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Dyslexia Definition Developmental reading disorder, also called dyslexia, is a reading disability resulting from the inability to process

graphic symbols. Alternative Names Dyslexia Causes, incidence, and risk factors Developmental reading disorder (DRD) is not caused by vision problems, but rather by problems with the brain's ability to recognize and process symbols. Children with DRD may have trouble rhyming and separating the sounds in spoken words. These abilities appear to be critical in the process of learning to read. A child's initial reading skills are based on word recognition, which involves being able to separate out the sounds in words and match them with letters and groups of letters. More developed reading skills require the linking of words into a coherent sentence. Because DRD children have difficulty connecting the sounds of language to the letters of words, they may have difficulty understanding sentences. Most children with DRD have normal intelligence, and many have above-average intelligence. The disorder is a specific information processing problem that is not connected with the ability to think or to understand complex ideas. DRD may appear in combination with developmental writing disorder and developmental arithmetic disorder. All of these involve using symbols to convey information. These conditions may appear alone or in any combination. Other causes of learning disability and, in particular, reading disability, must be ruled out before a diagnosis of DRD can be made. Cultural and educational shortfalls, emotional problems, mental retardation, and diseases of the brain (for example AIDS) can all cause learning disabilities. Symptoms

Difficulty determining the meaning (idea content) of a simple sentence Difficulty learning to recognize written words Difficulty rhyming May occur in combination with writing or arithmetic learning problems

Signs and tests The first step is to perform a complete medical (both physical and neurologic), developmental, social, school performance, and family history. These may be followed by psychoeducational testing and psychological assessment. Other causes of learning disabilities will need to be ruled out before the diagnosis of DRD can be confirmed. Treatment Special education services may include specialist help, individualized tutoring, or special day classes. Every individual has different requirements and an Individual Education Plan should be created for each child. Positive reinforcement is important as many students with learning disabilities have poor self-esteem. Psychological counseling may be helpful. Expectations (prognosis) Extra help (remedial instruction) can lead to marked improvement in reading and understanding. Difficulties with reading may be lifelong, however. Complications

Problems in school, including behavior problems (an indirect result, such as a reaction to teasing by other children) and loss of self-esteem Problems with reading in adulthood, which may result in occupational problems in certain careers, particularly if the problem was not addressed early

Calling your health care provider Call your health care provider if your child appears to be having trouble learning to read. Prevention Learning disorders tend to run in families. DRD is one kind of learning disorder. Affected families should make every effort to recognize existing problems early. For families without a previous history of learning disabilities, an intervention can begin as early as preschool or kindergarten if teachers detect early signs. Early intervention will provide the best possible outcome.

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