St. Thomas More Boynton, Delray, FL

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Faith Formation

Rev. Julian P. Harris, Pastor
Rev. Danis Ridore, Parochial Vicar Rev. Alex Vargas Hernandez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Seraph Balmadres, Director of Faith Formation

St. Thomas More Catholic Church

2013-2014 edition

Mission Statement

he Faith Formation Program of St. Thomas More Parish is a tripartite partnership among clergy, catechists, and parents which fosters and supports the spiritual and moral development of each child within the context of the Catholic Faith. The ultimate goals of the Faith Formation program are to lead the children, young adults, and adults of the parish to love the Person of Jesus Christ and to understand and appreciate the salvation and new life of grace that He won for us. Through the power, grace, and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we strive to lead everyone to a life of prayer and communion with Our Lord that shows itself in service to our church, our family, and to other members of the community who are in need. We seek to develop a deep love for the Real

Presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and an appreciation for the Healing and Forgiving Presence of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of Penance. We strive to nurture every child with the richness of our Catholic Faith which has been revealed to us as true through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Children grow in their knowledge of the Catholic Faith by integrating the four pillars of Catholicism: Creed, Liturgy/ Sacraments, Morality and Prayer throughout the Faith Formation experience. This Faith Formation experience culminates in the Sacrament of Confirmation which acknowledges each young adult as fully initiated into the Church, the Body of Christ, and gives witness to his/her readiness to proclaim and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Purpose of this Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to provide catechists, parents, and students with guidelines, procedures, assistance and direction for making the Faith Formation Program of St. Thomas More Parish a vehicle of quality Catholic education. Each member of the Faith Formation community is expected to read and assist in the implementation of these guidelines and procedures. We ask that each parent, catechist and student read and sign the appropriate pledge form which acknowledges his/her commitment to the Faith Formation catechetical program. May God bless each of us in this endeavor.

Faith Formation Policy

All policies and aspects of the Faith Formation Program must meet with the approval of our Pastor, Rev. Julian P. Harris. Regulations and procedures contained herein are also in full compliance with guidelines of the Diocese of Palm Beach. The Director of Faith Formation is responsible for overseeing that all aspects of the Faith Formation Program are implemented in accordance with directives from our Pastor and in conformity to Diocesan regulations.

Guiding Principles for the Faith Formation Program

The following principles serve as guidelines in planning, designing, and implementing a Faith Formation Program. These principles provide the foundation on which a program of catechesis was developed at St. Thomas More Parish. 1. Catechesis is more than religious instruction, it is about conversion. The Documents of the Church remind us that the aim of catechesis is to bring people into communion with Jesus Christ. Fostering ongoing conversion is essential to the catechetical process and supports the growing faith of everyone in the community. 2. Faith Formation is ongoing and lifelong. Faith Formation is not an event that only occurs within childhood and concludes with Confirmation. The process is one that takes place at every stage of life. 3. Faith sharing is at the heart of the catechetical process. Faith sharing is an essential way members of the community learn from and catechize one another. 4. Faith must first be supported where it is lived - - in strong religious households. Faith is also lived outside of parish buildings. The parish must become a resource for these households and help all people integrate faith with life. The parish will only be as strong as its individual households. 5. The way in which the community gathers is, by nature, catechetical and catechesis. 6. The whole community catechizes and is catechized by the ministry of service.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Design of the Faith Formation Program

The program utilized in the St. Thomas More Faith Formation Program adheres to the guidelines set forth in the National Directory for Catechesis. Utilizing the six tasks of catechesis as set forth in the Sadlier program, We Believe, Project Disciple, essentially, the scope and sequence for each grade is as follows: Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grades 7&8 Grade 9 God Made the World God Loves Us Jesus Shares Gods Love We are the Church Gods Law Guide Us We Meet Jesus in the Sacraments We are Gods People We Live our Faith Final Catechesis & Preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation

Project Disciple activities are built on the Six Tasks of Catechesis:

Catechesis promotes knowledge of the faith. (Disciples at every grade level Learn about Jesus Christ and their Faith through Scripture and Tradition) Holy Spirit every day and in many different ways)



Catechesis promotes a knowledge of the meaning of the liturgy and the sacraments. (The students Celebrate their faith by learning about and participating in the liturgy and the sacraments.)

