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Bilderberg Meetings Conferences (1998-2014)

1998 Bilderberg Meetings at Ayrshire, Scotland, Great Britain (14-17 May 1998)
Trnberry !otel in Ayrshire, Scotland, "nited #ingdo$ o% Great Britain, &as the site o% the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held
%ro$ May 14-17, 1998 (and the site o% the British '(en gol% torna$ent in 1977, 198), 1994, and *++9),
Evelyn de Rothschild (left) and his wife Lynn Forester de Rothschild attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at Trnberry
!otel in "yrshire# $cotland in May 1998%
For&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate !enry (issinger chats (left) with )iovanni "gnelli# the honorary chair&an of Fiat# before the 1998 $occer *orld
+, -arter final &atch between France and .taly at the $tade de France in $aint/0enis# France on 1ly 2# 1998% Henry Kissinger and
Giovanni Agnelli attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire, Scotland in May 1998.
()erard 1lien3"F43)etty .&ages)
.talian ato&obile chief and (retired) F."T chair&an )iovanni "gnelli &eets (ing 1an +arlos of $,ain and 5een $ofia of $,ain at the
ban-et at the 5irinal 4alace in Ro&e# .taly on $e,te&ber 68# 1998% )iovanni "gnelli attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at
Trnberry !otel in "yrshire# $cotland in May 1998% (4.778L. "LBERT83+8RB.$ $9)M")
$ir 1ohn Browne (left)# )ro, +hief E:ective of The British 4etrole& +o&,any# Larance Fller (center)# +hair&an and +E8
of "&oco +or,oration# and 4eter $therland# +hair&an of The British 4etrole& +o&,any# sha;e hands at a ,ress conference
in London on "gst 11# 1998# after British 4etrole& and '%$% oil cor,oration "&oco annonced ,lans for a <=> billion &erger
that will create Britain?s biggest co&,any# B4 "&oco# with its head-arters in London% Sir ohn Bro!ne and "eter #.
Sutherland attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire, Scotland in May 1998.
(1ohnny Eggitt3"F43)etty .&ages)
@"T8 $ecretary/)eneral 1avier $olana (left) and +oncil on Foreign Relations director Richard !olbroo;e &eet ,rivately on
8ctober 16# 1998% avier Solana and $ichard Holbroo%e attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at Turnberry Hotel
in Ayrshire, Scotland in May 1998. (4hotoA B C"@ 4"R9$3+8RB.$ $9)M")
4al *olfowitD (0ean of @itDe $chool of "dvanced .nternational $tdies in 1998) and for&er @"T8 $ecretary )eneral Lord
Robertson (British $ecretary of $tate for 0efence in 1998) attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at Trnberry !otel in
"yrshire# $cotland in May 1998% (@"T8 4hoto)
!enry (issinger (left) and @"T8 $ecretary/)eneral 1avier $olana attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at Trnberry
!otel in "yrshire# $cotland in May 1998%
@"T8 $ecretary )eneral 1avier $olana (left) and Lord Robertson# British $ecretary of $tate for 0efence# attended the 1998
Bilderberg Meetings held at Trnberry !otel in "yrshire# $cotland in May 1998% (@"T8 4hoto)
'nited $tates 4resident Bill +linton (center) is flan;ed by inco&ing Treasry $ecretary Lawrence $&&ers (left) and otgoing
Treasry $ecretary Robert Rbin (right) at the *hite !ose in *ashington# 0%+%# '%$%"% on May 16# 1999% &a!rence
Su''ers attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire, Scotland in May 1998.
(Ron $achs3+@43$yg&a3+orbis)
Trilateral +o&&ission &e&bers (fro& left to right) 4eter 0% $therland# $ada;o 8gata# 7bigniew BrDeDins;i# 4al Colc;er# and
0avid Roc;efeller ,ose for a gro, ,ortrait at a Trilateral +o&&ission ,arty on 0ece&ber 1# 1998% "eter #. Sutherland and
#avid $oc%e(eller attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire, Scotland in May 1998.
4eter 0% $therland# 4al Colc;er# and 0avid Roc;efeller attended the 199> Bilderberg Meetings near "tlanta# )eorgia# '%$%"%
in 1ne 199>%
LaFarge +hair&an and +E8 Bertrand +ollo&b (left)# 0ai&ler+hrysler +E8 1rgen $chre&,, (center)# and for&er '%$%
"&bassador to the 'nited @ations Richard !olbroo;e stand together in Berlin# )er&any on ",ril 61# 6EEF% )ollo'b,
Schre'**, and Holbroo%e attended the 1998 Bilderberg Meetings held at Turnberry Hotel in Ayrshire, Scotland in May
1998. (4hoto by $ean )all,3)etty .&ages)
1999 Bilderberg Meetings at Sintra, -ortgal (.-) /ne 1999)
The +aesar 4ar; !otel 4enha Longa in $intra# 4ortgal was the site of the 1999 Bilderberg Meetings%
1a&es *olfensohn (left)# 4resident of the *orld Ban;# s,ea;s with $tanley Fischer (right)# the First 0e,ty Managing 0irector of
the .nternational Monetary Fnd (.MF)# before a &eeting at the .MF head-arters in *ashington# 0%+% on ",ril 1=# 6EEE% 1a&es
*olfensohn and $tanley Fischer attended the 1999 Bilderberg Meetings held in $intra# 4ortgal fro& 2/= 1ne 1999%
(4hotoA Leslie (ossoff3"F43)etty .&ages)
"&erican s,ecial envoy Richard !olbroo;e (left)# @"T8 $ecretary )eneral 1avier $olana (center)# and '%$% "r&y )en% *esley
+lar; (right)# the $,re&e "llied +o&&ander of Ero,e# &eet together at @"T8 head-arters in Brssels# Belgi& on March
66# 1999 to discss the crisis sitation in (osovo% $ichard Holbroo%e attended the 1999 Bilderberg Meetings held in Sintra,
"ortugal (ro' +,- une 1999. The Kosovo .ar (or'ally ended on une /1, 1999. Richard !olbroo;e served as the 'nited
$tates Re,resentative to the 'nited @ations fro& "gst 6G# 1999 to 1anary 6E# 6EE1% (@"T8 ,hoto)
!enry (issinger (left) greets BenHa&in @etanyah# the 4ri&e Minister of .srael# in 1ersale&# .srael on 1anary 1E# 1999%
BenHa&in @etanyah is a &e&ber of the Li;d 4arty% Henry Kissinger attended the 1999 Bilderberg Meetings held in
Sintra, "ortugal (ro' +,- une 1999. (4hotoA "vi 8hayon3.srael )overn&ent 4ress 8ffice ()48))
Ero,ean +entral Ban; 4resident 1ean/+lade Trichet (left) tal;s with Finance Minister of $,ain 4edro $olbes ,rior to the start of an
e&ergency &eeting of Ero,ean 'nion finance &inisters in Brssels# Belgi& on March 6E# 6EEG% ean,)laude Trichet and "edro Solbes
attended the 1999 Bilderberg Meetings held in Sintra, "ortugal (ro' +,- une 1999. (B Thierry Tronnel3+orbis)
Ero,ean +entral Ban; 4resident 1ean/+lade Trichet (left) and the )overnor of the Ban; of .srael $tanley Fischer (right) ,artici,ate dring
the celebration of the GEth anniversary of the 4aris +lb in the &inistry of Finances in 4aris on 1ne 1F# 6EE=% ean,)laude Trichet and
Stanley 0ischer attended the 1999 Bilderberg Meetings held in Sintra, "ortugal (ro' +,- une 1999. (4ierre Cerdy3"F43)etty .&ages)
*+++ Bilderberg Meetings at Gen0al, Belgi$ 1near Brssels2 (1-4 /ne *+++)
+hatea d Lac !otel in )enval# Belgi&# near Brssels# was the site of the 6EEE Bilderberg Meetings held fro& 1/F 1ne 6EEE%

Left ,hotoA 1a&es 0% *olfensohn (left)# 4resident of The *orld Ban;# and Cernon 1ordan arrive at the 'nited @ations
"&bassadors 0inner at the .&,erial Ballroo& of the $heraton !otel in @ew 9or; +ity on 8ctober 6=# 6EEE% a'es
.ol(ensohn and 1ernon ordan attended the /222 Bilderberg Meetings held in Genval, Belgiu' (ro' 1,3 une /222.
(4hoto by 1ason $Denes3+8RB.$ $9)M")
Right ,hotoA Re,blican 4arty ,residential candidate Te:as )overnor )eorge *% Bsh (right) listens to for&er $ecretary of
$tate !enry (issinger (6nd left) s,ea; dring a ,ress conference in *ashington# 0%+% on May 62# 6EEE where Bsh annonced
that he wold redce "&erica?s nclear arsenal to its Ilowest ,ossible n&berI withot co&,ro&ising '%$% national secrity# if
elected ,resident% "lso Hoining Bsh and also endorsing his ,osition were for&er @ational $ecrity "dvisor Brent $cowcroft (left)#
and for&er $ecretary of $tate )eorge $hltD (6nd right)% Henry Kissinger attended the /222 Bilderberg Meetings held in
Genval, Belgiu' (ro' 1,3 une /222. (4hoto by *in Mc@a&ee3RE'TER$)
"&erican financier )eorge $oros (left) &eets with 'nited @ations $,ecial Envoy +arl Bildt otside the +hatea d Lac !otel in
)enval# Belgi& dring the 6EEE Bilderberg Meetings in 1ne 6EEE% )eorge $oros and +arl Bildt attended the 6EEE Bilderberg
Meetings held in )enval# Belgi& fro& 1/F 1ne 6EEE% (4hoto by +hristo,her Bollyn)
@"T8 $ecretary )eneral Lord Robertson (left) tal;s to +arl Bildt# '@ $,ecial Envoy for the Bal;ans# ,rivately at the @"T8
head-arters in Brssels# Belgi& on $e,te&ber 12# 6EEE% Robertson and Bildt have attended the Bilderberg Meetings in the
,ast% )arl Bildt attended the /222 Bilderberg Meetings held in Genval, Belgiu' (ro' 1,3 une /222. (@"T8 4hoto)
4resident Bill +linton (center)# Microsoft Fonder Bill )ates (left)# and *orld Ban; 4resident 1a&es 0% *olfensohn listen to
-estions dring the +onference on the @ew Econo&y in the East Roo& of the *hite !ose on ",ril G# 6EEE% a'es
.ol(ensohn attended the /222 Bilderberg Meetings held in Genval, Belgiu' (ro' 1,3 une /222. (4hoto by Mar; *ilson)
*++1 Bilderberg Meetings at Stenngsnd, S&eden (*4-*7 May *++1)
The $tenngsbaden 9acht +lb (for&erly 5ality !otel $tenngsbaden) in $tenngsnd# $weden was the site of the 6EE1
Bilderberg Meetings held fro& 6F/6> May 6EE1%
@"T8 $ecretary )eneral Lord )eorge Robertson (left) a,,ears with 5een Beatri: of the @etherlands dring his visit to the
!is ten Bosch ,alace in The !age# @etherlands on $e,te&ber 8# 6EE2% &ord $obertson and 4ueen Beatri5 o( the
6etherlands attended the May /221 Bilderberg Meetings held in Stenungsund, S!eden. (+ontinental3"F43)etty .&ages)
Mario 0raghi (left)# )overnor of the Ban; of .taly# 1ean/+lade Trichet (center)# 4resident of the Ero,ean +entral Ban;# and
.talyJs Finance Minister To&&aso 4adoa/$chio,,a (right) share a Ho;e dring the )> s&&it in Essen# )er&any on Febrary
1E# 6EE>% #raghi, Trichet, and "adoa,Schio**a attended the May /221 Bilderberg Meetings held in Stenungsund,
S!eden. (4hoto by Ral,h 8rlows;i3)etty .&ages)
4ascal La&y (left)# the Ero,ean +o&&issioner for Trade# tal;s to Mario Monti# the Ero,ean +o&&issioner for +o&,etition# at
a &eeting in $trasborg# France on 1ly 2# 6EE1% "ascal &a'y and Mario Monti attended the May /221 Bilderberg
Meetings held in Stenungsund, S!eden. (0a&ien Meyer3"F43)etty .&ages)
For&er '%$% 4resident Bill +linton (left) &eets 5een Beatri: of the @etherlands at the !is ten Bosch ,alace in The !age#
@etherlands on March 16# 6EE1% 4ueen Beatri5 o( the 6etherlands attended the May /221 Bilderberg Meetings held in
Stenungsund, S!eden. (Reters34ool3Ed 8denaarden)
Fro& left to rightA 4rince Feli,e of $,ain# 5een $ofia of $,ain# First Lady Lara Bsh# '%$% 4resident )eorge *% Bsh# and
1an +arlos of $,ain &eet in Madrid# $,ain on 1ne 16# 6EE1% 4ueen So(ia o( S*ain attended the May /221 Bilderberg
Meetings held in Stenungsund, S!eden. (4hotoA 0s;o 0es,otovic3$yg&a3+orbis)
@"T8 $ecretary )eneral Lord Robertson (left) and 'nited $tates 4resident )eorge *% Bsh a,,ear at a ,ress conference at
the *hite !ose in *ashington# 0%+%# '%$%"% on 8ctober 1E# 6EE1% &ord $obertson attended the May /221 Bilderberg
Meetings held in Stenungsund, S!eden. (4hotoA Ron $achs3+orbis $yg&a)
0e,ty '%$% $ecretary of 0efense 4al *olfowitD (left)# a reglar Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ant# sha;es hands with @"T8
$ecretary )eneral Lord Robertson at the @"T8 !ead-arters in Brssels# Belgi& on $e,te&ber 6=# 6EE1% &ord $obertson
attended the May /221 Bilderberg Meetings held in Stenungsund, S!eden. (@"T8 4hoto)
For&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate !enry (issinger (left) greets 4resident of Rssia Cladi&ir 4tin dring their &eeting in Moscow#
Rssia on 1ly 12# 6EE1% Henry Kissinger attended the May /221 Bilderberg Meetings held in Stenungsund, S!eden.
(RE'TER$34ool3.van $e;retarev)
For&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate !enry (issinger (right) visits "riel $haron (left)# the 4ri&e Minister of .srael# at the .sraeli +onsl
)eneralJs ho&e in @ew 9or; +ity on 1ne 6G# 6EE1% Henry Kissinger attended the May /221 Bilderberg Meetings held in
Stenungsund, S!eden. (4hotoA "vi 8hayon3.srael )overn&ent 4ress 8ffice ()48))
*++* Bilderberg Meetings at 3hantilly, 4irginia, ",S,A, (.+ May 5 * /ne *++*)
6est%ields Marriott !otel in 3hantilly, 4irginia, ",S,A,, the site o% the Bilderberg Meetings in *++*, *++8, and *+1* (-hoto7 8lic9r)
.nternational ban;er 0avid Roc;efeller (left)# for&er +hair&an and +E8 of +hase Manhattan Ban; in @ew 9or; +ity# and *orld
Ban; 4resident 1a&es 0% *olfensohn attended the 6EE6 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"%
(4hotoA +oncil on Foreign Relations "nnal Re,ort)
The lobby inside the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"%
(4hotoA htt,A33,icasaweb%google%co&3lh3,hoto3La-F&)De'5*-=@G$/-c2c5)

