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SET 1 Read the article and answer the questions that follow

Humans are special as their body structure is not a simple as other animals body structures. The Human

body consists of a head, a neck, a torso, two arms and two legs. Each parts of the body are important and has its own specific functions. So, we, as humans, must always take good care of our body so that it is in good condition. Our body sweats after a days work. We have to wash our hair and body daily to keep them clean. Regular bathing helps our teeth to get rid of bacteria that cause body odour when we sweat. We have to brush our teeth at least twice a day. Brushing our teeth with fluoride toothpaste helps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. By having clean teeth, we will have a healthy and beautiful smile. We must not eat too much of sweet food, such as sweets and candies. When we are out in the sun, we must wear proper clothes to protect as much skin as possible. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can be harmful. Long-sleeved shirts, long pants, long skirts or hats can cover most of our skin. There are many more ways we can protect our body. Keeping our body clean and healthy will make us look great and attractive. 1. The Human body is not simple as ____________ A it consist of a head, a neck, a torso, two arms and two legs. B it has many complex structures. C we need to take care of our body. D we have a bigger body structure.

2. The sweat on the surface of our skin can _____________. A get rid of body odour B prevent body odour from being released. C cause the growth germs D eliminate the bacteria

3. Consuming too much of sweets can cause toothache if ___________________. A we clean our teeth with normal fluoride toothpaste B we brush our teeth more than twice a day C we do not use the suitable toothpaste D we do not brush our teeth regularly

4. The phrase get rid of can be best be replaced with ___________. A clean B throw C eliminate D destroy

5. Which of the following statements is true? A Humans body is not complex B Humans body is complicated C We need to take care of some of our body parts only. D Some of our body structures have no real functions.

SET 2 Read the duty roster and answer the questions that follow. Duty Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Sweep and mop the floor Throw rubbish Arrange desks and chairs Wipe windows

Khadhijah and May May Kian Keong

Suraya and Sandra

Norazina and Letchumy Yasmin and Shiow Min Hanif Nagesh

Hidayah and Maslinda






Guo Jin

Min Chung






Class Monitor

: Yvonne

Assistant Class Monitor : Norain * All the tools used must be put back in the storeroom. * All pupils must come early to do their duty before the class starts and before they go home after class. * The class monitor and assistant class monitor must make sure that all the pupils do their task properly. Year 6 Harmony Class Teacher,

Encik Ariffin

1. The girls in the class are assigned to ___________________ . A. sweep and wash the floor in the school. B. arranging desks and chairs C. sweep the floor in the school D. clean and mop the floor

2. Yvonne and her assistant are responsible to __________________ . A. help clean the class and make sure that it is clean B. ensure that all the tools used are put back accordingly. C. make sure that all the classes are clean and tidy. D. make sure that all the pupils do their task properly.

3. All pupils must do their duty ________________. A. thrice a day B. after the class ends C. in the mornings and at noons every day D. before the class starts and after it finishes

4. The word do can best be replaced with _________________ . A. make B. perform C. work D. Finish

5. Anas is responsible to ____________________ . A. make sure that all pupils throw rubbish into dustbins. B. empty the rubbish in the wastepaper basket every Tuesday. C. clean and pick up the rubbish in the class every Tuesday D. throw rubbish every day

SET 3 Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Last Wednesday was Shiow Minns birthday.Since it was a holiday, too, as the country was celebrating its fifty-forth Independence Day, Shiow Minn invited a lot of relatives and friends to her birthday party. It was indeed a grand occasion. That morning, she woke up early and was busy helping her mother to prepare food and drinks for the party. She took the opportunity to bake a special cake after learning the skills from a one-day baking course organised by her school Cooking Club. She was very happy when she was complimented on her cake. There was a great selection of food and drinks prepared such as noodles, pineapple fried rice, cookies, chocolates, desserts, orange juice and barley water. While her mother and she were busy preparing the food and drinks, her brothers were helping with the decoration, as well as cleaning the house and arranging the chairs and tables. Her sisters decorated the living room with balloons .They also prepared party hats for the guests. The party began at six o clock in the evening when all the guests had arrived. Shiow Minn received a lot of presents from her relatives and friends. All of them came to her birthday party. It was the most memorable party she had ever had.

1. Shiow Minn was born in the month of ________________ . A. July B. August C. September D. October

2. Shiow Minns birthday party was celebrated _________________ . A. on a small scale B. among her family members C. on the National Day of the country D. Without much of a surprise

3.Why did Shiow Minn want to take the opportunity to bake a cake? A. None of her family members knew how to bake cakes. B. She had been dreaming of helping her mother. C. She wanted to show off her talent. D. She wanted to apply the baking skills she had learnt.