Catechesis prepares the Christian to live in a community and to participate actively in the life and mission of the Church. (Students Share in the lives of their families, parish, and school, and participate in the mission of the Church to share the Good News of Jesus Christ)



Catechesis promotes moral formation in Jesus Christ. (Students Choose to follow Jesus example and his teachings, to live the commandments and the spirit of the Beatitudes)

Catechesis promotes a missionary spirit that prepares the faithful to be present as Christians in society. (Students Live their faith by giving witness to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ through their words and deeds.)


Catechesis teaches the Christian how to pray with Christ. (Students Pray to God the Father, Son and


Admission to the Faith Formation Program is limited to families who are registered, active parishioners of St. Thomas More Church. The program encompasses grades 1-9. Only children who have entered at least grade 1 are eligible to enroll. Registration will be available at the end of the school year in the month of May. No late registration will be available during the summer or beginning of the new school year. Students are generally placed in a class which corresponds to their grade placement in their regular academic school. Sacramental preparation requires a minimum of two years for the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist and a minimum of three

years for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Weekly attendance is required to continue in the program, including consistent Sunday Mass attendance. For the students who have received their First Eucharist, it is up to the parents/guardians to ensure that they continue to receive the Sacrament of Penance on a regular basis. All too often, we find that in preparing children to receive the sacrament of Confirmation that they have not been going to confession since First Holy Communion! It is very beneficial to the child and to the life of the family if parents/guardians lead by example. If we are to keep our young people involved in the life of the Church, they must be comfortable with participating in this wonderful sacrament on a regular basis.


Tuition for the 2013-2014 school year is $150 (non-refundable) per child and $50 for each additional child. This fee includes the textbook and a required shirt which students must wear to class. Students registered in a Sacramental Grades are required to pay an additional fee as follows: First Holy Communion students: $75 Confirmation students: $75 These fees will to defray the cost of added expenses incurred with preparing and receiving the sacraments (ie: certificates, Holy Communion arm bands, Confirmation Robe Rental, rehearsals, etc).

Faith Formation classes meet once a week from 6:00pm-7:15pm on Monday, Tuesday or

Wednesday from September to May. A calendar for the entire school year will be posted on our website: Please note that although major recess periods generally conform to the Palm Beach County public schools calendar, there are several days when the public schools are closed for students but Faith Formation classes ARE held. For example, staff development days in the Palm Beach County schools are work days for teachers, but there are no classes for students. We have classes in Faith Formation on those days. Conversely, there are days when the public schools are in session, but St. Thomas More Faith Formation classes are not in session on those days. For example, on certain holy days such as All Saints Day, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, etc., but we will not have classes. In Lieu of classes on Holy Days of obligation, students are REQUIRED to attend mass and scan their attendance cards in the Parish Office accordingly.

Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

Matthew 19:14

Emergency Closing of School

In the event of inclement weather or other local emergency which may necessitate the closing of school, please note that we observe the decisions of the Palm Beach County schools and local municipal authorities. You may also call the voice mail of the Faith Formation office at 561-737-3521 to hear a recording announcing any emergency closings. Each class will have a parent volunteer phone committee who will contact parents with any short notice announcements or emergencies. Please be sure to provide the Faith Formation office with any changes in your home and work telephone numbers.