Left ,hotoA Marie/1osee (ravis (left) and for&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate !enry (issinger attended the 6EE6 Bilderberg Meetings
in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"%
Right ,hotoA "&erican ,olitical ,owerbro;er and +linton adviser Cernon E% 1ordan 1r% (left) and for&er Fannie Mae chair&an
1a&es "% 1ohnson attended the 6EE6 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"%
Federal Reserve +hair&an "lan )reens,an (left) tal;s to Ero,ean +entral Ban; 4resident 1ean/+lade Trichet at the beginning of the
)6E finance &inisters and central ban; governors? &eeting in Berlin# )er&any on @ove&ber 19# 6EEF% Greens*an and Trichet
attended the /22/ Bilderberg Meetings in )hantilly, 1irginia, 7.S.A. (4hoto by $ean )all,3)etty .&ages)
!enry (issinger (left) s,ea;s with Federal Reserve +hair&an "lan )reens,an in 4hiladel,hia on May 6E# 6EEF% Kissinger and
Greens*an attended the /22/ Bilderberg Meetings in )hantilly, 1irginia. (4hoto by *illia& Tho&as +ain3)etty .&ages)
4resident )eorge *% Bsh (center) &eets with his +abinet at the *hite !ose in *ashington# 0%+%# '%$%"% on May 2E# 6EE6%
"&ong the +abinet officials ,resent at the &eeting are '%$% $ecretary of $tate +olin 4owell (6
left) and $ecretary of 0efense
0onald R&sfeld (2
right)% @ational $ecrity "dvisor +ondoleeDDa Rice is seated behind 4resident Bsh% #onald $u's(eld
attended the /22/ Bilderberg Meetings in )hantilly, 1irginia, 7.S.A. (Broo;s (raft3+orbis)
Ero,ean +entral Ban; 4resident *i& 0isenberg (left) shares a lagh with Federal Reserve Ban; of @ew 9or; 4resident
*illia& 1% Mc0onogh dring an infor&al &eeting of Ero,ean Finance Ministers in 8viedo# $,ain on ",ril 1F# 6EE6% .illia' .
Mc#onough attended the /22/ Bilderberg Meetings in )hantilly, 1irginia, 7.S.A. (Reters3+8RB.$)
$ecretary of 0efense 0onald !% R&sfeld (right) congratlates Federal Reserve +hair&an "lan )reens,an (left) after awarding
hi& the 0e,art&ent of 0efense Medal for 0istingished 4blic $ervice at the 4entagon in "rlington# Cirginia on 1anary 62#
6EE=% Alan Greens*an and #onald $u's(eld attended the /22/ Bilderberg Meetings in )hantilly, 1irginia.
(0e,art&ent of 0efense ,hoto by 4etty 8fficer 1st +lass +had 1% Mc@eeley# '%$% @avy)
*++. Bilderberg Meetings at 4ersailles, 8rance (1:-18 May *++.)
The Trianon 4alace !otel in Cersailles# France (near 4aris) was the site of the 6EE2 Bilderberg Meetings held in May 6EE2%
0avid Roc;efeller (right) wal;s with his bodygard at the 6EE2 Bilderberg Meetings in Cersailles# France in May 6EE2%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%havenvideo%co&3viewto,ic%,h,KfL22MtL962E)
4olice controls at the accesses of the castle near the site of the 6EE2 Bilderberg Meetings in Cersailles# France in May 6EE2%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%havenvideo%co&3viewto,ic%,h,KfL22MtL962E)

Bodygards and ,olice officers chec; the identification of Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%havenvideo%co&3viewto,ic%,h,KfL22MtL962E)

'nidentified Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants arrive for their ,rivate &eeting in their li&osines%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%havenvideo%co&3viewto,ic%,h,KfL22MtL962E)

Left ,hotoA 5een Beatri: of the @etherlands (left) attend the 6EE2 Bilderberg Meetings in Cersailles# France near 4aris in May 6EE2%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%havenvideo%co&3viewto,ic%,h,KfL22MtL962E)
Right ,hotoA 1ean +lade Trichet# the )overnor of the Ban; of France and the designated 4resident of the Ero,ean +entral Ban;# attend the
6EE2 Bilderberg Meetings in Cersailles# France in May 6EE2% (4hotoA htt,A33www%havenvideo%co&3viewto,ic%,h,KfL22MtL962E)

5een $ofia of $,ain (left) and Richard 4erle (right)# 4resident )eorge *% BshJs adviser and one of the s,,orters of "&ericaJs war in .ra-#
arrive at the 6EE2 Bilderberg Meetings in their li&osines% (4hotoA htt,A33www%havenvideo%co&3viewto,ic%,h,KfL22MtL962E)

'nidentified Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants arrive for their ,rivate &eeting in their li&osines in Cersailles# France in May 6EE2%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%havenvideo%co&3viewto,ic%,h,KfL22MtL962E)
*illy +laes (left)# for&er $ecretary )eneral of @"T8# arrives at the 6EE2 Bilderberg Meetings in Cersailles# France in May 6EE2%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%havenvideo%co&3viewto,ic%,h,KfL22MtL962E)
The ;a 4<randa =estarant inside the Trianon -alace !otel in 4ersailles, 8rance
A 8rench >nterior Ministry letter describing the May *++. Bilderberg Meetings held in 4ersailles, 8rance
(Sorce7 htt(7??lige%rancilienne,co$?*+1.?+*?*7?loligarchie-a-(erd-contre-le-(e(le-en-italie?)
*++4 Bilderberg Meetings at Stresa, >taly (.-) /ne *++4)
The )rand !otel des .les Borro&ees in $tresa# .taly# site of the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings%
4ro&inent ,owerbro;ers and states&en a,,ear at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% Fro& left to rightA
4e,si+o (soft drin;) +E8 .ndra @ooyi (6
left)# *ashington 4ost news,a,er chair&an 0onald E% )raha& (left hand e:tended)#
for&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate !enry (issinger (center)# Marie/1osee (ravis (third fro& right)# and international ban;er !enry R%
(ravis (second fro& right)% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
The &ain hallway inside the )rand !otel des .les Borro&ees in $tresa# .taly
(4hotoA htt,A33www%grandhotelstresa%it3en3node3626)
0avid Roc;efeller and Cernon E% 1ordan 1r% a,,ear at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
Cernon 1ordan and 1essica T% Mathews# the 4resident of +arnegie Endow&ent for .nternational 4eace# attend the 6EEF
Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% Cernon 1ordan and 1essica T% Mathews have a,,eared in the Bilderberg
Meetings together over 1E ti&es% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
The elegant la;e view dining roo& inside the )rand !otel des .les Borro&ees in $tresa# .taly

Left ,hotoA 0avid Roc;efeller and his bodygard have a &eal at the )rand !otel des .les Borro&ees in $tresa# .taly dring the
6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in 1ne 6EEF% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
Right ,hoto 0onald E% )raha& (left)# the +hair&an and +E8 of The *ashington 4ost +o%# and .ndra @ooyi# the +E8 of
4e,si+o# attend the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)

" conference roo& inside the )rand !otel des .les Borro&ees in $tresa# .taly

LeftA 5een Beatri: of the @etherlands attends the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF%
(4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
RightA !enry (issinger tal;s to 4e,si+o +E8 .ndra @ooyi at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF%
(4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
The interior of the )rand !otel des .les Borro&ees in $tresa# .taly# located northwest of Milan and sothwest of Lgano# $witDerland
Richard !aass (right)# 4resident of the +oncil on Foreign Relations (+FR)# tal;s on a cell,hone while Richard !olbroo;e
(bac;grond# center)# for&er '%$% Re,resentative to the 'nited @ations# is seen standing in holding a glass in his left hand%
"lso# .talian bsiness&an Franco Bernabe (foregrond# center) s,ea;s with "&erican ban;er !enry (ravis (second fro& right)
at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF%

Left ,hotoA +oncil on Foreign Relations 4resident Richard @% !aass (second fro& right) a,,ears at the 6EEF Bilderberg
Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF%
Right ,hotoA 0oglas 1% Feith# the 'nder '%$% $ecretary of 0efense for 4olicy# a,,ears at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in
$tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF%
French bsiness&an !enri de +astries a,,ears at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF%
(4hotoA htt,A33che&trailsevilla%word,ress%co&36E113E=31E3bilderberg/6E11/lista/oficial/de/asistentes3)
0ennis Ross (far left) a,,ears with 1a&es 0% *olfensohn# 4resident of the *orld Ban;# at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in
$tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin) ($orceA The True Story of The Bilderberg Group by 0aniel Estlin)
For&er $ecretary of $tate !enry (issinger (wearing snglasses) is seen wal;ing with 4e,si+o% +E8 .ndra @ooyi and
*ashington 4ost +o% +hair&an and +E8 0onald E% )raha& at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF%
!enry (issinger# .ndra @ooyi# and 0onald E% )raha& are &e&bers of the Trilateral +o&&ission% The &an on the far left is
nidentified% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin) ($orceA The True Story of The Bilderberg Group by 0aniel Estlin)
'%$% $enator 1ohn Edwards (left) and for&er '%$% "&bassador to the 'nited @ations Richard +% !olbroo;e tal; on their cell
,hone at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
($orceA The True Story of The Bilderberg Group by 0aniel Estlin)

Left ,hotoA 0avid Roc;efeller (left)# !enry (ravis# and Marie/1osee (ravis &a;e their ,resence at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings
in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
Right ,hotoA 5een Beatri: of the @etherlands (center) a,,ears at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF%
Marie/1osee (ravis# *ashington 4ost +o% +hair&an and +E8 0onald E% )raha&# and 4e,si+o +E8 .ndra @ooyi are seen
s&iling at the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
($orceA The True Story of The Bilderberg Group by 0aniel Estlin)
Cernon E% 1ordan (left)# !enry (ravis (center)# and Marie/1osee (ravis (second fro& right) a,,ear at the 6EEF Bilderberg
Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
"&erican Hornalist 1i& Tc;er (wearing a straw hat) a,,roaches a gro, of .talian secrity gards otside the entrance of the )rand !otel
des .les Borro&ees dring the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
" gro, of .talian soldiers gard the ,eri&eters of a hotel dring the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings that too; ,lace in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF%
(4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
.talian ,owerbro;er Mario Monti (left) &eets with Ero,ean +entral Ban; ,resident 1ean/+lade Trichet in an ndated ,hoto%
Mario Monti and 1ean/+lade Trichet attended the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly% Monti and Trichet attended the
annal Bilderberg Meetings together 9 ti&es (1999# 6EE1# 6EE2# 6EEF# 6EEG# 6EE># 6EE8# 6EE9# and 6E11)%
(4hotoA htt,A33alessandroceresa%blogs,ot%co&3)
'nder $ecretary of 0efense for 4olicy 0oglas Feith (left) and 0e,ty 'nder $ecretary of 0efense for @ear Eastern $oth "sian
"ffairs and $,ecial 4lans *illia& Lti brief re,orters on ,olicy and intelligence dring a 4entagon ,ress conference on 1ne F#
6EE2% Feith and Lti attended the 6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly% (4hotoA '%$% 0e,art&ent of 0efense)
*++: Bilderberg Meetings at =ottach-@gern, Ger$any (:-8 May *++:)
"lthoff $eehotel 'berfahrt in Rottach/Egern# )er&any (located soth of Mnich)# the site of the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings
Bilderberg li&osines (left) and )er&an ,olice cars a,,ear at the "lthoff $eehotel 'berfahrt in Rottach/Egern# )er&any dring
the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings

4hotos fro& the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings at Rottach/Egern# )er&any# a s&all resort town located soth of Mnich

Left ,hotoA Ti&othy )eithner# the 4resident of the Federal Reserve Ban; of @ew 9or;# a,,ears at the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings
in Rottach/Egern# )er&any in May 6EEG% Ti&othy )eithner served as the $ecretary of the Treasry nder '%$% 4resident
Barac; 8ba&a fro& 6EE9 ntil 6E12%
.talian ,rofessor Mario Monti a,,ears at the entrance of the "lthoff $eehotel 'berfahrt dring the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings held
in Rottach/Egern# )er&any in May 6EEG%
(4hotoA htt,A33che&trailsevilla%word,ress%co&36E113E=31E3bilderberg/6E11/lista/oficial/de/asistentes3)
Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants Etienne 0avignon (left) and 4al *olfowitD ,ose for a ,hotogra,h at the 6EEG Bilderberg
Meetings in Rottach/Egern# )er&any in May 6EEG%
(4hotoA htt,A33che&trailsevilla%word,ress%co&36E113E=31E3bilderberg/6E11/lista/oficial/de/asistentes3)

