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747 Nakamiya-c o

Asa i-ku, Osaka, Japan

Dear C ristian friends:

August 11, 19Si

By ycuT alp wo ara now living in the barracks-type atsel building w ic^- is be ing j-/r:pl-,ie-d.^ The first f! r of cinder hlcck conslrjcticn is farther from completion but
is yiSatly for liie Seminary dining hoH and ihe schoo[ fcr our mission children, Be-

girming this fall, this apportmenl is also needed for othsr missionarisE, But we espect to
Goniinuo to live ht'i'e until v/e have more permanent asldence elsewhere.

th'-i' work continues to increase in interest. Mr. Davis helped in this work the first few meet

Trirough th. ".vork begun in the Spring in Mcrig chl City we have boptized ten and

G-.-^pfl is so new !o thorn, we- did not extend th-;- invitation until aftsr much teaching and oi-V'Wing t Life of Christ film strips. About four wc;ks ago Mark Maxejy wo.s visiting and
Epuke to them. Tns-n we gove tho invit ticn. T!;: first cne to accept wa$ a woman who

ings. But sincc- thsy moved to Nc.goya wo and Japanese helpers have carried on Because the

had ottGnd..:c' every service v/ith hrr baby strappsd on h-^r back. When sho made the confessi'^/n i baby v/as still on or bock. Thr-.;o others followed, two of them after the benedic-

Th:- girl who works in our home was boptiz'-jj also having been an Episcopalian not Scripturolly baptize.;. These new-born in Christ have many questions and need much teaching. Your
prayers are also needed. Sometimes one is put out of his home for becoming a Christian.

iiun because t- ey were girls only 15 and 16 yeors of age and they understood that part of the service was for a ultsf During the next two weeks these an i six others were baptize!.

Mr. Mings got oriented into the Seminory v/ork by teaching the last term before vacation ( int..nsive plon ). It is good to see thsse students studyi: g with great interest and effort the i-ame subjects taught in Bible Colleges in the States.,

Lost week our closest neighbor, a Buddhist.died suddenly. The follov.-iig night th- widow and r.!.|r,tlvcs, nnd probably a priest, stn-Nd up all night antir.g, praying, and
ringing b'-lls at interi^ale. Next day the funeral was at home, as most of them are over here.

Then the body was sent to the -rematory. V/o our language teacher v/hat .e should do about going sinco it was a Buddhist service but it v^as also a close neighbor. With his

ice v^as just over we went into the house to see the fam.ily. The women who were already silting or kneeling cn the floor bent their heads over to the floor thanking us for coming.

and leave our nome card just to le?i them know we sympr^thised with theJt:. When the serv

advice w^- decided to go along v/ith him to the funeral { during at 1 ast a portion of it )

everyone for attendiag the funeral. Tho night after tho funeral there was chanting and pra ing again. Since that the widow and daughter have been more friendl; toward us.
Maybe they will become i terested in the message of Christ.

Alittle while later the grov/n doughter and a relative went over the community thanking

There ave been questions about how to send money. The most convenient way for us is by parsonaT c cck sent eit or directly to us or to our forwarding address Oakford, Indiano. If using a money order, moke il a U. S, A. (no' in-erna' ional) money order and
address us at Oakford, Ind.

Con: inue !o pray and supper' 'work as you see fit.

God's blessings upon you all.

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