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THE WRITINGS OF SAINT CLARE The extant writings of Saint Clare consist of four letters of correspondence with St.

Agnes of Prague, a letter to Ermentrude of Bruges believed to be a compilation of possibly two letters, the Form of Life (Rule) she wrote in 1253, the Testament she left to her sisters, and the blessing she gave them before she died. Studies and collections of all or most of these writings are listed first, followed by sections with particular considerations of the letters, the Testament, and blessing. A separate chapter will be devoted to the Rule of Saint Clare. Texts and Commentaries on the Writings:

Accrocca, Felice, O.F. M. Cap. Greyfriars Review 11 (1997): 143-163. [Also see the Writings of Clare and the Hagiographic Sources for Clare of Assisi, 177-183.] Armstrong, Regis J., O.F.M., and Ignatius C. Brady, O.F.M. Trans. and Intro. Clare of Assisi: The Writings. Francis and Clare: The Complete Works. New York: Paulist Press, 1982: 189-234. Armstrong, Regis J., O. F. M. Cap. Trans. and Ed. The Writings of Saint Clare. Clare of Assisi: Early Documents. Revised and expanded. St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1993: 31-82; Third Edition, . Clare of Assisi Early Documents: The Lady. New York: New City press, 2006: 39-66. Becker, Marie-France, O S.C., Jean-Franois Godet, O.F. M., Thadde Matura, O. F.M. Claire d'Assise: crits. Latin text, trans., notes and index. Paris: ditions du Cerf, 1985. Boccali, Johannes M., O.F.M. Concordantes Verbales Opusculorum S. Francisci et S. Clarae Assisiensium. Assisi: S. Mariae Angelorum, 1976. [Latin text of Rule, Testament, Letters and Blessing.] Brady, Ignatius C., O.F.M. Writings of Saint Clare. The Legend and Writings of Saint Clare of Assis, St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1953: 65-100 Casoli, Giovanni, Trans. Santa Chiara d'Assisi. La vita e gli scritti. Rome: Citta Nuova Editrice, 1974. Christiane de L'esprit, O.S.C. Vocabulaire de la joie dans les ecrits de Claire. Claire dans nos Federations 8 (1987): 19-27. [Newsletter for Poor Clares of France] Chronica XXIV Generalium Ministrorum Ordinis fratrum Minorum, 1209-1374. Analecta Francescana III. Quaracchi: Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1897.

Ciccarelli, Diego. Volgarizzamenti siciliani inediti degli scritti di S. Chiara. Schede Medievale 4 (1983): 19-51. A separate edition: Scrinium, 1. Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali, 1983. ___. Contributi alla recensione degli scritti di S. Chiara. Miscellanea Francescana 79 (1979): 347-74. Claire et Franois d'Assise. Collection Foi Vivant. Editions du Cerf, 1913. Clara van Assisi. Geschriften, Leven, Documenten. (Franciscanse bibliotheek, Bronnen) Haarlem: J.K. Gottmer, 1985. Covi, Ettore. Il femminile nel linguaggio morale di Chiara d'Assisi. Laurentianum 31 (1990): 148-75. Ecrits de Claire d'Assise. Sources Chrtiennes. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1985. Escritos de Santa Clara. Cuadernos franciscanos de Renovacin 33 (1970): 99-118. Geschriften van de Heilige Clara. Ing. en verkl. d. Oskar Cremers, O.F.M. Utrecht, 1969. Godet, Jean-Franois, O. F. M. Claire et la vie au feminin. Symboles des femme dans ses ecrits. Laurentianum 31 (1990): 148-75; English: Clare The woman, as Seen in Her Writings. Trans. Paul Barrett. Greyfriars Review 4 (1990): 7-30. ___. Opuscula sancti Francisci. Scripta sanctae Clarae. Louvain: Publication du CETEDOC, Universit Catholique de Louvain, 1976. Goossens, Hilarion. De heilige Clara. Leven, geschriften, documenten. Haarlem: J.H. Gottmer, 1976. Grau, Engelbert, O.F.M. Leben und Schriften der heiligen Klara von Assisi. Franziskanische Quellenschriften, Herausgegeben von den deutschen Franziskanern, 2. Werl: Dietrich Coelde-Verlag, 1952; 1976; 1980. ___. Die Schriften der Heiligen Klara und die Werke ihrer Biographen. Klara von Assisi. Studientag der Franziskanischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft 1980. Werl/Westfalia: Dietrich-Coelde-Verlag, 1980; English: The Writings of St. Clare and the Works of her Biographers. Trans. John van de Pavert. Franciscan Institute of Asia Contact 3/4 (1983): 6-19; 4/4 (1984): 2-11; Vita Fratrum 17 (1980): 3-27.

