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W. Ray ?^ings Fejnily 1152-3 Nakaburi,

' ,.nn i O 195'S

February 1959

Hirakata-shi, Osaka,Japan

Mr. & Ifra. Elmer Pry Oalcford, Indiana

Dear Christian Friends:

We want to thank all of you who sent Christruas cards,letters,

or gifts. Also, thajiks to all of you v/ho so v;onderfully stood by us thr'oughout the past year. Our hearts are continually filled with thatiks for all of you who cared enough to share your blessings with
us, so that we can tell the Good Kev/s to the Japanese, V/ords are not sufficient to express our gratitude, but the joy you feel upon know

ing that souls are being born into the Kingdom can do for you what
we cannot.

many hearts, but through it a neighbor family is now seeking to learn about Christ, A year old baby boy fell.into a small fish pond and drowned. The grieving parents Were pointed to God, and the day after thq funeral the whole family came to ask about becoming Christians. Sincc that the:/ are attending Church and studying the Bible. The
man's family have been Buddhists for many years. It takes a lot of courage for a Japanese man to malce such a bre^ with the family re

Something happened just before Christmas that brought sorrov/ to

ligion. (Sometimes it means a break with the family as v/ell.) In this case it truly seem.s that "a little, child shall lead them". They had "a Buddhici: funeral for the baby,7yne month a Christ iaj'i memorial
service was held by family request.

One young man was baptized just after Christmas, Recently he brought his brother and three others to Church. We have hopes that they also will become Christians before long,
V/ith the beginning of the year Ray, Donnie, ^d Lonnie have taken
on a regular preaching scheduleoThe three of them take turns alter

nating with Mr. Kav'abe the pastor of I^Takamiya and Nakaburi Churches.

Now, the four of us are preaching at the two places and we ha^?e to
keep books on v/ho goes where when,

Before this he had been preaching both places each Sunday mornings

We nov7 have a missi9nary study packet ready tor use. Write to ;

MISSIOi; SSRVICjilS, Box 968,' Joliet, Illinois. Request MINGS FAMILY Ii: OSAI^A, JAPAT-I lesson-packet, (send Many churches are follov/ing

the study schedule which makes May the month for Japan. Order in :".iLiG.;

them and Toray for m.any more. The shortage of workers is serious,
Please remember to pray. And God bless you.
In His Service, The Mingses

prospects for three or fo,ur new students next year. We/^tteful for

There are

^lere wooks in this term at the oeminary, We have

W. Ray iir-ngs Family
113^-3 Uakaburi


. '
April 11, 1959

Oakford, Indiana

Mr. & ISrs. Elmer Pry
** /

Hir-alcata~shij Osaka, Japan Dear Christian Friends,

work, both prayerfully and .otherwise. Your spiritual support; is .highly ^ i iKjportanL, for the reason that.- financial support without spiritual backing-''.'
.IS -conipletelys void;
.. .

Again we wish to thank all of you for your contributions: tov/ard the - '
So we beg that you continue t.q'reinember'us in voui^ -r: .

- .
' . _^


sunrise service, held at 6:00 in the mornlhg, in our -back yard,J "ItawsIs raoher cold at first, but the sun came up and brightened things/ arid wl had
a very nice serv;LCe.

.^Baster Sunday was a full and joyful one for us.

We began it, witH a

this was ^ohe first rervice of the.kind to be held at-the Nakabiir^i Church'. . In the cernoon of the same day/ v/e had two baptisinal services -(combined) in town, iwo -from. the Moriguchi Church were baptized, plus orie young lady

The. attendance was greater than we"expec1:ed, because^

has served as interpreter and teacher- in the Seminary for quite some time. "ow feels that he is needed elsewhere, so we shall-pray that he . load a life of .greaoer service in the place where he is now goinfr.l Mr. oshii., comes ^rom Kyushil, so he is only going back to sei-ve in his: home

Church. Thus was a new veryones. prafitablt:and eni^lchilg day, us older' Christians and it for the .. After several/years of service at the Moriguchi 'Church, Yoshii (formerly Mr Gasha], is leaving to fulfill a oall ^rom the. southerii island'> Ox iiyushu. He Has done a great work for the..Mor^,feuchi Churcli; moreover, he''

bo?h Doth for

held frL''4rir?to^1r^% annual Missionary Conventicfh was^ ^ '+ the Both conver^tions well attended, and We can amsa\. thao it was one of most rewarding were experiences' we have had on the conventions were held just outside'Najoya afa beautiBay, ^where, the oreakers/ pound the sea wall and the tall,
ve are very gra:teful to those in Sfawya who. made the event possible.'
....-j" groan in than the wind. The breakers, oalm--and the -L. w-as Pi'ies nothin.W' more a good" breeze. Ourhowever, spirits wore ivere lifted and


All-Japan Convention of Ghristian- Churches an.d Churches 61^ Christ-

ti-(o the States in time for u-.e f fal.l. (19:,-.9) school xerm. f They want returning to enter to some'Bible colleee ther~e
oO ohat.we may ]nake a wi^e decision.