" restarant inside the "lthoff $eehotel 'berfahrt in Rottach/Egern# )er&any
+oncil on Foreign Relations &e&bers 0ennis Ross (left) and Richard @% !aass# the 4resident of the +oncil on Foreign
Relations# ,re,are to attend the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings at Rottach/Egern# )er&any in May 6EEG% (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
4rince 4hili,,e of Belgi& wal;s with a bodygard at the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings in Rottach/Egern# )er&any in May 6EEG%
(4hoto by 0aniel Estlin) ($orceA The True Story of The Bilderberg Group by 0aniel Estlin)
4eter 0% $therland (left) chats with 0er&ot )leeson at the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings in Rottach/Egern# )er&any in May 6EEG%
($orceA The True Story of The Bilderberg Group by 0aniel Estlin) (4hoto by 0aniel Estlin)
LaFarge +hair&an and +E8 Bertrand +ollo&b (left)# 0ai&ler+hrysler +E8 1rgen $chre&,, (center)# and for&er '%$%
"&bassador to the 'nited @ations Richard !olbroo;e stand together in Berlin# )er&any on ",ril 61# 6EEF% )ollo'b,
Schre'**, and Holbroo%e attended the /228 Bilderberg Meetings in $ottach,9gern, Ger'any in May /228.
(4hoto by $ean )all,3)etty .&ages)
Bernard (ochner (left)# the French Minister of Foreign and Ero,ean "ffairs# e&braces Richard !olbroo;e# for&er '%$%
Re,resentative to the 'nited @ations# after ,resenting hi& with the insignia of the 8fficer of the Legion of !onor in @ew 9or;
+ity on $e,te&ber 68# 6EE>% Bernard Kouchner and $ichard Holbroo%e attended the /228 Bilderberg Meetings in
$ottach,9gern, Ger'any in May /228% ("4 4hoto)
)er&anyJs +hancellor "ngela Mer;el (left) and 1osef "c;er&ann are seen laghing at a &eeting in 6EE=% Mer;el and "c;er&ann attended
the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings in Rottach/Egern# )er&any in May 6EEG%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%news%de3wirtschaft38GGE6626G3s,d/will/af;laerng/eber/&er;els/feier/fer/ac;er&ann/erste/Dsa&&enfassng/ne/
1osef "c;er&ann (left) and )er&anyJs +hancellor "ngela Mer;el are seen s&iling dring a &eeting% ("4 4hoto)
+hair&an of the Lafarge gro, Bertrand +ollo&b (left)# +hair&an and +E8 of @o;ia +or,oration 1or&a 8llila (center)# and
4resident of the Ero,ean +o&&ission 1ose Manel Barroso &eet ,rivately at the Ero,ean 'nion head-arters in Brssels#
Belgi& on 0ece&ber 11# 6EE=% Bertrand )ollo'b, or'a :llila, and ose Manuel Barroso attended the Bilderberg
Meetings together in /22+ and /228. (1ac-es +ollet3"F43)etty .&ages)
4resident of the Ero,ean +entral Ban; 1ean +lade Trichet (left) laghs with +hancellor of )er&any "ngela Mer;el dring the
cere&onial act of the )er&an Bndesban; at the 4alais a& 7oo in Fran;frt# )er&any on $e,te&ber 6E# 6EE>% Mer%el and Trichet
attended the /228 Bilderberg Meetings together. (4hoto by "le:ander !ei&ann3)etty .&ages)
.nternational Monetary Fnd Managing 0irector Rodrigo de Rato (left) e&braces otgoing *orld Ban; 4resident 1a&es *olfensohn at the
conclsion of the 0evelo,&ent +o&&ittee 4ress +onference at .nternational Monetary Fnd !ead-arters dring the 6EEG *orld Ban;3.MF
$,ring Meetings in *ashington# 0%+% on A*ril 1;, /228% 1a&es *olfensohn and Rodrigo de Rato attended the May 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings
held in Rottach/Egern# )er&any% (4hotoA .nternational Monetary Fnd)
*orld Ban; 4resident 4al *olfowitD (center) watches 7ho Niaochan (left)# )overnor of the 4eo,leJs Ban; of +hina# sha;e hands with
Rodrigo de Rato# the Managing 0irector of .nternational Monetary Fnd# on 8ctober 1F# 6EEG% 4al *olfowitD and Rodrigo de Rato attended
the May 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings held in Rottach/Egern# )er&any% (4hotoA B *orld Ban; 3 * 7hiyi)
.nco&ing *orld Ban; 4resident 4al *olfowitD greets otgoing *orld Ban; 4resident 1a&es *olfensohn in March /228%
1a&es *olfensohn and 4al *olfowitD attended the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings together in Rottach/Egern# )er&any in May
6EEG% (4hotoA The *orld Ban;)
Richard 4erle (left) is seen tal;ing to Michael Ledeen at the "&erican Enter,rise .nstitte% Richard 4erle and Michael Ledeen
attended the 6EEG Bilderberg Meetings together% (1a&es "% 4arcell3*ashington 4ost)
*++) Bilderberg Meetings at 'tta&a, 3anada (8-11 /ne *++))
Broo;street !otel in 8ttawa# +anada was the site of the 6EE= Bilderberg Meetings held fro& 8/11 1ne 6EE=% (4hotoA Flic;r)
Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants de,art the Broo;street !otel dring the 1ne 6EE= Bilderberg Meetings in 8ttawa# +anada%
+anadian ,olice officers ,atrol the Broo;street !otel ,ar;ing lot dring the 6EE= Bilderberg Meetings in 1ne 6EE=%