___. Le fonti riguardanti il secondo ordine francescano delle sorelle povere di santa Chiara. Forma Sororum 23 (1986): 131-45, 196-220. Les Ecrits de Claire d'Assise. Paris: Editions Franciscaines, 1991. Locatelli, Vincenzo, O.F.M. Vita di Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Napoli: Andrea Festa, 1855. [Contains "Maxims of St. Clare." These are sayings attributed to St. Clare. These are available in English in St. Clare and Her Order: A Story of Seven Centuries, 327.] Marie-Claire. Le Cheminement Spirituel la suite du Christ Pauvre d'aprs la vie et les ecrits de Claire D'Assise. Valleyfield, Quebec: Monastre Sainte-Claire, 1995. OBrien, Celsus, O.F.M. Clare of Assisi in Her Writings. Limerick: Franciscan Friary, 1991. Olgiati, Feliciano and Chiara Augusta Lainati, O.S.C. Scritti e fonti biografiche di Chiara d'Assisi. Fonti Francescane II. Assisi: Edizioni Messaggero Padova, 1977. Section 4, 2241-98. Omaechevarria, Ignatio, O.F.M. Escritos de Santa Clara: Y Documentos Contemporaneos. Bilingual edition, Spanish and Latin. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1970. Second expanded edition: Escritos de Santa Clara: Y Documentos Complementarios. 1982. ___. A propsito de los escritos de Santa Clara. Verdad y Vida 29 (1971): 133-40. ___. Regla, Testamento y Benedictin de Santa Clara. [This is a separate edition from Escritos de Santa Clara.] Madrid: B.A.C., 1982. Opuscula S. Francisci et Scripta S. Clarae Assisiensium. (Trans. and ed. Ioannis Boccali) variis adnotationibus et indicibus cura et studio ornata con traduzione italiana a fronte presentatzione e note a cura di Luciano Canonici. Vol.1. Assisi: Biblioteca Francescana Chiesa Nuova, Porziuncola, 1978: 384-98. Raurell, Frederic. El 'Cntic dels Cntics' en els segles XII-XIII: Lectura de Clara d'Asss. Estudios Franciscanos 91 (1990): 421-559. Robinson, Paschal, O.F.M. St.Clare of Assisi. Philadelphia 1910. ---. The Writings of St. Clare of Assisi. AFH 1910. Roggen, Heribert, O.F.M. Spirit and Life: The Gospel Way of Life in the Writings of St. Francis and St. Clare. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1970.

Textus Opusculorum S. Francisci et S. Clarae Assisiensium, variis adnotationibus ornatus cura et studio. Trans. and Ed. Ioannis M. Boccali. Assisi: Edizioni Porziuncola, 1976. Vaiani, Cesare, O.F.M. Chiara nei suoi scritti. Forma Sororum 35 (1998): 82-102; Van Asseldonk, Optatus, O.F.M. Santa Chiara d'Assisi nei suoi scritti e nelle biografie. Aspetti meno conosciuti di S. Chiara. Vita Minorum 51 (1980): 123-34. Vorreux, Damien, O.F.M. Ecrits de Sainte Claire. Sainte Clare d'Assise: Documents Biographie, crits, Procs et Bulle de Canonization, Textes de Chroniquers, Textes Lgislatifs et Tables. Paris: ditions Francescains, 1983. Pp. 79-144.

THE LETTERS OF SAINT CLARE Four letters written by Saint Clare to Agnes of Prague, and one letter to Ermentrude of Bruges, a probable compilation, are all that remain of what may have been a fairly prolific correspondence. These letters were made available to scholars mainly through the work of the Bollandists in the following work:

Acta Sanctorum 1668.

The earliest source for the first letter was found in Latin:

Chronica XXIV Generalium Ministrorum Ordinis Fratrum Minorum 1209-1374. Analecta Francescana III. Quaracchi: Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1897: 184-6.
Walter Seton uncovered all the letters in five German manuscripts dated around 1380, giving us an earlier form of the letters and at the same time verifying their authenticity.

E. S. IV; 4 f. 442 , 17th cen. Ambrosiana Library, Milan. Ms Codex 132, 14th cen. Herzogl. Bibliothek, (Helmstadt) Wolfenbttel. Ms German, Oct. 484, 14th Cen. Knigl. Bibliothek, (Berlin). Dresden Ms , M. 281, 14th Cen. Knigl. Bibliothek, (Berlin). Ms Misc. History, E. VII. 19 ff. 139 r 157 v , 14th Cen. Royal Library, Bamberg. Ms Misc. History, E. VII. 54, 14th Cen . Royal Library, Bamberg.
These findings were published in the following:

Seton, Walter. Some New Sources for the Life of Blessed Agnes of Prague including some Chronological notes and a New Text of the Benediction of St. Clare. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 7 (1914): 185-97.

___. Some New Sources for the Life of Blessed Agnes of Bohemia. Aberdeen: British Society of Franciscan Studies, 1915: 51-5; 151-64. ___. "Epistolae ad b. Agnetem." Quaracchi: Collegium S. Bonaventurae, 1924: 513-19. ___. The Letters from Saint Clare to Blessed Agnes of Bohemia. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 17 (1924): 509-19.
A still earlier source was uncovered by Dr. Achille Ratti, (Later, Pope Pius XI ) in a Latin ms of Czech origin dated between 1280 and 1330. There is a transcript of this ms in the Ambrosiana Library of Milan (E.S. IV. 4 f. 442). His work was published in:

Ratti, Achille. Un codice Pragense a Milano con testo inedito della vita di S. Agnese di Praga. Rendiconti dell'Istuto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere II, 29 (1896): 392-6.
This text seems to have been used by Nicholas Glassberger who penned the ms for "The Chronicle of the Twenty-Four Generals," which is considered to be the most reliable source known.

Analecta Francescana III, 184-6.