Lincoln (ill. ) or some other.

F1ease pray with us in the matter,'

v,^.v soudents Seminary opens ne-^ and one year auditor. jchat ./ if' thsy are preparing toyou do

Aprilwill make and there willgood be at least three This a pretty group for us pray for all the students _ and for the work upon, entering school.
corresponding personal.

Our expendiTiures totalled 7,059.37. The deficit represents toe portion'

word about finances.

Our rece.ipts for 19^8 totalled 15,829.3k

EvlS~S IS! coclJnufto'pSj gj S"

" ""f
In His Service,


The Mingses

23 1955
W. Ray Family
li?2-3 HakabUri

mifctS newsletter
..lay 1959 Mr. & I/Irs. Elmer Fry
Oakford Indiana

Hirfekatk-i^hi, Osaka^ Japan

Deeir Christian Friends,

l^ince oiir last nev/sletter to you, we have had to make some

difficult'^decisions. One of them concerned the return of the boy^ to the States to complete their Bible^ college training.

Since they were doinf^- a lot of mission work, it was hard to de cide whether they should return now or wait another year. However,

after much prayer and careful consideration,, we feel it is bettor

for them to r<;turn now and bo^in to concentrate on preparation for future work. Ploare remember them and us in prayor, for separation will not bo oasy for any of us. There ore six more v/ebks in this school torm for tho boys, and

they v/ill have comprotod two yo.:Lrs of study in Osaka Biblo Seminary. ,Wo have applied for passage, on tho ProLsidont Linos for tho middle or latter part of July. If they cannot got a sailing date in timo, it
may bo necessary for thorn to fly.

Approximately 800 v/ill .bo needed for thoiir transportation,

and any holp in thic will bo approciatocl greatly. designated "For boys' transportation." Funds should bo

It may bo possible for them to accept a few spoalcing dates after thoy arrive, before time for school to begin. As plans arc

now, thoy have about decided to go to Lincoln Biblo Institute.


wilLJippr>C-iCLte your oncour?vgcijicnt and prayers vory much.

Mr. Mings will have to talco ovor their preaching scheduleand adding it to his ov/n, ho v/ill bo terribly busy, since he has boon doing a lot of hir; sornons in Japanese. Good interpret or jkonuo scarce, ?.nd thoy don't say what ono wants thom to say.

Aside from the boys' going homO; v/o h?.Vvj had other problems> such aj tho changes in thj teaching stcjff at the Seminary. Several

preachers are leaving tho ar^a, and somw miijsionarijs arc leaving for furlough. Tho burden of to-aching will fall on a fov;. Pray with us that tho Lord will raiso up many new young preach^^rs for train

One yoimg preachcr, who studied for a yerj* in San Joso Bible College, has roturnod to Japan recently. He says that he is


definitely decided on one thing,

to preach the Gospel.

How we thank God for young men like this.

that wherever he is, he is going

prayers; and for your love.

We are continually thankful to you for your help, for your

May God bless and keep you.
In His Service,
The Minr<:scs

"I was glad when they said unto me

Let us go into the House of the Lord." Ps. 122! 1

Mr. & Mrs. W. Ray Mings

1152-3 Nakaburi, Hlrakata-shi,
Osaka-fii, Japan


Mr. Niiro, pastor of Moriguch! Church.

Donnie ond Lonnie ore studying at Cincinnati Bible Ssmtnory.

Roy ond Mottle on their Silver Wedding Anniversary.

Mr, Sckiyoko is helping in S. S. and

Church work, while studying at Osaka Bible Seminary.


DVBS Kir^dergortef^ class (Nokamiya Church)

Leaving for Christian Service Camp, in the group are Dole and Carol.

Mr. Kawabe, pastor of Nakamiya and Nakaburi Churches, alternating v^ith Mr. Mings.

Language school building v\/here Ray goes to study.

Dale studies his kindergarten courses in the mornings and

olavs in the afternoons.

Mattie, Carol, Ray; Dale in fron

Dear Christian Friends, Another year is fast drawing to a close. to the people In Japan. Truly this year has brought much suffering

It has been an unusual year in many ways, since the summer was Typhoons and other disasters have brought death and
offoi-tc nf it etill l-io foU fr

one of the hottest in history.


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