students to take a subject(s) yet they are not opened. Ms. Almanzor added that whatever is stated in the prospectus of the students should be offered by the administration according to its academic term. An amendment on the resolution was suggested by Mr. Neri:

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

The resolutions title and content should specify that the securing of the subjects availability will be set according to the prospectus and to which academic term (semester and year level) it is assigned. The voting procedure for the approval and adoption of the amendment commenced: Four members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Almanzor, Mr. Guangco and Mr. Neri) were in favor of the amendment. All other members were absent during the voting procedure. Decision: The amendment suggested by Mr. Neri was approved and adopted by the body. After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Four members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Almanzor, Mr. Guangco and Mr. Neri) voted yes. Five members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Ms. Dela Pea and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate approved the passing of Resolution 0027-1314, A Resolution Adopting the 2013 Xavier Congress Resolution Entitled, A Resolution Requesting the Various Academic Departments in the University to Secure the Availability of the Subjects Offered by the Respective Departments Prior to Enrolment. XUCPFA and College PTAs Transparency Mr. Neri was for the resolution for transparency and also for the councils who have concerns with the issue.Ms. Almanzor commended the resolution saying that students are still stakeholders of the PTA fund. Mr. Guangco was also for the resolution with reasons similar to Mr. Neris. An amendment on the resolution was suggested by Mr. Neri: The resolution must state that the release of financial statements by XUCPFA be done on a semestral basis. The voting procedure commenced: Four members (Ms. Almanzor, Ms. Acebedo, Mr. Guangco and Mr. Neri) were in favor of the amendment. All other members were absent during the voting procedure. Decision: The amendment suggested by Mr. Neri was approved and adopted by the body. After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Four members (Ms. Acebedo, Ms. Almanzor, Mr. Guangco and Mr. Neri) voted yes. Five members (Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Ms. Dela Pea and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure.

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

Having been approved by majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate approved the passing of Resolution 0028-1314, A Resolution Adopting the 2013 Xavier Congress Resolution Entitled, A Resolution Requesting the Xavier University Confederated Parents -Faculty Association (XUCPFA) and its Equivalent in Each of the Schools and Colleges to Release their Semestral Financial Statements to the Public. 3. Second Reading of the Anti-Vandalism Act of 2013 (Returned from the Supreme Constitutional Court) Mr. Laborte shared with the body that the reviews for both the Anti-Vandalism Act and RCI Act have already been given by the Supreme Constitutional Court. The review includes comments, clarifications and suggestions that the Directorate may apply to the bill in discussion. As for sharing the reviews, Mr. Laborte decided to first discuss the one on the Anti-Vandalism Act before proceeding with the RCI Act. Below is a summary of the important contents in the review: No existing law has been violated by the Anti-Vandalism Act. Mention the majority of the infrastructures being vandalized Specify the pages in the handbook which contain the offenses and their penalties Is there an existing anti-vandalism system in the councils? In reply to this question, Mr. Neri suggested an amendment to the act which will specify that the councils will be sending a representative for the committee to be drafted. The body adopted this amendment.


A motion for a recess of eight minutes was raised by Mr. Neri. This motion was seconded by Ms. Acebedo. All were in favor of the motion thus; a recess for eight minutes was approved. RECESS: RESUME: 8:26 PM 8:34 PM

The reading of the review was resumed by Mr. Laborte: The major concern from the SCC is that they see the act to be inconsistent especially with the creation of a committee to address the issue when there is already an existing poicy.

Mr. Laborte requested for each of the members/representatives present to share their stand on the act: Ms. Acebedo from AECO said that the SCC does have a point. Ms. Go from ASC chose not to give a stand. Mr. Arquillano from CONUS supported the drafting of a committee. Mr. Guangco from CSSC said that it would be a waste if the committee exists just because of the law. Mr. Vierenes from SBMSC chose not to give a stand. Mr. Neri also supported the drafting of a committee.