Vyskocil, J.K. did a critical study from a Prague manuscript that seems to have been copied from the manuscript of Milan. This is the earliest evidence that Clare corresponded with Agnes.

Vyskoil, Jan Kapistran, O.F.M. and Leo Brabas, O.F.M. Legenda Blahoslaviene Anezky a ctyri listi Sv. Klary. Prague 1932. English trans.: V. Buresh. Cleveland 1963; Italian trans.: "Le letere di Santa Chiara alla Beata Agnese di Praga." Santa Chiara d'Assisi: Studi e cronaca del VII Centenario (1253-1953). Assisi: Comitate Centrale per il Centenario Morte S. Chiara, 1954.
Borkowski studied other manuscripts and presented a new edition:

Borkowski, Mark. Two Medieval German Translations of the Letters of St. Clare of Assisi. Diss. Chapel Hill, 1974.
Latin texts available:

Concordante verbales opusculorum S. Francisci et S. Clarae Assisiensium. Trans. and Ed. Ioannis M. Boccali, O.F.M. Assisi: Portiuncola S. Mariae Angelorum, 1976. Doyle, Eric, O.F.M. Discipleship of Christ in Saint Clare's Letters to Blessed Agnes of Prague. Franciscan Christology: Selected Texts, Translations and Introductory Essays.

Ed. Damian Mc Elrath, O.F. M.. St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1980. Pp. 14-39. [Latin and English]. Omaechevarria, Ignatio, O.F.M. Escritos de Santa Clara: Y Documentos Contemporaneos. Bilingual edition, Spanish and Latin. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1970. Second expanded edition: Escritos de Santa Clara: Y Documentos Complementarios. 1982. Pp. 370-400. Opuscula S. Francisci et Scripta S. Clarae Assisiensium. Trans. and ed. Ioannis Boccali. variis adnotationibus et indicibus cura et studio ornata con traduzione italiana a fronte presentazione e note a cura di Luciano Canonici, O.F.M. Vol. I. Assisi: Biblioteca Francescana Chiesa Nuova, Porziuncola, 1978:384-98. Wadding, Luke. Annales Minorum seu Trium Ordinum a S. Francisco Institutorum. Ed. Joseph Maria Fonseca. Third edition. Quaracchi: Ex typographia Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1931-41: 1221, 20; 1251, 17.
Texts and Studies on the Letters

Armstrong, Regis, O.F.M. Cap. Starting Points: Images of Women in the Letters of Clare. Collectanea Franciscana 62 (1992): 63-100; Greyfriars Review 7 (1993): 347-80. Armstrong, Regis J., O.F.M., and Ignatius C. Brady, O.F.M. Trans. and intro.: Clare of Assisi: The Writings. Francis and Clare: The Complete Works. New York: Paulist Press, 1982. Pp. 189-207. Armstrong, Regis J., O.F.M. Cap. Trans. and ed.: The Writings of St. Clare. Clare of Assisi: Early Documents. Revised and expanded. St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1993. Pp.33-51; Second Edition 33-55. Third Edition: Clare of Assisi, The Lady: Early Documents. Revised Edition and Translation. New York: New City press, 2006: 39-66. Balfour, Charlotte. Life and Legend of the Lady Clare. London: Longmans & Green, 1910: 135-154. Beaufreton, Maurice. Sainte Claire d'Assise. Librarie Victor Lecoffre, 1922; Paris: Lecoffre-Gabalda, 1926: 136 - 159. Brady, Ignatius, O.F.M. The Legend and Writings of Saint Clare. St. Bonaventure, NY: The Franciscan Institute, 1 953: 88-99. Breton, Valentine, O.F.M. Spirituality of St. Clare. Trans. David Temple, O.F.M. Rockford, Illinois: Poor Clare Monastery, [ND]

Casoli, Giovanni. Santa Chiara d'Assisi. La vita e gli scritti. Intro., Trans. and Notes. Rome: Citt Nuova Editrice, [1974]. Claire, Marie, O.S.C. Le Cheminement Spirituel la Suite du Christ Pauvre. : Monastre Sainte-Claire, 55 rue Sainte-Claire, Valleyfield, Qubec J6S 1N5. Chinnici, Joseph, O.F.M. Francis and Clare: The Vocation of Exchange. A paper delivered at the Annual Federation Council Conference, August 20-22, 1987. Dance for Exultation: Letters of St. Clare to St. Agnes of Prague. Trans. Mary Francis Aschmann, P.C.C. Roswell, NM: Poor Clare Monastery, 1997. De Cherance, O.S.F.C., Leopold. St. Clare of Assisi. London: Washbourne, 1910. Dureya, Polly. "Clare Reflected in Her Writings." The Cord 41 (1991): 208-15. Exupre, P. L'esprit de Sainte Claire. Ed. Casterman, 1912. Fassbinder, Maria. "Untersuchungen Ueber die Quellen zum Leben der hl. Klara von Assisi." Franziskanische Studien 23 (1936): 296-306. Fiege, Marianus, O.F.M. Cap. The Princess of Poverty. Evansville: Poor Clare Nuns, 1908: 171-2. Frances Teresa, O.S.C. Prayer in the Letters of Saint Clare. The Cord 39 (1989). Godet, Jean-Franoise, O.F.M. Clare of Assisi: A Woman's Life: Symbols of the Feminine in Her Writings. Chicago: Haversak, 1991. Hardick, Lothar. Leben und Schriften der hl. Klara von Assisi. Werl: Westfalia, 1952. Italian: La spiritualita di S. Chiara: Commento del'vita agli scritti della Santa. Fourth Edition. Milan: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 1986. Hart, Fidelis, O.S.C. Call to Union in the Third Letter. Communications March (1983). [Communications was a privately published newsletter of the Mother Maddalena Bentifoglio Federation of Poor Clare Nuns] Holleboom, Angela, O.S.C. Like a Second Rachel. Franciscaans Leven , Feb. (1988). [Private Translation from Dutch language.] ___. Clara van Assisi. Geschriften, leven, documenten. Franciscaanse bibliotheek. Bronnen. Haarlem: J. H. Gottmer, 1984.