LeftA .ra-i ,owerbro;er "h&ad +halabi (center) is seen attending the 6EE= Bilderberg Meetings in 8ttawa# +anada in 1ne 6EE=%
RightA The Ottawa Citizen ,bliciDes the 6EE= Bilderberg Meetings held in 8ttawa# +anada on its front ,age% 4ro&inent
Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants that a,,ear on the front ,age incldeA 0avid Roc;efeller (,,er left)# 1a&es *olfensohn (lower
left)# Richard 4erle (lower center)# and 5een Beatri: of the @etherlands (lower right)%
0e,ty $ecretary of $tate Robert 7oellic; (right) watches '%$% $ecretary of $tate +ondoleeDDa Rice deliver a s,eech at the
$tate 0e,art&ent in *ashington# 0%+%# '%$%"% on une 19, /22-% Robert 7oellic; attended the 1ne 6EE= Bilderberg Meetings
that was held in 8ttawa# +anada% (4hotoA Michael )ross# $tate 0e,art&ent)
For&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate !enry (issinger (left) visits RssiaJs 4resident Cladi&ir 4tin in Moscow# Rssia on une -,
/22-% !enry (issinger attended the 1ne 6EE= Bilderberg Meetings that was held in 8ttawa# +anada%
The )ree; Minister of Econo&y and Finance )eorge "logos;ofis (left) a,,ears with his .talian conter,art To&&aso 4adoa/
$chio,,a (right) at the E+8F.@ Meeting on uly 1/, /22-% "logos;ofis and 4adoa/$chio,,a attended the Bilderberg Meetings
together in 6EEG# 6EE=# 6EE8# and 6EE9% (4hotoA !ellenic Re,blic Ministry of Finance)
Belgi&?s tility cor,orate e:ective $eD Cice +hair&an Etienne 0avignon (left)# Belgi&?s Energy Minister Marc Cerwilghen
(center)# and Belgi&?s tility Electrabel?s +hief E:ective 8fficer 1ean/4ierre !ansen (right) greet each other before a &eeting
in Brssels# Belgi& on $e,te&ber F# 6EE> to discss the &erger between $eD and )aD de France% Etienne 0avignon and
1ean/4ierre !ansen attended the 1ne 6EE= Bilderberg Meetings that was held in 8ttawa# +anada% (Reters)
*++7 Bilderberg Meetings at >stanbl, Tr9ey (May .1-/ne ., *++7)
*orld Ban; 4resident 4al *olfowitD &eets with Tr;ish $tate Minister "li Babacan (left) in .stanbl# Tr;ey on 1anary 68# 6EE>% *olfowitD
and Babacan attended the 6EE> Bilderberg Meetings together% The 6EE> Bilderberg Meetings was held in .stanbl# Tr;ey fro& May 21/1ne
2# 6EE>% (4hotoA B *orld Ban;3 @rllah "ltan Brgc)
A6e are grate%l to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time MagaBine and other great (blications &hose directors
ha0e attended or $eetings and res(ected their (ro$ises o% discretion %or al$ost %orty years, >t &old ha0e been i$(ossible %or
s to de0elo( or (lan %or the &orld i% &e had been sbCect to the bright lights o% (blicity dring those years, Bt, the &or9 is
no& $ch $ore so(histicated and (re(ared to $arch to&ards a world government, The s(ranational so0ereignty o% an
intellectal elite and &orld ban9ers is srely (re%erable to the national ato-deter$ination (racticed in (ast centries,D
5 Ea0id =oc9e%eller, in a s(eech at the 1991 Bilderberg Meetings in Baden-Baden, Ger$any in /ne 1991
AToday A$ericans &old be otraged i% ",F, troo(s entered ;os Angeles to restore orderG to$orro& they &ill be grate%lH This
is es(ecially tre i% they &ere told there &as an otside threat %ro$ beyond, &hether real or (ro$lgated, that threatened or
0ery eIistence, >t is then that all (eo(le o% the &orld &ill (lead &ith &orld leaders to deli0er the$ %ro$ this e0il, The one thing
e0ery $an %ears is the n9no&n, 6hen (resented &ith this scenario, indi0idal rights &ill be &illingly relinJished %or the
garantee o% their &ell being granted to the$ by their world government,D
5 !enry #issinger, in a s(eech at the 199* Bilderberg Meetings in @0ian, 8rance on May *1, 199*, (Fote7 !enry #issingerKs
s(eech &as ta(e-recorded by one o% the S&iss delegates at the 199* Bilderberg Meetings,)
4olice officers in .stanbl# Tr;ey gard the ,eri&eter of the hotel where the 6EE> Bilderberg Meetings occrred%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%Honesre,ort%co&3articles3EGE=E>ObildebergO,hotos%ht&l)
The 6EE> Bilderberg Meetings was held at the RitD/+arlton !otel in .stanbl# Tr;ey fro& May 21/1ne 2# 6EE>%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%Honesre,ort%co&3articles3EGE=E>ObildebergO,hotos%ht&l)
The RitD/+arlton Ballroo& at the RitD/+arlton !otel in .stanbl# Tr;ey (4hotoA The RitD/+arlton# .stanbl)
Living Longe at the RitD/+arlton !otel in .stanbl# Tr;ey (4hotoA The RitD/+arlton# .stanbl)
*++8 Bilderberg Meetings at 3hantilly, 4irginia, ",S,A, (:-8 /ne *++8)
Federal Reserve +hair&an Ben $% Bernan;e is seen leaving the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings at the *estfields Marriott !otel in
+hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% on $nday# 1ne 8# 6EE8%
"n aerial ,hoto of *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"%# where the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings were held
The entrance of *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"%# site of the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings
Three nidentified &en gard the entrance to the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings at *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia#
'%$%"% in the first wee; of 1ne 6EE8%
CirginiaJs Fairfa: +onty 4olice officers and '%$% $ecret $ervice agents gard the entrance of *estfields Marriott !otel in
+hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% dring the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in the first wee; of 1ne 6EE8%
$ecrity gards and ,olice officers ;ee, a close watch on ,rotesters# ,ri&arily "&erican citiDens# at the entrance of *estfields
Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% in 1ne 6EE8 while the Bilderberg Meetings were held inside the *estfields Marriott
!otel% (4hotoA Flic;r)
Federal agents and ,olice officers escort Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants dring the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly#
Cirginia# '%$%"%# located near *ashington/0lles .nternational "ir,ort in 1ne 6EE8% (4hotoA Flic;r)
The &an on the left# who identified hi&self as an agent with the Brea of 0i,lo&atic $ecrity# a,,ears with a local ,olice officer
in a ,ar;ing lot near the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% dring the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in 1ne 6EE8%
(4hotoA htt,A33cry,to&e%org3info3bilderbergE83bilderbergE8%ht&)
" 'nited $tates $tate 0e,art&ent Brea of 0i,lo&atic $ecrity agent is seen sitting in the ,assengerJs seat in a ,ar;ing lot
near the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia dring the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in 1ne 6EE8%
(4hotoA htt,A33cry,to&e%org3info3bilderbergE83bilderbergE8%ht&)
For&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate Madeleine "lbright is seen driving a Mercedes as she leaves the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia#
'%$%"% on Friday night 1ne =# 6EE8 dring the second day of the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA Flic;r)
" chaffer and a ,assenger leave the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% on $atrday# 1ne ># 6EE8 dring the third day of
the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA Flic;r)
For&er Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or; +hair&en *illia& 1% Mc0onogh (left) and 4eter )% 4eterson (center) ,ose with )est of !onor
Ti&othy F% )eithner at the )rand !yatt !otel in @ew 9or; +ity on Monday, une 9, /228% *illia& 1% Mc0onogh served as 4resident
of the Federal Reserve Ban; of @ew 9or; fro& 1992 to 6EE2% Ti&othy F% )eithner served as 4resident of the Federal Reserve Ban; of
@ew 9or; fro& 6EE2 to 6EE9% 4eter )% 4eterson served as the +hair&an of the Federal Reserve Ban; of @ew 9or; fro& 6EEE to 6EE2%
.illia' . Mc#onough and Ti'othy 0. Geithner attended the une /228 Bilderberg Meetings in )hantilly, 1irginia, 7.S.A. (ro'
Thursday, une 8, /228 to Sunday, une 8, /228. (4hotoA Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or;)
@"T8 $ecretary )eneral 1aa, de !oo, $cheffer listens as Richard !olbroo;e (left) gestre while s,ea;ing dring a ,anel ?+an *e $till *in .n
"fghanistan? dring the Brssels For& in Brssels on ",ril 68# 6EE>% aa* de Hoo* Sche((er and $ichard Holbroo%e attended the
Bilderberg Meetings together in /228, /228, and /229. ("4 4hoto by Cirginia Mayo)
Federal Reserve +hair&an Ben $% Bernan;e (left) chats with Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or; Trstee and 4resident and +E8 of the Federal
Reserve Ban; of @ew 9or;# Ti&othy F% )eithner (right)# dring an Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or; conference held at the !ilton @ew 9or; in @ew
9or; +ity on 8ctober 1G# 6EE8% (4hotoA Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or;)
Federal Reserve +hair&an Ben $% Bernan;e (left) chats with 4rofessor of Econo&ics at !arvard 'niversity Martin Feldstein dring an
Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or; conference held at the !ilton @ew 9or; in @ew 9or; +ity on 8ctober 1G# 6EE8%
(4hotoA Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or;)
)est of !onor# Ti&othy F% )eithner# 4resident and +hief E:ective 8fficer of the Federal Reserve Ban; of @ew 9or;# addresses the
Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or; at the )rand !yatt in @ew 9or; +ity on 1ne 9# 6EE8% (4hotoA Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or;)
Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or; &e&bers and gests ,ose with 1ean/+lade Trichet# 4resident of the Ero,ean +entral Ban;# at a lncheon at
the !ilton @ew 9or; in @ew 9or; +ity on 8ctober 1F# 6EE8% The Ero,ean +entral Ban; is the ban; that isses the Ero crrency% Fro& left
to rightA )eorge $oros# Marie/1osee (ravis# Barbara !ac;&an Fran;lin# *illia& R% Rhodes# 1ean/+lade Trichet# 1an !o,;ins# nidentified#
and R% )lenn !bbard% Trichet and (ravis attended the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia% (4hotoA Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or;)
Federal Reserve +hair&an Ben Bernan;e (left) s&iles after receiving the +ol&bia Bsiness $chool "ward in 0istingished
Leadershi, in )overn&ent fro& !enry (ravis (right)# &e&ber of the board of overseers at the +ol&bia Bsiness $chool# dring
the 26nd annal dinner at the *aldorf/"storia hotel in @ew 9or; +ity on May G# 6EE8% Bernan;e and (ravis attended the
Bilderberg Meetings together in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% fro& 1ne G/8# 6EE8% ("4 4hoto by +raig Rttle)
Left to rightA 4aolo Mieli# !a/1oon +hang# 1ean/+lade Trichet# Mario Monti# Michael $,ence# "lessandro 4rof&o and 0ani
Rodri; attend the Econo&y and the 8,en $ociety .nternational For& I)oodbye )lobaliDationKI held at 4alaDDo MeDDanotte in
Milan# .taly on May 16# 6EE8% 1ean/+lade Trichet and Mario Monti attended the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia#
'%$%"% fro& 1ne G/8# 6EE8% ()etty .&ages)
)ree; Minister of Econo&y and Finance )eorge "logos;ofis a,,ears with the 'nited $tates Treasry $ecretary !enry 4alson (left) dring
their &eeting in *ashington# 0%+% on May 61# 6EE8% Both &en attended the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% fro& 1ne
G/8# 6EE8% (4hotoA !ellenic Re,blic Ministry of Finance)
)ree; Minister of Econo&y and Finance )eorge "logos;ofis sha;es hands with the 4resident of the *orld Ban; Robert B% 7oellic; (left)
dring their &eeting in *ashington# 0%+% on May 66# 6EE8% Both &en attended the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% fro&
1ne G/8# 6EE8% (4hotoA !ellenic Re,blic Ministry of Finance)
)ree; Minister of Econo&y and Finance )eorge "logos;ofis (left) visits +hair&an of the Federal Reserve Mr% Ben Bernan;e in *ashington#
0%+% on May 6=# 6EE8% Both &en attended the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% fro& 1ne G/8# 6EE8%
(4hotoA !ellenic Re,blic Ministry of Finance)
.ndra (% @ooyi (left)# the +hair&an and +E8 of 4e,si+o# watches '%$% $ecretary of $tate +ondoleeDDa Rice e&brace for&er '%$% $ecretary of
$tate !enry (issinger# at the end of the o,ening session of the *orld Econo&ic For& in 0avos# $witDerland on 1anary 62# 6EE8%
+ondoleeDDa Rice and !enry (issinger attended the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia in 1ne 6EE8% .ndra @ooyi attended the
6EEF Bilderberg Meetings in $tresa# .taly in 1ne 6EEF% ("4 4hoto by 4eter 0e1ong)
For&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate !enry (issinger (left) tal;s to Fiat Cice +hair&an 1ohn El;ann dring a '%$%/.taly &eeting called I.taly# Ero,e
and the '%$%# The transatlantic lin; and its ftreI# in &e&ory of late Fiat chair&an )ianni "gnelli# organiDed by the "s,en .nstitte in Ro&e#
.taly on 1ly 1# 6EE8% (issinger and El;ann attended several Bilderberg Meetings together (6EEG/6EE8# 6E1E/6E11)# inclding the 6EE8
Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% in 1ne 6EE8% ("4 4hoto by 4ier 4aolo +ito)
!enry (issinger (left) listens to )oogle +E8 Eric $ch&idt on uly 1;, /228% !enry (issinger and Eric $ch&idt attended the
Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia in 1ne 6EE8% ($orceA Flic;r)
0e&ocratic 4arty ,residential candidate '%$% $enator Barac; 8ba&a greets for&er Treasry $ecretary Lawrence $&&ers (left) dring a
&eeting with so&e of his to, econo&ic advisors at the 8&ni $horeha& !otel in *ashington# 0%+% on 1ly 68# 6EE8% Lawrence $&&ers is a
&e&ber of the +oncil on Foreign Relations and a &e&ber of the Trilateral +o&&ission% &a!rence Su''ers attended the Bilderberg
Meetings in )hantilly, 1irginia in une /228. ()etty .&ages)
1a&es *olfensohn (left)# for&er 4resident of the *orld Ban;# and 4al 0% *olfowitD (right)# for&er 4resident of the *orld Ban;# attend the
6EE> *orld Ban;3.nternational Monetary Fnd "nnal Meeting in *ashington# 0%+% in 8ctober 6EE>% *olfensohn and *olfowitD attended the
6EE> Bilderberg Meetings in .stanbl# Tr;ey and attended the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% (4hotoA .MF 4hoto)
G7 %inance $inisters (%ront ro&) and central ban9 go0ernors (bac9 ro&) gather %or a gro( (ictre dring $eetings at the ",S,
Treasry Ee(art$ent in 6ashington, E,3,, ",S,A, on A(ril 11, *++8, 8ront ro& (;-=)7 3anadian 8inance Minister /i$ 8laherty,
8rench 8inance Minister 3hristine ;agarde, Ger$an 8inance Minister -eer Steinbrec9, ",S, Treasry Secretary !enry -alson,
>talian 8inance Minister To$$aso -adoa-Schio((a, 8inance Minister o% /a(an 89shiro F9aga, "# 3hancellor o% the
@IcheJer Alistair Earling, and /ean-3lade /nc9er, 3hair$an o% the @rogro(, Bac9 ro& (;-=)7 >M8 Managing Eirector
Eo$iniJe Strass-#ahn, Ban9 o% 3anada Go0ernor Mar9 3arney, Ban9 o% 8rance Go0ernor 3hristian Foyer, Bndesban9
-resident AIel 6eber, 8ederal =eser0e 3hair$an Ben Bernan9e, Ban9 o% >taly Go0ernor Mario Eraghi, Ban9 o% /a(an
Go0ernor Masaa9i Shira9a&a, Ban9 o% @ngland Go0ernor Mer0yn #ing, @ro(ean 3entral Ban9 -resident /ean-3lade Trichet,
and 6orld Ban9 -resident =obert Loellic9, Among the individ!ls who !ttended the "ne 2008 Bilderberg Meetings in
ne!rb# Ch!ntill#$ %irgini! were& 'enr# (!lson$ )omm!so (!do!-*chio++!$ Ben Bern!n,e$ M!rio -r!ghi$ "e!n-Cl!de
)richet$ !nd .obert /oellic,0 (-hoto7 >M8 Sta%% -hotogra(h?Ste(hen /a%%e)
*estfields Marriott !otel staff ,osts a sign inside the !otel lobby infor&ing hotel gests that the !otel Pwill be closed to the ,blicQ as a
reslt of a P,rivate fnctionQ% The P,rivate fnctionQ refers to the 6EE8 Bilderberg Meetings that was held at the *estfields Marriott !otel
in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% fro& 1ne G/8# 6EE8% (4hotoA htt,A33www%,rison,lanet%co&3articles3Hne6EE83EGE=E84hotos%ht&)
*++9 Bilderberg Meetings at 4oliag$eni, Greece (14-17 May *++9)
The *estin "thens "stir 4alace Beach Resort "thens (for&erly "stir 4alace Coliag&eni) was the site of the 6EE9 Bilderberg
Meetings held in Coliag&eni# )reece (near "thens) fro& 1F/1> May 6EE9%
)ree; ,olice officers ,atrolling the ,re&ises of the "stir 4alace hotel in Coliag&eni# )reece dring the May 6EE9 Bilderberg
Meetings ,rohibited Hornalists fro& ta;ing ,hotogra,hs of the event% (4hotoA htt,A33edition%,resstv%ir3detail39G268%ht&l)
"stir 4alace Resort 4eninsla at the *estin "thens "stir 4alace Beach Resort in Coliag&eni# )reece
(4hotoA htt,A33www%flic;r%co&3,hotos3westinhotels38FF=11>8E23in3,hotostrea&)
+os&os !all inside the *estin "thens "stir 4alace Beach Resort in Coliag&eni# )reece
(4hotoA htt,A33www%flic;r%co&3,hotos3westinhotels38FF>1988>=3in3,hotostrea&)
+os&os !all inside the *estin "thens "stir 4alace Beach Resort in Coliag&eni# )reece
(4hotoA htt,A33www%flic;r%co&3,hotos3westinhotels38FF>1961963in3,hotostrea&)
*estin Restarant inside the *estin "thens "stir 4alace Beach Resort in Coliag&eni# )reece
(4hotoA htt,A33www%flic;r%co&3,hotos3westinhotels38FF>1>68=83in3,hotostrea&)
Finance Ministers attend a E'R8)R8'4 Meeting on 1ne 9# 6EE9% Fro& left to rightA )er&an Federal Minister for Finance Mr% 4eer
$teinbrc;# $lovenian Minister for Finance Mr% F% (riDanic# Finnish Minister for Finance Mr% 1yr;i (atainen# and )ree; Minister of @ational
Econo&y and Finance Mr% 9annis 4a,athanassio% (atainen and 4a,athanassio attended the 6EE9 Bilderberg Meetings held at
Coliag&eni# )reece fro& 1F/1> May 6EE9% (4hotoA !ellenic Re,blic Ministry of Finance)
*orld Ban; 4resident Robert B% 7oellic; s,ea;s with FinlandJs Finance Minister 1yr;i (atainen at the )overn&ent Ban-et !all in !elsin;i#
Finland on May 6E# 6EE9% Both Robert B% 7oellic; and 1yr;i (atainen attended the 6EE9 Bilderberg Meetings in Coliag&eni# )reece that was
held fro& May 1F# 6EE9 to May 1># 6EE9% ()etty .&ages)
)ree; Minister of Econo&y and Finance Mr% 9annis 4a,athanassio &eets with the 4resident of the Ero,ean +entral Ban; Mr% 1ean/+lade
Trichet dring an E+8F.@ &eeting in Brssels# Belgi& on 1ly ># 6EE9% 4a,athanassio and Trichet attended the 6EE9 Bilderberg Meetings
held at Coliag&eni# )reece fro& 1F/1> May 6EE9% (4hotoA !ellenic Re,blic Ministry of Finance)
.nternational Monetary Fnd (.MF) Managing 0irector +hristine Lagarde (left) tal;s with Tr;ish 0e,ty 4ri&e Minister "li Babacan (center)
and 4ri&e Minister of Tr;ey Rece, Tayyi, Erdogan (right) dring an .nvest&ent "dvisory +oncil of Tr;ey Meeting in .stanbl# Tr;ey on
May 11# 6E16% +hristine Lagarde and "li Babacan attended the May 6EE9 Bilderberg Meetings in Coliag&eni# )reece% ()etty .&ages)
@"T8 $ecretary )eneral 1aa, de !oo, $cheffer (right) a,,ears with 0e,ty '%$% $ecretary of $tate 1a&es $teinberg dring a
@"T8/Rssia concil on the )ree; .onian island of +orf# northwest of "thens# on 1ne 6># 6EE9% 1aa, de !oo, $cheffer and
1a&es $teinberg attended the 6EE9 Bilderberg Meetings in Coliag&eni# )reece held fro& 1F/1> May 6EE9% (Reters)
$wedenJs Foreign Minister +arl Bildt (left) and '%$% 0e,ty '%$% $ecretary of $tate 1a&es $teinberg address Hornalists dring a
,ress conference at the E'F8R !ead-arters in Bt&ir# near $araHevo# Bosnia on 8ctober 61# 6EE9% +arl Bildt and 1a&es
$teinberg attended the 6EE9 Bilderberg Meetings in Coliag&eni# )reece held fro& 1F/1> May 6EE9% ()etty .&ages)
+hristine Lagarde (left)# French Minister 8f Finance# Robert B% 7oellic; (center)# 4resident of the *orld Ban;# and !eide&arie *iecDore;/7el
(right)# )er&an Minister of 0evelo,&ent# attend the 6EE9 *orld Ban;3.MF $,ring Meetings in *ashington 0%+% on ",ril 6G# 6EE9% Lagarde
and 7oellic; attended the 6EE9 Bilderberg Meetings in Coliag&eni# )reece held fro& 1F/1> May 6EE9%
(4hotoA B $i&one 0% Mc+ortie3*orld Ban;)
'nited $tates 4resident Barac; 8ba&a (6
right)# '%$% Cice 4resident 1oe Biden (right)# @ational $ecrity "dvisor ()en%) 1a&es L% 1ones (6nd
left)# and $,ecial Envoy for "fghanistan and 4a;istan Richard !olbroo;e ( left) a,,ear in the 8val 8ffice on May -, /229 dring a briefing ,rior
to &eeting with "fghan 4resident !a&id (arDai% $ichard Holbroo%e attended the /229 Bilderberg Meetings in 1ouliag'eni, Greece held
(ro' 13,1; May /229. (8fficial *hite !ose 4hoto by 4ete $oDa)
'%$% 4resident Barac; 8ba&a holds a -arterly &eeting of the 4resident?s Econo&ic Recovery "dvisory Board in the Roosevelt
Roo& of the *hite !ose on May /2, /229% Fro& left to right areA +hair&an of 4ritD;er Realty )ro, 4enny 4ritD;er# 4resident
of the Board 4al Colc;er# and 8ba&a% "aul 1olc%er attended the /229 Bilderberg Meetings in 1ouliag'eni, Greece held
(ro' 13,1; May /229% (Reters)
4resident of "fghanistan !a&id (arDai (left) sha;es hands with 5een Beatri: of the @etherlands at the 4alace !is ten Bosch in The !age#
@etherlands dring a 'nited @ations international conference on "fghanistan held on March 21# 6EE9% 4ueen Beatri5 o( the 6etherlands
attended the /229 Bilderberg Meetings held at 1ouliag'eni, Greece (ro' 13,1; May /229. ()etty .&ages)
*+1+ Bilderberg Meetings at Sitges, S(ain (.-) /ne *+1+)
!otel 0olce $itges in $itges# $,ain# located on the Mediterranean coast Hst sothwest of Barcelona# was the site of the 6E1E Bilderberg
Etienne 0avignon# the honorary chair&an of the Bilderberg Meetings# arrives at the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain on 1ne 2#
6E1E% (4hotoA htt,A33www%infocon%ro36E1E3E=3bilderberg/6E1E/,ri&ele/,oDe/c/&e&brii/bilderberg3)
1a&es *olfensohn# for&er 4resident of the *orld Ban;# arrives at the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain# located on the
Mediterranean coast Hst sothwest of Barcelona# on 1ne 2# 6E1E%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%infocon%ro36E1E3E=3bilderberg/6E1E/,ri&ele/,oDe/c/&e&brii/bilderberg3)
"n nidentified ,rotestor holds a sign conde&ning the Bilderberg )ro, and its Pnew world orderQ ,olitical agenda dring the
6E1E Bilderberg Meetings held in $itges# $,ain (near Barcelona) in 1ne 6E1E%
+raig Mndie (Microsoft)# the +hief Research and $trategy 8fficer of Microsoft +or,oration# arrives at the 6E1E Bilderberg
Meetings in $itges# $,ain on 1ne 2# 6E1E%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%infocon%ro36E1E3E=3bilderberg/6E1E/,ri&ele/,oDe/c/&e&brii/bilderberg3)

