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CJF Ministries

PO Box 345 San Antonio, Texas 78292-0345 Dear Friends,

God has not forgotten the Jewish people, and neither have we.

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September will be a very busy month for our Jewish friends. Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) marksaccording to Jewish reckoning5,774 years since the creation of the earth. Coming just a few days after Rosh Hashana is the most sacred day of the Jewish calendarthe Day of Atonement. The last part of the month concludes with Simchat Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah) when Jewish people throw a party to celebrate the completion of one full cycle of Torah readings, and the beginning of another. I know of no church that holds Gods Word in such high esteem that it sets aside a special day to honor it. Maybe we should encourage a new tradition!

August 2013

Respect for Gods Word is becoming increasingly rare in western culture, and sadly, even in many churches. Biblical precepts for holy living are dismissed as antiquated or unenlightened, and Gods promises to Israel and the Jewish people are treated as outdated or mere wishful thinking. Believers need to hold fast to the authority of Gods Word. It is our comfort, our anchor, our joy, the source of truth, and contains the answer to mankinds greatest needs. It is living and active, able to discern the thoughts and intents of each mans heart, showing him his need for a Savior. In the Bible, God also reveals His remedy for sina remedy that is the same for all people, throughout all time. Our world is becoming an increasingly dark place, and now, more than ever, it needs the pure light and truth of Gods Word. It needs to know that Yeshua HaMashiachthe Word who was made leshlived, died, and was resurrected for us. Centuries ago, the prophet Isaiah wrote, O Zion . . . lift up your voice with strength, Lift it up, be not afraid; Say to the cities of Judah, Behold your God! (Isa. 40:9). Our mission today is to boldly proclaim our God and His Messiah to the cities of Judah, the people of Israel, wherever they may be. We are so grateful that you stand with us in this important work. We could not do it without you. May God help you to hold fast to the truth of His eternal Word, and bless you as you shine forth the light of Yeshua in our world! Yours for the salvation of Israel, Dr. Gary Hedrick

May God grant it to be so! This was the response of Emud, Ruth Nessims Arab-Israeli plumber, when he heard Ruths solution for true peace in the Middle East. One day, their conversation started with a general discussion of Israels political situation and then continued on to what Ruth believes will happen in their country. She explained Gods plan for the Jewish nation, and how He will pour out His Spirit and change Jewish hearts. Ruth also shared how many Muslims were also having their hearts changed by God. Peace, Ruth told Emud, can come only when God places love in the hearts of those from both sides. Such love is possible
Courtesy of Gideon Levytam

only through the Messiah. That is the only way to true peace. Peace treaties are not the answer; the Gospel is! Inshallah, inshallah! Emud replies. We echo Emuds sentiment, using the Hebrew version of Inshallaha hearty, Amen! Please pray for Emud and the others that God brings to our representative in Israel, Ruth Nessim. It doesnt matter if theyre old, young, male, female, Jewish, Gentile, Palestinian or Muslim. Ruth loves them all in the name of the Messiah. Pray that through Ruth, they may also learn to love the Savior, and one another!
Georgia Heisler

Ruth visits with CJFM Director of International Ministries Gideon Levytam in Karmiel, Israel 2010.

Ruth on a train journey between Nahariya and Haifa in 2009.

A CURE FOR ALCOHOLISM? American Jewish and Israeli researchers are working on a project to help treat alcoholism. The study, currently being tested with rats, shows that removing the memory of the pleasure and taste of alcohol, also removes the memories of addiction, and hence, the desire to imbibe. For more about this promising research, see The Jewish Press ( THANK YOU, MR. NAXON, FOR THE CROCK-POT Did you know that slow cookers known as crock-pots were the brainchild of Jewish inventor, Irving Naxon? Cholent, a traditional Jewish Sabbath meal of meats and beans, needs to be simmered overnight. When Mr. Naxon saw how labor-intensive his shtetlborn mothers Sabbath meal preparation was, he began looking for ways to make her cooking chores a little easier. Naxon called his invention the Naxon Beanery, and sold it initially to coffee shops and eateries known to serve beans. In 1970, the Rival Company bought the rights to Mr. Naxons invention and sold it thereafter under their namethe Rival Crock-Pot.
Rosa Say


In the 1993 Oslo Accords, both Palestinians and Israelis formally agreed to educate their populations on the ideals of peaceful coexistence, acknowledging that each side has a right to the land. Twenty years later, according to education expert Dr. Arnon Groiss, Israel is still waiting for the Palestinians to comply. Dr. Groiss determined that in the Palestinian schools operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), and using textbooks funded by the US, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, and others, Palestinian children are taught that Israel has no right to exist, that Jewish people have no real history in the region, and that true peace will never be possible until the Jewish state disappears. While it is true that there will never be true peace in the Middle East until Messiah comes, we should do what we can to encourage peace now. We can bring to light the hypocrisy of the Palestinian leadership, as well as the carelessness (or outright anti-Semitism) of those who are sabotaging the peace process with these Palestinian textbooks. Pray that such information will come to the attention of those in power, and that children from both sides will have an opportunity to overcome stereotypes, and develop friendships through sporting events and other cooperative ventures.


