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N New York | Lau uren Gioia / Darrell Rocha | Lauren.Gioia@ om | Darrell.Ro ocha@Sotheby ys.

com | +1 212 2 606 7176 Paris | 33 3 (0)1 53 05 53 5 66 | Sophie e Dufresne | So ophie.Dufresne@Sothebys.c com

The e Ziese eniss Collec C tion o of Impr ressio onist A Art At So otheby ys
HIGHLIG H GHTING G THE IMPR RESSIO ONIST & MODE ERN AR RT SALE ES IN NE EW YOR RK ON 6 & 7 N NOVEMB BER 20 013 Debu ut Exhib bition at a Sothe ebys Pa aris 18 & 19 Se eptemb ber
N NEW YORK, 17 Septem mber 2013 Sothebys s November r 2013 auctions of Impr ressionist & Modern ssionist pain A Art in New York Y will offe er an import tant collectio on of Impres ntings assem mbled in Paris in the e early 20th century by y Christian Otto Zieseniss, a p pioneering German-A American stockbroke er and

d diplomat as well as one e of the first great colle ectors of Impressionis st Art in Eu urope. The Evening Sa ale on 6 N November will w offer 8 canvases by b Gustave Courbet, C Camille Pissarro and Alf fred Sisley, and the Day y Sale on 7 November r will offer an n additional 10 works by y Eugne B Boudin, Cam mille Corot, Johan Bar rthold Jongk kind and S Stanislas Lpine. The co ollection has s descended d through t the Ziesenis ss family to t the pres sent owner, and is e estimated to o achieve $11.9/17.2 million.
Gustave Co ourbet tretat: les f falaises Estimate $2/3 3 million

T The Ziesenis ss Collection will make its debut at a Sothebys s Paris in a public exhi ibition from 18 & 19 S September, before retur rning to New w York for ex xhibition in S Sothebys York Avenue galleries beginning 1 N November.

A Andrew Stra auss, Interna ational Spec cialist in Sot thebys Imp pressionist & Modern Art departme ent, said: Assembled nearly a ce entury ago, the Ziesenis ss collection n represents s a veritable e time-capsule. With t the exception of two works by Courbet and Sisley that were e chosen to adorn the F French pavilion at the s has been 1 1939 Worlds Fair in New N York, none n of these paintings n seen for s several generations, r remaining tu ucked away in a private family f collec ction. The gr roup offered d for sale this s November r traces a jo ourney of pl lein air paint ting from Co ourbet to Sis sley, showin g the influen nce of Corot t and Courbet on the Impressionis sts. Christia an Otto Zies seniss pass sion and dis scerning eye e is reflected in the quality and c choice of his s paintings.


Gustave C Courbet tretat: le es falaises Oil on can nvas Painted in n 1870 Estimate $ $2/3 million n

Andrew S Strauss com mmented: Painted in 18 870 the year of M Monets Impr ression: Sun nrise which gave the movemen nt its name Courbets s tretat : les s falaises is a magis sterial work. Depicting t the cliffs tha at Monet w would later claim c his ow wn, it displays a remarka able modern nity in its stru ucture and b brushwork. This new a approach to painting ou utdoors, cap pturing the intensity of e ever-changing light, ma arked a turning point a and paved th he way for th he Impressio onists.

e Pissarro Camille Le es Coteaux de Thiercev ville, meules, berger et troupeau t Oil on o canvas Painte ed in 1897 Estimate E $2/ /3 million

Al lfred Sisley La a Passarelle e Oil on canvas Pa ainted in 188 86 Es stimate $1.8 8/2.5 million n

F FOR MORE NEWS N FROM M SOTHEBY YS V Visit: m/en/inside e/services/p press/news s/news.html F Follow: www m/sothebys J Join: www.fa m/sothebys & thebyshongkong W Watch: www om/sotheby ys S Sothebys ha as been unit ting collecto ors with world-class wor rks of art sin nce 1744. So othebys bec came the f first internat tional auctio on house when w it expa anded from m London to o New York (1955), the e first to c conduct sale es in Hong Kong (1973 3) and France (2001), and the firs st internatio onal fine art t auction h house in China (2012). Today, Sot thebys pres sents auctio ons in eight different sa alesrooms, i including N New York, London, L Hon ng Kong and d Paris, and Sothebys BidNow pro ogram allow ws visitors to o view all a auctions live e online and place bids in n real-time from f anywh ere in the world. Sotheb bys offers c collectors t the resource es of Sotheb bys Financia al Services, the worlds only full-se ervice art financing com mpany, as w well as private sale op pportunities in more th han 70 cate egories, inc cluding S|2, the gallery y arm of S Sothebys Contempora C ary Art department, as s well as S Sothebys D Diamonds an nd Sotheby ys Wine. S Sothebys ha as a global network of 90 9 offices in n 40 countr ies and is th he oldest co ompany liste ed on the N New York Stock Exchang ge (BID). * *Estimates do d not includ de buyers premium and d prices achiieved include e the hamm mer price plus s buyers p premium. Im mages are av vailable upo on request All catalogues are available online at www.soth o or through S Sothebys Catalogue iPa ad App.

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