Introduction a Santa Clara de Asis. Curso de Santa Clara por corespondencia. Zaragoza, 198081. [ A Correspondence Course on Saint Clare. The letters are analyzed by J. M. Castro, F. Aizpurua and A. Amunarriz.] Isabel, Damien, O.F.M. Workbook for Franciscan Studies. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1975. Johnson, Timothy, O.F.M. Conv. Visual Imagery and Contemplation in Clare of Assisi's Letters to Agnes of Prague. Mystics Quarterly 19.4 (1993): 161-72. Image and Vision: Contemplation as Visual Perception in Clare of Assisi's Epistolary Writings. Greyfriars Review 8 (1994): 201-17. ---. To Her Who is Half of Her Soul. Clare of Assisi and the Medieval Epistolary Tradition. Greyfriars Review 11 (1997): 23-40. Keyser, Cecilia, O.S.C. The Way of the Cross According to Saint Clare. Focus [A spiritual review of the Holy Name Federation of Poor Clares] April 1991: 18-9. Lapsanski, Duane, O. F. M. The Life and Writings of St. Clare. Evangelical Perfection. St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1977. Ledoux, Claire Marie. Clare of Assisi: Her Spirituality Revealed in Her Letters. Trans. Colette Joly Dees. Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1997. Le letere di santa Chiara d'Assisi. Ed. Clarisses di Monastero di S.Chiara. Napoli: Piazza Ges Nuovo, [1975.] Locatelli, Vincenzo, O.F.M. Vita di Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Napoli: Andrea Festa, 1855: 174-86. Locatelli Paolucci , Tomaso. Vita breve di S.Chiara di Assisi Vergine e fondatrice dell O. delle Clarisse. Sansi, 1882: 214-24. Lpez, Sebastin, O.F.M. Lectura teolgica de la Carta I de santa Clara [A Theological Reading of the First Letter of St. Clare ] Selecciones de Franciscanismo 19 (1990): 1432. ___. Lectura teolgica de la Carta II de santa Clara [A Theological Reading of the Second Letter of St. Clare] in Selecciones de Franciscanismo 20 (1991): 299-320.

---. Lectura teolgica de la Carta III de santa Clara. [A Theological Reading of the Third Letter of St. Clare] Selecciones de Franciscanismo 22 (1993): 418-35. Lynn, Beth, O.S.C. 'I Write To Your Love.' Clare's Letters to Agnes of Prague: What they Say to Us Today. Franciscan Monograms 1987. Meany, Mary. Queen and Spouse of the Lamb. The Cord 53 (2003):166-92. Mueller, Joan. Clares Letters to Agnes. New York: The Franciscan Institute, 2001. [Latin text included] Niezgoda, Cecylian T. Sw. Klara z Asyzu, `Pisma.' Przetl. Cczesne zrdla , 298-334; 41431. Observe, Consider, Contemplate. Pro Monialibus 11 (1968): 3-5. Omaechevarria, Ignacio, O. F. M. Cartas a Santa Clara." Escritos de Santa Clara y Documentos Complementarios. Madrid: B.A.C., 1982: 370-400. Petroff, Elizabeth Alvida. Medieval Women's Visionary Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Pp. 213-35. Plachy, J. Ziwot bl. Anyzky. W. Praze v Urbana Goliasse, 1666. Poor Clare Nuns. I Will Share in Your Suffering. St. Louis, MO: Monastery of St. Clare. [ Meditations on the Way of the Cross based on the writings of St. Clare.] Questions Concerning the Letters of St. Clare. Pro Monialibus. 1969. Robinson, Paschal. St.Clare of Assisi. Philadelphia 1910. Raurell, Frederic. La lettura del `Cantico dei Cantici' al tempo di Chiara e la IV lettera ad Agnese di Praga. Laurentianum 31 (1990): 198-309. Roggen, Heribert. Franciscaans-evangelische Levensstijl volgens de h. Clara van Assisi. Den Haag: 1966. Kurth Ruh. St. Klara -Buch. Wissenschaft und Weissheit 46 (1983): 192-206. ___. "Die Sieben Freuden der hl. Klara (Frbittegebet). Franziskanisches Schrifttum II, 336-44. Rotzetter, Anton. Clare and Agnes of Prague Form an Alliance. Franciscan Digest 3 (1993): 29-58.