University of California Professor, Michael Leitner, conducted a study of Palestinian and Israeli children, demonstrating the importance of getting past the ofcial rhetoric and propaganda in the Arab/Israeli conict. Prior to Leitners study, 52 percent of the Palestinian participants said they hated all Israelis. Following the study, in which Palestinian and Israeli children played a number of soccer games against each other, a full 100 percent of the Palestinians said they would be happy to have Israeli friends. Could it be that simple? Well, no. But such friendly interaction could go a long way towards reconciliation. Currently, Palestinian children are taught to hate Israel and the Jewish people not only through the anti-Israel propaganda in UN-sponsored schools and textbooks, but also through summer camps! This summer alone, a Hamas-run camp for Palestinian children in Gaza will draw 10,000 children between the ages of 6 -16. Remember your camp days of boating, swimming, hiking, and crafts? Thats not for Palestinian children. In the Hamas camps, the children learn how to re live assault ries, avoid capture by the authorities, and abduct Israeli Jews. Tragically, children as young as six years old (rst graders) are taught the glory of Islamic jihad. Pray that the day will come when Palestinian children will attend camp with Israeli children, and the eld of battle will contain nothing more lethal than a ying soccer ball. Only the love of Yeshua will break through this culture of hatred and death. Pray that the love of God will penetrate both Jewish and Palestinian hearts, leading to a true and lasting peace.


The apostrophe


Earlier this year, we had the privilege of hosting a special 25th anniversary tour to Israel for our friends at Maranatha Bible Church. Tour-goers had the unique opportunity to visit the Tombs of the Prophets, located on the slope of the Mount of Olives. Medieval tradition identifies this catacomb as the burial site of the prophets Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, who lived in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE. Scholars, however, discount this tradition. What tips the scales in favor of more contemporary dating is the use of Kokhim, or shaft graves in the catacombs. These were not used in Israel until the 1st century BCE. The catacombs were most likely part of an early 1st-century Jewish cemetery. According to inscriptions found above some of the burial places, Christians were also buried there in the 4th and 5th centuries BCE. Even if the site is not the burial location of Israels last three prophets, the tombs offer interesting insight into first to fifthcentury burial practices in Jerusalem. Each of these cavities contained one body, which could be sealed in by a well-fitting slab of stone. The body would then be left undisturbed. This meant that people placing a new dead body in the tomb were spared the unpleasant sight of decomposing bodies from past burials. When the body had decomposed (a year later), the slab of stone was removed and the bones collected. The bones were then placed in small individual stone boxes called ossuaries, which often had the name of the dead person carved on the side. The ossuary was either placed back in the shaft, or in a common place, allowing the shaft to be used by another family member. In family tombs (like that of Joseph of Arimathea), the bones would be placed on the floor in the center of the tomb, leaving the stone bench open for the next family member needing it. The Gospels report that Jesus was buried in a new tomb, meaning no bones or other remains were in the tomb (See more at tombs.htm).

This is an aerial view of the catacombs underground layout. The finger-like protrusions are the kokhim, or shaft graves. Archaeological Guide

Gideon Levytam illumines one of the kokhim inside the catacomb complex.
R.A. Higbee

Maranatha was the first CJFM tour group to visit the Tombs of the Prophets. Candles were needed to light the way through the underground tunnels.
R.A. Higbee


This years 16-month calendar begins in September 2013 and includes Jewish holidays and associated Scripture readings, as well as standard US holidays through December 2014. Our calendar focus this year is on Gods eternal love for the Jewish people. Each month will be introduced with the beautiful, biblically based, original artwork of Israeli believer Amy Sheetreet. Plan now to order several of these calendars. They are practical resources for the home and ofce, and make wonderful giftsespecially for Jewish friends and colleagues.
CJF Ministries/Messianic Perspectives PO Box 345 San Antonio, Texas 78292 (800) 926-5397

August 2013

Why We Should Pray for Jerusalem and the Jews
(July 23-August 12)
by Dr. Gary Hedrick A powerful appeal for Bible-believing Christians to uphold and pray for the Jewish people and their Holy City (Psalm 122:6). CD (GT-13 CD) $6

Calendar (#32) 1 calendar $10, 2-4 calendars $9 ea., 5-10 calendars $8 ea., 11+ calendars $7.50 ea.

