CAD CH 2 3 Exercises

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AutoCAD and Its Applications

B A S I C S Student CD


Exercise 2-4
1. Start AutoCAD if it is not already started. 2. Open the Drawing Units dialog box and make the linear units Architectural and the angular measurements Decimal Degrees. Set the number of decimal places for angles to 3 and specify angles to be measured counterclockwise. 3. Pick OK to exit the Drawing Units dialog box. 4. Keep AutoCAD open for the next exercise, or exit AutoCAD if necessary.

Copyright by Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Inc.

AutoCAD and Its Applications

B A S I C S Student CD


Exercise 2-5
1. Create one of the following templates based on the type of drawing you prefer. To create your template, begin a new drawing based on the existing template listed and set the specified grid and snap values. A. Name: MECHANICAL Use: Mechanical drawings in inches. Template: Tutorial-iMfg.dwt Grid = .25 Snap = .125 B. Name: ARCHITECTURAL-D Use: Architectural drawings. Template: Tutorial-iArch.dwt Grid = 24 Snap = 6 2. Save the drawing template as explained in the chapter. 3. Record the information about your template in a notebook.

Copyright by Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Inc.

AutoCAD and Its Applications

B A S I C S Student CD


Exercise 3-1
1. 2. 3. 4. Start AutoCAD if it is not already started. Begin a new drawing from scratch using the imperial format. Disable the grid and snap if they are on. Access the LINE tool and draw several lines. Disregard the on-screen and command line prompts. Pay attention to the coordinate display field of the status bar as you draw. Access the Drafting Settings dialog box. On the Snap and Grid tab, enter .5 for the X and Y grid spacing values. Close the dialog box. Toggle Grid mode on from the status bar. Access the LINE tool and draw several lines. Disregard the on-screen and command line prompts. Pay attention to the coordinate display field of the status bar as you draw. Access the Drafting Settings dialog box. On the Snap and Grid tab, enter .25 for the X and Y snap spacing values. Close the dialog box. Toggle Snap mode on from the status bar. Access the LINE tool and draw several lines. Disregard the on-screen and command line prompts. Notice how the crosshairs snap to .25 unit increments as you draw. These increments should be half the spacing of the .5 unit grid. Draw a 4.0-unit by 6.0-unit rectangle. Use snaps to construct the rectangle accurately. Save the drawing as EX3-1.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Copyright by Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Inc.

AutoCAD and Its Applications

B A S I C S Student CD


Exercise 3-2
Start a new drawing using one of your templates, or open a previous exercise. If dynamic input is enabled, turn it off by picking the Dynamic Input button on the status bar. Use the LINE tool to draw an object with the absolute coordinates given in the chart below. Save the drawing as EX3-2A. Start a new drawing using one of your templates, or open a previous exercise. Turn on dynamic input. Use the LINE tool to draw an object with the absolute coordinates given in the chart below. Be sure to use absolute coordinate entry for the entire object. 8. Save the drawing as EX3-2B.
Point 1 2 3 4 Coordinates 0,0 9,0 9.5,.5 9.5,2 Point 5 6 7 8 Coordinates 0,2 0,1.5 .25,.5 0,0

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Copyright by Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Inc.

AutoCAD and Its Applications

B A S I C S Student CD


Exercise 3-3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Start a new drawing using one of your templates, or open a previous exercise. If dynamic input is enabled, turn it off. Use the LINE tool to draw an object with the coordinates given in the chart below. Save the drawing as EX3-3A. Start a new drawing using one of your templates, or open a previous exercise. Turn on dynamic input. Use the LINE tool to draw an object with the coordinates given in the chart below. Save the drawing as EX3-3B.
Point 1 2 3 4 Coordinates 1,1 @9,0 @.5,.5 @0,1.5 Point 5 6 7 8 Coordinates @-9.5,0 @0,-.5 @.25,-1 @-.25,-.5

Copyright by Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Inc.

AutoCAD and Its Applications

B A S I C S Student CD


Exercise 3-4
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Start a new drawing using one of your templates, or open a previous exercise. If dynamic input is enabled, turn it off. Use the LINE tool to draw an object with the coordinates given in the chart below. Save the drawing as EX3-4A. Start a new drawing using one of your templates, or open a previous exercise. Turn on dynamic input. Use the LINE tool to draw an object with the coordinates given in the chart below. Save the drawing as EX3-4B.
Point 1 2 3 Coordinates 1,1 @9<0 @.7<45 Point 4 5 6 Coordinates @1.5<90 @9.5<180 @2<270

Copyright by Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Inc.

AutoCAD and Its Applications

B A S I C S Student CD


Exercise 3-5
1. Start a new drawing, use one of your templates, or open a previous exercise. 2. Using polar tracking, draw an equilateral triangle (a triangle with three equal sides and angles) with each side 2 long. Turn Ortho mode off to do this. 3. Using the LINE tool, draw a 3 (76 mm) 2 (50 mm) rectangle, using the screen cursor for point entry, with Ortho mode and polar tracking off. Draw a second rectangle with Ortho mode on. Compare the difference. 4. Use direct distance entry to draw a rectangle similar to the one in Figure 3-14. 5. Use direct distance entry to start a new line a distance of your choice from the last point drawn, and then complete the line. 6. Turn off Ortho mode and turn on polar tracking. 7. Draw a 3 (76 mm) 2 (50 mm) rectangle, using polar tracking. 8. Save the drawing as EX3-5.

Copyright by Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. Inc.

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