4. Arrange these sentences in the correct order. P Q R S Shiow Minn got up early. Shiow Minn siblings were decorating the house. Shiow Minn joined a baking course. Shiow Minns friends gave her presents.

A. P,Q,R,S B. P,Q,S,R C. R,P,Q,S D. R,Q,P,S

5. From the passage, we know that __________________ . A. some of Shiow Minns friends arrived late to the party. B. Siew Min was born on 31 August 1999. C. Shiow Minn was dissatisfied with the cake she had baked. D. Shiow Minns sisters were helping to clean and decorate the house.


Read the notice and answer the questions that follow. STORY-TELLING COMPETITION The English Language Society of Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (T ) Wellesley is organizing a storytelling competition. All pupils in the upper primary level are cordially invited to participate in the competition. Details of the competition are a s follows:Date : 12th August 2008 (Sunday) Time : 9.00 a.m. Place : School Hall Pupils who are interested can obtain the entry forms from their English Language teachers. Entry forms must be submitted to Miss. Kala, before 5th August 2008. Late entires will not be entertained.
Prizes Champion First runner-up = RM 500.00 cash and a hamper worth RM 150.00 = RM 300.00 cash and a hamper worth RM 100.00

Second runner-up = RM 100.00 cash and a hamper worth RM 50.00

All participants will receive a certificate of participation. For enguiries, please call : Miss. Parameswari at 017-33960000
1 2

This notice is promoting A the competition B a story telling contest C a poster drawing contest D the activities of the English Language Society

Who can take part in this competition ? A B C D Pupils from Year One to Year Three Pupils from Year Four to Year Six. All the pupils in SJK(T) Wellesley Members the English Language Society

All participants will receive a A B C D certificate hamper voucher cash prize

Uma is interested in taking part in this competition. What should she do first? A B C D See Miss. Kala on the 5th of August. Get her parents permission. Go to the school hall. Get an entry form.

Late entires will not be entertained means that A One can only participate if the entry form is on the 5th 5th of August C One must send in the entry form to Miss Kala only D One must send in the entry form on the 5th August August.

B One cannot participate if the entry form is received after the

SET 5 Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

One day , ten men went to catch tuna fish in the Straits of Malacca. Very early in the morning, they set out in their boat from Hutan Melintang, about twenty kilometers from the town Teluk Intan. Soon, they reached Pulau Sembilan. The men had a busy day. Then, it grew dark; a heavy thunderstorm was on its way. The fishermen decided to stop there for the night. They slept in their cabins. Suddenly, they heard a loud crash. In a moment they found themselves on the floor. Part of the cabin roof fell in but luckily no one was hurt. The boat had an accident with another boat. Mohammad Yasin, the leader of the fishermen rushed out to the deck. He saw an Indonesian cargo boat at the front of their boat. At once , he boarded the Indonesian boat and got a letter from the captain about the accident. After that, the two men parted happily.

1 Where did the fishermen stop for the night? A B C D In Malacca In Teluk Intan In Hutan Melintang In Pulau Sembilan

4 What happened to the fishermen in their cabins ? A B C D They fell of the boat. They fell off the bed. They slept soundly. They were injured.

2 The man stopped for the night because A B C D It was dark they were tired there was a storm their boat had an accident

5 The Indonesian Captain gave Mohamad Yasin ____________ A B C D some tools some money a new fishing boat a letter about the accident

3 Which one of the statements is true ?

A The cabin roof fell in. B A man fell in through the cabin roof. C The storm damaged the cabin roof. D The Indonesian cargo boat was also damaged badly. Abin roof.

SET 6 Read the advertisement and answer the questions that follow.


18 July 22 July 2008

1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor 4th Floor

Ladies Department - Mens Department - Childrens Department - Household Department

50% ff 70% discounts 40 60 % off 20 % - 70% off selected items

1 What is the advertisement mainly about? A FREE umbrella will be given to the first 50 customers every day. A A coloring contest A colouring contest will be held daily at the childrens department. B A superstore sale Entry forms are available at the Customer Service Counter. C A lucky draw Keep receipts to be eligible for a lucky draw on the 22 July 2008. D A festival

2, If you want to buy a wok for your mother, which department would you go to? A Household Department B Childrens Department C Ladies Department D Mens Department

3 Free umbrellas are given away to A the winners of the colouring B the winners of the lucky draw C the first 50 customers D all customers

4. If your mother wants to buy a scarf that costs RM 120.00, how much would she have to play? A RM 120.00 B RM 50.00 C RM 60.00 D RM 12.00

5. The entry forms for the childrens colouring contest can be collected from A the receptionist B the security guard C any of the sale personnel D the Customers Service Counter

ANSWER NO. 1 2 3 4 5 SET 1 B A D C B SET 2 D D D B B SET 3 B C D C B SET 4 B B A D B SET 5 D C A B D SET 6 B A C C D

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