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

After the body had finished discussing and reviewing the resolution and no other concerns were raised, the Convener opened the voting procedure for its approval. Two members (Ms. Acebedo and Mr. Neri) voted yes. One member (Mr. Guangco) voted abstain. Six members (Ms. Almanzor, Ms. Vasallo, Ms. Petalcorin, Ms. Veronilla, Ms. Dela Pea and Ms. Lopez) were absent during the voting procedure. Having been approved by the majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 Directorate approved the Second Reading of the Anti-Vandalism Act of 2013. 4. Second Reading of the Research and Constituents Insights Act of 2013 (Returned from the Supreme Constitutional Court) Having ended the discussion on the review on the Anti-Vandalism Act, Mr. Laborte proceeded with the reading of the review on the Research and Constituents Insights Act. Below is a summary of the important contents in the review: No existing law has been violated by the RCI Act. On the title, replace Creation of a Committee with Institutionalization of a Committee. Mr. Laborte asked Mr. Neri on whether a change in the title would require the st body to recede back to the 1 Reading. He replied that the discussion on that issue should just be postponed to the next session and that the discussion on the review be continued.

NOTED: Clarify the obligation of the councils in gathering responses from their constituents vs. their obligation to make their own ORCI. The major concern of the SCC is that there should be a declaration of policies to clarify the goal of the bill, its framework, etc. Mr. Neri said that a declaration of policies should not be indicated in the act since the act will not be institutionalizing a committee but only create one.

Having been approved by the majority of the members sitting en banc, the 20 postponed the Second Reading of the Research and Constituents Insights Act of 2013. 5. Second Reading of the Amendment of the 2011 Omnibus Election Code


Mr. Neri continued his presentation on the 2013 Omnibus Election Code from where he left off. This presentation and discussion covered the following: Article VI: Election Propaganda Amendment: online campaigns will not be covered by the code. Section 7 (Public Endorsements) will either be revised or deleted. Furthermore, this article has been noted and further discussion was postponed. Article VII: Registration of Voters Article VIII: Polling Places

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

Article IX: Method of Elections

After having discussed the items above, Mr. Neri requested the members to read ahead on Articles X to XV of the code. 6. Other Matters A. OVP Representatives from College Councils Mr. Laborte reminded again the body to send a representative to assist the Legislative Technical Affairs Bureau and Legislative Reference Bureau of the CSG-OVP. B. Updates on the Passed Directorate Resolutions Mr. Laborte reminded the members on updates regarding the following resolutions: Resolution 0005-1314: Release of Semestral Financial Reports Resolution 0009-1314: Office Hours Mr. Laborte reminded the members that any violations on the office hours can be reported immediately to the OSA

Resolution 0013-1314: Sanitation of Faber Hall So far, there have been no updates yet.

Resolution 0017-1314: Representatives Summit per College Resolution 0018-1314: Submission of Charters Mr. Laborte reminded the members to inform their co-curricular and extracurricular organizations to submit their charters on or before November 16, 2013.

Resolution 0019-1314: Health Services Information Dissemination


C. Twelfth (12 ) Session Mr. Laborte informed the body that the next session will most probably fall on the week after Intramurals to give time to the council presidents to concentrate on the event.

Closing Prayer:

Gerardo G. Guangco

ADJOURNMENT Having covered all items for discussion, the Tenth Session formally adjourned at 9:53 in the evening. The whole duration of the 2-day session was 5 hours and 23 minutes only.

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

Prepared by:

KRISTINE B. JAMITO (sgd.) Associate Legislative Secretary th XU CSG 20 Directorate

KEANU HENRI S. YU (sgd.) Legislative Secretary th XU CSG 20 Directorate

Noted by:

HAROLD JOHN M. LABORTE (sgd.) XU-CSG Vice President th 20 Directorate Convener

Office of the Vice-President | Xavier University Central Student Government Directorate

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