$,anish ,olice officers gard the ,eri&eter of !otel 0olce $itges where the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings were held%
(Both ,hotosA htt,A33www%,rison,lanet%co&3bilderberg/6E1E/,hotogra,hs%ht&l)
" gro, of secrity gards and ,olice officers gard the ,eri&eter of !otel 0olce $itges in $itges# $,ain dring the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings
in 1ne 6E1E% (4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E1E3E=3bilderberg/&eeting/s,anien/tag/F%ht&l)
Robert 7oellic;# the 4resident of the *orld Ban;# a,,ears at the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(Left 4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E83bilderberg/s,ain/delegatesK,ictreL2=2FFF892)
Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants ,re,are to attend the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain% 4ro&inent individals
attending the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings incldeA 1yr;i (atainen (left# bac;grond)# Finance Minister of FinlandR 0ieter 7etsche
(foregrond# wearing a &ostache)# +hair&an of the board of 0ai&ler ") Si%e% Mercedes/BenD carsTR and 1or&a 8llila (right)#
chair&an of the board of @o;ia# chair&an of the board of Royal 0tch $hell# and &e&ber of the board of directors of Ford Motor
+o&,any% (4hotoA 4blic .ntelligence3London )ardian)
$,anish ,olice officers gard the ,eri&eter of !otel 0olce $itges where the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings were held%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%,rison,lanet%co&3bilderberg/6E1E/,hotogra,hs%ht&l)
Robert 7oellic; (bac;grond)# 4resident of the *orld Ban;# and 1osef "c;er&ann (right)# chair&an of the board of 0etsche
Ban; ")# attend the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain% (4hotoA htt,A33www%infiniten;nown%net3tag3Hosef/ac;er&ann3)
!enry (issinger (face ,artially hidden) and his entorage attend the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G88)
Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants ,re,are for a conference at their hotel in $itges# $,ain in 1ne 6E1E%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E83bilderberg/s,ain/delegatesK,ictreL2=2FG61GE)
Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants ,re,are for a conference at their hotel in $itges# $,ain in 1ne 6E1E%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E83bilderberg/s,ain/delegatesK,ictreL2=2FFF882)
!enry (issinger a,,ears at the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ain)

Left ,hotoA To&&aso 4adoa/$chio,,a# the Ufonding fatherJ of the E' and Uintellectal i&,etsJ behind the Ero dollar# 4resident of the thin;
tan; @otre Ero,e# and Me&ber of the U)ro, of ThirtyJ# attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G9E)
Right ,hotoA For&er '%$% Re,resentative to the 'nited @ations Richard !olbroo;e attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E1E3E=3weitere/fotos/der/bilderberg/teilneh&er%ht&l)
5een Beatri: of the @etherlands# a &aHor sta;eholder in Royal 0tch $hell# attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G8=)

Left ,hotoA Ciscont Etienne 0avignon# the honorary chair&an of the Bilderberg Meetings# attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges#
$,ain% (4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G96)
Right ,hotoA 4eter Coser# +E8 of Royal 0tch $hell# attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G8F)
1ohn Mic;lethwait (left)# editor/in/chief of the Econo&ist# and Robert 7oellic; (center)# 4resident of the *orld Ban;# ,re,are to attend the 6E1E
Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain% (4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G=F)
@ot *ellin;# ,resident of the Ban; of the @etherlands# ,re,ares to attend the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G>>)
4al Colc;er (center)# for&er +hair&an of the Federal Reserve and chair&an of 4resident Barac; 8ba&a?s Econo&ic Recovery Board#
a,,ears with 1a&es "% 1ohnson (right)# vice/chair&an of 4erses# at the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G81)
8laf $cholD (left)# vice/chair&an of the )er&an $ocial 0e&ocrat 4arty a,,ears with +raig Mndie (right)# chief research officer of Microsoft# at
the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G>9)
4al Colc;er (center)# for&er +hair&an of the Federal Reserve and chair&an of 4resident Barac; 8ba&a?s Econo&ic Recovery Board#
a,,ears with 1a&es "% 1ohnson (right)# vice/chair&an of 4erses# at the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%danielestlin%co&3galeria3fotos3bilderberg6E1/-ien/es/-ien3)
4al Colc;er (center)# for&er +hair&an of the Federal Reserve and chair&an of 4resident Barac; 8ba&a?s Econo&ic Recovery Board#
a,,ears with 1a&es "% 1ohnson (right)# vice/chair&an of 4erses# at the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%danielestlin%co&3galeria3fotos3bilderberg6E1/-ien/es/-ien3)

Left ,hotoA Mstafa (oV# billionaire heir to Tr;ish cor,oration (oV !oldings# attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G>E)
Right ,hotoA 1oa-Wn "l&nia (right)# a Ero,ean +o&&issioner# attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain% The &an on the left
is nidentified% (4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G=E)
1acob *allenbrg# director of +oca/+ola# ban;er# indstrialist# fro& $weden?s billionaire *allenbrg fa&ily# attends the 6E1E Bilderberg
Meetings in $itges# $,ain% (4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6GG=)

Left ,hotoA Francisco 4into Balse&Xo# for&er ,ri&e &inister of 4ortgal and +E8 of .&,resa# says his fond farewells to a &ystery delegate at
the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6GF8)
Right ,hotoA @eelie (roes# 0tch ,olitician# for&er Ero,ean co&&issioner for co&,etition and crrent Ero,ean co&&issioner for digital
agenda# attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6G>F)
)stavo +isneros (wearing a beige sit)# head of the +isneros )ro, and richest &an in Latin "&erica# attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings
in $itges# $,ain% (4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E93bilderberg/s,ainK,ictreL2=2GE6GG6)
For&er @"T8 $ecretary/)eneral 1avier $olana (second fro& right) attends the 6E1E B.lderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%danielestlin%co&3galeria3fotos3bilderberg6E1/-ien/es/-ien3)
$wedish bsiness&an 1acob *allenberg (center) attends the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain% (4hotoA 4hotobc;et)
" restarant inside the !otel 0olce $itges in $itges# $,ain near Barcelona
" conference roo& inside the !otel 0olce $itges in $itges# $,ain near Barcelona
" ,olice officer on a &otorcycle escorts a Bilderberg tor bs as 5een Beatri: of the @etherlands (seated in the &iddle area on the right side
of the bs) and her Bilderberg friends go on a Hoy ride in $itges# $,ain dring the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in 1ne 6E1E%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E1E3E=3bilderberg/&eeting/s,anien/tag/F%ht&l)
5een Beatri: of the @etherlands rides on a tor bs at the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings in $itges# $,ain%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%gardian%co%;3world3gallery36E1E3Hn3E83bilderberg/s,ain/delegatesK,ictreL2=2FFF888)
A gro( o% (rotestors (rotest against the Bilderberg Meetings in Sitges, S(ain dring the *+1+ Bilderberg Meetings in /ne
*+1+, (htt(7??alles-schallndrach,blogs(ot,co$?*+1+?+)?bilderberg-$eeting-s(anien-tag-*,ht$l)
An nidenti%ied $an is a((rehended by a gro( o% S(anish (olice o%%icers (dressed in blac9) in Sitges, S(ain dring the *+1+
Bilderberg Meetings in /ne *+1+, (htt(7??alles-schallndrach,blogs(ot,co$?*+1+?+)?bilderberg-$eeting-s(anien-tag-*,ht$l)
4olice convoys escort Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants in $itges# $,ain in 1ne 6E1E%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%infocon%ro36E1E3E=3bilderberg/6E1E/lti&a/Di3)
$,anish ,olice officers gard the ,eri&eter of !otel 0olce $itges where the 6E1E Bilderberg Meetings were held%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%,rison,lanet%co&3bilderberg/6E1E/,hotogra,hs%ht&l)
*+11 Bilderberg Meetings at St, MoritB, S&itBerland (9-1* /ne *+11)
S&iss (olice o%%icers gard the S0retta !ose in St, MoritB, S&itBerland dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings,
A S&iss (olice o%%icer gards the (re$ises o% S0retta !ose in St, MoritB, S&itBerland dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings,
Longti&e Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ant 0avid Roc;efeller is seen riding in an ato&obile in $t% MoritD# $witDerland on 1ne 9#
6E11 enrote to the 6E11 Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA htt,A33www%,rison,lanet%co&3bilderberg/6E11/attendee/,hotos%ht&l)
"nders Ras&ssen# $ecretary )eneral of @"T8# rides in a li&osine enrote to the 6E11 Bilderberg Meetings held in $t% MoritD#
$witDerland on 1ne 9# 6E11% @"T8 was involved in the Libyan +ivil *ar in 6E11%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%,rison,lanet%co&3bilderberg/6E11/attendee/,hotos%ht&l)
;ongti$e Bilderberg Meetings (artici(ants !enry #issinger (le%t) and Ea0id =oc9e%eller (right) attend the *+11 Bilderberg
Meetings in St, MoritB, S&itBerland in /ne *+11,
(-hoto7 htt(7??alles-schallndrach,blogs(ot,co$?*+11?+)?bilderberg-st-$oritB-9issinger-nd,ht$l)
Acti0ists are seen near the S0retta !ose, the 0ene o% the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings, in St, MoritB, S&itBerland on /ne 9,
*+11, (-hoto7 htt(7??cry(to$e,org?+++4?bilderberg-*+11,ht$)
-olice o%%icers a((ear otside S0retta !ose dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings in St, MoritB, S&itBerland in /ne *+11,
-olice o%%icers a((ear otside S0retta !ose dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings in St, MoritB, S&itBerland in /ne *+11,
-olice o%%icers gard a secrity chec9(oint otside S0retta !ose dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings in St, MoritB,
S&itBerland in /ne *+11,
-olice o%%icers gard a secrity chec9(oint otside S0retta !ose dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings in St, MoritB,
S&itBerland in /ne *+11,
Bilderberg (rotestors in St, MoritB, S&iBerland dis(lay a banner conde$ning the Bilderberg Gro( dring the /ne *+11
Bilderberg Meetings,
-eer SteinbrMc9 (center, &earing a red Cac9et), Me$ber o% Ger$an -arlia$ent and %or$er 8inance Minister o% Ger$any, chats &ith
Airbs chie% eIecti0e Tho$as @nders (le%t) &hile ta9ing a short hi9e in the nearby $ontains dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings
held in St, MoritB, S&itBerland on /ne 11, *+11, Google 3@' @ric Sch$idt (right, &earing a ble shirt) is seen chatting &ith an
nidenti%ied Bilderberg Meetings (artici(ant,
(-hoto7 htt(7??alles-schallndrach,blogs(ot,co$?*+11?+)?(eer-steinbrc9-a%-&anderscha%t,ht$l)
-eer SteinbrMc9 (center, &earing a red Cac9et) chats &ith Airbs chie% eIecti0e Tho$as @nders (le%t) &hile ta9ing a short hi9e in the
nearby $ontains dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings held in St, MoritB, S&itBerland on /ne 11, *+11,
(-hoto7 htt(7??alles-schallndrach,blogs(ot,co$?*+11?+)?(eer-steinbrc9-a%-&anderscha%t,ht$l)
S&iss (olice o%%icers gard the (eri$eter o% S0retta !ose in St, MoritB, S&itBerland dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings in
/ne *+11, (-hoto7 htt(7??sieleben,&ord(ress,co$?category?bilderberger?)
Bilderberg Meetings (artici(ants arri0e at the entrance o% S0retta !ose in St, MoritB, S&itBerland in /ne *+11,
(-hoto7 3harlie S9elton?The Gardian)
S&iss (olice o%%icers gard the (eri$eter o% S0retta !ose in St, MoritB, S&itBerland dring the /ne *+11 Bilderberg Meetings,
(-hoto7 htt(7??a*a,blogs(ort,de?*+11?+)?1:?bilderberg-*+11?)
-rotestors stand otside S0retta !ose in St, MoritB, S&itBerland dring the /ne *+11 Bilderberg Meetings,
(-hoto7 htt(7??a*a,blogs(ort,de?*+11?+)?1:?bilderberg-*+11?)
A S&iss (olice o%%icer gards the (re$ises o% S0retta !ose in St, MoritB, S&itBerland dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings,
Bilderberg Meetings (artici(ants (re(are to ride a tor bs dring the *+11 Bilderberg Meetings,
$vretta !ose in $t% MoritD# $witDerland# with &ontains and la;es in the bac;grond
The l:rios dining roo& at $vretta !ose in $t% MoritD# $witDerland
$vretta !ose lobby in $t% MoritD# $witDerland
(4hotoA htt,sA33,ls%google%co&31E1=E=21962812>1=>G8=3abotKglLsMhlLenY1E1=E=21962812>1=>G8=3abotKglLsMhlLen)
4eter Brabec; (left)# +hair&an of @estlZ# and "ndrZ (dels;i (right)# +hair&an and +E8 of (dels;i $%"%# wal; together at the
$t% MoritD air,ort dring their de,artre fro& $t% MoritD# $witDerland on $nday# 1ne 16# 6E11%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E113E=3die/abreise/der/bilderberger/as/st%ht&l)
" ,hoto of a Bilderberg Meetings identification card given to @estlZ chair&an 4eter Brabec;/Let&athe%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E113E=3die/abreise/der/bilderberger/as/st%ht&l)
!enri de +astries# +E8 of French insrance co&,any "N"# rides in a li&osine on his way to the air,ort following the
conclsion of the 6E11 Bilderberg Meetings on $nday# 1ne 16# 6E11%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E113E=3die/abreise/der/bilderberger/as/st%ht&l)
+rown 4rince !aa;on of @orway rides in a li&osine on his way to the air,ort following the conclsion of the 6E11 Bilderberg
Meetings on $nday# 1ne 16# 6E11%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E113E=3die/abreise/der/bilderberger/as/st%ht&l)
5een Beatari: of the @etherlands ,re,ares to board a ,rivate ,lane in $t% MoritD# $witDerland shortly after the conclsion of the
6E11 Bilderberg Meetings on $nday# 1ne 16# 6E11%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E113E=3die/abreise/der/bilderberger/as/st%ht&l)
4ay,al co/fonder 4eter Thiel ,re,ares to board a ,rivate ,lane in $t% MoritD# $witDerland shortly after the conclsion of the
6E11 Bilderberg Meetings on $nday# 1ne 16# 6E11%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E113E=3die/abreise/der/bilderberger/as/st%ht&l)
" gro, of Bilderberg Meetings ,artici,ants ,re,are to board a ,rivate air,lane at an air,ort in $t% MoritD# $witDerland on $nday
1ne 16# 6E11# following the conclsion of the 6E11 Bilderberg Meetings%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E113E=3die/abreise/der/bilderberger/as/st%ht&l)
Richard 4erle is seen standing in the rear at an air,ort in $t% MoritD# $witDerland on $nday 1ne 16# 6E11# following the
conclsion of the 6E11 Bilderberg Meetings%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E113E=3die/abreise/der/bilderberger/as/st%ht&l)
(Fro& left to right) )reeceJs Finance Minister Evangelos CeniDelos# Ero,ean +o&,etition +o&&issioner 1oa-in "l&nia#
BritainJs +hancellor of the E:che-er )eorge 8sborne# .talyJs Finance Minister )ilio Tre&onti and .MF Managing 0irector
+hristine Lagarde arrive at an E' finance &inisters &eeting in Brssels# Belgi& on 8ctober 66# 6E11% "l&nia# 8sborne# and
Tre&onti attended the 6E11 Bilderberg Meetings in $t% MoritD# $witDerland in 1ne 6E11% (4hotoA Reters3Thierry Roge)
Mervyn (ing (left)# )overnor of the Ban; of England# tal;s to '%$% Treasry $ecretary Ti&othy )eithner (center) and BritainJs
+hancellor of the E:che-er )eorge 8sborne (right) before the beginning of a &eeting on the second day of the )6E &eeting of
Finance Ministers and +entral Ban; )overnors in 4aris# France on 8ctober 1G# 6E11% ()etty .&ages)
Mario Monti (left)# the 4ri&e Minister of .taly# and 1osef "c;er&ann (right)# +E8 of 0etsche Ban;# lagh dring a session at the
F8th Mnich $ecrity +onference in Mnich# )er&any on $atrday# Febrary F# 6E16% Monti and Ac%er'ann attended the
une /211 Bilderberg Meetings in St. Morit<, S!it<erland. (4hotoA Matthias $chrader3"4)
1a&es *olfensohn (left)# Middle East 5artet Envoy for )aDa 0isengage&ent# and 1avier $olana# Ero,ean 'nion !igh
Re,resentative# a,,ear at the +oncil of the Ero,ean 'nion in Brssels# Belgi& on 1ne =# 6EEG% .ol(ensohn and Solana
attended the une /211 Bilderberg Meetings in St. Morit<, S!it<erland. (4hotoA The +oncil of the Ero,ean 'nion)
@estle +hair&an and +hief E:ective 8fficer 4eter Brabec;/Let&athe s,ea;s at the +oncil on Foreign Relations in @ew 9or; +ity on March
66# 6E11% 4eter Brabec;/Let&athe attended the 6E11 Bilderberg Meetings in $t% MoritD# $witDerland% (Reters)
4eter R% 8rsDag# Cice +hair&an# )lobal Ban;ing for +itigro,# .nc%# s,ea;s at the +oncil on Foreign Relations *orld Econo&ic ',date in
@ew 9or; +ity on March 1=# 6E11% 4eter R% 8rsDag attended the 6E11 Bilderberg Meetings in $t% MoritD# $witDerland% (Reters)
*+1* Bilderberg Meetings at 3hantilly, 4irginia, ",S,A, (.1 May-. /ne *+1*)
The 6est%ields Marriott !otel in 3hantilly, 4irginia, ",S,A, is nder tight secrity in antici(ation o% the beginning o% the *+1*
Bilderberg con%erence on Thrsday, May .1, *+1*, -olice cars gard the $ain entrance, and secrity gards and (olice in%or$ed the
$edia that anyone co$ing onto hotel (ro(erty &old be escorted o%% or arrested i% they did not co$(ly, The *+1* Bilderberg Meetings
&as held at the 6est%ields Marriott !otel in 3hantilly, 4irginia, ",S,A,, located near 6ashington-Elles >nternational Air(ort and
Manassas Fational Battle%ield -ar9 %ro$ Thrsday, May .1, *+1* to Snday, /ne ., *+1*,
(-hoto7 Barbara ;, Salisbry?The 6ashington Ti$es)