Santa Clara de Assis. Escritos, biografia, documenltos. Braga: Editorial Franciscana, 1985. Seton, Walter W. "The Letters from Saint Clare to Blessed Agnes of Bohemia." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 17 (1924): 509-19. Studies on the Life and Writings of Staint Clare. Pro Monialibus 89 (1982): 12-3. Thomas of Celano. Vita di Chiara d'Assisi. Testamento. Lettere. Benedizione di santa Chiara. Introduzione, traduzione di G. Casoli. Rome 1988. Trivio, Mara-Victoria, O. . C. "El gozo de Clara de Ass en su primera carta a ns de Praga." Selecciones de Franciscanismo 10 (1981): 271-84. ___. "El Cantar de los Cantares en la Carta IV de santa Clara de Asis. [The Canticle of Canticles and the Fourth Letter of Saint Clare.] Selecciones de Franciscanismo 11 (1982): 25-31. Vaiani, Cesare, O.F.M. Chiara nei suoi scritti. Forma Sororum 37(2000): 49-55; 176-81. van Asseldonk, Optatus, O.F.M. Lo Spirito Santo negli scritti e nella vita di santa Chiara. Laurentianum 19 (1978): 145-55. English: The Holy Spirit in the Writings and Life of St. Clare. Trans. C. Serignat. Greyfriars Review 1 (1987): 93-104. ___. La lettera e lo spirito. Tensione vitale nel francescanesimo ieri e oggi II. Rome 1985: 13751. ___. "Santa Chiara d'Assisi nei suoi scritti e nelle biografie. Aspetti meno conosciuti di S. Chiara." La lettera e lo spirito II: 217-27; Vita Minorum 51 (1980): 123-34. Van Buul, Geraldo, and Serafim Lunter, trans. Os escritos de Santa Clara. Coleo Cefepal, 14. Petrpolis, RJ: Editora Vozesltda, 1981. Van den Goorbergh, Edith A., O.S.C. and Theodore H. Zweerman, O.F.M. Light Shining through a Veil: On St. Clares Letters to Agnes of Prague. Trans. Aline Looman Graaskamp, and Frances Theresa, O.S.C. Uitgeverii Peeters: Bondginolenkaam 153, B - 3000 Leuven, 2000. van Leeuwen, Bertulf, and Sigismund Verheij. "Woorden lvan heil van Clara. Kijk in de spiegel en zie daarin Jezus Christus. De vierde brief van Clara van Assisi aan Anges van Praag." Franciscaans Leven 66 (1983): 266-73.

___. "Woorden van heil van Clara. Het rijk der hemelen wordt door de Heer alleen aan de armen beloofd engeschonken. Uit de eerste brief van Clara aan Agnes van Praag." Franciscaans Leven 67 (1984): 132-40. Vorreux, Damien, O.F.M. Sainte Claire d'Assise, 1194-1253. [The first and third letters translated into French.] Paris: Editions Franciscaines, 1959. Vyskoil, Jan Kapistran and Leo Brabas, O.F.M.. "Le lettere di Santa Chiara alla Beata Agnese di Praga,." Santa Chiara d' Assisi: Studi e cronaca del VII centenario 12531953. Assisi: Comitato Centrale per il VII Centenario Morte S. Chiara, 1953. Pp. 123-131. Wadding, Luke. Annales Minorum seu Trium Ordinum a S. Francisco Institutorum. Ed: Joseph Maria Fonseca. Quaracchi: Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1931-41: 1221 n. 20; 1251 n. 17. Zweerman, Theo. Niet te min. Over de derde brief van Clara aan Agnes van Praag. Franciscaans Leven 68 (1985): 159-68.

The Letter to Ermentrude In Luke Wadding's Annales Minorum, Antonio Mellisano da Marco reports that Clare wrote two letters to Ermentrude of Bruges, but the text there is combined to form one letter. This remaining letter is usually included with the preceding four. The following are some sources.

Armstrong, Regis J., O.F.M. Cap. Trans. and Ed. The Writings of St. Clare. Clare of Assisi: Early Documents.. St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1993: 51-53; Second Edition 53-55; Third Edition 420-21. Becker, Marie-France, O.S.C., Godet, Jean-Franois Godet, O.F.M., Thadde Matura, O.F.M. Claire d'Assise: crits. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1985: 18-9; 192-5. De Cherance, Leopold, O.S.F.C. Saint Clare of Assisi. London: Washbourne, 1910. DeKok, D., O.F.M. "De Origine Ordinis S. Clarae in Flandris." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 7 (1914): 234-46. "Epistola ad Ermentrudem." Textus Opusculorum S. Francisci et S. Clarae Assisiensium, variis adnotationibus ornatus cura et studio. Trans. Ioannis Boccali. Assisi: Edizioni Portiuncola, 1976: 217-8. Grau, Engelbert, O.F.M. "Die Schriften der heiligen Klara und die Werke ihrer Biographen." Movemento religioso femminile e francescanesimo. Assisi: 1980. Pp. 2012. Grau, Hardick, Leben und Schriften der heiligen Klara von Assisi. Werl-Westfalia: CoeldeVerlaf, 1952; 1960. Heysse, A. "Origo et progressus Ordinis Sanctae Clarae in Flandria." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 37 (1944): 165-201. H. de Hooglede. Ermentrude et les origines des Clarisses en Belgique. Neerlandica Franciscana 2 (1919): 67-84. Letter to Ermentrude. Pro Monialibus 15 (1969): 4. Omaechevarria, 398-400.

