Weight Estimation of Vessels A

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Input Parameters Tan to Tan Length (L) Straight Face (SF) Diameter of Shell (ID) Density

Units Mtrs MM Mtrs

Values 14.8 50 4.8 7.86

Say constant

Thickness : Shell Thickness : t1 (mm) Dish Thickness : t2 (mm) mm mm 15.13058 15.15516

Calculation : Shell Height (H) : (TL - 2SF) Shell Circumference (C )= 3.14*(ID+t1) Shell Weight Formula : Kg:

Mtrs Mtrs

14.75 15.12721

= H(mtrs) x C(mtrs) x t(mm) x 7.86 Shell Wt : 26535.61 KG

Formulas in term of Inside Diameter Calculation of Shell Thickness: t1 (mm) Internal Pressure : P Shell Inside Radius : ID/2 : R Stress Value of Material: S* Joint Efficency : E Corrosion Allowances : CA Meters To Inches Input Meter : Output Inches:

88.18471 94.4882 17500 1 3 __P x R_ Formula : t1 : SE - 0.6P Shell Thickness : t (Inches) 0.477582 Shell Thickness : t (mm) 15.13058


Note : * Stress Value (S) for SA516 Gr.70 is 175 MM

Calculation of Dish Thickness: t2 (mm) Type : 2:1 Ellipsoidal Head Internal Pressure : P Shell Inside Diameter : ID Stress Value of Material: S* Joint Efficency : E Corrosion Allowances : CA Formula : t2 :

88.18471 188.9764 17500 1 3 __P x D_ 2SE - 0.2P


Calculation of Blank Diameter : Outside Diameter : OD Formula : BD : Blank Diameter : BD :

Dish Thickness : t2 (Inches) 0.478549 Dish Thickness : t2 (mm) 15.15516 MM

Dish Head Weight : Dish Weight :

Shell + Dish Weight : 29630.34 KG

4.8 188.9764

Kg/cm2 TO PSI Input Kg/cm2 Output PSI

6.2 88.18471

Value (S) for SA516 Gr.70 is 17500 Psi @ -20 650 F.

Blank Diameter : 4.830261 Mtrs (1.17 x OD) + 2SF 5.751406 Mtrs

(3.1416/4) x BD x BD x t2 x 7.86 3094.723 KG

Input Parameters Tan to Tan Length (L) Straight Face (SF) Diameter of Shell (ID) Density

Units Mtrs MM Mtrs

Values 2 50 1.5 7.86

Say constant

Thickness : Shell Thickness : t1 (mm) Dish Thickness : t2 (mm) mm mm 12 14

Calculation : Shell Height (H) : (TL - 2SF) Shell Circumference (C )= 3.14*(ID+t1) Shell Weight Formula : Kg:

Mtrs Mtrs

1.95 4.750099

H(mtrs) x C(mtrs) x t(mm) x 7.86 Shell Wt : 873.6572 KG

Calculation of Shell Thickness: t1 (mm) Internal Pressure : P Shell Inside Radius : ID/2 : R Stress Value of Material: S* Joint Efficency : E Corrosion Allowances : CA

187.748088 29.52756 20000 1 3 __P x R_ Formula : t1 : SE - 0.6P Shell Thickness : t1 (Inches) 0.278757231 Shell Thickness : t1 (mm) 10.08043366


Meters To Inches Input Meter : Output Inches:

1.5 59.05512

Note : * Stress Value (S) for SA516 Gr.70 is 17500 Psi @ MM

Calculation of Dish Thickness: t2 (mm) Type : 2:1 Ellipsoidal Head Internal Pressure : P Shell Inside Diameter : ID Stress Value of Material: S* Joint Efficency : E Corrosion Allowances : CA

187.748088 59.05512 20000 1 3 __P x D_ Formula : t2 : 2SE - 0.2P Dish Thickness : t2 (Inches) 0.279813873 Dish Thickness : t2 (mm) 10.10727237


Calculation of Blamk Diameter : Outside Diameter : OD 1.528 Mtrs Formula : BD : (1.17 x OD) + 2SF Blank Diameter : BD : 1.88776 Mtrs


Dish Head Weight : (3.1416/4) x BD x BD x t2 x 7.86 Dish Weight : 307.9889 KG

Shell + 2 x Dish Weight : 1489.635007 KG

Kg/cm2 TO PSI Input Kg/cm2 Output PSI

13.2 187.7481

for SA516 Gr.70 is 17500 Psi @ -20 650 F.

Mtrs 17 x OD) + 2SF Mtrs

1416/4) x BD x BD x t2 x 7.86

ASME Flanged & Dished:

Dish Radius = Head Diameter

Knuckle Radius = 6% of Head Diameter

Standard Flanged & Dished:

Dish Radius = Head Diameter

Knuckle Radius = 3/4" to 2" depending on Head Diameter 80:10 Flanged & Dished: Dish Radius = 80% of Head Diameter

Knuckle Radious = 10% of Head Diameter


Dish Radius = 1/2 Head Inside Diameter Knucle Radius = N/A


Dish Radius 90% of Head Diameter Knuckle Radius 17.3% of Head Diameter


10% Dish Radius = Head Diameter Knuckle Radius = 10% of Head Diameter

Art Montemayor

2:1 Ellipsoidal Heads

May 21, 2003 Rev: 1

Inches Start of Knuckle Radius mm

47.24 1200

Approximate area for nozzle attachment

Knuckle Radius Inches 10.20 mm 259 Tangent Line

Inside Depth (= I.D./4) 14.76378 Inches 375 mm

19.33 Note: Verify all dimension with vendor drawings 491

Inches mm

Dish Radius 53.42 Inches 1357 mm

Straight Flange (Varies) 2" Nom. 51mm

Key In the Head I.D.

59.05512 Inches 1500 mm

2:1 Elliptical Head

NOTE: Ellipsoidal 2:1 heads are fabricated and measured using the Internal Diameter (ID) of the head. Note that this measurement convention is opposite to that of the ASME F&D head. Any cylindrical shell fabricated to fit these heads must conform to or match the ID dimension.

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FileName: 173478460.xls.ms_office Worksheet: Ellipsoidal Heads

Tan to Tan Length (L) : Mtrs Straight Face (SF) : MM Diameter of Shell (ID) : Mtrs Shell Thickness : t1 (mm) Dish Thickness : t2 (mm) Weight : Kg

2 50 1.5 12 14 1489.635

case : 1 Tan to Tan Length (L) : Mtrs Straight Face (SF) : MM Diameter of Shell (ID) : Mtrs Shell Thickness : t1 (mm) Dish Thickness : t2 (mm) Weight : Kg case : 2 Tan to Tan Length (L) : Mtrs Straight Face (SF) : MM Diameter of Shell (ID) : Mtrs Shell Thickness : t1 (mm) Dish Thickness : t2 (mm) Weight : Kg case : 3 Tan to Tan Length (L) : Mtrs Straight Face (SF) : MM Diameter of Shell (ID) : Mtrs Shell Thickness : t1 (mm) Dish Thickness : t2 (mm) Weight : Kg case : 4 Tan to Tan Length (L) : Mtrs Straight Face (SF) : MM Diameter of Shell (ID) : Mtrs Shell Thickness : t1 (mm) Dish Thickness : t2 (mm)

2.5 50 1.5 10 12 1438.883

4 50 1.2 10 12 1527.9671

3 50 1.4 10 12 1489.2144

2 50 1.5 12 14

Weight : Kg


Diameter Radius Area volume Height

1.5 0.75 1.767375 3.7 2.0935


Diameter Height Vol

1.5 3 5.30145

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