IMF - Can A Blind Man Guide A Blind Man

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Can a Blind man guide a blind man Everything is powered by trust or belief in the self and other (geloofwaardigheid). While the lie has become currency. If we cant believe media or government or church or medicine or school anymore. If there's no more believability, than the money must devaluate. Cause real money is just a measure of trust and honesty. This is what gold really means. Many still take gold literal. It is what it means. It means perfect transparency and honesty. We don't teach honesty and integrity at schools anymore. Still caught in an academic language confusion where each discipline is stuck in its own bedrijfsblindheid (blindness towards your own company/business). A moral crisis is really where we are at... across the board. Value as grasped in money/currency is a result of geloofwaardigheid (credibility). In the olden days it all was about your word. You were as good as your word, which is a/the measure of honesty. The IMF is a bank and like physicians they look at very rough measures which are really effects of what real disease is, which is in its inception psychological/moral. The same way bankers will seek to correct the problem very topically (the budget), but not the underlying moral decay that has befallen us. If ivy league economists new the way, this would not have befallen us. it has simply become very very hard to believe the major institutions of society. This is found in the archetype of the harlot which has become so prevalent in Western media. We need more than banks and PR campaigns to heal this disease. Banks will try to help you balance your budget, but the people behind the budget remain untouched. Our re-organization methods always look outward, never addressing the people really, and with that I mean those doing the reorganizing. In the case of the IMF this has lead to selling crucial national assets of developing nations, not dealing with the real underlying problem. We need to deal with moral decay, integrity, corruption and lying. A while back Harvard did a study amongst their students and the large majority admitted to cheating. This is a depth psychological problem. Even the Church has failed in this regard miserably. This honesty and corruption problem has to do with the shadow and how we tend to not see our own problems because we project them onto others. It is a problem of self awareness. Mega debts are psychological problems. Nations should not be forced to sell their crucial assets and resources. Banks can't help people become more honest, if they themselves have proven to be extremely corrupted, creating nancial havoc over the whole world. They are specialists in money who like money a whole lot, and even too much has proven to be the case. If anything the banks need help in this area now, and are responsible themselves for this profound crisis of credibility in the west. Banks now rule the G-7, and these nations now need moral help. We should accept the diagnosis of the banks of the true extent of the addiction (debt)

and the economical malaise, which no one can question anymore, but not their recommendations. The only way to save the currency is to really work on the geloofwaardigheid (believability) of the crucial institutions, which cannot be done without shadow work, because speaking as a mental specialist, the problem is very similar to a drug addict, only here it is addiction to money and power. And as with the addict, the addict will be so heavy in denial that it will require a formidable "intervention" to get the addict to see that they have a problem. All possible solutions will be looked for outside and not inward.


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