Questions Concerning the Letters. Pro Monialibus 14 (1969): 4-5. Schneider, Edouard. Sainte Claire d'Assise. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1959. (Extracts of the
letter) Wadding, Luke. Annales Minorum, 1257, n. 2.

THE TESTAMENT OF SAINT CLARE 1247-1253 The Testament of Saint Clare is highly regarded as the writing which most clearly reveals her spirit. Here, even more than in her Rule, Clare expresses all that was most dear to her. It has been treasured by them and read along with their Rule. In a 16th century life of Saint Clare now considered to have been written by Sr. Battista Alfani of Perugia, we find this introduction to Clare's Testament:

The beloved Mother, the virgin Clare, spouse of Christ, wished to imitate her glorious Holy Father St. Francis in his death as she had imitated and followed his living footprints. At the end of his life he wrote his testament. Seeing herself corporally separated from her daughters, she called one of them who knew how to write, and she, the poor one of Christ, left holy poverty as an inheritance to her daughters in these words, saying: `In the name of the Lord, Amen. Among the other favors....'
The earliest known manuscripts listed are:

Codex 1258, ff 255v 257v, 14th cen. Archivo Histrico Nacional (Madrid). Uribe, A. Nuevos escritos inditos villacrecianos. Archivo Ibero-Americano N.E. 34 (1974): 303-34. Messina Ms ff 25r-32r, 14th cen. Codex belonging to Saint Eustochia. Without signature. Monastery of Montevergine. Ciccarelli, D. I manoscriti francescani della biblioteca universitaria di Messina. Miscellanea Francescana 78 (1978): 519-22. Zoppetti, G.G., ed. Chiara di Assisi: Scritti, Introduzione, Testo, ecc. Venice: 1986: 172-88. [An Italian translation by Lief of Vincenza, 1886, from the Codex of Messina] Codex C 63 ff. 180v-183r, 14th cen. Universitetsbiblioteket (Uppsala).

Andersson-Schmitt. Manuscripta mediavalia Upsaliensia. bersicht ber die CSammlungder Universittsbibliothek Uppsala. Uppsala, 1970: 89b. Urbino Ms ff. 2v-17r, 36r-41v. Without signature, 15th century. Monastery of Saint Clare. Ciccarelli, Diego. Volgarizzamenti siciliani inediti degli scritti di S. Chiara." Schede Medievale 4 (1983): 19-51. A separate edition: Scrinium, 1. Palermo: Officina di Studi Medievali, 1983. Pp. 252-53 [Description of ms] Ms Lat. 1561, ff. 194v-199v, 15th cen. Bibliotheque Royale Albert, Brussels. Van den Gheyn, J. Catalogue des Manuscrits de la Bibliothque Royale de Belgique III. Thologie. Brussels (1903): 2052: 267-8.
Early prints of the Testament

Chron. S. Francisci. Trans. Horatio Diola. Vol. 8: Ch. 25., [ca. 17th cen. Marcus of Lisbon. "The Eighth Booke of the Chronicles of the Frier Minors, wherein is described the life of the glorious Virgin S. Clare, the institution of her rule..." The Chronicle and Institution of the Order of the Seraphicall Father S. Francis. S. Omers: Hohn Heigham, 1618, vol. I. [The first (Portuguese) edition of the Chronica was published at Lisbon, 1556. The Italian translation was published in Venice in 1582.] Mariano of Florence. Libro delle degnit et excellentie del Ordine della seraphica madre delle Povere Donne sancta Chiara da Assisi. Ed. Giovanni Boccali, O.F.M. Florence: Studi Francescani, 1986. [See nos. 18, 36, 59, 142, 144, 146,160-161,194.] Wadding, Luke, O.F.M. Annales Minorum seu Trium Ordinum a S. Francisco Institutorum. Quaracchi, 1931. Vol. III, 1253, n. 5. Seraphicae Legislationis textus originales. Quaracchi, 1897: 273-80.
Later Texts and studies on the Testament

Acta Sanctorum II, 747, n. 42. Armstrong, R. St. Clare of Assisi: Early Documents. New York: Paulist Press, 1988: 54-59; St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1993: 56-61; Clare of Assisi: Early Documents. The Lady. New York: New City Press, 2006: 59-65.

Armstrong, R., and I. Brady. Francis and Clare: The Complete Works. New York: Paulist Press, 1982: 226-32. Testament of Saint Clare. Trans. Mary Francis Aschmann, P.C.C. [Unpublished material.] Becker, M.-F., J.-F. Godet, Th. Matura. Claire d'Assise: crits. Paris: Sources Chrtiennes, no.325, 1985: 166-84. Brady, I. The Legend and Writings of St. Clare. St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: The Franciscan Institute, 1953: 82-7. d'Alencon, Ubald. "Le plus ancien texte de la bnediction, du privilge se la pauvret et du Testament de sainte Claire d'Assise." Revue d'Histoire Franciscaine 1 (1924): 469-82.
De Robeck, N. St. Clare of Assisi. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1951; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1988: 172-78. Fiege, Marianus, O.F.M.Cap. The Princess of Poverty. Evansville: Poor Clare Nuns, 1908: 166-71.