;e%t (hoto7 British ;ord 3hancellor #enneth 3lar9e is seen lea0ing the *+1* Bilderberg Meetings in a li$osine in 3hantilly,
4irginia, ",S,A, on Snday, /ne ., *+1*, (-hoto7 3harlie S9elton?The Gardian)
=ight (hoto7 Neen BeatriI o% the Fetherlands is seen lea0ing the *+1* Bilderberg Meetings in a li$osine in 3hantilly, 4irginia,
",S,A, on Snday, /ne ., *+1*, (-hoto7 !annah Borno?The Gardian)
4olice officers stand gard at the entrance to the *estfields Marriott where the annal Bilderberg +onference is being held# +hantilly# Ca%#
Thrsday# May 21# 6E16% The Bilderberg +onference is an annal &eeting of highly inflential ,eo,le in ,rivate indstry and ,blic office fro&
@orth "&erica and *estern Ero,e% ("ndrew !arni;3The *ashington Ti&es)
8or$er ",S, Secretary o% State !enry #issinger is seen lea0ing the *+1* Bilderberg Meetings in a li$osine in 3hantilly, 4irginia on
Snday, /ne ., *+1*, (-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,(rison(lanet,co$?&ar-cri$inal-9issinger-(ictred-lea0ing-bilderberg,ht$l)
" ,hoto of the dining roo& inside the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"%# the site of the 6E16 Bilderberg Meetings# 6EE8
Bilderberg Meetings# and 6EE6 Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA 4hili, (ent 4hotogra,hy)
4rotesters de&onstrate at the entrance to the *estfields Marriott where the annal Bilderberg +onference is being held# +hantilly# Cirginia on
Thrsday# May 21# 6E16% The Bilderberg +onference is an annal &eeting of highly inflential ,eo,le in ,rivate indstry and ,blic office fro&
@orth "&erica and *estern Ero,e% ("ndrew !arni;3The *ashington Ti&es)
!er =oyal MaCesty Neen BeatriI o% the Fetherlands is seen lea0ing the *+1* Bilderberg Meetings in a li$osine in 3hantilly,
4irginia, ",S,A, on Snday, /ne ., *+1*, (-hoto7 !annah Borno?The Gardian)
British ;ord 3hancellor #enneth 3lar9e is seen lea0ing the *+1* Bilderberg Meetings in a li$osine in 3hantilly, 4irginia, ",S,A, on
Snday, /ne ., *+1*, (-hoto7 3harlie S9elton?The Gardian 0ia -rison(lanet,co$)
!enri de +astries# +hair&an and +E8 of "N" (France)# arrives at the *estfield Marriott in +hantilly# Cirginia on Thrsday# May 21# 6E16 as he
,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA $he,ard "&bellas# B
$wedish investor 1acob *allenberg and his wife arrive at the *estfield Marriott in +hantilly# Cirginia on Thrsday# May 21# 6E16 as he
,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings%
(4hotoA $he,ard "&bellas# B theintelhb%co&3htt,A33theintelhb%co&36E163E=3E13e:clsive/,hotos/bilderberg/attendees/revealed3)
1osette $heeran# the Cice +hair&an of the *orld Econo&ic For&# arrives at the *estfield Marriott in +hantilly# Cirginia on Thrsday# May 21#
6E16 as she ,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA $he,ard "&bellas# B
"lison Redford# the 4re&ier of "lberta# +anada# arrives at the *estfield Marriott in +hantilly# Cirginia on Thrsday# May 21# 6E16 as she
,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA $he,ard "&bellas# B
!eather Reis&an# fonder and chief e:ective of +anadian retail chain .ndigo Boo;s and Msic# arrives at the *estfield Marriott in +hantilly#
Cirginia on Thrsday# May 21# 6E16 as she ,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings%
(4hotoA $he,ard "&bellas# B theintelhb%co&3htt,A33theintelhb%co&36E163E=3E13e:clsive/,hotos/bilderberg/attendees/revealed3)
(evin *arsh# visiting fellow at $tanford 'niversityJs !oover .nstittion and for&er Me&ber of the Federal Reserve Board# arrives at the
*estfield Marriott in +hantilly# Cirginia on Thrsday# May 21# 6E16 as he ,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings%
(4hotoA Marcs )abrel3htt,A33theintelhb%co&36E163E=3E13e:clsive/,hotos/bilderberg/attendees/revealed3)
"stan )oolsbee# for&er +hair&an of +oncil of Econo&ic "dvisers nder 4resident 8ba&a# arrives at the *estfield Marriott in +hantilly#
Cirginia on Thrsday# May 21# 6E16 as he ,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings%
(4hotoA $he,ard "&bellas3B theintelhb%co&3htt,A33theintelhb%co&36E163E=3E63e:clsive/bilderberg/6E16/nidentified/attendee/,hotos3)
!arvard 'niversity history ,rofessor @iall Fergson is seen riding in the bac; of a li&osine dring the 6E16 Bilderberg Meetings held in
+hantilly# Cirginia% (4hotoA *e "re +hange $an "ntonio via 4rison,lanet%co&)
9ing F# Cice Minister of Foreign "ffairs of +o&&nist +hina# arrives at the *estfield Marriott in +hantilly# Cirginia on Thrsday# May 21# 6E16
as she ,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings%
(4hotoA !annah Borno3htt,A33theintelhb%co&36E163E=3E13e:clsive/,hotos/bilderberg/attendees/revealed3)
$oraya $[enD de $anta&arWa (seated in the rear ,assenger seat)# the Cice 4resident of $,ain# arrives at the *estfield Marriott in +hantilly#
Cirginia on Thrsday# May 21# 6E16 as she ,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA !annah Borno3The )ardian)
.ta&ar Rabinovich# for&er .sraeli "&bassador to the 'nited $tates of "&erica# arrives at the *estfield Marriott in +hantilly# Cirginia on
Thrsday# May 21# 6E16 as he ,re,ares to attend the e:clsive Bilderberg Meetings%
(4hotoA $he,ard "&bellas3B theintelhb%co&3htt,A33theintelhb%co&36E163E=3E63e:clsive/bilderberg/6E16/nidentified/attendee/,hotos3)
8inns can only get better, Matti A(nen, the Eirector o% 8innish Bsiness and -olicy 8or$ @4A, is seen riding in a li$osine as he
de(arts the 6est%ields Marriott !otel in 3hantilly, 4irginia on Snday, /ne ., *+1* %ollo&ing the conclsion o% the *+1* Bilderberg
Meetings, (-hoto7 3harlie S9elton?The Gardian 0ia -rison(lanet,co$)
=ssian chess $aster and anti--tin (olitical acti0ist Gary #as(aro0 is seen riding in a li$osine in 3hantilly, 4irginia dring the
*+1* Bilderberg Meetings, (-hoto7 !annah Borno?The Gardian 0ia -rison(lanet,co$)
>rish bsiness$an -eter Stherland (le%t), chair$an o% Gold$an Sachs >nternational, chats &ith -al Gallagher (right, &earing a hat),
%or$er Attorney General o% >reland, otside the 6est%ields Marriott !otel dring a brea9 bet&een sessions at the *+1* Bilderberg
Meetings, (-hoto7 !annah Borno 0ia -rison(lanet,co$)
6all Street %inancier !enry #ra0is is seen riding in a li$osine as he de(arts the 6est%ields Marriott !otel in 3hantilly, 4irginia,
",S,A, on Snday, /ne ., *+1* %ollo&ing the conclsion o% the *+1* Bilderberg Meetings,
(-hoto7 !annah Borno?The Gardian 0ia -rison(lanet,co$)
!ndreds of ,rotesters a,,ear on the sidewal; otside the ,re&ises of the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% dring the
6E16 Bilderberg Meetings on Friday# 1ne 1# 6E16%(4hotoA htt,A33cry,to&e%org36E16/info3bilderberg/6E163bilderberg/6E16%ht&)
" Fairfa: +onty ,olice officer &onitors a gro, of ,rotesters with a video ca&era while two other Fairfa: +onty ,olice officers &onitor the
,rotesters standing otside the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia on $atrday 1ne 6# 6E16 dring the 6E16 Bilderberg Meetings
held at the *estfields Marriott !otel% (4hotoA htt,A33www%flic;r%co&3,hotos3n2tel3>226FE8GG83in3,hotostrea&)
Fairfa: +onty ,olice officers ;idna, an "&erican citiDen otside the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia dring the
6E16 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% on Friday# 1ne 1# 6E16% The yong &an wearing a white shirt was
wal;ing along the crb of the road and atte&,ted to retrn to the sidewal; when ,olice officers ;idna,,ed hi& and escorted hi&
to a nearby ,olice car% (4hotoA htt,A33cry,to&e%org36E16/info3bilderberg/6E163bilderberg/6E16%ht&)
Fairfa: +onty ,olice officers arrest an "&erican citiDen otside the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia dring the
6E16 Bilderberg Meetings in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"% on Friday# 1ne 1# 6E16%
(4hotoA htt,A33cry,to&e%org36E16/info3bilderberg/6E163bilderberg/6E16%ht&)