David Burkay, editor Find out why dhimmitude is important to understanding the war on terror. This book analyzes the threats posed by weapons systems being developed in radical regimes, and explains why unstable Middle East regimes continue to be propped-up. Essays from leading experts, including David Burkay and Louis Rene Beres, outline the broad dimensions of Islam while lling in important details. Careful to distinguish between moderate Moslems and radicals who have adopted monstrous methods of dealing with the West, this is a work of utmost importance. Book (BB-115) 300 pages, $13

(August 13-19)
by Rob Styler

Great Women of Faith

CJFM director of missions, Rob Styler, teaches about great women in the Scripture who may not be getting their due. CD (RST-01 CD) $6


by Dr. David R. Reagan This exciting book focuses on the rise and fall of the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation. The book features the opinions of 22 Bible prophecy experts who were asked such questions as: Will the Antichrist be a Jew or a Gentile? Could he be a Muslim? Will he be killed and resurrected from the dead? Where will his headquarters be located? Is he alive today? Contributors include Tim LaHaye, Ed Hindson, Mark Hitchcock, Caryl Matrisciana, and Ron Rhodes. Book (BB-176) 221 pages, $15

The New Covenant

(August 20-29)
by Dr. Gary Hedrick Does the New Covenant apply to Israel, the Church, or both? Gary answers this question and more in his discussion of Jeremiah 31.

ANSWERING JEWISH OBJECTIONS TO JESUS: Vol. 3Messianic Prophecy Objections

by Michael L. Brown The Torah doesnt speak of Jesus at all. This verse has nothing to do with your Jesus. As for real messianic prophecies, Jesus fullled none of them. Using the Hebrew Bible, rabbinic texts, and the New Testament, Jewish believer and scholar, Michael Brown, answers these and more than 35 other Jewish objections to Jesus as the Messiah. Book (BB-09) 255 pages, $19

CD (GT-26 CD) $6

The Day of Atonement

(August 30-September 9)
by Dr. Charles Halff A detailed explanation of why modern, traditional Judaism has missed the true meaning and purpose of Yom Kippur, the most holy day on the Jewish calendar. CD (HT-27 CD) $6


Join us for two wonderful days in the Word. Dr. Gary Hedrick will be the keynote speaker at a two-day Bible conference to be held this October in San Antonio, Texas. The conference will feature in-depth Bible teaching in an intimate setting, with the opportunity to dialog on contemporary issues of faith with three distinguished Christian ministersDr. Gary Hedrick, president of CJF Ministries, Pastor Jim Bryant of Grace Bible Chapel, and Pastor Stephen Armstrong, founder of Verse By Verse Ministry International. Dont miss this opportunity to hear sound biblical teaching on Israel and other pressing issues of our day. Mark the dates on your calendar, and register without delay. Seating is limited. Visit for more information and to register.

October 11-12, 2013 (4 p.m. Friday - 5:15 p.m. Saturday) Grace Bible Chapel 18911 Redland Rd. San Antonio, TX 78259 $14.95 / Person or $29.95 / Family (age 12 and over please) no child care available


In September, CJFM staff will travel to Ukraine to conduct an Israel conference for Ukrainian pastors of the Baptist Union. Jewish presence in Ukraine is strong, even after the Nazis nearly eradicated the community in the Holocaust. The Russianspeaking Jewish population continues to ght an ongoing battle against antiSemitism, both in their region and around the world. After our 2011 conference in Ukraine, our team visited Babi Yar, the site near Kiev where the Nazis savagely slaughtered nearly 50,000 Jewish men, women, and children. Monuments and plaques currently mark the ravines where the savage murders took place, but the World Forum of Russian-Speaking Jews (WFRJ) believes more needs to be done. They envision building an entire memorial complex on the site, including a synagogue and Jewish center. Leaders of the project say that the new memorial site will allow visitors from around the world to experience an emotional connection to the horric slaughter that occurred at Babi Yar over 70 years ago. The Nazis actually murdered a total of 100,000 in the Babi Yar ravines (50,000 of them Jewish)in a carnage that began on September 29, 1941. According to reports, the memorial site will display historic material, remains of clothes and belongings of the murdered, documents from the Nazi archives, a 3D lm, and interviews with survivors. The complex will be built with funds from a Ukrainian Jewish philanthropist, and additional money raised by the United Israel Appeal. Construction is expected to take less than three years. Pray that the history presented at this new memorial, and other sites like it, will help stem the growing tide of worldwide anti-Semitism, and restrain future generations from similar evil. Pray also for our 2013 conference and the pastors who will attend, that God will open many doors to Jewish outreach in their land.

R.A. Higbee

Ravine at Babi Yar where the Nazis brutally murdered 50,000 Jewish people
R.A. Higbee

CJFM conference staff and spouses stand at the Babi Yar Memorial in 2011

October 15 - 31, 2013

The Book of Revelation Prophecy Tour

Featuring Turkey, Greece & Israel

Tour host Gideon Levytam


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