Regular attendance and uninterrupted instruction are critical factors in a childs growth in knowledge of the Catholic faith and in his/her spiritual and moral development. Simply reading a chapter from a textbook is NOT sufficient to promote this growth and development. Integral to this growth and development is a childs participation and engagement in learning activities with his/her peers as a community of faith. Attendance for both Class is recorded with the use of an Electronic Attendance Card (EAC). (On the first day of class each student will be issued his/her individual card. At the closing of the school year, on the last day of class, the cards are to be returned to the Faith Formation.) Weekly Mass attendance will be recorded by finger scanning at the Parish Office. This allows for faster scanning and remembering attendance cards will not be necessary. (Note this program software in no way maintains any DNA or physical features of your child. It merely assigns the fingerprint a number to record attendance.) Occasionally. circumstances require that a child be absent from class. Students will be limited to a maximum of THREE absences per year. Each absence requires documentation from a physician. Students who exceed the maximum number of THREE absences will be withdrawn from the program.

In addition, it is mandatory for students to attend Sunday Mass. Failure to attend THREE (3) Sunday Masses will result in withdrawal from the program. Attendance for Mass will be logged at the Main Office/Gift Shop. In the event the electronic attendance card is left home, the student must provide the Main Office with the following information: Their Name Grade Class Day Card Number

The Main Office will then use this information to log the child in as being present for Mass. Failure to do so will be listed as an absence.

Attending Mass at Another Church:

If Sunday Mass was attended at another Church, students are required to: Obtain a bulletin from the visited Church. Have the bulletin signed by either a Priest or Deacon. Write their name, grade, class day, and card number on the top portion of the bulletin. Submit the bulletin to the teach at the next class.

Family Conferences:
Parents are required to come to all the family conferences during the 2013 2014 year. These conferences will be done in the church: Monday, September 30th, 2013. 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Tuesday, January 15th, 2014. 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Wednesday, April 16th, 2014. 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.

What Children Need to Bring to Class

Each student is expected to bring the following to class each week: Textbook, Three-Ring Binder, Writing Instrument in a Pencil Case or Box.

What Children Should NOT Bring to Class

It is NOT appropriate to bring: MP3 players, Ipods, DVDs or CD players, video games, any other dangerous items or instruments, NO food, candy or gum. Cellphones ARE permitted, but must be placed in Silent or Vibrate mode for the entire class period and NO text messaging is permitted under any circumstances. If a parent needs to reach his/her child during time, please call the Faith Formation Office (737-3521).

Dress Code
Appropriate dress reflects a reverence for Our Lord and His Commandments, it assists our young people to develop a respect for the virtue of modesty and promotes a sense of self-respect for oneself and mutual respect for one another. All students are REQUIRED to wear the St. Thomas More Faith Formation Shirt with one of the following: Dresses or skirts which are at fingertip length when hands are at your sides. Regular fitting pants/slacks (waist to ankle or waist to knee) Dress shoes and Sneakers (without skates). Footwear must be worn at all times. Clothing should be clean and free of holes.

What is NOT appropriate:

Hats, headphones, caps, sweatbands, and sunglasses. Exposed midriffs or display of undergarments Flip-flops, slippers, beach sandals, roller skate sneakers. Tight-fitting clothes of any kind and any item not conducive to a wholesome Catholic environment.

NOTE: Violation of the dress code will result in students being sent to the Faith Formation Office and a parent/guardian being contacted. Repeated offenses may constitute dismissal from the Faith Formation program.

School Arrival and Pick-Up

For student safety parents should make sure their children do not arrive at their Faith Formation School until the official starting time and do not remain on school grounds after official closing time. Supervision is not provided during these times. For Cathechists: At the conclusion of class, all catechists are expected to remain with students until they are picked up by their parents at the classroom. Please do not dismiss students without a parent or guardian. For Parents: Grades 1-9: Drop off your children at the East Entrance only by 5:50 PM. Faith Formation Staff and Volunteers will be there to escort your children to their designated classroom. Only students will be permitted to enter the courtyard area. Grades 1-9: Pick up your children at their classroom door at 7:15 PM using the East Entrance/Exit only upon departure.