" secrity gard standing otside of the *estfields Marriott !otel (in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"%) observes a gro, of ,rotesters dring the 6E16
Bilderberg Meetings on $atrday# 1ne 6# 6E16% (4hotoA 0 *on (ang3The E,och Ti&es)
" ,hoto of the &ain hotel entrance of the *estfields Marriott !otel in +hantilly# Cirginia# '%$%"%
*ecrit# tighter th!n ever !t Bilderberg conference
Secreti0e $eeting only in0ites criosity
By Ben 6ol%gang, The Washington Times
6ednesday, May .+, *+1*
3hantillyOs 6est%ields Marriott hotel is the site o% an An(recedentedD secrity crac9do&n as the &orldKs richest and $ost (o&er%l
arri0e %or the annal Bilderberg con%erence, !ndreds o% de$onstrators are eI(ected to (rotest the highly secreti0e gathering, &hich
9ic9s o%% Thrsday and lasts throgh the &ee9end, The o%%-the-record $eeting, &ell 9no&n in cons(iracy lore bt ty(ically gi0en little
to no $edia attention each year, once again &ill bring together heads o% state, billionaire ban9ers, leading bsiness$en and other
international $o0ers and sha9ers,
A (eri$eter o% abot a hal%-$ile has been set ( arond the Forthern 4irginia hotel, and all non-Bilderberg gests re(ortedly &ere
9ic9ed ot o% their roo$s, A (hotogra(her %or The 6ashington Ti$es &as told by la& en%orce$ent 6ednesday that any atte$(t to get
close to the bilding &old reslt in arrest, Tight secrity is nothing ne& at the in%a$os $eeting, bt $ore (ress co0erage in recent
years - dri0en largely by social $edia and radio host AleI /ones, a$ong others - has led organiBers to thic9en the (rotecti0e shell
arond the con%erence to ne& heights, And ths %rther %eeding the r$or $ill, AThis year, itKs the biggest e0er, The secrity is
le0eraged ( big ti$e, >tKs n(recedented,D Mr, /ones, one o% the lodest Bilderberg critics, said in an inter0ie& 6ednesday a%ter he
and his sta%% &ere told to re$o0e the$sel0es %ro$ the hotel or ris9 arrest,
Bt 8air%aI 3onty (olice say that so$e re(orts - inclding r$ors on T&itter and else&here that la& en%orce$ent (ersonnel ha0e
threatened &old-be tres(assers &ith $achine gns - are being blo&n ot o% (ro(ortion, A'b0iosly, (olice o%%icers carry gns, ThatKs
(art o% the deal,D '%%icer Shelley Broderic9, conty (olice s(o9es&o$an, told The Ti$es, A'b0iosly, &eKre a&are o% this 1$eeting2,
6e do ha0e o%%icers &or9ing &ith the hotel and the 1Bilderberg2 organiBation, Cst to $a9e sre e0erything goes %ine, 6eKre &or9ing
to $a9e sre e0erything goes '#,D
The o%%icial Bilderberg gest list is 9e(t nder &ra(s, as are the s(eci%ic to(ics %or discssion, =$ored to be at the to( o% the agenda
this year is the @ro(ean %inancial crisis,
8reJent attendees, inclding !enry A, #issinger and Ea0id =oc9e%eller, are eI(ected again, A co(y o% last yearKs gest list, lea9ed to
a Cornalist co0ering the con%erence, o%%ers a &indo& into Cst ho& $ch in%lence Bilderberg gests &ield, Google 3hair$an @ric
Sch$idt, 6orld Ban9 -resident =obert B, Loellic9, @ro(ean 3entral Ban9 -resident /ean-3lade Trichet, Neen BeatriI o% the
Fetherlands and Gree9 Minister o% 8inance George -a(aconstantino &ere re(ortedly a$ong those in attendance at the *+11 $eeting
in S&itBerland, Global bsiness titans, go0ern$ent o%%icials and (olitical %igres ronded ot the gest list o% $ore than 1++, thogh
s9e(tics ss(ect doBens o% na$es, es(ecially o% high-(ro%ile indi0idals, are 9e(t o%% o% it,
The Bilderberg organiBation releases 0irtally no in%or$ation abot the $eeting, >ts &ebsite, bilderberg$eetings,org, states that the
yearly con%erence Ais a s$all, %leIible, in%or$al and o%%-the-record international %or$ in &hich di%%erent 0ie&(oints can be eI(ressed
and $tal nderstanding enhanced,D >t goes on to eI(lain that Aat the $eetings, no resoltions are (ro(osed, no 0otes ta9en and no
(olicy state$ents issed,D The con%erence gets its na$e %ro$ the %irst $eeting in 19:4 at the Bilderberg hotel in the Fetherlands,
3ritics say the organiBationKs benign descri(tion doesnKt co$e close to reality, >t is at the BilderbergKs annal $eeting, they arge, that
the &orldKs real rlers $a9e $aCor decisions &ith global i$(lications, sch as choosing %tre (olitical leaders srre(titiosly, So$e
say the gro( also is laying the grond&or9 %or an e0ental one-&orld go0ern$ent, %or (lans to i$(ose &orld&ide (o(lation control,
and %or sing sch global isses as cli$ate change to re(eal de$ocracy or %ree s(eech,
6hat is discssed behind closed doors this year li9ely &ill re$ain secret, bt the sheer le0el o% secrity and (recations ta9en to 9ee(
the con%erence belo& the radar has (iJed (blic criosity and concern, Mr, /ones said, A>tKs all o% this $eeting in secret bsiness, P
-eo(le 9no& this st%% isnKt good,D he said,
Sorce7 The 6ashington Ti$es
1s Bilderberg ! conference on world !ff!irs or ! +owerfl glob!l c!b!l2
-e+ends on who #o !s,0
By Annie Go&en
/ne 1, *+1*, The Washington Post
A dll o%%ice (ar9 near Elles >nternational Air(ort too9 on the sheen o% a !olly&ood thriller this &ee9, &hen an in0itation-only
cadre o% global leaders gathered %or a secreti0e $eeting 9no&n as the Bilderberg con%erence, !enry #issinger and Bill Gates
&ere cha%%ered in, 8air%aI 3onty (olice established a secrity (eri$eter arond the 6est%ields Marriott and (rohibited a
6ashington -ost (hotogra(her %ro$ sna((ing (ictres %ro$ a (blic street,
'tside the /ersey barriers, doBens o% (rotesters and cons(iracy theorists Q con0inced that Bilderberg is a global cabal that rns
the &orld Q &a0ed signs and shoted into bllhorns, A!on9 i% yo hate the ne& &orld orderHD they blared, hooting at dri0ers
(assing by, 8air%aI (olice ha0e $ade three arrests %or a 0ariety o% $isde$eanor o%%enses, inclding obstrction o% Cstice and
disorderly condct, a (olice s(o9es$an said, AThis is the tre (o&er strctre, the shado& go0ern$ent,D said Sha&n
8linchbagh, *9, The $achinist %ro$ Ror9 3onty, -a,, stood otside the con%erence center, cltching a hand$ade sign that
read, ABilderberg Sc$,D AThey say they donKt eIist, bt they do,D
According to its 6eb site, the Bilderberg $eeting &as organiBed by leaders %ro$ 6estern @ro(e and Forth A$erica in the
early days o% the 3old 6ar, and it is na$ed %or the Etch hotel &here the %irst concla0e &as held in 19:4, The crrent chair$an
o% its steering co$$ittee is a 8rench cont, -artici(ants inclde the neoconser0ati0e scholar =ichard -erle, billionaire -eter
Thiel, and %inanciers sch as =oger Alt$an and #enneth M, /acobs, chair$an and chie% eIecti0e o% ;aBard,
Abot 1*+ (eo(le (artici(ate in Anearly three days o% in%or$al, o%%-the-record discssion abot to(ics o% crrent concernD in
econo$ics and %oreign a%%airs, &ith the crisis in Syria, the ero Bone and the ",S, (residential election (robably ta9ing center
stage this ti$e, Attendees are encoraged not to discss the (roceedings, &hich %els the secrecy concerns, Many ado(t a A8ight
3lbD a((roach to ans&ering Jestions a%ter&ard, >n other &ords, the %irst rle is, yo do not tal9 abot Bilderberg,
'0er the years, cons(iracy b%%s ha0e e$braced notions sch as the gro( is behind the creation o% the ero and $eets to select
the &inners and losers in the ",S, (residential election Q or at least endorse the candidateKs 0ice (residential (ic9, A s(eech by
then-Sen, /ohn @d&ards (E-F,3,) dring Bilderberg in *++4 hel(ed ce$ent his 0ice (residential bid,
4in 6eber, a 6ashington lobbyist and %or$er Minnesota congress$an &ho has been a (resenter at Bilderberg t&ice, laghs at
sch tal9, !e recalled a 0igoros disagree$ent o0er (residential (olitics at a Bilderberg $eeting, &ith Barac9 'ba$a s((orter
/a$es A, /ohnson ad0ocating %or his gy and %or$er Bill 3linton ad0iser 4ernon /ordan s(ea9ing ( %or !illary 3linton,
A@0erybody tal9s abot this great cons(iracy, bt itKs really not, >tKs %n to be able to tal9 abot it,D said 6eber, &ho is a
=o$ney ad0iser,
So as the $otorcades co$e and go, are they tal9ing o% Marco =bioS AResterday > sa& three billionaires, These are the
9ing$a9ers, 6hoe0er &e see here is li9ely to be the 0ice (residential candidate,D said Mi9e -each$an, *4, a lingist %ro$ Fe&
Ror9, !e &as 9ee(ing an eye ot %or >ndiana Go0, Mitch Eaniels (=), a schedled (resenter so$eti$es $entioned as a =o$ney
0ice (residential (ic9, (Also on the in0itation list &as Eonald @, Graha$, chair$an o% the board and chie% eIecti0e o% The
6ashington -ost 3o,)
@0ery once in a &hile a 0an &ith tinted &indo&s &old dri0e throgh the gate, and the cro&d o% (rotesters &old chant, ASc$,
sc$, sc$HD as it sailed by, Bt then the s9y dar9ened, and se0ere thnderstor$s ca$e s&ee(ing throgh, rining e0erything,
The ti$ing coldnKt ha0e been $ore (er%ect i% the ;ords o% Bilderberg had arranged it the$sel0es,
Sorce7 The 6ashington -ost
*+1. Bilderberg Meetings at !ert%ordshire (6at%ord), @ngland, Great Britain ()-9 /ne *+1.)
The )rove !otel in !ertfordshire# England# located Hst north of *atford# near London# was the site of the 6E12 Bilderberg
Meetings% (4hotoA htt,A33www%flic;r%co&3,hotos3;eltic32E6>FG9>G13)
+onservative ,arty leader 0avid +a&eron (left)# the crrent 4ri&e Minister of )reat Britain# a,,ears with $hadow +hancellor
)eorge 8sborne (center) as he introdces (enneth +lar;e (right) to his econo&ic tea& at 4ortcllis !ose in London on
1anary 19# 6EE9% (enneth +lar;e retrned to the +onservative front bench to ass&e the role of $hadow Bsiness $ecretary%
0avid +a&eron# )eorge 8sborne# and (enneth +lar;e attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove hotel in
*atford# England fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12% (4hoto by 8li $carff3)etty .&ages)
The 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings was held at The )rove !otel in LondonJs +ontry Estate# +handler?s +ross *atford# !ertfordshire# England
(located 6%F &iles (F ;ilo&eters) northwest of *atford 1nction Tbe $tation# northwest of downtown London) fro& Thrsday# 1ne =# 6E12
ntil $nday# 1ne 9# 6E12% (4hotoA htt,A33www%flic;r%co&3,hotos3watford,at3G6G=21==663)
Police officers stand guard on the roads surrounding The Grove hotel, which is hosting the annual Bilderberg Meetings conference, in Watford,
England on June 6, 2013. The traditionally secretive conference, which has taken place since 1954, is expected to be attended by politicians,
bank bosses, businessman and European royalty. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)
Police officers patrol the grounds of The Grove hotel, which is hosting the annual Bilderberg conference, in Watford, England on
Thursday, June 6, 2013. The traditionally secretive conference, which has taken place since 1954, is expected to be attended by
politicians, bank bosses, billionaires, chief executives, and European royalty. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)
Police officers stand guard on the roads surrounding The Grove hotel, which is hosting the annual Bilderberg conference, in
Watford, England on June 6, 2013. The traditionally secretive conference, which has taken place since 1954, is expected to be
attended by politicians, bank bosses, businessman and European royalty. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)
" gro, of British secrity agents stand in the distance as a car enters The )rove hotel ,ar;ing lot dring the 6E12 Bilderberg
Meetings in 1ne 6E12% (4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E123E=3bilderberg/in/watford/tagG%ht&l)
Two British ,olice officers gard the ,eri&eter of The )rove hotel in *atford# England dring the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings in
1ne 6E12% (4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E123E=3bilderberg/in/watford/tagG%ht&l)
Me&ber of 4arlia&ent (enneth +lar;e (left) and 4eter Mandelson s,ea; at the British +ha&ber of +o&&erce annal
conference in March 6E1E% (enneth +lar;e and 4eter Mandelson attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove in
*atford near London fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12% (4hotoA 8li $carff3)etty .&ages)
!er Royal !ighness 4rincess Beatri: of the @etherlands (for&erly 5een Beatri: of the @etherlands) rides in the bac; of a
li&osine in *atford# England on Thrsday# 1ne =# 6E12 enrote to the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove%
(4hotoA htt,A33alles/schallndrach%blogs,ot%co&36E123E=3bilderberg/in/watford/tagF%ht&l)
" dining roo& inside The )rove at *atford
(4hotoA htt,A33www%flic;r%co&3,hotos3=GG96FE9\@E>3G988F=1EFE3siDes3l3in3,hotostrea&3)
Bilderberg &e&ber 1osef "c;er&ann# +hair&an of the board of 7rich .nsrance )ro, Ltd%# arrives at The )rove in *atford#
England on Thrsday# 1ne =# 6E12 to attend the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA Liberty Tactics)
" Bilderberg li&osine drives ,ast a gro, of ,rotestors at the entrance of The )rove hotel in *atford# England on 1ne =# 6E12
en rote to the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at the hotel% (4hotoA The T.&es)
Bilderberg )ro, elder states&an Etienne 0avignon arrives at The )rove in *atford# England on Thrsday# 1ne =# 6E12 to
attend the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings% (4hotoA htt,A33libertytactics%co&36E123E=3so&e/&ore/,ictres/fro&/bilderberg/day/one3)