Fonte Francescani. Padua: Messaggero di S. Antonio, 1977, 1982. 2267-76. For Greater Security, I Took Care to have Our Profession of Holy Poverty... Pro Monialibus 91 (1982): 1. Hart, Fidelis, O.S.C. In Search of Clare: Her Testament. Communications July (1985): 5-7. He Composed for Us a Way of Life. Pro Monialibus 88 (1981): 1-3. Lainati, Chiara Augusta, O.S.C. Il Testamento di santa Chiara. Dizionario Francescano. Padua: 1983: 1827- 46. ___. Il Testamento di Santa Chiara. Interpretazione di un carisma. Forma Sororum 23 (1986): 196-220. Let the Sisters Always Grow in the Love of God and In Mutual Charity. Pro Monialibus 89 (1982): 1-2. Lpez, Sebastian. Lectura teolgica del Testamento de Santa Clare. Selecciones de Franciscanismo 11 (1982): 299-312. Omaechevarria, Ignacio., O.F.M.. Escritos de Santa Clara y Documentos Complementarios. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1982: 337-48.

Opuscula S. Francisci et scripta S.Clarae Assisiensium. Trans. and ed. Ioannis Boccali, O.F.M. Assisi: Portiuncola, 1978: 185-92. Petroff, Elizabeth Alvida. Medieval Women's Visionary Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, (1986): 233-5; 242-5. Piano, Piere. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 73 (1980): 754-55. [Brief mention of various codices]. Poor Clare. The Testament of St. Clare. St. Clare and Her Order: A Story of Seven Centuries. London: Lills & Boon, Ltd, 1912: 324-27. Regluae et Constitutiones Generales ordinis Sororum Pauperum Sanctae Clarae. Rome: Curia Generalis Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, 1988. American edition: The Gospel Way of Saint Clare: The Rule and General Constitutions of the Order of Saint Clare. The Poor Clare Federations of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, and of Mother Magdalen Bentivoglio: 1989. [Testament: XVI-XXI.] Rule and Testament of St. Clare: Constitutions for Poor Clare Nuns. Trans. M. Mary Francis, P.C.C. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1987. Schneider, Herbert, O.F.M. Mystic Poor Clares in Transition to the Third Millennium. Communion and Communication 13 (1992): 6. Seraphicae Legislationis Textum Originales. Quaracchi: Collegium S. Bonaventurae, 1897. Pp. 273-80. Taup, Charlene, O.S.C. Following in the Footsteps of Christ. The Cord 35 (1985). Terzoni, Maria Maddalena, O.S.C. La Forma Vivendi a LUltima Voluntas: Due testimonianze di Francesco nella Regola di Santa Chiara. Forma Sororum 41, 2 (2004): 78-87. Testamento di S. Chiara. Concordante Verbales Opusculorum. Trans. and ed. Ioannis M. Boccali, O.F.M. Assisi: Portiuncola, 1976:185-92. Textus Opusculorum S. Francisci et S.Clarae Assisiensium. Trans. and Ed. Joannes. Boccali. Assisi: Porziuncola, 1976: 185-92. Van Baer, Diana, O.S.C. "Clare's Testament and the Spirit of Prayer." The Cord 35 (1985): 203-12.

Verheig, Sigismund. "Woorden van heil van Clara.`Door de lief de van Christus elkaar liefhebben'. Gezag en gehoorzaamheid in liefdevolle eensgezindheid. Uit het testament van Clara. [ v 59 70 ] Franciscaans Leven 67 (1984): 174-85. Vaiani, Cesare, O.F.M. Chiara nei suoi scritti. [Il Testamento ] Forma Sororum 36 (1999): 112-24; 215-28.

THE BLESSING OF SAINT CLARE The author of the Legend of Saint Clare states that as Clare lay dying: "She blessed her devoted brothers and sisters and called down the fullest graces of blessings upon the Ladies of the poor monasteries, those in the present and those in the future." This is the source for the forms of blessing attributed to her. In some early manuscripts this text was added to the letters as a fifth letter. There are five German Manuscripts containing the form of a blessing addressed to Ermentrude of Bruges attributed to Saint Clare. The most ancient is a Middle High German translation dated around 1350 under the name Abbess Catherine Hofmemin. The following are Latin manuscripts of the text. The use of Latin actually verifies the more ancient texts.

Codex 1258, ff 257v - 256r, 16th cen. Madrid: Archivo Histrico Nacional. Ms Lat. II, 1516, ff 199v - 200r, 15th cen. Brussels: Bibliothque Royale Albert . The Messina Codex of Blessed Eustochia, ff 32v - 33r, 15th cen. Without signature. Messina: Monastery of Montevergine. The Blessing of Saint Clare According to the More Ancient Latin Text. Pro Monialibus 70 (1978): 1-5. Codex C. 63, f. 183r - 183v. 14th cen. Uppsala: Universitetsbibliotek .
Studies on the Blessing Manuscripts

Seton, Walter W. Some New Sources for the Life of Blessed Agnes of Prague including some chronological notes and a new text of the Benediction of Clare. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 7 (1914): 185-97. ___. The Oldest Text of the Benediction of Saint Clare of Assisi. Revue d'Histoire Franciscain 2 (1925): 88-90.

However, Borkowski found there were other German Manuscripts containing the blessing which disagree with the earliest version and contain errors.