A late fee of $15 will be applied if parents fail to pick their children after 7:30 PM. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST COME TO THE CLASSROOM TO RETRIEVE YOUR CHILD (GRADES 1-9), WE CANNOT ALLOW THEM TO WALK OUT TO YOUR CAR FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY! Please follow the traffic signs by driving around the building to use the East doors for entrance and exit. For the safety of the children, parents will not be permitted inside the Faith Formation building and courtyard area until after dismissal at 7:15 PM. Note: Parents, please be prompt in picking-up your children. Catechist are volunteers who graciously take time from their busy schedules to prepare lessons, teach our children and assess their progress. Please do not keep them waiting after class.

Medical Conditions and Emergencies:

In the event of an extreme medical emergency which is deemed to be life-threatening to a child, the Faith Formation Program will dial 911 to obtain immediate medical assistance and contact parent or guardian.

Fire/Emergency Drills:
The Faith Formation Program will conduct fire and emergency drills in compliance with Diocesan policies. Procedures for such drills will be reviewed with catechist and other staff members. Written directions will be posted in each classroom.

Program Announcements:
The Faith Formation Program will publish via email a monthly announcement in the Church bulletin, usually from October to May. (Please be sure that we have your current email adress recorded at the Faith Formation Office.)

Behavior and Discipline Policy:

The Faith Formation Program belongs to all members of our faith community. As parents, catechists, administrative staff and volunteers, we all share responsibility for the children in our program and we all share responsibility for nurturing in our children a sense of respect for their elders, for one another, for their church and for parish property. We need to continually reinforce the message that Faith Formation is a privilege and one of the numerous blessings that we receive from Our Lord. Our cathechists are volunteers who devote countless hours in preparing exemplary instructional plans and activities to help our students grow in their Catholic faith. They are entitled to enjoy the respect and cooperation expected of all students. Furthermore, each child in the program is entitled to enjoy an environment that is free of distraction and disruption, and conducive to wholesome learning. Therefore, any behaviour deemed to be disruptive or disrespectful will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances. Inappropriate behaviour, lack of effort or poor attitude on the part of a student will result in the following actions: Private conversation with the student by his/her catechist. A conference with the Director of Faith Formation and the Parents/Guardians. If the inappropriate behaviour or disruption persists, the student will be withdrawn from the program permanently.

Students can expect to receive homework assignments on a weekly basis. Catechists and parents should convey the importance of completing assignments on time and should make students aware that they will be held accountable for these assignments. Progress reports that will be issued to parents twice during the school year, in mid-December and mid-March. These reports will include a short checklist and a brief summative evaluation of a childs progress. Reports will be mailed to parents.

Students with Special Needs:

Every effort will be made by the Faith Formation Program to satisfactorily assist students with special needs.

The Faith Formation Office utilizes a variety of methods to communicate with parents and catechists including email, telephone, surface mail, flyers sent home with students, and TV ads at the Faith Formation building and office. Parents and catechist can communicate with the Director of Faith Formation using any of the following: Office Phone: 561-737-3521

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To recieve the most up to date infomration and to stay in touch with the Faith Formation Office, download our new app! Information will be available soon in our Parish Bulletin!

Community Service Hours

Required for Confirmation Preparation - Grades 7, 8 and 9 As part of their Pre-Confirmation preparations, students in Grades 7-9 are required to complete a total of 60 hours of community service distributed over the three grades as described below. These hours are to be in service at St. Thomas More. Grade 7: Grade 8: Grade 9: Community Service= 15 Hours Community Service= 15 Hours Community Service= 30 Hours

NOTE: THESE HOURS MUST BE DONE ON THE PREMISES OF ST. THOMAS MORE. Inquire at Faith Formation office for volunteer opportunities and sign up sheets. Students may volunteer at all of our Parish events or on Saturdays between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. All students should report to the Parish Office and scan their electronic card to track their community service hours. The software maintains to the minute recordings of time. It is extremely important that students remember to scan their cards upon arrival and prior to departing in order to receive accurate number of volunteer hours.