+hancellor of the E:eche-er )eorge 8sborne (left) and Me&ber of 4arlia&ent (enneth +lar;e (right) attended the 6E12
Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove in *atford near London fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12%
Rece,tion area at The )rove (4hotoA htt,A33www%flic;r%co&3,hotos3yongblog36G1219F6G>3)
" conference roo& inside The )rove (4hotoA htt,A33www%thegrove%co%;3events3,hotos3Y],retty4hoto)
+hristine Lagarde (left)# Managing 0irector of the .nternational Monetary Fnd (.MF)# greets for&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate !enry (issinger at
the Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or; in @ew 9or; +ity on ",ril 1E# 6E12% Lagarde and (issinger attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at
The )rove hotel in *atford# England fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12% (4hotoA Econo&ic +lb of @ew 9or;)
British +hancellor of the E:che-er )eorge 8sborne (left) a,,ears with .nternational Monetary Fnd Managing 0irector +hristine Lagarde
dring a s,eech at +hatha& !ose# the head-arters of The Royal .nstitte of .nternational "ffairs# in London# 'nited (ingdo& on $e,te&ber
9# 6E11% 8sborne and Lagarde attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove hotel in *atford# England fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12%
(4hotoA *4" 4ool3)etty .&ages Ero,e)
4ri&e Minister of .taly Mario Monti (left) greets +hristine Lagarde (right)# the Managing 0irector of the .nternational Monetary Fnd in Brssels#
Belgi& on March 1# 6E16% Monti and Lagarde attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12%
Mario Monti (left)# the 4ri&e Minister of .taly# greets 1ose Manel Barroso (right)# 4resident of the Ero,ean +o&&ission# in Brssels# Belgi&
on Brssels# Belgi& on @ove&ber 66# 6E11% Monti and Barroso attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove in *atford#
England fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12% ("4 4hoto)
4resident of the Ero,ean +o&&ission 1ose Manel Barroso (left) discssed Ero,ean 'nion econo&ic crisis &anage&ent and
refor& with +oncil on Foreign Relations &e&ber 1a&es 0% *olfensohn# for&er 4resident of the *orld Ban;% 1ose Manel
Barroso and 1a&es 0% *olfensohn attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove in *atford# England fro& 1ne =/
9# 6E12% (4hotoA +oncil on Foreign Relations 6E11 "nnal Re,ort)
!enry (issinger (left)# for&er '%$% $ecretary of $tate# a,,ears with Robert E% Rbin# +o/+hair&an of the +oncil on Foreign
Relations and for&er '%$% $ecretary of the Treasry at a +oncil on Foreign Relations &eeting% !enry (issinger and Robert E%
Rbin attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove in *atford# England fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12% !enry (issinger and
Robert E% Rbin attended the Bilderberg Meetings together fro& 6E1E ntil 6E12%
(4hotoA +oncil on Foreign Relations 6E12 "nnal Re,ort)
1ose Manel Barroso (right)# 4resident of the Ero,ean +o&&ission# e&braces Ciscont Etienne 0avignon (left)# 4resident of Friends of
Ero,e# dring a &eeting in Brssels# Belgi& on 8ctober 12# 6E11% The na&e of the &eeting was called PThe $tate of Ero,eA Re/thin;ing
the Ero,ean 4roHectQ% Barroso and 0avignon attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12% (4hotoA Flic;r)
1or&a 8llila (right)# +hair&an of Royal 0tch $hell# s,ea;s while Robert 0dley (left)# +E8 of British 4etrole& (B4)# listens dring the
second day of the $t% )allen $y&,osi&# a ,latfor& for dialoge on ;ey isses in &anage&ent# the entre,renerial environ&ent and the
interfaces between bsiness# ,olitics and civil society# at the 'niversity of $t% )allen# $witDerland on May 12# 6E11% 8llila and 0dley attended
the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove hotel in *atford# England fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12% (4hotoA E4"3E@@.8 LE"@7")
Foreign Minister of $weden +arl Bildt (left) and Foreign Minister of @orway Es,en Barth Eide (right) attended the 6E12
Bilderberg Meetings held at The )rove hotel in *atford# England fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12%
(4hotoA htt,A33www%nordlys%no3nyheter3article=FGF=1G%ece)
)oogle chief e:ective Eric $ch&idt (left) and 4ay4al co/fonder 4eter Thiel (right) attended the 6E12 Bilderberg Meetings held
at The )rove hotel in *atford# England fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12% (4hotoA Mashable3$ydney Morning !erald=
Thierry de Montbrial (left)# 4resident and fonder of the *4+# greets Mario Monti# 4ri&e Minister of .taly# dring a *4+ 6E16
conference held in +annes# France on 0ece&ber 8# 6E16% Thierry de Montbrial and Mario Monti attended the 6E12 Bilderberg
Meetings held at The )rove in *atford# England fro& 1ne =/9# 6E12. (4hotoA *orld 4olicy +onference)
Clb of .ich$ (owerfl Meet in *ecret 3e!r 4ondon
By T!@ ASS'3>AT@E -=@SS
-blished7 /ne 7, *+1. at 87*) AM @T
;'FE'F Q >tKs a bsy &ee9end at the lIry Gro0e !otel, %a0ored hant o% British soccer (layers and their glitB-lo0ing
s(oses, More than 1++ o% the &orldKs $ost (o&er%l (eo(le are at the %or$er $anor hose near ;ondon %or a secreti0e annal
gathering that has attained legendary stats in the eyes o% anti-ca(italist (rotesters and cons(iracy theorists,
The gest list %or the Bilderberg $eeting incldes Google eIecti0e chair$an @ric Sch$idt, A$aBon 3@' /e%% BeBos,
>nternational Monetary 8nd chie% 3hristine ;agarde and %or$er ",S, Secretary o% State !enry #issinger, British -ri$e Minister
Ea0id 3a$eron is de to dro( by 8riday,
)he Bilderberg 5ro+ w!s set + in 1964 to s++ort milit!r# !nd economic co-o+er!tion between 7ro+e !nd 3orth
Americ! dring the Cold 8!r0 3!med for the site of its first meeting 9 the Bilderberg 'otel in :osterbee,$ 'oll!nd 9
the form for +rominent +olitici!ns$ thin,ers !nd bsiness le!ders h!s been held !nn!ll# !t ! series of seclded venes
in 7ro+e !nd 3orth Americ!0
8h!t h!++ens !t Bilderberg$ st!#s !t Bilderberg0 )here is no medi! !ccess !nd the +blic is ,e+t !w!# b# ! l!rge secrit#
o+er!tion0 )he gro+ s!#s th!t ;there is no det!iled !gend!$ no resoltions !re +ro+osed$ no votes !re t!,en$ !nd no
+olic# st!tements !re issed0<
Bt in a $o0e to&ard slightly $ore o(enness, the gro( no& has a &ebsite, &hich lists attendees and 9ey to(ics %or discssion,
inclding the econo$y, ",S, %oreign (olicy, Acyber &ar%are and the (roli%eration o% asy$$etric threatsD and A$aCor trends in
$edical research,D
>n0itees inclde British Treasry chie% George 'sborne, Gold$an Sachs chair$an -eter Stherland and Tho$as @nders, 3@' o%
aeros(ace co$(any @AES,
-blication o% these details has done little to ease the concerns o% (rotesters, &ho sense a shado&y global elite at &or9 in the
secreti0e $eeting,
A6hen 1.+ o% the leaders %ro$ all across the 6est get together, and $any o% these are billionaires, they are (eo(le &ho are
i$$ensely &ealthy and i$$ensely (o&er%l,D said Michael Meacher, a la&$a9er %ro$ BritainKs ;abor -arty, AAnd &hen
they all get together, itKs not Cst to ha0e a chat abot the latest (roble$, it is to concert (lans %or the %tre o% ca(italis$ in the
6est, That is on a 0ery di%%erent scale,D
'thers go e0en %rther, (tting Bilderberg at the heart o% a global &eb o% cons(iracy, The (rotesters in 6at%ord inclde ",S,
tal9-radio host and Se(t, 11 AtrtherD AleI /ones, and %or$er (ro%essional soccer (layer Ea0id >c9e, &ho belie0es the &orld is
rn by a race o% re(tiles in h$an %or$, Ee$onstrators (lan to hold a ABilderberg %ringeD %esti0al otside the hotel ntil the
con%erence ends Snday,
A Bilderberg s(o9es$an Q reached by e$ail since no (hone n$ber is listed Q said there is nothing sinister abot the
gathering, A6e disclose the date, the location, the (artici(ants and the 9ey to(ics o% the con%erence,D Tander !eiCnen said,
AMany gro(s o% (eo(le $eet &ithot annoncing it (blicly at all, &ithot disclosing &ho is ta9ing (art and &ithot gi0ing any
9ey to(ics,D
AThe $eetings broaden the (artici(antsK range o% 0ie&(oints, hel( the$ to gain insights and eIchange 0ie&s,D he said, A>t see$s
illogical to arge that a $eeting o% indi0idals designed to gi0e and obtain %resh insights, so$eho& Onder$ines de$ocracy,KD
That $essage has not s&ayed (rotesters li9e /dd 3harlton, a 0entriloJist %ro$ ;ondon &ho sho&ed ( Thrsday to Ceer at cars
&ith blac9ed-ot &indo&s entering the hotel co$(ond, A6e are basically here to bring do&n the (arasites &ho are drg
dealers and ban9 colla(sers &ho see$ to &ant to destroy this &orld,D he said,
/ill ;a&less can be reached at htt(7??T&itter,co$?/ill;a&less
Sorce7 The Fe& Ror9 Ti$es
*+14 Bilderberg Meetings at 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 (*9 May-1 /ne *+14)
3o(enhagen Marriott !otel in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9, the site o% the *+14 Bilderberg Meetings con%erence
(-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,in%o&ars,co$?(hotos-bilderberg-*+14?)
A (olice o%%icer gards the (eri$eter o% the 3o(enhagen Marriott !otel in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 on May *8, *+14, a day be%ore
the beginning o% the *+14 Bilderberg Meetings con%erence, (-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,in%o&ars,co$?(hotos-bilderberg-*+14?)
Barricade is erected otside 3o(enhagen Marriott !otel in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 on May *8, *+14, a day be%ore the beginning
o% the *+14 Bilderberg Meetings con%erence, (-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,in%o&ars,co$?(hotos-bilderberg-*+14?)
A (rotestor standing on a (blic side&al9 near the 3o(enhagen Marriott !otel in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9, &here the *+14
Bilderberg Meetings con%erence is held, &as assalted and arrested on May *9, *+14 %or re%sing to sho& identi%ication,
3o(enhagen Marriott !otel in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9
3o(enhagen Marriott !otel con%erence roo$
=etired ",S, Ar$y Gen, Ea0id !, -etraes is seen Cogging near the 3o(enhagen Marriott !otel dring the %irst day o% *+14
Bilderberg Meetings con%erence in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 on May *9, *+14,
(-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,in%o&ars,co$?bilderbergers-(etraes-thiel-sna((ed-(-close-by-in%o&ars-re(orter?)
Secretary General o% FAT' Anders 8ogh =as$ssen (le%t) and Managing Eirector o% >nternational Monetary 8nd 3hristine
;agarde attend the *+14 Bilderberg Meetings con%erence held in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 in May *+14, (-hoto7 -ol%oto)
@ric Sch$idt (center), chair$an o% the board o% Google, $eets &ith other Bilderberg gests at the 3o(enhagen Marriott !otel
dring the second day o% *+14 Bilderberg Meetings con%erence in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 on May .+, *+14,
(-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,in%o&ars,co$?(hotos-bilderberg-*+14?)
@ric Sch$idt (*
le%t), chair$an o% the board o% Google, and /a$es 6ol%ensohn (center, standing), %or$er -resident o% the
6orld Ban9, $eet &ith other Bilderberg gests at the 3o(enhagen Marriott !otel dring the second day o% *+14 Bilderberg
Meetings con%erence in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 on May .+, *+14, (-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,in%o&ars,co$?(hotos-bilderberg-*+14?)
-rincess (%or$erly Neen) BeatriI o% the Fetherlands enters the 3o(enhagen Marriott !otel dring the %irst day o% *+14
Bilderberg Meetings con%erence in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 on May *9, *+14,
(-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,(rison(lanet,co$?(hotos-bilderberg-*+14,ht$l)
Neen So%ia o% S(ain enters the 3o(enhagen Marriott !otel dring the %irst day o% *+14 Bilderberg Meetings con%erence in
3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 on May *9, *+14, (-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,(rison(lanet,co$?(hotos-bilderberg-*+14,ht$l)
/a$es 6ol%ensohn (le%t) and @tienne Ea0ignon enCoy a lnch brea9 otside the 3o(enhagen Marriott !otel dring the second
day o% *+14 Bilderberg Meetings con%erence in 3o(enhagen, Een$ar9 on May .+, *+14,
(-hoto7 htt(7??&&&,in%o&ars,co$?bilderbergers-at-lnch-caght-on-ca$era?)
-resident o% =ssia 4ladi$ir -tin (le%t) $et &ith =oyal Etch Shell 3@' Ben 0an Berden at the Fo0o-'garyo0o state residence
otside Mosco&, =ssia on 8riday, A(ril 18, *+14, -tin is (shing to add oil and natral gas rotes %or =ssia to s((ly Asia, Ben
v!n Berden !ttended the 2014 Bilderberg Meetings conference held in Co+enh!gen$ -enm!r, from M!# 29$ 2014 ntil "ne
1$ 20140 (-hoto7 MaIi$ Shi(en9o0, -'';)
-ri$e Minister o% "9raine Arseniy Ratseny9 (le%t) and FAT' Secretary General Anders 8ogh =as$ssen attend a (ress con%erence
at the FAT' headJarters in Brssels, Belgi$ on March ), *+14, Anders =ogh .!smssen !ttended the 2014 Bilderberg
Meetings conference held in Co+enh!gen$ -enm!r, from M!# 29$ 2014 ntil "ne 1$ 20140 (Tinha?Gong Bing)

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