Borkowski, C. Mark. A Second Middle High German Translation of the Benediction of Saint Clare. Franciscan Studies 36 (1976): 99-104.
A Latin text transcribed by Sebastian Bouvier in 1679. This was printed in:

Original Texts of Seraphic Legislation. Quarrachi, 1897. 181ff.

This text was used in:

The Rule and Constitutions of the Nuns of the Order of Saint Clare. Rome 1930. [Experimental Constitutions.] The Rule and Constitutions of the Order of Saint Clare. Rome, 1973.
The following are studies on some of these manuscripts:

d'Alenon, Ubald. Le plus ancien texte de la bnediction, du privilge se la pauvret et du Testament de sainte Claire d'Assise. Revue d'Histoire Franciscaine 1 (1924): 469-82. Ciccarelli, Diego. "Contributi alla recensione degli scritti di S. Chiara." Miscellanea Francescana 70 (1979): 353-5. [Examination of the codices of Messina, Uppsala and Urbino.] Kok, David de. "S. Clarae Benedictionis textus neerlandici." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 40 (1947): 290-1. ___. De Origine Ordinis S. Clarae in Flanders. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 7 (1914): 244-5. Oligati, Feliciano. Intro. and Trans.: Gli scritti di Francesco e Chiara d'Assisi. Padua: Edizioni Messaggero, 1987.
Translations and Studies on the Blessing

Armstrong, Regis J., O.F.M. Cap. Clare of Assisi: Early Documents. New York/Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1988: 78-9; St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1993; Clare of Assisi Early Documents:The Lady. New York: New City Press, 2006.

Armstrong, Regis J. & Brady, Ignatius, O.F.M. Francis and Clare: The Complete Works. New York: Paulist Press, Classics of Western Spirituality, 1982: 233-4. Barabs, L. Le lettere di santa Chiara alla beata Agnese di Praga. Santa Chiara d"Assisi: Studi e cronaca del VII Centenario 1253-1953. Assisi: 1954: 123-43. Becker, M.-F., T. Matura, J.-F. Godet. Claire d'Assise: Ecrits. Paris: Les ditions du Cerf, 1985: 186-9. Brady, Ignatius, O.F.M. Legend and Writings of Saint Clare of Assisi. St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: The Franciscan Institute, 1953: 100. Carney, Margaret, O.S.F. Francis and Clare: A Critical Examination of the Sources. Laurentianum 30 (1989): 25-60. Greyfriars Review Concordantes Verbales Opusculorum S. Francisci et S. Clarae Assisiensium. Trans. and Ed. John Boccalli. Assisi: Portiuncola Press, 976: 193-5. De Chranc, Leopold, O.S.F.C. Sainte Claire d'Assisi. De Robeck, N. St. Clare of Assisi. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1951; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1980. Di Scritti di Chiara d'Assisi " Fonti Francescani: 2278-9. Fiege, Marianus, O.M. Cap. The Princess of Poverty: Saint Clare of Assisi and the Order of Poor Ladies. Minnesota: The Neumann press, 1900; 1991: 171-2. Lainati, Chiara Augusta, O.S.C. Le Fonti Rigguardanti il Secondo Ordine Francescano delle Sorelle Povere di Santa Chiara. Fonte Francescani. Padua: Messaggero di S. Antonio, 1982: 139-154. [Has been translated into English.] Leymann, Leonard, OFM Cap. "La Benedizione di santa Chiara." Forma Sororum 31 (1994): 303-21. Marcus of Lisbon. The Chronicle and Institution of the Order of the Seraphicall Father S. Francis (1618): 673. Omaechevarria, Ignacio, O.F.M. Escritos de Santa Clara y Documentos Complementarios. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1982: 450-3. Opuscula S. Francisci et Scripta S. Clarae Assisiensium. 404-9.

Regluae et Constitutiones Generales ordinis Sororum Pauperum Sanctae Clarae. Rome: Curia Generalis Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, 1988. American: The Gospel Way of Saint Clare: The Rule and General Constitutions of the Order of Saint Clare. Minneapolis: Monastery of St. Clare, 1989: XXII. St. Clare and Her Order: A Story of Seven Centuries. Anonymous Poor Clare. London: Mills & Boon, Ltd., 1912: 327. Textus Opusculorum S. Francisci et S. Clarae Assisiensium, variis adnotationibus ornatus cura et studio. Assisi: Ed. Portiuncola, 1976: 193-5. Vorreux, D. Sainte Claire d'Assis: Documents. Paris: ditions Franciscaines, 1983: 118-9. Wadding, Luke. The History of the Angelicall Virgin Glorious S. Clare...Extracted out of the R. R. Luke Wadding his Annalls of the Freer Minors (1635). Ed. Francis Hendricq, Trans. Magdalen Augustine, O.S.C. England: The Scolar Press, English Recusant Literature, 1973: 219-20. Zoppetti, G.G. Chiara d'Assisi, Scritti, Introduzione, Testo. Venice 1986. Grau, Engelbert, O.F.M. Die Schriften der Heiligen Klara und die Werke Ihrer Biographen. Movementi Religioso Femminile e Francescanesimo nel Secolo XIII. Assisi: Societ Internazionale di Studi Francescani, 1980: 205-31.

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