All Students:
It is strongly recommended that all students (age appropriate) participate in someway in the ministerial life of the Church. For example: the Childrens Choir, Teen Choir, Altar Servers, and/ or Children Lectors. (These do not count as volunteer hours.)

Parent Volunteers:
Parent volunteers are needed for a variety of functions, tasks and services including the following: Classroom Aides, Office Aides, Meeting & Workshop Support, Sunday Monthly Continental Breakfast, Fundraisers, Security, Newsletter and Christmas Pageant. Please sign up at the Orientation Meeting or contact the Faith Formation Office. Parents of First Holy Communion and Confirmation students should donate toward flowers and help to decorate the church for these events. Donation forms will be provided for these ceremonies, and also for Christmas. For more information about our Faith Formation program or Church activities please visit our website:


Sunday 9/22 9am-2pm Car Wash Students will participate in Car Wash located in school parking lot

Community Service Events for 2013-2014

serving overseas.



Saturday 10/19 TIME TBA Cancer Awareness Dinner Students will help to set up the Parish Center for the dinner and assist with serving during dinner Saturday 10/26 TIME TBA Danny Rodriguez Concert Students will help to decorate the church for the concert for Danny Rodriguez and serve as ushers during the concert

Saturday 1/11 10am-3pm Faith Formation Cleanup Students will help clean rooms of Faith Formation as well as the garden around St. Thomas More Statue Thursday 1/23 TIME TBA Banner Crafting Students will assist Youth Retreat Committee in preparing Banners to be used as decoration in the Youth Retreat



Saturday 11/9 8am-4pm Madonna CCW Arts and Crafts Fair - Students will help set up and assist members of Madonna CCW during Arts and Crafts Fair Sunday 11/10 8am-4pm - Madonna CCW Arts and Crafts Fair - Students will help set up and assist members of Madonna CCW during Arts and Crafts Fair Saturday 11/16 10am-2pm - Christmas Cards Students will participate in putting together Christmas cards for attendees of the Shut In Mass and those who are homebound and elderly. Saturday 11/23 8am-6pm - Womens Retreat Students will help serve during Retreat as well as assist with clean up and take down of area. Mandatory for all confirmandi students.

Sunday 2/9 9am-2pm Faith Formation Car Wash Students will participate in a Car Wash located in school parking lot


Saturday 3/1 8am-6pm Mens Retreat - Students will help serve during Retreat as well as assist with clean up and take down of area Fish Fry events will take place during the season of Lent and will be from 4:30pm-7pm. Dates are 3/2, 3/7, 3/12, 3/14, 3/19, 3/21, 3/26, 3/28.


Saturday 4/5 10am-2pm Easter Cards - Students will participate in putting together Easter cards for those who are homebound and elderly. Fish Fry events will take place during the season of Lent and will be from 4:30pm-7pm. Dates are 4/2, 4/4, 4/9, 4/16, 4/18.


Saturday 12/7 10am-3pm Care Packages for the Troops Students will put together care packages and each package will be sent to troops





9 Parents Orientation Meeting






15 Faith Formation Welcome Mass and Reception @ 12:15

16 Classes Begin 6:00pm - 7:15pm

17 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

18 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm





23 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

24 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

25 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm





30 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm *Family Conference 6:00 PM in Parish Center.

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 Classes WEDNESDAY 2 Classes THURSDAY 3 FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY 5 Blessing of the Animals 11:00 AM 6:00pm 7:15pm 6:00pm 7:15pm

6 Life Chain 2:00PM - 3:00 PM

7 Classes

8 Classes

9 Classes




6:00pm 7:15pm 6:00pm 7:15pm 6:00pm 7:15pm


14 Classes

15 Classes

16 Classes



19 Cancer Awareness Dinner

6:00pm 7:15pm 6:00pm 7:15pm 6:00pm 7:15pm


21 Classes

22 Classes

23 Classes


25 Concert: Daniel Rodriguez


6:00pm 7:15pm 6:00pm 7:15pm 6:00pm 7:15pm



29 Classes

30 Classes


Priesthood Sunday Classes

6:00pm 7:15pm 6:00pm 7:15pm 6:00pm 7:15pm

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 All Saints Day (Holy day of obligation Mass attendance MANDATORY for all students) 3 4 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 5 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 6 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 7 8 9 M.C.C.W. Arts and Crafts Fair SATURDAY 2 All Souls Day

10 M.C.C.W. Arts and Crafts Fair

11 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

12 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

13 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm



16 Preschool Dinner and auction: When in Rome.







23 Womens Retreat 8:00 AM-7:00PM Mandatory volunteering for all Confirmandi


25 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

26 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

27 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm




SUNDAY 1 Advent Begins MONDAY 2 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm TUESDAY 3 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm WEDNESDAY 4 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7

9 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

10 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

11 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm


13 Our Lady of Guadalupe






















SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 NEW YEARS DAY THURSDAY 2 FRIDAY 3 SATURDAY 4 NO CLASSES CHRISTMAS BREAK 5 6 Classes Resume 6:00pm 7:15pm 7 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 8 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 9 10 11


13 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm *Parent Meeting for all First Communion Candidates

14 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm *Parent Meeting for all First Communion Candidates 21

15 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm *Parent Meeting for all First Communion Candidates 22 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm








25 Youth Retreat: Facing the Giants 8:00 am- 7:00 pm ***MANDATORY for all Confirmandi

Martin Luther King Classes Jr. Day 6:00pm 7:15pm NO CLASSES


27 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

28 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

29 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm




3 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

4 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

5 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

*Parent Meeting *Parent Meeting *Parent Meeting for all Confirmandi for all Confirmandi for all Confirmandi Candidates Candidates Candidates
9 10 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 11 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 12 ASH WEDNESDAY MANDATORY Mass attendance for all students FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM 16 17 PRESIDENTS DAY NO CLASSES 18 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 19 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 20 FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM 21 22 13 14 15

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM 23 24 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 25 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 26 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 27

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM 28

*All Confirmandi report for interviews

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

*For the week of February 24th all Confirmandi will report on Tuesday February 25th for interviews.

MARCH 2014

3 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

4 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

5 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

9 10 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 11 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 12 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 13

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

14 15

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

16 17 NO CLASSES Spring Break 18 NO CLASSES Spring Break 19 NO CLASSES Spring Break 20

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

21 22

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

23 24 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 25 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 26 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 27

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

28 29

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

30 31 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

APRIL 2014

TUESDAY 1 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

WEDNESDAY 2 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm




FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

6 7 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 8 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 9 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm 10

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM

11 12

13 Palm Sunday

14 NO CLASSES Holy Week

15 NO CLASSES Holy Week

FISH FRY 4:00PM to 7:00 PM 16


17 Holy Thursday

Living Stations of the Cross 18

Good Friday

19 Holy Saturday

Living Stations of the Cross 20



22 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

Living Stations of the Cross 23

Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm


Living Stations of the Cross 25



28 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

29 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

30 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

MAY 2014

5 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm * First Holy Communion Rehearsal at 6:00 PM in the Main Church Group 1 only. 12 Classes

6 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm * First Holy Communion Rehearsal at 6:00 PM in the Main Church Group 2 only. 13 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

7 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

First Holy Communion Mass at 10:00 AM in the Main Church for Group 1. First Holy Communion Mass at 1:00 PM in the Main Church for Group 2.

11 Mothers Day

14 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm




Crowning of Mary 6:00pm 7:15pm by First Holy Communion students at all weekend Masses. 18 19 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

20 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

21 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm





26 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

27 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm

28 Classes 6:00pm 7:15pm * Last day of classes for all students.

29 Confirmation Rehearsal at 6:00 PM in the Main Church

30 Confirmation Mass with Bishop Barbarito at 6:30 PM in the Main Church


SAINT THOMAS MORE CATHOLIC CHURCH 2013-2014 Tentative Event Calendar

EVENT Blessing of the Animals Greece-Holy Land Pilgrimage
Priesthood Sunday (Mass & Reception)

Saturday, October 5th 2013 September 29th - October 11th 2013 Sunday, October 27th 2013 Saturday, November 6th 2013 Saturday, November 23rd 2013 November 9th - December 21 2013 Wednesday, December 11th 2013 Friday, December 13th 2013 Sunday, December 15th 2013 Monday, December 16th - Friday, December 20th 2013 Friday, December 6th 2013 Tuesday, December 24th 2013 Tuesday, December 31st 2013 Saturday, January 25th 2014 February 16th 2014 Saturday, February 23rd 2014 Wednesdays & Fridays March 5th- April 18th November 9th- November 10th 2013 October 25th 2013 Monday, March 4th 2014 Thursday, March 7th 2014 Saturday, March 22nd 2014 Friday, March 22nd 2014 Friday March 29th 2014 Saturday, May 10th 2014 Saturday, May 10th 2014 Friday, May 16th 2014 Monday, June 30th- July 7th 2014 Saturday, July 30th 2014 July 29th-August 4th 2014 Friday, August 30th 2014

11:00 am ALL DAY 12:15 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 am- 7:00 pm 7 weeks 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5 days 6:00 pm 6:00-11:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 am.- 7:00 pm 12:15 p.m. Mass 8:00 am- 7:00 pm 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm All DAY 7:00 pm 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm 11:00 am - 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm ALL MASSES 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 7:00 pm All DAY 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm ONE WEEK 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

by St. Francis of Assisi Eastern Europe Church/Parish Center Parish Center Church/Parish Center Parish Office / Lobby Church/Parish Center Church/Parish Center Parish Center Church PineTree CC Church Parish Center Church/FF/Parish Center Church Parish Center/Church Parish Center Parish Center Church Church Church Church Parish Center Parish Center Church Church Church TBA Church/Parish Center Honduras Parish Center


Preschool Auction/Fundraiser Womens Retreat

Angel Tree, Gummy Vitamins, Teddy Bear Collection

Shut-In Mass & Luncheon Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministries Christmas Party Church Christmas Decorations Christmas Gala Dinner Christmas Pageant/Concert New Years Eve Fiesta Youth Retreat Car Raffle Drawing Mens Retreat Fish Fry Madonna CCW Arts & Crafts Concert with Danny Rodriguez Penance Service Penance Service St. Joseph Feast Living Stations of the Cross Living Stations of the Cross Crowning of Mary First Holy Communion Confirmation Summer Holy Land Trip Saint Thomas More Feast Honduras Medical Mission Spanish Concert

Faith Formation Flowers & Decorations Donation for First Holy Communion celebration
Name:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Grade: _______________________

Faith Formation Flowers & Decorations Donation for Confirmation celebration

Name:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Grade: _______________________

Faith Formation Donation for Christmas Decorations

Name:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Grade: ___________________________

Volunteer Form for Confirmation students

(STM 30 community hours)

During the season of Lent (Fish Fry)

Name:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Grade: ___________________________

Volunteer Form for Confirmation students

(STM 30 community hours)

Name:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Grade: ___________________________

STM Youth Retreat 2014:

Dare to be Daniel, Dare to be Different

Registration Form
Price: $25.00
Name:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Grade: ___________________________

Faith Formation Altar Server/Lectors Registration Form

Name:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Grade: ___________________________
Altar Server Lector

Faith Formation STM Music Ministry Registration Form

Name:______________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Grade: ___________________________ Instrument you play ____________________________________________________

Faith Formation required Family Conference Registration Form

Parent/Guardian name: ____________________________________________________ Name of Child:____________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Grade: ___________________________
Family Conference 1 Family Conference 2 Family Conference 3

Saint Thomas More Gift Shop 10% discount coupon

For Faith Formation students & families only
Name of Student:___ ___________ Grade: ______________________

a u o y s e h s wi ! r a e y l o o h c s d e s s e l b

Saint Thomas More Catholic Church

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